• Why do strong women choose weak men? Why are men weaker than women psychologically?


    February 28th, 2017 , 02:13 pm

    Today we’ll talk about a woman’s weakness. This refers to purely physical weakness. In the animal world, in many cases, females are larger and stronger than males. This makes a certain sense - the stronger you are, the better you can protect the cubs from danger. Why is it different for humans (and many mammals)? I will address the question in this post.

    First of all, let's confirm that women are physically weaker than men. In the modern era of women's empowerment and gender political correctness, this point does not seem so obvious. Alas, biology and the laws of physics are not always politically savvy and do not provide everyone with equal opportunities for self-realization.

    Firstly, a man is heavier and larger than a woman, on average by twenty percent. At the same time, thanks to high level Testosterone in men has a higher ratio of muscle to fat tissue. The bone structure of men is also stronger and allows them to withstand greater loads. Men are also lucky with their skeletal anatomy - a narrow pelvis reduces the load on the knee joint, allowing you to lift more weight. In addition, men are more aggressive and have better coordination, which also has a positive effect on power movements. Finally, the physical superiority of men is evidenced by empirical data: noticeably best performance in strength sports (by about a third).

    So, back to the original question. Why does nature make a woman? weaker than men? And not so dexterous and aggressive? Wouldn't it be cool if all women were Amazonian warriors, ready to repel any enemy and protect themselves and their children without any help from a man? From a genetic point of view, there is nothing complicated here; with just a few mutations you can get these super-women who bend horseshoes and hammer nails with cracks. But for some reason these mutations never took hold in the population; mega-aunts, as they appeared, were weeded out by natural selection. This means that from the point of view of evolution, physically strong women did not contribute to the survival of Homo sapiens, but rather the opposite.

    Why is that? Because of the brain, or rather its high development compared to other animals. A developed brain leads to more complex behavioral programs, which in turn increase learning time. These are not insects, for which all algorithms are prescribed from birth at the genetic level. Training an organism with a developed central nervous system requires the constant participation of a parent/educator. Without it, intelligence simply will not develop and will not function as it should. All these difficulties lead to the fact that the child is born absolutely helpless and requires constant attention and care. Which the Amazon cannot provide, because she is forced to think about self- and child-defense - whittling clubs, pumping up her biceps, in general, indulging in activities that are directly opposite to caring for children. In addition, the child could learn from the mother’s combativeness, which for a tiny, gentle creature was tantamount to suicide. The parent was obliged to set an example of weakness and caution to her offspring.

    Why didn’t primitive men take on the role of mothers? There are two (rounded) reasons for this. Boobs. They were the culprits of the first primitive chauvinism. In the absence of refrigeration, pasteurization and infant formula, the mammary glands condemned women to housework, raising and feeding offspring. The men were left to scour the forests in search of prey and fight with neighboring tribes for resources. This is how the first division of labor by gender appeared.

    To encourage this distribution, nature made women noticeably weaker. So that you don’t even think about looking for adventure in your second nineties. I say, of course, figuratively, there is no natural anthropomorphism here, but there are simple selection mechanisms. Tribes with “warrior” women were filtered out as less tenacious. IN modern world everything has changed. A woman, like a man, can do anything, choose any profession, modern military and household technologies allow this. But we should not forget about inherited evolutionary baggage. Your right to choose social role, but no matter what you do, genes will make one path difficult for you and easier another.

    It has always existed, gradually gaining momentum. It seems that in our time we can consider that it has reached its apogee. First, women put on trousers instead of skirts, then they mastered cars on a large scale and even spaceships! Inch by inch, beautiful ladies have won their place in the sun in completely different fields of activity: they can easily conduct business at the state level, knock out an offender, shoot accurately and earn millions. They are not inferior to men either in physical or moral stamina. It turns out that women scored more points in this unspoken game?

    Score 1:0 Scientists shock

    Shocking information was shared with the public by one of the most influential representatives of the scientific world, Professor Jenny Graves from the Australian National University. She stated that representatives of the powers that be will completely disappear from the face of the Earth - they will die out like mammoths. In her report, the scientist stated that this process has already begun, and it will end in approximately 5 million years. If anyone remains on our beautiful planet, it will be women.

    Do you think this is nonsense, just another ridiculous discovery? And Graves, by the way, explained everything clearly. The fact is that the female X chromosome contains about 1000 genes, and women, as is known, have two of them. But the male Y chromosome hundreds of millions of years ago also had 1000 genes, but today there are only about 100, and their number continues to decrease. And until nature and scientists have come up with a way to stop the decay of the Y chromosome, we are forced to live with the idea that men are not such a stronger sex, but rather an endangered species...

    Score 2:0 Practice shows

    Here is another shocking information for you, although it is most likely obvious. The process of self-destruction is quite natural for men. It's completely normal for them to drive themselves to massive extinction. Sometimes you even get the distinct impression that they purposefully want to destroy themselves. They kill each other in droves in war, drink themselves to death with enviable regularity, risk their lives at the first opportunity, and are very reluctant to take care of their health. With such an irresponsible attitude towards themselves, men will rightfully soon win the honorary title of an endangered species. The point is again not in their favor.

    Score 2:1 Male genius versus female endurance

    And here is the first point earned by the powers that be. Scientists confidently note that three times more geniuses are born among men than women. You don’t have to go far into science; everyone can easily remember a dozen brilliant male musicians, artists, writers, but there aren’t so many brilliant, gifted women among them. It seems that even purely female professions are easy for men - cooks, designers, hairdressers, stylists. Men usually have a better sense of humor, logic and creativity. The fact that the best gynecologists are men is generally a hackneyed stereotype. It turns out that initially nature endowed men with excellent inclinations and various talents, probably in this way, gently hinting to us women that our goal is to love, give birth to children and keep the hearth. And although this is an undoubted point in men’s favor, we still do not give up and do not follow the lead of such injustice.

    2:2 Women's weaknesses

    Vulnerability is the main “Achilles heel” of a woman. Even the most “iron” ladies are subject to ordinary female weaknesses. Some get upset because of rudeness, others cannot show toughness, and still others have a hard time with failures in their personal lives. And everyone sometimes cries into their pillow at night because of the injustice of the world, which exists exclusively according to male rules. Arrows that are unlikely to wound a man's armor are capable of breaking woman's heart to pieces. And no matter what supporters of emancipation claim, without a significant other, a woman feels lonely.

    2:3 On irresponsibility

    Just as men are amazed at our “female logic” (although it’s hard to understand what they don’t like about our completely logical thinking...), we never tire of being amazed at men’s irresponsibility, bordering on cowardice. They run away from responsibility like fire. They rush around on motorcycles with enviable courage, but are afraid of serious relationships, meeting our parents, and some even run away at the news that he is about to become a father. At the same time, we, women, are often criticized for the fact that we put too much pressure on them with this very responsibility and try to create as much as possible more conditions so that we are dependent on them. So we should be surprised not at women’s, but at “men’s” logic.

    3:3 Draw?

    But we are good too. We are capricious, whine, gossip, exaggerate, jealous, control, pick on our brains, get offended and demand. The female range of means of manipulation is constantly expanding. Sometimes this touches men, and sometimes it irritates them. And the line between tenderness and irritation is drawn almost imperceptibly. If you overdo it a little with this female set, we turn from a charming creature into annoying monsters.

    Surprisingly, the score in this fight was equal. Yes, we women are in no way inferior to men, neither in advantages nor in disadvantages. We have more than enough of both!

    And regarding the “weaker sex,” I remember the words of the great actress, great woman and a real truth teller Faina Ranevskaya: “Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards.” Women from the weaker sex can long ago be renamed the fair sex. And men, as it turned out, are also not such a strong and invincible sex, so it’s better to take care of them too. And no one will take better care of them than ourselves. Therefore, in this gender struggle, perhaps it’s time to take a break and just enjoy each other’s company.

    Why have men become weaker than women these days? Home, work, and raising children have long been the responsibilities of the weaker sex. More and more often, you can see a girl on the streets carrying a heavy supermarket bag in one hand and a child in the other, or you can see such a woman in a tool store, looking at a hammer and pliers. It was as if the world had gone crazy, turning everything upside down. Women earn money, women keep the house clean and comfortable, women cook food, take children to school and classes, do homework with them, wash their husband’s shirts and fix the closet door.

    Why did men step away from their duties? We women are to blame for this. We stopped following our nature, fighting with men for equal rights. We strive to build a career while destroying families. We get terribly offended when they want to drag us into bed, but at the same time we wear miniskirts and deep necklines. We want men to make masculine decisions, but at the same time we try to control everything and are terribly indignant if he does not do what we think is right. We want fidelity from men, but after a hard day at work and an evening in the kitchen at the stove, we say that we have a headache. We expect trust from men, but we ourselves are jealous and secretly read his text messages.

    We have forgotten about our femininity, meekness, humility, gentleness. A man can be weaker than a woman only because the woman is strong. The hidden reason for men's lethargy and their reluctance to do anything is that we don't believe in them. And when a wife stops respecting her husband, he gives up and loses the desire to perform feats, even in the form of a repaired closet door. Our main mistake is the desire to do everything ourselves. Either from despair (it’s easier to nail a nail yourself than to swear for six months), or from disrespect (his hands are clumsy, helpless, how unlucky I am with him). In any case, irritation at our husband will boil inside us, since this is not a woman’s job. According to the Vedas, a woman’s mental strength is six times stronger than a man’s. Therefore, on an energetic level, when a wife believes that she and her husband are unlucky, she does not feed him with her energy, but, on the contrary, takes it away. Where will he then get the strength for exploits?

    If we want to live in happy family Where love reigns, you need to change. Perhaps many will be indignant: “Why should we change something or change ourselves? It’s his fault, even if he changes himself. And then maybe I’ll think about it.” But you have to be wiser. It is known that the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck. And where the neck turns, the head will look there. We must learn to be more feminine, softer, learn to trust our husband. Stop controlling everything, raising your voice, arguing. A woman achieves her goal not by force, but by wisdom. No matter how difficult it may be, you need to learn to agree with your husband, even if you fundamentally disagree with him. There is no need to destroy your personality, express your opinion, give arguments, but at the end say: “But if you want it that way, I don’t mind.” It will still be our way; it was described in the Vedic scriptures more than 5000 years ago.

    Do you know what a woman needs to do if she works and her husband sits at home and looks for work? Searches month, second, year. And he just can’t find it: either the conditions are difficult or his salary is low. And he sits at home. She should quit! Then he will have to take responsibility for the family, and he will find a job. He just needs to create these conditions, and not nag him, but support him and believe in him.

    To be next to us a real man, we must become a real woman! If we develop our feminine qualities, the man will begin to develop masculine qualities. It's time to turn the world around and turn from a strong, self-confident career woman into a modest, kind and wise keeper of the hearth. And let the husband earn money and feel like a hunter and breadwinner, a man who must take care of his fragile and weak wife.

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