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    Bouquet beautiful flowers- This is a wonderful gift for any woman. And a man who wants to show his special attitude towards his chosen one should study the basics of the ABC of flowers before choosing a bouquet for her.

    How to choose flowers for a girl?

    Flowers are a great gift for a woman, but men are often tormented by the question of which ones to choose.

    1 Questions such as “What flowers should I choose for a girl? How many should there be in a bouquet? What colour? What if she doesn’t like it?” torment many men who want to give their beloved a gift. And here it is better to trust your intuition, and not the opinion of the majority. Since all girls are different, then, accordingly, they also like flowers differently. Many consider it the most the best option give exactly the flowers that she herself loves. If you are aware of the preferences of your chosen one, it will be much easier for you to make her a pleasant surprise. Very often, men give roses to their lovers (and not only them), but besides them, you can find many other, no less beautiful flowers on the shelves of flower shops.

    Lilies represent tenderness, interest, sympathy and admiration
    2 Roses have always been a symbol of love and passion, therefore, you should give them if you wholeheartedly want to be with the girl to whom you present these flowers. 3 Lilies symbolize tenderness, interest, sympathy and admiration. If you have similar feelings for a girl, you can safely give her these flowers. Just don’t forget about the specific smell of lilies, which may not be to everyone’s liking. 4 Gerberas are a symbol Have a good mood, modesty, flirting and secrets, so it’s best to present them to a girl at the very beginning of your relationship.

    Carnations are a symbol of passion, loyalty and honor.
    5 Carnations symbolize woman's love, so it’s better to give them to men. But even if you give them to a girl, there is nothing wrong with that. In addition, today in stores you can find carnations of various colors, up to of blue color. 6 Expensive but exquisite orchids are the personification of intimate love, charm, lightness and transcendental dreams.

    Tulips are symbols of great and pure love
    7 Irises and chrysanthemums are universal flowers - they can be safely given for any occasion. Irises represent trust, hope, faith, wisdom, and chrysanthemums represent relaxation, fun, good mood and love. 8 Tulips are symbols of great and pure love, as well as happiness. 9 Pansies can be given to the girl you miss. These delicate wildflowers are a symbol of the air kiss.

    Daisies represent youth, innocence and romance
    10 Daisies are a symbol of youth, romance, innocence and mistrust.
    11 The color scheme of the bouquet is also of great importance. By combining different colors, you can tell your beloved a lot.

    The color scheme of the bouquet is also important
    12 White color is the personification of youth, purity, innocence. Such flowers are good because they are perceived neutrally. Red color is quite active, symbolizing passionate love, life, triumph, fire. But red flowers express passion rather than love. The color yellow is very often associated with separation, but in fact it is the color of the sun, joy, and love of life. However, if you don’t know how your girlfriend feels about yellow flowers, it’s better not to experiment. Pink flowers mean tender love and a reverent attitude. In addition, they are considered a universal sign of attention - pink flowers can be given to any woman, regardless of her age, and for any occasion. Orange color symbolizes happiness, celebration, wealth, harvest. 13 The number of flowers in a bouquet is also of no small importance:
    1 flower should be given if your girlfriend is the meaning of life for you;
    3 flowers indicate that you are ready to follow your beloved to the ends of the earth;
    5 flowers are a declaration of love;
    7 flowers are usually given on the day of training;
    9 flowers indicate that you respect the girl as a friend.

    Hi all. In this article you will find the most beautiful juicy and bright pictures of flowers with captions for loved ones. I collected better photo colors and designed them in the form of postcards with inscriptions about your feelings - For you... I love you... I kiss you... I think about you... You are the best... You are tenderness... You are a miracle... I can’t forget about you... You can find a picture with flowers that accurately conveys your feelings. Postcards Suitable for both girls and boys. You will also choose a postcard for your friend (with the inscription, You are the best, For you). A man will find here many pictures with inscriptions for his beloved woman and girl. Beautiful luxurious bouquets tulips and roses. Red juicy roses and delicate pink and tea roses. Tulips in bouquets and just in the garden, tight buds and open flower cups. You can send delicate spring flowers (crocuses, snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils) to your loved ones in the spring. Flowering twigs apple trees, cherries, sakura - the most beautiful photos V good quality.

    You will find bouquets with a signature for your birthday in a separate article.

    Beautiful flowers ROSES

    Pictures with wishes.

    Signed postcards of beautiful flowers red roses for your Beloved or Beloved. Luxurious red flowers with excellent quality pictures. Roses with drops of water from the rain.

    Beautiful photo with red roses and the inscription For You.

    Luxurious bouquet of scarlet roses. For the woman who captured your heart.

    Delicate pink roses – pictures with inscriptions for a girl or friend. Beautiful bouquets of roses.

    Tea roses with delicate peach shades. Pictures in good quality for cards and congratulations. Pictures do not need to be downloaded. Simply copy and paste into your online message.

    Beautiful bouquets of roses. Best postcard for the beloved. Delicate flowers in bouquets.

    Luxurious bouquet of roses. Closed tight buds will soon bloom with a smile on your girlfriend's face.

    Pictures of BEAUTIFUL flowers
    TULIPS for your beloved.

    Luxurious elite flowers – tulips of expensive varieties. Bright rich colors photos in good quality. A lush bouquet of tulips, a picture that will put your girlfriend in the mood.

    Delicate bouquet of light tulip flowers. Pastel shades are like the first tremulous feelings.

    Declaration of love. Words of love for a good deed done by your colleague. The word “Love” can only say good things. Give joy for the whole day. Beautiful color tulips with love.

    Bright large bouquet of tulips - juicy picture with beautiful flowers.

    Sunny spring picture with tulip flowers. Beautiful card flowers for my beloved girl. Tender feelings and confessions.

    Declaration of love. Pictures with tulip flowers with the inscription “At your feet, Goddess.”

    Beautiful flowers PEONIES

    PICTURES with wishes.

    In Japan, the peony is a royal flower. This is the symbol of the country. Beautiful flowers in pictures with meaning. Convey your feelings through flowers, they can convey the music of your heart.

    Thoughts and feelings, desires and desire to be close.
    Beautiful flowers for the only one in my heart.

    You're the girl of my dream. These beautiful flowers are for you.

    Your gentle look and light breathing.
    Like the scent of flowers on an early spring morning.

    Beautiful flowers pictures


    The first delicate flowers - snowdrops - will beautifully tell about your feelings. Fragrant May lilies of the valley. Beautiful spring picture with flowers.

    Blue crocuses are BEAUTIFUL spring flowers. Subtle work of nature. Delicate sophistication of the petals. Fragile beauty that is stronger than cold. How love is stronger than cold arguments of reason.

    Tenderness, trustfulness and openness. Your feelings will convey these beautiful pictures with flowers.

    Spring sun - gives warm feelings. You will be able to convey your faith in a good future.
    Give these tender pictures with flowers for your beloved. Let the beautiful flowers tell her about spring outside the gray office window.

    Spring beautiful flowers daffodils and forget-me-nots.

    Lots of pictures with beautiful flowers and wishes of love - now you have the opportunity to talk about your feelings every day. Send one picture per day to your loved one. Let every day a moment of warmth and happiness illuminate your relationship.
    Beautiful flowers are your ticket to beautiful life . Where life is brighter and luckier, where you believe in yourself and “in you”. Where you are always together.

    Beautiful luxurious lush bouquets in pictures - there are many more on our website.
    Give each other beautiful flowers.

    Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

    The best gift for girls and women is a fragrant bouquet of flowers. Graceful, gentle, charming, they reach out with each petal towards life as the personification of love and beauty. That is why girls love to receive them as a gift, and young men love to give them as gifts. But every girl has her own preferences in colors. And what’s more, it turns out that each type has its own meaning. If you want to do right choice, it’s worth getting acquainted with the alphabet of flowers.

    If you remember, at all times artists and poets compared the beauty of flowers with the charm of girls.

    However, there are also men who are able to call a bouquet a completely unnecessary “broom”. In fact, they simply do not know what flowers are an exquisite instrument that can positively influence the wayward girlish nature. After all, any of the fair sex, seeing in the hands of her young man bouquet will immediately become kinder.

    Men who have managed to perfectly master the magic of flowers can quite successfully use it, appeasing their life partner as needed. Even a simple small bouquet is quite capable of softening an unpleasant situation for a girl, for example, if a lover is late for romantic date or completely forgot to call.

    Exists There are many different reasons to give flowers to a girl. And there are never too many of them. However, most often flowers are given during the so-called “candy-bouquet” period. Also, they must be purchased on the days of your symbolic dates that have passed since you met. Maybe it will be a month, maybe a year, or maybe even 80 days - all this will be a reason to present your beloved with a bouquet. Well, and, of course, you can’t do without them on holidays such as March 8 or name day.

    Features of choosing a bouquet as a gift to your chosen one

    Be sure to consider the tastes of your chosen one, choosing a bouquet for her. The ideal gift option would be her favorite flowers. You can try to find out about a girl’s preferences during an innocent conversation on this topic.

    Most of the established standards like “blondes love chrysanthemums, and brunettes love roses” simply break against the wall of female rejection.

    After all, every girl is individual in her preferences, regardless of the color of her hair. If such “reconnaissance” does not give a concrete result, you can try to choose those flowers that can only decorate her image. Sometimes, at the same time, the flower manages to express those very important words for the shy young man.

    When making a bouquet for your chosen one, do not forget to take into account:

    • type of plants selected;
    • their color scheme;
    • packaging;
    • decor.

    The age of the recipient of the gift also plays an important role.

    Eg, for a very young girl the best option would be a small bouquet consisting of delicate violets. Also very touching are the small roses, coupled with miniature carnations, which are tied beautiful ribbon, matched to the color of the petals.

    For a young woman Red flowers would be appropriate, representing desire and passion.

    It is quite possible to give young girls a bouquet of open buds. And here older ladies However, it would be more appropriate to choose plants that have already blossomed.

    Let's try to take a closer look at which flowers are best to give to a girl.

    The value of the number of flowers in a bouquet

    When choosing a bouquet, it is necessary to take into account such a fact as the number of flowers that will be in it. This could be some number that symbolizes your personal specific date, or maybe something else, but the main rule is that it should be odd.

    What do these numbers mean anyway?

    Thus, it turns out that a bouquet that contains a large number of flowers, you shouldn’t be particularly happy. After all, it may well be that the same 9 or more large beautiful roses, are only a symbol of friendship, and not at all love.

    Do not forget that no matter how beautiful the bouquet is, if it is presented incorrectly, then all your efforts will go down the drain.

    According to the rules of etiquette, the bouquet should initially be in the left hand, after greeting it must be transferred to right hand, after which it is given to the girl.

    A huge armful can be held and presented with two hands.

    If flowers are given indoors, the packaging must be removed unless it is intended as part of the decoration of the arrangement. And most importantly - more beautiful words and smiles when presenting a bouquet. After all, under the admiring gaze of a young man and his slight embarrassment, not a single girl’s heart can resist!

    Choosing flowers as a gift for a girl

    One of the most important criteria for what flowers you can give to a girl is the type of plant itself. After all, each of them hides a specific meaning.


    Any of us knows very well that the rose is rightly called the queen of flowers. She is a classic symbol of love. If you are thinking about the question: “What flowers to give a girl on the first date?”, then pink flowers would be the best option.

    At the very beginning of acquaintance, according to tradition, one pink or white rose is presented.

    And here are the flowers beautiful shade, like dark burgundy, are not given to loved ones, as they are considered a symbol of sadness. Roses yellow color usually represent separation or jealousy. Although, for example, in Japan they are considered the embodiment of the sun, happiness, and even health.

    Flowers in white shades can show the purity of a man’s intentions.

    They are a symbol of the sun, joy, summer and good mood.

    They are usually given to cheerful friends, but the color scheme of the bouquet does not have special significance.

    Gerberas also represent modesty and evoke memories of wonderful days spent together, and can even talk about hidden feelings.

    Such a bouquet will especially please a girl if it is presented on a stormy autumn or cold winter evening.

    These beautiful flowers can stand in water for quite a long time, so their aroma will remind the girl for a long time of the meeting when the bouquet was presented.

    The color scheme of carnations is not particularly important. However, a very unusual bouquet consisting of flowers in blue tones.

    You should not take into account the stereotype that carnations are appropriate as a gift only for older ladies, and they are not presented to young girls - this is absolutely not true.

    Quite often, men still doubt what flowers to give to a girl so that the surprise is pleasant.

    In this case, you can opt for sunflowers, because they are rightfully considered the personification of a sunny, warm mood.

    A man who gives a girl something like this bright flowers, conveys with them all his love and passion. After all, you must admit that women rarely receive such unusual bouquets of sunflowers!

    If you are thinking about what kind of bouquet of flowers to present to your girl, buy lilies.

    These beautiful flowers represent tenderness and admiration. The lily is considered the embodiment of purity, innocence, beauty and wealth.

    A girl will certainly be delighted to receive a bouquet of these delightful flowers as a gift, provided that she is not allergic to their strong fragrance. Sometimes it happens that a girl simply doesn’t like the specific smell of lilies.

    Orchids are considered exquisite and quite expensive flowers.

    They are presented to a woman or girl dear to their hearts in order to express their strong intimate feelings for her. The orchid embodies sophistication, lightness, devotion, dreaminess, passion and love.

    Still thinking about what flowers to give your girl? Buy orchids with confidence.

    But such universal flowers as chrysanthemums and irises are characterized by lightness and freedom from any obligations. They do not promise anything, which is why they are given to any girl on a variety of occasions. These flowers can last in a vase for almost a month. Her persistence is an excellent reason to prove her devotion and love.

    Chrysanthemums are closer to fun and good mood. But irises embody reliability, faith and wisdom. Their bright color creates great mood In addition, irises have a rather delicate aroma.

    A stunning gift for a girl - a huge armful of daisies and little suns.

    Chamomile is a touching flower that brings only positivity and a smile. I want to give these flowers not only to my chosen one, but also to all the other women around.

    Usually, daisies are used to make quite large, neat bouquets that are given as an addition to the main gift or just like that. Many representatives of the fair sex like not only daisies, but also other wildflowers, symbolizing innocence, youth, purity, romance and the sun.

    Have you thought about what flowers to give a girl besides roses? A lush bouquet of tulips, especially white tones, will become the best gift for your beloved girl on a sunny day. By the way, in our country, such a bouquet is the personification of a rather refined confession of one’s feelings and a symbol of sincere sympathy and love for a woman.

    But in Eastern countries, tulips, on the contrary, mean debauchery and a hint of erotic thoughts about the recipient of the bouquet. Therefore, when in such a place, men should be especially careful.

    A Nyutin's eyes

    Shy pansies tell the girl how much the man misses her.

    These flowers represent an air kiss addressed to the woman you love.

    The meaning of shades when choosing a bouquet

    When choosing a bouquet, you should take into account not only the type of flower itself, but also its color, which is of great importance.

    For example, a rose can tell a woman a lot about the feelings of the man who chose the flowers.

    Therefore, it is very important to consider what color to give flowers to a girl. With the help of the right combination, you can tell a lot more about the depth of the feelings you experience.

    White color considered a color symbolizing purity and innocence. Flowers of such tones are neutral and unobtrusive. A bouquet of red flowers symbolizes love, fire and passion.

    They are quite suitable for presenting them to your mistress or girlfriend for whom the young man has the most ardent feelings.

    Yellow They don’t necessarily have to be associated with separation, because in fact they are a symbol of happiness, good mood and joy.

    But if you just recently met a girl, you still shouldn’t experiment with yellow colors. After all different girls treat him differently.

    Pink color symbolizes tenderness and love for a woman. Flowers of such shades are universal and suitable as a gift for women of absolutely all ages.

    Orange flowers are the personification of happiness, celebration and wealth. In addition, it is also the color of positivity and joy.

    Also, what flowers to give a girl largely depends on her appearance.

    Brunette flowers of red tones are more suitable, which will be a symbol of her passion and expressiveness.

    Blondes are simply created for the gentle, light shades- pink, cream, fawn colors are better than others.

    They will not distract attention from the recipient of the bouquet, will harmoniously combine with her appearance, and will emphasize all her sophistication.

    For red-haired beauties and brown-haired women buy bouquets consisting of purple or burgundy flowers, which will be decorated with a lot of greenery.

    When purchasing flowers, be sure to pay attention to their appearance - the bouquet must be absolutely fresh. Avoid all kinds of glitter and paints that confirm the staleness of flowers. The petals should be shiny, smooth, and free of wrinkles.

    Some people also choose flowers Zodiac sign.

    Don't know what flowers to give to a Sagittarius or Leo girl?

    These signs prefer large, showy flowers that have a pronounced aroma - peonies or roses, gladioli or tulips will be received with delight.

    In general, it is not so important what flowers you choose. The main thing is to present them with all your heart. After all, not every girl knows the language of flowers, but absolutely everyone knows the language of feelings.

    He knows how to win the heart of a beauty: a bouquet of her favorite flowers will destroy the walls of the bastion and melt the ice in a relationship. But here’s the catch: what kind of flowers should you give if you don’t know your chosen one too well?

    Knowledge of ordinary female psychology will help with this: the favorite flowers of girls of all times and peoples remain unchanged for many centuries.

    Most popular flowers

    Every woman in herself is a beautiful flower that needs to be constantly taken care of so that she does not wither. Of course, a girl’s favorite bouquet is determined largely by her attitude to life, taste preferences, and some life circumstances from the past.

    But, as practice shows, not a single woman will remain indifferent if she is presented with gorgeous bouquet(at least 5 flowers in a bouquet - the more, the better) fresh, beautiful flowers. These definitely include:

    • Luxurious roses;
    • Refined lilies;
    • Mysterious orchids;
    • Delicate chrysanthemums;
    • Royal peonies;
    • Humble carnations;
    • Delicate daisies;
    • Bright gerberas.

    By choosing one of these colors, you probably won’t go wrong, because all women are attracted to them by their sophistication, beauty and nobility. All these girls favorite flowers You can give them either in a bouquet or individually, depending on your financial capabilities and the upcoming event. The second question will be choosing the color scheme of your bouquet.

    Choosing a bouquet by color

    The right choice of bouquet will also depend on the color scheme you choose. The answer to the question of what flowers girls like is often determined not by the name of a particular flower, but by its color. The following shades are in the TOP:

    • Bright red and burgundy flowers can be given to mature ladies and women for whom you burn with an irresistible passion;
    • Pink flowers are popular with young, tender, sensitive girls;
    • White and cream flowers will not leave any woman indifferent;
    • Women can perceive yellow flowers ambiguously, so you should not settle on this color if you are giving a bouquet to your beloved for the first time.

    When choosing flowers for your beloved girl, consider her age and taste preferences: maybe during the course of your acquaintance she already showed interest in a certain color.

    If she likes red clothes and the wallpaper in her room is burgundy, she might like red roses. Observe, notice, draw conclusions and choose the color that will drive her crazy.

    Speak to a girl in the language of flowers

    When thinking about what flowers to give to your beloved girl, keep in mind that etiquette has a whole alphabet that teaches the language of flowers. Imagine what will happen if your girlfriend happens to know her, and you give her white carnations, which mean contempt. This will be an embarrassment!

    Remember that female psychology suggests the interest of the weaker half of humanity in such mysterious symbolic teachings. And believe me: you will be on top if you can talk to your beloved in the exquisite language of flowers, understandable to any woman:

    • Cornflowers are a symbol of grace;
    • With an orchid you will tell your chosen one that you are ready to pursue her to the last;
    • Bells are a recognition that you are constantly thinking about her;
    • Only a red carnation can tell a girl about your love for her; all other shades of this flower are negative;
    • Astra will express your impatience and desire for something more from a woman;
    • Red roses and chrysanthemums - a declaration of love;
    • Daisies and lilies of the valley mean devoted love;
    • Daffodils usually give gifts to their ex-lover with whom you want to renew relations;
    • Lilacs, water lilies and lilies will show the girl the purity of your intentions towards her;
    • Callas - highest degree admiration.

    If you don’t know how to find out the favorite flowers of a girl you don’t know well yet, and a direct question may not be very appropriate, use the most ancient science - psychology. She certainly knows what the lovely, sweet and most charming creatures on earth want - women who themselves are so similar to flowers.

    And remember: girls’ favorite flowers are those given from the heart and with love: believe me, they will feel it.

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