• Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations on your silver wedding (25 years)


    This holiday
    All saturated with sadness,
    How many years, how many winters have passed
    From your youth,
    But you are still together in sorrow and happiness.
    It doesn't matter that it's a little
    The whiskey turns silver.
    Be happy, be healthy,
    The golden anniversary is ahead!

    The silver tree grew for years,
    And it made you and I happy beautiful flowers.
    And it grew to your wedding anniversary,
    We wish your estate happiness and success.
    Let happiness from silver settle in the house,
    Let confidence take root in your souls.
    Love to you, sweet and wonderful couple,
    And the rejection of all quarrels - we wish you such a gift.

    silver wedding... Light of love,
    A quarter-century-long road...
    The family is strong with love and children,
    A very worthy continuation of yours!
    Love and happiness are a valuable gift,
    Together you saved it, trying
    And the feelings carried through the years,
    Remaining each other's support.
    So let your couple have day after day
    The eyes shine with tenderness and affection,
    Let luck not leave the house,
    Life continues with a beautiful bright fairy tale!

    You are a wonderful couple today,
    And today is your anniversary.
    Somewhere a guitar is playing quietly,
    We crowded at your door.
    We brought heartfelt congratulations,
    For beautiful people in love.
    We wish you endless love,
    You gave birth to good children.
    25 - silver streamed,
    Always take care of each other.
    How wonderfully you two connected,
    Never break your union!

    Today you, my dears,
    Champagne splashes like a wave,
    We came to congratulate you on your wedding,
    After all, you are celebrating silver,
    We wish you to be together
    Let the family ship sail
    Songs would sound for you,
    None of the relatives forgot
    Let your children and grandchildren be happy,
    May your health be at five levels,
    Wouldn't you know that there's boredom?
    We dreamed and loved again!

    Let the ring move towards you like a wheel,
    He will tell everyone how lucky you are in life.
    Love has radiated a warm light all these years,
    And everyone was warmed under its rays.
    We congratulate you on your silver wedding,
    We want to keep the secret of love and fidelity.
    Open it only to children, your grandchildren,
    And you should become professors in family sciences.

    I've been with you for 25 years,
    You are still a hero
    You are my beloved husband,
    Know - unique!
    I wish you happiness
    Let the bad weather go away
    Troubles will not touch
    Joy will return!

    Dear friends and spouses!
    For the twenty-fifth anniversary
    You came through showers and blizzards,
    Keeping the sparks of love in our souls,
    At the time of school, the ovary gave birth.
    I believe, feelings of hardening
    You have enough to live on that everyone will envy.
    Congratulations and I am glad with all my heart,
    What a worthy distance has been covered.
    So I wish love to flare up,
    So that you can bask in its warmth,
    And when the date will be tripled.

    Ah, the wedding! The words sound so sweet!
    This is the 25th time you've heard it!
    Live together for so long
    And stay happy
    It can be difficult sometimes!
    But you've been hand in hand for a quarter of a century
    You walk through life shoulder to shoulder,
    You two wonderful people
    I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

    A quarter of a century side by side, together
    It seemed like a moment flew by
    Happiness, joy, sadness and songs
    You divided by two.
    Let them never get tired
    Hearts beat in unison,
    And love will be the result
    Two silver rings!

    You two have been together for a quarter of a century,
    And for this we will sing to you
    Hymn to big and bright love,
    From the side, seemingly inconspicuous,
    But so necessary
    And so vulnerable at times.
    You took care of your hearth,
    They protected us as best they could.
    You have defeated temptations
    And we survived the separations,
    We wish that further
    You lived without any falsehood.
    Your wedding is with silver,
    We'll sing about her again,
    And now this poem,
    Silver congratulations!

    You've lived together for a quarter of a century -
    Eat vobla, drink kvass...
    And there is no man in the world
    Happier to each of you!
    Familiar from above, below, from the rear,
    But even if everyday life eats up,
    Love is boiling in you - it has not cooled down,
    And the wedding day is not forgotten!
    Silver - wonderful - wedding,
    A day of new deeds and feelings, passions,
    You should still name this day
    Happy golden children's day!
    Hello helmet couple
    (as if unknown!):
    One hundred years of happiness to you -
    bride and groom!!!

    A quarter of a century is behind you,
    How much has been lived, acquired together!
    But today there is a young groom
    And it’s as if the bride is seventeen.
    Be happy, young, strong,
    Be healthy and strong.
    Hold on to each other, like in “Turnip”
    So that grief and misfortune does not mow down.

    It's already been 25 years
    And it’s not a lot, and it’s not a little
    Hurry up to live and get everything done
    It's more fun to look at each other
    May the sun always shine on you
    May the years last until one hundred years
    Let never come to your doors
    Illness and old age do not knock
    And golden for your wedding
    For joy, grandchildren will be born

    You've been together for a quarter of a century! The path is long
    Overcame friendly family.
    And henceforth, be able not to grow old in your soul,
    Walking through life on a common track.
    Let there be joy and goodness;
    Love still shines young
    And a quarter of a century later, silver
    Transforms into highest quality gold!

    silver wedding- this is whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a quarter of a century will never part again, their love has been tempered over the years, they value, respect and love each other.

    At the silver wedding, husband and wife must exchange with each other silver rings, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger right hand, Near wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

    Invited guests should also donate silverware, including jewelry and tableware. You need to celebrate your anniversary without skimping on treats. Guests, in turn, should not skimp on gifts. After all, the value of gifts should correspond to the value of a twenty-five-year relationship.
    It is recommended to celebrate this celebration in the same place where the spouses first exchanged rings. On this anniversary, among guests, the spouses remember the best moments of their married life.

    Today is your anniversary
    And a wonderful date.
    How many months and days
    It's been a while since you were married!

    Oh, how I want to scream
    To such a wonderful couple, “Bitter!”
    What is “twenty-five”?
    You live this much a hundred times.

    Today is the silver holiday
    And silver is a sacred metal.
    Let your head turn silver
    And the feelings will remain unchanged.

    It's the twenty-fifth anniversary,
    But it seems not so much.
    But the feelings are stronger and brighter,
    The road has already been trodden.

    We wish you not to break
    Of those ties that bound you tightly,
    And don't be sad and don't be bored,
    Even if they got tired somewhere.

    And there is another stage ahead,
    Now we must strive for it -
    Live until the golden wedding
    And enjoy this moment.

    How quickly the years fly by -
    They cannot be returned or caught up.
    You have a silver wedding,
    You are together exactly twenty-five!

    You are an example for us to follow,
    Anyone will envy you.
    Now we wish you the main thing -
    Live until the golden wedding!

    Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 happy years married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it will be like this for many more decades. Let everything be great for your family: income increases, love increases, trust grows and doubts never arise about each other. Many, many positive and bright days to you, good tender words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your family’s hands. Happy silver wedding!

    Happy beautiful, wonderful anniversary!
    You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
    May your life remain happy,
    And keep the secret of joy!

    As before, walk hand in hand
    Along life's long path,
    Respect each other, adore each other,
    To save love from different storms!

    You didn't have time to look back,
    Haven't lost the passion yet,
    How suddenly this week
    The marriage turned twenty-five!

    Didn't earn wrinkles
    Still gray hair - no, no,
    And the years are a long string
    Gone like a weekend.

    Or maybe this is great:
    That we didn’t have time to grow old,
    And the children grew up, and it’s clear
    Will we soon be able to sing songs to our grandchildren?

    Still so young
    And everyone is just great.
    Having put on a suit and dress, now
    Go down the aisle again!

    Others should take an example from you,
    And we'll probably take it.
    Having such friends is a reward,
    After all, everyone around you is in love with you!

    Health, happiness and from now on
    Continue to be young like this.
    Take care of half
    Cherish, pamper and love!

    Fate brought you together for a reason,
    She led difficult roads.
    But if hand in hand and heart are sweet,
    The couple will be together forever!

    We cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
    It's no joke - a quarter of a century is outside the window.
    How important it is to meet a person in life
    And share a common home with him.

    Silver wedding is a date.
    A span of life of as much as twenty-five.
    Kiss, hug like you used to,
    Well, turn back these years!

    We wish you the best, love and respect,
    But, really, we know that it’s all with you.
    The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
    Today all the words sound for you!

    You have lived a quarter of a century
    Only in harmony, in love.
    Happy anniversary.
    This holiday is for two!

    Let the silver wedding
    It will only give you peace.
    We wish you a lot of happiness
    And live until golden!

    It will be useful for everyone to know
    About the fact that you are all twenty-five
    Fierce winters, very hot years
    That vow given to each other
    We resolutely kept it in our hearts,
    And every year they only loved
    More and more sincere and more and more powerful.
    About your entire hectic life
    Many books can be written
    ... but I want to wish you
    Keep romance, loving.
    You have the most important thing - family!

    Silver date -
    You've been together for a quarter of a century.
    Do you remember how once
    Did you give the ring to the bride?

    Do you remember how once
    Did you choose the dress?
    And "wedding-wedding-wedding"
    It sounded in your soul.

    I really want to congratulate you
    Have a wonderful day.
    There is nothing to dissemble here:
    Well done, guys!

    Take care of each other
    Love, cherish.
    And an example for children,
    As before, you serve!

    Life has silvered whiskey,
    The silver wedding is coming.
    And life is still ahead,
    You should catch up with the blue bird!

    The children are almost adults
    We have charted our own paths,
    And you guys are still young.
    Even younger than before.

    You have met your love,
    Which still worries the blood.
    For loyalty and for a friendly home
    Fate will bestow silver.

    Let there be a lot of silver
    In your pockets, in your bank accounts.
    Health, peace to you, goodness,
    The radiance of youth in the eyes!

    May your children prosper
    Let them cherish their souls in you.
    May your beloved grandchildren
    Congratulations on your golden date!

    Your wedding shone with silver,
    We are coming to you today with congratulations.
    May luck always favor you
    And let the family hearth burn brighter.

    May you live together for many more years
    Without sorrows, without worries, resentments and troubles.
    And when you celebrate 25,
    We will congratulate you on your golden wedding.

    Celebrating "silver"
    You will live longer, longer,
    Just as much more ahead
    Let the 25th pass!

    Happy anniversary
    And we wish you health,
    Let's say “Bitter!”, as then,
    Be happy always!

    With the warmth of my heart, allow you
    Congratulations on this wedding anniversary.
    Our name is Silver
    For the strength of the bonds, for the bright moments.

    We wish you many years to be together,
    Protect each other from harm.
    Be an example to all those getting married
    And show how to live in harmony and happiness.

    You have been together for 25 happy years,
    We are celebrating the silver wedding.
    And on this day filled with goodness,
    We all wish you continued love.

    Let the gardens of desires bloom in your soul,
    And the rivers will gently flow with honey.
    And the most wonderful years
    It's just beginning for you two!

    Congratulations on your silver wedding,
    You live without troubles and worries,
    Many more wonderful, beautiful years,
    May good luck come to visit you!

    Serene, bright happiness,
    So that things always go uphill,
    Forget worries, bad weather,
    Life will be kind and bright to you!

    Silver bells
    They sound, they don’t stop,
    Happy silver wedding
    I congratulate the couple.

    And let her silver it
    Life is like frosty whiskey,
    How you were loved in your youth,
    Loyal, close.

    Let love flow
    Silver spring,
    May happiness never leave you
    Not in your life for a moment.

    Let it be filled with it
    Any coming day,
    So that it sounds “Bitter!”
    Gold at the wedding.

    We are happy for you, dears!
    You have lived twenty-five years.
    And they became more than family,
    Give care and light.

    And we all want to get together,
    After another similar period.
    Let him shelter from evil misfortunes,
    Lord, your cozy little world.

    Happy Anniversary
    The best woman with a man,
    Twenty-five winters have passed,
    We want to continue celebrating!

    To cancel thirty-five,
    You don't need to get sick,
    Live happily and richly
    For each other you are a reward!

    May your union be successful
    It will be perfect
    To live some more, of course,
    A century, or better yet, an eternity!

    A quarter of a century has flown by,
    Silver anniversary
    We want to wish you happiness
    Every month thirty days.

    Like the day they sealed
    You are your union forever,
    They took the oath of allegiance
    With a pure bright soul,

    Let your eyes sparkle with happiness,
    Eyes sparkle with love,
    Bad weather will pass by,
    Do you agree? And we are for it!

    What a blessing that you were able to carry
    Your love through these twenty-five!
    I wish you well on your married journey
    Do not encounter any troubles or disagreements!

    Let your hearts sing in unison,
    Live in peace, harmony and prosperity,
    There will be no end to happiness,
    May you always be in order!

    You have been married for a quarter of a century and all this time you have taken care of, helped, respected and most importantly loved each other. And today, on the day of your silver wedding, I would like to wish you warmth, luck, prosperity, happiness, smiles, tenderness. Enjoy life and each other to the fullest!

    Silver wedding - 25,
    I heartily congratulate you.
    I wish you to live your whole life together,
    I wish you well and happiness.

    And let the years go by,
    Don't pay attention
    Be faithful and love
    Celebrate your wedding every year!

    Gently sparkles with silver -
    Wedding anniversary.
    Let prosperity reign
    Only in your estate.

    Let love warm you in a blizzard,
    With happiness - life will be filled with happiness,
    With a gentle, tremulous breath, -
    Joy will burst into the house.

    Let luck be a ringing song,
    It flows like in a fairy tale
    Let the days become more interesting
    And only in bright colors!

    Silver wedding.
    Oh my God, what a date!
    It's already been a quarter of a century
    You are happily married!

    May there be in your life
    Happy hundred days!
    Let your union grow stronger
    Stronger every year!

    Today the silver rain fell,
    Your union lasted twenty-five years!
    We wish that the sun always shines for you,
    And the power of heaven helped in everything.

    Be happy and inspired
    May your paths be incomparable,
    Lucky, beautiful, worthy, kind,
    May your cherished wishes and dreams come true!

    Congratulations on your silver medal,
    We wish you sincere love,
    Let happiness fill the house,
    Let luck beckon to you.

    We wish you many bright days,
    Be each other's strong shoulder,
    We wish you bold ideas,
    And don’t be sad about anything!

    We wish you not to be discouraged,
    Let gray hair not upset you.
    We dream of taking a walk together
    Gold at your wedding.

    Once you guys lived together for 25 years
    You know what this date means for life!
    You are so smart that you have always valued marriage,
    After all, you loved each other faithfully and affectionately!

    You can only wish good luck,
    They will cherish and simply adore their grandchildren.
    You have owned everything else for a long, long time.
    And they can win any family dispute!

    This is such a wonderful idyll you have.
    May the light in your souls never go out, either tomorrow or now.
    Over the years, it only grows stronger, becomes stronger,
    And more sensual, and more affectionate, and only more tender!

    We're celebrating a wedding for the twenty-fifth time.
    And it’s okay that the bride is without a veil,
    After all, the groom still doesn’t take his eyes off
    Spellbound, he does not move from his place.

    And at twenty-five you are young at heart,
    It's nice to hold your hands.
    Although the gray hair has already appeared,
    You still love to hug!

    Silver wedding and the ringing of rings again,
    What does a quarter of a century mean to loving hearts?
    After all, it seems like a lot of days have been lived through,
    But the road ahead is now even brighter.
    You have become one in twenty-five years,
    You are not afraid of any storms now,
    After all, the sails were filled with love.
    So let the wind be fair,
    There will be no tears, sorrows, troubles,
    So that you can be happy for half a century,
    Although, what is there - a whole century!

    A quarter of a century, twenty-five!
    Congratulations to your couple
    There is a very important reason.
    Our congratulations are in your honor.

    The rings still shine
    The looks are still burning...
    Is it possible in twenty-five
    Can feelings cool down?

    This is definitely not about you.
    "Bitter!" Let's shout a hundred times
    We wish you happiness a hundred times,
    Congratulations on your “silver”!

    You gave me the keys to my heart
    For each other for so long,
    They took care of them tenderly, tightly,
    Protected from everything!

    And today precious
    Your holiday is coming,
    Dear, long-awaited wedding
    And silver now.

    In marriage, everything happens often,
    And problems, difficult life,
    It's good that you are patient
    And they could show love!

    You can successfully live in a union,
    Keeping it just as carefully,
    And let the wedding be golden
    It will be accomplished in your days!

    Marriage is a good thing
    If the marriage is “twenty-five.”
    We can safely congratulate you
    And wish you success.
    A quarter of a century is cool
    This is not one minute.
    And not a month, and not a year.
    Let your family be your stronghold
    Year after year it only gets stronger,
    Let love crown him!

    I sincerely congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of your marriage, on your silver wedding. I wish that your happiness shines and shimmers like silver in the sun, that your feelings always warm your hearts and fill your home with comfort, so that in your life together there were no disappointments, so that many more joyful events awaited you ahead and happy Holidays.

    Happy anniversary
    You've been together for 25 years,
    Don't meet devilry
    May fate protect you from troubles!

    The wedding will be showered with silver,
    There will be peace and harmony in the house,
    I wish you excellent health
    For another hundred years in a row!

    Silver wedding,
    25 years together
    And it sounds again: “Bitter!” -
    The bride and groom.

    Lightly at the temples
    The frost turns silver,
    25 years of happiness
    Lasts in your life.

    25 years together
    You are walking next to me
    Sometimes words are not needed
    A glance is enough for you.

    Bound by love
    You are the same fate,
    silver wedding
    Let it become gold.

    The wedding is twenty-five today!
    And the heart confuses its beats -
    Such honor and grace
    Congratulate the glorious heroes of the day.

    You have been together for so many years and winters,
    That they became an indivisible whole.
    And I want to wish both
    All the best in the world! No limits.

    May this wedding be silver
    Brings happiness to your couple.
    Prosperity, goodness,
    Gives warmth of love and joy!

    You're both young again
    At least to your union
    Today is exactly 25!
    Marital ties,
    Like first-class wine
    Everything gets stronger over the years.
    May life be lived in cinema
    It warms your soul.
    And you still have ahead,
    We really believe in this
    Many years, many wonderful dates
    And many anniversaries!

    Silver wedding. Bitterly!
    We congratulate you, friends.
    We lived steadfastly for a quarter of a century,
    You have a wonderful family.

    You through thunderstorms and bad weather
    There was a spark of hope.
    We wish you great happiness,
    Good luck, loyalty, love!

    Twenty five wonderful years
    Your little world will be warmed with happiness!
    I send at this glorious hour
    Congratulations to you!

    I wish you well with all my heart
    And great love without end,
    Lots of joy, prosperity,
    May you always have a sweet life!

    Everything is silver today,
    The sun is shining tenderly.
    Our couple is beaming
    Accepts congratulations.

    After all, the silver date
    I knocked on this house.
    And the hearts are rich in warmth.
    It's good for you to live together!

    Take care of your happiness
    Fertilize it with affection
    And live with a smile.
    Count the days as good.

    We wish your family
    Become even stronger.
    And cloudless love
    Let everything around sparkle!

    To those who give good things to each other
    And lives by love and honor,
    Precious silver
    Gives life with grace together.

    Silver of unbreakable fate,
    The warmth of the hearth and peace,
    When all the dreams in your heart come true,
    Unearthly silver reigns in it!

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