• Cream for a better tan. How to tan in a solarium with fair skin. What to apply to get a chocolate tan in the sun


    Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Every girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, tanning is not easy, without burnt skin, peeling, and pain.

    Many people ask the following questions: “What needs to be done to make the skin acquire a dark, golden hue?” "How to protect your skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays? “How to prevent accelerated skin aging?” AND main question: “How to achieve beautiful and even tan? There are several secrets on how to achieve this goal, I will tell you about them below.

    What is tanning?

    A tan- This is a change in skin color (darkening) under the influence of sunlight. The skin becomes dark shade due to accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissue in the deep layers of the skin from radiation.

    5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

    Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before sunbathing, take a shower, or better yet, exfoliate dead cells skin), this will help the tan apply evenly.

    Do not rush directly into the sun's rays, as you may get a burn or other health problems. After clothing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intense sunbathing; on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

    According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin in about 50 minutes, i.e. Spending more time in the sun is not recommended. It is advisable to stretch adaptation from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

    In the process of tanning and generally being under the sun, be it commuting to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, it is mandatory to use sunscreen. Before going outside, apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin.

    It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

    Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the marking, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 indicates the lowest level of protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 indicates the highest level of protection.

    As you know, the lighter the skin, the more protection it requires, especially for children and fair-haired people, with bright eyes. IN in this case use a cream with SPF 50 - it will intensely protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that fairly tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

    Please note that the cream must be applied every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but will also protect you from dry skin and premature wrinkles.

    Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground; they are not as dangerous due to their greater scattering, in contrast to the incidence of the rays at a right angle. That is, most the right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith; it is dangerous both for your skin and for your overall health. During this period of time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to prevent your skin from getting burned.

    To speed up the tanning process, you need to take into your diet special foods, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

    One of the most effective ways It is considered to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

    Tomatoes and tomato paste - these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and stronger. Drink 50 g of tomato juice a day, along with olive oil, it will help you get a safe and gentle tan.

    Vitamin C. Before the beach, consuming products with this vitamin will relieve you of excessive skin pigmentation. Great to drink before the beach green tea with lemon.

    Answers Galina Sofinskaya, doctor highest category Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology:

    — Even 7-10 days at sea is enough to get beautiful tan. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules and take into account some nuances.

    1. Prepare to go to the beach in advance

    Before your trip, exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. It can be done both in the salon and at home using a scrub and a hard washcloth. You can buy the scrub ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. Coffee grounds or fine salt are suitable for this (mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream with 1 tablespoon of fine salt). Rub the body with massaging, circular movements, leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    The procedure must be carried out ahead of time - “new” skin is susceptible to burns. Even home peeling It’s better to do it 2-3 days before the trip so that the skin has time to recover.

    Moles should be treated with extreme caution. Under the influence of UV rays, they can develop into a malignant tumor - melanoma. The most dangerous moles- unevenly colored and irregular shape. It is better to consult with a dermatologist and oncologist before your vacation, and on the beach cover them with a piece of plaster cut out in the shape of a mole.

    2. Be careful in the first days

    No matter how much you want to get “everything at once,” you need to tan gradually. A heavy dose of sun rays on the first day of your stay at sea is a severe stress for the skin, fraught with burns, after which you will have to rehabilitate for the rest of your vacation. In the first days you need to sunbathe under an umbrella, and gradually increase the time spent in direct sunlight.

    3. Before your trip, go to the city beach

    This will prepare the skin to face the aggressive southern sun. The tan will lie more evenly.

    4. Eat right

    Products containing carotene (carrots, apricots, peaches, sweet peppers) help tan. They need to be included in the diet ahead of the holidays. In the first days on vacation, lean on fish, seafood, eggs (they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids) and foods rich in vitamin E (vegetable oils, nuts): they protect the skin from sunburn.

    5. Use protective equipment

    They prevent the penetration of dangerous spectrum rays and prevent the sun from excessively drying out the skin. The lighter the skin, the more powerful protection it requires. Fair-skinned people should use SPF 30, while dark-skinned and already tanned people should use SPF 10-15.

    Why do small white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing? This is how it manifests itself fungal infection skin, which is often found in people who sweat. IN ordinary life does not manifest itself in any way, but makes itself known only as a spotty tan. While on vacation, nothing can be done about this, but upon return it is better to undergo a course of treatment - if complications arise, itching may occur, and if left untreated, the spots merge into large lesions.

    However, remember: sunscreens short term shelf life - after opening, the cream can be stored for no more than 6 months. Do not use cream left over from your last holiday - upon contact with oxygen, many components of the cream oxidize and the product stops working.

    The cream should be applied in a thick layer to exposed areas of the skin, including lips and ears: the skin of these areas of the body burns easily. Don't get dirty on the beach! This should be done 15-20 minutes before leaving.

    6. Tan at the right time

    Staying in direct sunlight is the shortest path to a burn. The most useful and safe sun in the morning - from 8 to 11 and in the afternoon - after 16 hours.

    7. Drink more fluids on the beach, and then apply cream to your skin

    The sun dries out the skin. You can moisturize it both outside and inside. Therefore, on vacation you should always have a bottle of water and actively moisturizing products with the prefixes “super” or “ultra” on hand. They should be applied to the body at least 2 times a day - morning and evening, and to the hands - up to 4-5 times a day.

    8. Be careful when taking medications

    Some medications increase sensitivity to sunlight. Among them are popular antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline) and oral contraceptives.

    9. After the beach, don’t rush to shower

    The sun continues to work for about 2 hours after you have left the beach.

    10. Protect your tan

    After returning from the resort, do not rush to use bleaching agents, scrubs and hard washcloths. Read the labels carefully - many creams and masks have a whitening effect. Moreover, the enemy of tanning is not only cosmetics from a tube - homemade masks made from oatmeal, strawberries and cucumbers will also erase bronze from the skin.

    Hello friends!

    Tanned skin of an amazing bronze hue is beautiful, it is useful, it is, after all, fashionable now!

    Many people strive to use the spring-summer days to achieve a beautiful, even tan on their skin, and also to maintain this beauty for as long as possible.

    The sun's rays are very beneficial for our body, this has long been no secret to anyone.

    And everything would be fine, but many, trying to get a perfectly beautiful tone of tanned skin and as much vitamin D as possible, which our body produces under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, make many mistakes.

    And the consequences of such mistakes can be very dire.

    Therefore, you need to know how to properly sunbathe in the sun so as not to harm yourself.

    From this article you will learn:

    How to tan properly in the sun - useful tips and tricks

    What is tanning?

    Tan - darkening skin, to which our skin reacts in response to exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, as well as artificial sources (solariums).

    Under such influence, responses begin to occur in the skin (in its surface layer - the epidermis), and the skin begins to actively produce a special pigment - melanin.

    It is melanin that colors our skin brown.

    The essence of melanin production is to protect the skin, and, accordingly, the entire body as a whole from the damaging factor of ultraviolet sunlight, which, despite the fact that they bring certain and very significant benefits to the body, are still quite aggressive.

    There is no doubt that sunbathing is useful, and a beautiful, competent tan has its “advantages”.

    Why is sunbathing beneficial?

    Let's look at the main beneficial features proper tanning in the sun:

    • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, our body begins to actively produce vitamin D in the skin.

    This essential vitamin, which helps ensure that the calcium we get from food is completely absorbed by our body.

    If calcium is incompletely absorbed by the body, this will soon lead to the development of osteoporosis (softening of bone tissue) and the development of rickets in children.


    In order for the body to develop the daily norm of vitamin D, it is enough to stay in the sun for 15 minutes daily, preferably with a minimum amount of clothing on the body (in the warm season), and this must be done all year round, and not just on spring and summer days.

    Moreover, if the sun does not shine brightly and it is cold outside, then staying on fresh air under the open sky will still provide our cells with a certain portion of ultraviolet radiation, thanks to which our body will produce as much vitamin D as it can. It's better than nothing!

    Therefore, walks in the fresh air, year-round, should be a MUST in your daily routine!

    What to do if a person lives in the north, especially its extreme regions, where there is very little sun a year, where there are “northern nights”, when it is dark both day and night?

    There is an exit!

    In this case, it is necessary to take additional vitamin D from outside. Special preparations will help perfectly with this.

    There are a huge number of them today, they are very affordable, and you can choose what suits you best - you can find a huge selection Here

    • During the tanning process, the immune system is strengthened, the body develops excellent resistance to all sorts of unpleasant infectious diseases(both bacterial and viral).
    • The sun's rays contribute to the production of a special hormone in the body - serotonin, it is also called the “hormone of joy”. Surely everyone has noticed how after being in the open sun the mood improves, the soul becomes joyful and calm, a person feels a rush vitality and harmony.
    • When the body is stimulated by the sun's rays, the most important healing processes occur in all internal organs and systems, the body launches the processes of rejuvenation and detoxification.
    • Ultraviolet light can be great for treating skin problems such as acne, acne, eczema and even, in some cases, psoriasis!

    An interesting fact is recent scientific and medical research, which suggests that ultraviolet rays help increase the production of sex hormones in women and men, which has a positive effect on the health of the reproductive system in general, and, in particular, increases libido levels!

    Despite the amount of benefits that our body receives from sunbathing, tanning also has its downsides.

    What harm can you do to yourself from tanning?

    It is always necessary to remember that tanning itself (darkening of the skin of the body) is, first of all, a protective reaction of our body, which is designed to protect our body from excess amounts of ultraviolet radiation and overheating internal organs(which is very dangerous!).

    It is logical that if exposure to sunlight were 100% safe, then the body would not protect itself from it!

    • Excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation can cause sunburn, as well as to dermatitis (allergies).
    • Excessive tanning causes photoaging of the skin. Excess ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen fibers in tissues, and the skin becomes sluggish, flabby, loses its elasticity, becomes dry, rough, completely unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, and wrinkles appear.
    • Dermatologists of all active sunbathing enthusiasts warn that the harm from excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation may not appear immediately, but have a delayed effect. This means that the cumulative effect of excess harmful radiation will slowly and surely occur, and subsequently this can lead to skin cancer!!!
    • Therefore, for safe and proper tanning It will be quite enough to stay in the sun for only 15-20 minutes every day.

    How to sunbathe correctly and safely?

    Remember these basic points on how to properly tan in the sun:

    1. It is necessary to carefully take care of protecting the body from a harmful excess of sunlight, sunbathing without fanaticism, especially during the spring-summer period, when the sun is most active. This is especially true for red-haired and white-skinned people, because their skin produces much less melanin than dark-skinned and dark-haired people.
    2. Under no circumstances should you sunbathe for a long time on the first day! You can get, at a minimum, a sunburn, or at a maximum, completely ruin your entire upcoming vacation (if you went on vacation).
    3. The principle of healthy and safe tanning is gradualism. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase your exposure to sunlight.
    4. Dermatologists say that the safest and most beneficial exposure to the sun is from dawn to 9-10 am, and in the evening - after 4 pm until sunset.
    5. And the period from 11 to 16 is the most dangerous!
    6. Remember that the sun in spring, although it seems gentle and gentle, and not at all as burning as in summer, is quite active, and in spring you can get the same skin problems as in summer! Any woman will say that such troubles as dark spots on the skin, appear in the spring!
    7. Be sure to ALWAYS use sunscreen for your skin every day! Regardless of whether it’s your first day of sunbathing, your tenth, or the whole summer already!
    8. You should always have a product with SPF on hand.
    9. During active sunshine, you should not leave the house without first applying sunscreen to your face, neck, décolleté and other exposed areas of skin on the body!
    10. All sunscreens should be selected according to your skin type.
    11. In the first days of exposure to the sun, you need to choose maximum protection for yourself to prevent burns, dry skin and the appearance of age spots.
    12. Be sure to purchase protective lip balms with SPF.
    13. Especially sensitive skin Protect around the eyes with a thicker layer of cream. I exist special means for particularly sensitive skin areas.
    14. Hair also needs to be protected, and numerous products (sprays, balms, oils, fluids with sun protection factor) are designed to help with this.
    15. Be sure to buy Sunglasses, with glasses with a good level of SPF filter.
    16. Be sure to wear a hat. It's great if it's a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face.
    17. Remember that you can get a beautiful, and most importantly, safe tan in the shade! There is no need to “roast” in the sun, exposing your skin to rapid aging and the risk of burns and cancer!
    18. Know that the tan will be more beautiful and even on your skin if you actively move under the sun's rays, rather than lying motionless in a sun lounger.
    19. To do this, take balls, rackets, “cymbals” with you to the beach and get moving! Play volleyball, badminton, throw “boomerang plates” to each other, have fun and have fun!
    20. And there are more benefits for the body, and the level of serotonin will go through the roof, and the tan will be more even, beautiful and bronze! And the fact that it is almost impossible to get a sunburn while actively moving, the risk of this is minimal, this is 100% true!
    21. Do not use perfume before sun exposure. This can cause skin allergies and even burns!
    22. You should absolutely not drink alcohol while in the sun!!!
    23. Be sure to drink enough large quantity water, preferably in small portions, but often, since the skin in the sun is actively dehydrated, and this will lead to aging, at least, and dryness. At the most, you will feel bad, you may even experience a sharp loss of strength and even faint from dehydration. Remember this and take MAXIMUM care of yourself!!!

    How to choose the right sunscreen?

    The numbers on the packaging of a tube of cream correspond to the maximum permissible safe time spent in the sun.

    The higher this number, the longer the UV protection will last.

    Any sunscreen must be applied BEFORE going out into the sun, preferably at least 30-40 minutes in advance.

    It also needs to be periodically renewed on the skin as its “expiration date” expires or because you swam in the sea (river).

    Buy quality sunscreens With high level protection SPF 50-70, available here

    Secrets of quick and safe tanning - how to tan quickly?

    Basic moments:

    • One of the simplest, but very effective secrets is the daily consumption of carrot and orange juice, at least half a liter (two glasses), preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Use special cosmetics, called “tanning” in the form of oils, various sprays, balms, serums, milk.
    • On the eve of visiting the beach, you can perform a soft and gentle scrub (scrubbing), then the tan will lie smoother, faster, and will last longer.

    Necessary healthy products for a beautiful and even tan

    It is necessary to understand that what we eat directly affects not only how we feel and how we look, but also how beautiful and even the tan we get from being in the sun!

    And also how long it will stay on the skin!

    • All smoked and fried foods.
    • Dishes during the preparation of which thermal heating of oil occurred - vegetables stewed in oil, grilled vegetables with oil, dishes with “fried” onions and carrots. They should be eliminated at least two weeks in advance, otherwise the first thing you will get on your skin will not be a beautiful tan, but age spots!
    • All sweet carbonated drinks.
    • Chocolate, cakes, pastries.
    • Coffee, cocoa, too strong tea.
    • Alcohol.
    • A categorical ban on any diets that cause the body to begin to lack nutrients, vitamins and minerals!

    What to eat to get a tan?

    Tan enhancing products:

    • Products containing carotene

    This substance is found in many fruits and vegetables. Green colour, in green tea, especially in matcha tea.

    • Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in seafood and fish, especially fatty varieties.

    The best source of plant-based Omega-3 is this (don’t forget to grind it in a coffee grinder first, otherwise there will be no benefit!).

    • Spinach and broccoli

    This is a wonderful protection for the skin, including cancer! And thanks to a large daily fresh portion, you can get a very beautiful bronze skin tone.

    • Asparagus

    It is rich in vitamins, especially group B. In addition, it is excellent protection from cancer.

    It is found in tomatoes and prevents skin aging and the appearance of malignant cell degeneration.

    • Melon

    It promotes rapid development dark tone skin, enhances color saturation, and also helps restore skin after sunbathing, preventing its aging.

    • Grape

    It strengthens the protective functions of the skin, rejuvenates it, and normalizes the water-salt balance throughout the body.

    First aid for sunburn - how to tan properly

    Let's look at the basic rules:

    • The most famous and proven folk remedy is kefir or sour cream, best homemade, of course.
    • Urgent skin cooling. This could be ice, cold herbal tea, a cool bath.
    • Remedies for burns, such as “D-panthenol”, purchased at a pharmacy.
    • If your skin is in severe pain, you can take painkillers.
    • If you have a fever, fever, or chills, you can take antipyretic medications.
    • If blisters do appear on the skin, do not open them under any circumstances! Be very careful to maintain their integrity. It will be necessary to protect them from external mechanical influence by carefully applying a sterile gauze bandage and carefully fixing them.
    • But the best remedy first aid is the PREVENTION of sunburn! Always remember this and protect your skin with sunscreen, and also follow the rules of safe exposure to open sunlight!

    How to tan properly in the sun - video

    Ways to maintain a beautiful tan for a long time

    To ensure that the beauty of your tanned body pleases you for as long as possible, use homemade, folk, natural “beauty recipes” for these purposes.

    • Carrot mask

    Finely grate required amount carrots, mix it with olive oil, or any other suitable for your skin. The consistency is like mush. Apply to face and body for half an hour, then rinse.

    Instead of butter, you can use sour cream or cream, as well as full-fat cottage cheese.

    • Coffee scrub

    Add a few drops of any good vegetable oil. Stir and apply to body and face using circular massaging movements. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse off.

    • Tomato mask

    Grind the tomatoes in a blender along with fatty cottage cheese (preferably homemade). You can additionally add vegetable oil; olive oil, wheat germ oil, and sesame oil are excellent choices.

    Apply to body and face for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse it off.

    • Oregano mask

    Take the herb and oregano flowers, grind them in a coffee grinder and pour in a very small amount of boiling water, so that you get a thick paste of herbs. Cover. After fifteen to twenty minutes, add the egg yolk and a little honey to the cooled herb. Stir.

    Apply to the skin for half an hour, then rinse and then use a nourishing cream.

    OK it's all over Now.

    I hope, friends, now you will definitely understand how to sunbathe correctly and do it safely.

    Be Beautiful and take care of your Health, it is PRICELESS!!!

    Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

    Every beautiful lady wants to become the happy owner of smooth and tanned skin. This can be achieved in a solarium or while sunbathing. We are interested in the second option, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. When thinking about how to tan quickly in the sun, you should take into account some nuances. It is necessary to prepare the body and skin for the procedure in advance.

    Important features of tanning in the sun

    1. Taking vitamins. Before you go on vacation, buy a multivitamin. The drug should be aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Start taking the composition 1-2 months before your vacation. If you ignore the recommendation, after a long stay under scorching sun the skin will begin to dry out and become flabby. Choose drugs that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, riboflavin. The listed vitamins are necessary for the epidermis to fully form. The end result will be an even, blemish-free tan.
    2. Carrying out scrubbing. It is known that the skin is renewed at the cellular level. From here, the epidermis begins to peel off, lose moisture and look unsightly. You will achieve all this if you ignore advice. So, 7-10 hours before sunbathing, remove dead skin cells. This can be done using homemade or purchased scrubs, peelings with fruit acids. After the procedure, do hair removal (hair removal is prohibited if less than a day has passed before the start of tanning).
    3. Choosing a place and time. To tan faster, choose an area near salt or fresh water sources. This could be a river bank, sea, lake, or any body of water. Some people practice tanning by the pool, as long as the water is free of chlorine. This recommendation will allow you to tan quickly and evenly. For getting beautiful shade skin, you should choose the time period correctly. To avoid burns, go to the beach before 11:00 am and after 4:00 pm. The listed intervals are considered the safest for human health.
    4. Body position. A quick and even tan is obtained only if you lie strictly “in the sun.” Before spreading the blanket, stand with your back to the sun and look at your shadow. You should place the bed at the same angle. After this, you can start sunbathing. Try to lie down on an incline so that your head is down and your legs are slightly higher.
    5. Usage protective equipment. Any tanning should be done only after first applying a cream or lotion with ultraviolet protection. Choose a product labeled “tanning.” Considered effective special oil. It acts like a magnifying glass, allowing you to get a quick and beautiful tan. The use of protective equipment is mandatory, in otherwise you risk getting sunburned or a patchy tan.

    Doctors prohibit pregnant girls from being in the sun and sunbathing. Ladies who are on breastfeeding, can sunbathe, but with extreme caution. Avoid burns or severe overheating of the body.

    New mothers should adhere to the following rules:

    • choose the right time for tanning (9.00-10.00 or 16.00-17.00 hours);
    • when choosing a cream, study the effect of the composition on the child’s body;
    • take water with lemon juice with you;
    • the first tanning session lasts 15 minutes, gradually increase the duration to 1 hour;
    • never sunbathe without special protective equipment;
    • try to stay in the shade more.

    There are a number of certain diseases, in the presence of which sunbathing should be limited or completely eliminated. These include:

    • eye diseases;
    • varicose veins, spider veins;
    • oncology;
    • the presence of moles measuring 1.4 cm or more;
    • age restrictions (less than 5 years);
    • dysfunction of the genital organs;
    • melanoma;
    • high blood pressure;
    • precancerous diseases;
    • mental disorders;
    • fever, elevated temperature bodies;
    • taking hard antibiotics;
    • a lot of birthmarks, moles and freckles on the body;
    • tuberculosis;
    • violations endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
    • infection;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • albino people (white hair and skin);
    • diabetes;
    • polycystic ovarian disease, mastopathy.

    Many people are interested in the question of at what body temperature you can visit the beach. The answer is obvious: you should feel healthy. If the temperature has risen to 37, you should only limit the duration of stay to 20 minutes. In cases where there are inflammatory processes, postpone sunbathing until recovery.

    In addition to the obvious contraindications listed above, there are several other restrictions. So, you should not sunbathe when:

    • peeling and scrubbing performed less than 5 hours ago;
    • cleansing the skin of the face and body, performed less than a day ago;
    • presence of Botox injections (consult a specialist);
    • tattoo ( Permanent makeup), tattoos - protect with sunscreen;
    • carrying out hair removal within 24 hours;
    • wraps based on essential oils;
    • recent removal of warts and moles.

    Foods for a quick tan

    It is known that a beautiful, even tan can be obtained only if the release of melanin is stimulated in sufficient quantities. To increase the effect of sunbathing, eat the TOP 7 foods.

    1. Apricot - contains beta-carotene, which enhances melanin production and allows you to achieve an even tan. Fruits also contain B vitamins, iron and phosphorus. All these enzymes will preserve the released hormone, thereby increasing the durability of the tan. To achieve the effect you need to eat at least 0.2 kg. apricots daily.
    2. Carrots are a vegetable that occupies a leading position among girls who want to tan quickly in the sun. You can eat carrots in pure form or prepare fresh squeezed juice from it. A huge amount of beta-carotene will promote the production of melanin, make the skin even and smooth, and reduce stretch marks (if any). It is enough to eat 2 grated carrots, seasoned with oil, before going to the beach. An alternative is a glass of freshly squeezed juice (at least 0.3 liters).
    3. Tomato - tomatoes are aromatic vegetables that will not only speed up tanning, but also improve activity digestive system. Again, you can eat a salad with tomatoes or drink freshly pressed tomato juice. Lycopene, which is part of the vegetable, will make your tan golden, even if you are on the beach for a short time. Before sunbathing, eat 3 tomatoes or drink 300 ml. juice based on them.
    4. Citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes - freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from all of these citrus fruits. Add honey to enhance the effect. You'll get quick tan with minimal sun exposure. To do this, drink 150 ml. juice with honey in the morning and 200 ml. - before direct access to the beach.
    5. Spinach is a vegetable loved for its low calorie content and impressive chemical composition. Spinach gives the tan a bronze tint with a hint of gold. It is enough to take the vegetable with you to the beach and consume it during your vacation. Reception is limited to 300 g.
    6. Oil with coffee is an amazing composition of folk cosmetology, which has gained wide popularity among girls of all ages. To prepare the product, grind a handful of coffee beans and mix with 100 ml. nut butter. Place the mixture in a dark glass jar and leave for 7 days. Then filter, apply to the skin and after half an hour go sunbathing.
    7. Eggplant - vegetables take care of the skin, give it elasticity, and help to obtain an even tan without spots and dark stripes. Eat boiled or stewed eggplants, but do not fry them. You can eat as much as you can handle per day. As a result, the sun will cover the skin with an even and soft tan in a short time.

    What to do to make your legs tan too

    1. From year to year, girls wonder what to cover the skin of their legs with so that they also tan. The problem is that the legs take the longest to tan, making them look very different from the rest of the body.
    2. There are certain rules that must be followed to achieve the desired effect. Try to lie down so that your legs are higher than your head. In this case, the lower limbs should be exposed to the sun's rays more often than other parts of the body.
    3. Exfoliate your feet well before heading to the beach. After 7-12 hours, go sunbathe. It is advisable to use coffee grounds or scrub from apricot kernels. Some girls simply rub their skin with a washcloth.
    4. To tan quickly, after swimming in a sea or fresh water source, dry your body skin and leave your feet wet. Drops of water will resemble a magnifying glass, thanks to which the sun will begin to shine better.

    Cosmetics manufacturers supply tanning products to their shelves to suit every taste and budget. It is advisable to choose products in the form of oil, they are more effective. Lean on foods that promote melanin production. Choose the right hours, do not visit the beach during the highest solar activity.

    Video: 8 rules for a perfect tan

    Summer, sun, river or sea – who doesn’t dream about it? Perhaps everyone is waiting for this magical time. It is during vacation that we restore strength, relax not only with our bodies, but also with our souls. In this material, we invite you to talk about how to tan in the sun quickly, beautifully, and most importantly safely.

    It’s worth saying that when going to any body of water, the goal of many people is not only to swim to their heart’s content, but also to get a tan. A tanned, chocolate body has become so fashionable that some people are even ready to give a lot of money in order to have beautiful colour skin.

    We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to be able to sunbathe. Of course, for many this may look funny, since we are accustomed to the fact that when we want to sunbathe, we simply lie down under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Be aware that this tanning option may not only not meet your expectations, but also cause great harm to your health.

    If you value your health and treat it with care, then the following tips just for you:

    • Firstly, you must realize that not everyone can sunbathe and ignoring these recommendations is highly undesirable. People who have increased sensitivity to sunlight should be very careful about spending time in the sun.
    • Those people who also need to be careful have light skin. Moles and age spots are another cause for concern. If at least one of the above factors is present, the tanning process should be as gentle as possible, since people with such characteristics are prone to sunburn.
    • As soon as you arrive at the sea or a river, you should not immediately “throw yourself into the pool headlong.” To get started, sunbathe 10-15 minutes and, preferably, not in the open sun. Don't forget that shoulders, chest, legs are the areas where the skin is most sensitive.
    • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that it is enough to apply the cream just once during one visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such products need to be applied every hour and take into account the characteristics of the skin.

    IMPORTANT: If possible, avoid visiting the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best to sunbathe before 12 and after 16 hours.

    • Many believe that while in water, the skin is protected from ultraviolet rays. If you think the same, you are mistaken. As practice shows, the tan “sticks” even faster in water, which, in fact, is where the danger lies.
    • While a person is in the water, this process is almost unnoticeable, but as soon as you step onto land, a burning sensation will immediately begin to be felt. In order to avoid such situations, do not forget to use the cream before swimming.

    Your tan will be much more beautiful if:

    1. The body position will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to dip into the water occasionally.
    2. Special means will be used. Various tanning creams will enhance the effect and give your skin a golden tint. Remember that such products should be selected individually based on your skin type.
    3. After tanning, you will take a contrast shower and apply nourishing lotion to dry skin.

    Be very vigilant: sometimes the hours fly by when spending time at the beach. It's no secret that during the process itself you can't always feel how much the skin is tanned. The most interesting thing begins then: the skin begins to turn red, blisters and burns appear. This is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chasing results at any cost.

    How long can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

    Earlier we talked a little about these important issues, now let's look at them in more detail. Before hearing the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

    • Of course, we all want to get great results and spend a minimum of time. But remember, it doesn't happen that way. It is for this reason that before sunbathing, you need to find out the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier and, most importantly, safe.
    • It is recommended to tan gradually. As soon as you arrive at the sea or another body of water, you should begin the process extremely carefully.
    • To begin with, sunbathe for half an hour, while changing your body position every 10 minutes maximum. You should not sunbathe in the open sun. A good option Can be a place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella.
    • With each subsequent day, increase your time in the sun, do not forget to swim periodically, this way you will get a better tan.
    • As soon as a period will pass Once your body has adapted to sunbathing, you can safely enjoy the “tanning” process.
    • Regarding the best time to sunbathe, it must be said unequivocally that it is either morning or evening.

    • The sun is at its most dangerous from 12 to 15 hours. It is recommended to spend this period of time in your room or, at least, away from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also sunstroke, and this, as you know, is incredibly dangerous for health.
    • The sun is at its most gentle from 8 to 12 am. This is the perfect time for an even golden or chocolate tan.
    • From 15 to 18 hours The sun's rays are also very mild and are unlikely to cause you any problems.
    • It goes without saying that you need to understand that, even while sunbathing at 16:00 in the evening, you need to follow the basic safety rules that we talked about earlier.

    Tanning at home: folk remedies

    If you don’t go on vacation to the water, and you basically don’t have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips are just for you. As a rule, all folk remedies come down to eating certain foods.

    • Such a miraculous and unique substance of its kind as lycopene, promotes skin acquisition slightly golden hue. And what vegetable do you think contains this substance? It probably wouldn't even occur to you - in tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tan, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

    • For an even tan, you should eat eggplants. These vegetables prevent aging of the skin, thereby ensuring smoothness. Thanks to this property of the skin, the tan applies evenly.

    • A rich, bright tan can be obtained if you drink any citrus juices.
    • Do you dream of a beautiful bronze tan, then they will come to your aid nut oils. You just have to pay attention to the fact that after applying this oil to the skin, you can sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes.
    • Apricots, carrots, and their juices can also contribute to a beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before sunbathing at home, you need to drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and grated carrots.

    What to put on to tan in the sun until chocolate brown?

    Such questions bother vacationers quite often, but finding answers to such questions is a task that requires time and patience. Of course, there are a lot of tips regarding chocolate tanning, but are they effective, that is the question.

    We have chosen only the most effective methods and now we will tell them to you. So, let's begin.

    • If you want to get attractive chocolate tan, but your skin every now and then does not want to tan evenly and beautifully - use a special tanning cosmetics. Now these activator products are quite popular, finding them will not be difficult. However, we advise you to buy this type of product exclusively in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time, take into account your skin type and its characteristics, because what suits someone else may harm you.
    • Give preference natural activators, They are made on the basis of natural base and essential oils.
    • Aromatherapy, Oddly enough, it also improves the tan. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

    • Our next recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, apply it beer. Yes, this particular drink can help you make your dream come true. The natural components found in beer help the tan to “stick” much faster and distribute it evenly over the body.
    • Our advice: use dark beer. The drink should be applied to the skin, as if lightly rubbing it, but not by dousing it. People with fair skin recommended to add to beer olive oil or vegetable. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.
    • Another great tanning product is Coconut oil. Thanks to the action of lauric and hyaluronic acid, the tan applies evenly and beautifully.

    Also Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the skin:

    • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
    • Helps cells regenerate
    • Smoothes wrinkles
    • Reduces the chances of sunburn
    • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
    • Strengthens immune system skin

    Cocoa butter is also considered a good tanning product. It is important to remember not to over-smear yourself with this oil as it can cause sunburn. Cacao butterexcellent remedy for problem skin care:

    • Makes skin softer and relieves dryness
    • Helps the face gain a healthy, beautiful color
    • Reduces skin reaction to temperature changes
    • Moisturizes the skin
    • Normalizes skin tone

    On the eve of summer and the beach season, as well as any holiday in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin so as not to suffer from unwanted consequences later.

    The tips written above are definitely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also maintain your health, and this, you see, is important.

    Remember that there is nothing more important than your health and the health of your loved ones, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth risking yourself. That is why we recommend that you take our recommendations seriously - adhere to them and enjoy your vacation.

    Video: “Rules for a beautiful and safe tan”

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