• Pedagogical project in the middle group “Winter fun. Project “Winter Fun” (for older group)


    State budgetary educational institution of Moscow kindergarten combined type № 2421

    Our friendly team. The main participants in the project are, of course, children.

    Project goal and objectives

    Goal: Improvement of the winter walking area.


    1. Promote the development of creativity, ingenuity, and imagination.
    2. Develop artistic taste in children.
    3. Clarify and expand children's understanding of snow and snowflakes.
    4. Learn to make snow buildings and colored ice floes.
    5. Learn to make bird feeders from scrap materials.
    6. Develop ideas about effective care for birds.

    Project participants: children, parents, teachers.

    Project type: informational and creative.

    By number of participants: collective.

    Duration: short-term

    Winter is the most mysterious, fabulous time of the year. This year, winter presented us with many surprises: strong snowstorms, snow drifts, bitter frosts, and, of course, heavy snowfalls. There was so much snow that in some places it was waist-deep to the children. It's time for winter fun. Teachers, parents and children got to work. Before our eyes, piles of snow turned into fortresses, snowmobiles, snow huts... Having built snow buildings on the site, we decided to decorate them with colored ice floes. The children saw sweet treats in all the pieces of ice. This is how the idea of ​​opening an ice cream parlor was born "Vitaminka" .

    Our project " Winter fun"allowed children to plunge into the living world of winter games and play the role of researchers. And so...

    Making ice cubes is a very simple task, but very exciting.

    The forms are completed and will be sent to Moroz Ivanovich for revision

    And so, through the joint efforts of our friendly team, with the assistance of our parents and not without the participation of Moroz Ivanovich, a cafe was opened on our site "Vitaminka"

    This is the entrance to the cafe
    We have an assortment of sweets
    Cocktail "Health"
    Cake "Berry"

    Marmalade slices
    Cake "Traffic light"
    Nut nougat
    Plum ice cream

    Cookie "Festive"
    Kiwi jelly
    Plum jelly that became a TV during the game
    Menu for visitors

    Everyone found a treat to their liking
    The cocktail is in great demand
    Masha prepared a cocktail with cream
    Everything is ready, there are even napkins

    No end to visitors
    Hooray! We made it!

    And who said it's winter "sad time"

    While creating a cafe from ice floes, we were closely monitored, and we came up with an idea - a cafe for birds

    And so, let's get to work. That's all you need for a bird cafe "Seed"

    The teacher and the children were carried away by the process

    Almost everything is ready and...

    All tables in the cafe are booked until the cold weather ends.

    Bird friends didn’t have to wait long

    The number of feeders increased every day

    And here are the first visitors in yellow vests

    Main participants of the project (remaining behind the scenes) were delighted with what they saw

    The signature dish of our cafe is sunflower seeds - the most favorite delicacy of our guests.

    Miracle tree

    This tree was decorated by the parents of our group

    Favorite activity: ice slide

    Real men play snow hockey

    Igloo (snow hut)

    Warehouse for storing winter equipment

    Snowmobile for conquering the North Pole

    Winter..! The guys are celebrating!

    It is important to follow safety rules on the slide

    And now the question:

    "Do you know from what

    Are snowflakes forming?

    Very high above the ground, somewhere where the temperature is -30 degrees. Celsius water vapor freezes and becomes small crystals, so wonderful and beautiful that they take your breath away. Have you ever looked at a snowflake? This is a very beautiful and small miracle. Each snowflake is individual. Neither one is like the other. We decided to test this in practice and armed ourselves with a magnifying glass.

    Yes, the hexagonal crystal is unique and very beautiful

    Practical lesson

    And here is the result of the practical lesson - our artistic creativity

    Putting things in order on the site

    Butterfly in winter. Miracles!
    Winter colors (V. Fetisov)

    Winter has prepared
    Paints everything for everyone herself.
    Field - the best white,
    Zoryam - scarlet ink.

    All trees are clean
    silver sparkles.
    And on the street - guys
    decorated in a row.

    Like an artist, he paints in different ways:
    whoever plays paints it red.
    Who is afraid to move -
    Blue paint is fine.

    Don't beg for anything
    paint it differently!

    Thank you for your attention!

    Svetlana Pognerybko
    Project “Winter Fun” (for senior group)

    Passport project.

    View project: practice-oriented, creative.

    Duration: short-term

    the date of the: 2nd week of January (12.01.15 – 16.01.15)

    Participants: children senior group, educators, parents, music director

    Relevance: All children love winter, but not everyone thinks about what would happen if there was no snow in winter. Give children the opportunity to work on one topic for a week to get answers to their questions. Supporting children's aspirations for creativity, project will help children enrich their existing knowledge and skills, give them the opportunity to use them, experience the joy of discovery, victory and success. Based on the needs, interests and preferences of children, work on project will allow each child to move forward and ensure that everyone achieves their best high level. Project« Winter fun» provides great opportunities for creativity, develops activity, independence, work in a team, involves children and parents in joint activities, and ensures close cooperation between teachers and the music director.

    Target: To introduce children to folk traditions and customs, to expand their understanding of winter folk holidays(Christmas, old New Year , Epiphany, oh winter fun.

    Continue to introduce winter sports

    Continue to introduce folk songs, dances, and games

    Organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme « Winter fun»

    Enrich children's knowledge about safe behavior in winter

    Expected result:

    Introduce children and attract parents to the historical and cultural heritage of their native land;

    Consolidating children's knowledge and ideas about winter sports;

    interest and active participation of parents in educational process kindergarten;

    Development of creative imagination, creative thinking

    Formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative.

    Preparatory stage

    Develop an implementation plan project« Winter fun» ;

    Selection of material based on five educational fields (, "Physical development", « Cognitive development» , « Speech development» , “Artistic and aesthetic development”) for implementation project;

    Selection of material on interaction with parents and society;

    Photo newspaper design « Winter fun» .

    Implementation plan for working with children project« Winter fun» :

    Direct educational activities "Socially - communication development» "Physical development" "Cognitive Development"

    Formation of a holistic picture of the world

    Subject: "Christmas Carols"

    Target: Talk about the holidays that are celebrated during winter holidays; expand your horizons; create interest in Russians folk traditions; to cultivate citizenship and love for the Motherland.

    Source: Chebak A. Ya. p. 83.

    Design / Manual labor

    Subject: "Ice House"

    Target: Creating an expressive image of an ice house, creative use of different types of buildings.

    Source: Kutsakova L.V. p128.

    Reading fiction literature:

    Subject: Reading a story by N. Nosov "On the Hill"

    Target: To develop in children the ability to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to assimilate the sequence of plot development, to notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content; enrich speech with phraseological units; teach to understand figurative meaning some phrases and sentences.

    Source: Ushakova O. S. from 28.

    Drawing: Subject: “I’m happily rolling downhill into a snowdrift”

    Target: Learn to convey the plot using accessible graphic means. Show plot image means (semantic) Communication between objects: highlighting the main and secondary, transferring interaction, changing the form due to the nature of the movement (arms raised, bent, torso tilted, etc.). Expand the possibilities of using the cut-off appliqué technique. Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, drawing a horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

    Source: Lykova I. A. s. 116.

    Modeling / Applique:

    Subject: "Snowmen in hats and scarves"

    Target: Arouse interest in winter and New Year's theme. Learn to create an expressive image of a snowman, as accurately as possible conveying the shape and proportional relationship of its parts. Continue to master the rational method of cutting a circle from a square by folding it in half and rounding the paired corners. Encourage to decorative design created image (hats and scarves with stripes or polka dots). Teach children to understand and convey spatial relationships when creating a composition (above, below, right, left, side). Develop an eye, a sense of shape and proportions.

    Source: Lykova I. A. p. 90.

    Speech development: Compiling a story based on a picture « Reindeer» Tasks: Related speech: learn to compose plot story from the picture using your knowledge about the appearance and life of animals; Dictionary and grammar: learn to select the most accurate definitions when describing appearance animals; activate antonyms in speech; practice forming names of baby animals with diminutive suffixes; Sound culture speeches: clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [h] and [ts]; learn to distinguish these sounds, clearly and clearly pronounce words with the sounds [ch`] and [ts`]. Source: Ushakova O. S. “Speech development of children 5-7 years old” p 76 Learning carols. Theatrical game "Snow flakes are circling" Situational conversations: What do I like in Winter? Why is Winter needed? How can I help birds in winter? Why can't you scream loudly outside in winter? What do they play in winter? D\games and educational games:“What happens in winter?”, "What's for what", "Say kindly", "Pick up words - relatives» ,“What about yesterday?”, “Where is the bullfinch?”, “Who needs what?”. Labor activity on area: check the feeders, feed the birds. Labor instructions: sprinkle the paths with sand Work assignments in the corner nature: digging up soil in pots, watering plants Labor instructions: shovel snow to the roots of trees. Conversation "Caution - winter" Conversations on life safety "Rules of behavior on the slide", "Rules of conduct for slippery slopes» Morning exercises by L. I. Penzulaeva "Recreational gymnastics" complex No. 9 village 68 Gymnastics of awakening T. E. Kharchenko "An invigorating anthem." "My toys" (49) Breathing exercises "Snowfall" Gymnastics for the eyes "Far and Near Snowflake" Physical education minute "Snowflakes are falling from the sky" Conversation "Where the vitamins live" P. g. "Bullfinches" "Oh frost, frost" "Friendship" Outdoor game "Two Frosts", "Entertainers", "Hit the target", "Whose team will score more goals", "Ice, wind and frost", "Hit the Gate" "Jumpers", "Father Frost", "Fast Sled", "Don't Drop the Snowballs". Relay race "Counter" Sledging

    Presentation « Winter fun» Conversation "How I spent my Christmas holidays". Conversation “Famous Russian athletes from. 60 "We are Russians". Looking at posters and paintings depicting winter fun(sledding, skiing, skating) Conversation “Fauna and flora of the Arctic and Antarctic” Conversation « Winter fun of Don Cossacks» With. 227 Chumicheva Conversation with viewing of a presentation using computer technology "Children about winter games » Experimental - experimental activity: bubble in the cold

    Regional component

    Evening of mysteries "In the kuren" Examination of illustrations depicting Cossack buildings. Di "Find out whose clothes". Target: learn to determine who the clothes belong to, highlighting Cossack ones.

    "Speech development" Artistic and aesthetic development" Interaction with parents and society

    Creative storytelling using story pictures “How the children went for a walk in the winter...” « Winter fun» with memorizing poems. Speech exercise "Snowflakes" Memorizing verse. R. Kudashova Winter song» Guessing and inventing riddles about the inhabitants of northern latitudes (deer, polar bear, walrus, seal). Exercise "Name the action"(with "snowball") Compilation descriptive story on topic: "Winter". Reading nursery rhyme “Like in the snow, in a blizzard...” Reading N. Sladkov "In the Ice", "Bird Bazaar", G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach", A. Chlenov “How Alyosha lived in the North”, N. Emelyanova “Oksya is a hard worker”, L. Charskaya "Winter"

    Looking at the painting "Winter" Teamwork"Our winter fun"Muz\ a game: "Guess the song"- practice guessing familiar songs about winter. Hearing: “Like thin ice”, “You are frost, frost, frost...”, children's winter songs. Entertainment "Christmas time - carols".

    Invite parents to participate in the fun "Christmas time - carols". Together with parents, prepare a card index of poems about winter, proverbs, sayings, photo newspaper: « Winter fun»

    Product project activities :

    Family photos « Winter fun» ;

    Album with riddles and poems "Winter";

    Visiting village institutions with a concert program "Carols".

    Presentation project:

    Photo newspaper « Winter fun» .

    results project activities:

    Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about their native land, its customs, culture, forming on this basis a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality;

    Expanding connections between preschool educational institutions and society;

    In the process of working on project, children's self-esteem has increased;

    It was possible to activate 65% of parents (they took part in the production of a photo newspaper, organized visits to village institutions for entertainment "Christmas time - carols").

    On modern stage educational development work preschool educational institution is aimed at preparing the child for the next stage of education – primary education. In their work, each teacher is guided by the state order. In relation to a preschool institution, this is a child who is an independent, creative, active person with his own opinion, the ability to interact with others and the desire for knowledge. To achieve this goal, the efforts of just one educational institution are not enough. Efficiency and effectiveness will only occur if preschool and the family will work together towards the intended goal. To do this, it is necessary to establish such strong contact with the students’ parents that they become allies of the educational institution. To this end, it is necessary to captivate parents with the child’s life in kindergarten, his interests, and aspirations.



    I approve.

    Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow"


    Teachers: Ilyina.I.V.

    urban settlement Aksubaevo

    Project topic: "Winter, winter fun."

    Relevance of the project

    At the present stage of development of education, the work of a preschool educational institution is aimed at preparing the child for the next stage of education - primary education. In their work, each teacher is guided by the state order. In relation to a preschool institution, this is a child who is an independent, creative, active person with his own opinion, the ability to interact with others and the desire for knowledge. To achieve this goal, the efforts of just one educational institution are not enough. Efficiency and effectiveness will only manifest themselves if the preschool institution and the family work together to achieve the intended goal. To do this, it is necessary to establish such strong contact with the students’ parents that they become allies of the educational institution. To this end, it is necessary to captivate parents with the child’s life in kindergarten, his interests, and aspirations.

    Project type: cognitive-creative, short-term.

    Project problem: 1. Children’s fragmentary knowledge about the season Winter 2. Insufficient knowledge about what kind of winter happens in different hemispheres of the globe.

    Objective of the project: Expand the introduction of children to winter as a time of year, and to winter sports. Communion parents to creating a unified educational space around the child.

    Project objectives: To form primary research and educational interest through experimentation with water and ice.

    Expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds), the characteristics of people’s activities in the city and countryside; about safe behavior in winter.

    Introducing children to the winter landscape. Give children an idea of different types landscape (urban, rural, mountain, etc.)

    Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination.

    Learn to see the beauty of nature, winter forest, native land.

    Create a desire to play winter games outside.

    Involve parents in the project.

    Strengthen the ability to express your knowledge and impressions in productive activities;

    Enrich children's vocabulary.-

    Give an idea about the wild animals of the forests of Russia, their way of life, food, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter.

    Enrich your vocabulary with nouns (hollow, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry); verbs (hide, hunt, hide, look out, etc.)

    Develop coherent speech through writing descriptive stories about animals.

    Foster a desire to help animals.

    Expected results of the project

    Educational value:

    The children developed a feeling of admiration for the beauty of the winter landscape. There was a desire to help animals.

    Educational value:

    1. The percentage of parents showing interest in the life of the kindergarten has increased.

    2.The percentage of children with average and high level cognitive development.

    3.Children’s vocabulary has become more active.

    Strengthening the resource provision of the group.

    Mental Value:

    The scope of children’s knowledge has expanded and systematized

    The most valuable project is that it forces children to think, create products of activity, select and enrich facts of acquired knowledge.

    Project participants: children-teachers-parents (society).

    Time frame for project development and implementation: December, 2014-15 academic year

    Project resources:

    Personnel potential: head, senior teacher, psychologist, physical education instructor, 3 teachers, one of them is a teacher Tatar language, nurse, 1st junior teacher.

    Material and technical base: music and physical education hall, nature corner in the group

    Multimedia projector, 1 computer, 2 music centers, 1 tape recorder.

    Didactic materials:

    Project planning:

    Project stages:

    Stage 1. Preparatory(5 days before the project implementation).

    Project development

    Discussion of the topic of the project and choice of form for its defense.

    Selection of materials for project implementation.

    Work with methodological material, literature on this topic.

    Production of visual aids.

    Conversations with parents.

    Stage 2. Main – practical stage:1st week of December

    project implementation

    Organization OOD

    • conducting thematic, comprehensive classes;
    • V Everyday life;
    • self-education work;
    • working with parents;
    • Discussion of the results and analysis of the work.

    Stage 3. Final.

    Project summary: joint design of an album on the theme: “Winter landscapes” (drawings)

    Project planning

    Educational areas



    Cognitive development


    Subject: Story from personal experience on the topic: “Games in winter”


    Subject: conversation on the topic: “How many interesting things happen in winter.”



    - “If you want to be healthy...”

    - “Rules of behavior on the ice slide”,

    - "Snowball fight without tears"

    - “When snow and ice are dangerous”,

    - “How to tame a hockey stick”,

    - “How to dress so as not to freeze”,

    Observation for seasonal phenomena in nature with the arrival of winter (the sky, the wind, for birds at the feeder, for winter phenomena: snow, consider ice)

    Solving a problem situation:

    “If there is no snow in winter. Is this good and bad?

    Target: teach children to compose a coherent story about an impression from personal experience.

    Target: to form a generalized idea of ​​children about winter.

    Target: clarify and expand knowledge about the rules of conduct in in public places in winter.

    Target: teach children to expressively recite a poem by heart.

    Logical thinking, evidence-based speech.

    Social and communicative development

    Situational conversations:

    • What do I like in winter?
    • Why is Winter needed?
    • If there were no Winter?
    • Why do people dress warmly in winter?
    • Why can't you scream loudly outside in winter?
    • What do they play in winter?
    • What happens only in winter?
    • Conversations about winter sports and the influence of sports

    on human health,


    “What new has appeared on our site with the arrival of Winter?”

    “If it weren’t for winter?”

    “Why do you need to clear the snow from the paths?”

    “How did people prepare for winter?”,

    "How do wild animals prepare for winter?"

    "How can we help birds"

    Conversations on life safety “Rules of behavior on a slide”, “Rules of behavior on slippery paths”, “How to behave in the forest” (discussion based on illustrations

    Story games

    "For the health of the whole family"


    "Trip to the Theater"

    "Mail. Letter to Santa Claus"


    D\games and educational games:

    "What happens in winter?"

    "What for what"

    "Say kindly"

    “Choose the words - relatives”,

    “What about yesterday?”

    “Where is the bullfinch?”

    “Who needs what?”

    “When does this happen?”

    "Fold the picture"

    "Name the Cubs"


    Subject: Compiling a descriptive story on the topic: “Winter.”


    Topic: “In the forest in winter.”

    • "About wild animals"
    • “Loto”, “Domino” - with images of domestic and wild animals,
    • "What's extra?"

    Work: pour food for birds, help the janitor.

    Help children develop safe life skills, key communication competencies (responsible attitude towards themselves and people, readiness to act ininappropriate situations). Promote the development of caution, attention, ingenuity. To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health. Prevent possible negative situations for the child.

    To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity.

    To promote the development of caution, attention, ingenuity. To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health.

    learn to build a game plot, perform game actions, coordinate their actions with each other

    Show your own initiative and use substitute items and elements of mummery.

    Target: Develop attention, observation, continue to learn to play

    following certain rules. Exercise children in the formation of verbs in the past tense form, continue to teach children to select words.

    Target: teach children to indicate the time of action when describing events.

    Target: clarify and expand children's understanding of the lifestyle of wild animals

    Target: Develop attention logical thinking, observation, continue to teach how to play, following certain rules.

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Developmental environment:

    Introduce the paintingsI. Grabar “February Azure” and I. Levitan “Village in Winter”.

    Images "Winter sports"


    winter landscapes,

    Reading works about winter

    Proverbs and sayings about winter, winter months.

    Riddles about winter, about winter sports, about winter toys.

    Looking at the illustrations:

    winter landscapes, children's games in winter.


    Listening: “Like thin ice”, “You are frost, frost, frost...”, children's winter songs. Learning the polka dance “Good Beetle”. Music\game: “Guess the song” - practice guessing

    familiar songs about winter.

    Listening to music: P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. January”, Vivaldi album “Seasons. Winter".

    Learning the songs “Ice Girl”, “Winter-Winter”;

    New Year?" to the music of Chichkov, “- learning the pair dance “White Snowflakes”, the general dance “Winter”, round dances “What is the New Year”Year" music by Verizhnikov, "Dance of the Snow Maiden's girlfriends";

    Improvisation “Dance of Snow Flakes”.

    Musical leisure “Who is preparing for winter?”

    Listening and learning songs from the “Wild Animals” repertoire

    Artistic creativity:


    Subject : Winter sports activities.

    Modeling “Mushrooms and nuts for a squirrel”

    "Fox - Patrikeevna"


    applique “Forest dwellers”, “Hare” or “Squirrel”, “Hedgehog”.


    Topic: “Winter Forest”.

    Drawing with elements of the applique “The gray bunny turned white”

    Construction from natural materials.

    Topic: Wild bird.

    « Teremok for all animals"

    Topic: Animal toy.

    Working with building materials “Building a house for a bunny”

    Developmental environment:

    • Pictures about winter, winter landscapes (rural, mountain, urban)
    • Pictures of wintering birds,
    • Images winter clothes and shoes,
    • Pictures “Winter fun” and people’s work in winter.
    • A collection of children's songs about winter.
    • Pictures of wild and domestic animals in winter conditions.

    Using musical works as a means of enriching children's ideas about nature.

    Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about winter,Develop emotionality, musical memory, timbre hearing, modal sense, sense of rhythm. Promote the manifestationindependence and creative fulfillment of tasks. Practice pure singing of stepwise and spasmodicmovement melodies, in clear diction. Improveskill start singing after the musical introduction, rhythmically perform movements while singing. Improve musical and rhythmic movements. Cultivate activity, initiative, independence, and creativity in children.

    learn to convey the plot of winter sports entertainment in modeling.

    Learn to compose a simple plot composition from homogeneous objects that differ in size. Learn to analyze the structural features of animals, correlate parts by size and proportions. Develop your eye, synchronize the work of both hands.

    Teach children to convey in a drawing a picture of winter in a field, in a forest, in a village. Strengthen the ability to draw by combining in a drawing different materials: colored wax crayons, sanguine and white (gouache). Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creativity

    Target: teach children to make a bird according to the model and develop

    Goal: to teach how to create animal toys from natural materials and plasticine

    Call emotional attitude to nature.

    To develop children's artistic perception, the ability to see and feel the beauty of autumn nature, to awaken good and bright feelings in children.

    Invite children to examine a reproduction of the painting, paying attention to the variety of colors autumn leaves, admiring the play of color.

    Bring children to understand how the artist conveyed his mood with the help of color, pay attention to the features of the combination of warm and cold color tones.

    Create desire in children draw winter

    Physical development


    "Hunters and Hares"

    “Throw the snowball into the ring”, “Who is faster”.

    • Who is faster to the flag?
    • Don't stay on the ground.
    • Mousetrap.
    • Hunters and hares.
    • Shaggy dog.
    • Empty place.
    • Traps.

    Finger gymnastics:

    “We went for a walk in the yard,”

    "Two Birds"

    “I’m not afraid of frost”


    "Squirrel reserve"

    “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”

    Physical education minute“Animal exercise” “Teddy bear”

    Walking competitions:

    "Who is faster to the flag"

    Formation of the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

    Our main task is the health and physical development of children. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin in kindergarten. In this area, conversations, games, and activities were held with children. The knowledge children gain in class must be reinforced in everyday life. A positive example of adults surrounding children and, first of all, parents is also necessary, and in order to achieve positive results parents were involved. Conducted parent meetings, participation of parents in sports competitions, leisure activities, presence of parents in classes.

    Develop agility and endurance.

    Speech development

    Reading fiction:

    Topic: Poems about winter.

    - V. Dal “Girl Snow Maiden”,

    V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”,

    S. Marshak “Twelve months”,

    N. Sladkov “The Trial of December”,

    K. Balmont “Snowflake”,

    S. Cherny “On Skates”,

    S. Yesenin “Birch”, “Winter Sings”,

    Z. Alexandrova “Father Frost”,

    N. Sakonskaya “Winter Holiday”.

    GCD on the topic: “Reading the educational story by Sergei Ivanov “What snow is like.”

    Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”

    “The Tale of the Brave Hare” D. Mamin – Siberian

    • Wild animals,

    "Loto", "Domino" - with image

    Target: learn to expressively read poetry by heart, practice skills

    use emotional expressiveness. Educatelove of books, caring, careful handling with it comes the active enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers, teaching them the culture of speech, the ability to express their thoughts accurately, competently and beautifully.

    Working with parents

    Together with parents, prepare a card index of poems about winter, proverbs, sayings, pictures on the theme “Winter Fun”. Joint design of an album with drawings on the theme “Winter Landscapes”.

    Design of the exhibition “Animals of the Forests”.

    Project presentations: “Rules of behavior in the forest”, “Wild animals in winter forest", "Wild animals of our forests."

    Making a mini-album “Wild Animals of the Forest”.

    Enrich parent-child relationships with shared experience creative activity .

    Parents are active and interested participants in the project, focused on developing the child’s need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers, through joint project activities.

    List of used literature:

    1. Education and training program in kindergarten “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraksa M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014.
    2. "Socially - emotional development children 3-7 years old" T.D. Pashkevich. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
    3. "Moral - patriotic education children of preschool age" A.Ya. Vetokhina. Methodological manual for teachers - St. Petersburg: “LLC M.: “Childhood-press”, 2010.
    4. “Projects in working with families” Toolkit. O.I. Davydova, A.A. Mayer, L.G. Bogoslovets. LLC "TC Sfera", 2012 (Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)
    5. Children's and Parents' Club " Cheerful family» L.N. Popova, M.N. Gontorevskaya. Practical materials - M.: "TC Sfera" 2012.

    (Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)

    1. . Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Mosaic-Synthesis. M.:2014

    7. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Plot- role-playing games for preschool children. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2012.

    8. Sakhipova Z.G. We read to children. – Leningrad: Enlightenment, 1987.

    9. Baryaeva L.B. Gavrilushkina Games and activities with natural and man-made materials, St. Petersburg, 2005

    1. Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers. M, 2001
    2. Pozhilenko E.A. The world around us. St. Petersburg 2004

    12. Methodological literature: “ Environmental education in kindergarten" O.A. Solomennikova, Mosaika-Sintez, 2006;

    13. “Environmental education” by S.N. Nikolaev;

    14. “Organization of activities of a corner of nature” P.G. Fedoseeva;

    15. “Introducing preschoolers to the natural world” by E.I. Zolotov;

    16. “What can be made from natural materials” E.K. Gulyants, I.Ya. Bazik;

    17. “Four Seasons” by S.A. Veretennikova;

    Authors: Perepelkina Elena Vladimirovna, Pylaeva Tatyana Zakharovna
    Job title: teacher, instructor physical culture
    Educational institution: MKDOU No. 1 kindergarten "Solnyshko"
    Locality: r.p. Beads
    Name of material: project activities
    Subject: Project "Winter Fun"
    Publication date: 27.02.2017
    Chapter: preschool education

    "Winter Fun"

    Compiled by:

    Pylaeva T.Z. physical education instructor, first

    Perepelkina E.V. teacher, first qualification category

    1. Explanatory note…………………………………………... 2

    2.1. Project passport………………………………………………………4

    2.2. Organization of game project activities……………. 6

    3. Conclusion………………………………………………………10

    Literature……………………………………………………………………………… 11


    Explanatory note.

    Winter is the time of the most interesting activities: sledding, skiing, playing snowballs,

    make snowmen. Winter is not just one day a year, but three whole months. How to make

    the hours allotted for walks were filled with fun games, exciting

    classes, and most importantly with great benefit for children?

    Therefore, we decided to increase children’s interest in physical activity in winter.

    of the year. Instill a love for Russian winter, the beauty of winter nature. Introduce children to

    winter sports and winter fun. Get parents interested and involved

    participation in this project.

    The project on the theme “Winter Fun” was developed for children of primary preschool age.

    Promotes the development of a variety of motor activities in children and enriches

    knowledge about winter and winter fun while walking. Strengthen children's health by introducing them to

    healthy image life. Foster joy and pleasure in motor skills

    activities at the preschool site in winter. The project is scheduled for two weeks. Project

    addressed to educators, physical education instructors, and parents.

    Project passport

    Project type: creative and playful.

    Project participants: children junior group, teacher, physical education instructor

    culture, parents of students.


    Physical development is very important for children’s health because it allows them to realize

    their innate desire to move. Formation of children's identity, self-image

    is closely related to the physical development of the child, with his dexterity, mobility,


    In order to stimulate the physical development of children, it is important to

    provide children with the opportunity to be active. Teach children the rules

    safety, create a friendly atmosphere of emotional acceptance,

    promoting the activity of all children (including less active ones) in

    motor sphere, use various teaching methods to help children with

    different levels physical development enjoy running, climbing, jumping.

    In addition, in preschool age there is a closer connection between the child and his family and

    teacher than during the school period, which helps most effectively

    interact not only with the child, but also with members of his family. It was during this period

    the child develops basic skills for developing health and this is the most

    favorable time for developing the right habits, which, in combination with

    teaching preschoolers methods of improving and maintaining health can and

    should lead to positive results.


    Modern life is increasingly oriented free time child for various

    electronic devices, which reduces the level of physical activity. Especially in

    In winter, children spend a lot of time watching TV and don’t walk outside much. Parents

    and children do not have sufficient knowledge about the games and activities that can be played in

    winter period outside.


    This problem contributed to the definition of the goal. Develop together children's -

    an adult project on the topic “Winter Fun”, the basis of which will be enrichment for children

    knowledge about winter, winter fun, and the beauty of winter nature. Involving parents in

    educational activities.


    To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and its signs;

    Promote physical, intellectual and aesthetic development children;

    Improve skills safe behavior in games with snow, when sliding downhill,

    on sleds and skis, during outdoor games;

    Form in children initial submissions about a healthy lifestyle;

    Develop children’s cognitive abilities, actively involve them in creative activities

    search activity;

    Enrich child-parent relationships with the experience of joint activities.

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the health of others

    children (tell how dangerous it is to eat snow and suck icicles)

    Foster mutual relationships between peers and adults


    (characteristics of the child’s possible achievements)

    The child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, demonstrates

    initiative and independence, is able to choose his own occupation, participants according to

    joint activities; the child masters the establishment of a positive attitude towards

    the world, other people and oneself, actively interacts with peers and

    adults, participates in joint games; The child has developed gross and fine motor skills

    according to his age, he is mobile, develops endurance and basic types

    movements, controls and controls his movements, follows the rules

    security; the child shows curiosity, asks adults questions, tries

    find answers to them; tries to make his own decisions based on his knowledge

    and skills in various activities.

    Planned result:

    Enriching knowledge about winter and winter fun;

    Formation of motor skills;

    Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;

    Formation of children’s skills to interact in a team and with parents.

    The product of the project activity is the “Winter Fun” layout; exhibition of drawings; entertainment

    "Winter fun"

    Parents became active participants in the life of the group. Increase interest in winter

    sports, winter fun for children and parents.

    Organization of game project activities

    1 – stage: organizational – preparatory

    Defining the problem through identifying the level of development of children and educational

    family opportunities;

    Study of regulatory documents, general education program of preschool educational institutions,

    methodological literature, Internet materials on the identified problem;

    Introducing students to the topic using the “Three Questions” model,

    discussing the plan with the families of the pupils;

    Collection of information, materials and funds for the implementation of the project;

    Creation necessary conditions to implement the project.

    2 – stage: main (cycle of practical cases)

    Objectives: organizing all types of children’s activities around the “Winter Fun” project in

    Preschool educational institution, joint activities of the teacher with children, independent activities

    children and joint activities of children with parents.

    3 – stage: final

    Tasks: organizing activities for the production of project products.

    Implementation of the “Winter Fun” project.

    At first organizationally - preparatory stage by observing children in

    During walks and conversations with pupils, difficulties were identified among children in knowledge

    outdoor games, fun and sports that you can play together in the winter

    period; Most children are inactive when they are outside. In its turn

    parents pay little attention to family outings, not having full

    skills proper organization motor activity of children and adults in winter

    Based on the data obtained, the problem was identified and the goal was formulated

    project activities mentioned above.

    Solving the assigned tasks of the organizational and preparatory stage, we studied and

    analyzed the regulatory framework, methodological literature on the organization

    project activities with children of primary preschool age and involvement in this

    activities of parents (legal representatives) of pupils.

    After reading the regulatory documents and methodological recommendations

    activities were carried out to select material, forms and methods of teaching and

    education adequate to the age of children and the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, conditions were created for

    implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

    Students were introduced to the project’s topics using the model

    "Three questions."

    What do we know about winter fun?

    It's winter now, there's a lot of snow.

    You can play outside (make a snowman, play snowballs, shovel snow).

    You can skate, slide, ski, sled.

    What do we want to know about winter fun?

    What other games can you play?

    How to avoid getting sick in winter?

    What do athletes do in winter? What winter sports are there?

    Safety rules on the street in winter during winter fun.

    What should we do to learn more about winter fun?

    Ask your parents.

    Look in books, encyclopedias.

    Search on the Internet.

    Learn new games.

    Watch cartoons.

    Based on the children’s statements, the substantive directions of the project were determined,

    discussed this topic with the children.

    Forms of work with children to prepare for the implementation of the project:

    conducting conversations, game situations;

    reading poems, fairy tales, stories about winter; looking at encyclopedias, browsing


    display of illustrations, paintings about winter sports, winter fun;

    examination of sports equipment; cognitive - research activities.

    Forms of work with parents to prepare for the implementation of the project:

    consultation “Winter fun for the whole family”;

    consultation “The role of outdoor games in a child’s life”, see Appendix No. 15

    folder "Children's winter games".

    childish - parent projects“This is how I spend my day off”, “What a wonderful

    day", "Our friendly family".

    Activities to prepare for the implementation of the project:

    parents searching for information on the Internet about winter fun and games and compiling


    Stage 2: Main

    Project implementation plan:

    In the group, the teacher organizes developing subject-spatial


    An exhibition of books about winter and winter games.

    Introduces children to literary works: G. Ladonshchikov “On a hill - on a sled”

    “Warm and Cold”, “My Ski Track”, A. Vvedensky “On Skis”, A. Barto “Snow Woman”,

    I. Gorin “Snowman”.

    Conducts target walk on the topic: “The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter...”.

    Unlearning finger games: “Winter”, “We made a snowball”, “We went into the yard

    walk”, “Winter fun”, “One step”, “Snowball”, “Snowman”, “Cat”.

    Talks with children on the topic: “What do we know about winter?”, “What winter fun do we know?”,

    “How do we play in winter?”

    Organizes educational activities:

    For speech development - memorizing a Russian folk song: “You are frost - frost-frost...”

    see summary Appendix No. 3

    To familiarize themselves with the environment and develop speech, she taught children to listen to artistic

    word, solve riddles, answer questions, expanded children’s knowledge about winter

    types of sports and winter fun; consolidated children's knowledge about the properties of snow;

    taught children to look at a picture, see the plot in the picture, answer questions about it

    questions; children were given the opportunity to watch a multimedia presentation “At the winter

    your own fun." see abstract application No. 2,4,5

    When organizing productive activities, children made a snowman:

    gluing method ready-made forms(circles) in a certain sequence:

    arranged in height from largest to smallest; taught to finish drawing

    additional elements (eyes, mouth); see summary Appendix No. 6

    The way to draw objects round shape; see summary Appendix No. 8

    Using the modeling method, a ball of plasticine was rolled between the palms in a circular motion.

    see summary Appendix No. 7

    In joint activities, the teacher and children

    We made a model “Winter Fun”, conducted experiments and experiments “Snow and Water in Winter

    Interesting friends”, “Gorka” was built from construction materials used for construction

    for the guys."

    In independent activities

    children colored pictures with colored pencils on the theme of the project, played

    board-printed, didactic games.

    Working with parents

    Conducts a consultation “Going for a Walk with Parents”

    Physical education instructor:

    Developed and conducted a complex of morning gymnastics “Winter”, awakening gymnastics

    after nap see Appendix No. 13

    game lesson in the hall “Visiting the Snowman”, where children learned to jump with

    moving forward; consolidated skills: jumping from a height of 10-15cm; crawl into

    hoop without touching the floor with your hands; maintain balance while standing on your toes; improved

    skills: jump over the line; roll the hoop forward;

    see summary Appendix No. 9

    story lesson “The Adventures of Snowflakes”, where children learned to walk on an incline

    board, maintaining balance; consolidated the ability to roll the ball to each other under the cord

    (height – 20-25cm) from the starting position “sitting on the floor”; jump over the line

    (cord); improved the skills of jumping forward by 2-3m; climb over

    through objects; coordinate movements when performing a body roll; cm.

    abstract Appendix No. 10

    At a physical education lesson on the street “Snow, snow whirling”, children walked and ran

    in a circle with a change in the direction of movement, developed the eye when throwing snowballs

    to range. see abstract Appendix No. 11

    During the “White Bunny” lesson we learned the game “White Bunny”; repeated the game

    balance and throwing exercises.

    see notes Appendix No. 12

    In the joint activity of the teacher and the children, the children learned to ski, carry

    friend on a sled, slide down an ice slide, learned to walk between objects, throw

    distance snowballs, learned to run in mazes.

    Project implementation work

    Work on the project was carried out with great interest and passion. Parents

    took part in preparing materials for classes, performed creative homework

    tasks. Greater role in revitalization parental attention The children themselves played.

    Children with great pleasure demonstrated thematic drawings made by

    at home with their parents, and the children proudly talked about sports

    parents' achievements.

    Stage 3: Final

    Work on the final activities of the project:

    The project resulted in the following activities:

    Photo album “For a walk with the whole family”

    Exhibition of drawings

    Making the “Winter Fun” model

    Entertainment “Winter Fun” see summary Appendix No. 14

    Parents and children creatively created the album “Winter Fun”, including all

    your fantasy and imagination. Parents used their artistic skills in their work

    skills and abilities, passing them on to their children.

    The work to implement the project was carried out successfully and interestingly. Variety of species

    activities enriched children's knowledge about winter, winter fun, and also formed

    children's practical skills.

    To summarize, we can do conclusion that joint outdoor games, fun,

    the entertainment left no family indifferent. This means work on the project

    contributed to raising the level of children and parents in the formation of culture

    healthy lifestyle.


    Zhelobkovich E. F. Physical education classes in kindergarten. – Moscow, 2014

    I.A.Lykova Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior

    Creative Center group - Moscow, 2015

    S.N. Nikolaeva Environmental education of younger preschoolers. - Moscow

    Publishing house Mosaic Synthesis, 2010

    O.S. Ushakova Development of speech in children 3-5 years old. Creative center "Sphere", 2014

    O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish Introducing preschoolers to literature. Creative

    Center "Sphere", 2014


    Photo report on project implementation Appendix No. 1

    Layout "Winter fun"

    Exhibition of drawings

    Game exercises while walking.

    Outdoor games

    Appendix No. 2

    Abstract of the integrated educational activities on speech development and

    getting to know your surroundings “Winter fun” using ICT

    Goal: To develop children's knowledge about winter and winter fun.

    Teach children to listen to literary words, solve riddles, answer questions.

    expand children's knowledge about winter sports and winter fun.

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of snow, to clarify children's ideas about winter.

    Teach children to look at a picture, see the plot in the picture, answer questions about it

    Teach children to write a short story (2 sentences) based on open-ended questions.

    Develop children's imagination, perception, voluntary memory and attention,

    observation, verbal-figurative thinking.

    Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

    Enrich children's vocabulary with new adjectives, verbs,

    nouns (skating rink, hockey, skates, fun, velvet, fluffy, shiny,

    silver, glitters).

    Strengthen and activate children's vocabulary.

    Material: Painting “Winter Fun”, paper snowballs, baskets, doll, presentation.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children sit in a semicircle

    There is a knock on the door.

    The Katya doll comes to the children in winter clothes. She brought snow from the street and offers

    children can look at and touch it.

    Educator: Guys, snow comes from snowflakes. When a lot of snowflakes fall, then

    snowdrifts appear.

    Educator: Children, what kind of snow? Cold, white, fluffy, shiny. The snow is shining

    turns silver.

    Educator: Listen, guys, to the poem:

    Snowflakes are falling from the sky,

    Like white fluff.

    Covering everything around

    Soft velvet carpet.

    Educator: Remember, guys. When snow melts, what does it turn into? In water.

    Right. And when water freezes, what happens? Ice. To skate and

    to play hockey, you need a skating rink. And if you pour water on the snow, you get a skating rink (choir

    repetition of words: skating rink, ice, hockey).

    Educator: Guys, now listen carefully to the riddle and try to solve it

    Snow on the fields

    Ice on the rivers

    Blizzard is walking

    When does this happen?

    Children: In winter

    Educator: What signs of winter do you know? Snow is falling, it's cold outside, trees

    there are no leaves, people began to dress warmly. Right. Well done! Guys, we are all

    we love winter. It's very beautiful in winter. And in winter, we really love to play outside.

    Let's look at the picture.

    Consideration of the plot painting “Winter Fun”.

    Educator: White snow fell. White paths, white houses. On the trees instead

    leaves, white snow lies on the branches. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is. On her greens

    There is also white fluffy snow on the branches. The tree has green needles instead of leaves,

    which do not fall in the fall. Real winter has come! The children put on fur coats, pants,

    mittens - for the palms, for the feet - new felt boots and boots. The guys go down the slide.

    Guys go down the hill on sleds, skis, and ice skates. Girls skate on the skating rink

    skates, and boys with sticks in their hands go to play hockey. Oh, and what a snowman

    children blinded! Instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of a hat - a bucket, a scarf around the neck and a broom in

    The teacher reads the rhyme:

    Snowman, snowman

    Appeared in the yard

    Nose is a carrot

    Mouth - potato

    And a bucket on my head.

    Educator: This is how interesting it is for children to play outside in winter. Really, guys?

    Look carefully at the picture again.


    What are the children doing? (Walking)

    Where do children go? (On the street)

    What season? (Winter)

    How are the children dressed? (Warm)

    What are the children doing? (Skiing, sledding, skating)

    What did the children do in the yard? (They made a snowman)

    Listen to the poem:

    The snow outside is turning white, get ready quickly,

    Put mittens on your hands, tie a scarf around your neck,

    Fasten the zipper on your jacket and hurry outside.

    But don’t forget to take your sled and skis.

    If you don’t want to, then you will build a snow woman.

    Roll up one lump for now, and a second, and a third.

    Put them on top of each other, the woman came out - lovely!

    Guys, are you tired? Remember how you played snowballs outside. Do you want to play now?

    Snowball game"?

    Educator: Look how many white paper snowballs there are. Let's imagine that this is

    real snowballs. Now, you and I will throw snowballs into a basket (teacher

    shows children how to play). Whoever throws the most snowballs into the basket wins.

    Let's start (the children are playing).

    Educator: Now let’s play the game “Finish the sentence”:

    Winter came).


    In winter there are... (frosts).

    Children ride... (skiing, skating, sledding).

    The boys go with their clubs... (to the skating rink).

    At the skating rink, the boys play... (hockey).

    The children are also playing... (snowball fights).

    Children make (snowman, snow woman, fortresses, snowballs) out of snow.

    Right. Well done boys!

    And now, children, we will watch the slides and learn to solve riddles.

    1 slide. Stars are flying from the sky,

    And they sparkle in the sun.

    Just like a ballerina dancing,

    Snowflakes swirl in winter... (Snowflakes)

    2 slide. You can make a snow ball

    It's not difficult at all!

    We don't make pies,

    To play you need... (Snowballs)

    3 slide. We blinded him cleverly,

    There are eyes and a nose - a carrot.

    A little warm - she’ll cry instantly.

    And it will melt... (Snowman)

    4 slide. The hedgehog looks like her

    You won't find any leaves at all.

    How slim the beauty is

    And for the New Year - you need it! (Christmas tree)

    5 slide. We are on a frosty day with friends,

    We water the snow with a hose.

    How the ice appears

    So everything is ready... (skating rink)

    6 slide. Guys, I have

    Two silver horses.

    I ride both at once

    What kind of horses do I have? (Skis)

    Slide 7 They are racing the puck here with all their might,

    And they throw everything at the gate.

    Here on the field there is ice everywhere,

    We are glad to have such a game! (Hockey)

    8 slide. It's not easy sometimes

    Get up there.

    But it's easy and pleasant

    Take a ride back! (Snow Hill)

    Slide 9 They fly down the hill on their own,

    But they don’t want to go up the hill.

    You have to climb the hill using a rope,

    Pull back every time. (Sled)

    10 slide. Wooden messengers,

    Like twin brothers!

    Always on the ski track together,

    Without each other - nowhere! (Skis)

    Well done boys! It was very good and interesting. Did you like it?

    Yes. What did we talk about in class today? About winter, about winter games and fun. What else

    did you do? We played snowballs, solved riddles, watched cartoons. Right. A

    Now it's time to say goodbye to the Katya doll. Did you like it, Katya, on our

    class? The doll Katya says that it was very interesting and the guys did a good job. AND

    tells us to dress warmly for a walk, because it’s winter there. Goodbye, Katya!

    Appendix No. 3

    Summary of educational activities for speech development in the younger group

    Topic: learning the Russian folk song “You are frost - frost - frost..”

    Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about winter activities, to evoke positive emotions.

    Introduce children to the meaning and content of the song, teach expressively and rhythmically

    recite the song “You, frost - frost- frost.”, help me remember the saying

    “Take care of your nose in the deep frost.” Strengthen the ability to play word games.

    Material: mnemonic table

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Introductory part. A bunny comes to visit with a basket. The teacher asks a riddle.

    Snow on the fields

    Ice on the rivers

    The blizzard is walking -

    When does this happen?

    Educator: Yes, in winter you can’t run barefoot on the grass, you can’t sit on a bench.

    Q: Why?

    Children: it's cold

    Q: You can’t play in the gazebo -

    Children: everything is covered with snow.

    Q: You can’t swim in the river -

    Children: the river is frozen.

    Q: Guys, what is the weather like in winter?

    Children: frosty, snowy, cold, windy.

    Q: There is a proverb: “Take care of your nose in deep frost.”

    TRIZ: The game “good - bad”.

    Winter is good. Why? Children's answers

    Children: Play snowballs, sculpt a snowman, sledding, skiing, skating,

    clean paths with shovels, run through deep snowdrifts, play outdoor games.

    Q: So, winter is also good and you can come up with many different games, fun and entertainment.

    Winter is bad. Why? Children's answers

    Children: It’s cold outside, frosty.

    Q: To keep Frost from freezing people, you need to sing him a song so that the children will warm up too

    were able to walk. People used to always sing songs to frost so that he would not be angry and would be kind.

    Listen to what Russian folk song I know.

    “You, frost-frost-frost, don’t show your nose!

    Go home quickly

    take the cold with you.

    We'll take the sled and go outside.

    Let's sit in the sleigh - scooters.

    Yes, from the mountain - wow! In the fluffy snow - bang!

    And so that we can quickly remember this song, the bunny brought us this table.

    Children learn a song using a mnemonic table.

    Let's say affectionately “Morozushko!” Listen to our song, we will sing it for you.

    The children talk with the teacher.

    And the bunny also wants to play the game “The little white bunny is sitting.”

    First, let's choose a trap. Today I'm counting. Whoever I stop at will be the trap.

    Counting book. We're going to play.

    Well, who should start?

    One, two, three, you start.

    Children play the game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting.”

    Q: Guys, let's say thank you to the bunny for bringing us the table, with help

    which we memorized the song so quickly.

    Appendix No. 4

    Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the environment in the junior group “Acquaintance with

    winter sports"

    Program content:

    Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about winter sports, develop logical


    Develop preschoolers’ speech, interest in various types sports, desire to engage

    Create a need for a healthy lifestyle.

    Preliminary work: introducing children to certain sports (skiing, skating,

    sled); familiarization with the seasons in everyday life.

    Materials and equipment: symbol of the Olympic Games (polar bear), laptop, slide

    show about winter sports.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Org. moment

    Educator: Guys, Mishka came to visit us today and brought riddles with him.

    Listen carefully to the riddles and try to guess them.

    Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,

    The blizzard is walking. When does this happen? (Winter)

    It's getting cold.

    The water turned into ice.

    Long-eared gray bunny

    Turned into a white bunny.

    The bear stopped roaring:

    A bear hibernated in the forest.

    Who's to say, who knows

    When does this happen? (Winter)

    Bear: That's right, in winter. What do you think, what are the names of the sports that

    do it in winter.

    Children's answers. The general answer “Winter” is considered correct.

    Bear: Now another question: what do you need to do winter sports, and I

    I'll give you a hint:

    On the trees, on the paths,

    On children's boots.

    It lies on everyone in winter

    Well, of course it is... (Snow)

    Bear: Yes, well done guys! Winter sports require snow and

    certain items - inventory.

    Introducing a new topic.

    Educator: Mishka really liked your answers to questions and riddles. And he decided

    stay and listen about winter sports, and at the same time see how you can

    listen attentively. So, the first type of winter sport with which we are

    Let's meet - this is skiing!

    Skiing sports include cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

    In cross-country skiing, the athlete's task is to be the first to reach the finish line on skis.

    having overcome the big let.

    Educator: What is the name of an athlete who skis:

    Who rushes quickly through the snow,

    Aren't you afraid of failure? (Skier)

    Educator: Well done guys. In addition to cross-country skiing, there are other types of skiing

    Sports include ski jumping. Ski jumping is a very beautiful view

    sports An athlete accelerates at high speed on a springboard (mountain) and takes off into

    air and fly far, far away. The main thing for an athlete is to overtake everyone and become first.

    I can’t feel my legs with joy,

    I'm flying down a snowy hill!

    Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

    Who helped me with this? (Skis)

    Children's answers: ski jumping, mountain descent, etc.

    Educator: Now we remember the winter sports that take place at

    snow, but there are also winter sports that take place on ice:

    With frost, blizzard and snow

    The magical winter will come.

    And all the rivers and lakes

    Will cover the slippery thick... (Ice)

    Educator: What else is needed for ice training:

    I have two horses, two horses.

    They carry me along the water.

    And the water is hard

    Like stone! (Skates)

    Educator: To skate on ice you need skates. What sports do you know?

    Children's answers: Figure skating, hockey.

    Physical education minute

    Like on a hill - snow, snow,

    And under the hill - snow, snow.

    And on the tree there is snow, snow,

    And under the tree there is snow, snow.

    And under the snow, a bear sleeps.

    Quiet, quiet - don't make noise.

    Educator: Now let's look at these sports.

    Educator: Let's go dance on the ice,

    We'll start some music.

    What sport are we talking about in this riddle?

    Educator: That's right, figure skating. There is a single one, where people only skate

    boys or girls, men or women, and there are pair events where athletes

    ride in pairs.

    On the ice platform there is a cry,

    A student is rushing to the gate.

    Everyone shouts: “Puck! Stick! Hit!”

    Fun game. (Hockey)

    Educator: Correct. The goal of this game is to score the puck into the opponent's goal.

    Educator: Guys, there are also winter sports that started in the snow, and now

    are held on special ice tracks:

    They stood all summer

    Winter was expected.

    The time has come -

    We rushed down the mountain (Sled)

    Educator: So you and I remembered winter sports. Now let's check how

    You remember winter sports well. In front of you are inventory items that

    necessary for winter sports. Name them and tell me what type

    they belong to sports.


    To be strong and healthy, you need to love sports.

    Exercise, don’t be lazy, and make friends with sports.

    Appendix No. 5

    Summary of a lesson on speech development in the junior group “Winter Fun”

    Educational: Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about winter, its signs,

    winter fun; revive in children’s memories their own impressions of winter fun,

    Encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings emotionally.

    Developmental: Develop speech, observation, attention, thinking, dexterity and

    speed of reaction.

    Educational: Foster a culture of verbal communication, instill a love for

    artistic word.

    Demo material: Story pictures: “Let’s make a snowman”; "Snowball game";

    “Sledding” easel (magnetic board), Katya doll, leaves for snowballs.

    Preparatory work: Looking at pictures about winter, reading poems and fairy tales about winter,

    observing nature and people around you on walks.

    Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, story, looking at pictures, game - physical exercise,

    surprise moment.

    Introduction to the topic

    Educator: Someone is knocking on the door, do you hear? Look who came to us today

    guests. This is Katya doll. She wants to study with us. Sit down, Katyusha, on the chair

    and listen. (doll on a chair next to the teacher)

    Educator: Children, what time of year is it now?

    Children: Winter.

    Educator: How did we know it was winter?

    Children: There is a lot of snow, it’s cold and frosty outside. (name the signs of winter)

    Educator: How do we dress?

    Children: It's warm.

    Educator: Why do you need to dress warmly in winter? (so as not to freeze)

    Educator: Well done children! Everything they said was correct. But winter is not only cold.

    In winter there is a lot various entertainments! Do you like to walk? Why are you and I on a walk?

    Children: We play snowballs, dig snow, make snowmen. (children's answers)

    Conversation on the painting “Making a Snowman”

    Educator: Look, children, at the picture. Who do you see?

    Children: Children, snowman.

    Educator: Children are making a snowman. Let's say together “Children are making a snowman.” Well done!

    Masha, what are the children doing? (individual repetitions)

    What kind of snow is easy to sculpt from?

    Children: From damp, wet. (help if children have difficulty)

    Let's imagine that we are also making a snowman.

    Finger gymnastics “Snowman”

    We made a snowball, we sculpt a lump with both hands,

    We made a hat on him, join his hands in a ring and put it on his head,

    We attached the nose and instantly put our fists to the nose,

    The result is a snowman; we outline the figure of the snowman with both hands.

    Educator: How are the children dressed?

    Children: They are wearing warm clothes.

    Educator: Look, our Katyusha is also dressed warmly. What's on Katya's head? What else

    yes (we list what the doll is wearing) Well done!

    Conversation on the painting “Snowball Game”

    And in this picture what do you see (the painting “Snowball Game” is exhibited)

    Children: Children play snowballs. (all children's answers are listened to)

    Educator: Yes, children have a lot of fun playing snowballs in winter. What do we do on a walk?

    snowballs (we bend over, pick up snow with our hands and make them) Well done!

    Game - physical exercise "Snowballs".

    Educator: Do you want to play in the snow? Only the snow we won't have is real.

    Take pieces of paper

    (it’s better to take paper towels, they will be easy for children to wrinkle) and crumple them.

    Look how I do it. Happened! That's great!

    (Children throw paper balls to the music of E. Krylatov “If only there were no

    Educator: What fun we had playing! We're tired, now let's rest on the chairs. Snowballs

    put it in a basket.

    Well done! They quietly flew like snowflakes to their places.

    The legs are on two tracks, the arms are on the knees, the backs are straightened.

    Conversation on the painting “Sledding”

    Educator: Look at the next picture. Who do you see? What are the children doing?

    Children: Children go sledding.

    Educator: Correct. Repeat “Children are sledding.”

    Do you think they're having fun? How did you find out?

    Let's show how we sled down the mountain. (we show with our hand from top to bottom and

    let's say - wow! repeatedly)


    Educator: Children, look our Katenka is smiling. She liked it with us. Thank you

    tells us! Did you enjoy working out? What did you like? You see how fun it is

    outside in winter. Guys, since Katya liked it with us, maybe we’ll invite her to

    a walk? Well, let's go for a walk and take Katya with us.

    Appendix No. 6

    Summary of integrated educational activities for children in the younger group

    "Snowman - Postman"





    “Communication”, “Health”, “Cognition” (FEMP), “Productive”.

    tasks: continue to strengthen the skills of working with paste, techniques for gluing from




    geometric shapes (square, circle, oval, cube, ball), repeat the count to three and one



    middle); learn to answer in chorus in time with the teacher and give a complete answer; develop

    attention, memory and perseverance; cultivate a sense of empathy, a desire to help

    character; evoke a joyful mood from joint creativity.


    demonstration- circles of different sizes to create a snowman figure on

    magnets, squares and ovals; snowman toy; pictures with snowmen;


    child) -



    drawing up



    brushes, napkins.

    Preliminary work: showing illustrations with snowmen (if possible, make

    him from the snow on a walk), a conversation about snowmen.

    There is a knock. The teacher goes to see who came and brings a toy snowman

    with a letter.

    Guys, look who came to us! Who is this?

    Snowman - children answer

    What does he have? Probably a letter!? Just a letter! For children of the younger group d.s.

    "Sun". So this is for you! Let's read?

    “Hello dear guys! I am a snowman - a mailman and I really need your help!

    Unfortunately, I can only talk at night, so I wrote you a letter. Past

    At night there was a strong blizzard in our forest, and my snowman assistants were scattered around

    throughout the forest. Please help me collect them!”

    teacher: Well, guys, can we help?

    Yes - the children answer

    teacher: Let's see why the postman snowman couldn't gather his friends.

    Ah, got it! Everything here is so confusing.

    teacher: what figures does a snowman consist of? (circles) Correct from circles.

    teacher: These are circles, and what is this? (square).

    teacher: What is this? (oval).

    teacher: What is this figure called? (triangle).

    Teacher: Let's count how many circles we need for the snowman (one, two, three).





    snowman, we need to warm up! To do this, we will get up and remember the warm-up about winter.

    Physical education minute


    - Children, are you afraid of frost?


    - Then let's play.

    I'm not afraid of frost

    (Children walk in place.)

    I will become close friends with him,

    (They hold hands.)

    The frost will come to me,

    (They separate their hands and touch their right hand with their left.)

    He touches his hand, touches his nose.

    (Touch the left hand with the right.)

    So, you must not yawn,

    (They touch their nose.)

    Jump, have fun.

    (They jump up.)

    Teacher: Well done! Now let's get down to our work.

    Teacher: What kind of circle will we make first? (big).

    Teacher: How do we know which circle is big and which is small? (children call or

    show the technique of overlay). You need to put them on top of each other correctly.

    Teacher: And the next one? (slightly less)

    Teacher: And the next circle, where will we place it higher or lower? (higher).

    Teacher: What will be the last circle? (the smallest)

    The top one will be our head. And now everyone puts it on their sheet of paper


    Look, if I blow on a snowman, it will fly apart. So let's give it

    glue the paste onto the paper.

    Teacher: Well done! Is he missing something!?

    Teacher: Of course, the snowman has a bucket on his head and a carrot instead of a nose. Here's how I do it

    since they exist. Let's stick them on too.

    Teacher: Something is missing again. Well, of course, the snowman has no eyes, no mouth, and no hands. All this

    You can finish drawing with a pencil.

    Teacher: Well, did we help the snowman-postman? (Yes)

    Teacher: What figures does a snowman consist of? (circles)

    Teacher: Tell me, how many snowmen did Masha make? (one)

    Teacher: How many snowmen have we collected together? (a lot of).

    The children show their finished work to each other and to the teacher.

    Appendix No. 7

    Topic: “Making a snowman”

    Target: consolidate knowledge about winter fun - making a snowman.


    Enrich and activate speech;

    Improve the ability to roll a ball of plasticine between your palms in a circular motion


    Materials: snowman toy, plasticine, modeling boards.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment

    Educator: Guys, someone came to us today. Listen to the riddle and guess who

    Red nose, a broom in hand.

    Lives next to the Christmas tree.

    I have long been accustomed to the cold.

    Our cheerful...

    Children's answers.

    2. Main part. Looking at a snowman.

    Educator: Guys, this is a snowman. Let's look at our snowman. Look from

    what is it made of?

    Children look and tell (it has a big ball at the bottom, a smaller one in the middle, and

    small at the top).

    Teacher: what's on his head?

    Children: He has a bucket on his head. And the nose is made of carrots.

    Educator: Guys, look what our snowman has on his feet. He came to us for

    skiing (children look at the snowman, touch them, answer the teacher’s questions).

    Educator: Let's show how he skied. (the teacher shows the children


    Educator: Guys, our snowman is very, very sad alone. He doesn't have it at all

    friends. What to do?

    Children: Let's help him and make his friends snowmen.

    Educator: So that our hands work well, let’s stretch our fingers.

    3. Finger gymnastics.


    La-la-la, la-la-la

    A cloud was floating across the sky

    (join the fingers of both hands with pads and round them into a ball shape).

    Suddenly out of a cloud above the ground

    A swarm of snowflakes flew.

    (raise your arms up, spread your fingers to the sides, turn your hands, slowly lowering

    The wind blew and hummed -

    (blow on your hands)

    A swarm of snowflakes flew up.

    (shake your hands, lifting them up, rotate them)

    The wind swirls with them, Maybe they'll make friends

    (rotate your hands, alternately crossing your arms).

    4. Modeling a snowman.

    Educator: (explains and shows working techniques).

    What color should we take plasticine?

    Children: white.

    Educator: Now I need to divide the lump of plasticine into three pieces so that I can

    I was able to roll three balls.

    What size will the balls be?

    Children: one big, one smaller and the smallest.

    The teacher demonstrates techniques for rolling plasticine balls. That's what I did

    We put them together to form a snowman figure (discussing which ball we take first and which one next).

    So my snowman is ready.

    The children begin to sculpt, the teacher controls the work methods during the sculpting process,

    helps children who have difficulty completing a task. Children place their snowmen on

    Educator: Guys, what beautiful snowmen we got, we worked hard on

    glory. Now let's put our snowmen on our layout and place them so that

    There was enough room for everyone.

    Guys, how did we make a snowman? How many balls does our snowman consist of?

    Upon completion, the teacher approves of the children’s work, notes their independence, and asks

    talk about your snowmen.

    Appendix No. 8

    Summary of GCD in the junior group

    Artistic creativity: drawing

    Theme: “Funny snowmen”

    Educational: practice drawing round objects,

    make you want to create the image of funny snowmen.


    develop imagination and sense of humor.


    educate children to have a cheerful and kind disposition.

    Verbal (conversation, dialogue);


    Practical (independent productive activities of children).

    Personality-oriented approach with the goal of developing independence.

    Handouts: tinted album sheets, water in jars, gouache paints,

    cloth napkins, brushes No. 8, No. 2.

    Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations depicting snowmen, their

    clothes, their actions, didactic game"Build a snowman."

    Progress: Organizational moment

    Guys, guess the riddle:

    In the bitter cold without a coat,

    Instead of a hat, a sieve

    The guy wears it for show

    Coals instead of eyes,

    And carrots have a sharp nose,

    Not a simple question at all.

    He has arms and no legs,

    I couldn't hide.

    Created by children

    Stands with a broom day and night. (Snowman)

    Educator: Who is knocking on our door, guys?

    Who came to visit us?

    Children. Snowman

    Educator: He’s so funny, come in, we’ll look at you. What do you have?

    Children. Nose.

    Educator: How long and funny.

    What is this instead of a hat?

    Children. Bucket.

    How funny you are. Come play with us.

    Physical exercise: “Making a snowman”

    We are making a snowman:

    (they walk one after another in a circle, each imitates that they are rolling a ball of snow)

    Hat, nose, eyes, sides.

    (touch the head, nose, eyes, clap on the sides)

    The nice snowman came out

    (sway from side to side, stepping from foot to foot)

    He is neither small nor big.

    (make a “spring”, hands on the belt 2 times)

    That's how nice we played. It's getting hot for the snowman, let's say thank you to him, let him go

    The snowman is thanked and leaves.

    Educator: So that it doesn’t get boring, let’s draw our snowman.

    How to draw a snowman to make him funny?

    Children. On the head there is a saucepan, a hat, a scarf, instead of a nose there is a twig or carrot; in hand

    broom, big mouth, laughing.

    Educator: What can a funny snowman do?

    Children. Dance, laugh, tumble.

    Educator: What color is a snowman?

    Children. White.

    Educator: What should we draw first?

    Children. Big snowman ball.

    Educator: Start drawing.

    The children draw, the teacher clarifies how the snowman is dressed and what he is doing.

    At the end of the lesson, look at all the pictures and determine:

    Who has the funniest snowman?

    Design a group of children's works together with the children.

    Appendix No. 9

    Synopsis of a physical education game lesson in the “Visiting the Snowman” hall.

    Teach children to jump forward.

    Strengthen the ability to jump from a height of 10-15cm;

    crawl through the hoop without touching the floor with your hands; maintain balance while standing on your toes.

    Improve your ability to jump over a line; roll the hoop forward.

    Equipment: cords 30-35 cm long – 9 pcs.; hoops - according to the number of children;

    gymnastic bench 10-15 cm high; ladder.


    Today we are all going to visit the Snowman together. The road will not be easy

    so get ready for various obstacles and tasks. Let's hit the road!

    We went out onto the path, our legs were walking quickly.

    Here's a right turn, here's a left turn.

    And now we go skiing, sometimes faster, sometimes more quietly.

    (walking is normal, alternating with walking on toes, small and with long strides, depicting

    skiing, children walk with long strides)

    To make the journey shorter, we will fly by plane.

    (outdoor game “Planes”)

    Open switchgear without objects, standing in a hoop.

    So we came to visit the Snowman. But what miracles - he does exercises! Let's

    together, let's do his exercises.

    1. Snow is falling.

    I.p. – standing, feet hip-width apart, hands below.

    Raise your arms up through your sides and smoothly lower them down. (4-5 times)

    2. We play snowballs.

    I.p. - Same.

    Bend over, take the “snow”. Straighten up, “make a snowball” and, swinging, throw

    3. Let's go sledding down the hill.

    I.p. - Same.

    Sit down, arms forward (holding the rope). Straighten up.

    4. Let's go skiing down the hill.

    I.p. - Same.

    Without bending your knees, bend forward and down, move your arms back, look forward.

    Straighten up.

    5. I.p. - standing, feet hip-width apart, hands on the belt.

    Jumping on two legs in place.

    Guys, let's make little Snowmen - let our Snowman have a lot

    1. Rolling the hoop forward.

    Let's play with the Snowman: together we will step over 3 magic cords.

    2. Standing long jumps in a row through 3 cords lying at a distance of 1 m one from

    And the Snowman has already gathered guests - hares. Let's play with them.

    Jump - jump, jump - jump -

    Bunnies are jumping.

    Jump - jump, jump - jump -

    Brave guys!

    They will stand together on the stumps,

    They will jump into the soft snow.

    And then they start playing -

    Jump tail first.

    3.Jumping from a height (10-15cm), and then jumping backwards.

    We have a lot of fun visiting the Snowman. Let's teach him to play the game "Crows and


    Outdoor game "Crows and the dog"

    It's time to say goodbye to the Snowman. Did you guys like visiting the Snowman?

    We frolicked, played, and again everyone stood in a column.

    And we head home along the familiar path.

    Walking with tasks:

    Form a column;

    At the signal, perform a toe stand;

    Follow the “footsteps”;

    Walk by stepping between the slats of the stairs lying on the floor.

    Appendix No. 10

    Synopsis of a physical education subject lesson in the “Adventures of Snowflakes” hall.

    Teach children to walk on an inclined board while maintaining balance.

    Strengthen the ability to roll the ball to each other under a cord (height - 20-25cm) from

    starting position “sitting on the floor”; jump over a line (cord).

    Improve jumping skills moving forward by 2-3m; climb over

    objects; coordinate movements when performing a body roll.

    Equipment: paper snowflakes - 2 for each child; cubes 4-6 pcs.;

    cylindrical soft modules – 2 pcs.; board with sides – 2 pcs.; balls (diameter – 20cm)

    musical accompaniment for outdoor switchgear.


    This morning a snowflake knocked on my window. She was very beautiful. I

    opened the window to admire it, and a snowflake suddenly landed on the windowsill and

    told me her wonderful story. And I will not only tell you this story, but also

    I’ll show it to you together. In one snowy kingdom lived girlfriends - snowflakes. They

    together we danced in a snowy round dance.

    Walking in a column one at a time; on toes, arms to sides; with high knees;

    on your heels, clapping your hands above your head.

    And the snowflakes were flying very beautifully high, rising above the sleeping

    trees and cities.

    Running in circles.

    Breathing exercises while walking.

    ORU (with paper snowflakes).

    In a beautiful dance

    The snowflake is spinning.

    Smoothly flies up

    Slowly falls down.

    1.I.p. – standing, legs parallel to the width of your feet, hands below.

    Raise your arms up through your sides and smoothly lower them down.

    On a snow carousel

    Snowflakes are rolling.

    Hands up, hands down,

    Take a ride with us.

    2.I.p. - Same. Raise both arms together up and down.

    Snowflakes - silver flakes

    They play hide and seek with us.

    You need to get on your knees

    And show me a snowflake.

    3.I.p. – sitting on your heels, hands with snowflakes behind your back. Kneel down - arms forward;

    Municipal preschool educational

    institution "Kindergarten No. 233"

    Sports festival

    "Winter Fun"


    Guseva Galina Vadimovna


    Target : Creating conditions for the manifestation of children's creative activity, improving spiritual and moral culture through acquaintance with Russian folk traditions.


      Cultivate interest and respect for folk traditions, instill a love of sports.

    2. Develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance through team relay races and games.

    3. Develop attention, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team, cohesion and mutual assistance.

    4. Create a joyful mood in children, a positive emotional mood during the sporting event; evoke an emotional response to the successes and achievements of their students.

    Preliminary work

    Design of the sports ground in accordance with the planned competitions; conversation with children about folk traditions.

    Materials and equipment

      Costumes of buffoon, matryoshka, Baba Yaga (for adults).

      Life-size puppet (Zimulka).

      Riddles hidden in attributes.

      Hockey goal.

    1. Bags according to the number of children.

    2. Ice sled.

      Soft builder.

    They go out to cheerful musicSkomorokh and Matryoshka.


    Hello, children, girls and boys,

    Both small and large, and dear guests!

    I am Skomorokh Timoshka, I can sing and dance a little!


    And I am a cheerful Matryoshka, in my hands I have painted spoons.

    I have a cheerful trumpet, a horn-pipe,

    I’ll play the pipe and invite everyone to dance!


    Come out, honest people, quickly join the round dance,

    Let's dance merrily, let's tap our feet!

    1. "Circular dance" ("Canary")

    Comes out to the musicSnowman:

    I am a well-known guest and very interesting!

    You sculpted me cleverly, instead of a nose there is a carrot.

    I'm made of snow and with a broom, look what I'm like!

    I'm not used to being lazy in winter. Me guys...

    Children. Snowman!


    I came to you to frolic, play, have fun!


    Well, then, don’t yawn, come play with us!

    2. Game "Lavata"


    We played well and weren’t tired at all!

    I brought with me, guys, skis, sleds and shovels.

    It's time for us to go to the playground, there's a game waiting for us, kids!

    Snowman leads children awayavg. gr . sports ground to the music.


    Winter comes every year, bringing frost and blizzards with it.

    We'll go visit in winter, we'll find a lot of games and fun!

    3. Warm-up “Travel”

    Music sounds and rhythmic gymnastics begins.

    Warm up.

    Snake running (we ran along a narrow winding path), walking with a high hip lift (stepping over snowdrifts), walking on the outside of the foot (we met a bear), jumping on 2 legs moving forward (bunny), walking on toes (fox-sister) , straight gallop (horse). Walking in a half-squat with the steering wheel in your hands (sitting on a car), walking with a high hip lift, circular movements with your arms (moving on a train), standing, legs wider than shoulders, half-squatting, arms to the sides (flying on an airplane).

    Main complex.

    1. "Flashlight" and P. feet width apart, hands on the waist.

    1 .half squat, right hand up with fingers open.

    2 .return to and. n. - 4 times.

    3 . half squat, lion Hand up with open fingers.

    4 . return to i. p. -4 times.

    2."Flashlights" etc. P. Same,

    1. half squat, right and left. hands up with fingers open.

    2. return to i. p. -4 times.

    3."We are surprised." P . free stance, hands down.

    1. raise your shoulders up

    2. return to i. n. - 4 times.

    4 “Looking for animals” and. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

    1. half squat, body turn to the right, left arm bent at the elbow, fingers to the eyes

    2.return to i.p.

    3. also in the right direction - 4 times.

    5.”Trees swaying” and. P. feet shoulder-width apart, arms up, straight.

    1. half squat torso tilt to the right.

    2. return to i. P.

    3. also to the left - 4 times.

    6. “Throwing snowballs” and. P. main stand

    1. squat, “imitation” of throwing a snowball,

    2. return to i. p.-8 times.

    7. “Parsley” and. P. basic rack.

    1. jump legs apart, arms up through sides.

    2. return to i. p. - 8 times.

    8. “Let’s dance” and. P. legs slightly apart, hands down. Walk without lifting your toes off the floor.

    The teacher brings out a life-size puppetZimulku to the music

    (“Three White Horses”)


    Hello, kids, snub noses!

    I am Zimushka-Winter, and my name is Zimulka. I am so glad to see you visiting me, in my snowy kingdom!


    Hello, Zimulka!

    We were in a hurry, we were in a hurry, we passed all the obstacles,

    We have overcome a difficult path, we have arrived in the snowy kingdom!

    We want to play with you, show off our skills!


    In my kingdom, to play and compete you will need speed and courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Are you ready for the challenge?

    Children. Yes!


    Come on, teams, line up!

    Children are formed into two teams. Team greetings are said:

    Buffoon : Children:

    Team… - "Snowmen!"

    1, 2, - We love sports.

    3, 4, - We are friends with him.

    Be ready! - Always ready!

    Be healthy! - Always healthy!


    Never be discouraged, - Hit the target with snowballs,

    And rush down the hill on a sled, - And get on skis -

    That's the secret of health. - Be healthy! Physical education - hello!


    In order for you to compete, you have to try very hard.

    I have riddles, you guys find them!

    (1 riddle is inball ).

    Matryoshka (is reading):

    Two wooden horses carry me through the snow,

    These horses are red, and their names are...

    Children: Skis!

      Ski relay

    The first member of each team on one ski, at a signal, runs in a sliding step to the stand, runs around it and returns back in a straight line. Passes the ski to the next participant and stands at the end of the team.


    Well done, we played well. Now look for the next riddle.

    Children find 2 riddles in carrots.


    So we can play hockey,

    What do we need to get our hands on?

    Children. Hockey stick!

    5. Relay race “Score the puck into the goal” (boys)

    The child uses his stick to move the puck in a straight line to a landmark, scores it into the goal, then runs back and passes the stick to the second player.


    Guys, where did Zimulka hide the third riddle?

    Children find the 3rd riddle on the gate in the shape of a candy.


    We stood there all summer and waited for winter.

    When the time was right, we rushed down the mountain.

    Children. Sled!

    6. Sled relay ("Crossing")

    At a signal, the boy must transport the girl on a sled from one bank to the other.

    He comes back for the next girl and so on until the end.


    Look up and down quickly and find the riddle!

    4 the riddle is in the cone on the tree.


    He is a difficult guest, he comes to us in winter,

    There is a bucket on my head - it is not full of holes.

    He looks at the coals and plays with us.

    He's a funny little guy! Who is this?

    Children. Snowman!

    7. Relay race “Put out the Snowman”

    Children find the 5th riddle on Zimulka’s mitten.


    Take your skis quickly and run to the obstacle.

    You see the circle ahead, hit the target!

    What is the name of this winter sport?

    Children. Biathlon!

    Matryoshka. Right.

    8. Biathlon relay

    The first participant runs with one ski in his hands to the landmark, takes the bag and throws it at the target. Returns to the starting line and passes the ski to the second player.

    6 a riddle is found in a snowball.


    An old woman lives in the thicket of the forest,

    The old lady has both a mortar and a hockey stick,

    She also has a bone leg,

    Well, her name is...

    Children. Baba Yaga!


    Oh, what kind of interesting riddle is this?


    Guys! Who was it that joked with us like that?

    To the song “B.Ya.” Baba Yaga runs out onto the platform.

    What kind of gathering is this? Why funny laughter?

    I’ll throw a party for you - I’ll disperse everyone right now!

    I am the evil Yaga, bone leg!

    I'll scare you all, wow, how evil I am!

    You forgot about the old lady, you didn’t invite her to play,

    I had to be cunning and plant a riddle!


    Grandmother Yaga, don’t be angry, frolic with us!

    Have fun playing and catch up with your broom!

    9. Game "Catch the broom"

    What kind of nimble children are these? I can't keep up with you.

    M. Baba Yaga, aren't you tired?

    B.I. What about the FAQ?

    M. And we know another interesting game.

    B.I. Well, give us your game, what do you eat it with?

    M. What are you talking about, grandma, they are playing a game.

    B.I. Well, okay, let's play.

    10. Game "Baba Yaga"

    (Children dance around B.Ya.)

    Children: Baba Yaga - bone leg,

    She fell from the stove and broke her leg.

    And then he says...

    My leg hurts!

    Children: She went outside and crushed a chicken!

    I went out onto the lawn and scared the bunny!

    I came to the kindergarten and made all the guys laugh! ( laughing)

    And..., did you decide to laugh, to make fun of Yaga?

    Yes, if I want, I will turn you into trees!

    (He stamps his foot, the children freeze in different positions. B.Ya. walks between them with a contented look. Sad music plays)

    Yes, if I want, I will turn you into frogs (bunnies, dogs)!

    (“The dogs” growl and step on B.Ya.)

    Ah...so you bite? We'll have to clean up! (runs away)


    B.Ya left. she didn’t want to stay with us, well, since she doesn’t like fun, let her go into her fairy tale.


    Well, what about Zimushka, well done our guys?


    Oh, well done! And you guessed the riddles, and passed all the tests, overcame all the obstacles! It's time for us to say goodbye next year, Goodbye!

    Zimulka “leaves”


    Guys, it’s time for us to return to the d/s, the Snowman has already been waiting for us.

    Children to the musicare returning from the snow kingdom to d/s.

    It turns outSnowman with children wed. gr.


    We played on the playground and weren’t bored at all,

    And we went skiing and we threw snowballs,

    And the kids said, “thank you” from the bottom of my heart!


    And now, I invite everyone now

    Let's start a merry dance!

    11. Mass dance ("White snow")


    For the games, dancing and fun, he brought the children treats.

    Eat sweet candies, kids!

    Handing out treats


    We weren’t bored today, we visited the snowy kingdom,

    They played and skated there, everyone competed together.


    We will finish the winter fun,

    It's time for the kids

    All. Rest!

    1. Circular dance

    2. "Lavata"

    3. "Journey"

    Exit Zimulka. Relay races:

    4. With skis

    5. “Get the puck into the goal.”

    6. “Crossing” (sled)

    7. “Put out the Snowman”

    8. Biathlon

    The exit of Baba Yaga. Games:

    9. With a broom

    10. "Baba Yaga"

    11. Mass dance

    Target: Introducing adults and children to a healthy lifestyle, fostering a positive emotional response, participation in the celebration dedicated to the anniversary of the Dzerzhinsky district.


      Enrich and improve the motor experience of children and parents, strengthen the relationship between kindergarten and family.

      To instill an interest in a healthy lifestyle in adults and children.

      To form the experience of active emotional interaction between parents and children.

      Develop in children Creative skills, imagination, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, and the ability to control one’s actions.

      To instill in children a love for their small Motherland and pride in their people.

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