• Yellow moonstone properties. Moonstone: zodiac sign, its properties and magic


    Ornamental feldspar with a delicate white, light gray or bluish glow, got its name because of its color and reflections, which are close to moonlight. Bluish mother-of-pearl, violet-white and lilac tints and glassy sheen have always connected this semi-precious mineral with the Moon and the water element. Moonstone appears in ancient Greek mythology and ancient legends. Astrologers who select stones according to the zodiac sign have always indicated it as a universal talisman in horoscopes for almost all signs.

    Moonstone among precious stones

    Moonstone is called:

    • adularia;
    • belomorite;
    • selenite;
    • amazonite;
    • Labrador.

    Varieties are distinguished by structure, transparency and shades of iridescence, this can be seen in the photo. This quite brittle mineral, jewelry made from it cannot be dropped, it is sensitive to shock and compression, and quickly loses its polish if handled carelessly.

    Magical and healing properties of moonstone

    1. Calms nerves, softens character, awakens tenderness and sensitivity. Recommended for harmonization inner world strong, self-confident and explosive natures who are not used to listening to other people's opinions.
    2. Strengthens intuition; according to legend, it can give its owner the gift of prediction and divination. It also helps in understanding the past and is an amulet for historians and archaeologists.
    3. It is believed that the adularia can help in finding a solution if you hold it in your hands and focus on the problem situation.
    4. Reveals talent in creative people, gives inspiration, helps to better express their thoughts, gain the gift of eloquence and persuasion. Rings with selenite were traditionally worn by lawyers, lecturers, public speakers, and members of parliament.
    5. IN love relationships will help lonely people find their soul mate, a talisman of calm and strong relationships.
    6. Well protects against the evil eye, damage, ill-wishers and dark energy, restores energy balance.
    7. It is an effective amulet for players; it encourages good luck in gambling.
    8. Since ancient times, the mineral has been associated with the water element, so healers use it in the treatment of urolithiasis. Reduces salt deposits in joints and bile ducts.
    9. Improves drainage in tissues, normalizes hormonal levels.
    10. Amulets with adularia and selenite help women in labor and calm hyperactive young children.
    11. Belomoritu credited with the ability to treat epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases.
    12. The mineral is useful for elevated temperature, during infectious and inflammatory processes.

    Moonstone: photo

    Which zodiac signs does moonstone help?

    For all those born on the full moon and on Monday, it is an effective assistant, regardless of the zodiac sign according to the horoscope.

    For Cancers, horoscopes of stones consider adularia to be the best amulet. This precious talisman restores strength, improves health, attracts wealth for this zodiac sign, and helps in business and love affairs.

    It will help Pisces to gain power over their feelings, overcome excessive amorousness and find their true love. An amulet with belomorite will give you the strength to turn Pisces’ dreams into reality.

    Amazonite or belomorite will give Scorpios confidence and help reveal Creative skills. The amulet also protects Scorpios from the intrigues of their colleagues.

    According to the horoscope, Libra is important to the energy of harmony and balance that it brings Moonstone. Meditation with belomorite will be effective for this zodiac sign.

    For Taurus, adularia inspires optimism, relieves stress, and heals women's diseases.

    The horoscope does not recommend selenite stones for Aries, Sagittarius and Capricorn. It relaxes them too much, makes people of these zodiac signs lazy, and prevents them from gathering and concentrating.

    Moonstone and fakes

    In Russia, adularia is found very rarely in the Urals and in Siberia, in Yakutia during the development of placers using dredges. Today the most large deposits in India and Sri Lanka are almost exhausted, so The jewelry market is flooded with synthetic fakes, imitating adularia and selenites. Unusually bright iridescent iridescence is the first sign of an artificial product; natural adularia or belomorite is distinguished by calm natural colors, but richer shades of iridescence, while the fake one shines equally and evenly from any angle. In addition, moonstone is naturally very cold and does not warm up well in the hands, unlike a synthetic imitation gemstone.

    How to wear moonstone?

    Any horoscope will tell you that the healing and magical properties of each talisman are best manifested in its direct contact with the human body. This does not depend on the type of decoration. Adularia or selenite can be in:

    • earrings;
    • pendant;
    • pendants;
    • necklace;
    • bracelet;
    • in the ring.

    Examples of products can be seen in the photo.

    Silver is the best setting for moonstone, examples in the photo. Silver will not only advantageously emphasize the delicate shimmer of pastel shades of the gemstone according to the zodiac sign, but will also greatly enhance its unusual properties.

    Astrologers and horoscopes It is recommended to wear jewelry with moonstone according to the zodiac sign in the waxing moon phase, the properties of the stone gain their strength and are most pronounced during the full moon. But during the waning moon phase, it is better to put away a pendant, ring or bracelet with a precious stone, since according to the horoscope it is believed that during this period the mineral feeds on the energy of its owner.

    Pendant or pendant with gently shimmering bluish selenite or lilac luminous adularia will decorate any casual outfit or evening suit. The decoration will not only become a spectacular accessory, but will also bring peace of mind and tranquility to the owner.

    Beautiful jewelry with moonstone

    The shine and shimmer of this gem is compared to the radiance of the full moon. Ancient peoples considered moonstone a gift from higher powers and treated the mineral with respect. Today it is admired and used to solve practical earthly problems.

    History and origin

    Throughout the history of civilization, the semi-precious lunar mineral has been an object of admiration, admiration, study, and use.

    In the chronicles different nations The crystals are called petrified rays, the frozen light of the Moon. The Indians considered the mineral a symbol of passion and luck, a talisman that helps control destiny.

    The mysterious shimmer of the moonstone gave rise to legends about its origin:

    • in Greece, a gem that allowed one to look into the future was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans;
    • the moonlight stone was created by Satan for Eve to provoke greed;
    • an ordinary pebble, polished by a luminary on a full moon, became a gem;
    • the stone was mined by the Chaldean magicians;
    • The Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu received the crystal as a gift from the Moon.

    Alexander the Great owned a ring with a gem; oriental healers used the magical properties of natural moonstone to preserve the youth of high-born clients. In Russia, the stone was known as “tausiny”, that is, “peacock” translated from Farsi.

    The magical nature of the moonstone was not questioned; only exact sciences proved its earthly origin. The mineral is formed in pegmatites, alpine-type veins, and magmatic faults. Thanks to silver-gray, blue shades and shimmering tints, it looks like the Moon. It got its name from Mount Adula in the Swiss Alps, where it was first found by Europeans.

    Other names for the mineral: adularia (in Europe), belomorite and selenite (Russia), fish eye (China), aglaurite, pearlspar.

    Today the mineral is quite rare.

    Physicochemical characteristics

    Adularia is a translucent mineral, potassium feldspar. The spectacular glow, called adularization, is created by the thin-plate structure of the crystal. Semi-precious or ornamental stone. Looks like chalcedony or synthetic spinel.

    ColorColorless, yellow, light gray with a pale blue tint
    KinkUneven, stepped
    Density2.56-2.62 g/cm³

    Place of extraction

    Raw materials highest quality with blue opalescence are mined in Sri Lanka, Burma, India. Unusual specimens are found in Labrador. Other deposits: Australia and New Zealand, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania. In Russia, stone is mined on the Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in the Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk Territory, Baikal region, on the coast of the White Sea, the Urals, and Chukotka.

    Varieties and colors

    Under the term "lunar" natural stone"understand different types quartz: amazonite (the so-called lunar green stone), belomorite, gypsum, selenite, labradorite, feldspar.


    But moonstones are minerals endowed with the property of opalescence. There are four varieties:

    There are several types of Labrador:

    • black moonstone - a dark specimen with blue and blue sparkles;
    • sunstone - originally from the USA, with golden iridescence;
    • spectrolite is a Finnish mineral with multi-colored tints.

    Labradorite shimmers in different colors when the angle of light changes. Flashes and overflows are similar to the northern lights, a phenomenon called Labradorization.


    Moonstone, unlike other minerals, does not have one shade. Rather, we are talking about the main color, which is complemented by multi-colored flashes, play, and radiance:

    • white;
    • lactic;
    • colorless;
    • lilac;
    • black;
    • light gray with a soft blue tint.

    All types of natural moonstone with a cat's eye or "starry sky" effect on the surface are prized.

    Medicinal properties

    Like the Moon, the influence of moonstone on a person is focused on the psyche:

    • This depressant, neutralizing the causes of psychosis and fears;
    • a stone at the head of the head or under the pillow will drive away disturbing thoughts and restore restful sleep;
    • has a beneficial effect on brain function, especially the pituitary gland;
    • relieves attacks of epilepsy;
    • calms hyperactive children;
    • curbs sudden outbursts of anger;
    • relieves chronic depression, mental fatigue, and depressed mood.

    To stop the psycho-emotional “swing”, a raw moonstone or jewelry closer to the body is suitable. This is especially true for people who live “on the Moon”, in accordance with the phases of the star.

    The stone of the water element solves problems with body fluids. Has a beneficial effect on the following systems and organs:

    • genitourinary system;
    • kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
    • heart, blood vessels; improves blood circulation.

    You can treat with a gem from a distance: just place the energetically purified adularia on a photograph of a person. They say that during the full moon healing dew appears on the stone.

    Selenite is considered the best gem for a woman. Jewelry makes the hostess confident, charming and energetic. The husband gives a ring and/or earrings to his wife, who is prone to hysterics. Lithotherapists advise women with a difficult pregnancy or who are afraid of the upcoming birth to acquire products with moonstone.

    Magic properties

    According to people, the magical properties of the stone, shimmering like the Moon, were bestowed by the luminary itself.

    Legends about the stone

    Adularia is endowed with mystical properties, there are legends about it. Indian legends say that jandarakand is frozen moonlight (literally translated from Sanskrit - moonlight).

    Set of jewelry with adularia

    In Ceylon it is still considered sacred today. Anyone to whom the mineral allowed itself to be found became a clairvoyant. Temple servants claim that a stone lying in the darkness of the monastery releases “lunar dew” - a magically powerful substance.

    Areas of influence

    Moon crystal is present in occult rituals and secular life.


    Moon worshipers in India use the gem in accordance with the lunar phases. Adherents of Hinduism use it on the chakras.

    Sorcerers and alchemists value the magical properties of the volatile moonstone, respect it, but are afraid of it. Some people place a crystal under their tongue at night to make the divination come true. Others fear that the stone's magic will take away their superpowers.

    Selenite is a favorite of mystics. Meditations are carried out while holding a crystal in the mouth. The process is more effective when the Moon is in the zodiac sign of the owner. A gem under the pillow will bring about a prophetic dream.


    For the Western world, adularia has the meaning of a love “magnet”. If you wear it near your heart or on the left side (for example, a brooch), you will soon find your soulmate. Or attention will be attracted. The owner of selenite does not know the torment of unrequited love.

    Selenite bracelet

    With the help of a stone you can check compatibility with the object of passion. The crystal is placed on a photograph of a person. Tarnishing of the gem means that it is not worth fighting for love. If the radiance is preserved, the feeling will be strong and long lasting.


    Amulets with lunar inserts are an attribute of extraordinary creative people. The crystal will help you unlock your personal potential or realize your plans. Selenite awakens a craving for beauty and makes a person an esthete. Talents that the owner did not even suspect about may awaken. To secure them, wear a ring or place a stone on a personal photo or in your pocket.


    The energy of the mineral will help you win over business partners during negotiations. Astrologers advise wearing a pendant with a zodiac sign, a ring or a bracelet on your right hand. And the matter begins on the waxing Moon.

    Selenite is an “assistant” of card players and sharpers.

    Talismans and amulets

    Any jewelry with a moon crystal are talismans and amulets that help the owner in their own way:

    • a ring, ring or bracelet on the left hand will adjust the mood and help avoid conflicts when communicating with ill-wishers;
    • accessory on right hand will develop talents and intuition;
    • decoration will make the owner more tolerant and merciful.

    The influence of adularia intensifies with the growth of the lunar crescent, reaching a maximum at the full moon.

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

    Astrologers agree that according to their zodiac sign, adularia is suitable for representatives of the water element. This is a good luck talisman that awakens talents. Aries and Capricorn will slow down their development and attract problems. Suitable according to the horoscope for those born on a full moon, especially on Monday (moon day).

    The magical capabilities of the lunar gem are felt by all inhabitants of the zodiac circle.

    Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - strictly contraindicated)
    a lion+

    (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

    Compatibility with other stones

    For a mineral of the water element, a combination in jewelry or attire with stones of Fire and Air is excluded. In the first option they will destroy each other, in the second they will create vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures.

    Adularia is combined with white pearls, coral, amethyst, onyx, obsidian, and amber. Zero compatibility with ruby, agate, malachite, jasper.

    Where is it used?

    Semi-precious adularia is a sought-after jewelry and decorative material.


    Bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces are made with moon crystal. The frame is silver; options in gold or platinum are often ordered individually. The iridescent mineral is treated with a cabochon, which emphasizes the tenderness and smoothness of the play.


    A hundred years ago, the beauty of moonstone was appreciated by the master of French jewelry fashion, Rene Lalique. Today the number one decorative and ornamental material is labradorite. Relatively soft stone is loved by stone cutters who create small plastic pieces.

    Amulet with labradorite stone

    Large deposits have made it a favorite in finishing pompous interiors and exteriors of private or public buildings. It is used to make countertops, furniture elements, and other luxury decor.


    The price of a moonstone is determined by size, variety, degree of transparency, and color saturation.

    The order of prices is as follows (per carat):

    • multicolor Indian gem: weighing up to 1 carat - $2–31, 3–5 carats - $80–350;
    • Labradorite - $12–15 ($60–75 per gram);
    • “rainbow” (transparent with a rare play of reflections) - from $100;
    • blue Sri Lankan - from $500.

    The cost of jewelry with an adularia made of ordinary metal is 550–700, in silver - from 1200 rubles.

    How to spot a fake

    Deposits are being depleted, so imitations are often offered instead of selenite.

    The description and characteristics of a natural mineral help to establish the origin and distinguish it from a fake:

    1. Silky surface with small defects (grooves, chips, chips), microvoids or bubbles inside, inherent in many natural minerals.
    2. Glare and iridescence of color when turning the stone under the rays of the sun.
    3. If you look at the natural mineral directly, the blue reflection is not visible (only at an angle of 15–20°). Glass or other fake materials do not produce a blue reflection.
    4. Transparency or translucency, purple or blue tints.
    5. Water helps to identify a real gem: in it the stone becomes brighter.
    6. Under X-rays real stone luminesces.

    Unlike a fake, a natural mineral is devoid of rich color, shine, heats up slowly in your hands.

    How to wear and care

    Natural stone is vulnerable and its processing requires skill and care. The same is true for everyday use.

    Jewelry with labradorite stone


    Over time, jewelry inserts fade. The darkened crystal is wiped with velvet cloth. The shine will be restored by the jeweler in the workshop by re-grinding and polishing the stone.

    It is better to store the products separately so that other stones or the setting do not scratch them.

    The gem is recharged by placing it on the lunar “path” overnight.


    If a pebble is perceived as magical, the following features are taken into account when wearing it:

    1. For jewelry with moonstone, the best setting is silver; proximity to other minerals is taboo.
    2. It is better for sociopaths, evil silent people, people with uncontrollable aggressiveness to refuse moonstone - these qualities will worsen. But shy people prone to melancholy or depression benefit from blue crystal.

    Selenite is a stone that shares energy with the owner during the waxing Moon until the full moon. But on the waning moon he becomes an energy vampire. It is advisable for jewelry lovers to take this into account.

    1. This is the mineral of self-sufficient people who know what they want and how to achieve it.
    2. In order for the stone’s ability to heal the owner to be activated, it must come into contact with the body, and not with clothing.
    3. Jewelry with adularia is appropriate for important events; a gift with this stone is considered elite.

    Pendant with selenite

    To make your cherished wish come true, you need to wait for a moonlit night, take a pebble in your left hand, stand on the lunar path or under the light of the Moon (you can do it in a room). And clearly say what you want so that the stone can “hear.”

    Favorable time to buy

    A lunar gem will not only be a decoration, but also a magical assistant and doctor if it is bought, brought into the house and started to be used on a certain lunar day:

    Stone likes communication, and in two weeks you can establish contact with him. That is, to consult, talk about your affairs or problems, thank him for his help, admire him, admire his beauty.

    Moonstone (adularia) is considered quite rare mineral, related to potassium feldspars (one of the types of low-temperature orthoclases). The name of the mineral, which has a thin-lamellar structure, is based on the following:

    • shining blue iridescence (irization);
    • Mount Adula, located in Switzerland, is the place where this stone was first discovered.

    Adularia is fragile and sensitive to shock and compression. Crystals are usually prismatic, columnar or tabular. Externally, moonstone is similar to chalcedony or synthetic spinel. Collectors value this mineral because it can be used as an inexpensive ornamental (semi-precious) stone.

    Hindu mythology tells us that solidified moonlight was used to make moonstone. Externally, the adularian looks like a full moon shining behind thin high clouds. Some beliefs even say that the brightness of the shine increases as the moon waxes, and the peak of the radiance occurs at the full moon.

    Varieties of Moonstone

    The phrase “moonstone” attracts buyers, so this name is often given to completely different gems that have nothing to do with adularia.

    The following types of quartz are called moonstone: quartz, amazonite, selenite, as well as feldspar or gypsum. But using the name “moonstone” in relation to these rocks without any additional explanation is considered incorrect.

    Orthoclase is most characterized by white opalescence, although adularia with a blue shimmer is considered the most valuable.

    It cannot be said that the stone has a certain shade; it combines shimmering radiance, sparkle, and shimmer. An unexpected turn of the grayish stone presents the view with a play of light pouring from within.

    Mineral deposits

    Moonstone is usually found in pegmatites and alpine-type veins. Externally, it looks like a rhombic crystal, up to 10 cm in size. Russia boasts translucent and transparent orthoclase with a moonstone effect in several places:

    • Kola Peninsula (western part);
    • Subpolar and Southern Urals;
    • Irkutsk region;
    • Khabarovsk region.

    The best samples of moonstone with blue opalescence are mined in Myanmar and on the island of Sri Lanka, where orthoclase has accumulated in ancient volcanic rock.

    Moonstone and its magical properties

    Moonstone has long been famous for its powerful magical properties. Almost any magician or wizard was afraid of his influence, because it was believed that he could take away magical and witchcraft abilities.

    By the way, only sorcerers should be afraid of the moonstone, but for an ordinary person the stone brought only positive things, for example, good luck in love affairs. There is an opinion that a representative of the opposite sex always pays attention to the owner of the adular. It was not for nothing that unmarried girls used this stone as a permanent decoration.

    Also, a moonstone with magical properties can be taken away from the owner:

    • annoying quarrels;
    • unnecessary disputes;
    • evil spell;
    • lightning strikes.

    Adularia is a good amulet for a person who has decided to devote his life to art. It inspires and awakens creative impulses.
    Also, there is no better talisman than a moonstone for a gambler or sharpie - it attracts good luck.

    Adularia exhibits special magical properties during the full moon. At this time, all his actions are of a purely positive nature: anger and aggression are pacified, and tenderness and dreaminess are awakened.

    Medicinal properties of adularia

    Full manifestation of the healing properties of adularia is possible only with direct contact between the stone and a person. It does not matter what kind of jewelry the stone is in - it could be a ring, earrings or a body amulet. If ensuring constant interaction with the skin is not possible, then the stone should at least sometimes touch the owner’s body.

    The first thing that adularia directs its action to is an overexcited nervous system. Moonstone is able to: calm, relieve irritation, relieve any fear, relax and “disconnect” a person from worries. He is able to cope with stress and depression.

    Wearing an adular is useful for people suffering from epilepsy and sleep disorders. When a person gets used to tactile and visual contact with a moonstone, he stops having nightmares, he falls asleep faster and is not tormented by waking up too early.

    According to esotericists, adularia belongs to the element of water, and healers use it as a first assistant for urolithiasis. Moonstone also reduces salt deposits in joints and bile ducts.

    Wearing an amulet with a moonstone is useful for a woman in labor (it facilitates the process of giving birth to a child) and for a hyperactive baby in order to calm her down.

    Adularia is also recommended for people struggling with disorders hormonal levels. It optimizes tissue drainage, normalizes the electrolyte component of plasma, and also has a positive effect on the process of humoral regulation of the body.

    How much does moonstone cost?

    When choosing an adularia, price is a fairly significant indicator. The cost of the mineral may vary slightly depending on the color, size and transparency of the stone. The most beautiful samples are crystals of blue color, which when rotated reveal incredible three-dimensional depth. This stone is highly prized by collectors. It is also not cheap. If you need more affordable option, then you should pay attention to the multi-color Indian specimen. On the market, a mineral weighing no more than 1 carat costs on average from 1 to 30 dollars. A larger crystal (3-5 carats) can cost up to $80 per carat. If you purchase the mineral in the form of a finished piece of jewelry, then a ring made of base metals will cost from 500 rubles, and in a silver frame from 1000 rubles.

    The following types of jewelry are made using jewelry and ornamental moonstone: keychains, amulets, rings, etc.

    Adularia itself is a very fragile stone, but this can be easily corrected by cabochon processing, which can highlight the gentle and smooth tints of the mineral.

    Moonstone is also often used to make flat inserts in jewel– earrings, necklace.

    To frame an adularia, it is best to use silver, because only this metal can best highlight the delicate shades of the stone (although moonstone also looks good against a background of gold).

    How to wear Moonstone correctly

    Adularia, like any other mineral, requires certain wearing rules. This fact is explained by the manifestation of the magical and healing properties of the stone in different phases of the moon.

    Wearing an adularia requires compliance with the following recommendations:

    • Moonstone should be combined with other accessories and clothing. For example, it looks good with classic, office or business style, but it will not tolerate combination with any other stone;
    • It is better to use silver as a frame - it significantly enhances the abilities of the stone;
    • It is not advisable to wear the mineral to a person who is angry, withdrawn, capricious and uncommunicative, because the stone can lead to the aggravation of these vices.
    • Moonstone should be worn on the body, and not on clothes, like a number of other precious and semi-precious precious stones. This is the only way he can cure cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Wearing the stone is recommended during the waxing moon and during the full moon - at this time the adularia fills a person with energy, and during the waning moon it is better to remove it, as it becomes an energy vampire.

    How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake

    Sri Lanka and India can boast of the most beautiful and high-quality moonstones, but in many deposits it is practically non-existent. This is the reason for such a rapid rise in prices for this mineral and the appearance of various counterfeits on the market. Moonstone can safely be given the palm, based on the number of synthetic gems sold on the market under the guise of real adularia.

    How to recognize a synthetic fake?

    The most important difference is the presence of unusually bright tints. Yes, an artificial fake usually has a more attractive appearance than natural stone.

    One more important point is the following: if you look at a mineral at a right angle, you will never be able to see blue tint. This is explained by the layered structure of the crystal, which allows it to reflect light only at an angle of 12-15 degrees, which cannot be said about synthetic glass - it shines equally and evenly at any angle.

    True adularia is a rather cold mineral. This means that its naturalness can be checked this way: the stone should not heat up too quickly from the heat of the palms.

    Combination of moonstone and zodiac sign

    Moonstone is very suitable for such zodiac signs as Cancer, Libra and Virgo. For example, he will help the lazy and phlegmatic Virgo quickly find a life partner, and he will allow the sensual and creative Libra to open up.

    Agate - properties of the stone
    Quartz is a stone of luck and prosperity

    Science has proven that the moon is Native sister Earth. And if so, then on the earth’s land there are an innumerable number of fragments formed at the moment of separation of the planets. This, or something like this, is how shopkeepers somewhere in Thailand or Ceylon explain the variety of so-called “moon stones”.

    At the same time, the main role of the most “lunar” of all stones is rightfully assigned to adularia. The iridescent glow emitted by the gem is mesmerizing. raise it to the highest step of the podium among the mineralogical relatives of moonstone.

    Meticulous amateurs natural beauty stone is sometimes objected to: in their opinion, only selenite can be considered a real moonstone! Such dogmatism is not welcomed by gemology. The beautiful name for a decorative variety of gypsum arose at the whim of a Swedish chemist only two hundred years ago - while feldspars have been proudly named after moonstone for many millennia.

    Physical nature of moon rock

    The aluminosilicate group Al2Si2O8, chemically bonded to one of the alkali (K, Ca, Na) metals, is the molecular basis of the mineral called “feldspar”. All feldspars are visually interesting to one degree or another, but only the KAl2Si2O8 compound has high aesthetic expressiveness.

    Nature acted wisely, mixing solid solutions of spar isomorphs with each other. Unpredictable mixes give rise to minerals that connoisseurs of natural beauty are quick to classify as precious materials.

    It is difficult to confuse a moonstone with another gem: the hazy glow of the polished surface seems to flow from within the rock mass. The thin-plate structure of the mineral determines the beauty of the gem. Decomposition of light in microscopic internal structures spar and gives rise to that glow, which is considered mysterious, and thanks to which legends are born.

    Moonstone Legends

    Satan, who turned into a serpent and was looking for a way to seduce the first people, noticed: Adam and Eve admired the Moon on heavenly nights. Then he created a stone that replicated the light of the moon, but eclipsed the night star with its iridescent beauty.

    The tempter generously scattered moonstone along the banks of streams and rivers, and people happily sorted through the gem fragments. But they liked the Moon, God’s creation, more, and therefore the satanic sparkles were soon forgotten.

    In anger, the owner of the underworld cursed his creation and began to look for new way plunge a person into sin. Since then, moonstones have only brought their owners tears of disappointment...

    Medieval alchemists, discussing the nature of minerals, endowed moonstone with the property of “cumulative” origin. In their opinion, any pebble that lay under the moonlight for a long enough time became saturated with the energy of the luminary and began to shine dimly.
    It was believed that by continuing to take moon baths, he acquired the properties of eternal preservation of the night cold. The theoretical research of some alchemists was devoted to calculating the period of stay of a moonstone under the light of night, sufficient to instantly cool boiling water.

    Both magicians and astrologers were keen on interpreting the role of the moonstone...

    Magical properties of moonstone

    Mentors of inquisitive youth teach: a girl who protects her virginity should wear a moonstone. The cold radiance of the gem will not allow the fire of passion to flare up in a girl’s soul.

    For a married couple, moonstone jewelry is a guarantee of marital fidelity. If a warm-colored moonstone is inserted into your husband's ring, his wishes will not go beyond family circle. Jewelry with a moonstone for a wife is preferable in cold colors: then magical powers will protect the lady not only from internal passions, but also from external attacks.

    Medicinal properties lunnik strongly depend on the characteristics of its coloring. A stone of cold pearl shades calms the nerves, tames mania, and cools the body. It has been noted, however, that abuse of the gem's capabilities results in the appearance of cold, sticky perspiration...
    Colored stones with a characteristic lunar glow can have a positive effect on blood pressure in both hyper- and hypotension. However, not every zodiac sign can count on constructive help from the moonstone.

    Moonstone helps the signs of Water and Air significantly, but not always evenly. Earth signs can, with desire and effort, find points of spiritual contact with a gem. But for Fire signs, moonstone is shown only as a limiter on their aspirations.

    Moonstone is a popular material for modern jewelry

    Those who consider moonstone uninteresting, rustic, and unworthy of an expensive, intricately made frame are mistaken. Look at the photo: how great the combination of white and yellow gold with honey-colored moonflower is! Buying such jewelry is a rare success.

    Stone and noble silver organically complement each other in a ring with a large insert in a beige-smoky tone. It is difficult to find a piece of jewelry in which the expressiveness of the gloomy radiance of a moonstone would be played out so advantageously!

    A gray stone framed in blackened silver cannot and should not become a color accent of the image. However, this pendant will attract attention! The restraint of the color scheme of the round cabochon, the rhythm of the setting ornament, the high aesthetics of the product with the modesty of the overall decor bring the jewelry with a gray moonstone closer to the most successful works of jewelry art.

    The contrast of the metallic shimmer of the greenish-blue moonstone and the dark yellow of the old gold is impressive. Such a ring can become a symbol of power, spiritually strong woman. It's no wonder that models with several moonstones collected together are so popular among buyers!

    Lemon-yellow gold, adularia and topaz look like an outlandish cluster of intricately selected precious stones. The price of such a product a priori cannot be low. It's luxurious!

    The golden “flower”, assembled from a dark blue center and six petals of a smoky ocher color, looks bold and catchy. The master who created the ring emphasized exaggeration of expressiveness. Everything about this ring is “too much”, just too much! However, thanks to the mysterious shimmer of the blue sapphire framed by the warm glow of the satellites, the jewelry claims to be outstanding.

    Have you ever walked on cloudless moonlit nights? If yes, then you probably remember the silvery glow on the leaves of the trees and the mysterious shimmer of the air around you. Such nights seem magical and literally filled with magic. The moon, the queen of the nights, gave humanity its symbol - the moonstone, so that people would not forget about magic in their everyday affairs. This gift is truly beautiful, the mineral shimmers with bluish mother-of-pearl in the mysterious flickering moonlight. What magic is inherent in moonstone and what zodiac signs is it suitable for? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

    What is the effect of moonstone on humans?

    In India this gem is called jandarakand

    In India, moonstone is one of the most revered. There they call it jandarakand, which literally means “moonlight.” Indian legends say that this crystal is a piece of frozen moonlight. According to the stories of temple servants, moonstone, lying for some time in the dark, releases moisture called moon dew and has a huge magical power. The official name of the moonstone is selenite or adularia, and it really does have strong magical properties.

    The magic of love

    The second name of this gem is “stone of love”

    A person who owns a talisman with a moonstone does not know what rejected love is. The properties of selenite are such that each romantic date this mineral fills with tender passion and deep sensuality that bind partners forever.

    Selenite fully reveals its properties if a person wears it constantly. Therefore, it is better if jewelry with a moonstone serves as a talisman.

    If you put the talisman on a photograph of your chosen one, then his feelings for you will be strong and eternal. If selenite loses its brightness, then for you this is a sign that the relationship with your chosen one will not become harmonious and will not bring complete happiness.

    Selenite and creativity

    This mineral awakens the creative spirit in a person

    The symbol of the Moon awakens a craving for beauty in all people, even those who have never experienced creative impulses. The wearer of the moonstone feels his harmony with the entire universe and begins to realize the deep essence of things. To fully unleash your creative abilities, it is better to wear selenite in a ring and keep it at home next to your photograph.

    Moonstone will perfectly help to reveal their abilities not only to creators, but also to those who often have to make speeches in front of a large audience.

    Selenite and business

    Reliable assistant in financial matters

    The energy of adularia is very soft, unobtrusive, calming the soul and mind. The atmosphere created by this mineral during business negotiations invariably inclines partners to your point of view, arousing their trust and sympathy.

    To increase the chances of success in your business, you need to wear an amulet with selenite on your right hand - this can be a ring or bracelet. A pendant with a moonstone, with an applied or carved image of your zodiac sign, will become a strong amulet.

    The magic of this stone can bring business success in any industry and get good financial returns. Magic properties Moonstone benefits are enhanced if you start a new business during the waxing moon period.

    Healing properties of adularia

    The mineral has a calming effect on the psyche of its owner

    Adularia is widely known for its beneficial effects on mental condition person. It strengthens memory, normalizes sleep, and calms emotional instability.

    This mineral is also used for various infectious diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. Selenite may have therapeutic effect even remotely, you just need to place the crystal on a photograph of a sick person.

    The mineral also helps women in labor; it will ensure a successful birth. And if a child is born hyperactive, adularia will help stabilize his behavior and normalize his psyche.

    Moonstone and extrasensory perception

    This gem is often used during magical rituals.

    For magicians and mystics, moonstone is a favorite attribute when performing various rituals. A talisman with this mineral perfectly cleanses the owner’s energy and strengthens it.

    Magicians look into the future by meditating and holding a moonstone in their mouth. This kind of meditation can be done for you, especially during the days of your zodiac sign - at this time meditation is most effective.

    Moonstone will prevent you from having nightmares, protect you from dark magical entities, and when placed under your pillow at night, it will show you a prophetic dream.

    Basic properties of moonstone

    The gem is especially strong during the waxing moon

    The stone is especially strong during the waxing moon and reaches its peak at the full moon. You can recharge the stone and increase its strength with moon rays. To do this, the mineral is placed on a path of moonlight for some time.

    Moonstone loves communication, so you can consult with it, show your gratitude for its help and generally show it your affection in every possible way.

    If you have a cherished desire, then wait for a moonlit night, take selenite in your left hand, stand on the lunar path and tell your talisman about this desire. Moonstone will make every effort to make your wish come true.

    Magical properties of moonstone for zodiac signs

    The mineral is best suited for Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers

    Let us now move on to the main question: “Who is the moonstone suitable for according to their zodiac sign?” The Moon patronizes representatives of the signs of the water element. A talisman with a moonstone will be very useful for people of the corresponding water zodiac signs. These are Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers.

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