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    The celebration of City Day in Moscow is accompanied by many concerts, performances by pop stars, as well as other special events. The holiday is celebrated both on the streets of the city and in theaters and exhibition halls. In honor of Moscow City Day, it is customary to give an official speech before the opening of a concert or the start of a celebration. As a rule, when talking about the holiday in prose, they quote great writers or mention those historical figures who made the greatest contribution to the development of our capital. Poems congratulating the townspeople or the city itself are also part of entertainment program at any celebration.

    When is Moscow City Day celebrated?

    Since 1997, the celebration of Moscow City Day falls on the first weekend in September. The date was chosen based on the very first mention of the word “Moscow” in the ancient Ipatiev Chronicle. It is reliably known that in 1847 Moscow officially celebrated its 700th anniversary.

    Congratulations on Moscow City Day for special events in prose

    It’s not for nothing that they say that Moscow is the heart of Russia. The clock of the Spasskaya Tower sets the rhythm of the entire Great Power. All paths and highways in the world lead to Moscow; its greatness and power have been glorified by poets and legendary writers for centuries. One cannot help but admire Moscow. You can rely on it endlessly! All faces modern world and the history of a powerful state are united in one single image of our golden-domed and glorious capital. On this day, we wish our beloved city prosperity, cultural and spiritual growth, and boundless strength to continue to set the pace of life throughout Russia and the whole world.

    Happy City Day, Moscow! This is a special holiday for us and it’s time to remember the importance of our capital. A real diplomatic center, a modern city where hundreds of nationalities mix; a millionaire with a rich cultural heritage and glorious history, a combination of ancient architectural monuments and proud skyscrapers. This is a city of bold contrasts that inspires and nourishes each of its residents. Let Moscow prosper, become richer, and at the same time not forget about its true origins!

    Original congratulations in verse for Moscow City Day

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    May your life be eternal.

    Stories source

    Our city is endless.

    For eight centuries

    The great city lived

    Where is Yuri Dolgoruky

    The foundation was laid.

    The capital is thriving

    Green and carefree!

    Happy City Day! Yours

    Let the boundaries expand.

    We can't find it in the world

    More beautiful than the capital.

    The former glory of the principalities

    And royal greatness,

    The main thing in enormous strength

    It’s different from all capitals.

    You have become modern

    But manage to save

    Those memorable dates

    Long gone days!

    On Moscow City Day

    We honor those

    To whom does the city owe

    For your current success.

    Moscow princes

    They took care of it like a fortress,

    Then hundreds of fires

    They could have erased the city.

    But she stood strong

    Great capital.

    Came into history

    In our age there are new faces.

    We wish that Moscow

    The cathedrals are shining,

    And the spirit of change

    Russia is inspired.

    The best congratulations on Moscow City Day for pupils and students in prose

    Our capital is a priceless treasury of ancient architecture, Russia’s spiritual heritage and historical memory. This city has inspired many great artists, writers and composers. Viktor Vasnetsov lived and created his artistic masterpieces here, Fyodor Dostoevsky left an immortal legacy, and Boris Pasternak wrote his amazing novels. Moscow continues to inspire us, its residents, in the modern age. On City Day, we wish the capital even greater prosperity, and may it always remain a constant muse for real talents!

    “Moscow... how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart! How much has resonated in it!” - we remember these words of the great writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin today for a reason. On the birthday of Moscow, I would like to say about my love for the glorious Russian city, in which ancient architectural monuments, great museums and theaters, and wayward modern high-rise buildings are mixed. Let the city bloom today, play with its golden domes under the rays of the warm autumn sun and rejoice with the happiness of its inhabitants!

    Moscow, despite its old and deep roots, is an incredibly young city. Young because it attracts young hearts with its rhythm, dynamics, style and bright colors. Moscow has always been and will be a city of great opportunities; its soul inspires everyone who stops even for a second and admires the majestic appearance of the huge city. Moscow is a world of special dreams and opportunities. On City Day, let us bow before the greatness of the capital and celebrate an important date!

    The best modern congratulations on Moscow City Day in verse

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Muscovites - unite,

    To your noisy holiday

    Join us!

    We are blessed with greatness

    To admire yours

    None of us can

    Say goodbye to Moscow.

    Let it also be tempting

    The lights in Moscow are shining,

    History and our days

    Bridges connect.

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Center for Important Decisions,

    Bustle and holiday,

    Difficult accomplishments.

    They mixed in you into one hum,

    Conquer you, capital,

    Only a few dared.

    I wish you, city,

    So vain, not naive,

    Cool congratulations on Moscow City Day in prose

    Moscow is an unshakable fortress. Neither the Mongol-Tatar attacks nor the Napoleonic fires could bring this city to its knees. And all because people live here with the same unshakable willpower, the desire to be successful and happy. Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Moscow is a city of excitement. Having arrived here once, you will not want to look for another “Rome” in this world. Moscow is a city of insomnia. How can you sleep when there is such a blissful glow of thousands of lights around? Moscow is a city of anxiety. The bustle and frantic pace become so familiar that it is impossible to imagine another life. But the most important thing that attracts us to this city is the real Russian spirit with which it began. Happy City Day, Moscow!


    Dear ____________!
    I sincerely congratulate you on City Day ________!
    Today is our common holiday. No matter how different we may be, no matter how our destinies turn out, we are all united by love for our common home, participation in its destiny, and indifference to its appearance and traditions. We are rightfully proud of the history of our city, its modern achievements, and believe in its great future.
    I would like to thank all the residents of ______ for their dedication to their small Motherland! I wish you health and prosperity, success in all good deeds and beginnings! Happy City Day, dear fellow countrymen!

    This year our city celebrates its _____ Birthday.
    City Day is traditionally one of the most favorite holidays __________! They are waiting for it, preparing for it. After all, the place where we were born, took our first steps, studied, made our first friends, learned our first innermost feelings, live and work, remains forever in our hearts!
    This is a holiday of veterans, whose work transformed our wonderful city. The holiday of those who today increase the glory of _______ land. And, of course, a holiday for the younger generation, who have yet to take up the baton of responsibility for the fate of their small Motherland.
    With all my heart I wish our beloved city further prosperity, and you, dear _______, happiness and prosperity! I wish you good health, success and fruitful creative work for the benefit of ________! May peace, kindness and love always reign in every home. Happy holiday!

    We are celebrating the birthday of our common home!
    The chronicle of our ancient city is written in golden letters into the history of Russia. We are rightfully proud of our small homeland, we carefully preserve its traditions. With our daily work we multiply what was done by our great ancestors.
    Today ______ is growing rapidly and dynamically. And all because caring people live in it. Who not only work for the prosperity of their hometown, but also give it a piece of their heart, the warmth of their soul.
    Having worked hard, you need to have a good rest! These days, entertainment events are held in all cultural and sports institutions and concert venues. We invite all residents and guests of the city, every family to become participants and spectators of the common holiday. May these days bring everyone good mood and joyful meetings! Happy birthday, _______!

    Congratulations on the day of VILLAGE, VILLAGE, TOWNSHIP, SETTLEMENT

    Dear residents of ______________.
    On behalf of the administration of _____________ district, and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on _________ Day.
    Village Day is traditionally one of the most favorite holidays! They are waiting for it, preparing for it. This is a holiday of veterans, whose work transformed the village. The holiday of those who today increase the glory of _______ land. And, of course, a holiday for the younger generation, who have yet to take over the baton of responsibility for the fate of their small Motherland.
    Residents of _____ can rightfully be proud of their history and modern achievements, believe in its future and create it with their glorious work.
    I would like to thank all residents for their contribution to the development of _____, for their love and devotion to their small Motherland! I wish you health and prosperity, success in all good deeds and endeavors! May peace, kindness and love always reign in every home _________.
    Happy Village Day, dear fellow countrymen!

    Congratulations (speech) on the Day of the city, district, village, village and others

    The celebration of City Day in Moscow is accompanied by many concerts, performances by pop stars, as well as other special events. The holiday is celebrated both on the streets of the city and in theaters and exhibition halls. In honor of Moscow City Day, it is customary to give an official speech before the opening of a concert or the start of a celebration. As a rule, when talking about the holiday in prose, they quote great writers or mention those historical figures who made the greatest contribution to the development of our capital. Poems congratulating the townspeople or the city itself are also part of the entertainment program at any celebration.

    When is Moscow City Day celebrated?

    Since 1997, the celebration of Moscow City Day falls on the first weekend in September. The date was chosen based on the very first mention of the word “Moscow” in the ancient Ipatiev Chronicle. It is reliably known that in 1847 Moscow officially celebrated its 700th anniversary.

    Congratulations on Moscow City Day for special events in prose

    It’s not for nothing that they say that Moscow is the heart of Russia. The clock of the Spasskaya Tower sets the rhythm of the entire Great Power. All paths and highways in the world lead to Moscow; its greatness and power have been glorified by poets and legendary writers for centuries. One cannot help but admire Moscow. You can rely on it endlessly! All facets of the modern world and the history of a powerful state are united in one single image of our golden-domed and glorious capital. On this day, we wish our beloved city prosperity, cultural and spiritual growth, and boundless strength to continue to set the pace of life throughout Russia and the whole world.

    Happy City Day, Moscow! This is a special holiday for us and it’s time to remember the importance of our capital. A real diplomatic center, a modern city where hundreds of nationalities mix; a millionaire with a rich cultural heritage and glorious history, a combination of ancient architectural monuments and proud skyscrapers. This is a city of bold contrasts that inspires and nourishes each of its residents. Let Moscow prosper, become richer, and at the same time not forget about its true origins!

    Original congratulations in verse for Moscow City Day

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    May your life be eternal.

    Stories source

    Our city is endless.

    For eight centuries

    The great city lived

    Where is Yuri Dolgoruky

    The foundation was laid.

    The capital is thriving

    Green and carefree!

    Happy City Day! Yours

    Let the boundaries expand.

    We can't find it in the world

    More beautiful than the capital.

    The former glory of the principalities

    And royal greatness,

    The main thing in enormous strength

    It’s different from all capitals.

    You have become modern

    But manage to save

    Those memorable dates

    Long gone days!

    On Moscow City Day

    We honor those

    To whom does the city owe

    For your current success.

    Moscow princes

    They took care of it like a fortress,

    Then hundreds of fires

    They could have erased the city.

    But she stood strong

    Great capital.

    Came into history

    In our age there are new faces.

    We wish that Moscow

    The cathedrals are shining,

    And the spirit of change

    Russia is inspired.

    The best congratulations on Moscow City Day for pupils and students in prose

    Our capital is a priceless treasury of ancient architecture, Russia’s spiritual heritage and historical memory. This city has inspired many great artists, writers and composers. Viktor Vasnetsov lived and created his artistic masterpieces here, Fyodor Dostoevsky left an immortal legacy, and Boris Pasternak wrote his amazing novels. Moscow continues to inspire us, its residents, in the modern age. On City Day, we wish the capital even greater prosperity, and may it always remain a constant muse for real talents!

    “Moscow... how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart! How much has resonated in it!” - we remember these words of the great writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin today for a reason. On the birthday of Moscow, I would like to say about my love for the glorious Russian city, in which ancient architectural monuments, great museums and theaters, and wayward modern high-rise buildings are mixed. Let the city bloom today, play with its golden domes under the rays of the warm autumn sun and rejoice with the happiness of its inhabitants!

    Moscow, despite its old and deep roots, is an incredibly young city. Young because it attracts young hearts with its rhythm, dynamics, style and bright colors. Moscow has always been and will be a city of great opportunities; its soul inspires everyone who stops even for a second and admires the majestic appearance of the huge city. Moscow is a world of special dreams and opportunities. On City Day, let us bow before the greatness of the capital and celebrate an important date!

    The best modern congratulations on Moscow City Day in verse

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Muscovites - unite,

    To your noisy holiday

    Join us!

    We are blessed with greatness

    To admire yours

    None of us can

    Say goodbye to Moscow.

    Let it also be tempting

    The lights in Moscow are shining,

    History and our days

    Bridges connect.

    Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Center for Important Decisions,

    Bustle and holiday,

    Difficult accomplishments.

    They mixed in you into one hum,

    Conquer you, capital,

    Only a few dared.

    I wish you, city,

    So vain, not naive,

    Cool congratulations on Moscow City Day in prose

    Moscow is an unshakable fortress. Neither the Mongol-Tatar attacks nor the Napoleonic fires could bring this city to its knees. And all because people live here with the same unshakable willpower, the desire to be successful and happy. Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Moscow is a city of excitement. Having arrived here once, you will not want to look for another “Rome” in this world. Moscow is a city of insomnia. How can you sleep when there is such a blissful glow of thousands of lights around? Moscow is a city of anxiety. The bustle and frantic pace become so familiar that it is impossible to imagine another life. But the most important thing that attracts us to this city is the real Russian spirit with which it began. Happy City Day, Moscow!

    Short congratulations for Moscow City Day 2015

    Ringing bells

    We greet the morning

    Moscow City Day

    Today we celebrate.

    On Moscow City Day

    Let him drown in joy

    In the glow of the domes,

    In autumn warm sweetness!

    Let the blessed bell

    The sutra will notify you.

    On Moscow City Day

    Shines and shines.

    Who believes in Moscow,

    He believes in a dream

    On City Day he will perform

    The capital of that dream.

    Ready-made congratulations on Moscow City Day in prose for pupils and students will help organize a solemn speech dedicated to this holiday in Moscow universities, schools and other educational institutions. Short congratulations can be used for SMS messages to friends, relatives and acquaintances to celebrate City Day. If you wish, you can choose an interesting congratulatory poem in which you will praise great story the city or its modern character.

    Undoubtedly, this city is the best city on Earth, this place means something important to each of us, someone was born here and spent happy childhood years, someone met their first love, someone achieved their first victory, someone realized their first cherished dream. Friends, I congratulate everyone on our city’s day and want to wish us all a peaceful sky above our heads, bright blessings, kindness, mutual respect and wonderful opportunities for growth and development.

    Happy City Day! We wish that every resident or guest of our city is happy, lives in prosperity and prosperity. Let everyone have their own wonderful story that happened on the streets of their favorite city. We are our city!

    Congratulations on City Day and with all my heart I wish that there will always be peace and celebration here, that this corner of the planet will be a place for happy meetings and joyful events, that our city will always prosper and give every resident good hope for the fulfillment of their cherished dreams.

    Dear comrades, today is a special holiday, a holiday for all of us. Congratulations on City Day and with all my heart I want to wish that we are friendly and united, that our efforts, aspirations, strength and hopes will help our city develop and prosper. Let everyone here be happy, loved and successful in their business. Peace and goodness to everyone.

    I sincerely congratulate you on City Day and want to wish the eternal prosperity of this wonderful corner of the planet. Let life here be fun and happy, let children laugh loudly, let young people study successfully and work hard, let everyone here feel in demand and important, let there be honor and respect for all old people. Let the city grow, develop and take a special place in the hearts of its residents.

    Congratulations to all of you, Dear friends and comrades, happy city day. I want to wish that this city is the best for each of you, that this place means something special and important. Let our city prosper and grow, and let every resident and guest contribute their part to its development and well-being.

    Happy City Day! Let this beautiful place on Earth be famous and prosper, let the happy flow of life not stop here for a minute. I wish all residents good health And strong forces, bright dreams and holidays.

    Congratulations on City Day and I sincerely wish you to live in this wonderful place and enjoy the sun’s rays every day, feel inspired and strive for something good. Let this city prosper, grow and develop, let its residents feel happy people, may this cozy corner on Earth give each of us a bright dream and bright hope.

    Dear residents and guests of the city, I sincerely congratulate everyone on City Day, on the general holiday and the day of great festivities. I would like to wish that life in this city becomes more beautiful and happier every day, that all spheres of life develop here and that people remain happy with everything, that everyone loves their city and tries to contribute to the common good.

    Happy City Day! I wish that your city always has clean, smooth and very beautiful streets, large squares, cozy boulevards and wide avenues! So that city residents and visitors feel sincere hospitality, generosity of soul and warmth of relationships! Let buildings grow upward, many apartments and houses are built, new shops, restaurants, clubs, children's and sports grounds! Let your city be surrounded by greenery, fragrant with flowers and famous throughout the country!

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