• Card file on applique, modeling (junior group) on the topic: applique junior group. Abstract of the OOD OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (Applique) on the topic: Balls for a puppy", in the junior group "Fairy Tale"


    Application "Snowflakes are falling" in 2 younger group.

    Program content:
    Introduce children to a new type of tearing applique (tear small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply glue to them and stick them on cardboard.
    Teach children to carefully glue the details of the image.
    Develop a sense of composition: arrange applique elements throughout the form.
    Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem.
    Preliminary work:
    Looking at snowflakes while walking and in a group, looking at the painting “ Winter fun", tinting white sheets of cardboard with blue gouache. Learning an excerpt from B. Zakhoder’s poem “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” We gathered in a circle,
    Spun like a snowball...”
    Preparation for the lesson:
    For children: tinted cardboard of blue color with a glued snowflake, napkins, glue stick, rags, oilcloth, wet wipes, box for leftover paper.
    For the teacher: sample application, tinted blue cardboard with a snowflake glued - 2 pcs., napkin, glue stick, rag, oilcloth, wet wipes, box for leftover napkins, artificial snowflake.
    I. Methodical techniques:
    1. The teacher seats the children at tables in a semicircle and reads E. Blaginina’s poem “A piece of ice crunched”
    The ice crunched
    And underneath there is water.
    A snowflake is falling -
    light star,
    And behind her is the second one,
    The third one is endless...
    No barn in sight
    Can't see the porch

    After reading, I ask the children questions:
    Educator: What time of year is described in the poem?
    Children: Winter
    Educator: What's falling from the sky?
    Children: Snowflakes
    Educator: What do snowflakes look like?
    Children: On the stars
    Educator: Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Let's get a look. Brings in a snowman.
    Educator: Children, who came to visit us?

    Children: (Snowman)

    Educator: Why are you so sad?
    Snowman: There is very little snow outside, so I'm sad!
    Educator: Guys, do you want to help the snowman?
    Children: Yes
    2. Purpose of the lesson:
    Educator: Let's all make many, many snowflakes for him together.
    In the meantime, before we start working, I propose to cheer up the snowman and play together.
    They leave the tables.
    Physical exercise “Walk”

    White fluffy snow (hands lowered from top to bottom)
    Spinning in the air (raise hands up)
    And quietly to the ground (they lower their hands smoothly down)
    Falls, lies down
    And then, and then (bending forward)
    We made a snowball (they make lumps)
    Wow (imitate throwing a snowball)
    Sit down at the tables
    3. Looking at a snowflake:
    Educator: Guys, look what I have in my hands?
    Children: Snowflake.

    Educator: What color?
    Children: White
    Educator: What does she look like?
    Children: To the star
    Educator: What is the name of a natural phenomenon when a lot of snowflakes fall from the sky?
    Children: Snowfall
    Educator: Well guys, let's help our friend the snowman?
    Children: Yes
    Educator: Then let's get to work, and the snowman will watch us!
    4. Demonstration with explanation from the teacher:
    Educator: Guys, on your tables there is blue cardboard with a snowflake glued to it, napkins white, glue pencil and rags (I show my workpiece with a snowflake). Today you and I will make many, many snowflakes and glue them onto our cardboard (sky). To do this, you and I must take a napkin in our hands and tear off small pieces from it, which will imitate snowflakes for us and glue them onto our cardboard, but we will glue them all over our sky.
    5. Sequence of work:
    Educator: What are we going to glue today?
    Children: Snowflakes
    Educator: Well done.
    To make a snowflake, we tear off a small piece from a napkin and grease it with glue on an oilcloth, and then press it to the cardboard with a cloth. You need to fill the entire surface of the cardboard until you get many, many snowflakes. Shows his sample with snowflakes.
    Well, now let's get to work!
    II. Independent work children:
    - Let us clarify where we begin our work?
    - During the work, the teacher provides individual assistance to the children, using his sample to show the techniques of tearing and gluing, if necessary.
    - After finishing work, children wipe their hands with a napkin
    III. Analysis of children's works
    The snowman examines all the children's work and praises them.
    Educator: Now, little snowman, you won’t be bored. We made a lot of snowflakes for you, and we can make you friends during your walk. Guys, it's time for the snowman to leave. Let's say: "Goodbye!"
    Snowman: Thank you, friends.
    Educator: Come to us again if you need our help, really guys!
    Children: Yes
    Educator: Let's take our works to the exhibition. A composition is drawn up with a picture of a snowman in the middle.


    We take white cardboard.

    We tint it blue.

    We are waiting for it to dry completely.

    Glue a snowflake in the upper left corner.

    We take a napkin and begin to tear off small pieces and glue them to our sheet.

    Fill the entire surface of the sheet. Our application is ready.

    "Let's help the snowman"

    Educational area: Artistic creativity. Application


    1. Consolidate knowledge about snow.

    2. Teach children to stick circles on sheets of appliqué paper.

    1. Give concepts about snow through experimentation.

    2. Activate children's vocabulary (cold, soft, fluffy, sticky), designation of paper sizes (round, large, smaller, smallest);

    3. Strengthen the ability to sequentially arrange circles depending on size using a presentation on a projector.

    4. Improve the ability to carefully pick up glue on a brush, spreading ready-made forms, and press the parts with a napkin;

    5. Develop orientation on a sheet of paper, visual attention, fine visual differentiation (large - smaller - smallest);

    6. Cultivate accuracy in children when performing tasks;

    7. Develop general and fine motor skills.

    Demo material: snow, snowman, napkins, magic snowballs projector, flannelgraph, circles different shapes, bucket for a snowman, markers.

    Handout: sheets of blue paper, circles (large, small, even smaller), markers (black, orange and pink), rosettes, brushes, napkins, oilcloths,

    Preliminary work: observation, playing with snow, reading poems about winter, talking and looking at illustrations about winter with children.

    Methods: experimenting, viewing, examining, listening.

    Techniques: play, experiment, demonstration, clarification, reminder, encouragement.

    Progress of the lesson

    Org. moment:

    IN: Hello children! I invite you to the magical forest.

    Tell me, what time of year is it now?


    IN: Right. In winter it is very cold and frosty.

    We have arrived in the winter forest!

    There are so many miracles here!

    Snowflakes are spinning in the sky,

    They lie quietly on the ground.

    So the bunny galloped,

    He ran away from the fox.

    A gray wolf prowls through the forest,

    He is looking for prey.

    We will run away from him

    Let's sit under a bush.

    And the bear is sleeping in the den,

    He'll sleep like that all winter.

    Peace and quiet in the forest

    You and I can't make noise.

    1.Experimenting with snow

    IN:-The magic forest has prepared a surprise for us? Let's get a look,

    Children go to the table on which there is a bowl of snow covered with a napkin.

    IN: -What kind of surprise is this? Let's get a look. (The teacher removes the napkin from the basin)

    IN:-What is this? (Snow)

    IN:- Look at him, what is he like?

    D:- White! Fluffy

    IN: Let's take the snow on our palms and hold it for a while.

    IN: What does snow feel like?

    D: Cold!

    IN: Look what's happening to him?

    D: Snow is melting.

    IN: Why is the snow melting?

    D: He is afraid of heat

    The snow melts from the body of our hands, and becomes what? (wet, sticky)

    Children wipe their hands with napkins.

    Are your hands frozen? Let's warm them up.

    2.Massage of facial muscles

    We rub our palms

    And we warm up the face.

    We rub our forehead too

    Let's help him become warm.

    Cheeks puff up.

    The lips are smiling.

    We'll rub our chin,

    Let's chew our lips together.

    Our tongue lives there,

    Let my friend warm up

    IN:-Children, what can you make from sticky snow?

    Children: - Snowman

    IN:-Guys, look who lives in the magic forest( The teacher takes the Snowman behind the Christmas tree) Children greet the Snowman.

    IN: This is the Snowman, but for some reason he is sad.

    - What happened to you, why are you so sad?


    I wasn't raised

    Made from snow

    Instead of a nose cleverly

    Inserted a carrot.

    Coal eyes

    Bitch lips

    The guys blinded me

    And they forgot about me.

    I'm standing there so unhappy

    I miss one terribly.

    IN:- Guys, how can we help the Snowman so that he can have fun in the magical forest?

    Children:- We need to help him find friends.

    IN: That's right, children! Let's make the Snowman a lot of friends, and he will have more fun. What can we make snowmen out of? That's right, from the snow.

    Let's practice how we will sculpt a snowman.

    3.Finger gymnastics “Snowman”

    1, 2, 3, 4 (bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

    You and I made a snowball (“they make it” by changing the position of the palms)

    Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, press your palms together, stroke the other with one palm)

    And not at all sweet (they shake a finger)

    Once - let's throw it up, (look up, throw an imaginary snowball)

    Two - we'll catch it. (They squat and catch an imaginary snowball)

    Three - let's drop (stand up, drop an imaginary snowball)

    And... we'll break it (stomp).

    4. Sequence of making a Snowman (Presentation)

    IN:- Come sit on the chairs, I’ll show you how the snowman appeared

    Slide 1.The snowman appeared from the lumps of snow. What geometric shape do lumps of snow resemble? That's right, in a circle. To make a snowman, we need three lumps. Are they the same or different? That's right, different. One is big, the second is smaller, the third is the smallest.

    2.slide. In order for the snowman to stand firmly, we first place the largest lump. These are the legs. Like this.

    3 slide: Then we place a smaller lump on the large lump, this is the body. Like this.

    Slide 4: The snowman's head is the smallest lump. We put it on top. Like this.

    Slide 5: Let's put a bucket on the snowman's head. Like this.

    Slide 6: Let's draw eyes on him so he can keep order in the yard

    Slide 7: Great nose - carrot

    Slide 8: Let's draw a mouth like this

    Slide 9: We will attach twigs to the body - these are the hands of the Snowman.

    This is how the funny snowman turned out.

    IN: Where is our snow? Oh, he got scared by the heat and melted.

    2. Dynamic pause “Snowballs”

    IN: Don't be upset, this is a magical forest. Look, there is a basket with snowballs under the Christmas tree. Let's play! ( Children play snowballs, dynamic music sounds)

    5. Demonstration of step-by-step gluing using flannel or carpet.

    IN: What else can you make a snowman from? (children's options)

    IN. Now we will try to make Snowmen out of paper. Come to the table.

    IN: On the table, everyone has circles of different sizes, a piece of paper, glue, a glue brush, and a napkin to remove excess glue.

    Show me the largest circle, place it at the bottom of the sheet on the white fluffy snow - these are the Snowman’s feet.

    Take a smaller circle - this is the body, and the smallest one is the head on which we will put the bucket. We must glue all this carefully. We carefully put glue on the brush, we remove excess glue by pressing the brush to the edge of the rosette. First we spread a large circle and place it at the bottom of the sheet on the snow, pressing down lightly. Then we spread the rest of the lumps and the bucket and just as carefully glue them to a sheet of paper. So we have a Snowman. What else is missing from his head?

    Children: Eye, mouth, nose

    IN: Right. We can draw them with felt-tip pens. Eyes - black coals, pink cheeks, red mouth and nose like a carrot! Do you want to make such a Snowman?

    6. Children begin to complete the task.

    While working, the teacher monitors the correct placement of the circles and gluing them onto the sheet. After completing the work, he invites the children to show their Snowmen to the guest, so that he will have fun and will never be sad in the fairytale forest.

    Final part. Guys, what did you like about the lesson?

    (children's answers) What was difficult or difficult for you?

    Long-term planning in the educational field

    Artistic creativity applique second junior group

    LESSON No. 1 TOPIC: Puppy mat

    Target: Cultivate children's interest in applications; consolidate previously acquired knowledge about gluing rules; alternate colors (yellow and red) in the overlay paper strips on the base (mat).


    • One strip of paper (5*20cm) with edges cut on both sides in the form of a fringe for each child;
    • Stripes of yellow and red colors 1 cm wide.
    • Glue, glue brushes
    • Oilcloth, napkin

    Progress of the lesson: Children sit in a semicircle in front of an easel. The teacher shows two toys.

    Educator: We are already familiar with Musya and Vasya. Musya and Vasya are two cheerful kittens. One day Vasya and Musya went to visit a friend Puppy. The puppy walked proudly around the yard.

    • Look at my booth! The owner just built it for me yesterday! - said the Puppy.
    • What a pretty house! - Musya rejoiced.

    “This is not a house, but a booth,” the Puppy remarked importantly. - It’s just a little hard for me to sleep in it, because I’m used to sleeping at home on a soft bedding.

    We will give you a rug! - Vasya promised.

    And the kittens ran home.

    We have a rug! - Musya said. - It's new, but completely white.

    Let's decorate it with stripes! - Vasya suggested.

    Shall we draw them? - Musya asked.

    Let's not draw, but stick to it! - Vasya answered. - Let's stick red stripes...

    Why red? “Let’s have yellow ones,” Musya disagreed.

    No, they’re red,” said Vasya.

    In parallel with the story, act for the kittens: stick on the first two stripes - first red, then yellow. He took the red strip, turned it over, dipped the brush in glue, ran the brush over the strip, and placed the strip on the rug and smoothed it with a rag. - Like this. -No, yellow! - Musya shouted. She grabbed the yellow strip, turned it over, smeared it with glue, applied it to the rug and pressed it with a cloth.

    Okay,” Vasya agreed, “let’s glue one by one!” Take the red strip, turn it over, spread it with glue, glue it, press it with a cloth. Now we glue the yellow stripe in the same way. This way the entire mat is filled. It's good that you pasted strips of different colors. It turned out very beautiful! said the Puppy. Guys, help us decorate rugs for our puppy's friends. Children completing the task. The teacher repeats the sequence of completing the task, the children do the gluing. At the end of the work, Vasya and Musya thank the children for their help and praise their work.

    LESSON No. 2 Topic: A cat named Stripe

    Target: Develop the plot and game concept; cultivate kindness in children; develop the ability to glue ready-made forms


    • strips of colored paper 1-1.5 cm wide,
    • cut or torn, long - for the body,
    • short ones - for the tail and paws of the cat.
    • Before tearing off the strip, fold the sheet and draw a ruler firmly along the fold line.

    Progress of the lesson: Teacher: One day Vasya and Musya met a big fat cat. The cat cried bitterly.

    What is your name and why are you crying? - asked Musya.

    “My name is Striped,” the cat answered sadly.

    Stripe? Where are your stripes? - the kittens were surprised.

    That’s just the point,” the cat sighed. - I really like to sleep. And today I accidentally fell asleep in washing machine! The hostess did not notice me and washed me along with the laundry. And all my stripes disappeared! What kind of Stripe am I now? No one will recognize me without stripes. What should I do now? - The cat cried bitterly again.

    “I think I know how to help you,” said Vasya. - Now we will stick stripes on you, and you will become Stripes again. Musya! Glue, brush, strips! Let's get started!

    But I had a lot of stripes! - the cat said timidly.

    Yes, - Vasya thought. - Musya and I will need helpers.

    Let's help the kittens stick stripes on Stripe.

    Stick the prepared strips onto the cat’s body, paws and tail.

    Now I'm a real Stripe again! Thank you very much! - the cat shouted joyfully.

    Just don't fall asleep in the washing machine again! - Musya shouted goodbye.

    LESSON No. 3 Topic: Fly agarics

    Target: Cultivate a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale heroes, desire to help them; consolidate children’s skills and knowledge about the rules for carefully gluing finished parts onto a sheet of paper, and use a napkin.


    • a sheet of paper with drawn fly agaric mushrooms;
    • glue
    • tassels
    • napkins

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says:There is such a mushroom - fly agaric. The mushroom is beautiful, elegant: there are white polka dots on the red cap, and on the stem there is a delicate frilled skirt. The fly agaric is beautiful, but it is not useful for everyone. The squirrel will take the fly agaric, and the hedgehog will take it, and other forest dwellers will find it useful. But people (adults and children) cannot collect and eat fly agarics.

    Walking through the forest, you often encounter fly agarics. But don’t touch the fly agarics, don’t tear them, don’t knock them down with sticks, don’t trample them with your feet. Admire them and go on your way. Remember that for some animals fly agaric - best friend. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale about fly agarics. Once upon a time I was born underground big family fly agarics. They were so happy that they were born! They were in such a hurry to show themselves to everyone and see the world for themselves! And finally, the fly agarics appeared from under the ground. They look at each other and see: they have red hats and frills. Yes, they don’t have white pea spots on their hats. This is such grief! Yes, not just grief, but trouble! Children (people) will come to the forest, will not recognize the fly agarics, will confuse them with other mushrooms and will take them into their basket. The fly agarics will be upset and sad. The forest inhabitants gathered around them. They feel sorry for the fly agarics, but they can’t help them in any way. But you and I can help them! Let's decorate their hats with white dots.

    LESSON No. 4 Topic: The leaves are falling, falling(TEAMWORK)

    Target: Fix the rules for gluing (applying with a dot) small blanks; develop spatial orientation;


    Leaves of yellow, red, orange, green colors.

    Drawn tree trunk on a large sheet of paper.

    Progress of the lesson: Educator: What time of year is it now? (Autumn) Why do we love Autumn? (Trees of different colors, a lot of leaves on the ground, you can play with them, rustle them, etc.)

    Autumn holiday in the forest, bright and cheerful. These are the decorations that autumn has hung here.

    Every leaf is golden - little sun, I'll put it in a basket, I'll put it on the bottom.

    I have a whole basket of wonderful autumn leaves. Take the piece of paper that you like best. Look at it carefully and admire it. (You can insert a dance with leaves, familiar to children from music lessons). Next, the teacher asks each child what color the leaf is and suggests gluing it onto a piece of paper to make a whole carpet of leaves. The teacher reminds the children how to properly smear a leaf with glue and then attach it to the paper, pressing it with a napkin. This is what a beautiful carpet we got. We will hang it in the group and will admire it for a long time and remember the wonderful time of autumn.

    LESSON No. 5 Topic: Mushrooms and berries for hedgehogs

    Target: Develop the plot and game concept. Paste from ready-made forms images of mushrooms and berries.


    • Sheets of paper with the image of two hedgehogs
    • glue
    • tassel
    • napkin

    Ready-made forms of mushrooms and berries

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher tells: Closer to autumn, forest dwellers began to prepare for winter. Squirrels - collect nuts in hollows and dry mushrooms. Mice carry grains from the fields into their burrows. And the prickly hedgehogs began to eat wild berries and mushrooms. After all, they need to sleep all winter and save their strength.Little hedgehogs went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries: rowan and viburnum. Hedgehogs run along forest paths and rejoice. Soon they will taste delicious red berries. At the forest edge we saw rowan and viburnum. The trees stand tall and slender. There are visible and invisible berries on their branches. The hedgehogs look at the berries, but they can’t get them. Too high! The hedgehogs thought and thought about how to get the berries, but came up with nothing. Long road Tired the forest kids. They decided to rest. They curled up into prickly balls and fell asleep. How to be? How can hedgehogs get berries? Guys, let's not leave the forest kids without berries! While they are sleeping, we will stick red rowan and viburnum berries on their prickly backs. And to make the hedgehogs even more happy, we’ll also glue mushrooms on them. Yes, more! The teacher reminds. How to properly stick ready-made forms, and where to place them on the spines of hedgehogs.

    LESSON No. 6 Topic: Truck

    Target: continue to instill in children responsiveness, empathy for game characters, create a desire to help them; consolidate the idea of ​​a circle; strengthen the ability to take glue with a brush and apply it to parts.


    • rectangle (for the body),
    • 2 mugs (for wheels),
    • 2-3 smaller mugs (for headlights),
    • 4-5 circles irregular shape(for apples)
    • on which you can draw a recess and a branch.

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says:

    My old truck completely fell apart,” Vasya sighed. “I need it so much now, I need to export a large harvest of apples, but all that’s left of it is the cabin!”

    Don't worry, Vasya, we will fix it! - Musya said.

    This is not an easy matter! - Vasya answered. “We can’t do without helpers.” Let's help the kittens fix the truck.

    Where do we start? - asked Musya. - What parts are needed for your truck? Vasya thought about it. Ask the children what parts are needed for Vasya’s truck. What is missing?

    First, let’s install wheels so that the truck can move,” Vasya suggested. Ask the children to show where the wheels should be located and show him how to apply glue along the outline of the wheel.

    Now we will make the body for the truck. Heavy loads are transported in the back, so we must secure the body well. Invite the children to smear the part with glue along the contour.

    Now can we take a ride in your truck? - asked Musya.

    No, no, what are you talking about! - said Vasya. - We definitely need to install new headlights: in front to illuminate the road, and in the back so that another car doesn’t run into us.

    The headlights can be glued one above the other.

    Well, the truck is ready! - Vasya said contentedly. - Sit down, Musya, I’ll give you a ride!

    Where will we go? - asked Musya.

    “We’ll go to Hedgehog and bring him apples,” answered Vasya.

    Let's help Vasya load the apples into the back of the truck. I couldn't have done it without my helpers! - said Vasya. - Now let's go!

    LESSON No. 7 Topic: lighting the lights

    Target: develop creative thinking, strengthen skills in working with paper and glue.


    • Tinted sheets of paper with the image of a firefly
    • Glue, brushes, napkin
    • Ready-made forms of lights - stars.

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says: In one fairy-tale forest there lived a little worm, Firefly. All day long, baby Firefly rested in his house under a bluebell leaf. And at night, work awaited him - the Firefly lit bright golden stars in the sky. And the more stars the little Firefly lit, the brighter it became in the fairy-tale forest. All animals, birds, insects loved the kind little Firefly. They often visited him and brought him various sweets.

    But one day little Firefly got sick and couldn’t go out at night to light up the stars. Without cheerful bright stars it became boring in the fairy-tale night forest. It's boring and even scary. Little Firefly looked sadly at the dark sky. He sighed and thought: “Oh, if only I had helpers! They would now light up bright yellow stars in the night sky of the fairytale forest.”

    Let's help little Firefly and light up the stars in the fairytale forest! Children, together with their teachers, glue the finished stars to the sky.

    The teacher continues the story: The inhabitants of the fairytale forest decided not to leave their houses at night. They knew that because of Firefly's illness, the forest would be dark. And how they all wanted to walk through the forest, illuminated by the stars! But what is it? Where does such a bright light come from in the forest at night? The animals ran out of their houses, looked and couldn’t believe their eyes: the whole sky was strewn with bright stars. In the fairy-tale night forest it is light again and not scary. Thank you, little helpers!

    LESSON No. 8 Topic: Christmas trees for bunnies

    Target: to cultivate responsiveness and kindness in children; cause pleasant troubles for the upcoming New Year's holiday; rhythmically place figures (toys) on the Christmas tree; establish rules for working with paper and glue.


    • Tinted sheets of paper with images of hares
    • Ready-made figures of Christmas trees and toys
    • Glue, brushes, napkin

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says: It will come soon New Year. In one house people were preparing to meet him. They decorated the green Christmas tree with colorful balls and lights.

    In the evening, when everyone in the house went to bed, curious bunnies ran up to the house. They looked out the window and gasped - what a beautiful, unusual Christmas tree stood in the room. The bunnies had never seen such beauties in the forest. They admired the decorated Christmas tree for a long time, and at dawn they returned to their forest. The little bunnies gathered in a clearing and decided: there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest; surely among them there is one just as beautiful, decorated with bright balls and lights. You just need to look for it well. And the bunnies ran through the forest in search of a decorated Christmas tree. The bunnies ran through the forest for a long time, they were tired, but they did not find the decorated Christmas tree. There are many green beauties in the forest, but all of them are without bright toys and lights. The bunnies were sad. Who will decorate their Christmas tree for the New Year? Who will help?

    But we can help the bunnies! Shall we decorate their Christmas tree? First, let's choose a beautiful Christmas tree for the bunnies. The teacher asks the children what shape and color is the Christmas tree? Then, together with the children, he decorates it with toys (can be cut out from postcards). Look, bunnies, what a beautiful Christmas tree! Our children did their best for you. Now you, bunnies, will have a merry New Year under the decorated Christmas tree!

    LESSON No. 9 Topic: Decorate a mitten for Musi

    Target: continue to cultivate responsiveness in children, evoke a desire to help fairy-tale characters; develop creative activity, the ability to arrange figures on paper.


    • stencil mittens
    • bows, snowflakes
    • glue, brushes, napkin

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says:

    “Today we are going to visit Little Mouse,” said Vasya. - It is very cold outside. Dress warmly.

    Musya was very happy and began to get ready. She put on her best best dress, and over it she put on a warm fur coat and warm boots. Musya put a beautiful hat on her head and tied a scarf.

    “I’m ready,” Musya said, pleased with herself.

    What about the mittens? - Vasya was surprised. - You forgot your gloves, and it’s frosty outside.

    • “But I don’t have mittens, I lost them,” Musya burst into tears.
    • Don't cry, we'll figure something out now. - Vasya said confidently.

    And I know how to help Musa. I have many different mittens, I just need to decorate them beautifully so that Musa likes them. And since it’s winter here, guess what we’ll decorate our mittens with.

    They fall from the sky in winter and circle above the earth.

    Light fluff, white...Snowflakes.

    That's right, snowflakes and bows. And whoever wants can decorate it in their own way, with any pattern. The children do the work. The teacher, on behalf of the kittens, thanks the children and says that they made wonderful mittens.

    LESSON No. 10 Topic: Building a tower

    Target: Create a joyful mood to make children want to build a tower themselves (composed of various parts); develop children's imagination and creativity; strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue.


    • multi-colored rectangles or squares: large, medium, small;
    • triangular roofs.
    • Large rectangles can be folded in half and a semicircular or rectangular arch can be cut into them.

    Progress of the lesson: Educator: One day Vasya brought a lot of cubes on his truck.

    “Now I will build a tower,” he said.

    I “too,” said Musya. h

    And they got down to business.

    Look, Musya, what a beautiful tower I have turned out to be! - Vasya said proudly.

    “But I can’t do anything,” Musya was upset. - For some reason everything is falling apart.

    “Let’s build together,” Vasya suggested.

    Build a tower without gluing the parts.

    To prevent the tower from falling, I will place the largest cube at the bottom. Place a smaller cube on it, then an even smaller cube. And on top there is a triangular roof. Now the tower is ready! And now you, Musya, build your tower next to mine.

    Children lay out the details of the tower themselves. The teacher helps children as needed. You can invite children to assemble a tower from other parts next to yours. Repeat the sequence of actions again.

    I managed! - Musya was happy.

    Such a beautiful tower can be glued. Do you agree?

    “Let’s glue the tower, starting from the bottom part,” said Vasya.The teacher, together with the children, remembers how to properly apply glue to paper.

    Then the Mouse came running and exclaimed: “What beautiful towers!” I also want to build one just as beautiful! Let's teach the Mouse how to build a tower from cubes and help him glue it.

    LESSON No. 11 Topic: Sunflower

    Target: To instill in children love and respect for their grandmother, mother, and the desire to please them; strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue; develop orientation on the sheet


    • 7-9 yellow (orange) petals
    • 2-3 green leaves for a sunflower.

    Progress of the lesson: Teacher: Vasya and Musya looked at a picture book. -Look, Vasya, what kind of flower is this? - Musya was surprised. “Now we’ll find out,” said Vasya and read:

    In the garden, by the path

    The sun is standing on its leg.

    Only yellow rays

    He's not hot.

    The kittens thought. Do you know what kind of flower this is?

    It's a sunflower! - Vasya guessed. - Only it should have yellow petals.

    But there are no petals here! There aren’t even leaves,” Musya was upset.

    “Yes, apparently the artist forgot to draw them,” said Vasya.

    What does a real sunflower look like? - asked Musya.

    And then Vasya decided to make a surprise for Musya. In the evening, when Musya fell asleep, Vasya began to arrange petals around the center of the sunflower.

    Show the children how to arrange the petals around the core, and invite them to do it themselves. Let's help Vasya stick on the petals and leaves, because there are so many of them! This is how Vasya does it. “To make the flower look like a real one, I will glue only one edge of the petal,” Vasya decided. - Like this". Show the children how to apply glue to the edge of the petal adjacent to the middle of the flower. Now let's glue the leaves to our sunflower. In the morning Vasya showed his flower to Musa. - What a beautiful sunflower! - Musya exclaimed.

    • And just like the real thing,” Vasya added.
    • Let's give it to mom and grandma for the holiday? - Musya suggested.
    • But the sunflower summer flower, and my mother’s holiday is in the spring. Maybe we can give mom some spring flower?
    • No. A sunflower is like the sun. And the sun is as kind and affectionate as mom. - Musya objected.
    • “Have it your way,” Vasya agreed. And the kittens gave their mother and grandmother wonderful sunflowers.

    LESSON No. 12 Topic: Magic tree (Teamwork)

    Target: Arouse children's interest in a natural phenomenon (the appearance of young leaves on a tree); evoke a feeling of cooperation with each other; Apply glue in a dot to the middle of the leaf


    • strips of colored paper 1-1.5 cm wide, cut or torn.
    • tinted sheet of paper with a picture of a tree without leaves

    Progress of the lesson: Educator: One day in the spring Vasya and Musya were walking along spring forest. They went out into the clearing and saw a lonely tree. “Look, what a sad tree,” said Musya.

    This is probably because there are no leaves on it at all, even though it has stepped on, there are no leaves on it! - Vasya realized.

    Vasenka, let's help the tree! Let's come up with something! - Musya asked. The kittens thought.

    I figured it out! - Vasya shouted. - We will stick paper leaves on the branches!

    Yes, but there must be a lot of leaves. It takes a long time to cut them out, but the tree gets sadder and sadder,” Musya was upset.

    And we won’t cut them out, because you can simply tear the paper! - said Vasya.

    Right! - Musya was happy. - And to make the tree cheerful and beautiful, we will make it different leaves, dark and light green. - Exactly! - Vasya exclaimed. - Then our tree will become truly spring-like! The kittens got to work.

    Vasya and Musya have a lot of work, let's help them. First, let's prepare the leaves. Children tear off small pieces of paper from prepared torn strips of different colors. Now let's stick them on the tree branches. To do this, you need to apply glue (dot) to the middle of the leaf. There is no need to glue the edges. How more leaves We stick it on, the more beautiful the tree will turn out. The tree rustled with its new colorful leaves. The tree thanks us! - Musya guessed.

    LESSON No. 13 Theme: Fun Circus

    Target: Create a joyful mood in children, develop an idea, stick colorful circles, ovals in different parts leaf; strengthen the ability to work with glue and paper.


    • Tinted sheets of paper with images of clowns, circus
    • Finished parts of balls, clubs
    • Picture "Circus"
    • Fun music at the discretion of the teacher
    • Balls, balls (according to the number of children)

    Progress of the lesson: Educator: Asks the children which of them performed at the circus? Examines the painting “Circus”. Discusses with children which of the circus performers is the funniest. “Funny clowns perform at the circus; they deftly throw colorful balls, balls, and clubs. They make everyone happy and entertained. And today clowns came to visit us. Our clowns are very funny, but they forgot their balls and balls, and now they have nothing to throw up. Let's help them and glue a lot of balloons, balls, clubs. And then we will have as much fun as in a real circus.

    Children complete the task together with the teacher. At the end, children are given balls and balloons and are invited to become the cheerful clowns themselves. Cheerful music plays, children play freely with balls and balls.

    LESSON No. 14 Topic: Little engine from Romashkov(teamwork)

    Target: Create a joyful mood in children; desire will label the train, the carriages, the passengers; consolidate children's ability to correctly place squares on a strip (rails) alternating them by color.


    • Sheet of paper with drawn rails and locomotive, nature
    • Blanks for carriages, wheels, windows

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher says: Today I will tell you a story about one amazing little train. This was no ordinary train. He traveled from the city to Romashkova station. His name was the Little Engine from Romashkov. But he was amazing not because of his name, but because he was very curious and inquisitive. Either he will meet a bull, then he will stop to look. As a flower blooms, he will stop to listen to the nightingale singing or watch the sunrise. Because of this, he was often late to his destination. The station master was angry and scolded him, and the passengers loved the train very much. But today something bad happened to him. While he stood and watched the ant drag the straw across the rails, his carriages disappeared. We need to help out the inquisitive little engine and stick new trailers on it. Shall we help you guys?

    The teacher shows. How to glue a trailer with wheels and windows. When the carriages are ready, you can invite the children to glue the faces of the people - the passengers. These are the beautiful trailers that turned out. Now our little train can safely travel to Romashkovo. After the lesson, you can stage the song “Train”.

    LESSON No. 15 Topic: Treat for Carlson

    Target: Create a joyful mood in children; bring up

    responsiveness; ability to work with scissors, paper and glue; develop children's creative imagination.


    • Cake stencils
    • Scissors, glue, brush, napkins
    • Strips of colored paper

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator: Do you know the fairy tale about Carlson who lives on the roof? Then you probably know what a big sweet tooth he is.

    The teacher asks the children what Carlson likes. I found out that Carlson will soon appear with his friend, Malysh. It's his birthday soon. The kid warned his parents that his very own would fly to him for the holiday. close friend- Carlson. On the eve of his birthday, Baby's parents were preparing to meet their son's new friend. They cleaned the house, dressed up and baked delicious cakes. And then the morning came holiday. Everything was ready to celebrate Baby's birthday and meet a new friend. There was only one thing mom and dad didn’t have time to do - decorate the cakes with multi-colored round sweets and candied fruits. They knew that Carlson was very fond of sweet and beautiful cakes. But I think they shouldn't be so upset. After all, we can help them decorate the cakes. Ready? Then let's get to work.

    Upon completion of work. The teacher praises the children on behalf of the Baby's parents, and says that both the Baby and Carlson will be happy.

    LESSON No. 16 Topic: We are funny nesting dolls

    Target: Create a joyful mood for children; learn to arrange the figures in a circle, arranging the nesting dolls from large to small; work with scissors cutting out circles and squares for the nesting doll sundress.


    • Matryoshka stencils
    • Tinted sheets of paper
    • Blanks for decoration
    • Scissors, glue, brush, napkin
    • Handkerchiefs for dancing
    • Cassette with a recording of a folk melody

    Progress of the lesson: The teacher asks a riddle:

    The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike.

    Everyone is close to each other, but there is only one toy.

    If the children find it difficult to answer, he shows them a toy - a matryoshka doll. Look who came to visit us! That's right, these are Matryoshka dolls. Next, the teacher lays out all the nesting dolls, placing them in a circle by height. Educator: Look, here are some more nesting dolls, only their sundresses are not elegant. Let's put the nesting dolls in a round dance and decorate their sundresses with different patterns.

    First, children place the nesting dolls on a sheet of paper, and only then glue them. The teacher explains with the children what and how they can decorate the matryoshka sundress. After completing the work, the teacher invites the children to dance with the nesting dolls. "Dance of Matryoshkas"

    Svetlana Aleksandrovna Zinatullina – teacher
    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 293 combined type"
    Lesson on cutting appliqué in the second junior group.
    Topic: “Friends for a sparrow”
    Program content:
    1. Introduce children to cut-out appliqué.
    2. Learn to tear colored paper into small pieces and stick them without going beyond the edges of the outline.
    3. Consolidate knowledge about the parts of a bird’s body, flowers, and the ability to carefully use a brush, glue and napkin.
    4. Develop children's horizons and fine motor skills.
    5. Foster a love of nature and birds. Evoke an emotional response in children to the problem of birds.
    Materials: toy sparrow, tape recorder, phonogram “Birds singing in the forest”, easel, sheets of A5 paper with a drawn outline of a sparrow according to the number of children, rectangles of colored paper Brown, beaks and eyes made of black colored paper, brushes, paste, rag napkins, oilcloths and glue jars.
    Progress of the lesson.
    Children sit at double tables covered with oilcloths and blanks, brushes and jars of paste laid out on small plates.
    Guys, look who came to our lesson (shows a toy sparrow). That's right, well done, it's a sparrow. And who is the sparrow? Well done! This is a bird.
    Oh, something must have happened to the sparrow, listen to how he chirps... (the soundtrack with the plaintive chirping of the sparrow starts) “Sparrow, what happened to you? "(The teacher listens) Guys, the sparrow told me that he has no friends and family: no dad, no mom, no sister, no brother. Let's help our sparrow find a family and friends?
    Children: “Yes!”
    Guys, let's stick some friends for the sparrow!
    Look closely, what does he have?
    Children's answers...
    That's right, it has a head, a body, legs, a beak and eyes. What is the sparrow covered with? Well done boys! It is covered with feathers. What color are the feathers? Well done guys! They are brown.
    How can we depict feathers on our sparrows? Children's answers... If the children find it difficult to answer, explain to them that you can tear a sheet of paper into several pieces and we will get a very fluffy sparrow.
    Give the children sheets of paper with a drawn outline of a sparrow.
    Guys, let's take a brown piece of paper and tear it into many small pieces, the smaller the better, the fluffier our sparrows will be. Now we will take one piece at a time, turn it over with the white side up, spread them with glue and glue them onto the body of the sparrow, without going beyond the outline.
    And now we will take the brushes near the piece of iron with two fingers, and the finger on top should play like this (to help children who did not take the brushes correctly).
    Let's take required amount glue, wipe the excess on the edges of the jar and spread the first brown piece, glue it with a sparrow, without going beyond the contour, etc. Glue all the brown pieces. Look, little sparrow, how well done our guys are, what beautiful and fluffy sparrows they make (to help children experiencing difficulties).
    What are you telling me, little sparrow? Do you want to play with the guys? Guys, leave the tables, let's go play with the little sparrow.
    Physical exercise "Sparrows and the car."
    The little birds flew away, little birds.
    Everyone was flying, everyone was flying, flapping their wings!
    (children run, flapping their arms)
    So they flew, flapping their wings,
    They flew onto the path and pecked the grains
    (children sit down and “peck” the grains)
    A car is running down the street
    He puffs, hurries, blows the horn:
    “Tra-ta-ta, watch out, watch out!
    Tra-ta-ta, watch out, move aside!”
    (children run away from the car).
    Well done! All the sparrows ran away from the car, it didn’t run over anyone!
    Let's now look at our works, what is missing in them?
    That's right guys, well done! All that remains for our sparrows is to glue on their eyes and beaks. Take the brushes in your hands (check if they are correct). And first glue the eye, and then the beak (to help the children do this correctly).
    Sparrow, look what a big family we’ve created for you and the boys.
    Anyuta, who did you stick for the sparrow? And you Pavlusha? (ask all the children who they labeled). How fluffy your sparrows turned out. The sparrow says thank you to the children and gives a gift for their efforts, then flies away.
    Guys, what did we do in class today? What kind guys you are, you helped the sparrow find a family. Did you like the lesson?

    Northern Teachers College

    Home test

    Methodology for the development of children's visual creativity___

    (Name of the discipline)

    Subject: ___ Application in the second junior group_____

    Student : Ulyanova__________


    Maria Pavlovna___________________________

    (Name Patronymic name)

    Speciality: 0313 Preschool education____________

    Study group: 56___

    Mesnyakova Marina Ivanovna________

    (last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher)

    Test results____________________

    Date of_______________________

    Teacher's signature____________________


    Application- cutting and gluing (sewing) figures, patterns or entire paintings from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, plant and other materials onto the base material (background).

    As a rule, the base material is: cardboard, thick paper, wood. The application is associated with cognitive activity and is of great importance for mental education children.

    Various types of paper applique can be represented as follows:

    • by content: subject, decorative, plot-thematic;
    • by the number of colors used: silhouette, color;
    • by the presence of symmetry: symmetrical, asymmetrical;
    • in shape: geometric, non-geometric;
    • according to the shape of contact with the surface: flat, three-dimensional;
    • by the number of details: whole silhouettes, fragmented into parts, mosaic;
    • by method of attaching parts: single-layer, multi-layer
    • In addition, appliqués made from fabric and natural materials are a separate type of work.

    Application was born a long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, and the interior of your home.

    Perhaps the first impetus for the emergence appliqués the need arose to sew skins for clothing, and the first stitch told the man that they could not only connect the details of clothing, but also decorate it. Parts cut from these materials began to be attached to clothing. This is how it appeared applique.

    The subject matter was animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, scenes of hunting and everyday life.

    Applications accessible even to children early age: creating a whole from existing parts is much easier than creating the same drawing from a mosaic. Parts appliqués You can prepare them in advance and give them to your child to create an image, but not a mosaic.

    Materials, tools

    In the works appliqué use glue, scissors, colored paper (which you can make yourself using paints or felt-tip pens), wrapping paper, magazines, foil, candy wrappers, foam rubber and simply unexpected materials


    This is the main material for making applications. Sets of colored paper often contain red, blue, green, yellow, and black colors. Pink, burgundy, blue, orange, etc. are less common. It must be taken into account that in some sets the colors are bright, rich, saturated, in others they are dull, gloomy, and there are many “dirty” shades. Applications made from velvet paper work well, but when working with it, you must remember that it must be glued in several layers.


    Thin, glossy cardboard has excellent qualities, which can be easily bent, cut, and glued.


    When making sketches, use a medium-hard pencil. Work only with a properly sharpened pencil.


    For work, choose a soft rubber band.


    When cutting paper, it is important to choose good, sharp scissors. Conveniently and accurately, you can cut with scissors measuring from the axis to the rounding of 60-80 mm. The blades of the scissors should move freely, but not hang on the fastening screw.


    The quality of the glue is of great importance when performing appliqué. The best and most convenient for work is synthetic PVA glue.


    To make it, the outline of the required part is drawn on thin cardboard and cut exactly along the pencil line. When tracing the template, the pencil lead is pressed tightly against the edge of the template, remembering that when tracing, an error can reach 2-3 mm and greatly change the silhouette.

    Age characteristics of children of the second younger group

    Applique classes begin with the second junior group. Taking into account the characteristics of children of this age (insufficient development of small arm muscles, poor coordination of movements, poor visual control of their actions), the specifics of performing appliqué work, they are not given scissors: they receive all shapes and silhouettes ready-made.

    Program tasks

    "The education program in kindergarten“provision is made for a gradual complication of image methods and techniques that children must master over the course of a year.

    During appliqué classes, the teacher teaches children to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, and triangle. This should be preceded by familiarity with the data. geometric shapes V didactic games ah, during modeling classes. Children learn that a ball is round, a snowman is made up of round shapes, and the wheels of a cart are also round. In addition to these figures, you can also use an oval, a trapezoid, but their names are not given; they are determined on the basis of subject-shaped associations (egg, roof, boat).

    By working with figures of different sizes, children learn to find large and small parts that are the same. For example, a tumbler has a round, large body, a round head, but smaller, and small, round, identical arms.

    In the process of practicing appliqué, children learn to correctly name, distinguish and relate colors to objects (green Christmas tree, red flag, yellow chicken). The task of familiarizing children with primary colors is solved in drawing and appliqué in parallel.
    By performing a variety of tasks, children learn the simplest orientations on the plane of a sheet of paper. They must learn spatial concepts: above, below, in the corner, in the middle, straight, next to each other, on the side, behind each other. For example, handkerchiefs hang on a string nearby, a round plate is decorated with a flower in the middle.
    Decorative applique classes develop children's sense of rhythm and symmetry. For example, by placing a pattern of flowers and leaves—a “wreath”—on a strip, children learn a certain rhythm (flower, leaf, flower, leaf). By decorating a doll's rug with squares and triangles, they begin to feel the principle of symmetry (both in one corner and in the other). This is important for preparing children for decorative drawing, which begins in the middle group.

    Key program objectives include learning how to lay out and paste forms onto paper. The most difficult thing for children is mastering gluing techniques.

    Completion of the program

    Application classes in the second junior group are held once every two weeks. Total within school year there should be about 19 classes. The first lessons can be brought closer in time so that children do not forget the knowledge, skills and abilities that they acquired in previous lessons.

    The topics of the lessons can be very different, but they should all contribute to the implementation of program objectives. It is recommended to start getting acquainted with shapes with a circle and a square, since they, especially the circle, do not require children to have complex spatial orientation on a sheet of paper: no matter how you place the circle, it will still lie correctly.

    To master paper colors, you need to give them more contrasting colors: red - green, yellow - blue. When asking children to make elementary patterns on a strip, square, circle, they must first use the same, and then different in color, shape and size figures.
    Teaching children how to compose object images should begin with simple ones, consisting of 2-3 parts, gradually leading to more complex ones. While performing ornamental and subject applications, children must gradually learn words denoting certain spatial positions of figures, and use this knowledge in their work.
    All classes in this group should be figurative in nature, the topics are understandable, accessible and interesting to children. In choosing the topic of classes, the teacher can show independence, creativity and individuality, but it is necessary to clearly distinguish between substantive and decorative appliqué.
    The subject application should be simple at first. Children learn to stick object images based on the use of circles, squares: balls rolling along a path, an album of pictures, beads, Balloons, multi-colored flags, handkerchiefs on a string. Then the topics become more complex: fungus, ball (of two halves), rattle, flower, snowman, traffic light, tumbler, turret, house, chicken, flag, kennel, cart, boat with a sail.

    Simple decorative appliques are carried out with children based on the use of stripes, quadrangles and circles. They should be presented to children as objects that need to be decorated: a stripe can be a doll’s scarf, a bookmark, a carpet runner, a wreath, a belt; a quadrangle is a rug for a doll, an elegant scarf, a tablecloth; circle - a beautiful plate, a napkin, a flower bed. In addition, sometimes you can give children simple silhouette images to decorate them with patterns: a cup, a butterfly, a bucket, etc.

    To secure program material We can recommend simple plots from ready-made shapes and silhouettes (large shapes that organize space on a sheet of paper are glued in advance by the teacher himself). Simple plot applications can sometimes be given during the school year and especially in the summer. The themes of such activities should be understandable to children: for example, a house for an animal (a silhouette of the children’s choice), a cat playing with a ball, an elephant juggler, a chicken (the teacher sticks its image on) with chickens.

    By performing such applications, children better grasp spatial concepts and begin to feel the expressiveness of their work. For example, by sticking silhouettes of cats that follow each other along the path, children call them “good, friendly.” And if someone sticks cats looking at different sides, then the children say that the cats “quarreled.” Some lesson topics are good for creating applications with a practical purpose, for example, you can decorate a veranda or a bookmark with colorful elegant butterflies.

    Sometimes it is possible to carry out collective work, especially in summer. Children create collective applications from ready-made shapes and silhouettes, for example, “Toy Store” (kids stick on different silhouettes of toys, and some toys are made up of separate parts), “Summer Meadow” (on a large green rectangle, stick on silhouettes of butterflies of different colors, shapes and sizes , beetles, flowers).

    It is advisable to use collective works to decorate a group room or doll corner. They delight children, develop aesthetic senses, and stimulate their desire to engage in appliqué.

    Types of children's visual arts

    Individual and collective forms applications can have different contents. Depending on this, it is customary to divide classes into types. This includes subject, plot-thematic and decorative applique.

    In object appliqué, children master the ability to cut out images from paper and paste individual objects onto the background, which, due to the specific nature of the activity, convey a somewhat generalized, even conventional image of surrounding objects or their representations in toys, pictures, and examples of folk art.

    At the initial stage, children lay out and glue an object from parts prepared by the teacher: a ball - two halves of different colors; a fungus - a cap and a leg; trolley - rectangular body and round wheels; garland - rectangular flags, etc.

    As they master the techniques of cutting out in middle, senior and preparatory school groups, children can depict objects that are distinguished by a variety of shapes, structures, color combinations, ratios (at home various types, transport, plants, birds, animals, people in real and fairy tale interpretation).

    Plot-thematic applique requires the ability to cut and paste various items in interaction in accordance with the theme or plot (“Chicken pecks grains”, “Kolobok is resting on a stump”, “Fish are swimming in an aquarium”, “Rooks are making nests in a tree”). In this case, the child faces the following tasks:

    Cut out objects, show their differences in size when compared with each other (tall tree and small rooks, large and small fish);

    Highlight the main subjects characters, connect them with the scene of action, the situation (fish swim in an aquarium, flowers grow in a meadow). The main thing stands out in size, color, compositional placement among other objects;

    Convey the characteristic features of the characters and their actions through gestures, posture, clothing, coloring (the bun met the bear - the figures are glued in the position of turning towards each other);

    Arrange objects on the plane of the bases: on one line in a row horizontally and vertically, indicating the height of the objects (a street in our city, a cheerful round dance); create two-plane compositions - lower, higher, weakening the color, reducing the size of objects taking into account their distance (boats at sea, a flowering meadow with a strip of forest in the distance);

    Select and appropriately use color and its combinations to convey the time of year, weather conditions, attitude to the depicted object and phenomena (golden autumn, winter in the forest, harvesting).

    In each age group these tasks are implemented in different ways. Their complexity is associated with the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, on which the creative variability of the content of plot-thematic applications depends.

    Teaching methods and techniques

    When determining teaching methods, two main areas of the teacher’s work should be highlighted: preparation for the upcoming lesson and training in the lesson.

    In the preparation process, it is necessary to use the information-receptive (familiarization with the objects to be depicted) and reproductive method, when children practice distinguishing the shapes and colors of objects.

    When preparing for a lesson, it is important to develop children’s perception, teach them the ability to see an object, and perform tactile and visual analysis. Therefore, a special role is given to the process of examining an object, when children become familiar with those of its qualities that are important for an applique image. For example, children learn that the ball is round, smooth, and painted in two colors: one half is red, the other is yellow. Performing the application “Big beautiful ball", children easily make up his image from two different-colored halves.

    Before class, you can also look at illustrations and pictures with your children. Particularly good are those images where the form is extremely generalized, close to the silhouette. When looking at illustrations, children's attention must be directed to what is required in the process of work. For example, when looking at a mushroom in a picture, you need to clarify that it has a stem and a cap, the stem is at the bottom and the cap is at the top. Special attention attention should be paid to conducting didactic games to get acquainted with the shape, size, and color of objects.

    During the lesson, the teacher must organize the direct perception of a toy or object. Children examine the object, determine the shape of its parts, size, color, and clarify the structure. The teacher asks the children questions, directing their attention to certain qualities of the object, uses a figurative word, an outlining gesture.

    In the second younger group, samples are sometimes used. Most often in decorative appliqué. For example, children are shown a bookmark for a book. Samples can also be used when it is not possible to show children the object itself (provided that it is familiar to the children). Sometimes variant samples may be used for demonstration purposes various options images, for example, how to obtain different object images from the same forms. But using a model is not always mandatory and does not mean that children should copy it.
    An important point in teaching children in class is to show them how to lay out and paste. The laying out process must be demonstrated so that it is clearly visible to all children. To do this, you can use a flannelgraph, easel or board. Lightly coated with glue reverse side in the middle, the mold can be laid out on a vertical surface without resorting to the use of buttons or plasticine.

    In addition, they can be moved if necessary.
    The gluing process consists of several successive steps that children must learn: hold the brush correctly right hand and take a sufficient amount of glue, place the form on the oilcloth with the non-colored side up, grease the entire surface of the form well with glue and, placing the brush on the stand, carefully turn the greased form over, place it in a certain place on a sheet of paper with the glue down, cover the top with a napkin and press the form with your palm, blot off excess glue. In the first lessons, when children master the successive stages of gluing, work techniques should be demonstrated on a vertical surface so that all the actions of the teacher are visible to the children. It is best to attach an oilcloth for spreading forms to the right of a sheet of paper and show all the actions in order, accompanied by clear verbal explanations.

    In subsequent classes, instead of the teacher, a child called to the easel can demonstrate gluing techniques. This increases children’s interest in the stages of work and the quality of its implementation, and promotes active learning of techniques. In cases where most children have mastered sticking techniques, it is advisable to omit the visual display, replacing it with a verbal reminder or, even better, a question to the children.

    When working with children of this age, we must not forget about play techniques. Children react emotionally to the appearance of new toys and willingly participate in the proposed game situation. This increases children’s interest in the activity and stimulates their activity.

    In the process of making appliqués by children, it is necessary to use the most various shapes individual training: show one child how to make an image, remind another, ask a third about the order of gluing. When working with an individual child, the teacher must see the entire group, know how and at what pace the children are working, and who needs help. To view children's works, they must be put on display. During the analysis, you need to evoke positive emotions in children: praise everyone, invite them to admire the applications. This is especially important in the first lessons, when interest in a new type of visual activity is created. Gradually, children’s attention should be directed to the visual aspects of the work, to the beautiful color scheme, to the expressiveness of the applications. For example, children look at the applique tumblers and note that among them there are funny, beautiful, angry toys, and broken ones.

    In the second half of the year, you need to draw children’s attention to mistakes and teach them to see them. For example, pay attention to the incorrect alternation of elements in size or color. It is also necessary to teach children to characterize the quality of sticking: “clean work”, “neat”. Gradually, it is necessary to involve the children themselves in the analysis of the work, posing questions so that, by answering them, they learn to understand what they have learned today, what new things they have learned, what they have learned, and how mistakes can be avoided.

    Development of creativity and imagination in appliqué classes in the second junior group

    Appliqué classes begin with the second junior group; in the first junior group, children prepare for these activities by playing games with colored mosaics; at their own request or as shown by the teacher, they lay out the shapes in a row, alternating by color, making simple objects from them - a house, a flower, etc.

    In the fourth year of life, a child is able to translate his simple idea into an image and can master some technical skills. In this regard, applique is a more difficult type of activity in terms of technique than drawing or modeling, since the methods of its implementation are more complex and the result obtained is more conditional.
    The objectives of teaching applique in this age group are the following:

    familiarity with the geometric shapes that make up many objects - circle, square, triangle;
    knowledge of colors - red, yellow, blue, green, white, black;
    knowledge of the concepts of “quantity” (one, two, three, many), “size” (large, small, more, less);

    development of compositional skills in arranging shapes in a pattern (in a row, along the edge, in the corners) and parts of objects;
    mastering the skill of gluing forms.

    The development of motor functions of the hand in children of the fourth year of life is still imperfect, so they are not able to use scissors. True, a child can be taught this skill in a family setting. In this regard, the solution of the tasks set by the program takes place in classes with ready-made forms.

    Mastering the skill of making appliqué begins with gluing several shapes in one row on a strip of paper. Even this simple task requires knowledge of the features of the new pictorial form, its name and color, the ability to arrange the forms in a horizontal row, the skill of correctly applying glue and gluing the forms in the right place. So that the child can cope with this task, a circle shape is given for gluing, which is equally symmetrical along the entire contour, has no top and bottom and does not change depending on the location; to place the elements, they offer a narrow strip of paper, on which it is impossible to arrange the circles in any other way than in a row; all shapes have the same color. This makes completing the task easier: children must remember the name of the shape, its color and master the gluing technique.

    In the first lessons, sometimes the main difficulty for kids is the gluing process: they need to learn how to hold the brush correctly, pick up a little glue, carefully spread the form on the back side, using a special oilcloth, lay the forms in place with the smeared side, press them with a cloth, do not move them, put them down brush only on the stand. At first, the gluing technique completely absorbs the children's attention.

    Further complication of the program material occurs due to the introduction of circles of a different color and their arrangement in alternating colors.

    Then enter new form- square.
    When making a composition of squares, you must ensure that they all fit exactly on one side. The composition of the appliques gradually becomes more complicated - children place and stick the shapes at the corners of the square and along the edge of the circle. These elements of the form are clearly highlighted by the form itself and are easily recognized by the child. Labeling in the center is still difficult for children in the younger group.

    Along with mastering the principles of the rhythmic arrangement of one or two elements, the program provides for gluing object images, first consisting of one, then of 2-3 parts (for example, a mushroom, a flag, a snowman, a house, etc.). The difficulty of these tasks is that the object and its parts must be located depending on its design: the stem of the mushroom goes down from the middle of the cap, the roof is located above the walls of the house, etc.

    However, kids will successfully cope with such work, since the subject tasks are clear to them in content. In addition, for the image they select objects with a symmetrical arrangement of parts, with shapes close to the geometric ones, which the children became familiar with in the first lessons.

    I. L. Gusarova recommends starting appliqué work in the younger group by completing tasks that have a specific visual task - creating a familiar object. Interest in the topic will help the preschooler overcome both constructive and technical difficulties. To a small child The task of putting together an object from 2-3 parts is clearer than arranging geometric shapes according to the principle of alternation and symmetry in a pattern. In the first case, he himself will notice the mistakes made, since the logic of the content will be violated. The principle of alternating and repeating pattern elements will be mastered successfully when gluing flags or beads onto a drawn thread.

    Thus, for children of this age, each appliqué task, as well as drawing and sculpting, should be associated with a specific image. The teacher’s task is for all decorative gluing tasks geometric shapes choose appropriate subject names - “decorate a handkerchief” (square), “paint a plate” (circle), etc.

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