• Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr day greeting card. Kurban Bayram congratulations for the holiday in verse and prose. How to beautifully congratulate friends on the holiday in Tajik and Tatar languages


    On Eid al-Fitr congratulations and warm regards sound everywhere. They are spoken in Russian, Tatar, Tajik, Arabic and other languages ​​by ordinary people and officials different states where adherents of Islam live. Various special events are dedicated to the holiday, and the streets and avenues of large cities are decorated with posters and banners with thematic pictures. Beautiful congratulatory words they write in verse on postcards and send them to family and friends in other cities and countries. Friends and colleagues are greeted with cheerful holiday SMS, and the elderly are greeted with the most tender and touching words in prose, thus demonstrating his respect for the religious traditions of the faithful subjects of Allah.

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha in Russian – pictures and postcards

    Congratulations on Kurban Bayram in Russian, written or printed on colorful postcards with thematic pictures, look very impressive, stylish and extraordinary. They give the holiday additional brightness and emphasize the solemnity of the moment. Such pleasant messages can be given to friends and loved ones personally along with good wishes and small gifts, sent by mail in elegant envelopes, sent via the Internet to email inboxes or posted on your pages in in social networks, thereby joining the great and significant Muslim holiday of Kurban Bayram.

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha SMS for friends and colleagues

    SMS congratulations on Kurban Bayram are perfect for friends, work colleagues, business partners and clients who profess Islam. Muslim friends who know them will be extremely pleased on the day of their holy holiday to see on the phone screen several kind, pleasant solemn phrases, complemented by sincere and touching wishes love, peace, friendship and understanding. Don't skimp on Nice words and write them from the bottom of your heart. Such a small sign of attention shown to friends and acquaintances will definitely be remembered and will give your relationship additional cordiality, openness and sincerity.

    IN holidays Kurban Bayram,
    I wish you faith for the whole year!
    I know this ancient holiday is coming to your house
    Will bring happiness and wealth!

    The pilgrimage to Mecca has ended,
    Kurban Bayram has already come to visit us.
    We asked Allah from the heart,
    So that everyone finds a happy life.

    Let it be on the day of Kurban Bayram
    Peace and tranquility come to you!
    May Allah protect everyone
    May he forgive everyone today!

    Kurban Bayram congratulations in Tatar and Tajik for relatives

    Many modern Russian citizens have Tajik, Tatar and Uzbek roots, profess Islam and celebrate all Muslim holidays very magnificently. For their relatives and friends, they most often choose congratulations on Kurban Bayram in Tatar or Tajik language. Ethnic Russian citizens who want to please their Muslim friends do the same. In this way, they express sincere respect for the traditions, faith and language of another people and emphasize the unity of representatives of different faiths and opposing religious beliefs.

    Korban Gaete hitte,

    Onytmagiz tugannar!
    Өylәregez tazadyr,Kүңelegez,-bәyrәmchә.​
    Moncha yagip kergansezder,
    Clean cue kigansezder.
    Irtәgә bit zur bәairәm,
    Mәchetlәr kөtә bezne!
    Yakynnarygyznyn yes,
    Hәllәren beү kirәk.
    Korban chalyp chakyrsalar,
    Barmy berk kalmagyz.
    Dogalar tynlar ochen,
    Khale bulgan һәrkem dә,
    Kүchtәnәch alyp bara.
    Olylarny olilybyz,
    Ash-su, өstәl әzerlәp.
    Әti-әnigә kaytabyz,
    Kaderlen beleren.
    Zur savaplar җyyarbyz,
    Zurlasak bu bayramne.
    Bayram belen moselmannar,
    Bәhetlәr birsen Hodai!
    Allah onytmyik ber dә,

    Khormatle duslar!

    Korban gaete mobarak bulsyn!

    Go Kurbon omadu, dar Makka khachi Akbar ast,

    Dustonro tabrik namudan, sunnati paygambar ast.

    Shumoro bo farorasia Go Kurbon tabrik megem. Bigzor Khudovandi buzurg ba hamaaton behubudiu salomatii qavi, khonaobodi, dar korhoyaton muwaffakiyatchoi benazir va sarbalandi ato namoyad.

    Kөch-kuәt, ilһam өstәsen, igelekle eshlәrgә, gamәllәrgә өndәsen, yakty өmetlәr alyp kilsen. Ikhlas kүңeldәn saulyk-sәlamәtlek, tormysh tynychlygy, gailә botenlege, yortlarygyzga iminlek telimen!

    Allahydan kilgan bayram belen

    Tabrik item sezne tugannar!

    Barchabyznyn and kabul bulsyn

    Chyn yoraktan chalgan korbannar!

    Olug bayram bugen bar җiһanda —

    Korban you are boiling boilers!

    Izge eshlar kylgan һәr keshegә

    Bәkhet-sәgadәt nasyp bulsyn!

    Congratulations on Kurban Bayram in verse are beautiful and touching

    Beautiful and touching congratulations on Eid al-Fitr in verse can be recited right behind festive table, where all family members gathered. Such a performance will add special solemnity to the event and will certainly attract attention. A bright speech should be supplemented with a short individual wish to everyone present, and at the end of the speech, thank Allah for his patronage and protection. It will be very successful if the poem is read by representatives of the younger generation. In this way they will pay tribute to the elderly and show how much they respect the religious traditions of their ancestors.

    Great day Eid al-Adha
    He broke into every house!
    We give glory to our forefathers
    Let's sing with the whole world!

    May your family be like the Garden of Eden
    Blooms forever!
    May he protect you from all obstacles
    God's hand!

    Kurban Bayram has arrived

    Bright holiday of Muslims,

    Everyone congratulates each other

    They read prayer from the heart,

    They set the table generously,

    And the house is already full of guests,

    May Allah have his children

    Bless you on this day!

    Great day for Muslims
    His name is Kurban Bayram.
    And a sacrifice is needed
    To get forgiveness for yourself.

    Cleanse your soul, body,
    And do the right thing
    Feeding all the poor.
    And everyone is ready for the holiday!

    Celebrating the great holiday
    Every Muslim gives
    To family and friends your warmth -
    And my soul feels so good!

    Kurban Bayram congratulations in prose for loved ones

    On the occasion of the great Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, congratulations for loved ones of older people should sound very sincere, inspiring and touching. It is best for this occasion to choose not poetry, but pleasant, beautiful lines in prose. They will be able to fully reflect the joyful holiday mood and your attitude towards elderly relatives and friends. Complete your congratulatory phrases with good wishes for peace, health, happiness and prosperity. They should be said out loud or written in bright, colorful postcard with a thematic picture. If you add a few traditional holiday words in Tatar or Tajik at the end, the greeting will take on a very personal touch and will remain in the memory for a long time. Your Muslim friends will appreciate such sincere attention to their holiday and will be grateful for the respect for the religious traditions of their faith on the part of representatives of other faiths.

    On Kurban Bayram, I want to give you not only congratulations and best wishes from the bottom of my heart, but also say a few words about what seems very important to me. In the world you can’t just take, it requires sacrifices from us, big and small... And believing that everything is not accidental, we should not skimp on bringing them and then our life will be illuminated with the special light of fair balance and everything that was given will return a hundredfold!

    Eid al-Adha unites all Muslims. When performing prayer, think about your loved ones, friends and enemies, from the bottom of your heart wish them all happiness, and Allah will take away all sorrows and adversity from your home, leaving only happiness and love. Give the sacred sacrifice to those in need, and all year your house will be full of cornucopia. Happy holiday!

    Today all our dear and respected Muslims are celebrating a wonderful, important and very significant holiday- Kurban Bayram. This day comes to us once a year, and everyone really looks forward to it and carefully prepares for it. We are glad to celebrate this wonderful and mysterious holiday together. On this day we would like to wish you a lot of abundance on the table, sonorous songs, lively dances and an excellent, festive mood. May there be prosperity and happiness, peace and tranquility in all families. Congratulations, dear Muslims!

    Kurban Bayram is one of the central holidays in Islam. On this day, Muslims all over the world perform spiritual feats and improve their inner world. By sending pictures and congratulations in Russian or Tatar on Kurban Bayram 2018, every believer sincerely wishes peace and prosperity to all humanity. Muslim families annually send postcards with beautiful inscriptions even to the most distant relatives. We present the best of them in our selection.

    Beautiful pictures from Eid al-Adha 2018 with inscriptions

    Eid al-Fitr is accompanied by prayer and fun activities. On this day, believers remember the prophet Ibrahim, who, as a reward for his humility, was allowed by Allah not to sacrifice his own son, but to limit himself to the life of an animal. Beautiful pictures of Eid al-Adha 2018 with inscriptions will be a wonderful congratulation.

    Congratulations in beautiful pictures for Eid al-Adha 2018

    Congratulations and cards for Eid al-Adha 2018 in Tatar

    The celebration begins with a visit to the mosque. In new formal clothes and on an empty stomach, Muslims all over the world gather for common prayer. The meaning of the holiday: to think about life and death, sin, to perform a godly deed. They will celebrate for 3 days by sending each other congratulations and cards for Eid al-Adha 2018 in Tatar.

    A collection of interesting congratulations in Tatar for Kurban Bayram 2018

    Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir.

    Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul

    olsun, sevdikleriniz hep sizinle olsun…

    Kurban Bayramınız mübarek olsun.

    Bugün sevinç günü, kederleri bir yana bırakıp mutlu olalım. Kurban Bayramını doya doya yaşayalım. Her şeye kadir olan Yüce Allah, bizleri, doğru yoldan ve sevdiklerimizden ayırmasın

    Sezne chyn kүңelәn Korban bәyrәm belen tәbriklim! Barygyzga and saulyk, bәkhet-shatlyklar һәm ozyn gomerlәr Khoday birsen, kylgan dogalarygyzny һәm birgan һәerleregezne kabul itsen! Beyram belen, kaderle duslar!

    Sezne Korban Bairame belan ikhlas kүyңeldәn tәbrik itәm, barcha din kardeshlәremgә isәnlek, imenlek, behet ham bәrәkәt telәp kalam. Bәyrәmnәregez mөbәrәk bulsyn

    Tak'abbala-Allah minna wa-min-kum s'alihyu l-a'mal (Arabic: تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال‎)

    The best cards from Kurban Bayram 2018 with inscriptions in Russian

    After the mosque, the women go to visit, and the men go to the farm to slaughter the sacrificial animal. During the ritual, the carcass is divided into three parts: for relatives and neighbors, for the poor and for household members. For children at this time it is time for fun: entertainment is organized for them. Another important holiday - gratitude to Allah for offspring. Adults are having fun and giving each other the best Eid al-Fitr 2018 cards with inscriptions in Russian.

    Collection of the best cards for Eid al-Adha 2018 with congratulations in Russian

    Congratulations in Russian on Kurban Bayram 2018 in pictures

    According to tradition, on the holiday of sacrifice, all Russian-speaking Muslims send congratulations to their relatives in Russian on Kurban Bayram 2018 in pictures. Women set the table, which must have fresh baked goods, nuts and dried fruits, and animal meat. Men also take part in household chores, helping women manage the housework.

    A selection of beautiful congratulations in Russian on postcards for Kurban Bayram 2018

    I have no reason to be sad -

    Doubts cast aside:

    I will not tire of staying

    In a good mood!

    Besides, you should also raise it

    I express my desire:

    After all, Kurban Bayram has arrived,

    Congratulations to you!

    Kurban Bayram has arrived,

    Here's a roasted lamb

    Here's chak-chak and whites,

    Let's treat ourselves to our hearts' content!

    We open the doors wide,

    We welcome all guests!

    On a bright and big holiday

    We will purify our souls.

    Takbir will sing today

    All Muslim people

    We wish you goodness and peace,

    May the sun shine brightly for you!

    Good luck, holiday, peace,

    Goodness, wealth and love,

    May life give you a holiday,

    And Allah save you!

    IN sacred holiday Kurban Bayran may Allah Almighty forgive you all your sins, and may as much joy appear in your heart as you were able to give to people this year. Let your faith be as strong as that of the great prophet, so that the will of God will be your law.

    I wish you on the holiday of Kurban Bayran - may the sacred ray of the Almighty descend from the sky on your home and even more kindness and happiness appear in it. I wish to have the same faith as the prophet Ibrahim, and the same peace in my heart as his son. Health to you and your family.

    Photo pictures for Kurban Bayram 2018 with inscriptions in Tatar

    In 2018, holiday services will be on Wednesday, August 22. If you don’t know how best to congratulate your friends, photo pictures for Kurban Bayram 2018 with inscriptions in Tatar will help you with this. On the days of celebration, exclusively good deeds are performed: they take care of the needy, sick and elderly people.

    Collection of pictures for Kurban Bayram 2018 with congratulations in the Tatar language

    Eid al-Adha, one of the most important holidays for Muslims, begins on August 22 in 2018. Followers of the Prophet Muhammad will celebrate it for three days. Congratulations on Kurban Bayram from August 22 to 24, 2018 in Tatar and Russian will often be heard on the streets of Russian cities, where Muslims live side by side with Christians. And even if you yourself do not profess Islam, but have Muslim friends or relatives, they will be very pleased to receive from you on this important holiday beautiful pictures and the best cards for Eid al-Adha 2018 with sincere congratulatory inscriptions.

    Beautiful greeting pictures for Eid al-Adha 2018

    The celebration of Kurban Bayram has its origins in the distant past - during the time of the prophet Ibrahim. This prophet before old age had no children, and only when he was 86 years old did Allah give him a son. But when the boy grew up, an angel came to Ibrahim in a dream and said that Allah wanted to receive his son as a sacrifice. Since the prophet's faith was strong, he decided to make such a sacrifice. But Allah did not allow Ibrahim to kill his son, but instead took a ram as a sacrifice. Today on Kurban Bayram, all Muslims sacrifice large healthy animals to the Lord, treat friends and those in need with food, and also send beautiful pictures of Kurban Bayram 2018 to those whom they cannot congratulate in person.

    A selection of the most beautiful pictures from the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha 2018 for Muslims in Tatar

    Eid al-Adha symbolizes Muslims' absolute faith in Allah and submission to his will in all aspects of life. Therefore, congratulations on Kurban Bayram 2018 in Tatar, Arabic and other languages ​​necessarily include wishes for strong faith and the mercy of the Lord. Muslims also wish each other that Allah would accept their sacrifices and forgive them and their family members all involuntary sins.

    Best congratulations on the Feast of Sacrifice on August 22 in Tatar

    Sezne siekle kholkym, Kurban bayramegez belan kytliym! Isannek, saulyk, zur bakhetlar telim!

    Sezne һәm Tatarstannyn Islam dine әһelleren Kurban Bayram ңaennan chyn kүңelәn tabrik itәm. Keshelәr һәm җәmgyyat khakyna izge gamәllәregez ihlas iman, yugary әkhlak ideallaryn omtylu һәm Allahy Tәgalә rәkhmәte belen bashkarylsa ide. Sezgә nykly sәlamәtlek һәm igelekle ruhi missionagezne үtәүdә zur uңyshlar telim. Respublikabyz moselman ommmate tynychlyk soyu, kin kүңellelek һәm miһerbanlylyk, Yugara humanist ideallarga tugrylyknyn laekly үrnәge bulyr deep yshanam.

    Khormatle dusym! Kurban Bayram Belen! Sezge telim bekhet, unyshlar, savluk kop bulsen!

    Kurban Bayram Keldy, Dostlar

    Bu murabek bayram muslimlar.

    Er qoranta qurban chala

    Ve kartlargya hatrin sayla

    Olmasyn Adam Achly,

    Ve bakhtsiz epsi kelsin

    Allahtan sen soradin.

    Saba etre jami kapi

    Achty er kes adamy

    Bizim millet toplanajak

    Bayram prayers kyladjak

    Zakyak vermege unutma

    We are sure of Allah

    Lezetli ashlar pyshty

    Kurbban Bayram achty kapa.

    Khormatle duslar! Korban gaete mobarak bulsyn! Kөch-kuәt, ilһam өstәsen, igelekle eshlәrgә, gamәllәrgә өndәsen, yakty өmetlәr alyp kilsen. Ikhlas kүңeldәn saulyk-sәlamәtlek, tormysh tynychlygy, gailә botenlege, yortlarygyzga iminlek telimen!

    The best photo cards with Eid al-Adha in 2018

    Eid al-Fitr is a fun and generous holiday, on which Muslims are ordered to have fun, have feasts and spend time with family and friends. Before the feast and sacrifice, all followers of Muhammad must visit the mosque, where they read a special prayer and listen to the mullah’s sermons about the prophet Ibrahim and his son and the importance of unquestioning faith in Allah. Therefore, the best cards for Eid 2018 are decorated with images of mosques and symbols of Islam.

    Collection of the best Eid al-Fitr cards

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha 2018 in Russian

    Since many Muslims living in Russia do not know Arabic, it would be more correct to congratulate them in their native language. Every follower of the Prophet Muhammad will be pleased to receive beautiful congratulations on Kurban Bayram 2018 in Russian with wishes that the sacrifice be accepted and sins forgiven.

    Beautiful congratulations on the Feast of Sacrifice for Muslims

    In glorious and Holy holiday Kurban Bayram I wish you strong faith, lasting health, pure thoughts, generosity of soul, respect of others, love and prosperity. May this holiday shed light on the path of life and help you choose the right path, may Allah always help, may your heart and soul always thirst for good deeds.

    Congratulations to you and your family on this glorious holiday! We wish you that the generosity and wisdom of Allah will descend on your home, so that prosperity, wealth and cheerful laughter will not dry out in it.

    May Kurban Bayram give joy and happiness, bring prosperity and love to the home, fill the family cup with kindness and understanding, may sincere prayers be heard, and the sacrifice made serve as retribution as grace and joy of the soul.

    On the holiday of Kurban Bayram I send my sincere congratulations and from the bottom of my heart I wish that Allah rewards life with goodness and blessings for righteous deeds and alms to those in need, so that a bright prayer is heard, so that the joy of the soul is as pure as the robe on this holiday.

    On Kurban Bayram, I sincerely wish that Allah sends you abundance of life, grace and health. May your path be good, may your mercy share sadness with the disadvantaged, may your prayer certainly be heard, may your life be a bright and happy story.

    Pictures for Eid al-Adha 2018 with congratulatory inscriptions

    Beautiful pictures for Eid al-Adha 2018 with captions are a great way to congratulate Muslim friends living in other cities. The cards contain best wishes for this religious holiday in Russian and Arabic.

    Free pictures with congratulations on Eid al-Adha

    Eid al-Fitr is considered one of the greatest Islamic holidays, occurring on the tenth day of the 12th month. lunar calendar. In 2016, Eid al-Adha falls on September 13th. Translated from Arabic, “qurban” means rapprochement with the Almighty. According to Muslim traditions, this holiday ends the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) and is celebrated for several days. The ritual of sacrifice to the Lord is the main action on Eid al-Adha. According to the Koran, the history of this holiday goes back to ancient times, back to the time of the Prophet Ibrahim. So, one day the Almighty decided to test Ibrahim’s devotion and ordered him to sacrifice his son Ismail. Despite his father's love, the prophet submitted to the will of Allah and prepared for the sacrifice. However, at the moment when Ibrahim raised the knife over the boy, he saw in front of him a ram sent to him by the Almighty for sacrifice. Thus, Ibrahim proved his submission, love and devotion to Allah. On this day, Muslims say prayers of thanksgiving to the Almighty, visit the mosque, treat the poor, visit relatives and friends, and also congratulate each other on the holiday. We have prepared the most best congratulations on Kurban Bayram: in Russian and Tatar languages, in poetry and prose, in pictures and postcards. If a person close to you is far away on this blessed day, you can send him an SMS congratulations - on Eid al-Fitr it is customary to wish all the best and kindness.

    Eid al-Adha 2016 – short SMS congratulations

    During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, thousands of pilgrims gather in the center of the Muslim world - blessed Mecca. However, if for certain reasons it was not possible to get to this sacred place, you can celebrate Eid al-Fitr 2016 in any corner of the world. And send beautiful things to your family and friends short SMS congratulations With Best wishes goodness and peace. Congratulate your friends on Eid al-Fitr, because they will be pleased to receive a piece of warmth from you.

    Kurban Bayram is a great holiday!

    We congratulate you, friends,

    We wish you blessings and prosperity,

    May the family be strong!

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha,

    I wish you to avoid sins.

    May the world be bright and kind

    And every step and move is correct.

    You will find grace in prayers,

    Get rid of troubles and evil,

    Sacrifice to Allah

    Your best goat!

    Beautiful congratulations on Eid al-Adha in Russian

    Traditionally, Eid al-Adha is celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Adha, the day of breaking the fast that follows a month of fasting. From early morning, Muslims perform ablution, put on new clothes and go to prayer. And after returning home, it is time to sacrifice an animal - a ram, a goat, or even a camel. In addition, on Eid al-Adha it is customary to accept congratulations and give gifts to relatives and friends. We have collected the most beautiful congratulations Happy Eid al-Adha in Russian - peace, love and light to you on such a day!

    Today is a great holiday -

    Today is Eid al-Adha!

    Greet him with prayer

    And give a sacrifice to Allah!

    We wish you peace in your home,

    Peace and love in the soul,

    Let your prayers be heard

    And let the doors be open to goodness

    Today they will be on earth!

    Allah is our God and He is one,

    So be submissive to him

    We will be humble like Muhammad,

    Performing a ritual prayer.

    And let the hearts of the enemy tremble with fire,

    When we bear the name of Allah,

    Please everyone with good news,

    And save the holy house from grief.

    May the holy Eid al-Adha

    Joy will come to you

    The table is full of delicacies,

    The ram will be ready for the sacrifice.

    The poor will be fully fed,

    Namaz will be performed in the morning,

    Allah will reward everyone for good deeds,

    And will give you happiness forever.

    Touching congratulations on Eid al-Fitr in Tatar language

    Kurban Bayram is a holiday of prayer, kindness, awareness of wisdom and humility before the Almighty. On such a blessed day, it is customary to give alms, visit relatives and friends, and receive guests in your home. With the help of our touching congratulations With Eid al-Fitr in the Tatar language you can convey the kindest feelings and wishes.

    Kurban Bayram Keldy, Dostlar

    Bu murabek bayram muslimlar.

    Er qoranta qurban chala

    Ve kartlargya hatrin sayla

    Olmasyn Adam Achly,

    Ve bakhtsiz epsi kelsin

    Allahtan sen soradin.

    Saba etre jami kapi

    Achty er kes adamy

    Bizim millet toplanajak

    Bayram prayers kyladjak

    Zakyak vermege unutma

    We are sure of Allah

    Lezetli ashlar pyshty

    Kurbban Bayram achty kapa.

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha – Islamic pictures and cards

    The Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha always attracts many people who offer praise to the Almighty and perform the ritual of sacrifice. After all, according to the teachings of Islam, a sacrifice is a good deed for the glory of Allah and the remission of sins. On this day it is also customary to distribute food to the poor and needy, prepare gifts and congratulate family and friends. And beautiful pictures and greeting cards for Eid al-Adha can be sent by mail or presented in person at a meeting. Joy and peace to you!

    Original congratulations on Eid al-Fitr in verse

    Every year, Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice. This day marks the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca, which every Muslim must make at least once in his life. However, on Eid al-Fitr, you can sacrifice an animal in any other place, the main thing is to comply with this ritual. And ours original congratulations with Eid al-Fitr in verses will bring joy and good mood to any home.

    Let us perform prayer in the name of Allah,

    And we will celebrate the holiday in purity.

    We will treat our family and friends,

    And we welcome dear guests.

    He will call us from the minaret

    Muezzin humbly pray,

    Allah is great! And he will sing

    Soul. And joy will be reborn.

    So Kurban Bayram has come,

    And our congratulations to you!

    In Islam the holiday is very important:

    The brave Ibrahim has been tested,

    And we can celebrate the victory,

    Allah always leads us to the light!

    We are happy about the holiday, guests,

    Come and join us for a treat!

    On Eid al-Adha for all Muslims,

    Those who live within different countries,

    With great joy we congratulate you,

    And we wish everyone to visit Mecca!

    Let happiness come to your house,

    Let love and joy play in it.

    Congratulations on the holiday of Eid al-Adha in prose

    Congratulations on Eid al-Adha form an important traditional part of the holiday. Here you will find sincere and nice words congratulations on Eid al-Adha in prose - address them to your family and friends. Indeed, on such a joyful day, it is important to share not only gifts, but also warmth and mercy. Blessings to you!

    On the great holiday of Eid al-Fitr, let the morning prayer fill your soul with sunny kindness and bright light. Always keep peace and love in your heart, and may your generosity be rewarded with health, success and prosperity.

    Today all our dear and respected Muslims are celebrating a wonderful, important and very significant holiday - Kurban Bayram. This day comes to us once a year, and everyone really looks forward to it and carefully prepares for it. We are glad to celebrate this wonderful and mysterious holiday together. On this day we would like to wish you a lot of abundance on the table, sonorous songs, lively dances and a great festive mood. May there be prosperity and happiness, peace and tranquility in all families. Congratulations, dear Muslims!

    On this great day of Eid al-Fitr, I wish you to live in peace with your loved ones. May your children and wife be healthy and joyful. Honor your parents and do not forget to make a sacrifice to the Almighty.

    Eid al-Fitr is a religious holiday with ancient history, holding a special place in the hearts of all Muslims. This important day is accompanied by many rituals symbolizing gratitude and devotion to the Almighty. Prepare beautiful congratulations on Eid al-Adha 2016 for your relatives and friends - in Russian and Tatar languages, in SMS, in poetry and prose, in pictures and postcards. Happy holiday to you!

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