• Lesson summary on applique spring flowers. Summary of direct educational activities on the application “Bouquet - Spring mood. Preparation of materials and tools


    You can make a beautiful spring applique from colored paper even with 4-year-old children. like this interesting craft It's a good gift for March 8th, a birthday, or just any spring day. The application is easy to do, so even small children can handle it. For elementary school students, this work must be complicated with a large number of details. The "Flowers" applique will look good on a table in a child's room or at an exhibition of creative works.

    What is required to complete the application?

    Prepare colored paper, scissors, cardboard, glue (PVA or glue stick), brush, ruler, simple pencil.

    Application technology

    1. Print the flower template - 2 parts: core and petal. Cut out these parts from thick cardboard.
    2. Together with your child, decide what color paper you need to use to make the flowers. These can be gerberas - red petals and a black core, or sunflowers - yellow petals and a brown core. Let the baby decide for himself what kind of flower he will make.
    3. On back side Using colored paper, trace 10 petals for one flower and a circle for the core according to the template.
    4. Carefully cut out the details of the petals and core with scissors. Cut out a narrow strip of stem from green paper.
    5. Take cardboard desired color. Try together with your child to determine how many flowers will fit on one sheet of cardboard. With a small child, it is better to make an applique of 1 flower.
    6. Each cut petal must be folded in half lengthwise. Spread half of the petal with glue and glue it to the cardboard. The petals should be placed in a circle with a slight overlap on each other. Please note that only half of the petal should be glued to the cardboard. The second half will be bent. This will give the applique volume.
    7. Once all the petals are glued on, you need to add the flower core and stem. If the baby easily coped with this work, then add two green leaves to the flower. They are cut out according to the petal pattern.

    So the beautiful volumetric spring applique “Flowers” ​​is ready. Be sure to praise your child for his neatness and diligence, tell him that everything worked out for him and put the picture on the table or for a “home exhibition”.

    Good luck with your creativity and beautiful spring crafts!

    Abstract open lesson work on the topic:

    Application “Spring flowers”

    Lesson type : lesson to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities.


    educational: broadening the horizons of schoolchildren, consolidating and developing students’ skills in working in appliqué techniques with different materials.

    To consolidate knowledge about the properties of paper, skills in working with paper, and the ability to perform appliqué work;

    Create conditions for developing the ability to navigate the task based on the teacher’s questions, plan the next operation and carry it out based on the subject map;

    Develop the ability to navigate the plane of the paper when performing a multi-detail composition;

    educational: education of precision and accuracy; nurturing the desire to complete the work started; instilling work culture skills and comradely mutual assistance.

    Foster interest in creativity;

    Correction of memory, attention, speech.

    During the classes

      Organizing time

    The bell has rung for us

    Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

    Everyone at the desks became beautiful,

    We greeted each other politely.

    They sat down quietly, their backs straight.

    I see that our class is anywhere,

    We will start a labor lesson.

    How much does the word labor contain?

    Washing dishes and sewing and knitting.

    Labor lessons only give joy,

    For us, work is a pleasure, not a punishment.

    II. Emotional mood

    What time of year is it now?

    What month? What number is he?

    Children, this is the most beautiful month. When nature awakens, spring flowers appear. And what a wonderful flower grows at this time in our steppe - the Tulip. What do you know about this flower?

    Red Book (slide No. 1)

    Now we will watch the video “Tulip Island”, which is located in the waters of Lake Manych Gudilo near the village of Manychsky, Yashatinsky district of the Republic of Kalmykia. This is a small island of great beauty, unforgettable aroma and indelible impressions

    Vocabulary work

    One is a flower, many are flowers

    When several flowers are collected together, it is called a bouquet.

    Today in the lesson we will make a spring bouquet of tulips in a clearing.

    A student reads a poem about a tulip.


    He's standing in his clothes

    Like fire on a leg.

    A friend came out into the clearing,

    And suddenly it smelled like spring.

    III. Acquisition of polytechnic knowledge.

    Tell me, what material will we work with in class today? (paper and sponge) with different materials.

    List the properties of paper.

    Vocabulary work




      Absorbs moisture

    IV. Product sample analysis

    Look closely at the sample. Name the parts of a flower

    (Slide No. 2)


    What color material do we use to make the stem, leaves, bud? (hard and soft part of the sponge)

    Draw students' attention to the location of the composition on a piece of paper.

    V. Planning of work activitiesExecution of the application.

    Pay attention to the sequence of work.First we glue the stems (from the hard part of the sponge)Then we cut out and glue the leaves.The buds are made from the soft part of the sponge.

    Rules for working with glue:

      You need to glue it on oilcloth;

      Apply glue only to those parts that are being glued;

      The glue is applied quickly - from the middle to the edges;

      The prepared part is placed on top, blotted with a napkin and smoothed thoroughly.

    Today we will work with different types of gluing: regular PVA glue and double-sided adhesive tape.

    Finger gymnastics"Magic Paths"

    VI. Manufacturing of the product.

    (music for relaxation) Independent work of students.

    Physical minute

    VII Approbation

    1 – work sequence2 – exhibition – demonstration of completed works.

    A student reads a poem. Funny flower.A funny flower is placed in a vase!It was never wateredHe doesn't need moistureIt is made of paper.Why is he so important?But because it is paper!

    VIII. Summing up the lesson.

    What materials did you work with during the lesson?What labor operations did you perform?What difficulties arose during the process of making the item?What new did you learn in the lesson?IX. Cleaning the workplace .

    Abstract open class for applications at preschool educational institutions. Topic: "Spring flowers" Senior group

    Target: Creating conditions for the creative use of mastered skills in children’s independent activities in game-activities.
    1. Develop aesthetic perception in children, teach children to see the beauty of flowers, convey them through applications.
    2. Identifying the level of proficiency in methods of symmetrical alignment and cutting along a contour.
    3. Exercise in independent search original ways creating a flower (from paper, folded in two, according to the silhouette or by eye), if desired, decorating a flower in a vase using different techniques.
    4. Development of a sense of color, shape, composition, independent choice of artistic materials.
    5. Develop the ability to independently plan your work.
    6. Strengthen the child’s skills with a brush, scissors, and glue.
    7. Develop fine motor skills hands
    II Educational:
    1. Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones. The desire to please mothers with a handmade postcard.
    2. Fostering interest in cooperation and co-creation.
    3. Develop the ability to complete a task independently, bring what you start to the end, planning and organizing work skills.
    4. Arouse in children the joy of satisfaction from the perception of the results of common work.
    Independent activities:
    Drawing up compositions, independent selection of artistic materials, technical method alignment, decoration (optional) of the vase and flower.
    Children admire beautiful postcards with bouquets of tulips, compose a text of congratulations, arrange an exhibition of works.
    Colored paper, ready-made paper forms (background), colored cardboard, scissors, pencils, napkins, glue, oilcloths.
    Integration different types activities:
    Looking at photographs, postcards with pictures of flowers, bouquets with fresh flowers, talking about spring and flowering plants.
    Preparation of blanks, folded half-contours for a vase, flowers, leaves, contours for leaves (optional).
    The music of Vivaldi “Spring” is playing at the window.
    Educator: Children, look how the view from the window has changed compared to what we saw at the very beginning of spring, in March!
    And yesterday the second month of spring began. What is it called?
    Children: April.
    Educator: April – mid-spring. What does it mean?
    Children: Real spring has come. The snow melted, the first grass and flowers appeared in the thawed patches, a bear woke up in the forest, birds flew in from warmer climes.
    Educator: That's right, real spring has come. Let's remember which poem tells this better than others.
    Children: The time of spring has come,
    It's time to bloom
    Which means the mood
    It's spring for all people.
    The days are nice
    Similar to holidays
    And the sun is warm in the sky
    Cheerful and kind.
    Educator: What's our mood?
    Children: It’s cheerful, good, springtime, I want to run outside as soon as possible.
    Educator: How do you feel when you are in such a good, especially spring mood?
    Children: I want to smile, be happy, do something nice for someone, arrange a surprise or give flowers.
    Educator: Remember what gift we gave to mothers? (Children's answers)
    Educator: We have already given flowers to our beloved mothers on March 8, but flowers can and should be given as often as possible: this is a sign of your love, attention, mothers will be very pleased.
    Children: Yes
    Educator: Where can you find them now, in spring?
    Children reason: in the garden, on lawns they have not yet grown up in, in flower shops.
    Educator: I agree, in the flower shop indeed, big choice colors. But the nearest such store is far away, they won’t allow us to go there as a group, they won’t let us go. What to do? Where else can you buy and order flowers?
    Children: They can be ordered online in the online store.
    Educator: Now we will do this, use the computer.
    (Children and the teacher are at two tables with “computers”, easels-monitors, the teacher turned on.)
    Educator: Look and name the flowers that you see on the monitor screen.
    (Children name indoor flowers (violet, lily, pike tail) Educator: How can they be called, in one word?
    Children: These are indoor flowers
    Educator: That’s right, but it seems to me that it would be appropriate to give them in the fall, in the winter, and in the spring I would definitely like to receive something spring-like.”
    - What spring flowers do you remember? (children’s answers)
    - Shall we order them? Do you agree? (Yes)
    Children place an order in the online store.
    Educator: In the meantime, let's look through the pages of the online store and play new game“Weave a wreath.”
    Educational game “Weave a wreath.”
    Educator: Naming the flowers that you see in front of you, take a card for yourself, determine the place where your flower grew, and stand in a circle near it, “weaving wreaths.”
    The teacher shows models: forest, meadow, field, garden. (A set of pictures with flowers: clover, snowdrop, lily of the valley, forget-me-not, dahlia, mother-and-stepmother, daffodil, tulip, bell, rose, bindweed, cornflower, aster, chamomile, pansy, mouse pea).
    Educator: Let's start!
    The children do it.
    Educator: Let's check if the “wreaths” turned out correctly and if there are any errors.
    Children check.
    Educator: And there is one more card left on the monitor. Why didn't they take her?
    The children answer.
    Educator: Now I invite everyone to weave a common wreath, stand in a big round dance.

    Round dance "FLOWERS"

    The children went to the field to pick flowers
    Poppy poppy, red poppy
    White chamomile, blue cornflower
    Pink porridge.

    Flowers were collected and wreaths were woven
    Flowers were collected and wreaths were woven
    Poppy poppy, red poppy
    White chamomile, blue cornflower
    Pink porridge

    Wreaths were woven, a round dance was conducted
    Poppy poppy, red poppy
    White chamomile, blue cornflower
    Pink porridge.

    Children stand in a circle. The courier (adult) enters.

    Courier: Hello, I have brought your order
    Our store is running a promotion: if you solve the riddle, you will get flowers for free.
    "Wonderful flower
    Like a bright light
    Lush bright like a gentleman
    Delicate pink... (tulip)"

    Courier: Unfortunately, our store has a lot of customers, spring flowers are almost gone. I brought the last one. Take it. Goodbye.

    The children thank them and the courier leaves.

    Educator: Really very beautiful flower tulip. But we wanted to give flowers to all mothers.
    What to do? How to find a way out?

    Children offer to make an applique.

    Educator: This correct solution.
    Educator: Now let’s close our eyes for a minute and imagine what the flower will look like on your postcard.
    Choose a background (Colored cardboard) for your future work, take trays with colored paper and parts for applications that we have prepared in advance.

    Children choose.

    Educator: Now you will work independently.

    The children get to work.

    The teacher reminds you of some advice:
    - You need to cut smoothly and leisurely, since the contour line is not straight, but winding.
    - Hold the scissors with the ends down.
    - Hold the fold of the middle of the vase, flower, leaves in your left hand so as not to cut it in half.
    - We round the lower right corner of the flower and cut out the teeth.
    - Don’t forget, we spread the applique parts with glue on the oilcloth, press them with a cloth to the cardboard so that the work looks neat.

    Physical education moment.(if necessary)
    There is a flower growing in our garden,
    So that he is handsome and tall,
    Opened the petals in the morning,
    The roots should work.
    Educator: Are you done? Well done!
    Let's arrange an exhibition of your works and admire them together.

    Educator: All the works are very beautiful, you all did your best. Your mothers will be very happy.
    And you guys, remember: for mom and for any other woman, flowers are the most touching, very important gift.
    Educator: Children, do you know how to give gifts correctly? How will you do this?

    Children's answers.

    Educator: Oh how good! Moms will really like it. I'm sure. Go back to the tables. Let's put everything back in its place, each one after himself. That's the end of our lesson. And in the evening I will read you an interesting story, which is called “Tulip”. (Lagzdyn G.R.)

    Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Physical Education", " Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Music".


    1) gaming,
    2) communicative,
    3) productive,
    4) listening to a piece of music.

    Demo material: recording of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”, hall decorated with flowers.

    Equipment:colored paper, newspaper, magazine, cardboard, ready-made paper forms (colored squares, rectangles), scissors, pencils, napkins, glue, a sheet of Whatman paper with a picture of a vase.

    Preliminary work: Looking at photographs, postcards, calendars depicting flowers. Conversation about spring and flowering plants, experimental activities with paper. Folding elements of the Narcissus flower using the origami technique.


    Develop the ability to compare the quality characteristics and properties of paper;

    Teach children origami techniques, cut out leaves different shapes, conveying the characteristic features of colors;

    Show children the possibility of creating a panoramic collective composition on a single basis from many elements (flowers);

    Foster interest in joint creativity;

    Develop spatial thinking and imagination.

    Children enter the hall decorated in spring to the composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

    Teacher: Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall, wonderful music sounds. What's your mood?

    Children: Good, spring!

    Teacher: Yes, the mood is really spring and our lesson today is called “Bouquet - Spring Mood”. Why do you think?

    Children: Because spring has come. Everything is blooming around and people are in a good mood.

    Teacher: That's right guys! I suggest you play the spring game “1, 2, 3, - the flowers have grown”


    1, 2, 3 - flowers have grown (from a sitting position, rise up, palm your hands with a bud)

    Reached high towards the sun

    They felt pleasant and warm (open the “flower” above their head, arms to the sides)

    The breeze flew by - the stems shook (slight tilts to the sides)

    Swung to the left - bent low (tilt to the left)

    Swung to the right - bent low (tilt to the right)

    The breeze runs away - don’t break the flowers (it will spin)

    Let them bloom - they will bring joy to people (open a “flower” from a bud in front of you).

    Teacher: Guys, we have colored paper and we can use paper to express our mood. But how?

    Children: Make flowers and a bouquet out of paper.

    Teacher: Yes, we will do that. What else can you say about paper and its properties?

    Children: Paper can be folded, twisted, crumpled, torn, and pasted.

    Teacher: Well done , Let me remind you what the paper folding technique is called - origami and remember how to fold a spring flower - a daffodil - from paper.

    Children: Origami.

    Teacher: Right. Let's get to work.

    Children's work. Teacher's help. Children arrange all the folded flowers into a bouquet, gluing them onto a piece of whatman paper with a picture of a vase.

    Teacher: You made such a wonderful spring bouquet. Girls, do you think if mom looks at this bouquet, she will be in a spring mood? Boys, if you gave girls such a bouquet, would they be in a spring mood?

    I propose to create a general spring mood not only thanks to our bouquet, but also to the general dance “Waltz of the Flowers”. Children dance as shown by the teacher with artificial flowers to the composition of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

    List of sources:

    Physical exercise “1, 2, 3 - flowers have grown” - http://www.docme.ru/doc/127074/proekt-zelenye-spasateli-original.


    Demo material : visual material“Flowers”, plush bunny, ready-made applique.

    Handout : colored cardboard, applique details (stems, leaves and buds), glue stick, napkins, work surface for each child.

    Preliminary work : observing various changes in nature with the arrival of spring, talking with children about spring, grass, trees, flowers, looking at illustrations in books and manuals, looking at the structure of flowers in diagrams.


    Physical exercise "Spring":


      Hear, children, someone is knocking on our door. I'll go see who came to us.

      Guys, look, it’s Bunny who came to our group. Can he stay with us and listen to us about spring? (Children: yes)

    • Guys, Bunny whispered to me that the snow in the forest had also almost all melted, and flowers appeared. What flowers appear in spring? (Children: primroses)
    • We have already seen them in the pictures, let's look again and show them to our guest - Bunny.

    Physical exercise “Wind”:

    The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways.

    (children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other) The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher.

    (children squat when they hear the words “hush, hush”; when they hear “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)


      First, we will glue the stems, then the leaves, and lastly, the flowers themselves.

    View document contents
    “Lesson plan for artistic and aesthetic development (application). "Spring Bouquet"»

    Outline of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development. Application “Spring Bouquet”.

    Tasks: improve the ability to admire the beauty of spring nature; expand children's understanding of the first spring flowers; expand children's knowledge about the names of plant parts; improving children's techniques and techniques for working with applique (skills in applying glue to applique parts and gluing them, orienting them on a sheet of paper, gluing parts in the required places); develop creative imagination, visual perception; develop interest in the results of your work.

    Demo material : visual aid “Flowers”, plush bunny, ready-made application.

    Handout : colored cardboard, applique details (stems, leaves and buds), glue stick, napkins, work surface for each child.

    Preliminary work : observing various changes in nature with the arrival of spring, talking with children about spring, grass, trees, flowers, looking at illustrations in books and manuals, looking at the structure of flowers in diagrams.

    Move directly educational activities.


      Yesterday I went for a walk in the park and couldn’t recognize him. Everything has changed so much. The snow is gone! Where did he go? (Children: melted.)

      And the trees changed, some swollen ovals appeared on the branches. What is this? (Children: kidneys)

      What are these kidneys for? (Children: leaves will appear from them later)

      The snow melted, the buds swelled, the birds began to sing. What time of year is this now? (Children: spring)

      That's right guys, it's spring. All nature rejoices at the arrival of spring. Let's rejoice and dance a little.

      Physical exercise “Spring”:

      And the clear sun was hot, hot

      (children walk in a circle, holding hands and raising them)

      And gold spilled everywhere, spilled,

      (children walk in a circle with their hands down)

      The streams on the street are still murmuring, they are all murmuring,

      (change direction, run on tiptoes in a circle, hands on belt)

      The cranes crow and fly and fly

      (change direction and walk flapping their arms, pretending to be wings)

    The children return to the tables. There is a knock on the door.


      Hear, children, someone is knocking on our door. I'll go have a look.

    The teacher goes to the door and returns with a stuffed bunny.

      Guys, look, this bunny came into our group. Can he stay with us and listen to us about spring? (Children: yes)

      Pay attention, what color is our bunny? (Children: gray)

      Do you remember what color the bunny was in winter? (Children: white)

      That's right, in winter the bunny was white, and in spring he changes his coat and turns gray. Sit down, bunny, with us.

      Guys, the bunny whispered to me that the snow in the forest had also almost all melted, and flowers appeared. What flowers appear in spring? (Children: primroses)

      We have already seen them in the pictures, let's look again and show them to our guest - Bunny.

      The teacher shows illustrations with primroses, among which there are coltsfoot flowers.

      Guys, Bunny wants to tell us something.

      The teacher brings the toy to his ear, pretending to listen to the Bunny's conversation.

      Guys, the Bunny saw in our illustrations the flowers that he met in the park, here they are (shows the picture with the coltsfoot again)

      What are these flowers called? (Children answer)

      That's right, it's coltsfoot. These flowers appear the earliest, even before the leaves emerge from the buds of the trees. And they are called that because the underside of the leaves is covered with many villi, and water evaporates from there much more slowly, and accordingly, the underside of the leaf is warmer, it is the “mother”. And the upper side of the leaves is smooth and colder, it is nicknamed “stepmother”.

      Today we will make an applique, which we will call “Spring Bouquet”. We will make a bouquet of coltsfoot flowers. But first, let's rest a little.

    Physical exercise “Wind”:

      The wind blows in our faces
      The tree swayed.

      (children imitate the wind blowing, swinging their torso in one direction or the other)
      The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
      The tree is getting higher and higher.

      (children squat when they hear the words “hush, hush”; when they hear “higher, higher,” they straighten up.)


      Now we have rested, and now we can get to work.

      Let's make an application like this

      The teacher attaches the finished sample application to the easel.

      What color will our flowers be? (yellow)

      What color are the stems of the flowers? (green)

      What color are the leaves? (also green)

      You all have ready-made cut out flowers, stems and leaves.

      First, we will glue the stems, then the leaves, and lastly, the flowers themselves.

      The teacher demonstrates the process of gluing stems - the children repeat, then leaves and flowers.

      During the process, the teacher helps to carefully use the glue and correctly position the applique elements.

      After work, the teacher reminds the children to bring their workplace in order: close the glue, set aside unused parts and materials.

      Let's see what we got. Pull up and show me your work. (Children demonstrate their work)

      What is the name of our application? ("Spring Bouquet")

      What kind of flowers did we depict today? (coltsfoot)

      Why are these flowers called that, who remembers? (children's answer options)

      Well done boys! Our guest also liked these bouquets. The bunny is very grateful to you for telling him what kind of flowers these are. And now he will run back to the forest and delight his friends with new knowledge.

    Exhibition of works for demonstration to parents.

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