• Solarium - is it possible to sunbathe? How to get the right tan in a solarium



    Before visiting a solarium, you should consult with your doctor, since in some diseases the tanning procedure can be hazardous to health (hypertension, tuberculosis, dermatitis, liver disease). Experts do not recommend taking such ultraviolet baths during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, critical days. A tan can lie unevenly due to hormonal imbalances in the body. Tanning is harmful when taking certain medications, many drugs provoke allergic reaction to ultraviolet.

    You should not shower with soap before tanning. Detergent dissolves the oily film on the skin, causing your skin to dry out or burn. For the same reason, it is not recommended to do hair removal before a solarium. To ensure an even tan in the solarium, use special cosmetics designed for this purpose (anti-inflammatory products are not suitable). sun tanning). Apply a protective cream to your skin according to your skin type, and use moisturizers after sunbathing.

    In each salon, the number of lamps and their power is different. Therefore, it is better to consult with the administrator how long it is better for you to sunbathe. A specialist will select for you optimal time tanning and its intensity (much also depends on skin type). The first session should last no more than five minutes, subsequent sessions gradually increase to fifteen minutes.

    Remove all jewelry. When visiting a solarium, you should not use cosmetics, deodorants, aromatic oils, nourishing creams and perfume. The results when heated can be unpredictable. Protect your eyes while tanning by wearing special sunglasses. Be sure to remove contact lenses if you have them, otherwise you may harm your eyes. Ultra-violet rays destroy and dry the hair structure, it becomes brittle and dull. So always protect them with a cotton cap. It is not recommended to sunbathe with your chest exposed (especially after thirty years), wear a cotton bra.

    If you have tattoos on your body, it is better to cover them before tanning. Some dyes may cause allergies when exposed to irradiation or may fade. When tanning, your body spends a lot of energy, as ultraviolet rays speed up your metabolism. Therefore, it is best to relax after a solarium, relax, drink a cup of green tea or a vitamin drink, and limit physical activity. And remember that after tanning your skin needs to be moisturized.

    The solarium is a great opportunity to get a dark skin tone in a short time. The procedure is especially relevant for people with a busy daily schedule.

    Demand for the procedure

    With constant busyness, it is difficult to even choose a day to spend on the beach. Therefore, many people who cannot afford to lie under real sun rays prefer to go for such a procedure. However, many visitors to this establishment, and especially girls, are concerned about the question: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear?

    An exciting question

    Most female representatives want to have an even tan without light streaks from their clothes. Therefore, the question always remains relevant. So without underwear? The harm or benefit of such a procedure has not been fully studied. But experts have already made some conclusions.

    In fact, solarium workers cannot prohibit anyone from sunbathing without underwear. This choice depends entirely on the visitor himself. However, before exposing your private parts to artificial tanning, you should be aware of the possible consequences.

    Firstly, girls who decide to sunbathe without a bra should understand that the chest contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Scientists have long proven that artificial rays can penetrate much deeper than solar rays. Therefore, tanning naked can be harmful to a girl’s health.
    In addition, artificial tanning can cause a malignant tumor. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that girls cover their breasts with at least a towel.

    What about men?

    Can men sunbathe without underwear? Young people should also not go into the solarium naked, as ultraviolet rays can cause the appearance of cancer of the genital organs.
    If you are concerned about whether men can sunbathe without underwear, and you plan to attend the procedure naked, then know that it can negatively affect your health and well-being. In particular, these rules should be observed by people whose age exceeds 30 years.

    Whatever decision you make, whether it’s tanning in underwear or without it, it’s worth knowing how to tan correctly and how long you can tan. By following a few recommendations, you can protect your body as much as possible:

    Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear? Girls' opinions

    Opinions about the lack of underwear during a tanning session diverge in two directions. Some say that a tan is much more attractive without underwear. After all, very often visitors do not think about what kind of underwear they came in last time. Hence, stripes of different sizes remain on the body and different shades. However, even this part of the female representatives says that you should sunbathe completely naked only in Of course, all solariums undergo thorough treatment, but lying down naked body going into public cubicles is not entirely hygienic.

    What other opinions are there on whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear? Another part of the girls is categorically against visiting him without panties and bras. As a last resort, they say, it is worth purchasing special tanning panties that will help ensure that the tanning effect is as good as possible. The main thing is to remember that you should only visit the solarium wearing underwear made from natural fabrics.

    So, it’s not in vain that they say that as many people as there are so many opinions. Some people consider tanning without underwear acceptable, while others are categorically against such experiments on their own body. Therefore, the choice depends entirely on the personal beliefs of each person.


    Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear. Also in our article we gave advice on the procedure.

    Cosmetologist experts say that tanning is useful, it helps to cope with acne. Tanning also helps cure psoriasis and eczema, and is necessary in the treatment of a number of other diseases. Externally proper tan It looks very beautiful and fashionable in comparison with untanned skin.
    An undoubted advantage of tanning is ultraviolet rays, which in turn contribute to the production of useful and very important vitamin D, and a much-needed joy hormone called serotine. But tanning in a solarium is completely safe only for absolutely healthy people and subject to compliance with all established rules for tanning in a solarium.

    Is solarium harmful?

    If you are a lover of a beautiful tan and regularly visit the solarium in order to give your skin beautiful tan, the thought has definitely already occurred to you that solarium is considered harmful by many opinions, is this true? There is also an opinion that, on the contrary, a solarium is beneficial, because a moderate tan is even beneficial for the skin. To decide whether a solarium is harmful or beneficial, you should find out the opinion of experts. And only after that draw your conclusions.

    Is it harmful for anyone to go to a solarium?

    Before deciding to go to a solarium, it would be better to visit a doctor, because there are a number of diseases that are contraindications. So you should not go to the solarium in case of exacerbation of any existing diseases; taking certain medications is also a contraindication to tanning.

    Harm of solarium for women

    If you start abusing visits to solariums, then this tan can very easily turn into harm. Probably everyone knows that overuse of ultraviolet rays leads to rapid aging of the skin, after which the skin becomes dry and thin, and this leads to an increase in the possibility of developing skin cancer. Also, don't forget about sunburn. Therefore, when trying to get a beautiful bronze tan, do not forget that there is a very fine line between benefit and harm.

    To protect yourself from the harmful effects of tanning in a solarium, you must use special protective equipment, which will help protect the skin, because they reflect dangerous rays.

    Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

    Many pregnant women are interested in whether they can visit a solarium? Here the answer is inconclusive. Pregnant women should not go to the solarium, because the solarium turns into a serious test that is completely unnecessary. Also, do not forget that the body changes hormonal background, and you may end up with an occurrence dark spots, and there is a possibility of tumors appearing.
    During lactation, you should also not go to the solarium.
    During menstruation, it is also better to avoid visiting the solarium. Since overheating of the body can lead to bleeding.

    Solarium contraindications:

    1. If you spent laser resurfacing, then during this six months you are prohibited from visiting the solarium;
    2. After chemical peeling, ultraviolet rays are also contraindicated for one month;
    3. At the end of hair removal, the rays in the solarium cause discomfort, since the skin is deprived of a protective layer, and there is a risk of getting burns;
    4. Remember, a solarium is a load on your body, and if it is weakened, you should not give it this additional load.

    How harmful is a solarium?

    People who have a large number of moles on their bodies can visit a solarium, but it is recommended to limit the time of tanning. If there are large moles on the body, it would be better to seal them with a band-aid. Don't neglect sunscreen, which will help avoid unpleasant situations with the skin. It is known that when moles are exposed to ultraviolet rays, they can develop into malignant tumors. If you are the owner large quantity moles or large moles, in the warm season it is necessary to carefully monitor them. If they begin to change their shape or enlarge, or bleed or become inflamed, be sure to consult a specialist.
    People who have moles or freckles, or who have fair skin, are not advised to visit solariums. Rather, you will only end up with your skin turning red and burning. It is better to give preference to self-tanning in order to get a bronze skin color, it will be much safer.

    Allergy to solarium

    There are situations when the skin is vulnerable to tanning and may develop rashes and redness. An allergy that occurs after sunbathing is a signal that internal organs are not working properly.
    In order to get rid of any allergies that have arisen, you must stop visiting the solarium. You can also use special ointments.

    Chloasma - spots after visiting a solarium

    Many women find dark pigmentation on their skin after going tanning. Patchy tanning is associated with hormonal imbalance. If you put your favorite perfume on your skin before visiting the solarium, it can also cause spots. To prevent this from happening, first read the instructions for visiting the solarium. Well, if pigmentation does appear on your skin, you can try to get rid of it with a special whitening cream, or use folk remedies. If pigmentation does not go away, but rather intensifies, be sure to consult a specialist.

    There are a lot of recommendations and tips on how to tan properly. But it is extremely rare to have generalized instructions about the rules safe tanning in a solarium allow you to take into account individual parameters, such as skin type, type of solarium (vertical, horizontal, turbo), use special cosmetics and so on.

    For example, white-skinned people can visit a solarium no more than twice a week and sessions should last no more than 3-5 minutes. While clients who are dark-skinned from birth can calmly bask in the light of the lamps for up to 20 minutes.

    You can, of course, write that before visiting you need to visit a doctor and consult. But how many will actually go to the doctor if suddenly there is no cosmetologist in the solarium? IN best case scenario You will be able to ask questions to the girl at the reception; in the worst case, you will have to take care of your safety on your own.

    Determine skin type and frequency of procedures

    The type of skin primarily determines how long the tanning sessions can be and how much it will take to get beautiful shade skin, how high the risk of burns is.

    • Skin type I, also known as “Celtic”.

    Owners of the Celtic type of appearance are very different fair skin. Natural color Such people's hair is blond or light red, there are a lot of freckles both on the face and on the chest and shoulders. The skin of people with type 1 quickly turns red and burns in the sun, so they can spend no more than 3 minutes in a solarium for the first time.

    Subsequent sessions can be made longer. But sunbathing for more than 10 minutes without the risk of burns is unlikely. Maximum amount 2 sessions per week.

    In principle, some experts generally do not recommend visiting a solarium or sunbathing for owners of the Celtic type.

    • Skin type II, which is also known as “fair-skinned European”.

    Holders of this type appearance is distinguished by fair skin, fair or brown hair, a small amount freckles, bright eyes. The skin of such people tans, but the risk of getting burns is high. The first session for such people should last 3-5 minutes.

    The time of subsequent procedures can be gradually increased to 10-15 minutes. You can sunbathe 2-3 times a week, provided that the procedures are not combined with prolonged exposure to active sun.

    • Skin type III or “dark-skinned European”.

    People with the third skin type are distinguished by the presence of dark brown or brown hair, gray or brown eyes. Skin color can range from light to dark. People with the third skin type burn much less often than people with the first and second types. Therefore, there will be noticeably fewer restrictions on visiting the solarium. Owners of the third skin type can start tanning from 7 minutes and then increase the session time to 20 minutes. You can sunbathe 2-3 times a week.

    • Skin type IV, also known as “Mediterranean”.

    Owners of type 4 appearance are dark-skinned, dark-haired, and brown-eyed. In this case, you should not take the maximum time for the first procedure. Still, you should give your skin time to get used to it. Then you can safely stay there for 20 minutes and enjoy a deep, “juicy” tan.

    Choosing a solarium

    Modern solariums have several main characteristics:

    • vertical-horizontal;
    • turbo (lamp power is 160-180 Watts and higher);
    • percentage of ultraviolet B.

    IN horizontal tan fits well on the upper body. If you choose a device with facial lamps, be sure to ensure that the solarium cabin is additionally equipped with an elevator (a special platform that can rise and fall so that the client’s face is located at the level of the facial lamps, regardless of the client’s height).

    Photo: horizontal solarium

    In the vertical position, the client can lie down and relax while the session is ongoing. Tanning in a vertical solarium works better on the lower half of the body, especially on the legs below knee level. A disadvantage is the likelihood of white spots appearing where the skin was compressed during the procedure.

    Photo: vertical solarium

    A turbo solarium differs from a regular solarium in the higher power of its lamps. It can be either horizontal or vertical. The duration of the session should be reduced, but the result can be achieved much faster.

    Photo: turbo solarium

    The percentage of ultraviolet rays types A and B can be found in the UV Radiation Certificate, which each device has, and which must be provided upon request. For light, UV-sensitive skin, the percentage of ultraviolet B should be about 0.7%. For dark skin, which tans well, the percentage of ultraviolet B can be up to 2.4%.

    Selecting cosmetics

    You can go there without special cosmetics. But such instant savings will only lead to big expenses in the near future. Unlike sunscreen cosmetics, which we use on the beach, tanning products enhance the effect of ultraviolet radiation and deeply moisturize the skin.

    As a result, you can get an even tan much earlier, and it will last for a longer period, since moisturized skin will not peel.

    Creams and cosmetics for solarium can be divided into three groups according to their purpose:

    • developers;
    • activators;
    • fixatives.

    Developers and activators stimulate the production of melanin by skin cells. Developers are used at the very beginning of procedures, when the skin needs to adapt to the ultraviolet radiation affecting it.

    Activators are good for those who have already received their first tan and want to make it brighter.

    They contain bronzers and tingles. Bronzers stimulate the production of melanin, tingles cause short-term blood flow to the skin, which has a positive effect on the process of tanning during a tanning session.

    A sealer is essentially a very good moisturizer, often with a cooling effect. Deep hydration of the skin prevents dehydration and flaking, making the skin velvety to the touch. The most common brands of cosmetics for solariums in Russia are Australian Gold, Jamaica Touch, Mega Sun.

    Clients with tattoos can use regular sunscreen to protect the tattooed areas. When exposed to ultraviolet light, tattoo inks can fade or become allergenic to the body.

    Safety regulations

    To sunbathe without harm to the body, you must follow a number of simple rules.

    • Eye protection is required.

    Among the regulars of the solarium, there are those who do not take this recommendation seriously. But in vain.

    Recent studies conducted by European doctors have established a relationship between the amount of time a person spent in a solarium and the risk of developing a number of diseases leading to blindness. Among these diseases are cataracts (clouding of the lens), damage to the retina.

    To maintain eye health, it is not necessary to refuse to visit the solarium. But one should take into account the fact that the skin of the eyelids is thin and cannot provide sufficient protection of the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the use of glasses to protect the eyes during the procedure is mandatory.

    You can use the glasses that tanning salons provide to their clients. Or you can buy your own glasses if you plan to visit the solarium for a long time and regularly.

    • Chest protection is also necessary.

    If you don’t want to sunbathe in a swimsuit, you can use special stickers for the areolas. If the tanning studio does not have such stickers, then you can use ordinary cotton pads.

    • We take contraindications into account.

    A visit to the solarium is exactly the same physiotherapeutic procedure as many others. Ultraviolet radiation, just like other types of exposure, leads to the development of changes in the functioning of organs and systems of the body.

    For healthy body such exposure will be beneficial and will lead to increased resistance to various pathogenic environmental factors. In cases where the body is weakened by an acute or chronic illness, a session in a solarium can lead to a deterioration in condition and well-being.

    Who should not sunbathe in a solarium:

    • pregnant women;
    • minors;
    • people with the first skin type;
    • people with acute or exacerbation chronic diseases internal organs;
    • those who have a tendency to bleed;
    • women during menstruation;
    • people with moles, when these moles are numerous or large in size;
    • clients with skin diseases;
    • everyone who takes medications that increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (these are not only retinoids, these can also be some antibiotics, and hormonal drugs and other medications).
    Separately, it is worth discussing such a point as visiting a solarium for psoriasis. In principle, you can sunbathe with psoriasis, but a number of points should be taken into account.

    The first point is the likelihood of an aggravation of the process. The risk is small. According to statistics, only about 5% of patients receive it. Moreover, more than half note improvement in the course of the disease or complete disappearance of plaques. And approximately 30% of clients do not notice any changes.

    The second point is the need for additional skin hydration. Ultraviolet rays dry out the skin. Therefore, plaques can crack and bleed.

    • We carry out the required stages of preparation for the procedure.

    You should take a shower approximately an hour and a half before your visit. If this is not possible, then you can rinse in the shower immediately before the procedure. In any case, you should not use soap. It is better to replace it with a light shower gel so as not to dry out the skin and completely wash off the protective hydrolipidic mantle from it. Dry, completely degreased skin is a risk of getting burned.

    A day or two before visiting the solarium, it is not recommended to perform peelings, skin scrubbing, or traumatic procedures such as depilation, as all this can lead to burns or uneven tanning on the skin. In the case of peelings, you can get pigmentation, which will be quite difficult to remove.

    Before the procedure, you should remove all decorative cosmetics. For lips, you must use hygienic lipstick with ultraviolet protection. You should also not apply aromatic oils to your skin after a shower. eau de toilette and others cosmetical tools, except those specifically intended for solariums.

    Hair must be hidden under a thick cap or scarf. This preparation will allow you to avoid surprises such as patchy tan and bleached hair.

    Price for 1 minute of tanning in a solarium

    Depending on the number of paid minutes (when purchasing a subscription), you can get significant discounts. Therefore, the price of one minute in a subscription can be significantly lower.

    Video: Sunscreens

    Photos before and after

    It seems that nothing makes a woman more beautiful than skin covered with an even golden tan. To find it, you don’t have to go to warmer climes; it’s much easier to go to a solarium. However, doctors warn about the dangers of solariums; the list of contraindications for these procedures is almost longer than the indications. So is it worth exposing your body to artificial sun? Experts believe it’s worth it if you know how to stop in time.

    Tanning and the canons of aesthetics

    The fashion for tanning was preceded by millennia of human history, when only White skin. In Ancient Greece, the Athenians covered their faces with highly toxic lead white; in medieval Europe, matte skin distinguished an aristocrat from a commoner. However, nothing lasts forever - at the end of the 19th century the situation changes. Doctors are starting to prescribe sunbathing and sea bathing against anemia and rickets. And in the 60s of the last century, tanning turned into a real cult - young people, striving to be at the peak of fashion, rushed to the beach, trying to be as naked as possible.

    And although massive skin burns as a result of intense solar radiation could have alerted doctors, this did not happen. “Healthy tanning” is promoted everywhere, and colorful posters contrast brown, burly people with pale-faced runts.

    Time passed, and when the youth of the 60s finally matured, doctors were concerned that among these people the incidence of melanoma and other malignant skin tumors was much higher than in the previous generation. In addition, the skin in areas exposed to intense sun exposure appeared significantly older than in areas that were typically protected from the sun. It became clear that premature aging skin is closely related to excessive sun exposure. That's why it became known as photoaging.

    Doctors are developing recommendations on how to sunbathe correctly: do not use the sun when it is high in the sky; limit your time on the beach, don’t forget about sunscreen, in short, enjoy a traditional seaside holiday according to all the rules, which means without the risk of becoming a clear example harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin. As a result, it comes into fashion golden hue skin, and tanning “to blackness” becomes a sign of lack of taste and even vulgarity.

    To the beach or to the solarium?

    Each method of tanning has its own characteristics. When we sunbathe on the seashore or river bank, the skin receives the moisture it needs due to the moisture in the air. Besides, we breathe fresh air while receiving a positive emotional charge. This is not the case in a solarium. However, visiting a solarium also has a number of advantages. Such procedures are indispensable for those who do not have time to spend hours on the beach - a 20-minute stay under ultraviolet lamps provides the same effect as approximately 3 hours under the sun. In the solarium, the client receives scientifically proven doses of UV rays, the ratio of which can be adjusted, controlling the intensity of the tan.

    Who should use a solarium?

    Since the German scientist Federick Wolf created the first source of ultraviolet radiation for the treatment of respiratory diseases in 1975, the indications for the use of “artificial sun” have expanded significantly and include about forty different ailments, including acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, etc. With the help of phototherapy, a special form of depression is treated, affecting mainly women about 30 years old, who experience increased appetite and drowsiness. Scientists explain this effect by a decrease in the secretion of melatonin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which, when excessively present in the body, causes melancholy.

    In winter, artificial sun is used to increase the body's defenses and combat colds; in spring - to prepare the skin for the active sun. Several sessions in the solarium are especially recommended before a trip to the sea.

    Contraindications for solarium

    Despite all the undoubted advantages, tanning in a solarium has serious contraindications, including diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, disorders of the thyroid gland, mastopathy, as well as exacerbations of many chronic diseases.

    Doctors do not advise gynecological patients to sunbathe in a solarium (ultraviolet light can intensify inflammatory processes); for those who have many moles on their body, age spots or freckles. To avoid the appearance of age spots, do not sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy.

    When going to the solarium, remember what medications you have recently taken. There are medications that cause increased sensitivity to sunlight, which leads to skin irritation. These drugs include: antibiotics (tetracycline and its derivatives); antidepressants; low glucose antidiabetic drugs; antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs; antipsoriatic drugs; diuretics and blood pressure-lowering drugs; female sex hormones, including birth control pills; vasodilators; tranquilizers. You should not combine certain perfumes with tanning in a solarium (they provoke sun allergies). In particular, the following are dangerous for the skin: antibacterial substances contained in deodorants, soaps and cosmetics; fragrances and essential oils perfumery; coloring substances included in cosmetics (eyeshadow, lipstick, blush); acne remedies.

    Before visiting a solarium, you should not consume certain foods, including celery, carrots, parsnips, cilantro, parsley, fennel, dill, mustard, and figs.

    While in the solarium, you need to protect your eyes. The ultraviolet radiation from the lamps is so strong that it penetrates ordinary glasses and damages the retina. Specially coated glasses will help protect your eyes. These should be in every salon.

    Choosing a solarium: which one is better?

    If caring for your skin is not something of secondary importance to you, then you should give preference to first-class beauty salons. As a rule, they use the most modern types of solariums, which provide an effective and at the same time gentle tanning. Here they will select the optimal tanning program and special cosmetics for solariums, allowing you to reduce tanning time and ensure proper skin care. The client can be offered a vertical or horizontal solarium model. Vertical solariums usually have greater power and shorter procedure duration than horizontal ones. Therefore, they are better suited to naturally dark-skinned people. For white-skinned people, a “slow” tan is suitable - 10-15 minutes at minimum power, no more than once a week. A separate lamp for tanning the face is desirable for everyone, since the skin on the face tans completely differently than on the body.

    Unfortunately, low prices in beauty salons are often explained by the use of cheap models of solariums that are not equipped with a built-in fan; using lamps whose service life has long expired and other unpleasant reasons. As a result, tanning in such a solarium will do much more harm than good.

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