• What is the difference between eau de parfum and perfume. Difference between eau de toilette and perfume


    The magic of the scent captivates both men and women. However, in reality, few people understand what eau de parfum is and how it differs from eau de toilette. And there are quite a lot of differences. To become a guru in the world of perfumery, just read this article!

    What is eau de parfum?

    If a bottle with an alluring aroma says Eau de Parfum, this means that you have eau de parfum in your hands. It is often called daytime perfume. The main feature of eau de parfum is that the leading position is occupied by the “heart” of the bouquet, and the notes of the trail only slightly shade the base.

    Able to retain fragrance on the body for 5–7 hours. Many perfume lovers generously cover themselves with droplets of Eau de Parfum, believing that this way the aroma will last longer. long time. However, this will not happen! But on the other hand, the delicate, alluring perfume will acquire a sharp, aggressive, repulsive shade.

    CHANEL Eau de Parfum

    In the hope of surrounding yourself with an attractive aroma, you should not neglect perfume etiquette! Don't forget that more doesn't mean better. From an elegant man or sexy woman must blow expensive perfume, and not an intrusive and repulsive cologne.

    What is eau de toilette?

    Eau de Toiette – that’s what it means Eau de Toilette. It is considered the lightest type of perfume and lasts no longer than 3-4 hours. The top and middle notes of the bouquet sound especially loud, and the trail is slightly perceptible. Ideal for roasts summer day, playing sports or active work. Notable perfumers claim that a hot body can give the aroma of eau de toilette new life. To maintain a delicious aura throughout the day, you need to periodically refresh the aroma.

    KENZO eau de toilette

    What is perfume?

    Perfume is the elite among perfumes. They have the most concentrated composition and impeccable durability, up to 10–12 hours. They have a juicy trail that seduces everyone who falls under its magic.

    As befits the elite, perfumes are a leader not only in quality, but also in cost. The gurus of the world of perfumery recommend wearing perfume in the cold season and wearing it as the main decoration for an evening party. Using perfume as an everyday attribute is considered bad form.

    Perfume Ardore

    If you want to seduce and conquer forever, wear only perfume!

    What is cologne?

    Eau de Cologne is the most masculine representative among perfumes. It is the strong half of humanity that prefers cologne, while girls are quite indifferent to it. Cologne is often compared to eau de toilette, however, Eau de Cologne has an even shorter life - about 2 hours. But the cost is appropriate - cologne is the most budget option perfume.

    Cologne for women BOTTEGA VENETA


    The work of a perfumer is the most responsible, because the fragrant aura of a person depends on his ability to correctly select the components of the composition. What is included in the perfume:

    • perfume - a long-lasting aroma and an exciting trail is created thanks to the content of 20–40% essential oils and aromatic essences in 90% alcohol;
    • eau de parfum is the second most durable type of perfume, which contains up to 20% aromatic substances in 90% alcohol;
    • eau de toilette - has a very short-term aromatic effect, associated with the content of only 8–12% of aromatic elements and essential oils in 80% alcohol;
    • cologne - least long lasting perfume, this is due to the fact that its composition contains no more than 5% odorous components in 70% alcohol.

    When choosing perfumes, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of aromatic substances and essential oils, because the durability of the perfume will directly depend on this.

    Main differences

    Having familiarized yourself in detail with the various representatives of the world of aromagic, you can highlight the main differences among them:

    1. Compound. Each type of perfume has a different percentage of the main component. The higher the concentration of aromatic substances in the composition, the juicier, richer and more durable the smell will be.
    2. Persistence. Of course, it is difficult to compare expensive perfumes with cologne or eau de toilette, since they are clearly not competitors to each other in terms of durability.
    3. Price. Price is one of the main criteria for many consumers. The difference in cost, for example, between perfume and eau de toilette can be several thousand rubles.

    An interesting fact is that all the presented criteria are closely related to each other: the higher the concentration of essential oils and aromatic substances, the better the durability and the higher the cost.

    Have you decided to save money and buy a cheaper perfume? An excellent choice, but do not forget that the consumption will be significantly higher. This is due to the rapid loss of the captivating aroma and the need to regularly renew it on the body. IN in this case The savings are very doubtful!

    Which is better to choose?

    Among such a wide selection of perfumes, what should you give preference to? You must first decide what you want to get and where you intend to “wear” this fragrance. For work or walking around the city, it is recommended to choose eau de toilette or perfumed water. For a person of business, respectable status, perfume is preferable. It is also worth choosing perfume for a romantic meeting.

    Of course, the choice of perfume should be approached individually. It is important to take into account the durability, the alluring trail (which is a unique, special addition to the image), which not every representative of the perfume world has. And of course the cost. Psychologists say that the aroma emanating from a person is of enormous importance. You can forget the color of your eyes, but never forget the attractive aroma! Therefore, you should not save on quality perfume!

    It is recommended to remember the classics of world cinema - “The Scent of a Woman”, “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”. The aroma can captivate and seduce. In addition, a person’s smell directly affects the attitude of others - it attracts or, on the contrary, repels. Perfume is one of the most powerful weapons! And you need to wield it correctly.

    Well-chosen perfume - an important part image of any person. IN modern world special requirements are placed on it. The aroma should express the entire essence of the owner’s nature, combine with his individual scent, impress representatives of the other sex, and so on. To create a unique bouquet of aromas, a perfumer spends years sorting through jars of essences. Then the compositions go on sale in the form of perfumes, colognes, eau de parfum and eau de toilette. There is usually no doubt about the first two types of perfumes. The situation is different with other scented products. "Eau de toilette or perfumed water - which is better?" - asks an inquisitive buyer. You will get the answer to this question in this article.


    The concept of “eau de toilette” was invented in the 19th century in France. This type of perfume is made on the basis of a water-alcohol solution of mixtures of infusions and aromatic substances, intended for aromatizing the body. Eau de parfum is also called toilet perfume. It is used in daytime days and does not irritate others with a rich or pungent odor. This flavoring product has an optimal balance of price and quality and is the most popular perfume product today.

    Product composition

    Eau de toilette or eau de parfum - which is better? Let's try to understand the composition of the selected product. Any type of perfume consists of alcohol, extract of fragrant oils, dyes and differs from others only in the percentage of components. Eau de toilette contains 5-10% essential oils and 80-90% alcohol. has a stronger aroma. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of the fragrant extract in it reaches 10-20% with 90% alcohol.

    Aroma release

    All scents are multi-layered. As a rule, they have three stages of disclosure. Top (initial) notes appear when opening the bottle and remain pure form approximately 10 minutes. They usually consist of quickly evaporating aromatic materials: herbal or citrus notes. Then comes the turn of the middle notes, or “heart notes.” They consist of essential oils that are more resistant to evaporation, so they stay on the skin longer. The final or base notes are the last to appear. They remain on the skin the longest and do not change until the odor disappears completely. Eau de toilette or perfumed water - which is better? The first will provide you with only a light trail of aroma, while the second will envelop you in a fragrant cloud.


    Since the concentration of fragrant essential oils in eau de parfum is greater, it lasts much longer. It does not require multiple applications throughout the day. The best eau de parfum lasts on hair and skin for up to seven hours. Eau de toilette has a subtler and lighter scent that evaporates within two to three hours. To maintain the effect, you will need to apply the perfume again and again. The persistence of the aroma also depends on individual characteristics human body. The same perfume will not only last a different amount of time on different people, but will also smell differently.


    Eau de toilette is intended for daily use. Its light, discreet scent is perfect for use during work, summer walks, sports, and shopping. If you are waiting for a special occasion and you are wearing an outfit for special occasions, you should give preference to eau de parfum or perfume. However, many modern manufacturers do not consider it necessary or possible to produce their products in the form of classic perfumes, so eau de parfum is an obvious choice. Only the right scent can highlight the sophistication and elegance of your look. Eau de toilette or perfumed water - which is better? It depends on how appropriate your perfume will be in a particular setting.

    Release form

    Bottles of eau de parfum are usually equipped with atomizers that allow the aroma to be evenly distributed throughout the body in sufficient quantities. Eau de toilette has a more subtle and volatile scent, so it is available with or without a spray bottle. Both types of perfume products are presented on the market in a very wide range. Manufacturers often produce the same fragrance in more or less concentrated versions, that is, in the form of both eau de parfum and eau de toilette. The latter is presented in packages of various volumes (100, 75, 50, 30 ml).

    Men's perfume

    Perfume for the stronger half of humanity was first produced in France, during the reign of Napoleon. Once a great military leader declared that a man should not smell like a woman, and savvy French perfumers immediately invented perfumes that did not contain fruity or floral notes. Modern fragrances for men are usually released in the form of eau de toilette or cologne. This is explained by the fact that the proportion of aromatic extract in them is already quite high, the smell lasts a long time and remains stable for a long time. Eau de toilette for men is represented mainly by woody, herbal or citrus notes. Every self-respecting modern gentleman is obliged to choose a stylish and elegant fragrance that suits his image.


    Eau de toilette or perfumed water - which is better? Everyone must answer this question for themselves. Eau de toilette is in great demand due to its affordable price and variety of release formats. Of course, this type of perfume product has disadvantages: it is consumed faster, its smell is considered less interesting. However, for daily use in normal surroundings, eau de toilette is an ideal option. Eau de parfum is intended for special occasions. These products have undoubted advantages: an optimal balance of price and quality, a more convenient release form for use and transportation (spray bottle) and an affordable price. For example, Chanel eau de parfum combines all these advantages; its aroma is distinguished by its unique sophistication and elegance.

    Very often we are faced with a choice: which is better - eau de toilette or eau de parfum? There can be no clear answer here. First, you need to clearly define why you decided to purchase this or that type of perfume. There is a distinction in perfumery: perfume, eau de parfum and eau de toilette. And each type of perfume is intended for specific purposes.

    I think in order to understand, you need to differentiate these concepts for yourself. I often come across opinions that these are the same thing. This is where the catch comes in. Many people, when I work at exhibitions, ask: “What’s the cost of a toilet?” or “How much does some water cost?” It’s hard to immediately explain to a person that I work with perfumes and scented water, because for many there is no difference.

    So, let's find out how perfumes differ. On the bottles you will find the inscription “ Parfum", which translated from French means perfume. You may come across the inscription " Perfume", be careful, this is the inscription on English language! And as you know, best perfume made in France, it’s not for nothing that this country is famous for it. Someday I will tell you about the difference between French, Italian and other perfumes. Now let's get back to our topic. Perfume is the most expensive, most concentrated and most persistent type of perfume. Recommended for use in the evening.. The perfume has very pronounced trailing notes. As a rule, amber and musk notes are clearly heard in the final notes, so it is better not to use perfume in the morning and in the heat. The aromatic content of perfumes ranges from 20 to 25% in 90% alcohol.

    Eau de Parfum (Or you can often find the name “Day Perfume”). The bottle will have the following inscription: Eau De Parfum . Whereeau translated from French means “water”, wellparfum , as mentioned above, are perfumes. P Regarding the concentration of aromatic substances, eau de parfum is between perfume and eau de toilette, 11-20% of the perfume composition. Can be used throughout the day. Eau de parfum differs from perfume in that the “heart” of the aroma is more pronounced in it, and the final notes, the trailing notes, are much weaker. They retain the aroma well for 4-6 hours.

    Lastly, we need to pay more attention to eau de toilette. Eau de Toilette ( Eau de Toilette) is a light type of perfume in which the top and middle notes sound most brightly, but the trailing notes are felt only slightly. The concentration of aromatic substances is only 7-10%. Eau de toilette can be used several times a day and is suitable for all-day use, outdoor activities, hot climates and sports. Currently, eau de toilette is the most common type of perfume.

    As for me, I really love perfume. But I don’t use eau de toilette on purpose. I drew your attention to the concentration and development of the aroma. So the perfumer creates his aroma so that it plays and opens up on your skin. This is very difficult to notice in eau de toilette. And now you can’t buy perfume everywhere; there are very few stores left that offer high-quality perfumes. After all, this expensive type of perfume is sold only in small volumes of up to 30 ml. If they are trying to sell you perfume in larger volumes, check with the seller where they were bottled)))

    Let's return to our topic: “Eau de toilette or eau de parfum. What to choose?" My personal advice to you is eau de parfum, it will play, you will be remembered... by men, by passers-by...

    Perfume has been known since ancient times; the Egyptians often used this perfume as one of the important elements of god worship and sacrifice. However, wealthy people pampered themselves with exquisite perfumes and Everyday life. The popularity of this type of perfume in ancient times was so great that even in the Bible there are several references to its use in the form of aromatic oils.

    The medieval Persian scientist Avicenna was involved in the production of perfume through distillation. A similar procedure is still used today.

    It is believed that the first perfumes were created in Mesopotamia, and then from there they spread to other countries - Egypt, Persia and Ancient Rome. Perfume was obtained mainly from extracts extracted from various flowers. The first samples of perfumes came to Europe in the 14th century, thanks to the spread of Islam. Modern manufacturers perfumes use a classic perfume recipe: first comes the initial note, then the heart note, and then the final note.

    The term “eau de toilette” appeared in the world only in the 19th century. This name was introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte himself. While on the island of St. Helena, he suddenly ran out of cologne, and then the disgraced French emperor invented his own version of aromatic water with the addition of essential oils of bergamot, lavender and rosemary to diluted alcohol. Napoleon called his creation eau de toilette, and then this concept acquired official meaning.

    If you compare eau de toilette with perfume, its aroma is less persistent, but more subtle. In addition, it contains less aromatic base (oils).

    However, if you look at more ancient history, you can find out that in the ancient world animals and sheds were sprinkled with fragrant water. In addition, she was even allowed in instead ordinary water along the fountains. When Ancient Rome fell, this type of perfume became widespread in the East.

    Eau de toilette is a flavoring perfume in the form of an alcohol-water solution containing aromatic substances. As for the content of essential oils in it, they are present here from 4 to 10%.

    What is the difference between eau de toilette and perfume?

    The main difference between perfume and eau de toilette is the higher percentage of the perfume composition (a combination of balms, essential oils and other components) - 15-30% or more in 96% alcohol. And in eau de toilette, in turn, there is only 4–12% of the composition, and the rest is 85% alcohol. Of course, in this situation, the smell of perfume will last much longer, and the eau de toilette will evaporate much faster.

    As for the cost of these two types of perfume, considerable is also noticeable here. Perfume is more difficult to create because more raw materials are spent on them, and therefore their price is higher. Designing perfumes is quite a difficult task. Fashionable, sophisticated bottles are created for them, while simpler requirements are imposed on containers for eau de toilette.

    To summarize, we can conclude that the difference between eau de toilette and perfume is as follows:
    - alcohol in eau de toilette is 85%, and in perfume it is 96%;
    - eau de toilette contains less aromatic oils, and more perfume;
    - the aroma of eau de toilette does not last as long as that of perfume;
    - eau de toilette is more affordable in price, the price of perfume is much higher;
    - bottles for perfumes are designed more refined and elegant than containers for eau de toilette.

    In the material:

    Perfumed or perfumed - which is correct?

    Indeed, this question is asked very often by readers. Is there a difference? To answer you will have to be a little boring and reminisce a little.

    Several years ago, when we were just starting our project VASH-AROMAT.RU, we also had to solve this issue. Opinions were divided. Some insisted that we should say perfumery, because... It is in this form that the word is used in most Russian-language sources. Others insisted on perfumed, as more correct from the point of view of word formation. Still others - the most irresponsible scoundrels - insisted that, excuse me, they didn’t give a damn what it was called.

    We deliberately ignored the third group of people and went... to philologists. Yes, we turned to specialists, and they... confused us even more! All the consultants we interviewed agreed on one thing - at the moment there is no established Russian form of this French term. Then the inconsistencies began:

    • Some argued that the word “perfumery” can only refer to perfumers, but not to perfumery. That is, a laboratory or devices, instruments - they are perfumery, and aromas are perfumed.
    • The second immediately objected: what about the well-established term “perfume products,” which denotes all kinds of compositions of varying levels of intensity? Do they only belong to perfumers or do they still mean perfumery in general?
    • In one case it is an established expression, and in the other it is not established, - the first ones retorted...

    Confused? Now imagine what we experienced, provided that I reduced this “dispute” many, many, many times. But we came to a conclusion, we were able to make a decision, and it turned out to be unambiguous! Of all of us, the third group of skanks was closest to the truth:

    With such a complex solution, it doesn’t matter how you translate it into Russian - perfume or eau de parfum - the main thing is to understand that we are talking about the same thing, Eau de Parfum.

    What is eau de parfum?

    Having finished with unsuccessful verbal “research”, let’s see what Eau de Parfum is. Eau de parfum is one of the types of concentration of aromatic compositions. There is already a full explanation on this issue in our directory - look it up if you haven’t done so before. Let us briefly recall the most common ones:




    Although it is now customary to call any fragrance perfume, initially it was the maximum concentration of Perfume that bore this proud name. The content of aromatic substances is about 30% of the total volume of liquid.


    This is also one of the maximum concentrations, but the content of substances is permissible in a wider range - from 15% to 40%. That is, it can be both richer than Perfume and “lighter”. The most commonly used is 20%.

    Eau de Parfum

    This is just our heroine! EDP ​​concentration is about 15% (10% - 20% is acceptable).

    Parfum de Toilette

    A term rarely used today, with aromatic content at EDP level. I’ll go into a little more detail on it below.

    Eau de Toilette

    A very common and familiar eau de toilette to many. Concentration is about 10% (with a tolerance in the region of 5% - 15%).

    Eau de Cologne

    The lowest concentration of substances is about 5%. We talked more about cologne in.

    So, eau de parfum is a type of perfume product with a concentration of aromatic substances of about 15%. Those. less than perfume (in the sense of Perfume), but more than eau de toilette.

    Daytime perfume: fairy tale or reality?

    Just a few words about Parfum de Toilette. The term “Day perfume,” which is often used to translate the name of this concentration, appeared a very long time ago. It’s difficult to say exactly when, there are different opinions.

    The point was that times were changing, and the desire to smell as strong as possible was fading into oblivion. This fits perfectly into the logic of today, but then people only began to come to the idea that Perfume in conditions have a warm day may look excessive. I don’t want to repeat the hackneyed and unpleasant thesis that “the French have learned to wash themselves,” but I think that “there is no smoke without fire.”

    In any case, I needed perfume, but “lighter” than evening perfume. They became Parfum de Toilette. It’s easy to guess that later EDP, EDT, EDC appeared, that is, even less saturated concentrations. “Day perfume” remained on the lists as a tribute to the past, but practically now this term is used very rarely.

    Parfum de Toilette by Salvatore Ferragamo

    Perhaps over time this concept will acquire new meanings, then we will talk about it separately, but for now we will consider that in essence it is synonymous with Eau de Parfum.

    Perfume and eau de toilette: what is the difference?

    I think now you are able to answer this question yourself. Yes, the whole difference is in concentration - eau de toilette is less saturated. But this is what is called “by definition”. In fact, as usual, everything is relative. Just look at the permissible concentrations of both options:

    • EDP: 10% - 20%.
    • EDT: 5% - 15%.

    Do you understand? That is, both perfumed and eau de toilette can have, for example, a concentration of 12%. And what is their difference then?

    The answer is simple: in a stupid, offensive, terribly banal, but still the only correct phrase - “as a rule.” As a rule, perfume water is more concentrated than toilet water. Typically more intense. Typically more durable. But things could be different.

    A little history

    Don’t worry, I won’t go into the depths of centuries to find the answer from the ancient Egyptians. Enough and modern history. Until the end of the twentieth century, the same fragrances were produced in different concentrations, but according to the same formula of the perfume composition. In other words, the smell was the same, but the persistence and intensity were different. Of course, there were also small technological differences, but basically the noses could not distinguish them.

    Chanel No 5, the poster shows several different concentrations

    A striking example is the world famous. Our compatriot Enest Bo created it in 1921, and with the same composition it was released as perfume, and as EDP, and as EDT until 1986, when the EDP version was re-released.

    What do we see today, in times of ultra-mass production? Perfumers, laboratories, factories churn out dozens of “new products” per year for each brand. As soon as any fragrance shows itself in any way, it immediately becomes a “flagship”, i.e. Using the name that has become popular, they begin to create dozens for it, and they try to distinguish them (including) by concentrations.

    Here's another shining example- Miss Dior. Appearing in 1947, it was both , and , but with the same composition. But her time was up, and the perfume was discontinued. Then they came back, the public liked them, and... :

    • 2014, Dior Les Extraits collection: Miss Dior Original in Extrait de Parfum concentration.
    • Confused? It's only the beginning!

      Which is better: eau de toilette or eau de parfum?

      What, excuse me, is better? Evening Dress or pajamas? An expensive suit or parka for fishing. Nothing is better! There is no such choice at all. Each circumstance has its own things. The aromas are the same.

      But still, this ridiculous desire to compare and choose “what’s cooler” is inherent not only in consumers, but also in manufacturers. Famous brands, even if they indulge in commercial tricks with various flankers, but try to maintain the concentrations in compliance with the standards. And how accurately do those for whom perfumery is, let’s say, a by-product, classify their fragrances?

      A striking example in this sense is the Americans. Look at the famous ones, such as, for example. This brand has everything according to the rules, everything is in accordance with the norms. Now take a look at American manufacturers (I don’t intentionally name them) who use the names of pop stars or generally produce panties, and only then perfume. Ibid. solidEaudeParfum!

      In principle, they do not produce eau de toilette (in most cases, of course - there are exceptions). Why? Because eau de parfum is “cooler”. How? I have no idea! Apparently because it contains the word “perfume”, and the French phrase itself sounds exotic to the American ear. What is the actual concentration of aromatic substances there? Yes, never mind!

      What to choose: Eau de Parfum or Eau de Toilette?

      Perhaps I was too strict in my approach to American products. Despite the conventionality and pseudo-coolness, there are many interesting aromas among them. How to choose?

      Always choose only according to your liking, paying attention to the opinions of others, but to a lesser extent! Remember we talked to you about? It always works, and choosing the concentration of perfume is no exception. Of course, we shouldn’t forget about.

      So, circumstances (day, evening, work, party, etc.) and your liking are the two main arguments in favor of choosing eau de toilette or eau de parfum. The rest is important, but they are the main ones.


      It is possible that after my explanation you were a little upset. Like, I really wanted precise answers, but it turns out that there is no particular certainty. I'm sorry, but C "est la vie. Everyone wants clear instructions that this is white and that is black, but this doesn’t happen often. And everyone who tries to tell you clear formulations is, at a minimum, mistaken. If it’s not the first day you’ve been dating with perfumes, then you know that I'm right.

      It's not difficult to understand - just trust yourself! Try, choose, don’t be afraid to experiment. Enjoy your aroma!

      Sergey Polie, specially

      For the project YOUR-AROMAT.RU

      Photos found on the Internet in the public domain are used as illustrations.

      Collages from them can also be used.

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