• How long should you sunbathe in a solarium for the first time? How to sunbathe in a solarium without a face. How to tan properly in a solarium with fair skin


    First of all, you need to define the concept of “fast”. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a uniform and deep tan in 1-2 sessions in any solarium.

    Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult your doctor whether you can sunbathe, as there are many contraindications for these procedures.

    No matter how perfect the technology, certain processes in the human body, including pigmentation, skin, go their own way. And if you try to speed up the tanning process, you risk burning your skin. However, in 5-10 solarium sessions it is quite possible to get the desired result.

    What types of tanning beds are effective for quick tanning?

    There are 2 types of solariums, differing in the lamps used in them. These are tanning systems that use:
    - low pressure lamps;
    - high pressure lamps.

    In the first types, A- and B-radiation are produced. They tan a little slower, but they last longer on the skin. It is these solariums that are most preferable for fair-skinned people who are prone to sunburn. Tanning systems with high pressure lamps produce more A-rays, targeting melanin and rapidly oxidizing it. Tanning in such solariums rich color can be obtained faster, but it is advisable to visit them for dark-skinned people or those with a natural tan.

    In addition, solariums are:
    - horizontal;
    - vertical;
    - in the form of chairs.

    The chairs also use a system with powerful A-rays, but usually those tanning in such solariums are those who only need to slightly change the skin color of visible parts of the body.

    Vertical solariums are the most powerful in their radiation. Their session lasts no more than 10 minutes.

    Ways to enhance your tan in a solarium

    If you want to tan quickly enough without getting your skin burned, take care of it before visiting the solarium. Under no circumstances should you wear makeup or use any cosmetic products (including soap).

    A few hours before tanning, remove dead skin cells by scrubbing your body. To quickly and evenly tan in a solarium, use special creams or lotions that are designed specifically for this procedure. However, be careful: you should not use tanning creams in the sun in a solarium.

    It is not recommended to tan in a solarium more than 2 cycles per year. One course includes no more than 20 sessions. The number of the latter and the time spent under the lamps depend on various factors: skin type, presence of natural tan, technical characteristics equipment.

    You should visit treatments no more often than 2 days (48 hours) after your previous visit to the solarium so that your skin can recover and rest. To prevent it premature aging, maintain moderation in creating an artificial tan.

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    Unfortunately, not every year you have the opportunity to travel to warm countries to soak up the scorching sun and enjoy the sea breeze to the fullest. In a metropolis, you have to make do with a solarium to get an even beautiful tan, which you want to acquire as quickly as possible.

    Basic rules for using a solarium

    Before going to the solarium, you should take a shower and cleanse your skin of cosmetics. This will give an opportunity ultraviolet rays have a more intense effect on the epithelium.

    This procedure must be carried out several hours before a tanning session, otherwise you risk getting sunburned, which will have an adverse effect on your skin and overall well-being.

    Decide on the type of solarium. “Recumbent” solariums combine lamps with A- and B-radiation, i.e. The tan will not only appear quickly enough, but will also stay on the skin for a long time. These models are equipped with a special air conditioning system and an audio system, so you can listen to your favorite music while sunbathing.

    Make sure your tanning salon is clean and sanitized before you enter the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. It is best if a salon worker performs this procedure in front of your eyes.

    There are also vertical solariums, which have their own advantages: they are quite powerful, so you should not overuse ultraviolet light - the session should not exceed 10 minutes. In terms of hygiene, they are more convenient - you do not have to come into contact with their surface.

    To enhance your tan, choose a solarium with new lamps - only in this case can you count on a lasting, deep tan.

    In an effort to darken, do not forget about protective equipment - a cap on your head, goggles and, of course, stikini for nipples and large moles.

    After the procedure, you should not shower for two hours - allow the tan to set on your skin.

    Now a new feature has appeared - a solarium with a shower. Moisture attracts ultraviolet radiation more strongly, and the shade comes out more natural.

    Little secrets for a quick tan

    If you want to tan faster, don't give up special means, which are sold right there in salons - creams, lotions, oils. They contain activators and accelerators of melanin production in the body. These products promote a deeper tan by reducing the amount of time you spend in the cabin, which is important for the health of your skin.

    There are special drops - “Vetoron”, they can be bought at any pharmacy. The main component in their composition is beta-carotene, which affects the rapid development of tanning. The drops should be taken according to the instructions, and the result will not take long to arrive.

    Some foods help you tan faster. Carrots and carrot juice- catalysts for the release of melanin. Peaches, melon, tomatoes, and broccoli also enhance the tan.

    Marina Ignatieva

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    A A

    As in any matter, when it comes to tanning, it’s important to know when to stop. Of course, tanning is incredibly fashionable now and almost all girls strive to look like chocolate by spending a lot of time in the solarium, but this can often harm their skin. And along with a bronze tan, you can get additional problems.

    A fanatical passion for tanned skin can lead to serious changes in skin pigmentation and even the appearance of tumors. Let's talk about what every girl who visits or plans to visit a solarium should know.

    About the benefits and harms of solarium

    It is very important to consult a doctor before going to a solarium; visiting a solarium may be extremely undesirable for you, and perhaps, on the contrary, will contribute to your recovery.

    If you suffer from acne, rheumatism, eczema, psoriasis, herpes, a solarium will definitely benefit you.

    Skin needs ultraviolet light to produce vitamin D3. thanks to which the body absorbs phosphorus and calcium, which strengthen bones and promote wound healing.

    Ultraviolet light activates breathing, activates endocrine glands, blood circulation.

    Staying in a solarium has a good effect on your mood. It relieves stress, nervous tension, and relaxes.

    Ultraviolet light is useful for colds , it activates defense mechanisms. In addition, tanning well hides skin imperfections: acne, cellulite.

    Determine your skin type before tanning

    First, determine your skin type; it determines how much time you need to spend in the solarium.

    • The first skin type. Most sensitive to ultraviolet light. Girls with this type of skin are predominantly blonde and red with light blue or green eyes and a freckled face.
    • Second skin type. It is possessed by fair-haired girls with gray eyes, their skin is the color of baked milk. They tend to tan very slowly, but the right approach may acquire a bronze skin color.
    • Third skin type. Brown-haired, dark-blond and dark-red girls belong to this type, their slightly dark skin easily tanned.
    • Fourth type. Southern. Such girls Brown eyes And dark hair, dark skin. Such girls can easily sunbathe after being in the sun for a long time.

    How to get the right tan in a solarium?

    Cautions and contraindications for tanning in a solarium

    It would seem that solarium and tanning cannot in any way adversely affect your health, but perhaps you have serious contraindications to visiting it, so consultation with a doctor is still important.

    Remember, that:

    • Visiting the solarium is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age.
    • You should not visit the solarium during menstrual periods.
    • You should not visit a solarium if you have a lot of dark moles.
    • During pregnancy, visits to the solarium are contraindicated.
    • Diabetes mellitus is also a contraindication to visiting a solarium.
    • You should not visit a solarium if you have diseases of the female part or diseases of the circulatory system.
    • You cannot visit the solarium during menstrual periods.
    • If you have chronic diseases that are in the acute stage.
    • You cannot visit the solarium when active forms tuberculosis.
    • You should not visit a solarium if you have organic diseases of the central nervous system.
    • When using drugs that increase the photosensitivity of the skin and provoke photoallergic reactions - these are tranquilizers, iodine, quinine, rivanol, salicylates, sulfonamide drugs, antibiotics, tricyclic antidepressants.

    1. When it comes to problem skin solarium remedy number 1! They help me the best, and I've tried a lot. Also try not to use facial soap and other things that tighten the skin. Just go and sunbathe for a short time 2-3 times a week until you see an improvement.

    2. If redness appears after the session, then there is no need to increase the tanning time. You burn out like that all the time. It is not good! You can sunbathe without extreme sports. If it itches, then you should apply a soothing gel after sunbathing, panthenol, sour cream, at worst. And moisturizing body creams. Otherwise, then the skin will quickly begin to peel off, and it will be completely unsightly and the tan will become patchy. You shouldn't go sunbathing again until the redness from the last time has gone away. Sunbathe with a cream for fair skin; when a tan appears, switch to other creams.

    3. When your skin is so sensitive, you need to prepare it for tanning. If you don’t let it turn red a little at a time, then gradually the skin will get used to it and then even in the sun everything will be fine with a tan)) The main thing is not to rush! Tested by my own experience! There was also a problem with burning before. Now there is no.

    4. It is not recommended to take a shower immediately before tanning, as you wash away the thin protective fat layer from the skin, this makes the skin more vulnerable and can lead to redness and burns. It is not recommended to run to the shower immediately after sunbathing, because... soap and shower gel dry out the skin, this can also be additional stress for it. The solution is to wait after sunbathing for at least 2-3 hours, use soft shower gels, after a shower use a moisturizing body lotion or special cosmetics after sunbathing.

    What can you recommend?

    Although the most pleasant tan comes from taking warm sunbathing, modern development technology allows you to get a bronze skin tone even in the cloudiest weather and winter cold. For this purpose, both special self-tanning creams and solariums are used. Artificial ultraviolet radiation is no worse than the sun, and sometimes it is even preferable. However, those who are just starting their journey to artificial sun have a lot of questions about how to properly sunbathe in a solarium and which tanning cream is best. In the article you will find answers to the most common of them.

    The benefits of solarium for humans

    Disputes about the benefits or harms of artificial tanning for the entire body do not subside, but there are several objective facts indicating the benefits of such a procedure. Solarium effectively treats skin diseases (acne, acne, psoriasis). Marked beneficial features in the treatment of heart diseases, osteochondrosis. When visiting a solarium, the skin produces a huge dose of vitamin D3, which increases its elasticity, firmness and smoothes out wrinkles.

    When compared to tanning in the sun, a solarium has a clear advantage. In the July heat on the beach, it is impossible to strictly dose the amount of ultraviolet radiation that the skin will receive. In a solarium, you can always increase or decrease the dose to the amount you need. A procedure at a beauty salon is much safer than going to the beach. It is more convenient to use lotion, oil and special cream before and after the session in a beauty center, rather than on the sand.

    Rules for visiting the solarium

    Beauty is a very important thing, but it cannot be achieved at the expense of harming health. To prevent a visit to the solarium from causing trouble, you should follow the list of rules and prohibitions:

    • Before the first session, a consultation with a doctor is required if you have chronic diseases or are taking medications: painkillers, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antibiotics. The procedure cannot be carried out under their influence.
    • You cannot go for the procedure on the same day as a sauna, hair removal, skin cleansing or tanning under the sun.
    • Certain prohibitions for women: menstruation, pregnancy, lactation. All these conditions are a reason to avoid solarium completely.

    • Be sure to apply creams before and after the procedure. Buy them separately and bring them with you: in a beauty salon the cost can be greatly inflated.
    • Protect your eyes. Do not expect that you can go through the entire procedure with your eyes closed. Wear special glasses.
    • Do not expose your hair to UV rays. Be sure to use a special cap during the procedure.
    • Men are contraindicated from exposure to ultraviolet radiation on their genitals, so be sure to cover them during the session.

    Selection of tanning cosmetics

    For an even and beautiful skin tone, it is recommended to use special amplifiers - activators. The procedure lasts several minutes - the skin simply does not have time to receive the dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary for a rich color. The amplifier increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to UV rays and promotes a rapid, uniform change in tone. Choose only high-quality hypoallergenic products.

    Body care after visiting the solarium

    The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which you need to take a shower and wash off the applied tanning enhancer. Artificial sun dries the skin very much, so you should immediately apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to a damp body. A nourishing moisturizer is applied to the face. Special attention Pay attention to the areas around the eyes - there the skin is very sensitive and prone to excessive drying. Before your solarium session, be sure to apply a greasy oil on your body before going to bed. nutritious cream.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    A solarium is no different in its effects from natural sunlight, therefore the contraindications for these procedures are the same:

    1. You should not sunbathe if you have birthmarks on your skin. dark spots or protruding moles are a sign of a predisposition to benign neoplasms, and UV rays only increase the risk.
    2. Do not visit the solarium if you have asthma, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. The procedure may cause aggravation of illnesses.
    3. The procedure is contraindicated for patients infectious diseases: tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infections (in the acute phase), venereal diseases.


    Solarium has not yet become a mass procedure, so a lot of questions arise both for those who want to try it for the first time and for those who regularly visit the solarium:

    1. Is it allowed to go to the solarium with cosmetics? No. All decorative cosmetics It transmits ultraviolet radiation unevenly, so after washing it off you will get a spotty tan on your face.
    2. How to sunbathe properly in solariums, with or without oil on the skin? Oil is applied only after the procedure. If you apply it before the session, the pores will be closed, sweating will be disrupted, and instead of tanning you will get skin problems.
    3. How to properly sunbathe in a solarium for people with fair skin? If you have fair skin and hair, then artificial sun sessions are contraindicated for you. You can only get burns, but not a bronze or olive tone.
    4. Can pregnant women sunbathe? No, ultraviolet radiation can cause harmful processes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman.
    5. Is it possible to go to the solarium every day? No, even people with dark skin must take a break between visits of at least two days.

    How often can you go to the solarium?

    If your dream is to have an even bronze tan all year round, then the procedure with artificial sun should become regular for you. How to sunbathe properly in solariums? How often is this allowed? Frequent visits to the solarium can provoke benign and malignant formations on the skin. To avoid this, limit the number of treatments to 50 times a year. According to cosmetologists and oncologists, this is a safe figure for your skin.

    How to tan correctly for the first time

    To ensure that your first date with an artificial sun is memorable only with positive emotions, study the recommendations. How to properly sunbathe in a solarium:

    1. Remove all makeup before your session. It will not allow the tan to lie flat on the skin.
    2. Be sure to use a special tanning cream in a solarium, otherwise you risk getting burns and uneven skin tone.
    3. Protect your lips by applying a rich cream to them.
    4. Women should not expose their nipples to UV rays, so stay in your underwear or use special stickers - stikini.
    5. Limit the procedure time to 3-4 minutes. The first visit to the solarium should not last more than 5 minutes: this is fraught with burns and does not bring desired result.
    6. It is necessary to wash before the first session without scrubbing or peeling. Don't even use a washcloth. If possible, it is better to limit yourself to showering without detergents.
    7. Don't take your phone with you. When exposed to heat, it can overheat and fail.

    Which solarium is better: vertical or horizontal?

    The most popular booths are those where the patient sits standing. Before choosing a solarium, familiarize yourself with the equipment of the beauty salon and the quality of service. Vertical booths have several advantages over horizontal ones:

    • Hygienic. In the "lying" booth your naked body comes into contact with the surface on which another person was previously lying. Beauty salon staff do not always remember the need to disinfect the booth after each patient. Some types of fungi and bacteria can easily migrate from untreated surfaces to the skin. IN vertical solarium you do not touch the booth lenses, there is no risk of carrying an infection with you.
    • Functional. A horizontal solarium produces an uneven tan in the areas where the skin and photocells of the booth come into contact, because the skin in these areas stretches, and light spots may form after the procedure. Ultraviolet light from lamps in a vertical booth spreads evenly in all directions, and the result appears better.

    Is it possible to sunbathe during menstruation?

    Menstruation is one of the strict contraindications to visiting a solarium. There are several reasons for this:

    1. Heating the body provokes an increase in secretions. A solarium is a temperature effect on your body, and artificial heating of the body leads to abnormal secretions and disturbances. menstrual cycle further.
    2. During menstruation, a woman's body releases a huge amount of different hormones. Provoking additional release of melatonin (the hormone responsible for skin color) means interfering with endocrine system. The result is menstrual irregularities and even infertility.
    3. During menstruation, the skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation: instead of a bronze tone, you can get acne, age spots and an uneven tan.

    Video: how to quickly tan in a solarium

    Useful advice and feedback from a video blogger for those who want to learn the secret to speeding up the tanning process under the artificial sun and significantly increase the period that the results of the procedure will last. Using cosmetics from the video, you can easily reduce the number of sessions in the solarium to 2-3, and you will get the same results from a week of visits.

    Preparing the initial composition takes 2-3 minutes. The product is easy to apply, easy to manufacture and available for any budget. The products from the video are very easy to prepare at home, and the total price of the components will not exceed 300 rubles. You can find out all the details to add the product to your tanning arsenal in the video below.

    by Notes of the Wild Mistress

    There is snow outside the window, but many fashionistas, in anticipation of the summer sun and vacation, do not forget to visit the solarium. On the one hand, tanned skin looks seductive and impressive, and, on the other hand, it will not be superfluous to prepare for the summer sun and beach holidays - the skin is not afraid of burns, and the tan will lie more evenly.

    But a solarium can also harm you if you do not follow the rules and do not know what may be a contraindication for visiting this pleasant procedure. So, what should you know if you want to show off a fresh tan in the middle of winter?

    Firstly, do not try to tan in a couple of sessions. Experts do not recommend visiting a solarium more than once a week. In addition, monitor the duration of the procedure - it should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

    Tanned skin is good, but you should not overuse the solarium - after 5-6 sessions, take a break for at least two weeks, and then you can repeat the course. If you do not follow these rules, you risk severely dehydrating your skin, which will lead to so-called solar aging - loss of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

    Many women try to enhance their tan by using various activators and special creams. If you are going to use such products, remember that you should apply the cream to the skin no later than one hour before the start of the procedure or immediately after its completion. Then you will be able to avoid both burns and skin irritations.

    "Those who have cancer, infectious diseases and some other diseases should not visit the solarium. skin diseases, as well as during pregnancy, mastopathy, fibroids, polyps and the presence of multiple moles on the skin. "

    Those who take various medications should be careful when visiting the solarium. medications. The fact is that some medications, for example, antibiotics, diuretics and antihistamines, as well as some concentrates can cause phytodermatosis - allergic reaction in the sun. Therefore, before going to the solarium, you should consult a doctor or wait until the end of the course of treatment.

    Cosmetologists do not recommend visiting a solarium immediately after hair removal, since the hair removal procedure and the subsequent session in a solarium are too much stress for the skin. As a result, painful sensations, severe redness, peeling of the skin and even wounds may appear.

    Do not take topless tanning sessions. This warning especially applies to those over 30. Ultraviolet radiation can trigger the development of breast cancer.

    Some useful tips before visiting the solarium, they will help you get high-quality tan without unnecessary problems!

    Before going to the solarium, take a shower without soap or other cosmetics so as not to deprive your skin of protective fatty lubricant.

    Be sure to protect your eyes with dark glasses during the session.

    To prevent your hair from drying out, cover your head with a scarf during a session in the solarium.

    beauty expert, managing partner of the Epilike clinic chain

    Before giving recommendations about tanning in a solarium, I would like to note that 5 minutes of such tanning stops collagen production for 72 hours. During this period, our skin fibers are not synthesized! This means that we are speeding up the aging of the skin.

    1. The skin needs to be cleaned before tanning.

    If you decide to go to the solarium, you need to remember that the skin must first be thoroughly cleansed. Therefore, if you are sunbathing in a fitness club while taking a shower, use a hard washcloth and preferably a body scrub. This way you will remove a certain amount of dead horny scales, and the tan will lie more evenly.

    2. Moisturize your skin BEFORE and AFTER tanning

    Your task is also to minimize the harmful effects of solarium on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and dryness. How to sunbathe correctly in a solarium? Before and after tanning, you should use any moisturizer. It’s better to mix moisturizing body milk and some nourishing, oil-rich cream.


    3. Increase the amount of vitamin C in your diet

    If you tan in a solarium, pay attention to the amount of vitamin C in your diet. It is a powerful antioxidant that minimizes the harmful effects of tanning lamps on the skin. There is a lot of it in fresh fruits, any green fruits, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. You can also take ascorbic acid in tablets - about 500 mg per day. This should be done for the entire period while you are using the solarium. But using products with SPF in a solarium, in my opinion, is pointless. If you are afraid of getting sunburned, reduce the procedure time to a minimum.

    4. Tanning activator is not harmful

    As for tanning activators, these are products that contain substances that allow you to obtain a more even tan tone, helping to preserve and maintain it. For example, they contain beta-carotene, a substance that accumulates in subcutaneous fat and provides beautiful shade tanning In addition, they contain many different oils that help preserve and maintain the lipid layer of the skin. They glue the epidermis scales together, making the skin smoother. As a result, the tan goes on more evenly and lasts longer.

    5. Cover moles and nipples with stickers

    Before the session, it is recommended to cover more pigmented areas of the skin (nipples, moles, birthmarks) with special stickers. Such protection is quite enough to protect these areas from the effects of solarium.

    6. Monitor the duration of the session

    How long should the first session be and how to properly start tanning in a solarium? It all depends on the phototype. People of phototype 3-4 can sunbathe in a solarium for 5, 8, and 10 minutes. Whereas people have 1-2 phototypes - no more than 1-2 minutes.

    7. Don't go to the solarium too often

    The time of the first session should be minimal. I would recommend visiting the solarium no more than 2 times a week. As soon as the skin is slightly tanned (usually 4 sessions are enough for this), switch to 1 procedure per week. After tanning, be sure to apply a product with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to your skin.

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