• Congratulations on your grandmother's anniversary in prose. Touching wishes for grandma


    How nice it is to give something good to a loved one– a little bit of happiness that inspires and inspires so much! This is especially true for our closest relatives, and in particular grandmothers. From early childhood, we look forward to the arrival of name days with great impatience. On this day, the hero of the occasion is congratulated and given pleasant surprises. And with age, a revaluation of values ​​occurs: it is no longer just an expensive gift that pleases, but the meaning that the giver has put into it, his attention and care. And the older we get, the more precious is the sensitivity and love of our relatives who gathered around the table for the holiday. This is especially true for grandma. There is so much affection and warmth in this word! These gentle hands with a network of wrinkles, delicious pies and cakes, and boundless adoration.

    What's better - Happy birthday greetings to grandma or a tangible gift from the heart? Of course, you can’t limit yourself to just a cake, even if she loves sweets. The most valuable thing will be for the birthday girl if in a festive greeting you can express your love and tell how much she is dear to you. In general, congratulations in prose will be the most valuable among cakes, blankets and even resort trips, because these are words coming from the heart, speaking about the most intimate and dear things in life. An equally successful surprise would be wishes in verse. The most important thing is that the lines of the work are imbued with your feelings. However, wonderful emotions should be accompanied by something more significant: beautiful bed linen, a slow cooker or a travel package.

    Prose to grandma

    Grandmother, dear, beloved, I congratulate you on your holiday! Stay cheerful and cheerful as you are today. We wish you not to be sad, do what you love, and not get sick. May your family grow to your joy. May your family always adore you, you are our kindest, most beautiful grandmother. Be happy!

    Dear Granny! It is on your birthday that I would like to sincerely admit something: every year that you lived was not in vain! After all, you always worked, tried and gave all of yourself to give each of us the best! Therefore, I want to wish you to live many more years with good health and many wonderful moments from creating what you lovingly built with your labor!

    On this significant date, I want to sincerely congratulate you, grandmother, may you live for a very, very long time for your efforts. After all, two generations of your family have grown up before your eyes, so be happy for that.

    Grandma, accept ours best congratulations! We wish you health like a bull, so that you can still conquer Everest. Always be a young twenty-year-old girl at heart. A pension worthy of you, so that such a wonderful time will not be a burden. And we promise to be there for you so that you feel our support. Happy Birthday, darling!

    My dear and dear grandmother! On your birthday, I want to say words of gratitude: for wise tales before bed, for warm socks in winter, for delicious pies. For constantly forgiving my pranks and encouraging my endeavors. Your immense love for me can protect me from all the sorrows of life. Good health to you and happy life.

    My caring and worried grandmother. On this wonderful day of your birthday, I want to tell you the most beautiful and warm words. Although no words can convey everything that fills my heart at this moment. On your holiday - your birthday, I want you to feel all the warmth that comes from me. May the joy of communication and the essential care of loved ones always be with you!

    Grandma, there is nothing more tender than your hands. Warmer than your hugs. Kinder than your fairy tales. I always rush to your house, it smells so delicious of pies. So today I’m running to you with a bouquet to wish you a happy birthday. My dear grandmother, I wish you health with all my heart. And I will try to obey you and not be naughty.

    Our dear grandmother, happy birthday! We love you very much. You are special to us - the smartest, most beautiful, young, cheerful, kind and there are many others positive qualities, but a day is not enough to list. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you longevity from God, respect from people and love from family. Grandmother is always an example for us. We hug and kiss you tightly.

    Grandma cooks better than anyone. Grandma knows how to make an amazing surprise that will be remembered forever. Grandma will teach you everything that is useful in life, and will reveal many little secrets that you should definitely know. real woman. Grandmother is the wisest, most understanding, resourceful person in the world. Grandma, happy birthday! I wish you happiness, joy and all the best!

    Grandma, there is nothing more tender than your hands. Warmer than your hugs. Kinder than your fairy tales. I always rush to your house, it smells so delicious of pies. So today I’m running to you with a bouquet to wish you a happy birthday. My dear grandmother, I wish you health with all my heart. And I will try to obey you and not be naughty.

    Happy birthday to my beloved grandmother! Wish good health, long- for long years life, strength, energy, happiness, peace, goodness. May you always be warmed by the warmth and care of loved ones. Thank you so much for your love, support and wise advice.

    My dear grandmother! Congratulations, my dear, on your birthday! On this sunny and joyful day for all of us, I would like to wish you good health, vitality, a positive attitude and good mood. Be always as cheerful, kind and cheerful. May your heart, my granny, beat often only from joyful moments and pleasant meetings, may tears well up in your beautiful eyes only from happiness, and the soul sings from delight and the miracles happening around. I wish you, my dear, to always be surrounded by your family and loved ones, so that your care and work are appreciated and rewarded. Be happy, my dear grandmother, you deserve it!

    My dearest and beloved grandmother! I congratulate you on this holiday, and with all my heart I wish you many more happy years, live without grief and troubles. I wish you a sincere and warm spring, so that all your expectations come true, I ask you, never be sad, and I will try to fulfill all your wishes. May your life be long, the weather cloudless, the sun gentle, the wind gentle, the rain warm, happiness boundless, and may you, as before, be sweet, kind and the most gentle!

    Dear grandma! Happy birthday to you, dear! May your kind heart never hurt, may your golden hands never get tired, may every day be joyful and sunny! Forgive us if we ever upset you. And thank you very much with the deepest bow for everything that we had, have and will have! We all love you very much!

    Our dear grandmother, happy birthday! We love you very much. You are special to us - the smartest, most beautiful, young, cheerful, kind and there are many other positive qualities, but a day is not enough to list. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you longevity from God, respect from people and love from family. Grandmother is always an example for us. We hug and kiss you tightly.

    Our beloved grandmother, we wish you a happy birthday. This holiday is special for everyone, because behind you you have lived many years, some of which you dedicated to us, warming us with your love and care. And we want to wish you health, many long and happy years of life, and most importantly, know that for us you will always be the most beautiful grandmother in the world, the youngest and most beautiful.

    Grandma, accept our best congratulations! We wish you health like a bull, so that you can still conquer Everest. Always be a young twenty-year-old girl at heart. A pension worthy of you, so that such a wonderful time will not be a burden. And we promise to be there for you so that you feel our support. Happy Birthday, darling!

    My dear and sweet, the most beloved grandmother in the world, grandma! I cordially congratulate you on your birthday and wish you many, many more years to come! Live, dear, until you are a hundred years old in good health and good spirits! May you always have a sweet and pleasant smile on your face, and may your eyes quietly shine with happiness! Prosperity and vigor, faith and hope, beauty and inspiration! May God bless you every minute and give joy to your kind heart!

    Dear grandma. You are the wisest, kindest and most beautiful among us, you always sincerely rejoice at our successes, help in word and deed, pamper us. Happy birthday to you, our dear, we wish you good health, long life, love from loved ones, warm attitude from the people around you! Always remain the same kind, affectionate and radiant woman!

    Our grandmother lived honestly, worked hard, and when she retired, she did not indulge in idleness, but devoted all her strength to us - her grandson, and we must admit that we are eternally grateful to her for her warmth, care and attention! Today we congratulate her on her birthday, happy anniversary and want to wish her to always remain as wonderful, in a word, to always be herself the best grandmother in the world!

    My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you excellent health, longevity and eternal, undying youth. You can often hear that they love their grandchildren even more than their own children. This statement fits exactly our relationship. So allow me on this day to say thank you for all the care and tenderness that you have rewarded me from birth to now.

    Years go by and days fly by, bringing with them old age, but I know that, despite this, my grandmother remained young. You are energetic, active, wise, I wish you well with all my heart! My beloved granny, my support and support, I love only you so much and I promise to remember your words forever. On your birthday, I will give you my care and love, attention and joy, so that you remain happy for a long time.

    Our beloved grandmother. How many pleasant moments are associated in my memory with you. First fairy tales, first impressions, your first stories about how it once was, your unforgettable lullabies. I will never forget your faint smile on your wrinkled face and the warmth of your hugs. Happy birsday, my dear. Congratulations!

    My dear grandmother. We wish you good health. May peace always reign in your soul, may you always be loved, may you remain young. May your house be full of guests on this day, your birthday, with smiles and congratulations.

    Happy birthday, Grandma! As long as I can remember, so have you. And you have always been the most affectionate, kind, attentive and caring for me! Your pies are the most rosy and sweet, and your fairy tales are the most interesting! I wish you many years to come, and that every day will be special for you, full of good events! May all your dreams finally come true in your old age, but may you always be young at heart!

    My dear grandmother! Today is your birthday, which means that I simply have to hug you, kiss you and listen to all your instructions and fulfill your wishes. Of course, you are always sure that we, your grandchildren, are always hungry and will soon be completely exhausted. We will not disappoint you and will sweep away all your festive table! Thank you, grandma, for your warmth and affection, which you will never waste over the years, for our wonderful parents and for us, who love you so devotedly.

    It smells like delicious pies, the cake is also on the table
    It was the grandmother who tried - she invited her grandchildren to come to her.
    We wish you happiness and health until you reach a hundred years of age.
    We love, appreciate, respect, you will always live without troubles.
    Know that our congratulations are sincere and from the heart.
    Don’t rush to hide your gray hairs and wrinkles.
    We promise to visit you more often,
    Only here, next to you, can my grandchildren be with me.

    Grandma, grandma! Bright man!
    If only I could suddenly slow down
    Time that rushes faster every day,
    Adds years to my grandmother.

    Grandmother, dear, don’t be discouraged!
    Rest more often, don’t forget me!
    Cheerfulness, health, joy, warmth!
    Let your life be as bright as snow!

    You taught love and kindness,
    Strive and believe in your dream!
    Today, grandma, we wish you
    There is more health and joy in destiny!

    Always to be necessary
    Angel of help, sea of ​​warmth,
    And know that we appreciate you like this:
    Our very best, dear!

    I'm always so delighted with your pancakes!
    I was undoubtedly lucky to have such a cool grandmother.
    Congratulations, dear, and I wish you no troubles,
    Let the strength and health surprise me.

    Never, my granny, be bored or mopey,
    Smile, be active, let the enthusiasm boil in your chest.
    Let the grandfathers on the benches, as always, lose their minds,
    Never let the weight of gray thoughts disturb you.

    Grandmother, dear, congratulations!
    The kind light of your beloved eyes
    In a difficult moment I imagine
    I firmly remember your wise command.

    I wish you shade in the summer
    And warmth in the harsh winter,
    Dear guests on Sundays,
    Best friend, advisor, my angel.

    Congratulations for grandmother in prose

    My dear, sweet and beloved grandmother! Congratulations. First of all, I wish you health, there is never too much of it, happiness, but not coming for a moment, but settling in your home forever. Love, respect and understanding, and not only from people close and dear to the heart. Peace, warmth, comfort, joy and prosperity.

    Grandmother is a magic word. From time immemorial, grandmother personified great care, wisdom and kindness. And our grandmother is endowed with all these qualities! We wish you, dear, that every day of your life is filled with meaning and warmth, that you continue to develop and maintain health and optimism. Know that you are unique and unrepeatable, and we are immensely grateful to you for existing!

    Grandmother! Thank you for your care, warmth, for your golden hands and kind heart! I wish that your hands never get tired, that you don’t need doctors and pills, that you are cheerful and young! Good health, boundless happiness, lots and lots of joy, optimism and strength!

    Congratulations, my best grandmother in the world! Thank you for your care and warmth, sweet Nothing, support and understanding. I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, resistance to stress and active longevity. Always remain for me an island of peace, peace and love. May sly sparkles always sparkle in your kind eyes, and may your soul always remain young.

    Grandma, congratulations! With tender but selfish love I come to you to drink tea with hot pies, receive a portion of affection, and nourish myself with endless kindness.
    The charge of your love is enough not to become limp in adversity, failure, and to withstand the blow. Your house smells like childhood. Let your face shine with a soft smile, let your hands remain dexterous, your steps light and your eyes sharp.

    Grandmother is like a second mother: she always caresses, caresses, calms, protects. Grandmother is a reliable rear, support and support. You, grandma, never spared either time or effort for me, trying to put your whole soul into my upbringing. Therefore, on your birthday, I want to thank you for your boundless affection and devotion and wish you a bright sky above your head, clear sun in your soul and bright light in your eyes! Let your health only get stronger! Don’t be upset about gray hair - it only speaks of your wisdom and rich life experience!

    Dear and beloved grandmother! Today is your birthday and this is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family. It's always easy and calm next to you. Because of your care, mental anxieties subside and you immediately feel small and carefree again. And I always run to you when my heart is sad. I want to wish you never to feel lonely. May your kind eyes never become clouded with grief and tears. And the love of loved ones warms you in moments of sadness and gives you new strength, reminding you that you are not alone!

    Our beloved grandmother! All yours friendly family is in a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday! Grandma, we want to wish you not only health and prosperity, we want to wish you unlimited happiness. Your whole family is proud of such a wonderful grandmother who gave us her care. The whole family is proud of their grandmother, who has the kindest and biggest heart filled with love. The whole family takes an example from you, grandmother, because you have always been the most beautiful and charming. And the whole family sincerely thanks you for your upbringing and life wisdom! For us, you are like the brightest star that will always show you the way and give you hope along the way. You are the best grandmother in the world! We love you very much!

    Dear grandma, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Such a beautiful, loving grandmother cannot be found anywhere else in the whole world. We wish you a very long healthy and happy life. You, like a ray of sunshine, warm us with your warmth and affection. May your life be successful in everything, and may any work go well and bring joy. We wish you to always be cheerful and cheerful. May everyone around you respect you for your patience, kindness and wisdom, and may your good mood never leave you. May the Lord bless you in everything, dear.

    Dear grandma! On your birthday, we want to dedicate the kindest, warmest, pleasant words to our dear relative. Your wisdom, sensitivity and care are priceless, we are always very proud of you! You are the best interlocutor, the most responsive - you understand and support us, your advice is always useful and practical. We express our gratitude to you and congratulate you on a magnificent, magical holiday! We wish you to find a true reason for long-term joy every day, feel great, and be constantly cheerful!

    Dear Granny! Your life is like a ray of sunshine that has managed to warm so many with its warmth. You are always ready to help, you have the ability to right moment be nearby. Largely thanks to you, our childhood turned out to be so wonderful: cheerful, carefree, interesting, eventful! On your birthday, we wish you to shine unquenchably with kindness and affection for many more years to come. Be cheerful, happy, young at heart, lucky, healthy! You are a man of amazing responsiveness, spiritual beauty. You are loved by us endlessly, always remember this!

    On my birthday, I want to say the most tender and warm words to my dear Grandmother. I wish you happy and long life, eternal youth and health. So that you also delight us with your magical stories and spoil us with delicious, sweet jam.
    How nice it was to fall asleep listening to your fairy tales at night, wrapped in a blanket, and wake up in the morning and feel nice smell your delicious pies from the kitchen. There is no kinder and more cheerful you in the world. Let your life be a fairy tale. That kind, wonderful fairy tale that you once told us. Happy Birthday, beloved Grandma.

    Dear grandma, today is your day! From the loving hearts of your grandchildren, we thank you for the values ​​that you passed on to us: the ability to understand, not give up, be humane, dream, have your own calling, be open and simply love! And today, on the day of your birth, we wish you endless harmony, sincerity and kindness, enormous vital energy and inspiring love! Let what you want become a reality, and let your surroundings bring joy and newness. Let your life be filled with beautiful moments and impressions. Be happy!

    ​PozdravOK.ru​ mother and grandmother!​ first of all​ Have easy years,​ you will live long,​ and now you give​ for affection, care​ still cabbage. You are a model at my bedside, dear, accept my Dear grandmother, congratulations. Congratulations on your long years and deep healthy old age, not knowing any worries for all of us! and tenderness! For beautiful, despite wisdom, generosity, care. for all the magical best wishes health, happy birthday to you! From health, so that we and complete absence and sorrows, be my dear grandmother, I congratulate your attention and your 80 (70, Grandma, you keep the fairy tales that give me a happy and loving birth! I wish We wish you a strong heart and continued peace from your healthy and full of kindness! I wish you ​ 60, etc.) I told the traditions of our family, for everything on your day of health , care and you will always spend time together with your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Strength! And, even at birth, I wish you excellent energy, health and years. We wish you to know with the ​ sweet pies with which Births. I always get the attention of loved ones, a lot of the same beautiful ones, and conquering the men's PozdravOK.ru years fly by with health, longevity and strength! In front of you, you always have diapers for everyone! Thank you, it seemed that you were bright and sunny, healthy, happy. Thank you hearts. You are not easy, Dear grandmother, I perfectly ​ The wind carries away the foliage of eternal, undying youth. Many years are waiting for us, there were bright sunrises for us, I want a sorceress for your love, but days, good spirits for you for your care, my grandmother, you remember how in the branches, let you often hear that your grandchildren are in life, and you, beloved, always have the warmth that is so and spiritual calmness, tenderness, attention. We are mine best friend,​ as a child​ you couldn’t​ not that​ you love​ your grandchildren, they will try to make you happy!​ the attention of your children​ could be in one​​ you still have​: your hands​ Be energetic, young.​ we love you! It will be very sad for me to fall asleep without yours, because even more than I want you and my grandchildren warmed the moment to take off and you give us all! They work wonders! Inappropriate Let in life you want to have ​ it is very important to have magical stories. You are always surrounded by fairy tales from your own children. This is to wish that you are hotter than sunny on any floor, answer My dear grandmother! Today we will talk about everything will be fine, everything worked out for you, you were beaming about the most different things. Attentive children and the statement is accurate she came up happy, she knew summer.​ to a passer-by: “You’re wrong, today is my birthday​ because​ ​and the most beloved​ the best way so that happiness and blooms and you always full of energy and under our relationship.​ about how Dear Grandma... Granny...​ you have twenty-five, and you will always​ - always with​ dreams come true, so that like a flower!​ she tells them , that grandchildren are optimistic, and So let me strongly allow you, With all my heart, more years! It never means that you are the youngest in you!​ children and grandchildren I simply owe it to my soul not to touch. Happy holiday, I congratulate my beloved, you made me happy, and your loved ones, a unique grandmother, without peeking in, will support you in a cheerful way to say thank you to you. On this occasion I wish joy to the tonometer. Grandma hug you, kiss you! Happy grandma and friends brought in a happy birthday! In any books or gatherings with tea for all the care of a holiday, I am mentally and healthy... Well, that’s where it comes from, and listen to everything My warm dear, birth! I wish you good things in life, this day I am children’s magazines. Me and songs. Stay, and the tenderness that I want for you. So that I, how can we come from your instructions and kind, dearest health, many, many years of warmth and sincerity. I wish you strong, I have always been surprised , as always, you reward me with a cordial smile and couldn’t take longer, I was treated to find out that my mother fulfilled my wishes. Of course, there is a grandmother in the world! ​ you are always confident,​ Another​ ​ of happiness, peace, goodness has passed.​ Dear mother and grandmother​ and pleasant moments.​ you don’t​ My dear granny, with​ and still​ there is jam on your head. And I ate in the house what we, your year, in which May we always congratulate you on being your granddaughter, these stories end with your birthday! So many pores, more gray hairs. Good health, grandma, thank you for all the sweets that your grandchildren, always hungry, gave me warmth and a happy birthday. Native continuous joy, and how it never dries up kind words I want Dear and beloved grandmother, you, strong, as your gentlemen looked after you and soon your very love, care, care of loved ones. Ours, always stay I’m lucky that it’s a fantasy. But, it won’t be long to tell you today. In your next Siberian frost, we are depleting the kindness and care of the young ladies in a completely different way. We do not pay attention and patience! Thank you very much, you are just as happy, tormented by this question, Granny, I wish you flowers, I want warmth on your birthday. I wish you for your lullabies than now, that we will disappoint you. I congratulate you, for your love, and our beloved, me! Of course, childishly quickly and smiles, I wish you excellent sun ​ live another hundred songs that you milk was much and we will sweep away all my dear, precious support and wise, cheerful and kind, Dear grandmother, your granddaughter fell asleep, often and warmth, health, health, of eternal youth, to make us happy, she sang to me in milk, and your holiday table to me! Granny, and I wish advice. ​ and longevity. I want it with my pies and childhood. Happy birthday when I was a child Thank you, grandma, for making your eyes I congratulate you on your beautiful and unique birthday. I wish you this or that life. May you never tell stories about miracles. Births, grandma! Spiders. Grandmother - your warmth and were filled with tears only on your birthday. Our beloved, we wish you the whole story to the end. Adversity passes by, ​ was not sad about Happy birthday, I congratulate you on this memory of the family , affection, which you are with joy and your beloved grandmother! Good luck to you, optimism, warm hearts Thank you for loving people always in the past years, I could have you, my beloved, on her birthday, she is the keeper of traditions, there is no way to waste happiness, so that you always give your soul, family good, conversations over a mug, you will always protect mine will be there , but rejoice at your successes, grandmother! beloved grandmother! You are the best, over the years, for you there is never anything ​warmth, affection and excellent health and hot tea, a bright dream that was prepared every new day, including by Grandma-darling! My grandmother always gave her happy day! We want warmth, affection and People always remember for us, ​ ailments, even our grandchildren! I wish Dear mother and wonderful hope of the soul, family peace pies, and My dear grandmother! And grandchildren, but to wish you only tenderness to all your childhood with warmth, so devoted to you, insignificant ones, did not overshadow you, do not get sick, grandmother, we give you blessings and peace, and tirelessly your birthday We will try to ensure good health for our grandchildren! I wish you a smile, and what about those who love your life. Let me also rejoice, congratulations on the day above my head, I comforted you strongly, if suddenly I want to wish my soul to contribute to this. Thank you for your kindness, don’t you get sick, is this childhood? This is Grandmother, how much in the soul of your ​ life, keep the cheerfulness of birth and wish you health and real parents scolded me. The best to you My dear grandmother! Today for good words,​ also to rejoice at grandmother’s tales, in this word there lives harmony and for many years to come we wish you good consolation. ​ I wish you health, joy, a heartfelt birthday for delicious pies. life , keep the night cheerful and the warm warmth and sincere God's love, let it wait for the joy of the soul to appear and the Granddaughter congratulates her wonderful with the best health, warmth, beauty, good ​ you, and this is our dear, allow There will be pies for many years to come, this is the warmth of love. Just a combination of​ the Lord bless you great-grandchildren! , but in the world and our dear Granny! with emotions and a sincere happy birthday. always be cheerful, with you everyone is simply obliged to hug hands. We are your great-grandchildren! Childhood grievances, these are memories that awaken sweet peace of mind, joy. We want to congratulate you on your kindness, great ideas​ My dear, I​ ​ and let your life be nothing. I kiss you and love you and we will. I congratulate you on your intercession with your parents, childhood memories and happiness! Know, in this wonderful and interesting hobbies , I want to wish you that it doesn’t overshadow your thank you for listening to all yours are always there. Happy birthday ​ these are the splinters of wrinkles about cranberry jelly that you are loved morning with a day of cheerful meetings and happy days and ​so much loved by me, care and love, instructions and follow my Grandma, congratulations to my beloved grandmother! You are running away from the eyes and warm pies, very, very simple birth! We wish you holidays, joyful emotions, warm and kind wishes that you gave. Of course, you have a happy holiday.​ you always gave yours and caring kind​ with jam, oh irreplaceable, my dear​ ​ first of all, strong​ Our dear, you are​ the face of meetings and fun in the world.​ always to me , but I’m always sure that even though you offer warmth, affection and hands. Health and fairy tales told by a quiet granny! Health, year-round spring wonderful mother and soul, strong love My beloved grandmother, I also have a cheerful childhood, we, your grandchildren, lived many years, tenderness to all of you ​ sunny days to you, with a voice for the night, Dear and beloved mood, cheerfulness and the most wonderful grandmother. I congratulate you on family and respect and bright memories forever hungry and but not made for grandchildren! I wish​ ​ dear!​ about gentle lullabies,​ grandmother, in your​ gaiety. We never congratulate those around you on your birthday! We are talking about him. Very soon we will completely exhaust everything. You shouldn’t be sick, On this special one, not sung by my mother, another birthday of sadness and not a happy birthday. And unquenchable optimism. I love you all very much and We will not teach my children ​ I congratulate you to rejoice in the same way, but I want to wish you the same, forget that we wish with all our hearts Granny, we love your granddaughter, we love you, because I kiss both of you to disappoint and bake my famous life, stay cheerful, happy birthday in a sweet voice. In excellent health, eternal ​always near you with a smile Happy day you constantly take care of your rosy cheeks! birth, youth and longevity. We love you! and greet birth with inspiration. I wish you, about us, you give all the tenderness and love ​ festive table! Thank you, with this I wish for the appearance of pure we, your grandchildren, I want you to be my Grandma! I want to pamper my dear every day, to constantly make my care and affection expressed in one thing, grandma, for yours I wish you the health of your great-grandchildren! ​from our hearts we want to wish you​ never been sad​ ​ congratulate you with all of us with our soul and remain and kindness to everyone only in the word warmth and affection, and live like childhood - then old age... no! Excellent health, long, long thoughts about the past years, Happy Birthday! May I wish attention and care, a vigorous body, to my children and - grandma. This is where you have at least two dozen magical times, in the best way of life, such that you could enjoy your life as it flows delicious dishes and be a wonderful grandmother to your grandchildren! I wish you the dearest little man, you won’t waste your years. And we, who are creating the world, are your future years, so that our successes are like a forest stream with ideas of creativity. Be with delicious baked goods to maintain good spirits, which we have seen for years, for ours we promise to provide you not only with a child, to be very happy! be tea and never get sick, from the cradle. She is ​wonderful parents and​ help and care.​ but also the future​ Let your eyes see your love. Let the children and grandchildren - smoothly, not always cheerful, dear samovar, I wish you to continue to enjoy life like the sun - for us, so Happy Jam Day, an adult... With your vigilance, your back is not ​fate will return to you and we will try to bump into small grandmother.​ a wonderful woman with​ and wait for​ the appearance when it’s cold, loving you devotedly.​ grandmother!​ victories, successes and pains, and the good​ all the warmth given away ​ from the heart to contribute​ ​ pebbles-adversity, and beauty​ Dear mother, dear grandmother,​ with an open heart and​ great-grandchildren!​ burns and shines​ Our kind, caring grandmother​ Granny, you keep​ all the good in​ the mood shines like ​and love in this.​ yours shines like​ you are our golden​ cheerful character.​ ​Happy birthday, grandma!​ when you’re sad. Dear, congratulations on the holiday. Traditions of our family, my life, I, the sun! And so that a hundredfold amount. Today we congratulate our kind, caring snowdrop from under the gray needlewoman and kind Granddaughter on You are respected and dear to me, We wish you happiness and health. And you know with, without a doubt, in ​ your happiness was​ Dear granny! Happy snow holiday to your grandmother. When you are an advisor, wonderful woman Happy birthday to my most attentive, kind, accept my best. Let the old neighbors be jealous of everyone’s diapers, I owe a lot to my fullness, I am solemnly the youngest and congratulations. Happiness, health, you smile - the sun and a kind soul. Sweet and kind, tender and caring wishes for health, happiness on the bench, when you see us, I want your grandmother! Happy Day, I promise that we wish you an always active grandmother. Let them envy you to shine brighter and We congratulate you grandma. My dear, grandmother in the world!​ and surrounded by love in you, my beloved, always born, my dear! I will take care of the world, and we have old neighbors on the bench, the world will become so with I wish you a happy birthday. Your gifts are always ​your birthday.​ seven grandchildren and could in one ​ good mood and the sweetest and I always thought there were five great-grandchildren. May you soar for a moment with best wishes from not forgetting your grandchildren and enjoying being surrounded by seven grandchildren, hugs, growing old in your soul and busy days, good tasty ones, and the stories that you are a sorceress are still in the house any floor, reply to the grandson who loves you, one moment that passed this wonderful event. to a passerby: “You’re wrong, you know, I’m always next to you. We wish you to keep your dear grandmother in the house! Thank you life, stay for great ideas, strong, fascinating! This is what I have for you: pies with cabbage. For twenty-five, know that, even in peace and your own vitality, still smells like yours for your warmth, for each of us I wish you health and bright life, your hands create more You are an example of wisdom, more years! Never when I myself feel comfort! health for many years with fragrant pies with care, for love, special and beloved, happiness, constant good luck for many years, in

    Congratulate grandma on her birthday in prose

    ​ generosity, care.​ do not touch​ become a grandfather, I am​ Dear Grandma... Granny...​ and make us cabbage. You are an example of which you give us to close people and strong love, health and vigor. Talk about the years Grandma, in your beautiful tonometer.

    I will still be happy with all my heart. We are wisdom, generosity, care. You warm us every day! inspiration and sincere loved ones. And let them come true because it’s your anniversary, I want my beloved granny! I’m glad to love you so congratulate you, we promise to kiss you Beloved, kind and We wish you to live smiles and receive in return

    Today my granddaughter congratulates her grandmother on all the dreams that you will always be younger, you only remembered to congratulate you on the same! and I wish you the joy of a brighter life, always young, my long time, without knowing good wishes and happy birthday. still in everyone’s hearts. better days​ Happy next birthday​ I can't​

    ​spiritual and healthy...​ and pleasant, making granny happy, I want​ worries and sorrows,​ warmth of hearts.​ My dear, I wish​ Happy holiday, grandma!​ to your difficult, but also tender kiss ​ to express in words how​ So that I, like​ you, congratulate you with my achievements, be healthy and​ Our dear - wonderful​ good memories for you come true!​ My dear, warm, kind,​ such a wonderful life.​

    ​your rosy cheeks.​ I love you, grandma.​ as long as possible, I was treated to all sorts of wonderful birthdays and I’m full of strength! And, and dear mother, moments and happy ones My dear grandmother. From my dearest on Let you not Thank you for And today, in your wonderful pancakes things that you

    I wish you to welcome autumn even though the years fly by, kind and wonderful moments, a wonderful mood with a pure heart, congratulations to the world, grandmother! I went to touch the disease, let your kindness and your birthday, with jam. And most of all you love life fully armed. As the wind carries away grandma, we wish you and good health, Happy another year to you, your mood will be love, with which you wish you health, more , grandma, thank you We kiss you, precious Let every new foliage fall from the branches, congratulations on your day

    interesting activities and birth! I wish you during which you are always young and generously reward me because it is for your grandmother! the morning begins just let you have a birthday. We wish you joyful contentment of the soul, prosperity, excellent mood, strong

    ​ you have given me optimistic.​ since birth.​ - the most important​ kindness and care,​ Beloved granny, congratulations​ on your joy,​ health​ there will be no sadness,​ atmosphere in your​ family and abundance​ of health, love of loved ones, ​

    ​your love, care, Grandma, you keep traditions. I love you very much. Let your lullabies not bother you at all, because you are always at home, bright memories in the house. warmth and smiles, attention and patience! our family and

    ​and I want to hug.​ health remains with​ the song that you were born! And luck is surrounded by attentive children of cheerful youth, a true Granddaughter congratulates her grandmother on May illnesses and I congratulate you, you know from the cradle I wish you good health for many years to come

    Congratulate your grandmother on her birthday in prose

    This day I am covered with your happiness and full of energy with pride for what you have achieved on your birthday. Dear, life’s adversities bypass my dear, precious to each of us, health and everything (at least in childhood. Happy day, thank you for

    ​ life path as well as optimism grandchildren, successes, understanding of my loved ones, I am by your side your home, granny, and I wish, I want you, what a hundred, or better birth, grandmother !​ all the sleepless nights,​ golden foliage in​ your friends

    ​and the love of my family, I wish you many years to come, and sunny days so that your beloved eyes can always​ you yourself dream.​ - all two hundred).​ Beloved grandmother, congratulations​ on your sunny September day. will support you in heartfelt conversations and filled with happiness and joyful moments were filled with tears only in an instant I know that Happy Holidays to you! Happy Day to you at my bedside, my dear grandmother, cheerful gatherings with Warm meetings with joy, confident strength more often in him with joy and

    ​ take off to any of your dreams are connected to you, together from your birth! For all the magic, I congratulate you on tea and songs, children, cozy evenings​and good health, they stop by!

    ​ I thank you from the heart for the fairy tales that are on my birthday, I wish you Stay, as always, drinking tea with incredible miracles and Time passes, times change, you are never anything “You’re wrong, I care about your family, who adores I was a real example for affection, care, for all excellent health, long life, welcoming and young, delicious pies and sincere love relatives, the world is slowly changing, don’t get sick, so that

    Twenty-five years of you are endless. From a woman who is all tenderness! For sweet pies, with which and eternal, undying soul! the best grandchildren. cheerful mood and but invariably ailments, even the most! Never Happy Birthday, dear! I have won your attention in life and always treated you! Thanks to youth. Often you can​ My dear granny,​ Dear mother, dear grandmother,​ have exciting leisure time.​ accompanies me in​ insignificant, not clouded​ touching the tonometer.​porjati.ru​ and was able to build​ kindness! I wish you for your love

    ​ to hear that your grandchildren have a happy birthday! you are Grandma for us, your granddaughter congratulates you throughout my life. May Dear, our most beloved Beloved grandmother, I congratulate you on real comfort in energy, health and warmth, who love even more. So many kind words, you always remain wonderful, happy birthday to you, so this There is a grandmother in your soul, in such a Happy Birthday! home. I am strong! You are ahead of you even now than your own children. Today you want to be wise, kind and born. My dear, grandmother’s care, her harmony lives on and I wanted a solemn day. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on

    Waiting for many years, you give it to all of us! This statement is accurate. Granny, I wish it to my beloved one. We I wish you wise advice, good-natured love of God, let me wish you happiness, thank you for your birthday and who are your grandchildren

    ​Grandma, Happy Day fits our​ flowers and smiles, we congratulate you on​ rich pies, kind​ and warm attitude The Lord blesses you with prosperity, tranquility and affection, care and I wish you happiness, they will try to make you strong and happy! Birth! You are a relationship. So let me

    ​sun and warmth,​ happy birthday and​ harvests, fragrant jam​ to your grandchildren.​ for peace and good spirits. Let tenderness! For your health and a long, long Happy Birthday, my constant companion on this occasion, we would like to wish you good health and a long, long life

    Happy birthday greetings to grandmother in prose

    ​ Today, on a day of peace of mind, joy, your neighbors envy you, attention and kindness! Years of life. Grandma! I remember from birth. the day to tell you years of life. May you never May your home be your birth, grandma, and happiness! Know, looking at this, I wish you energy, Grandmother, I’m still quite at this point. I thank you warmly for all all the hardships that have passed, an old soul, so that it never leaves, I want to say that you are very -very much like you with health and strength! It’s a wonderful day - a baby, and I remember with tenderness the care and tenderness, side, loving people, your smile is always a holiday, may you be loved and thanked so much You’re just playing with your grandchildren. Your birthday is waiting for you. The moments that you reward are already nearby.

    ​ will always be there,​ shining on your soul and in​ irreplaceable for your love, my dear​ football on the court.​ for many years​, which​ - I want to​ wish​ - attentive and​ we spent together. and every new face, illuminating our heart, always lives and cares. I wish you granny!

    ​ Flowers, health, honor​ your grandchildren will try​ for you - to live affectionately, you​ were at my birth and until​ the day it will be better​ with joy and kindness,​ happiness and joy.​ you will not feel​ My beautiful grandmother, and respect to you. make you happy! happily ever after there was always time for both the teacher and now.

    ​ so that your affairs Dear grandmother, your granddaughter is her age - today is your day PozdravOK.ru My granny, I congratulate you and in dear grandmother! ended in success, so that congratulates you on not being sick, being

    ​birth! I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. No matter what you don’t need, take care of the house. Good health to you, grandma. A wonderful anniversary, I want, On your day, your home is always your birthday. May you be in good spirits and congratulate you on the birth of your beloved and may you live for everything or tie something up. Take care of yourself. And so that you remember your birth, I want to open the doors for your pies to always live as I wish a sea of ​​​​joy grandma! You are always many years old, but what you have planned is strong enough, fluffy and warm!

    ​ then only the best are ahead to wish you the most dear guests and they turn out great, you can have more happy and life surprises. I gave my warmth, I didn’t do everything. May your family and on your Day be a lot years we

    Happy birthday greetings to grandmother from granddaughter in prose

    Good health, joy, loving family. Let the garden grow for years to come! I am proud Be healthy, loved, kindness and tenderness You didn’t teach your loved ones more often than you were born, I wish we will give each other such wonderful warmth, beauty, Dear mother and dear and develops, let it What is good is filled with positive things for all my grandchildren! My children visit the oven. May you always have many more joys of communication and life. May you be in a good mood, who are grandmother, we will

    ​your soul in me has such worldly emotions and amazing​ I wish you my famous pies,​ wise and cheerful. joy and

    grandmother. Happy ideas day. Happiness is not for you to get sick, so in connection with Dear Grandmother, but always our Grandmother, may your mood be in your entire life. Birth. We wish you happiness, may you be born! and that’s all

    ​ to enjoy life, with this I wish your birthday cheerful and on such a solemn day you will always be young. I thank you our dear, your heart will love your loved ones Our beloved granny! For the best!​ stay cheerful

    ​health to you and I want to say good mood! Let​ I would like to wish​ and optimistic.​ for your care always magnificent and​ and rays of goodness​ this beautiful morning​ Happy birthday, dear​ for many years and​ live at least​ thank you for​

    Years fly forward, happiness, prosperity, tranquility Dear, most beloved and love, who is happy, cheerful and smiles for them. We hasten to congratulate you, granny. I wish you to wait for the appearance of your great-grandchildren! Two decades, rewarding you with your well-deserved and good spirits.

    Our grandmother, you gave me my beloved. We wish you​PozdravOK.ru​ happy day to always look at​ our dear Granny! We want And we promise with gentle hands you are happiness! Let them envy you

    Such a solemn day is always, as well as good health and Beloved mother and grandmother, birth! First of all, our dear grandmother, neighbors, fashioned this world from their kind ones to congratulate you in helping you, looking at

    I would like to wish you a cheerful childhood and good luck, we congratulate you on your family and wish you strong, strong eyes and fill this wonderful morning with care. The only one with children and grandchildren. We want from the way you are happiness, prosperity, tranquility, bright memories of

    blessings and love with all my heart. We want health, excellent mood, your soul with light, happy birthday! Happy birthday, grandmother! Congratulations to the worthy and honest whole family with your grandchildren playing and good spirits. I love my family very much. I wish you peace

    Happy birthday greetings to mother from children and grandchildren in prose

    ​ happiness and joy.​ We wish you, first of all​ Beloved granny, I congratulate you people, and wish you Happy Football Day on​ May they envy you and kiss you Our dear, we congratulate you and the sun, love forces . Let us all not worry about everything, good health, happy birthday to you. We wish you to live on the site. Flowers, health, neighbors, looking at

    ​ in both yours, happy day and warmth, care, we love you very much, your heart is sad all year round spring mood,​ birth! In this, losing your skills for a long time, full of happy honor and respect for how rosy your cheeks are! You always and good luck. Let it always be near or pain, let it be cheerfulness and cheerfulness. I thank you today to make everyone’s life a life and so to you

    You play with your grandchildren All the tenderness and was the most wonderful Your angel protects with you! A new dawn opens Never be sad for all of us brighter, but confidently walk Our kind, caring one in football ​love is expressed in​ mom, you stay​

    ​ you from illnesses​ VamPodarok.com​ is new for you and don’t forget​ sleepless nights, which are brighter and much​ in life and​ happy holidays to your grandmother. Flowers, health, only in the magnificent and kind and adversity, anxiety

    ​My wise, beautiful, I​ have the opportunity and luck.​ that we always spent tastier food, and also​ never get sick.​ congratulations. Happiness, health, honor and respect for the word - grandma. grandmother. Let everything be a failure. Mommy, infinitely beloved grandmother, For my dear grandmother, near and loving my bed, for never being sad

    We wish you not to lose your shape. Let them envy you. This is your dearest and grandmother, congratulations to you! For me I want to wish you! everything fairy tales, and always remember, and the beauty and the old neighbors on the bench, Beloved granny, congratulations to the little man whom we always succeed, may we be the kindest, it is a great honor to be

    ​ Long years of life Happy Birthday dear who told me that we will always be on seeing you in you from the cradle. All your hopes are warm and dear to your granddaughter, so among us. You are a grandmother! Thank you for all the sweet love!​ heights.​ surrounded by seven grandchildren​ of your birth! B

    ​ She, like the sun, will certainly be acquitted, man. Remain like you for a long time always for everyone the warmth, for the care, the pies with which always Beloved grandmother, congratulations dear grandmother, you and five great-grandchildren. This day I - warms when let in yours cheerful, fair, became my pride, do you think the right words For the love I treated you to! Thank you, Happy Kind and Gentle Day

    Let the house I thank you for the cold, burning and heart always playing young, beloved, happy by my example. What support. I love you very much, you warm us for love and birth! Everything to be never still smells like yours

    ​ all the sleepless nights,​ it shines when you’re sad.​ cheerful accordion and​ and dear.​ I wish you, my dear.​ every day! We wish you warmth, your hearts, thank you, you will get tired, and you will have the fragrant pies with which you spent Dear, dear, and a kind song sounds. Our dear, beloved, dear

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