• How to cover an arch with decorative stone. Decorating an arch with gypsum artificial stone in an apartment


    The history of arches as an architectural element comes from the Ancient East. It is impossible to determine who its creator is. IN modern world materials for building arches went far beyond stone. Now arches are made from OSP boards, chipboards, etc. But what if the araka just looks boring? Reduces the design to nothing. In this case, the arch is decorated decorative stone. It is very easy to use and has a number of advantages: resistance to mechanical stress and absence of rotting, corrosion and fungus. Decorative stone is an environmentally friendly material for indoor use and will not cause harm to health. But when laying decorative stone, for the most pleasant effect, you should remember the work technique and follow it. How to finish with decorative stone? What could be the result later in the article.

    Interesting decoration of the front door with decorative stone: photo

    There are many ideas that can be realized using decorative stone. Walls, corners and doors look cozier. The stone protects them from external influences and lasts a long time. And the variety in color will help make your wildest apartment design dreams come true.

    Options for compositions made of decorative stone for doorways and entrance doors:

    1. If the interior of the room is restrained in colors and content, then you can put a decorative stone only on the wall, using a rare step. Without weighing down the entire arch. This will help highlight the opening, but not cover the rest of the space.
    2. Completely cover the walls where the entrance doors are located with stone. Unusual effect of a stone house. The entrance openings are trimmed with stone, which allows the use of heavier items in the interior, such as a massive chest of drawers made of wood.
    3. The Greek motif paintings create an atmosphere of sunny and warm Cyprus. They allow you to forget about the cold and remember the sea.
    4. Decorative stone is used to achieve the effect of antiquity. They completely decorate the wall with it and imagine themselves in a safe castle.

    Finishing with decorative stone allows you to diversify the interior. The soft colors of the stone create an atmosphere of warm countries, reminiscent of summer. More dark colors decorative stones look noble, like reliable and indestructible walls of a castle or large wooden house. The main thing is that this is really so. After all, with such a decorative element, the walls are not afraid of time.

    Proper finishing of entrance door slopes with decorative stone: photo

    Lined slopes artificial stone will give the interior an original look. You can create the illusion of a cave or an ancient castle. And the practicality of this type of finishing makes it one of the most popular among the people. Artificial material has a number of advantages that make it so popular.

    The surface on which the stone is placed may not be flat, the weight of decorative stone is less than natural stone, there is a very wide variety of textures and appearance.

    Artificial stone has good fire resistance and heat insulation, and does not absorb liquid. It is used indoors where very strict sanitation standards are observed. This material is safe and easy to use and clean.

    Working on door slopes for artificial stone dictates a number of conditions:

    1. When the door has a rectangular shape, the lower part is made wider. This will create a visual evenness and natural look, helping to transition from stone to another material without harsh elements.
    2. The template must match the curvature of the structure.
    3. You should not make smooth edges, this can destroy the naturalness.

    All this work can be done without a master, who may charge too high a price. To do this type of work with your own hands, you must remember that the color and size are selected before installation; the stone is easily cut with a special tool. Everything is assembled into a single composition and after that you can finish the required surface.

    Stone arches: preparation of tools, adhesive joints and surfaces

    Before you start framing the arches with artificial brick or stone, you need to prepare everything necessary materials. After all, you can’t just start working on top of old untreated walls, gluing artificial stone onto jelly. The adhesive connection required for the work is prepared and the working surface is processed.

    Materials to help create an arch:

    • The stone itself, which is selected according to a pre-thought-out design;
    • Pencil for indicating the location of parts, framing;
    • Sandpaper will help to trim rough corners of the stone;
    • The surface is covered with a soil solution to prepare it for cladding;
    • Adhesive connection for fastening stone to the surface of interior walls;
    • In order for the stone tiles to look decent, the gaps between each element are covered with grout for the seams;
    • A tub for mortar or glue.

    Unevenness on the walls can also be smoothed out with sandpaper, and later also primed. This will prepare the surface. A special glue (liquid nails) or mortar (made of cement and sand) is used. The reliability of the fastening depends on the quality of the adhesive joint or how rough the surface of the decorative stone itself is. If the work is carried out without the help of a specialist, then it is worth preparing the solution gradually. This will help prevent it from drying out quickly. Mix the adhesive compound using a drill with a special attachment. The solution should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.

    How to decorate doors with decorative stone

    The materials used to decorate doors with stone can be completely different. Granite, marble and many alternative things created by nature and processed by man. But they are rarely used due to their heavy weight. This puts stress on the wall and doors. Cracks may form. Also, such material is difficult to transport and is expensive. It is for these reasons that decorative stone is most often used.

    Technologies for laying decorative material (how to apply):

    1. Surface preparation. As stated above, it is necessary to prepare the plane for work. Remove remaining elements of old materials and finishing material.
    2. Apply primer to a dry wall, perhaps even more than one coat.
    3. Wait for it to dry completely.
    4. The stone is laid out according to the planned design scheme, observing the color transition.
    5. The mixture for the adhesive joint is prepared. All necessary components are mixed until a homogeneous solution.

    It is advisable not to wet the stone before installation, as this may prevent the adhesive from fixing the stone to the wall. It is possible to lay stone with a beautiful ornament if you study the patterns (seamless and seamless), which are available to anyone. All these nuances are taken into account during work for the most acceptable effect.

    Practical finishing of an arch with decorative stone (video)

    A beautifully and neatly decorated door or arch with decorative stone will help the interior become expressive and stylish. The room will look elegant. No one will remain indifferent under the effect of stone walls or an original design with a decorative stone frame. This design (cladding) looks great.

    Decorating arched structures with stone is becoming increasingly popular. This design solution allows you to give the room special style, and also significantly facilitate the cleaning procedure behind doorways, which are most susceptible to rapid contamination. Decorative stone does not require special care, is reliable and durable in use, is not susceptible to various fungi, corrosion and is absolutely harmless to the health of residents. Almost anyone can carry out all the work on decorating an arch with stone. To do this, you need to know the rules for selecting materials and installation features.

    An arch can change a room beyond recognition, adding elegance and attractiveness to it.

    How to choose a decorative stone for arch design

    Manufacturers of decorative stone have taken care of large selection of its products. The finishing material has a wide variety of textures and colors. The most popular materials are considered to be imitation shell rock, granite, slate, marble and travertine, but the texture can be chosen smooth or reminiscent of rough and untreated stone.

    Using an arch you can visually increase the space of your room

    If the arch will be finished on the facade of a building, it is preferable to choose a natural material that better retains its protective properties. For decorating an arch indoors, the protective properties of the material are not so significant. The main selection criteria remain appearance and the base of the facing material.

    Regardless of the type and shape of the arch, it can decorate any interior

    The base of the facing stone can be made of quartzite or acrylic, which are lightweight materials and are better suited for decorating an arch. Such materials have less weight and will hold more reliably on plumb lines. But if the base of the arch is strong, you can opt for finishing tiles with a gypsum, alabaster or sand-cement base. For example:

    1. For plasterboard construction, flexible and lightweight acrylic material is better suited. It will not damage or deform the structure and will easily fix on its surface. An option with tiles made from gypsum may also be acceptable.

    2. The arch, plastered and made of brick, is decorated with facing stone, which is made using cement-sand mortar.

    The arch is the architectural element on which the overall design of the room depends

    Advice: In order to achieve better adhesion of the tiles to the base, it is advisable to select a finishing material with the same base as the surface on which it will be fixed.

    Another secret good choice facing material - give preference to narrow-shaped tiles, which are easier to lay on the smooth lines of the arch. And to make it easier to work with the corner parts of the structure, you can use the appropriate corner version of the product, which will allow you to special effort arrange the corners.

    Selecting facing stone by color

    Decorative stone has a large palette of colors. It is difficult for an ordinary consumer, without any design skills, to choose and settle on one option. A few tips to make your choice easier and help you create unique design premises:

    1. If the idea was to create a marine theme, you can take a tile that matches the color of natural sand. Such an arch and the entire room will look like the bottom of the sea, and the blue or turquoise ceiling will look like the surface of the sea. A cold blue stone would also work well. You can complement the design with a large number of fresh flowers, which will serve as a kind of algae.

    The modern design of the arches allows you to divide the room into zones

    2. For rooms where holidays are held, tiles that imitate marble are well suited, preferably in light colors. This option will add celebration and sophistication to the room.

    An arch with decorative trim looks quite interesting in any room

    3. Arches that are located closer to the front door are best decorated with tiles dark shades. These places are most exposed various types pollution. Dark version tiles will hide them.

    This type of finishing will allow homeowners to fully express their individuality.

    4. Tiles that repeat the color and structure natural stone, is well suited for the idea of ​​​​creating a kind of entrance to the castle.

    Elegant and stylish design arched design will always be in fashion

    Advice: When choosing facing tiles in dark shades, you should think carefully about the future lighting in the room. Otherwise, the graceful arch will turn into the entrance to a dark cave.

    Choosing the right glue

    Each type of decorative stone has its own weight, and a universal adhesive for all surfaces has not yet been invented, so the adhesive composition is selected only after purchasing the facing material. IN in this case price is a secondary thing that is paid attention to, the main thing here is quality and correct selection materials.

    Decorative stone, depending on the color and texture, can be used in different styles interior

    Do not forget that the laying of plates is carried out not only on vertical surfaces. The lining of the arch is a factor that needs to be paid attention to Special attention, because the facing material will be continuously affected by the force of its separation. Rules for choosing an adhesive composition that will allow you to achieve good adhesion of surfaces:

    An alabaster or gypsum version of the tile is well fixed on concrete or plasterboard surfaces if you choose an adhesive based on gypsum;
    if the surface is plasterboard and the tiles are made on the basis of quartzite or acrylic, the chosen adhesive “liquid nails” would be an excellent option;
    cement-sand products - glue based on cement (or you can use concrete mortar).

    Advice: To decorate arches that are located outdoors and where the ambient temperature is lower than +5, you need a special glue of the intended brand. This fact is taken into account when choosing.

    The packaging of any adhesive composition should contain instructions that will accurately indicate the properties of the selected material.

    Rules and secrets for laying facing stone from specialists

    Decorating the arch begins with preparing its surface.

    Old wallpaper, paint or whitewash are removed;
    the walls are well leveled and cleaned;
    the surface of the future arch is primed.

    The primer is needed to bond small particles of the wall together. This will provide better hold. The soil material is selected depending on the base of the walls. For concrete and monolithic bases, it is better to purchase a special adhesive primer, for example “Betonokontakt”.

    Finishing an arch with decorative stone begins with the surface preparation stage

    To make the arch harmonious, all elements should be removed from the packaging and mixed. Then lay them out on the floor and place them in the option that will look most advantageous. To do this, the texture of the stone, its shades and sizes are taken into account. More dark colors mixed with light colors, and short elements are distributed between long parts.

    The finished arch with decorative stone looks very impressive

    The base of the arch is prepared, each individual element has found its place, and the glue is mixed strictly according to the instructions - you can begin installation.

    1. All installation of decorated stone begins from the bottom rows. Between the elements you will need to leave a gap of about 4 mm, which will serve as a seam. It is easier to decorate corners with a corner stone, but if one was not purchased, then the plates of each row are laid overlapping. In the future, following this rule will help avoid aligning the angle.

    Laying decorative stone is quite easy to do with your own hands.

    2. When laying each element, its horizontalness is checked. Lightly tapping the back of a screwdriver on its surface will help you adjust the stone to the desired position. These steps will also help identify areas where air is trapped under the tiles. Its presence prevents good adhesion of surfaces, which means the element will have to be removed, cleaned and re-glued.

    3. The arc of the arch is the heaviest section. Here, each stone will have to be initially cut to the required radius. For these purposes, use nippers (for hard tiles, use a circular saw). Advice from experts: Do not immediately try to break off a piece of tile according to the markings. It may break off in a completely different place. You should bite off in small pieces, gradually moving to the desired mark.

    Arranging an arch is one way to add expressiveness to the living room

    4. The edges of the cut element are sanded with a stone file.

    5. The tiles are ready for installation, but don’t rush. Each element must be inspected for the presence of cement laitance on its back side. This thin layer of foam will reduce adhesion and cause the stone to fall quickly. If this layer has been detected, it can be removed with a metal brush. Fever air in the room can become an obstacle to high-quality adhesion of surfaces. This problem can be solved by wetting the back side of the plates with water.

    Finishing with decorative stone is painstaking work, but the result is worth it

    6. The adhesive mass is evenly applied both to the wall itself and to the back side of each element, but its layer should not exceed 10 mm, otherwise the stone will constantly slide, disrupting the entire order.

    Filling the seams is carried out only after the structure has completely dried (after about two days). For this procedure, a special syringe is used, which is filled with a solution for sutures. Using gentle movements, without unnecessary pressure on the stone, the mortar is smoothed. For these purposes, use a rubber spatula or brush. You can clean the surface of the tiles using a sponge or a soft cloth. You can protect the coating from scuffs by applying acrylic varnish to it.

    There are many options on how to make the interior original and attractive. One solution is to create a beautiful arch from the doorway. But such a design by itself may not be enough. In some cases, you can’t do without a spectacular finish. And for this, artificial stone is very often used.

    About arches

    An arch is an architectural element that plays the role of an opening in the interior. It is known that there are references to the first arches from the times of the Ancient East.

    Given such a long history, it is not possible to know the reasons for the creation of arched structures. For a very long time the structure was built from stone and brick. Nowadays, plasterboard, wood, plywood, as well as OSB, chipboard or fiberboard have been added to this list.

    About decorative stone

    This material is not just an excellent way to decorate the interior, it performs an excellent protective function. That's why designers loved him so much. Of course, if artificial stone is used indoors, then its protective functions are limited to resisting only accidental mechanical damage. And this material is used in the interior in a targeted manner, the maximum that can be finished in one room is a wall. But most often the material is used as an addition to existing elements.

    Advantages of a stone arch

    This design option has almost no disadvantages. After all, the material does not rot, is not subject to corrosion and fungus. Decorative artificial stone consists of environmentally friendly components and is therefore safe for health.

    Why can't you use natural material? The fact is that, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, not all structures can withstand the weight natural stone. The same granite is three times heavier than its artificial counterpart.

    There are a number of other advantages of this approach:

    • no special care required - any detergent that does not contain abrasives will do;
    • you can use an artificial analogue of any natural stone - manufacturers began to make very high-quality imitation;
    • Decorating arches with stone with your own hands does not require any special skills, so the procedure is easy.

    Materials for creating the structure

    Creating a stone arch in an apartment requires the use of a certain list of materials that need to be prepared in advance:

    • the decorative stone itself;
    • pencil;
    • sandpaper;
    • primer;
    • mortar or glue;
    • grout for seams.


    Finishing an arch with decorative stone starts with the traditional stage of surface preparation. You need to smooth out the unevenness using sandpaper, and then putty them using a pre-primer.

    Preparation of adhesive solution

    Decorative stone can be laid using special glue, cement-sand mortar, or liquid nails.

    The quality of adhesion of the finishing material to the base depends on the roughness back side tiles and the quality of the adhesive mixture. If you need to prepare the solution yourself, you need to do this in small portions, since it sets quickly enough, losing its properties. You need to mix the powder and water in a convenient, capacious container using a mixer (this can be a drill with a special attachment). You need to mix until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.


    Laying is done from bottom to top. You need to start from the corner of the opening-wall. The seam should be left approximately 4-5 mm. If corner stones are used, they must be glued from below. If flat ones are used, the installation should be done with an overlap.

    During the procedure, you should not forget to check the horizontal positioning. Elements on the arc can be trimmed to maintain the required radius. This can be done with wire cutters or a grinder with a special attachment.

    The edges must be sanded using a file. When the finishing is completed, you need to wait for the solution or glue to dry. After this, you need to start refining the seams. For these purposes, we use grout of the appropriate color. To perform the procedure, it is better to use a construction syringe. IN otherwise You can use a rubber spatula. You can make the tool yourself. To do this, cut a square piece of polyethylene, roll it into a cone, and secure it with tape. The tip of this element must be cut so that the resulting size corresponds to the size of the seams between the stones.

    Next, use one of these tools to press the grout into the seams to completely fill them. In this case, you need to do everything carefully so that the material does not get on the front part of the products. All you have to do is wait until the grout dries - the decorative stone arch is ready.

    Seamless installation

    In this case, the tiles are laid tightly together, so finishing the arch with artificial stone requires painstaking work. The glue or solution is applied to the stone. If the installation is done from top to bottom, you can get a smooth border with clear lines.

    Since the edges of the finishing material are well prepared, no time is required for selection during installation, so the procedure is carried out quickly. At the end, the surface can be opened with impregnation, which will repel water and protect it from the effects of chemicals.

    A stone arch is inexpensive, but looks great

    Decorating an arch with stone allows you to give this element of the interior more expressiveness and style. The room takes on a more sophisticated and attractive look. This option looks especially good in hallways and living rooms. In short, the effect of this finish is amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos of the options.

    Decorating a doorway in a living room or hallway in the form of a large arch has been popular in our country for decades. This gives the interior individuality and special charm. However, you should not leave the arch without additional cladding - modern finishing materials can emphasize the beauty of this design element. Today we will tell you how to decorate an arch with decorative stone.

    Finishing two arches in one room with decorative stone in an identical way

    Decorative stone for finishing work is a material with virtually no disadvantages. Artificial in itself, it consists of components such as cement, pumice, expanded clay and others, which are environmentally friendly. Corrosion, putrefactive processes or fungus cannot occur on decorative stone. In addition, compared to natural stone, this material is cheaper and lighter in weight.

    A variety of colors, textures and imitations of decorative stone in construction stores

    When decorating arches, artificial stone exhibits the following advantages:

    • Easy to care for;

    To clean the surface, you only need water and any non-abrasive detergent.

    • Many options for textures and colors;

    The production of artificial stone is quite common, and today consumers can choose suitable option for any interior. Excellent imitation of natural analogues in color and texture allows you to create cladding that is indistinguishable from natural stone finishing.

    • Fairly simple installation of the material;

    The process of covering a surface with artificial stone is completely simple, so you can handle it yourself.

    • Protection for arch corners.

    Artificial stone covering the corner of the junction of the wall and the internal opening will perfectly resist various mechanical damage.

    Corners lined with artificial stone are perfectly protected from mechanical damage

    Stages of finishing an arch with artificial stone

    If the pressing question for you is how to decorate an arch with stone, and moreover, if you decide to do the installation yourself, the following recommendations will prove useful.

    Preparation for work

    The preparatory stage of work consists of choosing material, purchasing necessary tools and preparation of the arch surface.

    1. Selection of decorative stone;

    To decorate the arch you should choose thin and narrow plates of artificial stone

    Usually the shape of the slabs is chosen in the form of thin narrow rectangles; such proportions will look best on the opening. Often the surface of walls (and arches) is leveled using plasterboard, which necessitates the installation of lightweight material, and thin plates are the ideal option here.

    Another advantage of this form of stone is that if you arrange the tiles vertically, this will visually increase the height of the arched opening. In addition, in rounded arches such material is easier to attach.

    Small plates of artificial stone are easier to use in finishing a semicircular arch

    1. Required tools for installation;

    To decorate an arch with decorative stone, in addition to the material itself, you will need:

    • putty;
    • primer composition;
    • masonry mortar or liquid nails;
    • putty knife;
    • angle grinder;
    • plumb line or level;
    • pencil;
    • sandpaper (or file).
    1. Preparing the arch surface.

    It is necessary that the surface of the arched opening be smooth. If this is not the case, then the defects in the walls should be smoothed out - cracks and depressions should be filled with putty, and bulges should be sanded.

    Careful preparation of the arch surface before finishing with artificial stone is necessary

    In the case of a flat surface, notches are made on it using a small hatchet or similar tool. This will increase the adhesion of the applied materials.

    It is also imperative that the entire area on which the stone will be applied must be cleaned of dirt and stains. Then the surface is primed, and you can proceed directly to installation.

    To follow the correct technology for cladding an arch with stone, surface priming is required.

    Technology of facing an arch with stone

    Depending on the chosen design, the sequence of installation of materials on the surface of the opening may be different. Typically, installation begins from the bottom up from the junction of the opening and the wall.

    The first plate is attached to the surface, leveled or plumb and fixed. Then adjacent plates in a row are fastened in the same way. When the first row is laid out, the installation of the second row begins. Usually, seams are left between the elements - about 4-5 millimeters. To keep them even, you can use special plastic dividers.

    Beginning of installation of artificial stone on the surface of the arch from bottom to top

    It is worth considering that when installing a stone on the inner surface of an arch, the element must protrude outward by the size of its thickness. This will allow you to decorate the external walls with overlapping material and avoid the need to mask the corners.

    To accurately cut the required length of the plate, first it is applied to the wall, and on the inside, markings are made with a pencil directly along the arc of the arch - this will be the cutting line. The exact size of the tile is especially important when installing decorative stone on an arched arched opening.

    Most main question, which worries inexperienced craftsmen - how to properly cut a plate of artificial stone. There are two common methods - using pliers and a handsaw.

    In the first case, on the cut line made with a pencil, you need to draw it several times with pressure with a construction knife. Then everything that is unnecessary is simply bitten off with pliers, and the uneven edge of the plate is sanded with a file or sandpaper.

    After marking, the excess part of the artificial stone is bitten off with pliers along the line

    As a rule, already mounted material is cut with a hand saw directly on the surface. This method has its own nuances. Firstly, it is only suitable for plates installed vertically or horizontally and glued to a solution containing gypsum (in cases where the stone was mounted on cement, a circular saw is used for cutting). Secondly, some experience is required when working with a hand saw - if the material is damaged, then replacing one damaged element will be almost impossible.

    The last stage of installing decorative stone on an arch is sealing the tile joints. About a day after the completion of laying the material, the gaps between the plates are filled with a special solution. To lay the grout into the seams, use either a rubber spatula or a construction syringe (gun). To make the seams look neat, they should be smoothed with a brush.

    Filling the seams between artificial stone plates using a construction syringe

    Important! Despite its high strength, artificial stone can be damaged during finishing work. Therefore, do not press the material too hard or bend it.

    If you cannot imagine the result of such a design for an arched opening, we offer you photos of arches that were decorated with decorative stone. We are sure that among them you will definitely find a suitable option for your home or apartment.

    In the modern world, where everyone strives to be individual not only in their appearance, but also in the design of their home, people are increasingly trying to remake the standard apartment layout to suit their vision of space. Unnecessary bulky partitions are demolished and plasterboard structures are erected that do not take up much space.

    This also applies to doorways. Traditional rectangular shapes are changed into beautiful rounded arches. Immediately there is a sense of spaciousness in the room, and traffic flow increases (especially in the living room or kitchen). Most often, the doors to these rooms are open, and there is no particular need to keep them constantly closed. After all, every family member comes there quite often. Instead of the usual wooden platbands and extensions, the arch is finished with decorative stone.

    By building an interior arch, you will undoubtedly add home interior its zest. Moreover, an arch covered with decorative stone will always be in the center of everyone's attention. Whether to give it the appearance of an Arc de Triomphe or whether it will resemble an ancient entrance to a cave is up to you, the main thing is to choose the right type of stone for this purpose. It is not recommended to use cement stone for finishing. It is heavy, most often quite thick, and is used for cladding building facades. But finishing the arch with gypsum stone is exactly what is needed.

    Gypsum stone is light, thin and will not steal extra centimeters from the space of the arched opening. There are a huge number of types of gypsum stone. Just as in nature there are many varieties of stones, so with artificial finishing you can choose what will fit perfectly into your interior.

    What to lay on

    Glue. Laying artificial decorative stone on a wall or arched opening can be done using special glue for artificial stone. There are quite a lot of them on the modern market, here are a few examples:

    • Stone adhesive KR Professional Professional. This cement-based adhesive is used specifically for installing artificial stone indoors and outdoors. Sufficiently high quality, hermetically fixes the stone and gives a neat seam (when laying artificial bricks with jointing).
    • Glue for stone Plitonit Wb. This adhesive is used for gluing artificial and natural stone, all types of porcelain stoneware, facing and clinker tiles. It has proven itself well when laying stone on gypsum plaster, plasterboard, reinforced concrete, brick surface, cellular concrete, lime and cement plaster. When installed on this glue, artificial stone does not slip, which allows the master to lay it in any direction - from bottom to top and top to bottom.
    • Weber Vetonit stone adhesive - Stone Fix. It is used for laying artificial and natural stone, as well as any tiles, mosaics, both inside and outside the building. Adheres firmly to surfaces: gypsum fiber and gypsum board sheets, cellular concrete, gypsum and cement plasters.

    Liquid Nails. Finishing arches in an apartment with stone can also be done using liquid nails - strong adhesive. It is convenient because it is applied pointwise to stone tiles with a gun, sets quickly and is suitable for many types of surfaces:

    • polyurethane;
    • tree;
    • glass;
    • metal;
    • drywall;
    • cement and gypsum plaster.

    Putty. In addition to the listed means, you can use gypsum finishing putty to glue stone to drywall. It can also be used to edit joints at corners, provided that the stone is installed unpainted. Painting will take place after installation. When installing stone on putty, it is not polymeric ones that have proven to work well, but simple gypsum mixtures such as “Prospectors”.

    Preparation and styling

    An ideal surface before installation is required when you want to make torn stone, that is, leave sections of the wall for another decorative finishing. But plasterboard arches are most often initially smooth, so it is not necessary to putty on the corners and cover the screws. The stone will hide it all anyway. If you decide to lay decorative stone with your own hands, then initially the plasterboard arch should be primed before work. For this you can use a deep penetration primer, but ideally it is better to use contact concrete for priming. This special primer contains tiny particles of quartz sand and dries to leave a rough base. After such treatment, the adhesion of the arched opening to any finishing material increases.

    It is better to start decorating the arch with decorative stone from the bottom of one of the sides. Gypsum tiles They are perfectly cut into the required pieces with a regular hacksaw. If you have corner elements, they will perfectly complement the corners of the arch. If they are not there, then the stone is laid first on the inside of the arched opening, and then on both sides of the facade. To obtain the required fragment of torn stone for the front side, you need to saw off a piece slightly bigger size, than required for the front part. And then simply break it off with your hands or pliers on one side in the form of a broken stone. And stick it. This work is creative and requires attentiveness and a sense of proportion. Especially if the stone is installed already painted. Proper comparison of all stone fragments is the key to ensuring that an arch lined with decorative stone will look harmonious.

    Painting options

    After installation, the adhesive composition is given a day to dry. And then you can start painting (if the stone is white). For coloring, you can use various colors and dry pigments. They are diluted in water and applied to the stone with a brush or spray gun, and an airbrush is used to remove individual darker segments. It is recommended to first create a base color, that is, the main color of the stone. In order for the design of an arch in a hallway or kitchen made of decorative stone to fit into the overall picture of the room, it is necessary to select colors that are close or several tones darker or lighter than the color of the walls in the room.

    Painting stone with tinted paint is not recommended, especially if the stone is porous. Because the paint clogs the pores and the relief gets lost. This quite spoils the appearance of the arch. Most the best option- namely pigments or colors diluted with water. The water will immediately be absorbed into the plaster, and the color will remain outside without damaging the stone relief. And the arch in stone looks as natural as possible.

    Applying varnish for protection

    In conclusion, I would like to talk about the finishing of artificial stone. An arch trimmed with decorative stone requires a protective coating. To avoid future absorption of moisture by gypsum stone, it is necessary to impregnate it with water-repellent compounds. They not only protect the stone from moisture, but also reduce the likelihood of mold damage to the stone. The artificial stone is cleaned of dust and the water repellent is applied with a brush in two layers.

    Acrylic varnish can be used to protect decorative stone. This is a ready-made aqueous dispersion of milky color with a slight odor. After this varnish has dried, a transparent, durable film forms on the gypsum stone, and the stone can be wiped with a damp sponge. The varnish is absolutely harmless and does not emit harmful substances. If necessary, acrylic varnish can be diluted with water and applied with a spray gun, spray gun or airbrush.

    This varnish is produced in three versions: matte, semi-matte and glossy. When choosing, it is worth considering that glossy varnish will give the effect of the stone’s shine; it will give the impression that the stone is wet. Semi-matte acrylic varnish will only reflect slightly. And here Matt lacquer unlike previous options, it will protect the stone from moisture and will not change its color. Such option will do for those who want to achieve natural color when finishing.

    Some people think that if they bought a painted stone, then it is already ready and there is no need to further process it after installation. But that's not true. After all, it is impossible to say with certainty how the stone was processed during production. So when finishing interior arch finished with decorative stone, it is recommended to brush over the protective coating again. This will not only clog the pores of the gypsum stone and prevent moisture from being absorbed into it, but will also add strength to the tile.

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