• What to give a 5 year old girl for her birthday. Gifts for girls


    The right gifts for a five year old girl

    It’s hard to surprise a five-year-old girl not only with a jump rope or a ball, but also with Tetris on her dad’s smartphone. At this age, she is much more interested in trying herself in “real adult things”: for example, preparing breakfast, raising younger sister, kitten or doll. She likes to compete with her peers and adults, constantly learn something new and immediately check whether this is really so. Keeping this in mind, you can easily choose a gift for a 5-year-old girl, which will be a real surprise and will allow the little one to actively explore the world and develop your natural abilities, while simultaneously receiving a lot of positive emotions.

    So, now you know what to give a 5-year-old girl: the baby will be delighted with an activity that will give an outlet to her, albeit small, but already existing life experience, as well as overflowing energy, imagination and desire for self-realization. The best way to cope with these tasks is “smart” board game.

    Such games are able to “communicate” with little dreamers in their language. That is why girls easily and happily:

    • learn new information and skills;
    • learn to be patient, wise, caring and self-confident;
    • train the eye, fine motor skills, logic, memory, reaction speed and other important qualities necessary for the formation of a full-fledged self-sufficient personality.

    In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift, analyze the child’s character and his interests, study the features of the best board games and toys for children of this age, think about what each toy can give a young lady in addition to positive emotions, and make your choice.

    For example, sociable, restless and reckless little ones will certainly enjoy the fun of catching grasshoppers and other insects together with... other people's hands.

    A fun hunt for insects and numbers

    In the board game “Chameleon” lives the famous “insect hunter” with lightning-fast reactions and the ability to constantly transform. This small, cunning and dexterous lizard hides among 54 insect cards and gives the player who is the first to cover it with their palm a lot of advantages. To win, your child will need to collect as many insects and numbers of different colors as possible according to special rules, quickly clapping cards or... the palms of other hunters for grasshoppers, flies and butterflies! The one who has better developed reaction, memory and attention wins.

    An equally useful and interesting gift for a 5 year old girl who loves to spend time in noisy company, is a game in pictures where funny, very funny and very mysterious creatures live.

    Incredible acquaintances

    Like the Chameleon with his army of insects, the “Cephalopods” on the cards are the subject of “hunting” by the players, but according to completely different rules. First, the whole company needs to come up with a name for each fantastic creature. Did you get the first Cephalopod? Let there be Ushastik. And this one is Zubastic. The main thing is not to confuse the names during the game, taking out one card at a time from the deck. The one who shouts out the name of a familiar cephalopod the fastest gets it into his piggy bank. The player who collects the most cards wins. It is very important to always scream not only very quickly and very loudly, but also correctly, otherwise all the collected cephalopods will go to a more attentive player.

    Another gift will surely be exciting activity for the child and her friends. Especially if the girl doesn’t like to sit in one place and is not indifferent to funny wars between green pigs and angry birds.

    Battle of birds and pigs in real space

    The board version of the mega-popular computer game “Angry Birds” will certainly remind the grandparents of 5-year-old kids of the ancient Russian game “Gorodki”. The players' task is to use a very soft and very angry bird to shoot down a green pig that has climbed onto a "fence" made of wooden blocks. Important point: you need to not only hit the pig and destroy its “perch,” but also do it in such a way as to score as many points as possible, calculated according to special rules. During the game you can have a good laugh, and also develop dexterity, accuracy and eye.

    Choosing what to give 5 year old girl, do not ignore the “leaning tower”, around which real African passions flare up during the game.

    A game that turns everything upside down

    “The Leaning Tower of Miombo” is a great gift for a five-year-old girl who is partial to zebras, giraffes, rhinoceroses and... the laws of balance. Unlike other leaning towers (including the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa), the Miombo Tower must be constantly rebuilt as the game progresses. In this case, it is necessary to take out bars with a certain coloring from the bottom of the 16-story structure and lay them on the very top. It’s no wonder that the structure literally rests on honestly, or rather, on the good eye, spatial thinking and dexterity of the owner of the game and her friends. The game is won by the lucky person who managed to pull out the last piece of wood before someone collapsed the structure.

    Important point: interesting and useful gift a 5-year-old child does not always require participation in the play of other children or adults. There are board games that in themselves can keep a child occupied for many hours, giving her a lot of pleasure, as well as new opportunities, knowledge and skills.

    DIY flower

    The special magnetic construction set SmartMax Funny Flowers is a real find for a five-year-old girl with a creative streak and research inclinations. By assembling a flower from magical stems and cups that firmly stick to each other or, conversely, repel, she will be able to study the basics of botany and streamline her ideas about the harmony of color and shape. And at the same time - get acquainted with the most interesting physical phenomenon and practice fine motor skills.

    Plasticine breakfast from the future owner

    One of the most useful gifts for a five-year-old lady is Tutti Frutti “Breakfast” plasticine. Babies at this age really want to start cooking just like their mother does, but it’s too early to let her near a real stove. Soft plasticine and special molds will give the child the opportunity to try his hand at creating dishes and setting the table, and at the same time practice fine motor skills.

    Tricky paths for a brave kolobok

    The little girl will have to solve not the simplest problems, building paths for other characters of the famous fairy tale, who must get to their goal, avoiding dangerous places and unwanted encounters. Nine puzzles with fragments of tracks can be used not only according to the instructions, but also at your own discretion, creating new tasks, developing spatial thinking, logic and training fine motor skills.

    First real friends

    It is not always possible to buy a 5-year-old girl not only a puppy or a kitten, but even an aquarium fish as a gift. After all, the baby will not yet be able to fully care for them, and parents often simply do not have enough time (or the size of the apartment) for this. But the funny Furby Boom “Solar Wave” is perfect for a five-year-old baby. In the electronic “soul” of a touching eared animal there is a place for real feelings and “live” emotions, which the toy will generously give to its owner. Solar Wave is very obedient and happily rushes to execute commands from a tablet or laptop, is powered exclusively by electricity from batteries, can sing, dance, quickly learns to speak Russian and can even hatch little Furby!

    Greetings, dear readers! Five years is the child’s first anniversary. And if you have a girl, the little princess will need special gifts. Modern kids very quickly become accustomed to the world around them and require new experiences and a change in activity. So the question of what to give a 5-year-old girl should be solved in an original way. And we will give you some original ideas.

    Five-year-olds are special kids. They are active, inquisitive, love role-playing games and with pleasure imitate adults in everything. Girls at this age are real ladies. They are smart, reasonable, and know how to behave in front of strangers.

    But girls are very sensitive. They love to fantasize, imagine themselves as princesses or fairies, so they will never give up beautiful dress or cosmetic bags.

    At the same time, five-year-old ladies are future schoolgirls. They are already trying to write words, read and count, and preparations for entering school are in full swing. So before choosing a gift, find out well what the girls are interested in and what they would be happy to receive.

    Birthday gift

    Gifts for 5 years can promote both creative, intellectual and physical development girls. At this age, the child’s muscles are actively growing and strengthening, so sports gifts will come in handy.

    We offer you popular anniversary gift ideas. If you are going on a visit and don’t know what to buy as a gift for your child, listen to our suggestions.

    For intellect and imagination

    Children as young as 5 years old can play independently for long periods of time. But you shouldn’t leave the girl alone for a long time: she needs communication for full development. Give your little one games suitable for the whole family:

    • Game book.
    • This is a unique edition that contains various games. With it you can play sea battle, tic-tac-toe, checkers. The set includes chips, crosswords and puzzles. Jewelry set.

    Girls can make bracelets, hairpins and other things themselves. For this purpose, special kits with product blanks are sold.

    To prepare for school The purpose of gifts from this series is to increase the thirst for knowledge and develop mental capacity

    • girls. The main thing here is not to be overzealous, so as not to scare the child away from studying. By the way, a gift for preparing for school can be inexpensive and at the same time very useful.

    • Scrabble This is a board game, according to the rules of which players must form words from letters. It's great for the whole family and helps expand vocabulary.
    • Prodigy kit. The first five years of life for a child are an active process of learning. Sets with puzzles or cards will help strengthen memory, develop intelligence, and gain basic concepts about letters, numbers, and phenomena of the surrounding world.
    • A pen for a first grader. More precisely, this device can be called not a pen, but an attachment for it. It allows you to develop the correct hand position when writing and facilitates the process of learning to read and write. In addition to the pen attachment, you can purchase a beautiful writing notebook.


    popular gift

    • Jump rope.
    • An inexpensive gift that family friends can give. Today you can find a lot of design solutions for simple things, so even an ordinary jump rope can look stylish and festive. Hula Hup. This is the hoop needed to form the right figure
    • . If your little one is into dancing or gymnastics, this exercise machine will come in handy. Balancing disc.

    • This is a toy that you can spin around while standing. It trains the vestibular apparatus, shapes posture, and increases endurance.
    • Rollers. Godparents or relatives can present the girl with roller skates. Even if the baby seems too small to ride on them, she will certainly be happy with the gift.
    • Swimsuit. A nice swimsuit is needed both for summer swimming and for visiting the pool.
    • Jumper.

    This is a cane with a stand. Standing on it, you can jump like a kangaroo.


    This is a game that all family members can participate in. It is a field with colored marks on which arms and legs are alternately placed.

    This is still far from a complete set of sports games that are sold in stores: bowling, thisbee, children's croquet and others. They will introduce the baby to sports and make her life brighter and more extraordinary.

    All the gifts described are perfect for a birthday and will definitely cause a storm of delight in the little one.

    What to give for the New Year?

    Girls at the age of 5 expect magic from the New Year, so the surprises should be beautiful. The gift should not only be useful, but also quite original. If you are in doubt about what to buy, ask your little one to write a letter to Santa Claus and quietly peek into it or ask your daughter directly.

    What is suitable for a 5 year old girl? And don’t forget that bright impressions are very important for the little one, so horse riding lessons, a trip to the circus or zoo, participation in master classes and tricks can also be excellent gifts. If the article was useful to you, leave comments on social media. networks. Until new discussions! Is your beautiful princess approaching her first anniversary? Well, this is a serious matter and should be treated with the utmost care. On this festive day, the birthday girl is waiting not only for, as beautiful as the hero of the occasion herself. The situation is slightly complicated by the fact that, for sure, your girl is accustomed to various gifts and it is now very, very difficult to surprise her. But don’t despair, in our article we, as always, will tell you what to give your daughter for her 5th birthday so that the holiday is sure to be a success. Here we will tell you about the most great ideas, which will certainly please her, surprise her and, of course, delight her.

    When choosing a gift for your 5-year-old daughter, do not forget that you are dealing not just with a child, but with a sweet lady, although still very young, but already very attentive to herself, her appearance and leisure time. Therefore, the gift should be beautiful even in appearance! Take care of bright packaging.

    What can you give your daughter for her birthday: first anniversary

    As this significant day approaches, it would not be a bad idea to remind you that your girl is already at the age when it is time to prepare as hard as possible for school. Of course, this does not mean that you should present the birthday girl with a lot of things that are exclusively useful for school. No, it’s better to let these be gifts that game form will allow you to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming educational process.

    A child is a person who is not too interested in the practical side of a gift, so you can safely give something that is simply interesting. And it's definitely not warm sweater and not new pants, the baby doesn’t see any joy in such gifts. A bright dress is better!

    For your daughter's first birthday, you should give her something very special that she won't forget. long years and what she would be interested in spending time with. Some girls at this age are already seriously interested in fashion, others like to imitate their mother by playing with her cosmetics, the rest are fans of outdoor and active games. The choice of gift depends solely on the character and hobbies of your hero of the occasion.

    Useful gift for a 5 year old girl

    It is a mistake to think that your daughter did not like a useful gift. Of course, even a practical gift should be somehow interesting and exciting. It’s no secret that at such a young age all children are drawn to knowledge and what’s best is that everything new comes easily to them, so it’s time to get serious about teaching the little one. Of course, a stack of boring notebooks and books will only scare away the child, but if you find something original and interesting, then rest assured that your lessons will be held in an atmosphere of fun and joy. And we know many such gifts. And here are the most popular among them:

    • Self-taught pen. Of course, this pen will not learn letters and numbers for your daughter. We are talking about a kind of simulator that will allow a girl to learn to write correctly and beautifully. The device can have a wide variety of designs: in the form of all kinds of animals or cartoon characters.
    • A set for a little prodigy. After all, we have no doubt that your baby is an incredibly developed girl. And that’s why we suggest giving your daughter an unusual mini-laboratory for her 5th birthday for her first experiments. Traditional sets include puzzles and cards that will allow you to repeat all your knowledge about letters and numbers, words, colors, etc. in a fun way.
    • An interesting set of flashcards for reading. It is likely that your birthday girl already knows how to read, albeit syllable by syllable. And this skill, of course, needs to be honed. By playing, she can learn to read easily and quickly, using your gift and thereby turning the lesson into an interesting activity.
    • Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel. On such a board you can write and collect various drawings using magnetic figures. That's why it's a double-sided board, to be multifunctional and as interesting as possible for the child.
    • Colorful abacus. For her birthday, you can give a 5-year-old girl an abacus. It was on such a toy that you once learned the first basics of mathematics, and now it’s time for your little one. Of course, appearance and functionality modern models has changed a lot, but, perhaps, the best game for teaching counting has not yet been invented.
    • Game complex in the form of a colorful table for lessons, on which any task will be doubly enjoyable. As a rule, such a table comes with a lot of necessary accessories for school: markers, crayons, felt-tip pens and much more.
    • Scrabble for kids. World famous tabletop family game in children's variation.

    As you can see, a useful gift is a great idea. You will be able to present completely inexpensive gift my daughter, which will be very useful for her before school and, of course, will turn into one of her favorite toys. This could be an educational coloring book, the first spelling book with bright pictures.

    What to give a child from parents: gadgets

    Considering that your girl is already very old, it’s time for her to learn how to use her first gadgets.

    • Mobile phone. Not worth buying too expensive model, especially since the specialized market is ready to offer even special children’s models, slightly simplified and very attractive appearance and low price.
    • Educational laptop with a bright design and many functions for learning not only letters and numbers, but also foreign languages. Depending on the model, a laptop may have a different set of functions, therefore, the price also varies from very inexpensive to more advanced models. But it is worth noting that both the first and second options deserve attention, because even the most affordable options are a fascinating toy that will keep your daughter occupied for a long time and will help her in her learning.
    • A simple player or tape recorder. If your child is partial to music, give her a bright children's tape recorder. To decorate your room and listen to your favorite CDs at any time.

    You can also give your daughter other gadgets that are useful in life for her birthday. For example, a watch that helps you learn the time, a children’s tablet, a convenient alarm clock with pleasant melodies.

    Gift ideas for my daughter's birthday: gifts for outdoor games

    The choice of a gift for a 5-year-old girl may be related to her free leisure time. Children at this age are, of course, very active and always take part in various active games with genuine delight. Your gift may be related to this childhood hobby.

    • Jump rope. But not just boring, but modern and very bright. The market offers various improved models, for example, with an electronic meter. This way the girls in the yard will be able to compete with each other to see who has done the most jumps.
    • Balancing disc, which can be made in the form of a hemisphere or a flat plate on an unstable leg. It helps develop the baby's coordination and vestibular apparatus, and it's also a lot of fun trying to tame this toy.
    • Rollers. And, of course, all the necessary protective equipment is included. We are sure that your little one will be delighted with such a gift, so feel free to add this idea to your list the best presents for my daughter.
    • Jumper. An original design with which a girl can become proficient in the most interesting and unusual jumps, thus maintaining her physical fitness at the highest level.
    • Twister. One of the most interesting games for fun company, which can be both your birthday girl’s friends and parents. Similar family evenings An interesting game will bring you together even more.

    These same gifts can easily include children's croquet, bowling or a boomerang. But if you still haven’t managed to interest your child in sports, then maybe you should show him how interesting it is? Tickets for various sporting events are suitable for this, for example, rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating.

    Option for interesting gifts for a girl: gifts for a real fashionista

    For a 5-year-old girl, you can buy something completely girly, because your little princess is growing up, who will certainly become a real queen, like her mother.

    • Set of children's cosmetics. Preference should still be given to decorative rather than care products. This will make it more interesting for the birthday girl. Do not be afraid, such cosmetics do not contain harmful substances and are completely hypoallergenic. Now the girl will be able to make herself every morning beautiful makeup, just like her mom, having fun together.
    • Handicraft kit. This could be, for example, a set for creating beautiful bracelets or any other decorations. Which will then become excellent gifts for girlfriends and worthy additions to your name day wardrobe.
    • Hair accessories. If your birthday girl has long beautiful hair, then she probably loves her mother to do her fashionable hairstyles and use the most beautiful hairpins. Now she will have a whole set of such accessories, consisting of all kinds of hairpins, elastic bands and other hair decorations.
    • Fairy or princess outfit. What girl doesn't want to dress up in beautiful suit a real princess with a real crown or a real fairy with a real magic wand? Give your smart girl such a great opportunity.

    TOP 10 gifts for my 5 year old daughter:

    1. Set of children's cosmetics.
    2. New holiday dress.
    3. Set for home creativity.
    4. Roller Skates.
    5. Educational board game.
    6. Dance mat.
    7. Educational laptop.
    8. An unusual pen that writes with invisible ink.
    9. Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel
    10. Surprise themed party.

    As you can see, it's not that difficult to find good gift to a girl on her first anniversary. At the young age of five, a baby can be interested in many various toys, which at the same time are very exciting, are also useful and help to prepare well for the upcoming school.

    Five years is a wonderful age for a girl and for her relatives. At this age, the girl looks like a doll or a little princess. I want to give gifts to such little dolls not only on their birthday, but every day. As a result, the baby has everything that brings her joy. In such a situation, a completely reasonable question arises - what to give a 5-year-old girl for her birthday, what gift to surprise and at the same time please the hero of the occasion? You definitely want the gift to be not only interesting, but also useful, taking into account all the nuances of a given age.

    If we think about the characteristics of five-year-old children, then at this age children begin to actively prepare for school, for this reason, when choosing a gift, you can give preference to games that develop perseverance and concentration.

    Children learn about the world through role-playing games, which means a good option for a gift is a set for playing mother-daughter games, beauty salons, shops, hairdresser.

    Don't limit yourself to just the usual soft toys and dolls for a five-year-old girl.

    The girl grows, and her needs grow with her, just like any representative of the fair half of the globe, her desires change.
    A useful and no less pleasant gift can be a doll house, which helps develop the skills of the future housewife. As a rule, such a set includes a lot of interesting things: doll furniture, dishes. For a girl, arranging a doll's home, preparing food, and receiving guests will be interesting and exciting.

    A children's computer will be a wonderful gift for a five-year-old girl. This toy includes a couple of educational games, which is very useful for inquisitive and inquisitive kids.

    The simplest model of such a computer usually has games for developing counting, logical thinking and spelling. With the help of a computer, in a playful way, the child can begin to study in English, which makes it possible to make the baby the most developed intellectually and will help when studying at school. Often, such toys are equipped with voice accompaniment, which greatly facilitates the process of assimilation of the information offered.

    Don't ignore floor and board games

    Such a gift is not only interesting, it is also useful. Games of this kind help develop perseverance in a child, teach them to work in a group, develop the ability to build a logical chain, and solve intellectual problems.

    Such gifts can be puzzles, a twister, children's bowling, a musical rug and other interesting sets that are familiar to everyone.

    You can give it to a girl who is five years old children's set for handicrafts.
    At this age the formation occurs fine motor skills, which means regular active exercise is required.

    A wonderful gift for a little girl can be an embroidery kit, a set patchwork, a set for making jewelry that will allow little dreamers to turn their fantasies into reality. Handicrafts help develop neatness and a sense of beauty.

    It is worth remembering that a gift for a girl for five years is also a question of a gift for a future coquette.
    Even at such a young age, little beauties begin to actively show inclinations towards many of the hobbies of adults. A variety of accessories and decorations can be a gift for a real little princess.

    For example, a girl may experience delight and a storm of positive emotions when receiving a hair care and hairstyle kit, which includes combs for various purposes and beautiful hair clips.

    Even if her mother is currently doing the little fashionista’s hair, she will be very pleased that the hairstyles on her little head are created with the help of new elastic bands and hair clips.

    A set of children's cosmetics is every girl's dream

    IN in this case We are talking about real children's cosmetics, which includes children's shampoo, gel, bath foam, hygienic lipstick, antiseptic soap, and fragrant water.

    The most pleasant bonus is a small mirror that easily fits in a pocket - this is the main “weapon” of all ladies.

    You can give a five-year-old girl beautiful bright outfits, a summer hat, an elegant handbag, a funny umbrella, and wonderful children's jewelry.

    Many will say that a doll is the most banal gift. But this toy, as before, remains the girl’s favorite toy. With the help of dolls, the little lady gets used to taking care of herself, which means that such a gift retains its usefulness at all times. Such a toy will teach you to take care not only of yourself, but also of others, and in the process of playing, a sense of taste and aesthetics is formed.

    Nowadays, you can give not only a doll, but a set, which is supplemented with the necessary attributes for the girls’ “favorite.” If a girl has many different dolls, she will be happy to receive a gift in the form of a set of doll clothes, dishes, jewelry and other equally interesting things.

    You can also give a girl a 5-year-old birthday gift of sports paraphernalia, such as roller skates with the necessary equipment, a bicycle or scooter, beautiful skates, a badminton set, because the girl will develop not only intellectually, but also physically.

    Such gifts will help teach your child to play sports, and also, importantly, to be healthy and healthy. active image life.

    It is important to know how to present a gift correctly

    This must be played out in such a way that the child finds it interesting. The main gift can be accompanied by a cake, an armful of balloons, a soft toy filled with candy. The most important thing is to always remember that small man- this is already individuality, which means it’s simply not possible to invent universal gift, which will suit everyone. Before you go shopping for a gift, ask the girl herself what she would like to receive on this day.

    The youngest girls under 3 years old will find genuine joy in a funny soft toy and a set of dishes with their favorite cartoon character.
    You will definitely like the talking doll. The child will be delighted Finger paint, various musical instruments, educational mats. If the baby likes a cartoon character, any item with his image, be it a cup, bed linen, decorative pillow, book or T-shirt, will bring joy to the child.

    Starting from the age of 3-5 years, girls are interested in jewelry and handbags. All kinds of hairpins with rhinestones, beautiful headband, bracelets will bring only positive emotions to the girl. If a girl loves to sing, her parents can give her a microphone.

    For relatives who have not decided on a gift for the baby, best option A solution to this problem is to purchase a gift certificate to a toy store or children's clothing store.

    A wonderful birthday gift for a 5-year-old girl, which you can make with your own hands, a composition of sweets, in which you can include the baby’s favorite varieties of sweets.

    You can make it yourself or order a basket of sweets or a doll, a bee, a hedgehog and much more. In the eyes of a child, when you see such a gift, you will read genuine joy.

    Views: 13

    On the eve of a child's birthday, some parents begin frantically scrolling through the pages of Internet sites in search of a suitable gift, others call their friends to find out what they gave to their five-year-old children.

    So that the parents of the birthday boy do not rack their brains, “Letidor” shares valuable advice, what is the best gift to give to a girl for five years.

    Dolls and accessories

    The first place in the doll rating is occupied by baby dolls, which in size and appearance resemble real babies. They sell sets of clothes and even diapers. The highest quality baby dolls are produced by German and Spanish brands, but they are also more expensive.

    I would especially like to mention the so-called “reborns” - baby dolls self made, which not only look exactly like newborns, but are often hand-made from photographs of real children. But not everyone can buy such a toy; it’s not so much the relatively high cost, but the sensations they evoke. It's scary sometimes.

    For those who don’t like to play mother-daughter, we can offer Barbie beauties, fairies from popular cartoons and a series of dolls – daughters of fairy tale heroes in exquisite outfits and many others. Accessories are also sold for almost all dolls. For baby dolls, these are strollers, cribs, car carriers, kangaroos - in a word, everything that you should buy for a real baby. For beauty dolls there are sets of clothes, shoes and even jewelry and, of course, houses or themed rooms: studio, boudoir, bathroom, bedroom, stage, etc.

    Letidora's advice: The main thing when buying dolls, especially like Barbie, is to make right choice, that is, choose one that the child definitely does not have, otherwise it will be very offensive. Therefore, get clear instructions from the birthday girl about what character she dreams of this time.


    At this age, girls no longer prefer to just stack cubes, but to build castles for princesses and various cartoon characters. Therefore, thematic constructors will go with a bang. Not only do they help you come up with scenarios for games, but they are also good for developing motor skills. Magnetic construction sets are especially popular today. They consist mainly of flat geometric parts that are connected to each other using built-in magnets. The result is a three-dimensional structure. Building with such construction sets is very useful for the development of three-dimensional representation. The prices for the sets are quite high, but thanks high quality justified.

    Letidora's advice: In the case of designers, you need to trust the reviews of other parents. A construction set with poorly selected parts, unfinished edges, and one brick that does not fit into another will discourage a girl from playing for a long time. So choose brands that have stood the test of time or are recommended by parents.

    Houses with furniture

    This is every girl's dream. A house with furniture, where in addition to beds, cabinets and other interior items, there is even dishes! They can live in them different families– not only “people”, but also animals. In addition, there are restaurant houses, playgrounds, a school and even shops with baked goods, clothing, ice cream and jewelry. The price depends on the brand and the number of items in the set.

    Letidora's advice: It is impossible to buy everything. Therefore, find out which buildings are most interesting to the girl. The good thing about such houses is that, firstly, you can always buy additional parts to expand the town, and secondly, girls play such games for quite a long time, up to 9-10 years.

    Sets for profession games

    The most popular profession is doctor. The choice here is wide: from the smallest suitcase with tools to a structure on wheels, on which you can even “take an X-ray.”

    The second most popular set is the hairdresser. Combs, hair dryer, straightener, curlers, hairpins - everything that can turn a doll or even a mother into real beauties.

    The seller's set is less popular at this age. Still, they start playing at the store a little earlier, but suddenly the girl already has everything, but the cash registers, banknotes and there were no coins, nor a basket or cart with food yet. So, then such a set will be very useful. Moreover, it will help you master the basics of counting.

    Letidora's advice: Remember that sets of professions fade into the background at this age, so do not buy them in large quantities.

    Stuffed Toys

    The cutest gift, and it’s also the most useless. The plus is that soft toy Can be carried in a stroller instead of a doll, and is also an excellent Scops Owl toy that soothes a child before bed. There are more disadvantages than advantages: firstly, the dust collector, secondly, it serves more for decorating the nursery than for real play, thirdly, it usually just sits on the shelf and, as follows from the first and second, serves for nothing.

    But! Children often treasure such toys for many years and even take them with them. adult life as a reminder of childhood.

    Letidora's advice: think 20 times whether the birthday girl needs such a gift. Indeed, sometimes this is a dream, and then it makes sense to give a soft toy. If there is no such need, offer other options. And this toy is generally harmful for children with allergies.


    ABOUT! These wonderful accessories are the dream of any fashionista from early childhood! There are never too many of them. Girls also love backpacks: they are more practical and you can put a lot of necessary things in them. Moreover, today they offer backpacks with a panel on the outside, where you can lay out a design using special parts (included in the set) - it turns out something like a construction set.

    And if you travel, a travel suitcase would be an excellent gift. Girls carry toys, balls and even some personal items in it.

    Letidora's advice: handbag and backpack should be practical. Remember that an attractive adult handbag will not suit girls; you will have to cut the strap.

    Jewelry and cosmetics

    The most daring gift! Cosmetics can be given only if the girl does not have allergies. But jewelry can become a gift for many years. If cosmetics are used, then only hypoallergenic. If jewelry (most likely it will be earrings), then only from natural materials and precious metals.

    You should not give jewelry with stones: it is too early and impractical. If it’s a ring, then the simplest one, but made of noble metals. If earrings, then a very simple shape (leaf, hedgehog, turtle, flower), something small and flat so that it does not scratch behind the ear.

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