• Love needs. What is the difference between men's and women's? What is the difference between a woman's love and a man's?


    A man's love is only part of his life; he has many other things to do.

    A woman's love is her whole life. For a man, this is not the case.

    For a man, love is one of many things. He would like to write poetry not because he loves; he would like to paint pictures not because he loves - this occupation has its own value for him, not always associated with love. And tired of pictures, music, he would like to fall deep into love and forget himself; this is his rest. See the difference: a man's love is his resting place. When he gets tired of the world, of a thousand and one things, he wants to fall into the energy of a woman, into her warmth and dissolve. Remember: he loves only if he gets rest, and then he can paint again, write poetry, compose music or dance. For him, love is the necessary foundation to do other things.

    For a woman it is the other way around: she will do other things because she loves. If she doesn't love, she stops doing anything at all.

    They say that if a man disrespects his woman, then luck turns away from him. Why is this happening?

    Women's creative thinking is many times stronger than men's, so her ability to influence fate is very high, both on her own fate and on the fate of her husband.

    When a woman experiences pleasure and happiness from a relationship, her man begins to get lucky, all doors open in front of him and luck begins to follow him on his heels. Because in your happy and satisfied inner state, by the strength of your creative thinking a woman blesses her husband for success and attracts favorable events into his life. Through a woman, either a stream of goodness, good luck and prosperity rushes to a man, or a stream of destructive power.

    A woman is closely connected with subtle spheres, the world of energies, therefore her thoughts, her inner emotional condition, forming physical plane are implemented faster. If the wife is not satisfied family life, not happy with her husband, it will be difficult for him to realize himself, it will be difficult to succeed ...

    Why wise men do not spare money for gifts to their women, why do they strive to protect them from any unpleasant work and surround them with only pleasant impressions? They know that a satisfied woman is a source of well-being and happiness for the whole family.

    How many women suffer from the fact that they can’t get the love they expect from their men.Key words here: "the love they are waiting for."

    Ways to get it can be different:

    It seems to be adaptive: love me as I want, in discussions with a man, regular requests, such as: stay with me, give me gifts, make surprises, and, of course, a favorite question: "And do you love me?"

    Selfish and non-adaptive:

    I will try my best to satisfy his needs in the ways that I expect from him, he will understand (guess) and begin to do the same for me.

    Hysteria and claims.

    I will leave and he will understand, appreciate and win me back.

    But in all these ways the most main mistake that women rarely understand male psychology and how a man loves in general.

    A man loves a few other actions than a woman.


    "I love you"- this means: I spend time with you, embracing; I tell you about my love, I take care of you like a mother, I talk-I talk-I talk about my love for you and I say it again. I remember all our small and big dates and give you cute trinkets, arrange our photos everywhere.


    "I love you" Means:

    1. I present you to the world: I show everyone and everything that you are mine. This means that I introduce you to my parents, friends, when I walk down the street, I hug you or hold your hand. If I see that they are looking at you, then I immediately grab you by some part of the body.

    2. I protect you: I protect you physically from problems; I will replace the wheel on your car if you have punctured it; if someone raised his voice at you - I will fill his face or stand in front of you and look at him in such a way that it won’t seem enough; I will protect you morally, if you cry, I can’t bear it and I start doing something to cheer you up.

    3. I want to provide for you and fulfill your desires: I pay for you with pleasure, because you are mine, I fulfill your desires and feel you need me, I want your lifestyle to suit you and you smile, I will provide our children with everything necessary.

    See the difference?

    Yes, a man can rarely say in words "I love you" and delight you with surprises in the form of flowers for no reason or some other kind of romance. But does that mean he doesn't love you?

    Look deeper: do you really need a woman or woman from your man? mother's love? Or just need to learn to see male?

    What will a man become if he starts loving you like a woman? Can he fulfill his male roles to the fullest and be the wall you dream of? Or are you dreaming of girlfriend?

    Does a man really love with his eyes, and a woman with her soul?

    What is the difference between a woman's love and a man's?

    How to distinguish love from falling in love?

    What does the phenomenon of love mean for a man and for a woman?

    What place does love take in life for representatives of different sexes?

    The nature of the mating strategy of a biological species of people

    At the core marriage strategy men and women have the most important and strong instinct - the continuation of the human race.

    The need to preserve the species drives people through emotions. At the same time, people often do not realize the true motivation of their actions.

    The primitive instinct that arouses in a woman the desire to adorn herself does not say why she should do it - she just likes it. Logic dictates that women do this to attract male attention. It is interesting that the fair sex began to adorn themselves even before they put on clothes.

    For her to choose, she needs to conquer maximum number men. Moreover, for more wide choice there should be as many of them as possible. Ideally, if she makes the entire male environment fall in love with her. But it will belong to one - the best. It turns out that the meaning of the female primitive marriage strategy is to have the largest possible number of fans.

    By the way, in nature there is no such shameful phenomenon as rape. A female of any species can refuse without having any consequences for herself.

    From the position of survival for a man, the main thing is to increase his genetic heritage. He should look for as many partners as possible. Biologically, he has no obstacles - he can make children all his life.

    A woman must start a family in order to raise children. The survival of the offspring is ensured by a full-fledged family, where there is a mother and father - the breadwinner and protector. Love is the instinctive binding of nature, prompting a fickle man to take care of offspring.

    Nowadays, there is no urgent need for the reproduction and preservation of the human species. But the “memory” remained, thanks to which a woman must fulfill her function of childbearing. Without this, she cannot feel absolutely happy. Men do not necessarily want to marry and raise offspring.

    So, a woman has an instinctive attitude towards the "family", and a man is looking for "his place in life." Love, as one of the strongest instinctive feelings, is important for a woman emotionally and for fulfilling her feminine destiny.

    The power of a woman's love

    If a woman has made her choice and found her Man, she will follow him into fire and into water. She is ready to encourage him when he needs support, will be on his side, even when she is not entirely sure that he is right, will listen, even when his words are not at all worthy of attention.

    Regardless of his actions and the opinions of his friends, suggesting that he is a weakling and a loser, despite his statements to end the relationship right now, she will live for him. And will not stop fighting for his heart. Contrary to his statement about the failure of her desire to bear the title of His One.

    Women's love will overcome any temporary barriers and life obstacles.

    But a woman should not think that in return a man will love her the same way.

    Because men's love is different and does not look like women's.

    A man loves a woman in his own way. He won't call her in half an hour to tell her that he loves her more at 5:30 than he did at 5:00. He will not sit with a woman, stroking her head when she is sick. It is absolutely unrealistic to count on such a sacrificial love of a man.

    However, a man's love is also love. Although it is different from the love given and desired by women.

    What are the manifestations of male love?

    Men love differently than women. loving man will be ready to do three things that serve as a manifestation of his love: to inform about his love, to support and protect.

    A manifestation of true male love is his willingness to tell everyone: "This is my woman". The woman will be given an official status of a rank higher than just the title of "my girlfriend." This status indicates that he placed a woman in his heart.

    This is an opportunity to tell the environment that he is proud of the right to be with a woman, that he has serious plans for her. This is an application for a long-term cordial relationship. This is a conditional code that tells other men "no move."

    If you have been dating for more than three months and do not even know his friends, and when introducing him, he introduces you, his girlfriend, so far you have no place in his plans for the future.

    A man's calling to provide

    For thousands of years, a man has been convinced of his primary purpose - to provide for his family. Under any circumstances, loved ones should not be in need. To become a breadwinner is the meaning of a man's vocation.

    Sometimes he just had to meet a woman who would bring out his best qualities: real woman knows how to convince a man to be a breadwinner.

    The man is your protector

    If a man loves, anyone who simply thinks of insulting or offending his woman risks being destroyed. A man will sweep away everything in his path to make sure that everyone who treated you disrespectfully paid for it. That is his nature.

    Three key needs of a man

    Family support

    Men need to feel supported, like they're kings, even if they aren't.

    A man is constantly in a state of combat readiness, observing and evaluating other men who are nearby. At any moment, he is ready to protect you and all his achievements. Therefore, it is important for him to relax at home. He needs to hear, “Darling, thank you. We love you and need you, we are happy that we have you.

    It is important for them to feel like kings, even when they are not behaving like a king. Trust me, the more you let them feel special, the more they will be able to give back to you.

    female fidelity

    Devotion is a male understanding of female love. Devotion and love are synonyms for a man. The love that a woman demands is beautiful, but a man's love is different from a woman's. She is different. A man's love is an amazingly powerful thing. If women's devotion is true, a man will indeed kill anyone for you without hesitation.

    Sex is like air to him

    There is nothing else in the world that men would also like constantly and strongly, without which they simply cannot live. A man has a physical need to be connected with the woman he loves. And he realizes this connection by making love to her.

    Sensual emotions, hugs, heartfelt conversations - men do it because it is important for women. At the same time, you need to understand that sex connects a man with a woman. It is for him to connect, recharge and re-contact.

    For most men, the need for sex is the same as air. Even if a man loves you very much, but at the same time you dose sex, he will have to find it elsewhere. Men understand that different circumstances are possible. You can't just come up with excuses ad infinitum. No matter how much a man loves you, no matter how much he appreciates his status as the head of the family and the owner of the house, as soon as you try to dose sex, problems will definitely arise.

    Support. Devotion. Sex. You must provide for these key needs of a man. And in return you will get a man who can move mountains for you and do whatever you want.

    Falling in love is an indescribable feeling, when at the sight of the “object” of this feeling, the heartbeat quickens, the legs become wadded, a nervous trembling runs through the body and, in addition to everything, porridge forms in the head.

    From a scientific point of view, at this point in the human body, many chemicals are produced (adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin and vasopressin) that cause a state of euphoria, similar to the effect of cocaine.

    There are a few hallmarks how men and women fall in love.

    The emergence of a feeling

    From the point of view of psychology, such a state can arise for many reasons. Falling in love is usually the result of a combination of circumstances. A woman for such a state is initially prepared by internal psychological changes. It could be a failed previous love family troubles, lack of thrills.

    Subconsciously, a woman simply begins to look for a “victim” on whom these emotions could be splashed out, to find her “master key”. And then this combination of circumstances comes: the woman begins to feel that very “victim”, gradually this feeling turns into an awareness of the fact of falling in love.

    How men fall in love - often it happens spontaneously under the influence of emotions most often. So, for a woman, love is logic, and for a man, it is emotions?

    Criteria for choosing the second half:

    1. Smell. Many scientists believe that the attraction of opposite sexes is due to the smell. It is not at all necessary that a man / woman smells of sweat at this moment. It might be a pleasant scent. toilet water, which, mixed with a personal smell, will make the very bouquet that attracts a woman.

    2. Deed. A woman can look at a man with completely different, loving eyes if he performs some unexpected act, for example, demonstrates his strength, kindness or decency. The effect of surprise is triggered, the woman does not expect this from a man at all, she is very surprised.

    So she was wrong, and he was not at all as cold, callous, or weak as he seemed. New qualities are being opened up, in which it is quite possible to fall in love without looking back. How do men fall in love? A man falls in love with movements, gait, gestures, manner of speaking.

    3. Personal charm.
    A man / woman can call to himself very strong feelings, if you turn on all your charm as much as possible. Will long time show a woman those qualities that she prefers.

    It is precisely such, cheerful, witty and charming men that women give preference to, not seeing immediately behind the shell of his inner qualities. A man begins to pay attention to internal qualities in the course of living together, but appearance still remains decisive in falling in love.

    4. Pity. This is perhaps the most unfortunate option for a woman to fall in love. As for how a man falls in love, the representatives of the stronger sex cannot love at all because of pity. Relationships based or anchored on this feeling will “burst” sooner or later.

    A man often exposes himself to a woman as a victim of circumstances that have arisen or tells some facts from his life that cause a feeling of pity in a woman.

    At this moment, internal maternal instincts are triggered, there is a desire to pity and caress the poor thing. By nature, these are such male victims, little boys who are looking for their mother in a woman, so that she always protects and cares for him.

    5. If for ladies appearance- not the main thing in the assessment of a man, then for the stronger sex it is decisive when choosing a life partner. So many women first fall in love with the appearance of a man and only then proceed to consider his personal human qualities. Every woman has preferences for the color of hair, eyes, physique of a man.

    And when she so sharply meets exactly the one who matches her ideal, she begins to understand that here he is, the same man, as if drawn in the imagination. But it also happens that love arises for a completely non-typical image.

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