• DIY thread pendant. Original thread decoration: interesting ideas, features. Macrame necklace


    Handmade jewelry always attracts the attention of others. And the more original the decoration, the more in demand it is. Today we will talk about jewelry that is created from threads. In the master class we will show you how to assemble a bracelet from threads and beads with your own hands.

    Jewelry made from threads can be safely classified as a non-standard type. But in doing so, they only bribe modern fashion and are gaining momentum in their use in handicrafts. The threads that craftsmen use in their work can be very different: simple sewing threads, embroidery threads (floss), crocheting threads, etc. The decoration can consist only of threads or be combined with other elements of accessories: beads, seed beads and others. Let's look at examples of such decorations.

    Ideas for jewelry made from threads in the form of beads and necklaces.

    Examples of using threads in creating pendants.

    Earrings made of thread. Knitted earrings, ganutel earrings, tassel earrings, etc.

    DIY thread bracelet ideas:

    Thread rings, hairpins, brooches and headbands or tiaras:

    Master class on a bracelet made of threads and beads.


    Lace for base 18cm

    Floss thread 1 skein

    End caps 2 pcs

    Connecting rings 2pcs

    Carabiner lock 1 piece

    Beads with wide hole 5pcs

    Tools: Round nose pliers, pliers, glue

    We place on the desktop the base for the bracelet in the form of a cord. Using tape, secure the edge of the floss thread at the base of the lace. Let's start winding. We wrap the floss to the end of the edge of the lace and fix the thread, as at the beginning, with tape. We string golden ones onto a wrapped cord metal beads with a wide opening. We apply a few drops of super glue into the end cap and put it on the cord, thereby decorating the edges of the bracelet. We connect the end loops with connecting rings. Add a carabiner lock to one of the rings.

    In this way we collect bracelets in different and desired colors.

    View of a finished bracelet made of threads and beads.



    Almost every girl can boast of extensive “bins” with, well, necessary things- scattered earrings, cute beads, bright buttons, ribbons, laces, pieces of lace and unusual fabric. It’s a pity to throw away such “riches”, but it’s unclear where to use them. But you shouldn’t despair, because it’s easy to make unusual and, most importantly, exclusive jewelry from these little things.

    Surely many have heard about handmade, but did not dare to do it for fear that their plan would not be successful. But creating original jewelry with your own hands is not as difficult and time-consuming as it might seem at first glance. Materials and simple tools for needlework can be found in sewing stores and supermarkets, or ordered online. And then an endless flight of imagination takes over and exciting creativity begins.

    Stylish handmade jewelry always attracts genuine interest and attention to its owner. And such a gift to loved ones and friends will be doubly pleasant, since it was created with certain emotions.

    This publication contains several step-by-step master classes on how to transform unclaimed items and simple accessories into a unique and effective neck accessory.

    Asymmetrical necklace

    To make an asymmetrical necklace inspired by the Diorganic Leafy Waterfalls necklace from the 2014 Spring/Summer collection brand Dior, you will need very little - plastic beads strung on a thread, reminiscent of pearls, a headband covered with fabric to match the beads, thread with a needle, scissors, thick fabric of a matching color and glue.

    Creating a necklace does not require a lot of effort, but it will take a little time - since you need to carefully sew on each individual bead segment.

    First of all, you need to measure and cut fragments of different lengths from the main thread. Then each of them needs to be folded so that one edge is shorter than the other and you can begin to attach them to the base.

    First, long sections are sewn to the edge of the rim and gradually you need to move it in the middle, while the length of the bead threads decreases.

    Long fragments are also basted from the opposite end of the rim, creating a beautiful asymmetrical line - long in front and short in back.

    When the main work is finished and all the threads are attached, you need to make the final touch - sheathing the rim on the inside with thick fabric to cover all the errors and uneven seams.

    Stylish bean necklace

    To make a lasting impression with your appearance You don’t have to wear designer clothes; you can just complete your look with an original necklace. And what could be more original than a decoration made from beans?

    In order to make such a non-standard creation with your own hands, you should stock up on the following components:

    • printed necklace template,
    • beans,
    • gold-colored beads,
    • sheet of thin plastic 2-3 mm thick,
    • neon colored nail polish,
    • chain with fastening,
    • stationery knife,
    • Super glue,
    • tweezers,
    • hole punch for eyelets.

    Before starting work, you should paint the beans with varnish and wait until they dry.

    Then you need to print out the necklace template and attach a sheet of plastic to it.

    On a transparent surface, you need to carefully glue one bean after another, after greasing them with glue.

    After this, fill the remaining spaces with beads. You need to form the necklace in parts - first assemble the circles, and then fill in the small details.

    Let the filled blank dry for a couple of hours. When the semi-finished product is completely dry, it must be placed on a cutting board and carefully cut along the contour of the glued components. Finally, you need to drill holes along the edges of the necklace and insert the chain mount into them.

    Cord necklace

    A cord necklace seems so banal and familiar that you simply don’t want to buy another one for your collection. But even such a hackneyed model can be diversified by decorating the rope with sequins and beads to match.

    For the alteration, you will need two types of twisted laces in black, one of them with gold thread, large sequins in the same palette, thread and needle to match, suitable beads, scissors, pliers, glue and clasps for the necklace.

    First, you need to measure the length of the ropes to suit your size, while the pure black one should be longer than the other. Then you need to glue the ends for the fastener onto the longer cord.

    Black sequins should be sewn to the strand interspersed with gold thread, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge.

    On top of the sewn sequins, several more sequins, only in gold color, and stored beads are attached.

    And the final touch - a lace with sequins and beads is carefully sewn to the main cord with fasteners.

    Macrame necklace

    A necklace made using the macrame technique looks interesting on your neck.

    To make such a decoration you will need 5 types of strands of different textures and colors, a chain, scissors, pliers, a tailor's tape measure, tape and clasps for a necklace.

    First you need to measure and cut the desired length of the chain to suit you.

    Fold the chain in half and place all the laces in a row perpendicularly on it.

    Then make a zashmorg and secure the chain to the surface with tape and you can start weaving, as in the pictures below.

    When all the laces are twisted, you should adjust the length by cutting off the excess.

    Then attach the clasps to the chain.

    Sequin necklace

    A necklace with sparkles will create a festive mood and perfectly complement any look.

    The materials you will need are glitter, matte decoupage glue, a tassel, a base for a necklace, pliers, clasps and a chain. Apply a drop of glue to the metal base, fill the entire surface with it and sprinkle with glitter. When the first layer has dried, you need to remove the remaining glitter from the workpiece and repeat the procedure with glue again, and so on until the glitter fills all the space in the base.

    Attach the chain and clasps to the already dried semi-finished product.

    Alternatively, you can use crushed glass instead of glitter.

    To create such a necklace, you will need pieces of glass, a hammer, a base pendant for a necklace, matte glue, nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton buds or disk. Grind the glass with a hammer and repeat the same as with the glitter.

    After the structure has dried, you can paint the glass in the color of your choice, and carefully remove the remaining varnish with liquid.

    Every girl loves jewelry. You can purchase matching beads or necklaces for any outfit. In the article we will present a version made from threads. Such products look original, there are few of them on sale, and you can choose the right color of thread to match any outfit.

    In order to learn how to make such decorative items, you do not have to be a handmade master, you only need to have patience and endurance, since weaving is a painstaking task. You will also need attentiveness and accuracy. After all, even one wrong turn will stand out from the rest. The work is a little monotonous, since to make lacing you need to make the same turns. Therefore, be patient and start making original jewelry from threads.

    Necklace with large pendant

    Before you start, think about what kind of dress or blouse this item will be worn with. Having decided on the color scheme, go to a sewing accessories store and look for suitable threads. You will also need a large pendant. If it is golden, as in the photo, then the fastening threads should also be golden. Then the product will look aesthetically pleasing.

    1. First of all, you need to unwind the skeins. To do this, you need to use some kind of dense template. For example, take a cardboard shoe cover or simply stretch them between the sticks of the back of a chair. The template must match the length of the thread decoration.

    2. The threads are removed from the template and the edges are trimmed. It turns out a pack of threads of the same size.

    3. Now you need to separately make a loop for the button, which will hold the entire structure. To do this, insert a small round button into one of the threads and tie a knot. Having correctly measured the length of the necklace, on the other side we make a loop according to the size of the button and also tie it with a knot. The thread prepared in this way is applied to the rest. The ends of the bundle are tied with threads so that they do not fall apart during further work.

    4. The most painstaking work remains. You need to weave tight rings around the main part of the thread decoration with golden threads. The edge is hidden at a distance of 1 cm from the end of the beam so that it does not come out. Then we begin to wind the thread tightly around. There are two ways: simply wind the thread, pressing it tightly to the previous turn, or each time pull it into the loop of the previous turn. In the second option, the pigtail will be visible from the side, which will need to be positioned evenly. But the threads will not overlap each other and the product will turn out neat.

    Necklace with roses

    The principle of making such a decoration from threads is the same as in the previous method. In this product, instead of a button, a large bead is put on one end of the bunch, matching one of the roses. When all the main part is done, we begin work on decorating with flowers.

    To do this, you need to separately wind a bunch of threads of the main beige color and the same contrasting color, for example red, as in the photo. The ends are wrapped on both sides with brown thread so that they do not fall apart. Then we make several turns of yarn in a circle, threading the main part of the bundle into the resulting loops. But don't tighten it too tight. The center of the rose should be free. Ready-made decorative elements are placed in the center of the necklace and back side sewn on with simple threads. They should not be visible on the front side.

    Adding braids

    A necklace made from threads, made in a way already familiar to readers, can be diversified by adding any details. These can be beads or rings, pendants and knots. The next necklace is made with thin braids. At the first stage of pulling the threads onto the template, you need to weave several braids separately. To do this, take several threads into each strand so that they have volume. It all depends on the desire of the craftswoman, because you can weave several different braids, using different numbers of threads for strands.

    Then the finished braids are placed in a bun, positioned in different places so that each one is clearly visible. You can decorate your yarn jewelry with a bright, contrasting bead.

    To prevent it from rolling up and down on the yarn, you need to tie a knot that will hold it in one place. A braid that comes out of a bun with a bead looks beautiful. The result is asymmetry, adding originality to the product.

    Big braid

    A thick braid is woven from floss threads. Rings made of beads and seed beads are put on it. They should be bright and contrasting with the main color of the yarn.

    The lock on this model is purchased. Now you know how to weave with threads beautiful decoration. It's not difficult, but it looks very impressive.

    Decoration with loop

    For such a product, you need to select identical threads of two contrasting colors that would look harmonious together. They are selected to be the same length. Then the bundles are intertwined, forming a loop in the middle. Then purchased plastic or metal decorations are inserted from one end and the other, and they must be the same.

    "Chocolate with milk"

    This original decoration is also made of two parts. The first half is represented by yarn chocolate color, which is assembled from long threads and folded in half. Since the necklace has an asymmetrical structure, the brown threads should be longer than the white ones.

    One end of the yarn is wrapped with black thread. The central part of the beam, divided in half, is processed in the same way.

    The lock is made according to the method described earlier, only a large bead is used instead of a button.

    Thread earrings

    Nowadays, earrings made in the shape of thin tassels are fashionable. They are very easy to make, you just need to know how. If you have never done such things before, then take a look step by step instructions. There is nothing complicated here. The only thing is that it will take a long time to wind the threads onto the template, since they are very thin. To make the brush so fluffy, you will need to unwind a whole spool. The template should be tight. You can use a piece of wood or very thick cardboard.

    When the earring bundles have been tightly wound to the required thickness, the outermost coils are tied in a knot. Then everything is removed from the template. It turns out to be a ring tied on opposite sides with knots. Having folded the threads together, we make several windings around the end, under the knot. And carefully cut the bottom part under the ruler.

    If you don’t get it straight the first time, you can use sharp scissors to trim the edges. The upper knot, together with the winding, is hidden in the purchased elements of the earrings. The second earring is made in the same way.

    When the artist makes the jewelry himself, you can choose the color of the thread to match any outfit. At the time of buying finished products you will have to choose only from what is presented on the display case. The desired combination of shades may not be achieved. And what you buy won’t always fit perfectly. So don't be afraid to try making your own decorations. It's not that difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations.

    Simple plain bracelets

    To make such jewelry you will need to purchase a flat plastic bracelet and thin silk threads desired color. PVA glue is also used here. Before you start winding the thread in a circle, you need to tie a knot at the beginning of the work and hide the edge under the turns of thread. Apply 1 cm of glue to the bracelet and begin the painstaking work. When the entire area is filled with threads, the next centimeter of the surface of the product is coated. The glue dries quickly and winding is slow. The threads need to be pulled tight so that there are no sagging areas.

    The end of the threads needs to be hidden under the last couple of turns. You can make a whole set of matching colors, consisting of two or three bracelets.

    Wide bracelet with decor

    Such decoration is made in a similar way, only a plastic ring is bought bigger size. After wrapping with threads, work begins on decorating the bracelet. For this, from the thinnest satin ribbon of blue color weave a simple single braid according to the size of the circumference. Stick it in the center of the ring. Next, two rows of purchased chains of plastic balls are placed on both sides. Their big choice in hardware stores.

    All that remains is to glue the half-beads into diamond shapes at some distance from each other. All, beautiful bracelet ready!

    Popularity of baubles

    If you ask people on the street what the name of a thread decoration is, the answer will be unequivocal - bauble. This is a woven bracelet. The Indians of North America also wove such products. They associated such thread weaving with strong friendship. Such traditional decorations passed down from generation to generation. If the bracelet was removed or returned to the person who presented it as a gift, then this was considered a very offensive act, a break in communication. Especially if the removal of the bauble took place in public.

    The ancient Slavs also wove such jewelry with symbols to protect against evil spirits. Such amulets were popular among both women and men. In the last century, hippies remembered such wicker jewelry. Baubles also received another meaning. Couples in love wore jewelry on a red thread. Special baubles were also made that had the meaning of a talisman, a symbol of friendship. Each color acquired its own meaning. Let's look at how to make a simple red bauble for a couple in love with your own hands.

    Bauble of love

    A thread decoration, the name of which is a bauble, can be not only woven from different threads, but also twisted from one. For lovers, they are usually made from red threads. This is a symbol of love. In the center of such baubles they put either identical beads or the letter that is the first in the person’s name. This product is easy to make. Take a thick red thread. Having hooked it onto some strong base (a hook, the back of a chair or a cabinet handle), tie a knot and begin to twist the two threads together. Approaching the central part of the bracelet, make several knots. Then they put on a letter or bead and again tie the same number of knots so that the product looks symmetrical. Then the two threads continue to twist again.

    At the end, a knot is made that will be inserted into the first turn of the thread. It will play the role of a lock fastening the bauble on the owner’s wrist.

    Lovers wear such items as a sign eternal love. Make them the same.

    You can make any products from threads, they are not difficult to make, and you can realize any creative ideas.

    The new review brings to the attention of readers 12 stylish jewelry, each of which can be made your own with due diligence and attention to the issue with my own hands. Definitely, any of these crafts will help produce positive impression on those around us, so we look and remember.

    1. Thread earrings

    Original long earrings that will be a wonderful addition to both everyday look, and for the evening, and the process of creating them will take no more than half an hour. To create such earrings, you need a skein of floss thread of the color you like, which you need to carefully cut, form two tassels, attach loops to them, secure with a thread of a contrasting color and put on base hooks purchased in a specialized store.

    2. Necklace made of pins

    Using safety pins of the same color and size, beads, and two strong cords, you can create an unusual and very impressive necklace that will become an elegant addition to any look.

    3. Resin pendants

    You can create from epoxy resin without special skills and effort incredible beauty pendants. To do this, you need to put dried flowers, shells, beads or sparkles in special silicone molds, fill them with epoxy resin, pre-mixed with a hardener, and wait for it to harden.

    4. Glitter pendant

    A simple and at the same time very attractive shimmering pendant that you can make yourself from a metal base, decoupage glue and glitter. The glitter should be carefully laid out in layers on a base coated with glue. Each new layer must be smeared with glue and filled with glitter until they fill the entire pendant.

    5. Bright necklace

    A stunning large necklace made of dyed beans will be a wonderful addition to the spring and summer look. The painted beans along with the fittings must be glued onto thin plastic according to a specially prepared template. When the layout is finished and the glue has dried, the necklace needs to be carefully cut out, holes made on the sides and secured to the chain.

    6. Asymmetrical necklace

    An original asymmetrical necklace in the Christian Dior style, which can be made from a hoop by sewing strings of beads of different lengths to it.

    7. Choker

    An ultra-fashionable choker with a ring in the middle, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, using glue and a small ring, you need to fasten two identical pieces of thin velvet ribbon and equip the product with a clasp or ties.

    8. Statement necklace

    An original massive necklace made of rope and knots, which, despite the simplicity of its creation, will become a universal decoration and addition to any outfit.

    9. Necklace-harness

    An ordinary clothesline can be braided with threads of beads and you can create a unique and very beautiful neck decoration that will undoubtedly attract attention to its owner.

    10. Wooden earrings

    From small wooden blocks, special fittings, glue and varnish you can make unique long earrings that will surely appeal to all lovers natural materials and connoisseurs of creative things.

    11. Dream catchers

    Simple to make, but at the same time beautiful and airy talisman earrings, which you can make yourself from special fittings, small rings, wire, threads and feathers.

    12. Voluminous necklace

    Leather accessories always look expensive and elegant, and if the product is also made with your own hands, it automatically becomes exclusive. Getting a unique necklace is not difficult at all. You just need to cut out several identical petals from the leather and give them the required form, fasten together with glue and connect with a chain.

    The new review brings to the attention of readers 12 stylish jewelry, each of which can be made with due diligence and attention to the issue with your own hands. Definitely, any of these crafts will help make a positive impression on others, so take a look and remember.

    1. Thread earrings

    Original long earrings that will be a wonderful addition to both an everyday look and an evening one, and the process of creating them will take no more than half an hour. To create such earrings, you need a skein of floss thread of the color you like, which you need to carefully cut, form two tassels, attach loops to them, secure with a thread of a contrasting color and put on base hooks purchased in a specialized store.

    2. Necklace made of pins

    Using safety pins of the same color and size, beads, and two strong cords, you can create an unusual and very impressive necklace that will become an elegant addition to any look.

    3. Resin pendants

    You can create incredibly beautiful pendants from epoxy resin without much skill or effort. To do this, you need to put dried flowers, shells, beads or sparkles in special silicone molds, fill them with epoxy resin, pre-mixed with a hardener, and wait for it to harden.

    4. Glitter pendant

    A simple and at the same time very attractive shimmering pendant that you can make yourself from a metal base, decoupage glue and glitter. The glitter should be carefully laid out in layers on a base coated with glue. Each new layer must be smeared with glue and filled with glitter until they fill the entire pendant.

    5. Bright necklace

    A stunning large dyed bean necklace will be a wonderful addition to your spring and summer look. The painted beans along with the fittings must be glued onto thin plastic according to a specially prepared template. When the layout is finished and the glue has dried, the necklace needs to be carefully cut out, holes made on the sides and secured to the chain.

    6. Asymmetrical necklace

    An original asymmetrical necklace in the Christian Dior style, which can be made from a hoop by sewing strings of beads of different lengths to it.

    7. Choker

    An ultra-fashionable choker with a ring in the middle, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, using glue and a small ring, you need to fasten two identical pieces of thin velvet ribbon and equip the product with a clasp or ties.

    8. Statement necklace

    An original massive necklace made of rope and knots, which, despite the simplicity of its creation, will become a universal decoration and addition to any outfit.

    9. Necklace-harness

    An ordinary clothesline can be braided with threads of beads and you can create a unique and very beautiful neck decoration that will undoubtedly attract attention to its owner.

    10. Wooden earrings

    From small wooden blocks, special fittings, glue and varnish, you can make unique long earrings, which will surely appeal to all lovers of natural materials and connoisseurs of creative things.

    11. Dream catchers

    Simple to make, but at the same time beautiful and airy talisman earrings, which you can make yourself from special fittings, small rings, wire, threads and feathers.

    12. Voluminous necklace

    Leather accessories always look expensive and elegant, and if the product is also made with your own hands, it automatically becomes exclusive. Getting a unique necklace is not difficult at all. You just need to cut out several identical petals from leather, give them the desired shape, fasten them together with glue and connect them with a chain.
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