• How and with what to wear a stole with a coat, jacket or suit. Visual photo instructions on how to beautifully tie a scarf, shawl and stole (17 photos) How to wear a stole with a winter jacket


    Stylish appearancebusiness card any modern woman. You can tell a lot about the taste and character of a fashionista from it. Knowledge of how to wear a stole correctly will help diversify your looks and make your wardrobe more original. Today there are many tying methods, allowing you to choose a pattern for everyday or evening outings.

    Not all fashionistas know what a stole is. It is a type of scarf and has a rectangular shape. The length of one side of the product is 200 cm, the second is 50 cm. There are plain and multi-colored models that are decorated with prints, tassels, and smooth transitions dark shades to light ones. Stoles are different from regular scarves. The latter look like a long, but not wide piece of fabric made from cotton, silk, wool and other materials.

    When choosing a suitable stole, you should be guided by several criteria:

    1. Material and season. Natural linen and silk are ideal for summer season, pashmina - for the spring-autumn period, thick wool, cashmere - for winter.
    2. Color. The shade of outerwear is taken into account. If the coat is decorated in neutral colors, a bright stole will add originality to the look. A red or yellow jacket will go well with solid soft tones or contrasting options, decorated with patterns or embroidery.
    3. Image. Glossy shine silk stole fits perfectly with evening wardrobes. Wool and cotton products are good for everyday looks, chiffon - for office, lace - for romantic ones.

    It’s not enough to know how to wear a stole; matching your body type is of great importance. Models must mask flaws and effectively demonstrate the strengths of the silhouette. Thus, large products are contraindicated for petite girls, as they make them look awkward. Won't fit volumetric options and for formal business events.

    A stole painted in bright rich colors suits brunettes. Blondes should beware of brown and beige tones.

    Methods for tying a product


    A universal option, one of the most popular. This is done as follows:

    • the product rests on the shoulders so that the left end is longer;
    • the latter is wrapped twice around the neck, without tightening;
    • the tip is threaded into the resulting loop;
    • the edges are slightly pulled up and tied in knots.

    The volumetric method is suitable for warm models.


    To tie a stole on a coat beautifully, you need to follow these steps:

    • the canvas is folded diagonally in the form of a triangle;
    • opposite edges are tied;
    • the product is placed on the shoulders and wrapped around the neck;
    • folds are smoothed out to disguise knots.

    The technique is suitable for light materials.

    In the form of a hood

    Looking fashionable in cool weather will help interesting way tying a stole:

    • the product is carefully placed on the head, the hair is covered;
    • hanging edges are retracted behind the shoulders;
    • the ends are tied in a knot under the chin or hang loosely on the back or chest.

    The technique is suitable for warm models made of fur or knitted from wool yarn. Sometimes it can be used in hot weather. A light scarf thrown over your head will help protect you from the scorching sun.

    A stole made of natural fur looks incredibly impressive. To add elegance, all kinds of draperies, brooches, and pom-poms are used along the edges.


    To obtain attractive “waves,” a wide scarf is optimal, or with fringe:

    • the stole is folded in half, placed on the neck so that one edge reaches the waist, and the second is 2 times longer;
    • the long tip wraps around the neck and goes down to the chest;
    • one of the edges folds back over the shoulders, forming charming draperies in front;
    • The product is secured with pins or a brooch.

    In most cases, the method is used for light models.

    Fake tie

    Ideal solution for coats and jackets with a hood or turn-down collar:

    • the stole is placed on the neck, with one edge being slightly longer;
    • the knot is tightened on this part, but not completely;
    • the short end is passed through the resulting loop;
    • the knot is tied to the end;
    • the folds are straightened out.

    The method is optimal for light stoles.


    How to beautifully tie a stole over clothes in the shape of a flower:

    • the product is placed on the shoulders;
    • the ends twist on the chest;
    • a circle is made from the formed rope;
    • the twisted ends are threaded through the middle and tied.

    To use the described technique, it is better to use the thinnest bright items made of silk and chiffon.


    Using this technique, you can quickly tie a stole on a coat with a stand-up collar:

    • the product is placed on the shoulders;
    • the edges are tied to form a circle;
    • the sides of the model intersect in a figure eight;
    • the lower ring is worn around the neck.

    The pattern is designed for wearing warm models.


    An interesting way to make your image unusual and attractive:

    • the stole is placed on the shoulders over the coat so that one edge reaches the collarbone;
    • the long end is wrapped twice around the neck;
    • the remains are hidden under the resulting ring;
    • the product is straightened.

    The technique is suitable for warm models.


    The tying method looks romantic and beautiful:

    • the stole is placed on the neck;
    • the edges of the model intersect twice in the chest area;
    • the ends are folded over the shoulders;
    • the remains are carefully straightened and secured with pins (it is important that they resemble butterfly wings).

    The method looks attractive on wide products made of thin materials and is used in the summer.

    A long tail

    To perform this unusual method, you will need to do the following:

    • the product is placed on the shoulders;
    • one edge is thrown over the shoulder, it is desirable that it goes down to the hips;
    • the second end remains on the chest or is pushed under the folds.

    Having figured out how to tie a stole using this method, you can use warm and light models to implement it. To create a romantic look, the product is not pulled tight, but falls in light folds. The “long tail” can be located in front or behind.

    Loose ends

    The technique is performed as follows:

    • the stole is loosely wrapped around the neck;
    • the edges are located on the shoulders;
    • identical tips gently descend to the chest.

    Made from warm long models, used on coats without a collar or with a stand-up coat.

    A loop

    The easiest way to wear it, a regular loop is performed according to this pattern:

    • the scarf is folded in half;
    • the product is placed on the shoulders, the loop is held with one hand;
    • the ends are threaded through it;
    • the stole tightens and straightens.

    The connection area is decorated with brooches or flowers. You can wear a stole with a jacket, as described in the diagram, or use a “reverse loop”:

    • the product is folded in half and placed on the shoulders;
    • one edge is inserted through the resulting loop;
    • the second tip is passed through a new puff, which is formed as a result of the first manipulation;
    • both arcs tighten slightly and straighten.

    The method is optimal for warm products.


    A stole with a coat looks original when using this method:

    • the model is twisted with a rope;
    • the edges are placed behind the shoulders;
    • the product wraps around the neck, intersects, and descends to the chest;
    • the remnants are pulled into a knot and disguised in folds.

    To add volume to the stole over the jacket, only wide models are used; the fabric can be any: light or warm.

    Volume arc

    An interesting and easy to follow method. The instructions will help you figure out how to tie a stole:

    • the edges of the model are connected to each other and tied, moved to the back of the head;
    • the formed arch is placed on the chest;
    • the ends are straightened or curled.

    The most impressive method looks using knitted stoles with complex patterns. Suitable for coats with an open collar.

    For a stole with tassels

    The decor in the form of tassels looks beautiful in itself, so it is better to leave it in sight rather than hide it. There are a number of steps you need to take:

    • the model is placed on the shoulders, one edge should be slightly longer;
    • this part is folded around the neck and placed in the chest area;
    • the tip of the long element is passed under the formed ring, but is not completely removed, but serves to create a loop;
    • the second edge is pulled through the puff;
    • the knot is tightened, the brushes are positioned at the same height.

    Such methods are optimal for use on warm products.

    Fastening options for different types of clothing

    How and with what to wear a stylish attribute is a personal matter for everyone. Coats and jackets made from different materials, dresses. A correctly composed image always looks attractive and helps to correctly place accents.

    On the coat

    You can tie a stole different ways, the optimal methods are “cowboy” or “collar”. Monochrome models are suitable for simulating a snood scarf. First, the product is slightly twisted, wrapped around the neck several times, the edges of the voluminous rope are pulled together and tucked under the folds. Another equally interesting option is to tie the ends together, form a figure eight, fold it in half and put it around the neck.

    Not all fashionistas know how to tie a stole on a coat with an English collar. First of all, you need to wear a sweater or turtleneck with a high neck to protect yourself from the cold. The simplest method of tying a scarf: the product is folded, crossed over the chest and hidden under outer clothing. If the coat does not have a collar, the accessory will perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function. A technique that imitates a snood, a knot with freely hanging ends, a “reverse loop”, or a “twist” is suitable.

    Today, more and more often, a stole under a coat is simply thrown over the shoulders, ends first, and a belt is fastened on top. Fur products look the most attractive.

    On a coat with a stand-up collar, the stole is tied with a ring with extended edges. The “loose ends” and “ a long tail" They look slightly careless, but romantic and cute.

    On the jacket

    This season it is important to tie a stole on a jacket. The appropriate method is selected in accordance with the style of outerwear:

    1. Denim models are worn only in warm weather, so voluminous scarves do not harmonize with them. It is recommended to select light, thin items that are painted in rich colors and can be easily draped. In this case, a tied stole will add fresh notes to the look. The optimal methods are “ring”, “twist”.
    2. A black leather jacket can be tied to any contrasting color. Plain, striped, and checkered items are suitable. Suitable Methods- “Parisian knot”, “collar”.
    3. If outerwear made of canvas and raincoat fabric has a feminine cut, techniques with bows, knots are used, or the stole is simply thrown over the shoulders. For sports models, careless methods are chosen. The best methods are “hood”, “fake tie”, “loose ends”.
    4. It is advisable to wear plain scarves with short jackets; floral prints are only relevant for romantic looks. Suitable methods are “double loop”, “Windsor knot”.

    Sometimes girls make mistakes, not knowing how to tie a stole around their neck. It is recommended to wear it in tandem with jackets, following the advice of designers.

    On the dress

    The scarf acts as an additional accessory, so it should complement the outfit without drawing attention to itself. The colors are the same or differ by no more than a couple of tones, from bright patterns and large quantity It is better to refuse decor. Discreet embroidery and not too long fringe are acceptable.

    Today, a stole with a dress is worn both in winter and summer. Scarves for warm weather are made of chiffon, lace, silk, and guipure. In cold weather, products made from natural fur and wool will keep you warm.

    The most common tying technique is to simply drape it over your shoulders with the ends hanging down, and you can wrap the garment loosely around your neck. In the bridal look, scarves are placed on the elbows, and the shoulders are left open. This way the bride can protect herself from the cold without losing her nobility and elegance.

    Knowing how to wear a stole correctly, you can create original looks: everyday, evening, romantic, office. Warm models will protect you from the cold, while lightweight ones will add some flair. A variety of tying techniques allows you to experiment every day, creating new, unique combinations.


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    Why today the stole is again taking a place in women's wardrobe? Because it is a universal accessory, it is appropriate both in the theater and in the office, and goes perfectly with the top and casual clothes. Having mastered the art of tying a stole in all possible ways, you will look new every day and amaze others with an elegant and sophisticated look.

    Every woman who has this cape in her arsenal should be able to tie a stole beautifully. It’s not in vain that for centuries it hid gentle women’s shoulders from the prying eyes of men and warmed them on cold days. In addition, it would be good to know how to wear a stole on your head; in the cold season it can replace a hat.

    The Duchess of Bavaria became the trendsetter of this accessory back in the 17th century. It was this person who first threw a cape over her fragile shoulders to keep warm from the cold. Her name (Isabella Palatine) was immortalized in the name of the accessory - a stole.

    But time passes, everything changes... And if Duchess Isabella covered her graceful shoulders with a narrow strip of sable skins, then modern world it is made from a variety of materials: chiffon, cashmere, lace, fur, wool. One thing remains unchanged - it is a rectangular shape, the width of which varies from 50 to 75 cm, and the length can reach 2 meters.

    How to choose a stole?

    If you have not yet managed to purchase this accessory, then when choosing a model, consider the following nuances and follow the rule: select a stole taking into account the proportions of your body. So:

    1. tall large ladies should avoid wearing a fur cape with long pile (fox or arctic fox), as it will add additional volume. Opt for a model made from skins with short fur (mink, sable, marmot). At the same time, choose a narrow cape made of solid fur;
    2. models not suitable for miniature representatives of the fairer sex big size. In voluminous, large ones, they will “drown” and look ridiculous;
    3. A pattern on a stole can also visually correct your figure. Thus, a cape with horizontal stripes will visually reduce your height, while vertical stripes, on the contrary, will increase and make your figure slimmer. A large pattern suits ladies with curvy figures, and a small one suits petite women.

    Has the stole been selected and purchased? It's time to learn how to wear it correctly with clothes and always look beautiful and elegant.

    Tandem with a coat

    A stole made of cashmere or with fur decor is perfect for a coat. How to wear a stole with a coat? If you choose it to match your outerwear, it will create a visual effect of breast enlargement. Coats with simple types of collars look good with it: classic, round or stand-up.

    It will be enough to throw the stole over your shoulders or around your neck, tie a voluminous knot at one end, and fix the other end under the resulting knot. Another option is to throw the stole over one shoulder and tie the ends into a knot at the hips or secure it with a brooch on the shoulder. The image of lady elegance is guaranteed to you!

    Tandem with a jacket or down jacket

    Cashmere or knitted capes with coarse knitting and smaller models can be worn with a jacket.

    A stole in the form of a vest looks good with elongated jackets. The French knot is suitable for voluminous jackets. It is easy and simple to tie. Fold the cape in half, wrap it around your neck, and lower the ends to your chest, or wrap it again and secure it. This method resembles a voluminous scarf-collar.

    A fur coat is a fur coat

    The fur coat itself is already a decoration; hiding it under a stole, no matter how beautiful it is, is simply blasphemous. In addition, by tying something over fur, you jeopardize its safety. Therefore, it is recommended not to wear a stole as a cape with a fur coat. But then how to wear a stole with a fur coat? A headdress from it can be made with ease, and it will be a very feminine option, believe me.

    Headdress: how to make and wear?

    The following version of the headdress is suitable for a fur coat: cross the ends of the stole thrown over the head under the chin and tie them at the back of the head. It will fit tightly around your head, now neither the wind nor the cold are afraid of you. The cape in the form of a loose hood looks beautiful. Its ends are wrapped loosely around the neck or simply thrown back.

    Lovers of more intricate headdresses should pay attention to this option: we throw a cape over the head so that the ends are the same length. We pull them together at the back of the head and twist them into a tourniquet. Now we either wrap the tourniquet like a braid around the head, fastening the ends under the beginning of the tourniquet, or tie it into a knot and straighten the ends.

    The drapery “A la the East” looks elegant. The stole is draped so that the ends are of different lengths. Under the chin, the edges are secured with a hairpin. Then the longer end is wrapped around the neck and chin, and secured with a pin at the back of the head.

    Add color to your business style

    A stole is a true friend of business clothes. It is better to choose a silk model in a single color. How to wear a stole in a business casual manner? There are several ways to wear it:

    "Vest". The stole is wrapped around the neck, the ends are lowered to the chest and secured with a thin strap. For a more elegant option, you can pin on a brooch.

    "Butterfly". There are several options. One of them is to throw a cape over the shoulders, cross the ends at the front on the chest and throw it back over the shoulders, securing them with brooches.

    "Flower". For this method you will need a model with fringe around the edges. It is placed on the shoulders, the ends are lowered in front. One edge, straightening the fringe, is secured with a pin on the shoulder. The second, shorter edge is left to hang freely.

    You can purchase special hairpins for the stole - brooches, which will give your look a more elegant look and secure the ends of the cape. As well as a ring clasp suitable for thin fabrics. It serves to clamp the ends and adjust their length.

    These wearing methods can be applied to blouses and classic dresses. If you choose, for example, a bright accessory for a black dress, your image will sparkle in a new way. You can tie a stole at the waist over a dress, shirt and trousers.

    A charming addition to an evening outfit

    Of course, the cape is ideal for evening dress. How to wear a stole with such a dress? If your evening dress has an open back, then a stole is necessary. For the dress, choose models of a single color from airy, light-transmitting fabric (chiffon) or silk in deep dark tones, which should be in the same color scheme as the dress.

    A hat, handbag or gloves matched to the cape will help complete the look. After all, the main purpose of this amazing accessory is to make a woman’s image elegant and luxurious.

    In wardrobe real woman always full of stylish accessories. One of these is the stole. You can choose models for all occasions. An interesting article was written especially for women about how to tie a stole in different ways and look fashionable.

    Stylish stoles

    Openwork stole

    Women who know knitting make their own openwork stoles. Needed good threads, knitting needles or crochet hook to get a feminine, versatile decoration. If the lace stole is made of light light threads, it is very reminiscent of a cozy retro shawl. The product can be decorated with tassels. A stole-shawl does not age a woman at all if she is dressed with taste.

    There are a variety of patterns and colors. Popular colors are white, beige, black and many muted tones. To get something cute and mysterious, just throw an openwork stole over your shoulders. It goes with absolutely everyone, especially with off-the-shoulder or strappy dresses. A knitted stole can be confidently called a basic item, as it is suitable for holidays and everyday life, and can transform a work or evening outfit.

    openwork stole

    Cashmere stole

    Forever fashionable and practical, a cashmere stole is soft to the touch and useful in your wardrobe. If it has fringe, then it is an ideal pairing for a business-style coat. In this case, the stole is secured with a brooch on the shoulder or elegantly laid out on the shoulders and tucked under the collar.

    In general, you can decorate any maxi coat, fur coat or sheepskin coat. When the color of your outerwear is subdued, you can instantly liven it up by adding a bright stole as an accent. To do this, take a scarf and wrap it around your neck over your clothes. The loose ends should hang in front or tucked under the waistband.

    The owner of a cashmere or knitted stole can safely use it as a hood. The head is most decorated with voluminous prints. In winter, products with fur trim are more appropriate, and in summer, silk ones.

    cashmere stole

    options for wearing a cashmere scarf

    Fur stole

    Luxurious fur stoles are relevant in the cold season of the year and serve as a spectacular, expensive decoration for any set of clothes. Usually the cape has a lining. This accessory is best suited for a special event. You can be dressed in a feminine suit or an elegant dress. Brides can complement Wedding Dress a white stole if the season is harsh. The fur cape fits perfectly with any evening dress. It is more convenient than a boa or boa, because the stole can be combined with trench coats and coats.

    Absolutely everyone can wear a fur cape - just throw it over your shoulders and pin a brooch or an invisible pin in the right place. A great idea is to use a fur scarf instead of a hat. This headdress will add chic to your outfit. The best quality mink fur.

    fur stole

    Wool stole

    Wool is valued at all times. Having a stole made from the finest yarn of natural origin is useful for everyone. A women's accessory that looks like a huge scarf adds a special charm to clothes. High-quality wool is not itchy, it is comfortable to wear and does not form pills.

    Today there are many styles and colors available - you can choose something to suit any clothing, season and situation. A voluminous stole in a basic or bright color will look good with a biker jacket, a formal coat with buttons to mid-thigh or knee-length, or a jacket.

    There are woolen stoles with buttons, with tassels, leopard print, abstract, checkered print, and plain ones. They can be worn on the head or shoulders, wrapped around the neck, or tucked under a belt. Beautiful accessory for a woolen stole - a textile or leather massive bag.

    wool stole

    Evening stole

    A stylish evening stole is a harmonious component of an evening dress, elegant trouser or skirt suit. The scarf can be matched to the color of the clothing or be completely different, creating contrast. A good option for an evening ensemble is a fur stole with gloves. During the holiday, you can change the position of the scarf, and in the hottest moments, remove it altogether, showing your arms and shoulders. The outfit with a stole looks complete.

    Scarf models come with patterns, embroidery, tassels, thick, transparent, and different sizes. Sometimes the stole looks like a small neckerchief and barely covers the chest. There are medium-sized products that, when wrapped around the neck, reach the waist and hips. But there are also large styles, when a woman literally wraps herself entirely in this product and the ends hang almost to the floor.

    evening look

    Down stole

    Women's down stole is warm and soft accessory for the Russian winter. This wardrobe item will be useful at any age. Beautiful openwork knitting creates a magical, complex pattern of fine fabric. Common colors are white and gray, there are combined options. Often such stoles are made by needlewomen using knitting needles. A soft stole can be worn on the head or shoulders, worn under winter clothes or on top of it.

    Large down scarves Multifunctional and always popular, they keep you warm. Women are happy to wrap themselves in stoles, and those around them admire the magnificent ornaments. Moreover, all products from this category are very light, do not interfere with wear, do not deteriorate from delicate washing, and last a long time. A chic knitted stole, when used correctly, does not age.

    down scarf

    Stole with patterns

    An interesting patterned stole can be downy, crochet or knitted, woolen, with or without tassels, with ruffles along the edge, look like a scarf or maxi scarf. It’s great if you manage to knit such a product with your own hands, in which case you can choose suitable color and create any drawing. If you take needlework seriously, you will get a wonderful thing, no worse than store-bought ones.

    Large patterned scarves provide warmth, but they also decorative element, which will serve perfectly at a party along with an evening dress. The stole can be draped over the shoulders to cover the arms. Scarves with prints and long tassels look good. Some people like a shawl that matches their clothes, while others prefer a contrasting ensemble. A win-win option is a stole in beige tones with an openwork floral pattern.

    scarf with patterns

    checkered scarf

    Plain stole

    A plain stole is a stylish and feminine accessory made of wool or silk. A large scarf is indispensable in the fall, as it goes harmoniously with different models coat. A woman who likes to change and look stylish will find it useful to have a whole set of plain stoles for different outfits.

    Wear scarves and shawls with pleasure in all seasons of the year, and be confident. Take a look at the pages of fashionable online stores and you will see that modern manufacturers offer an unlimited choice of color solutions. A plain stole should not only be combined with clothing, but also harmonize favorably with skin tone, hair and eye color. There are a great many ways to wear this accessory; below we will analyze in detail the most popular and easy-to-use options.

    yellow scarf

    beige cape

    Beautiful ways to tie a stole

    Stole over jacket

    We recommend wearing a stole on a jacket that has a stylish stand-up collar. When there is a hood, the range of options for wearing neck accessories is greatly limited. Tie stylish single and double loops, create voluminous knots and experiment with where you place your ends. Tie the stole as shown in the photo examples, and the jacket will look more interesting.

    If you have a long stole and a short jacket, then be sure to try making a Windsor knot; you can master its technique the first time.

    Large scarves and scarves made from airy materials look good with leather jackets. If the jacket is in dark colors, then you need a bright stole. Scarves with fringes and/or prints are appropriate. For a leather jacket, choose one of the suitable tying methods - a collar or a Parisian knot, or you can simply wrap the accessory around your neck and let the ends hang freely.

    stole over jacket

    Stole over coat

    A coat with a collar of any shape can be combined with a stole. This is a romantic combination for winter and autumn. In many cases, fur stoles are suitable and look good with a coat. It is important to combine colors correctly. The tone of the stole should be in harmony with the coat and match the color of the skin tone.

    If you have the problem of too narrow shoulders, a stole will help out perfectly; it is wrapped loosely around the neck and elegantly laid on the shoulders or chest. Another good option for decorating a scarf with a coat is to make a double ring and weave the loose ends in front.

    If the clothes have a stand-up collar, then you can make a French knot or throw a scarf over your shoulder and pin it with a brooch, this can be done in different ways. If there is a hood, wrap the stole loosely around your neck and hide the ends under the voluminous folds.

    Stoles and scarves are not suitable for coats with a fur or large collar; it is better to give preference to a classic scarf. In winter, it is not forbidden to tie a stole in the form of a turban.

    The style of the coat without a collar allows you to wear shawls and scarves in the snood style; such a composition can be easily made from several loops and knots.

    stole over coat

    Neck stole

    To beautifully tie a stole around your neck, you need to start from what kind of clothes you are wearing. Business or evening clothing is compatible with scarves made of light fabrics or knitted scarves. Make an intricate knot as in the photo instructions and you will have a composition that reflects your subtle sense of style.

    Flower-shaped knots, braids and ends tucked into a special buckle holder for scarves look good on the neck. Using a small buckle, you can instantly create bows of different sizes.

    step-by-step instruction


    how to tie a stole

    Head stole

    As you already understand, a stole can be worn as a headdress, and it will be warm and comfortable. You can wrap a classic turban, as this is one of the win-win options. It’s also worth trying to combine a scarf tied in the form of a hood with outerwear. Examples can be seen in photos on the Internet.

    In the case of a stole tied with a hood, the free ends are crossed in front and are on the back or tied with a knot under the chin and pulled back.

    head stole options

    instructions on how to tie a scarf on your head

    scarf with a pattern on the head

    Stole tying techniques

    Below we list simple popular ways to wear stoles for all occasions:

    • stole-tail - the dominant of this method is to wrap the stole around the neck so that there remains one long end hanging down to the knees (can be just below or above the knees);
    • asymmetrical stole - twist the scarf around the neck so that weak loops are formed, both free ends hang down on one side (or make only one loop and wrap it several times with the remaining ends);
    • stole-tow - twist a voluminous stole into a tourniquet and wrap it loosely around the neck, and tie the ends and hide them in folds (you get a scarf-collar);
    • stole under the belt - a shawl, a square scarf or a rectangular stole in the Indian style of a large size, folded into a triangle and thrown over the shoulders, the back tip and the front two tucked under the belt of outerwear (you can also not fold the stole into a triangle, but throw it over the shoulders in a straightened form);
    • stole on one shoulder - the stole can be draped over only one side of the body, tucked under a belt (this method is suitable for a sleeveless evening dress).

    Some good techniques for tying a stole are shown in the photo below.

    ideas on how to wear a stole

    stylish images with stole

    fashionable options how to tie a scarf

    beautiful plaid scarf

    stylish stoles

    step by step lesson how to tie a beautiful knot

    beautiful scarves

    how to tie a scarf in fashion

    stole for belt

    As you can see, with the help of a stole you can modify female image beyond recognition. Try it different variants and be beautiful.

    A stole is a type of neck scarf that differs in size from classic models. Its width starts from 70 centimeters, its length can reach 2.5-3 meters. Along with shawls, scarves, scarves of all kinds, stoles immediately fell in love with women for their endless number of variations of use. On sale are light, airy models made of chiffon, viscose, voile, all-season products made of cotton, linen, silk, viscose, as well as warm stoles made of sheep wool, cashmere, and fur.

    What and how to wear this one with fashion accessory today, and, most importantly, how to tie a stole so that it looks stylish, beautiful and brings harmony and integrity to the image?

    What to wear with and how to choose accessories?

    Modern fashion does not have strict restrictions on the compatibility of various toilet details in one look. It is considered normal to wear rough boots with long skirts and feminine dresses, and narrow pumps and classic heels - with boyfriend jeans, blouses and T-shirts. It's the same with stoles; If once the neck accessory was a natural element of feminine classic or romantic looks, today it can be worn with any clothing, tied in different ways.

    Fashion accessories are chosen based on the season, as well as color and decor. It is important that the stole matches not only the clothes, but also the color of the eyes and hair. The optimal choice, suitable for any skin tone and color type - delicate cream, pinkish, beige tones. Too light or greenish shades can aggravate paleness. light skin, and black and yellow do not suit some dark-skinned brunettes.

    Ways to wear a stole

    How and with what to wear a fashion accessory is up to you to decide. In any competently and tastefully composed image, the stole looks attractive, emphasizing the character and charms of its owner.

    With jacket, coat

    Warm clothes look good in combination with a bright, contrasting or neutral accessory, beautifully tied around the neck or casually draped over the shoulders. For winter options with a classic coat, a luxurious fur stole in white, black or other natural shades is ideal. The fluffy fur of a lush scarf will replace a fur collar, but such a detail must be supplemented with a similar accessory - fur hat or a hair band.

    Checkered stoles, fashionable this season, look great with down jackets and oversized jackets. They are thrown over the shoulders over the jacket and secured with a careless knot or wrapped around the neck, lowering the ends to the back, to the chest, and throwing them over the shoulder.

    With short leather jackets and trench coats, light stoles made of cotton, silk, thin fabric, beautifully falling in folds. Most often, a stole is tied like a neckerchief, releasing a large corner or piece of fabric onto the chest, wrapping it around the neck and securing the ends under the flowing drapery.

    With a dress, T-shirt, tank top, jeans

    Stole with T-shirt or open summer dress worn in the same way as with a jacket, tied around the neck with a loose collar or draping the folds in a beautiful waterfall. A thin chiffon or silk stole can be wrapped twice around the neck and the ends placed on the chest. If the evening turns out to be cool, it is better to straighten the stole, throwing it over the neck and fastening the loose ends under the belt of the dress like a cardigan. This option looks perfect with dresses of a classic silhouette, long, fitted, as well as with long skirts and blouses.

    How to wear a stole with different types of collars?

    For coats and jackets with hoods, large, voluminous stoles are suitable, which can be wrapped twice around the neck, bringing the ends under the hood. It is more convenient to hide the ends of the scarf under two large rings, but if you want to let them out, tie a loose knot over one of the rings.

    If you have a coat with a voluminous, fur or other lush collar, a stole will be completely out of place here. But a beautiful scarf or scarf can be tied on your head in the form of a turban or headscarf, laying the fabric in soft folds and securing the ends.

    How to tie a stole on your head in the form of a turban? This is not as difficult as it may seem, and with a little practice you can easily cope with this task. An improvised stole headdress is created in several stages:

    1. The stole is folded lengthwise long side, leaving a small gap.
    2. The folded scarf is thrown over the head, held at the back of the head and, lowering the head down, the loose ends are wrapped around the head.
    3. The fabric should cover the head without leaving any gaps.
    4. On the forehead, the ends of the stole are rewound twice and brought back to the back of the head, where they are secured with a knot.

    If a coat or jacket does not have a collar, or has a stand-up collar, the number of ways in which you can beautifully tie a stole is practically unlimited. The only requirement for cool and winter seasons: The scarf should cover the neck and décolleté.

    How to tie a stole: beautiful knots in a hurry

    Let us examine in detail the most stylish and current ways of tying a stole on a jacket, dress or coat. The most important thing is that it is not at all difficult to learn; Just a few minutes in front of the mirror is enough and you will get your hand in shape. Having mastered the basic techniques, you can move on to experiments: creating original draperies, bows, fixing knots and ends with elegant brooches, rings, and safety pins.

    Around the neck

    1. Wrap the stole around your neck once or twice.
    2. Leave the ends loose or drape.
    3. You can tie a loose knot or fasten it with a brooch on your shoulder or chest.

    French knot

    1. Loop the stole around your neck.
    2. Loosen the loop, making it long and twist it once.
    3. Thread the ends of the scarf one by one into the newly formed loop at the bottom.
    4. Carefully tighten and straighten the resulting knot.

    Complex loop

    This method of tying a stole seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, everything is simple:

    1. Make a simple loop by folding the stole in half, aligning one end with the other.
    2. Throw the scarf over your neck, with a loop hanging on one side and two free ends of the stole on the other.
    3. Thread one end of the scarf into the loop and turn it 360 degrees so that you get two loops in the shape of a figure eight.
    4. Thread the second end of the stole into the bottom of the figure eight, tighten the knot and straighten the folds.


    Turning a wide or square stole into a scarf-collar is as easy as shelling pears. You will need:

    1. Fold the stole diagonally, bringing the shape closer to a triangle.
    2. Tie the ends of opposite corners.
    3. Throw the resulting snood over your shoulders and wrap it around your neck again.
    4. Smooth out folds and hide knots.


    1. A wide stole (preferably with fringe) or a large scarf folded in half is thrown around the neck so that one end reaches the waist and the other is twice as long.
    2. Long end The stole is wrapped around the neck and lowered to the chest.
    3. One of the free ends is brought back behind the neck, forming a beautiful drapery on the chest, and secured.

    There are a great variety of ways to tie stoles and beautiful draperies of scarves over clothes. Choose and experiment with new looks!

    Finally, the long-awaited warmth has arrived, and down jackets have been replaced by light raincoats and jackets. But in order for the mood to become especially “spring,” you need to complement your casual look bright accessory. In today's material, we have collected 17 visual photo instructions on how to properly and beautifully drape a scarf, stole or headscarf.

    1. Hidden node

    Beautiful, simple and enough original way how to tie a long one Warm scarf. An accessory tied in this way will not only reliably protect the neck, but will also decorate a coat or turtleneck.

    2. Pretzel

    A silk scarf folded into a triangle can be wrapped into a charming, intricate pretzel. A scarf tied in this way will become an effective detail of a business or romantic look, and will also protect the throat from the wind.

    3. Braid knot

    A simple and very effective way to protect the back of your head from the wind and turn a warm scarf into a beautiful accessory.

    4. Tourniquet

    Today, scarves are intended not only to protect against the cold, but also to decorate the elegant and beautiful neck. For example, simple manipulations will help you turn a light long scarf into a beautiful cord necklace.

    5. Wild West

    An original finish to your everyday look will be a scarf tied in the wild west style. To do this, fold the scarf into a triangle and place it so that the ends are at the back of the head. Cross the ends at the back, bring them to the front and tie.

    6. Flower

    Instead of a regular knot, you can weave a charming flower from a light chiffon scarf. To do this, you need to twist the scarf into a bundle and do the manipulations shown in the picture, leaving the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

    7. Big bow

    A long warm scarf tied in a large beautiful bow will become original decoration winter down jacket or coat.

    8. Cute bow

    The ends of a light silk scarf can be tied into a small, neat bow, which will be secured with a small elastic band. A scarf tied in this way will add a touch of elegance and French charm to your look.

    9. Carelessness

    A simple way to create a stylish casual look with a touch of casualness using just a stole.

    10. Cascade

    Another simple way, which will help turn a faceless scarf into a highlight. In addition, a scarf wrapped in this way will protect your neck from cold and wind.

    11. Stylish simplicity

    Perhaps the easiest way to tie a scarf, which even a child can handle. It looks quite impressive.

    12. Variety

    As many as eight ways to wear a scarf that will help you create different looks and moods with the help of one single detail.

    13. Under the belt

    Want to freshen up your appearance? Place a neatly folded stole over your shoulders, securing it at your waist with a thin strap.
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