• How to remove dark red - brown spots or dots from nails. Yellow nails: how to restore the natural color


    Black spots on the surface of the nail are not uncommon. They can be a sign of injury to the nail plate, an infection, or a general health condition. Otherwise, these spots are considered a cosmetic and not a medical problem.

    For most people, they are unsightly and embarrassing.

    The reasons



    Bruising is a common cause of spots on the nails. Injury causes blood to collect in the tissues below the surface of the nail plate. Medically, this is called a subungual hematoma. A common symptom of this condition is a change in the color of the nail plate.

    Injuries to the toenails can cause soreness and discomfort. It can be obtained by running or walking, as well as by wearing tight shoes. In this case, the dark spot is caused by damage to the capillaries under the nail.

    Nails should be trimmed and well-fitting shoes should be worn to prevent such injuries. In this situation, pain medications, as well as a simple cold compress, can help relieve temporary pain.

    With a severe injury, a person may lose a nail, however, there should not be dark spots when a new one grows.

    fungal infection

    A fungal infection is the other most likely cause of nail discoloration or spots. The fungus often occurs when toenails crumble. The most effective way to get rid of it is to take a course of antifungal drugs.

    A fungal infection can manifest itself as follows:

    • Black spots on nails that start to turn yellow
    • Colored debris visible under the nail bed
    • Thickening of the nails
    • The nail plate begins to break down
    • Bad smell
    • The edge of the nail is crumbling
    • wrong growth
    • Separation from the nail bed.


    • Apply medicated varnish (available in pharmacies) to get rid of the infection
    • Reducing pressure on the affected area
    • Surgical removal of the affected nail.

    bacterial infection

    The dark green spot is due to a bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is treated much easier than a fungus.

    A bacterial infection can also be the cause of black spots. In some people, it leads to a green color of the nail plate. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium that causes the nail to turn green-black. Bacterial infection is common under loose nails.

    To treat it at home, you can try antibiotic drops or baths in an antiseptic solution such as vinegar. If the cause of the discoloration is a bacterial infection, you must:

    • Avoid walking in open shoes
    • Do not walk barefoot on grass or mud
    • Clean nails from dirt
    • Avoid sharing shoes or socks.

    Runner's toe

    Subungual hematoma due to frequent running

    This is a common type of injury seen in athletes. Also called a subungual hematoma, it results from a collection of blood under the nail. It is not a serious condition, but can be very painful.

    Hematoma is caused by downward pressure or horizontal separation of the nail plate from the bed. This repetitive injury results in bleeding and pooling of blood and is typically characterized by a reddish-black toenail coloration. In some people, the plate may also become thicker and more brittle.

    Subungual hematoma is treated by conservative depressurization of the affected area or by puncture and drainage. Another treatment option for a more severe condition is to remove the entire nail plate.

    Ingrown nails

    An ingrown toenail can sometimes darken

    An ingrown toenail, according to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery, is also a possible cause of its darkening.



    Jaundice is a medical term that describes the yellowing of the skin. Jaundice itself is not a disease, but a symptom of various possible underlying conditions in the body. The color change occurs when there is too much bilirubin in the body, a yellow pigment formed when dead red blood cells are broken down in the liver.

    Heat exposure

    Wearing shoes for a long time promotes the growth of bacteria and fungi. For example, athlete's foot occurs when shingles develops. You can become infected with the fungus through direct contact with an infected person or with contaminated surfaces.

    When heat-induced athlete's foot is the cause of black spots on the nails, other symptoms include the following:

    • severe itching
    • Burning sensation between fingers
    • Painful blisters filled with fluid
    • Dry skin on the soles or sides of the feet
    • Peeling nails from the nail bed.

    Addison's disease

    Addison's disease

    Also known as primary adrenal insufficiency or hypofunction, Addison's disease is a rare disorder (two small glands that sit on the surface of the kidneys).

    The adrenal glands produce two important hormones, cortisol and aldosterone. The disease can affect people of all ages, but is more common in people between the ages of 30 and 50. According to the National Health Services of the United Kingdom, the condition is more common in women than in men.

    In developing countries, the disease is often associated with autoimmune disorders as well as tuberculosis.

    According to a United States National Institutes of Health study, Addison's disease is commonly associated with dysphagia, fatigue, weight loss, hypotension, abdominal pain, and brittle nails. This condition is classically seen with hyperpigmentation due to ACTH melanogenesis.

    You should seek medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms:

    • Darkening of areas of the skin
    • unwanted weight loss
    • Problems of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Increased cravings for salty foods
    • Pain in the joints or muscles.



    Psoriasis is a nail disease that affects approximately 2-3% of people. Psoriasis produces too many skin cells that form patches of color, sores, and painful, fluid-filled blisters.

    Health Line reports that about half of people with psoriasis and about 80 percent of people with psoriatic arthritis develop changes in their nails. Currently, doctors cannot identify the cause of this phenomenon.

    In rare cases, the nails are the only part of the body where signs of the disease appear. Some people may also develop an itchy rash on other parts of the body.

    Psoriasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • May cause the nail plate to shed cells, resulting in small pits and irregularities on the surface of the nail
    • Separation of the nail plate
    • Compaction and reshaping
    • Changing the color of nails.

    Treating this condition can be difficult as it affects the nail as it grows. Treatment options include the following:

    • Phototherapy
    • Oral antifungals
    • Removal of a damaged nail
    • Steroid creams and ointments.

    Skin cancer

    Acral lentiginous subungual melanoma

    Black spots under the nail can also be caused by skin cancer. Acral lentiginous melanoma is a type of cancer that can cause discoloration of the nails. Subungual melanoma begins in the nail matrix. It most often affects the big fingers and toes. This rare type of skin cancer, like other melanomas, is associated with sun exposure. This disease requires mandatory treatment, as it can metastasize and spread throughout the body.

    dark lines on nails

    A dark line on the nail may be subungual melanoma. This is a rare form of cancer. Early detection and treatment are a must

    Dark spots or lines on the nails may occur with hemorrhage. These are small blood clots that tend to run vertically under the nails. This problem is not specific to any particular condition, but it can be associated with acute systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis of the nails, and antiphospholipid syndrome ("thick blood").

    Symptoms of endocarditis (inflammation of the heart) may develop slowly or suddenly. Some of these include fever, chills, and sweating. Other symptoms:

    • Small area of ​​bleeding under the nails
    • Swelling of the legs
    • Painful spots on the skin of the palms.

    When the cause of dark dots or nail lines is a hemorrhage associated with endocarditis, intravenous antibiotics may be needed. It is necessary to diagnose the condition as soon as possible in order to apply the correct treatment option.

    Also, a change in pigmentation in the nail in the form of a line can be the cause of subungual melanoma (see the previous section of the article on skin cancer).

    Causes of black or dark spots on toenails

    Vitamin B12 deficiency

    Vitamin B12 deficiency or folate deficiency anemia can cause a wide range of symptoms. They develop gradually but can worsen if the condition is left untreated for a long time. In general, adequate nutrition is important for keeping fingers and toes healthy. Changes in the appearance of the nail can be the first sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

    The main symptoms of this condition may be brittleness, discoloration, or the appearance of lines. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent any complications.

    With some systemic diseases (diabetes, folate deficiency anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, etc.), the nails become white, and some unlightened areas may appear as dark spots


    Most people with type 2 diabetes often experience foot problems. The reason for this is poor circulation and nerve damage. Usually, this disease is accompanied by hardening and darkening of the toenails.

    Lichen planus

    Lichen planus

    Lichen planus is a skin rash caused by a malfunction of the immune system. This condition can present as colored lines with rashes, itching, and painful lesions that develop and spread throughout the body.

    Other conditions include

    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Malignant melanoma.

    Black spots under nails

    Subungual hematoma is the most likely cause of black spots under the nails. It can also be found under the toenails.

    Nail injuries can be especially painful. It can also cause the nail plate to change color from red to blue and finally black once the blood has set.

    Subungual hematoma is very common and can be caused by any of the following:

    • Falling heavy object
    • Hit on the finger
    • Pressing on the door.

    Small black spots or dots on nails

    The color and appearance of a nail can say a lot about your overall health. If a person cannot determine the actual cause of the small black spots on the nails, it is necessary that a doctor examine the condition and determine the actual cause of the problem.

    Small black spots may be a sign of the following conditions:

    • Melanocytic moles
    • malignant melanoma
    • Addison's disease.

    Methods of treatment

    Nail treatment will depend on what is the underlying cause of the condition. Black nails can be painful, but with simple home remedies, the discomfort can be reduced. You can try the following to get rid of dots and spots on your nails:

    • After an injury, apply a cold compress to the affected area
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce swelling and inflammation caused by injury
    • You need to make sure that the shoes fit snugly around the foot to avoid irritation that can lead to dark spots or worsen the current condition.
    • In cases where the cause of the problem is a fungal infection, it is worth using antifungal agents.
    • Medical attention should be sought if the discoloration spreads to other nails or if there is no change in the course of treatment of the problem.

    Sharing nail polishes, as well as scissors and nippers, should be avoided as this can be the main cause of infection. It is necessary to use individual tools for pedicure and manicure while visiting beauty salons. Deep cuticle removal should be avoided as this can cause infection.

    It is necessary to avoid the desire to bite your nails and always try to keep them clean and dry. Nail health requires a diet rich in vitamins and proteins. Vitamin B and calcium, found in eggs, meat, whole grains, and milk, are good for strong nails.

    If you have ingrown toenails, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. If hands and nails are often used in work, rubber gloves should be worn to protect them.

    home remedies

    Acetic acid can help control the problem of dark toenails. It is necessary to mix a little vinegar with water and hold your feet in this solution. After that, dry them and wipe with a towel. Repeat these steps twice or thrice to get rid of the problem.

    Baking soda

    Baking soda is an effective remedy for dark spots on the nails, as well as an antifungal agent. You need to add some baking soda to a small amount of water to make a solution. After a bath of vinegar solution, you should hold your feet in a solution of soda.

    The antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil make it an ideal home remedy for getting rid of dark spots on the nail bed. It is known as a miracle cure for skin and hair problems. Place three to four drops of tea tree oil in a container, add enough water, then soak your feet in the liquid for about 20 minutes.

    This is another effective home remedy that can be used to get rid of nail problems as well as the pain associated with them. Mix about a quarter cup of salt with ten cups of warm water. Keep your feet in the solution for about fifteen to twenty minutes. If you perform the procedure regularly, you can easily get rid of dark spots on the toenails and pain caused by local causes.

    Yellow spots on the nails are very often evidence of the presence of certain diseases of the internal organs or become a consequence of the influence of external factors. If appropriate pigmentation occurs, it is necessary to establish the cause of such a process and try to influence it. Few people like yellow spots under the nails. A timely visit to a doctor can help to find out exactly the specific factor that led to such a situation, and choose the appropriate treatment (if necessary).

    Fingernails are very often the first to react to various pathological changes in the body. A person may not yet be aware of the presence of some kind of disease, but his nail plates are already beginning to change, signaling a problem. If a yellow spot appears on the nail, then this may be evidence of a number of pathological conditions. The most common of these remain:

    • Fungal infection of the nail plate. Common causative agents of such a problem with a characteristic yellowish tint are red trichophyton and fungi of the genus Aspergillus. The corresponding problem is almost always additionally accompanied by itching and general discomfort over the entire surface of the foot.
    • Bronchiectasis and sinusitis.
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland with the development of hormonal imbalance.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Pathology of the liver and biliary tract with an increase in the level of bilirubin.
    • Taking certain medications (Akrikhin and the like).
    • Pathology of the lymphatic system. In this case, very often there is an additional thickening of the nail and swelling of the soft tissues under it.

    In addition, a yellow spot under the nail on the hand may appear due to improperly performed manicure, the use of low-quality varnishes. Hand care should always be adequate, no frills. Sometimes a corresponding yellowing of the skin of the lateral surface of the fingers and nail plates is observed in heavy smokers.

    In any case, such a symptom remains unattractive. To eliminate it, it is worth consulting a doctor and establishing the cause of such a visual defect. In the presence of serious diseases, appropriate treatment is carried out.

    yellow spots on toenails

    In addition to the hands, under the toenail, a yellow spot can occur with the same probability. The reasons largely coincide with those described above, however, in this case, external factors play a very important role. Wearing tight shoes, which contributes to constant microtraumatization, leads to violations of trophic processes in the lower extremities. This may be manifested by the occurrence of corresponding visual changes.

    Diabetes mellitus is another disease that may explain why yellow spots appear on the toenails. Against the background of a general metabolic disorder, the pathology of the nail plate is observed. It changes color, becomes rough, sometimes begins to crumble. The patient in this situation will simultaneously notice changes in the skin of the lower extremities (thinning, loss of sensitivity, sometimes the formation of ulcers).

    A separate yellow spot on the nail of the big toe

    Sometimes there are situations when yellow spots appear on the nail of the big toe. The most common cause of this is a local fungal infection. However, as practice shows, such a process spreads very quickly (in the absence of appropriate treatment) and captures the entire surface of the foot and other nails.

    If any visual changes in the nail plates on the hands or feet occur, it is necessary to seek the help of doctors to determine the cause of this situation and resolve the issue of treatment.

    Causes of yellowing of the nails on the hands and feet. Methods for the treatment of yellow nails with medications and folk remedies.

    Well-groomed hands attract attention, respectively, women try to make a beautiful and neat manicure. For several seasons, naturalness has been at the peak of popularity. All cosmetologists and manicurists adhere to the Nude style. Now you can go outside without nail polish at all, the main thing is that the manicure is neat.

    Why yellow nails on the hands and feet in men and women: causes

    There are many reasons for yellowing nails. It can be both violations in the work of internal organs, and external factors. Most often, this problem is faced by girls who often paint their nails with varnish, and then wash it off with a special liquid. But if the nails turn yellow without the use of varnish and liquid, it is worth dealing with this problem.

    Causes of yellow nails:

    • Hormonal disorders. It can be diseases of the endocrine or reproductive system. Often the nails turn yellow in women during menopause. This is also due to the deficiencies of certain hormones.
    • Taking antibiotics. Usually the nails turn yellow after taking tetracycline and quinoline. Medicines containing arsenic also cause yellowing of the nail plate.
    • Exposure to aggressive substances. Usually nails turn yellow when using Whiteness, stove and toilet cleaners without gloves.
    • Psoriasis. This is a complex disease, when the immune system works against itself. Due to a malfunction in the liver and kidneys, the nails may turn yellow.
    • Fungus. If, in addition to yellowness, you notice a thickening of the nail plate, delamination and its deformation, then this is a fungus.

    The child has yellow toenails: causes

    Children get sick more often than adults, this is due to the immaturity of the immune system. Children under the age of 6 do not always like to eat salad and fruits, respectively, the body may lack vitamins and minerals.

    • Causes of yellow nails in a child:Lack of calcium and selenium. These trace elements are found in broccoli, dairy products and soy. Let the child eat yogurt or cottage cheese at least once a day.
    • Diseases of the respiratory system. Toddlers under the age of 3 are only going through a period of adaptation to kindergarten. At this time, children often get sick with viral ailments. They weaken the immune system and can cause yellowing of the nails.
    • Diabetes mellitus and disorders of the pancreas.
    • Worm invasion. Some strains of worms poison the blood with substances that cause nail staining.

    Why do toenails turn yellow on the thumbs, little fingers: reasons

    Most often, toenails turn yellow due to infection with fungi. The most interesting thing is that, along with yellowness, the marigolds can exfoliate, become thick, grow in or even move away from the skin, forming voids.

    Causes of yellowing toenails:

    • Swimming pool visit. The plate may turn yellow due to the high content of chlorine in the water or when infected with a fungus. But the fungus is not difficult to recognize, since it most often causes itching and wounds between the fingers.
    • hepatitis or cirrhosis. Together with the defeat of the nails, the skin turns yellow, as well as the whites of the eyes.
    • Treatment of bacterial diseases. After taking antibiotics, toenails may turn yellow. It passes through time.

    Yellow spots on nails: causes

    In addition to the above ailments, yellow spots can occur under such conditions:

    • Smoking. Harmful resins and polymer particles can accumulate in the body. This is manifested in the yellowing of the nails.
    • Use of poor quality nail polish. Do not use coatings from dubious manufacturers.
    • Dystrophic onychia. This disease is characterized by the destruction of the base of the nail. Because of this, the plate turns yellow, and then breaks off into pieces.

    A white-yellow spot appeared on the nail: what to do?

    Together with yellow, specks of white light may appear on the nails. This indicates a lack of vitamins. Sometimes white spots appear in winter as a reaction to the cold. If white and yellow spots first appeared on the nails, you should consult a dermatologist. It is an experienced doctor who is able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Self-treatment of such manifestations is not recommended.

    Yellow plaque on the nails of the hands: causes

    The most common cause of this phenomenon is onychomycosis. This is a fungal disease that affects not only the nail plate, but also the skin under it. Often the fungus causes cracks between the fingers.

    Together with the appearance of yellow plaque, the nail can exfoliate, crumble, move away from the matrix and darken. Without the necessary treatment, the condition worsens. There is deformity and loss of the nail. Yellow plaque is nothing more than small scales of keratinized tissue that peel off from the nail.

    Yellow stripes on nails: causes

    These are the first signs of fungus. It is at this stage that the disease is cured most quickly. The fungus can be picked up in the bath, pool or massage parlor. Sloppy manicurists and pedicurists can also spread the infection. At the same time, along with the yellow stripes, the nail plate thickens, white marks appear. Sweating increases. Winter shoes made of artificial leather can exacerbate the situation.

    Yellow and thick toenails: causes

    Thickening of the nail plate and its yellowing is not quite the first sign of a fungal disease. Initially, the nail simply turns yellow and there is a slight relief in the form of grooves. But if left untreated, the condition worsens. The nail becomes opaque and crumbles when you try to cut it off.

    Treatment of yellow nails with folk remedies

    There are many folk methods that help get rid of yellowness on the nails. Usually these are herbal infusions and lemon juice.

    Nail whitening recipes:

    • With sea salt. Dissolve a handful of sea salt in a liter of warm water and add lemon juice. It needs 20 ml. Dip your fingers in the solution and hold for 15 minutes. This bath also strengthens the nail plate.
    • With tea tree. Rub tea tree oil on your nails. It has antibacterial properties and kills germs and fungi.
    • With chamomile. Pour a handful of chamomile flowers with a liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Immerse your fingers in a warm solution and hold for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, rub lemon juice into the plate.
    • With garlic. Grind 5 cloves of garlic on a grater and add 20 g of butter to the puree. Rub the mixture on your nails.

    Remedies and ointment for yellow nails

    Usually, bleaching creams or antifungal drugs are used for this purpose. Local remedies are useless if the cause of yellowing of the nails is hepatitis, cirrhosis, or other ailments of the internal organs.

    Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of yellow nails:

    • Candide
    • Lamisil
    • Nizoral
    • Exoderil
    • Zalain

    Almost all of these drugs contain antifungal agents. Some of the ointments contain antibiotics.

    Yellow nails are a common problem that requires immediate treatment. If it is a fungus, then ignoring the problem can cause nail loss.

    VIDEO: Yellow nails

    Many people have a problem with discoloration of the nail plate on their feet. Since this question is very delicate, most of the victims are embarrassed to go to the doctor, and in vain. A yellow nail on the big toe does not appear without a reason; a change in the color of the plate can signal the appearance of diseases that require mandatory treatment.

    What is a yellow nail

    The yellowness of the nail plate on the hands and feet is a consequence of the impact on it of any adverse external factors, which subsequently lead to pigmentation. Some people are born with a specific nail color that can range from yellow to a distinct orange, but in this case, this color is the norm. It happens that the color changes and begins to exfoliate from the nail bed due to the loosening of the structure of the nail plate, in which case you need to check for fungal infections.

    Why do my big toe nails turn yellow?

    There are many reasons for the appearance of a yellow toenail on the big toe. At the same time, both men and women suffer from this problem for completely different reasons:

    1. Often, yellow toenails form when the patient has acute or chronic liver disease. In this case, an uncharacteristic shade of the nails is first formed, and then the color of the white of the eyes and skin acquires yellowness.
    2. Microflora imbalance. The lack of beneficial microorganisms in the stomach can lead to yellowness and diseases of the internal organs.
    3. The presence of a fungal infection. In this case, the plate on the toe looks painful, acquires an uncharacteristic color, and the tissue structure of some parts of the nail plate begins to change.
    4. Middle-aged and senile people may experience the so-called yellow nail syndrome. In this case, the toenails begin to exfoliate, thicken and change color.
    5. If the toenail turned yellow and became thicker, then this may be the result of diabetes mellitus or other pathologies, such as psoriasis.
    6. The plate can become yellow and thick with a decrease in immunity, a violation of the protective or nervous system.
    7. Failure to follow the rules of hygiene can also lead to the appearance of a yellow tint on the nail plates of the legs.
    8. Excessive sweating or wearing synthetic and uncomfortable shoes is also undesirable. These conditions cause symptoms characteristic of the fungus - thickening of the nail and the appearance of white spots.
    9. With prolonged use of antibiotics, one should not be surprised if the nail on the big toe turns yellow, since this factor can also cause the manifestation of the disease.
    10. Infectious or somatic diseases can affect the color of the nails.

    Why do toenails turn yellow in women

    A yellow toenail on the big toe in women can appear as a result of the use of poor-quality nail polishes (varnishes). The chemical elements contained in the composition, penetrating deep into the keratin, can cause staining of the nails. Lack of base coat can also affect the color of the plate. Any varnish when applied gives the plate a yellowish tint. The brighter the color, the stronger the staining will be, so before using any bright varnish, you need to apply a base for nails.


    Before starting any treatment, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. In order to determine the cause of the appearance of a yellow nail on the big toe, a dermatologist needs to examine the yellowed plate under a specialized lamp and take a biomaterial (a piece of a thick plate) for microscopic examination and detection of mycoses. After that, a scraping is taken from the skin around the diseased nail and blood is taken to detect antibodies to leprosy and syphilis.

    What to do

    For any reason of the disease, it is necessary to monitor your lifestyle and proper nutrition. In addition, you should start taking vitamins. If the plate on the big toe has turned yellow or a yellow spot has formed as a result of improper use of nail polishes, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, then they can be bleached. For this procedure, you can use toothpaste or lemon juice.

    Medical treatment

    Depending on the cause of the disease, a doctor may prescribe various types of drugs:

    1. If the cause of yellow spots is liver problems (cirrhosis or hepatitis), then in such cases effective drug treatment is carried out using drugs designed for courses (Heptral, Essentiale Forte, etc.). In this case, the overgrown part of the plate requires careful removal.
    2. Due to a decrease in immunity, treatment with vitamin-mineral complexes is used. In severe cases, drugs can be used to stimulate the immune system.
    3. For the treatment of fungal diseases, varnishes are applied: Lotseril, Mikozan or Batrafen. They are expensive, but they give a quick effect.
    4. If the disease is extensive and the fungal infection is spreading rapidly, it is necessary to take antibiotics: Diflucan or Fungavis. If a fungal infection leads to deformation of the plate, then ointments are used: Lamisil, Exifin, Thermicon. It is worth considering that the active substance of these drugs - ciclopiroxolamine - is effective only in the early stages of foot fungus disease.

    Folk methods

    To restore a healthy nail color, you can use alternative methods of treatment:

    1. Yellowing of the plates can be treated fresh lemon juice. With a cotton swab dipped in juice, or pieces of fruit, you need to wipe your nails every day for several minutes or make compresses.
    2. You can eliminate the signs of disease and yellowing of the skin of the feet and nails with the help of special ointment. To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of 70% vinegar and vegetable oil, after which a raw egg is added to the solution. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected area, wrapped with a clean bandage and put on a warm sock.
    3. With changes in the color of natural nails due to the use of varnishes or prolonged exposure to other adverse factors, you can apply tea tree oil or celandine which successfully cope with lesions of the skin of the feet. You can use medicines at any time of the day, but to maintain a positive effect, you must wear socks. To improve the condition of the nail, you can use nourishing creams.

    Darkening of the fingernail is an unpleasant and quite frequent phenomenon. Women often try to hide the defect with decorative varnishes, but this does not improve the appearance. Along with darkening, deformation is sometimes present. If the nail on the big toe has turned blue or blackened, it is better not to hide the stain, but to understand the causes and begin treatment.

    Plate defects can be very different, the reasons for their appearance are also different. Nails not only change color, but their structure can also change. Plates can peel, crumble.

    A seemingly harmless speck can lead to loss of the nail plate. A change in the color of toenails may indicate a serious illness and be its consequence.


    One of the common reasons that black spots appeared on the toenails is an infectious lesion.

    Spores of the fungus pass from the feet of a sick person to the floor. Also frequent places of infection are manicure and pedicure salons, where the treatment of tools is poorly carried out. You can get infected by wearing someone else's shoes, clothes and using hygiene items.

    When infected with a fungus, the nail plate can change color to, gray, brown, less often to black. It should be remembered that it is very difficult to remove microorganisms; long-term regular procedures are required.

    If several months have passed, and a healthy plate does not appear, the nail still has an unnatural color, other plates change, most likely there is a fungal infection.


    In most cases, the cause of a dark toenail is a simple injury. The thumb is more likely than others to be hit by injuries. However, the cause of injury can be not only a blow, but also wearing tight shoes.

    Numerous small blood vessels, when wearing tight shoes, are constantly squeezed and burst easily. These injuries are common in athletes. In this case, the darkening under the toenail is a simple bruise.

    In most cases, it goes away on its own within a few weeks. However, constant squeezing with uncomfortable synthetic shoes, lack of ventilation and hygiene can cause suppuration and loss of the plate.

    If a bruise appears under the nail, you need to take care of choosing comfortable hygienic shoes and take care of your feet.

    Attention. If the injury did not occur from a blow, you should think about measures to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The increased fragility of the vessels will constantly provoke the appearance of dark spots.


    Darkening of the big toe nail can be caused by a hemangioma under the plate. It is a tumor formed by a network of blood vessels.

    It is benign in nature and has a red-brown color. Located under the nail plate, it looks like a darkening.

    It brings pain and discomfort when moving and requires the wearing of loose shoes. The tumor may go away on its own, but sometimes this happens after a few years.


    A common cause of brown toenails is foot contact with dyes. This can happen when treating feet with iodine or baths with potassium permanganate. A common reason for changing the color of the plates is the use of low-quality decorative pedicure varnishes.

    Aggressive dye in the composition of the varnish is not removed by simple solvents, but penetrates deep into the nail tissue. Sometimes you have to wait for a new plate to grow in order for the nails to acquire a natural color.

    Wearing heavily shedding socks or shoes can stain the plates, especially if the limbs are constantly sweating.

    Diseases of the internal organs

    Some diseases, especially in an advanced form, can have consequences that change the color of the plates.

    The most common and dangerous of these is diabetes mellitus. Metabolic disorders lead to problems with blood vessels and circulation. The legs are often and severely injured, infection with a fungus occurs, the plates turn black, delaminate.

    A spot on a big toenail can lead to a severe infection. With increased sugar, abscesses often develop, which end in gangrene and amputation of the limb.

    A dark nail with a hint of green can indicate digestive problems. In this case, consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

    In cardiovascular diseases, the plate may have a dark blue color. If the toenail turns blue, you should consult a cardiologist before treating it.

    Problems with blood circulation in the legs, fragility of blood vessels can lead to the appearance of blue and black spots. In this case, you need to take care of a good rest, foot baths and treatment of the disease by a specialist.

    Diseases of the brain and central nervous system can also change the color of the nail plates. Also, the color can be affected by diseases of the liver, immune system, lymph nodes, endocrine disorders.

    Summing up, we can say that changes in the color of the plate can cause the following reasons:

    • injuries and resulting hematomas;
    • chemicals that have penetrated the plates from low-quality varnishes, shoe materials;
    • fungal infection;
    • diseases of the internal organs.

    Consider what will help get rid of adversity, and how to treat a black nail.

    What can and should be done

    If the darkening of the plate is accompanied by pain, swelling, you should consult a traumatologist. The accumulation of fluid under the nail can be dangerous and lead to purulent inflammation. It may be necessary to puncture or remove the plate.

    When infected with a fungus, you should prepare for long-term treatment. At the same time, both antimycotic drugs and folk remedies require a long systematic use. If the infection is severe, antibacterial agents can be prescribed not only local, but also for oral administration.

    If the nail plates are affected as a result of common diseases, you need to visit your doctor and draw up a treatment plan.

    However, in most cases, this will not be necessary, and the treatment of a black toenail on the big toe can be done at home on your own.

    Immediately after injury, the leg should be washed well, dried and applied with a cold compress. The finger must be covered with ice for 15-20 minutes. If there is an open wound, the blood should be removed and applied. The leg must be elevated and kept calm.

    In the future, the actions are the same as in the treatment of bruises. The damaged area can be lubricated with Riciniol to accelerate tissue healing and reduce inflammation.

    The finger must be bandaged to prevent additional injury and not touch the nail. It is necessary to choose a comfortable shoe size so as not to compress the sore spot. However, shoes should not be too big so that the foot does not fidget in it.

    Do not try to tear off the plate, even if it is movable. You have to wait until she comes down on her own. You can also use a special tool.

    If the condition of the leg worsens, inflammation joins and the pain intensifies, self-treatment should be stopped and go to the doctor.

    It is possible to whiten the plates that have darkened from contact with chemicals using folk methods.


    Add water to a spoonful of soda to make a creamy mixture. It should be applied to washed nails and left to dry. Then rinse and lubricate the feet with a greasy cream or vegetable oil.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Apply a mixture of peroxide and glycerin (1 to 5) to the plates. Cover with a swab for 10 minutes. Wash your feet and apply cream.

    During bleaching, you can not use varnishes. Socks and shoes should be chosen without bright dyes. To keep your feet from sweating, sprinkle them with talcum powder.


    Blackened nail plates not only frighten with an unaesthetic appearance, but can also be evidence of unpleasant diseases. Therefore, you need to find the reasons for their appearance and not delay the treatment, so that the legs would please with beautiful healthy nails.

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