• Relationships with a married person. A man's love for a married woman - advice for women


    Anything to destroy her. To achieve his goal, he averts suspicion from himself by recognizing this Love. For example. Married woman, named Suzanne, was jealous of Love Tanya and Sasha are a married couple whom I often met socially. She would not have noticed their unusual closeness if her friend had not called them “darlings.” It was painful for Suzanne to see...


    That I FEEL SOMETHING WRONG. I was 30, I was married - and by all indications I should have dreamed of having a child. All married women Love over thirty, it seems, they dream of a child. But I didn't want to have a child. Thoughts about children filled me not with joy, but with anxiety. Then I... and really for me. If I mourn, my grief is true and real to me. If I love, my

    true and real to me. It doesn't make anyone feel better when I make myself think I'm feeling something different. ...

    https://www.site/psychology/110912 Love Feeding - menstruation has begun, and you are ready to conceive again. But it’s as if something has broken at a deep level (even before physiology), and the effect does not follow the cause. - Mother animal woman implies that

    -the mother is ready to ensure the survival of the new person - to feed, clothe and put on shoes, teach basic independence and accepted relationships in society. It pours into the biologically embedded...

    https://www.site/psychology/17211 Love One-night stands,” explains sociologist Sergei Golod. – Today the motives are different: they often refer specifically to to another woman married" Ideal and reality “We are traditionally focused on monogamous relationships,” says Inna Khamitova. “And we hope to greet you... like a trophy.” Affection or variety The exclusive right to parallel romances has long belonged to men. Today

    increasingly behave in the same way, as if wanting to erase the differences between the sexes. "Structural differences...

    https://www.site/psychology/13745 Positive attribute in the universe. In nature this is a universal law, the law of universal love. Kabbalah explains that there is no essential difference between what we call love to another men to in the universe. In nature this is a universal law, the law of universal love. Kabbalah explains that there is no essential difference between what we call, And


    Being courageous is a sign of being rational. But her strength in femininity is a sign of the sensual. I advise you to look at yourself as woman. Remember your upbringing and start growing with tenderness and in the universe. In nature this is a universal law, the law of universal love. Kabbalah explains that there is no essential difference between what we call in itself woman. Try not to rush anywhere. You had a lot of time for excessive rationality. Take the time to discover the sensual. Looks like in every post I'll be writing...


    ..." - if only in the end her ambitions were fully realized. So, the life of a bitch is not so rosy at all. But there is an alternative - the philosophy of the goddess, which assumes a harmonious sense of self. Women have forgotten how to live tenderly, and with in the universe. In nature this is a universal law, the law of universal love. Kabbalah explains that there is no essential difference between what we call. And happy woman- easy-going, cheerful and friendly, everything is fine with her. But the role of the bitch is very popular. I think for quite a long time in our country...


    Dissatisfied passengers in transport? Love How can you love those who are rude, lie, set you up, betray? After all, then will look, at the very least, stupid, and we will be considered a “narrow-minded” person who does not understand people. ... on the true path, you need to feel sorry for him and love him. Show by example that there is only one creative and heart-warming force - Love

    . And do not be angry with him in response, take offense or take revenge. This is work on yourself, allowing you to deal with your internal... Humanity has long and unsuccessfully struggled with betrayal in relationships between two people. It's all about the generally accepted morality of the society where we live. Society values ​​monogamy, and fidelity to one partner throughout a lifetime or ongoing relationship is considered worthy of emulation. But for some reason, people every now and then have affairs on the side, and this happens not only when young and inexperienced people suddenly find themselves. A married man and a married woman may also find themselves in love relationships

    In the common opinion, most married men (especially if they are successful, don’t need money and are very good themselves) have, or at least should have, a mistress. The mistress must be young and free. For a man, this is such an expensive toy, like a luxury car. Only alive. But for some reason no one seriously considers the option of a married man falling in love with a married woman.

    A man gives gifts to his luxurious young mistress: pays for housing or buys an apartment, a car, clothes, jewelry. In return, the mistress gives him warmth and affection. He relaxes in her company, taking a break from his disgusted wife.

    A similar image of the lover-mistress relationship is replicated in tabloid literature and in the media. You will always see this type of relationship in soap operas or trashy TV series about businessmen, police officers, and women of difficult fate on our TV channels.

    How the relationship between a married man and a married woman develops in life

    Only life is a more complex substance, and it is much richer in it. Including in relationships between lovers. Very often, a man does not need an expensive living toy at all. A man needs a woman, next to whom he can really relax and unwind, and receive support from such a woman in those endeavors that the man’s family is skeptical about. In the end, a married man simply feels like a person, and not a breadwinner or the head of a social unit. At first, a friendship between a married man and a married woman may arise, and then this relationship will begin to develop progressively.

    In this case, the man will look not so much towards young girls, but towards women almost the same age or women who already have certain life experience. As a rule, most of these women are already married. And it is unlikely that such women are ready to get divorced in order for someone to come into their life. new man. There remains only an option that is officially condemned by our society, but in fact occurs all the time: first sex, and then love between a married man and a married woman.

    Why relationships between a married woman and a married man can be comfortable

    Why is a married man comfortable in a relationship with a married woman?

    Almost any woman who agrees to the role of a mistress subconsciously tries on her current lover for the role of her future husband.

    With a married woman, it is a little easier for a married man: in her, such a desire is disguised too deeply. Usually from the outside she has quite usual life: husband, children, work, friends and...lover. A married woman will think ten times before making any attempt to exchange one man for another.

    A married woman will also think three times that her lover is also married, and therefore the changes will obviously affect the lives of more than two people who suddenly decided that they will now live together. This is why a married man is comfortable in a love relationship with a married woman.

    First of all, from the point of view of safety for one’s own family and because the current situation - a lover and a mistress, each of whom has their own families - can exist for quite a long time in time.

    Additional ways out of a relationship between a married man and a married woman

    For a married man, there are other positive aspects in a relationship with a married woman.

    • Sex life

    A married man's sympathy for married woman arises from sexual interest. A married man and a married woman can have new sexual experiences in their relationship that are different from “family sex.” Moreover, each of the lovers from a couple “married man and married woman” has a certain insurance from the point of view of getting STDs. No matter how hot the relationship between lovers may be, each of them has a family behind them, and therefore sexually transmitted diseases are clearly not something they want to bring home.

    The delights of a romance between a married man and a married woman
    • The Married Woman's Connection with Reality

    A lover can give gifts to his mistress. But in the case of a married man and a married woman, such gifts will obviously not be cars, diamond necklaces or other expensive things. For a married woman, her legal husband may well demand an explanation if such gifts suddenly arise. And after such explanations, it’s not far from revelations, and then there’s divorce, courts, lawyers, alimony, and so on. It is unlikely that any of the lovers, burdened with families, want such an ending for their relationship.

    A married man can save a little on gifts for his married mistress.

    • Confidentiality

    As it says folk wisdom, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. With a young mistress, the secrets of a married man can cease to be secrets much earlier than in a relationship with a married woman.

    A married woman has no less reasons than a married man to keep her relationship with him secret from her family and, first of all, from her husband.

    In this sense, a married man and a married woman play on the same team.

    How can a married woman have a married lover?

    It is generally accepted that men are hunters and adventurers. In a world where adventure is problematic, and all hunting turns into a hunt for a position and career, it is relationships with women that can give men a sense of self-worth.

    How can a married woman have an affair with a married man?

    With women everything is much more complicated. Among them, of course, there are also adventurers and those who collect various men, but in most cases, for a married woman, an affair with a married man is a very bold step, which can be forced to take for really serious reasons.

    One of these serious reasons is a tense relationship with her own husband. This may be caused by the fact that people have been married for a long time, and the husband has lost interest in his own wife. Hence - rare (or no) signs of attention and equally rare sex. Sooner or later, such a woman is pushed to meet other men by sexual dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

    A woman’s relationship with her husband may not work out also because the people who got married are at different levels of the social ladder or there is a huge gap in their intellectual development.

    This happens when a woman gets married too early, without any life experience at all, but with his appearance, he begins to look at many things, including relationships with her own husband, with a large degree of objectivity.

    In order for another man who may be married to appear in the life of a married woman, a reason such as infidelity is sufficient. own husband, which she found out about. In this case, at the initial stage of a relationship with a married man, a married woman can only be guided by revenge. Another thing is that a fleeting romance between a married woman and a married man can develop into a relationship in which love is born and which each of the couple begins to value no less than having their own family. This is where each of the couple - a married man and a married woman - can fall into a real psychological trap.

    The risks of an affair between a married lover and a married mistress

    There are perhaps two biggest risks in such relationships. The first was mentioned a little higher: a married man and a married woman fall into a psychological trap from which there is practically no way out. A painful search begins for the answer to the question of what is more valuable: family, husband (wife), children, established connections and everything that is called “life” or relationships on the side.

    It seems to a person that it is with this woman (man) that a completely different life is possible, which they write about in novels, trying to answer the question, what is real love. Sometimes this really happens, people give up what they have for the sake of a new relationship in which they hope to find what they don’t have. True, even according to statistics, the percentage of such new marriages born from a relationship between a married woman and a married man is negligible. But how do romances between unfree lovers end in most cases?

    How do the novels of unfree people end?

    Prospects for a romance between unfree people

    An affair between a married man and a married woman can last forever, but statistics again show that this is not the case. On average, a relationship where the lover is married and the mistress is married lasts about three years. People can experience bouts of love and passion, and then cooling follows.

    After about three years, in most cases, the married man and married woman end their relationship. People realize that they value their own families more, begin to think about relationships with their legal partners, and try to somehow improve them and take them to a new level. Very often, they are helped in this by the experience gained in an affair on the side, where each of the partners is also not free.

    If you already have an affair with a married man while you are married, try to enjoy such a relationship while it brings you joy, but never think that you can become this man’s wife, try not to try on this role for yourself, so that later experience a feeling of bitter disappointment. If possible, try to avoid affairs with married men (especially if you are married yourself), because there are no global prospects in such relationships. You can participate in such relationships exactly as long as you feel love for this married man.


    Men sometimes have a feeling of falling in love or love, and sometimes they simply need to seek adventure when choosing such a woman. After all, sometimes woman they choose simply out of the expectation that she will not insist on marriage. However, the problem is that husbands are not married for the same reasons as men. And in this situation you can get into a lot of trouble.

    A married woman who agrees to, does not do this because she is looking for variety in sex, it happens because she lacks something in her relationship with her, and she lacks so much that she agrees to risk the existing relationship. And this is not a search for temporary entertainment. If a married woman also falls in love with you, be prepared for the fact that she will want to legally formalize the relationship with you. She is not a mistress, she has already been chosen, she has paid a high price, and she is unlikely to want to rate herself lower and take on the “position” of a temporary friend. So if you yourself are married, think carefully about whether you are ready to destroy your family for the sake of someone else’s woman.

    Also, don't count out her husband. Few men will take the news of their wife's infidelity calmly, and it is very difficult to hide a relationship - some little thing will definitely give you away. And you have every chance to become the hero and heroine of a crime chronicle. Perhaps he won’t do this himself, but will simply hire people, but this is not so important.

    Therefore, if you are married woman You better love her like a knight loved his lady. If you truly love her, you will act in her best interests. You can help her gain more attention from her husband by provoking her husband to jealousy with light courtship. This way the woman will be happier, and this way you yourself will avoid trouble.


    Men cheat on their wives quite often. They meet younger girls with whom they begin short-term affairs. Women also sometimes cheat on their husbands. They do this because of cold feelings, lack of attention and other difficulties in relationships. Women in such situations can be understood. But another fact is interesting here: a free man Quite often, married women are liked more than single women.

    Reasons for men choosing married women

    In general, there are a lot of reasons and they are all different. Surely, the most important reason is the lack of any obligations to the woman.

    If a woman is married, she will not demand anything from her lover, since besides sex, in fact, she does not need anything from him.

    Another reason that married or single men choose is the desire to surpass the husband of their mistress, thereby once again proving their leadership.

    When meeting a woman, she does not need to buy expensive gifts, which means she does not need to spend a lot of money on her, since she cannot bring it home.

    Unlike a free woman, she has much less time, which means that she will not be bothered by calls or SMS with questions about regular meetings.

    As a rule, women are less demanding, less accommodating and unavailable.

    It is inaccessibility that has always attracted men to women. They are interested in the process of winning women's consent.

    Men are attracted by the fact that a married woman does not create such problems (for example, “I want to get married”) as a single woman. She is cleaner, which means there is a guarantee that you will not get any sexually transmitted infection from her.

    A woman who is not free is extreme for a man, because you need to be able to avoid being seen by your friends.

    Also, men really like caring and their attentiveness. They know how to cook, wash and do other household chores. They always look after their man.

    It’s much easier to leave a married woman, without any hysterics in response, she simply doesn’t need it. In addition, they are more independent, unlike free women.

    How do such novels end?

    Of all cases, only 1% of such passionate relationships end in marriage, and the remaining 99% do not develop into serious relationship. As they say, no one is immune from love. There are known cases when simple relationships men and women grew into whirlwind romance, bringing a whirlwind of emotions and feelings. And such romances often end in marriage. But love does not invade such relationships so often. Usually, such relationships between men and married women are just an outlet that allows them to forget about all existing problems and plunge headlong into a whirlwind of passions. As a rule, very often such passions quickly subside and the relationship ends in ordinary disintegration.

    The situation is quite common and problematic, so anyone who wants to get advice on their problem can write about it in the comments.

    Married and unmarried mistress of a married man: how to keep her, how to behave, psychology of relationships

    If both of you are not free, you should not take such a relationship seriously, so that later it will not be so painful when parting, which will inevitably come. Treat it like a fleeting romance, a pleasant fairy tale in your life. Don't try to become a second wife for him, just enjoy the moments when you are together. The situation when you are single and he is married is a little different. You undoubtedly want to be the only one, but this is almost impossible. Don't demand anything in return, don't try to hold on.

    A married lover and a married mistress are pregnant, fell in love, what to do at work

    Everyone must decide for themselves what to do with pregnancy. Keep it and live in betrayal or get rid of it and regret it all your life. Falling in love passes like a fog, the feeling is not serious. If this does not destroy the family, continue dating, or you need to break up.

    Why do married men have mistresses older or younger than themselves, of the same age? Psychology of a married man

    A lover younger than a man is needed so that a man can feel younger.

    The mistress is older, most often this relationship speaks of serious feelings.

    At the same age, nothing concrete can be said, maybe the man is just a womanizer, or maybe this is an ordinary affair or true love.

    Relationship between a married man and a married woman

    For a man, such a union is very successful; a woman is less demanding, she does not need to be taken to a restaurant, cinema, or theater. She will not be able to cause any trouble, so as not to harm herself. For a woman, this relationship is convenient because there is no need to explain anything. And short meetings will always remain a vivid impression, without having time to turn into routine.

    Psychologists say that there is no need to take this relationship seriously.

    How to get rid of love for a married man whom you like, whom you love to tears

    It is impossible to stop loving just at will. Try to think less about him, get busy with work.

    A married man and a married woman love each other at a distance, what to do, another woman has appeared

    Love at a distance tests true feelings. If she hasn't moved on in a year, there is every chance of staying together forever. When another woman appears, you need to fight for your love.

    How to marry a married man if you love what to do

    Hit this man. Surprise with your abilities, for starters, just show yourself with the best side in bed so that he desires you again and again. Next, surround with care and attention.

    Many years later. I read my notes and remember my love. I was free from marriage then. Here are my diary entries: “I haven’t had such a feeling for a long time. As soon as I open my eyes, all my thoughts are about her. And I think throughout the day, no matter what I do. I mentally repeat our last meeting: what they said, how I looked, what answered. And the most amazing thing is that I know for sure: it is at these moments, no matter what she does, that she also thinks about me. This invisible communication of ours lives between us, regardless of the distance. And the more joyful our meetings in reality are, the more pleasant the even more rare hugs. I catch myself with one fact that is incomprehensible to me: I can’t kiss her even after I got to know her - I still want to hug her again, hold her close, look into her. beautiful eyes and kiss again. We haven’t parted yet after a short meeting, but I’m already looking forward to the next date.
    And now it comes. She enters my lonely apartment. This is the most beautiful moment - we are alone here. We do not hide our feelings, we go into each other’s arms, “inhale” each other, we kiss at first only restrainedly, as if we had lost the habit of our last meeting. Time is short, as always, but we are in no hurry. We want to live it in such a way that the wonderful feeling of anticipation of the closeness of a loved one does not flash quickly. What a joy it is to be loved and to love yourself. And then I thought: “For how long? How will fate decide there? I want it forever.”
    The next day we met again and she continued my thoughts:
    “Even if this ends soon and all this doesn’t last long, it’s still wonderful...
    I thought that this only happens in movies and books, but it turns out...”
    After our meetings, I inhale the smell left by her. My hands hold him. I close my eyes so that my favorite image is present in my mind, I bring my palms to my face and inhale the familiar smell of my woman.
    I understood that it was doubly difficult for her. The jealous husband already guessed everything. He had no intention of leaving her, although he knew for sure that she did not love him. It seems to me that, first of all, he was thinking not about his child, but about himself.
    I was tormented by the question: how to help her? Neither she nor I can stop this whirlpool of feelings. I wanted to see her, talk to her, touch her, listen to her talk, but not about her husband. I dreamed of being next to her, looking into her eyes, accepting her caresses, her love. And still can’t get enough of it....
    Of course, we are already tired of our love, because it is like a beautiful flower that grew on the edge of an abyss in spite of all the troubles and troubles."
    The meeting with my husband happened... Actually, it would be better to call it differently... A fight with my husband happened... It was simply inevitable, but it didn’t solve literally anything, despite the harshness and cruelty. May the Lord forgive me... And more and more I was oppressed by the thought that I was destroying my family. I asked the Lord to give me the strength to refuse further love affairs. And then the day came when I abandoned my beloved. The feeling that I was committing a sin constantly depressed me because they had a child of about six years old.
    And now, many years later, I know for sure that this married woman loved me more deeply than any of them all... No woman has loved me like that, either before or since... This turns out to be my greatest Love!

    July 2010

    More years have passed and now I want to add my conclusion on everything described above. Happens in life constant struggle between flesh and spirit.
    Yes, I’m sorry that I fell in love with you, but you still can’t invade the family with your love, because it’s personal selfishness. At this moment, we must remember that the child will lose one of his parents. He, the child, will then miss either his father or his mother. And you cannot replace one of the parents. And therefore, loving aunts and uncles, don’t be selfish, look around: there are so many beautiful, decent and lonely people around, among whom you can find your love without deceiving your spouse, without offending your children, without committing a sin...

    October 2014


    Yes, you are right, you cannot invade someone else’s family, you cannot take away a child’s mother or father. I liked your story. This happens often. I know one couple. Everyone in the family's love ended and they found each other. But the man left the family when his daughter turned 18. But in other families this happens... it’s better to run away. Better for the child who suffers from the parents' relationship. But Zykina, for example, did not take her beloved man away from the family, and the children, when they grew up, were grateful to her. And you have yours.

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