• Test what color suits your face. Suitable and inappropriate colors. How to find out what colors suit you


    As a rule, people can analyze someone else’s appearance quite well. Of course, if they have certain skills or simply developed taste and a sense of style. And it’s better if you have taste and knowledge of theory. But when it comes to their own appearance, many people make mistakes. They look and do not see, because they are extremely subjective and cannot evaluate themselves from the outside. Often this is what explains the problems in choosing the right things, in particular the right colors of clothes. The right colors are those that decorate your appearance and make your face look fresher and healthier. And not at all those that a person likes, but at the same time does not harmonize with his color. We can like absolutely any colors, and that’s good, the world is beautiful in its diversity. However, you need to wear those that do not spoil your appearance, but show it in the best light. At least in the portrait area, close to the face, wear suitable ones. Below this is no longer so critical. But there will be a challenge to correctly combine the bottom with the top. But about the rules of color combinations a little later.

    Why do some colors suit a person and others do not?

    It is important to understand the theory in order to know what to look for when analyzing color. So, colors, being nearby, have a certain effect on each other. So, if you place fabric with a pronounced cold undertone next to skin that has a warm undertone, then the light reflected from the fabric will give highlights of a different color on the skin and the skin color will look unhealthy - with a greenish, earthy or grayish tint. If the skin color is soft, with a grayish undertone, and the fabric is bright, then against the background of this fabric the skin will be lost, appear paler, and the color of the fabric will drown it out. Etc.
    Sometimes people ask if they can wear “not their own” colors? In general, of course, it’s possible! Who will you prohibit this from? But you need to understand that such a person will not look the best in the best possible way in comparison with what he could look like in the shades that suit him. Do you want this result? Please wear any colors and you do not need any analysis of your appearance.

    And for those who are still ready to understand and accept the truth about their coloring and use the information for the benefit of their own beauty and attractiveness, the following information will be useful:

    The color is suitable if:

    • Skin looks smoother, fresher and younger
    • The face appears to be lit from below
    • In the chin area, the shadow almost merges or highlights the skin tone
    • Eye color becomes brighter, more expressive, and acquires shine
    • Lips appear redder
    • Under-eye circles, wrinkles and skin blemishes are less noticeable
    • The face is visible first, not the fabric.
    • At the same time, the fabric does not look too faded or, conversely, too flashy-bright
    • The fabric looks richer and more luxurious

    The color is NOT suitable if:

    • The complexion appears uneven and patchy
    • Dark or colored shadows appear in the chin area
    • The oval of the face looks fuzzy and blurry
    • The face seems older, tired, painful
    • The whites of the eyes become yellowish or reddish
    • A greenish tint appears around the lips
    • Facial features become sharper, wrinkles become more noticeable, nasolabial folds appear deeper, circles under the eyes become darker
    • The color of the fabric suppresses and drowns out the complexion, the fabric is visible first, and then the face
    • The fabric looks too faded, as if washed out, faded, or, conversely, synthetically bright, looks cheap

    (When performing a test to determine suitable colors there should be no makeup on the face, the lighting should be natural, daylight (i.e. opposite the window, but the sun should not shine directly on the face), hair should be removed. If your current hair color is very different from your natural color, it is better to cover your hair with a white scarf.)

    Examples of colors that don’t suit a person well, and those that suit him.
    Can you figure out for yourself what’s wrong?

    So, what result will you choose from choosing clothing colors for yourself?
    Is it clear why you need to be able to determine the colors that suit you and wear them on your face?

    But a conflict of interest may arise here.
    It happens that for some reason he does not like the group of colors that suit a person. And on the contrary, he has a craving for those things whose color kills his appearance. In this case, you need to follow the same algorithm of actions, which should be applied to all appearance parameters:

    1) See. Those. still correctly determine your color type. No concessions)) When analyzing, look not at the color, but at the face! Those. objectively discard personal “like/dislike”, “I want/don’t want” and sensibly assess the influence of this or that shade on your appearance.

    2) Accept. Understand that the color type of appearance is a natural given. It practically does not change throughout life. At least in a natural way. There may, of course, be small transitions, but then adjustments to the appropriate color palette will be required. In the meantime, come to terms with what is. The maximum that can be done with your appearance is to increase the contrast through brighter makeup.

    If this stage is failed and you point-blank don’t want to admit that your favorite bright, dark or any other colors don’t really suit you, you will never get closer to creating your ideal harmonious image. There is a way for the selfless, of course - to regularly correct ALL the colors of your appearance. Those. dye your hair, change your eye color using lenses or the right shade of eye shadow, cover your face with a thick layer foundation the desired tone. In this case, if all components are in harmony, the color type may be radically different. For example, DitafonTiz followed this path. Having a naturally warm coloring, she changed it to a cool, bright one. But this was necessary to create a stage image. And to constantly maintain this style, she has to make a lot of effort. Are you ready for this? Do you need it? It's up to you to decide. But in my opinion, life is too short to waste it fighting your natural beauty in favor of false aspirations.

    You've probably come across a situation more than once when one shade of lipstick suits you incredibly and makes your face glow, while another seems to make your face look tired and sick? Obviously, the first shade suits you, but the second does not. You've probably already heard, and I write about this all the time, that the choice of shade both in clothes and cosmetics depends on what tone your skin is - warm or cold? They are already writing about color types everywhere, but, you see, it is still difficult to understand all this confusion with shades, and it is difficult to even believe that such a variety of faces and shades of skin and hair is divided into several types!

    Skin tone is the color of the surface of the skin that we can quite easily describe (porcelain, ivory, light, medium, tan, etc.). Skin undertone is the shade found below the surface. It turns out that even if you have the same skin tone as someone else, the overall shade can differ, precisely because of the difference in undertones, so skin tones are divided into: cool (pink, red or bluish undertones), warm (yellow, peach, golden undertones) ) and neutral (a mixture of warm and cool undertones).

    There must be an understanding that cool undertones are not the privilege of pale blondes. Porcelain skin Nicole Kidman has warm undertones. And tanned and dark-skinned people are not always a warm color type. Dark-skinned model Alek Wek, who has cool-toned skin, is proof of this. Therefore, the type of appearance does not depend at all on skin color.

    Well, now that we have fully understood the difference between skin tone and its undertone, it’s time to understand how to correctly determine your color type. I'll share a few tips with you. which will help you make this task easier.

    Pay attention to the veins

    Roll up your sleeves and look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. Are they blue or green? If they are blue, lilac, or purple, you most likely have a cool skin tone. And if the veins look greenish, then you are a warm color type. Of course, the veins aren't actually green, you just see them through the skin with a yellow undertone (blue+yellow=green).

    An old trick with precious metal jewelry

    Pay attention to which metal - gold or silver - looks better on your skin (not which jewelry you like, but which makes your skin seem to shine and gives it freshness). It is logical that “cold” girls shine in silver and platinum jewelry, while “warm” ladies look prettier by trying on gold.

    Neutral test

    Pay attention to which neutral shades suit you best. Do your skin, eyes and overall face look better with bright whites and blacks, or with shades Ivory, soft white, brown or sand? The first option means that you have a cold color type, and the last one means that you have a warm color type.

    Hair and eye color

    Your natural color hair and eyes can help you “identify” your color type. Usually (though not always, as I will write about below), “cold” people have blue, gray or green eyes and blond, brown or black hair with blue, silver, purple or ash undertones. Conversely, “warm” color types usually have brown, amber, or hazel eyes and blond, red, brown, and black hair. Hair, in in this case, usually have golden, red, orange or yellow undertones.

    Sun effects

    When you're in the sun, does your skin turn golden brown or first turn pink? If you belong to the first category, you are a “warm” color type, since “cold” skin type tends to burn in the sun (light-skinned “cold” girls simply burn in the sun, while “cold” girls with medium skin tones burn first , but they still get a tan later. Personally, I’m one of those people - I burn instantly, but after the first “pancakes” I still get a tan).

    Compare yourself to celebrities

    This is the easiest way to determine your color type in detail, since experimental stylists have already studied the stars inside and out, determining their type of appearance. So, for example, celebrities with a cool color type: January Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, Cara Delevingne. Well, with a warm color type: Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Rachel Bilson, Jennifer Aniston, Beyoncé.

    Find the colors that look best on you

    I think you already have no doubt that certain colors, depending on your color type, will look better on you than others. Girls with warm skin undertones will “make friends” with yellow, orange, brown, yellow-green, beige and warm red shades, while girls with cool skin undertones should opt for blue, green, pink, purple, blue-green, fuchsia and cool shades of red.

    In conclusion, I would like to add that these rules will help you take only the first steps in understanding the world of colors and color types. In fact, when it comes to color analysis of a particular person, a lot of details and controversial issues may arise, since appearance types are not divided into simply “cold and warm”; there is also a well-founded gradation according to the seasons “winter, spring, summer, autumn” . However, experts do not stop there, subdividing each color type, depending on the characteristics of each person’s appearance, into “pure” and “mixed”, “bright” and “soft” options.

    In general, as you understand, everything can be very complicated and confusing, but at the same time, I personally advise you to accept fairly simple solutions- find those shades that really make your skin shine and make you look bright, healthy, radiant. Even if these shades belong to the palette of the opposite color type, try it and find your own! I would also like to recommend reading Katya’s interesting post on her blog Beauty comes to Mind, where she shares her experience of determining her color type with the American stylist Linda Tarantino: .

    A simple wardrobe update is not always a trivial solution: a blouse seems so fashionable-beautiful-stylish on a mannequin, but it doesn’t look right on a living figure, in addition it makes the hair dull, and clearly imprints on the suddenly sallow-colored face dark circles under the eyes...

    What to do if there is no financial opportunity to experiment with every design and color shade, and buying unsuitable things so that they remain until better times (which most likely will not come) is not an option for a modest budget? Define your type of appearance and follow the recommendations for creating your own wardrobe based on it - and then even on a hanger in a store you can determine, even without trying it on, whether it will suit your fair skin and hair ash-colored this dress or blouse or it’s better to leave it to that hot brunette.

    Appearance type It happens:

    1. Color

    2. Style

    We are not free to choose either one or the other, and the sooner we accept this, the better. Alas:) A romantic who dresses flashily and brightly will look ridiculous, just like a pronounced “classic” who prefers country style in clothes.

    It is advisable to know your style type, but it is simply necessary to know your color type (of course, if you want all your advantages to come to the fore and your shortcomings to fade into the shadows).

    By combining knowledge together, you can choose the most winning wardrobe.

    Before we talk about choosing a wardrobe based on color type, let’s dwell on style types appearance. Like the well-known colors, there are also four of them: Classic, Dramatic, Romantic and Natural.


    1. Classic style

    Signs of a classic type: smooth oval face, fairly straight high forehead, neat straight nose, clear lines of eyebrows located in calm semi-arches, sculpted cheekbones and profile lines, not too full, but not very thin lips. Those. correct proportions and sculpture.

    Such women are especially suited classic suits- nothing surprising, the harmony of proportions and architectural cut are combined into one whole. Basic principles in clothing: high quality, minimum decor, conciseness, expensive jewelry. A restrained color scheme is best: all shades of gray, beige-brown tones. However, you should remember about your coloring.

    2. Dramatic style

    The appearance of people of this style is spectacular and bright. The faces are graphic and clear sculpted. In shape, such faces are most often angular (triangular, square). They are not based on soft, rounded lines, but on sharp or massive ones. Almost all representatives of this style have clearly defined cheekbones. The eyebrows dynamically rise upward, have a kink or, on the contrary, are low, as if pressing on the eyes. There is something predatory in the eyes; their cut often resembles that of a cat. Lips are either overly full, sensual or very thin, appearing cold and tight.

    Representatives of this style can allow themselves to be theatrical, pretentious, solemn and sometimes aggressive in their clothes, without fear of looking out of place.

    3. Romantic style

    The structure of the face is quite delicate, its shape is oval, elongated or slightly rounded, the features are dominated by smooth soft lines, there are no sharp or aggressive lines. A neat nose can be slightly upturned or slightly snub-nosed and is always thin and graceful. Never massive and wide. The eyes are wide open, slightly childish, or soft and mysterious. The lips are bow-shaped or slightly swollen, capricious. Possible dimples on rounded cheeks. Representatives of the romantic style are characterized by mature age maintain good looks and sophistication in appearance.

    Sometimes “romantics” are divided into “naive” and “complex”. In the image of the former there is lightness, playfulness, tenderness, openness, while the latter are characterized by spirituality, detachment, silence, and mystery. “Naive romantics” are Scarlett Johansson and Drew Barrymore, “complex” are Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett.

    Representatives of this style need to include elements of romance in their clothes. First of all, widely use a delicate color palette, simple shades or complex shades, depending on the subtype. Accessories should also emphasize the main feature of the style: small, neat jewelry with round-cut stones, or in the form of flowers, fruits and berries - for a “naive” occasion, and complex, refined, fragile, emphasizing the depth of creative natures.

    4. Natural style

    The most free and soft direction. The name itself speaks about the harmonious naturalness of the natural style, and its naturalness cannot be separated from the feeling of peace, comfort, and simplicity. Hard graphics in facial features are completely absent. Features of the type - a rounded outline of the face, a soft chin, wide, almost straight eyebrows, a wide or rounded soft nose, poorly defined lips. Such persons exude simplicity and natural charm.

    This type of appearance "loves" natural materials and the same shades: gray, beige/brown. Natural beauty decorations made of wood, leather, metal, bone are emphasized - especially if they are made simply.


    Human nature is such that we are all born individual in appearance - different hair and eye colors, skin tone, characteristic physiological features... And, nevertheless, all this diversity of human appearance can be divided into basic types: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

    Often, incorrect positioning of one’s type leads to funny things: Summer loves truly “winter” colors and things, and Autumn longs to buy a coat intended only for Spring. Yes, life isn't fair, but take comfort in the fact that colors you don't really like will make you a lot more pleasing to others - and especially to yourself! Subjective opinion, perhaps, has a right to exist in this case, but listen to the advice of fashion designers and stylists - correct matching of clothes to the true color type will allow you to blossom not only externally, but also internally.

    Cold and warm types

    Nature is rich in a great variety of colors, and all color palette divided into three broad categories:

    cool colors- frosty pink, lilac, purple and blue colors;

    warm colors– orange-red, yellow-brown and some warm shades of green;

    neutral shades– some tones of brown, gray, white, black and some tones of the blue palette.

    Also, the types of appearance of people are divided into two basic groups:

    cold type of appearance– Winter and, paradoxically, Summer;

    warm type of appearance– Spring and Autumn.

    There are several methods for correctly and quickly determining your own color type, which are based on eye color, skin tone, natural (undyed!) color of eyebrows and hair.


    Type common among the Slavic population: light brown or cold ash-colored hair; light skin that acquires an olive undertone when tanned; green, blue or grey eyes with a silver tint.

    Blonde hair and skin in harmony with each other determine the color scheme in Summer clothes: these will certainly be light pastel colors - lilac, pink, cold blue and gray with an ashen tint. The main rule: cold type of appearance - cold colors in clothes and the absence of bright, flashy colors. For a fair-haired girl, bright colors (for example, yellow, orange, green) will simply overwhelm her and make the eyes on her face inconspicuous and expressionless.

    It is recommended to avoid pure neutral tones - white and black - in Summer clothes, but platinum and silver shades, the color of white gold will emphasize the sophistication and cold elegance of the “summer” girl. Shoes are chosen in the recommended “summer” pastel shades, as well as classic gray, gray-blue and sea color, cool brown or pink.


    it can be contrasting or non-contrasting, but in any case it is one of the most bright colors s types. Dark or black hair, blue or Brown eyes, light transparent (contrast Winter) or dark olive (non-contrast Winter) skin.

    Representatives of this type The only thing that is completely natural is a pure black and white color scheme in clothing. Since Winter is a cold color type, a preference for muted cold shades in the wardrobe is recommended: frosty pink and cherry, cold blue and purple tones, including purple shades, gray and its gradients, rich emerald. As decor, finishing or when choosing fittings and accessories, silver, platinum, pearl and white gold will make a spectacular accent.

    Just like “summer” girls, “winter” girls are contraindicated in warm shades - orange, red, yellow, warm blue and green. Gray-blue and chocolate tones should also be excluded from the wardrobe, this also applies to shoes - for boots, shoes, boots, steel, black, burgundy with a cold tint is preferable.


    Hair - natural blond or brown-haired with the obligatory red streak in the strands, eyes of any light shade - brown is practically excluded. The skin, despite its sensitivity, tans easily and quickly; a distinctive feature of the warm Spring is, of course, freckles.

    For the basic colors of your wardrobe, it is recommended to focus on golden beige and other light warm shades of brown - for example, caramel and milk chocolate colors are ideal for clothes, shoes, and additional accessories. Black shoes may be appropriate for specific occasions, but are generally not recommended.

    As already stated, White color ideal only for Winter, but to refresh the “spring” type, stylists recommend ecru (ivory) or cream color. It is better if the clothes have decorative elements or finishing in golden yellow or creamy white.


    Another warm type is bright and rich, characterized by blush on the skin and freckles, pigmentation that appears with age or under the influence of active sunlight. The eye color can be any, but it must be clear, without inclusions - blue, green, brown. The hair, as for the “spring” type, is golden-red.

    Of course, only the rich tones of autumn nature will suit such a sunny woman, exuding calm and warmth. Warm brown colors will look amazing in clothes: from light honey and beige to reddish-rusty and deep dark chocolate. A red color scheme is also suitable, which can vary in richness and boldness depending on the age of Spring: orange, tomato and original red diversify the overall brown palette in the closet.

    The violet range, which belongs to cold tones and in general is not suitable for warm types, only in Autumn allows you to dream up and, with some effort, choose an effective contrasting thing in the blurred and muted color of ripe eggplant or in lilac - most likely, such colors will look appropriate in evening dress.

    Fading autumn nature, despite the obvious predominance of brown tones, still contains a little green. If you are Autumn, then khaki, olive or swamp green wardrobe items will certainly suit you.
    Cold blue or royal blue will irrevocably absorb all the spiritual and external warmth of an “autumn” girl; pure black and snow-white things will not take root in the Autumn wardrobe either: if necessary, it is recommended to replace them with dark brown or cream and beige.

    Listen to these recommendations and then your wardrobe will not contain random items bought in an emotional outburst. Beauty can also be different: some have incorrectly chosen tones of the most ideally cut things basic wardrobe eyes and complexion will fade, and others, having made right choice, will gain self-confidence, the pleasure of your own attractiveness will lift your spirits and, undoubtedly, will attract the admiring glances of others.

    I think it's safe to say that every person wants to be beautiful. But quite often one can observe that outwardly beautiful woman Even the most elegant dress does not fit at all. And it's not about the style or design, but about the color. It has long been known that the color scheme of an outfit can emphasize a person’s strengths and hide his shortcomings. Therefore, every woman probably asks the question: what color suits me? Let's talk about this hot topic.

    A little about the theory of color types

    We all know that there are only three primary colors, and from them all possible shades are obtained, of which there are about 20 thousand. And from all this variety, how can you choose exactly the one that will best match the color of your skin, hair, and eyes? For this purpose, the theory of color types was invented in the 20th century. She says that all people belong to one or another season - autumn, winter, spring or summer - depending on the characteristics of their appearance. And each time of year suits certain colors of clothing and accessories. We have already written about how to determine the color type in one of our articles - “How to determine the color type? " This theory is currently criticized quite a lot, but more and more cosmetologists and designers are using it in their work. This is where we will focus.

    Which color suits me: winter color type

    The first type of appearance is winter. People with this color type are characterized by a rather cool skin color of blue, pink or white shades, also the skin can be dark, but this darkness is transparent and not intense. Eyes can be any color, most often dark, but quite rich color, clear and bright. Primary colors: dark gray, blue, light blue, cold green, black and brown. In addition, the appearance is quite contrasting. So, bright white proteins are combined with the dark color of the iris. By the way, in eastern countries, oddly enough, there are the most people with this color type. The hair of representatives of “winter” is black, dark brown, sometimes ashen.

    People with this color type of appearance are best suited to clear, distinct and cool tones. It is worth saying that this is the only type of appearance that cannot be spoiled by black and white shades in clothes. It is best to choose bright black or snowy white outfits. In addition, black color combines with all other colors and emphasizes them.

    It is better to abandon saturated and bright colors (orange, yellow, green) in favor of more muted, deeper ones. Dark pink, inky purple, turquoise and coffee shades work best.

    If we talk about patterns, it is best for people of winter color to prefer strict geometric or abstract elements with clear, defined lines.

    Jewelry and accessories should be chosen that are bright and shiny, but at the same time have a strict ascetic design. The color of the jewelry should also be strong - red ruby, bright black onyx, green emerald. In addition, it is advisable to prefer silver or platinum to gold.

    Which color suits me: summer color type

    People with this color type are characterized by very pale color skin, most often with a pink or olive tint. The hair color is also light, from blonde to dark brown. And the eyes are most often blue, gray or green.

    Muted and soft tones suit people of the summer color type best - various shades grey, blue, pink. In general, it is believed that if you have a fairly pale skin color and hair light tone, then blue and gray colors in clothes they will fit perfectly. By the way, denim clothing It will look very harmonious on you.

    Various shades are best suited for formal and weekend wear. Green colour, for example, muted emerald.

    You should not choose clothes in black, orange, or bright colors red In addition, you should give up both brown and milky shades.

    If you like patterns on clothes, then they should be small, subtle and discreet. When it comes to jewelry, you should prefer antique-made accessories. The color of the jewelry should be muted and delicate, for example, you can choose blue aquamarine, gray-green agate.

    What color suits me: autumn color type

    If you have a nice golden hue skin, hair is red or dark brown, preferably curly, and eyes are green, brown with shades of amber or cognac, then your color type is autumn.

    People with this color type are best suited to cool colors - gray, black, blue, white. And clothing and accessories of various brown shades - brick, carrot, mustard - can emphasize the warmth of your appearance.

    Bright and flashy colors are undesirable - purple, violet, lemon, bright blue or pink.

    In general, people of this color type should wear earthy tones, as well as shades of fading greens. Among jewelry, it is better to prefer accessories made of copper, gold or wood. The stones should be warm colors - red, warm green or yellow-golden.

    Folklore, abstract and tiger patterns on clothes will look best.

    Which color suits me: spring color type

    The skin of people of the “spring” color type is light, creamy, light golden or milky in color. The hair is golden, wheat-colored, with an amber tint. And the structure of the hair is curly, thin and fluffy. The eyes are usually grey, blue or light green.

    People with such appearance features are best suited to various shades of green, turquoise, emerald, as well as golden, peach, and faint red.

    Too light, or on the contrary, dark colors should be avoided, for example, black, pastel summer colors, all dark shades of blue, red and green.

    The best jewelry for this color type will be delicate and thin accessories made of yellow or red gold, ivory, light artificial materials. By the way, the best choice for the “spring” color type - plain outfits, without patterns or ornaments.

    I think it will be no secret to anyone that hair color also greatly affects appearance a person, and changing it can sometimes radically change a person. We have already talked about what hair color is best in one of our articles - “What hair color suits me? "

    I hope now you can answer the question: which color is right for me? Knowing this, we can choose a wardrobe that will harmoniously match the features of your appearance.

    If it is still difficult for you to determine the color type or you still cannot answer the question: what color will suit me, a test that can be taken on many sites on the Internet will help you. Happy coloring!

    Beauty and some tips below.

    Methods for selecting colors before painting

    There are two ways to clearly see how a particular hair color will look. The first one was announced: visit a virtual beauty salon, without leaving home. You just need to upload a photo and enjoy a huge selection of hairstyles and color palettes.

    Choose a photo that has the maximum image open face and ears. A passport photograph would be ideal. If there is no such photo, don’t be upset. The result of color selection will not become worse, but the combination of hairstyles and head will be asymmetrical.

    The second option looks somewhat hooligan: it involves visiting a wig store and trying on the latter. Why hooligan, you ask? Trying on a bunch of goods and not purchasing anything is not the most desirable option for a store seller. Therefore, we recommend that you choose the first option and, while drinking tea in your slippers, choose the appropriate option.

    Choosing a color based on the color type

    If before this you considered yourself to be a completely unique person, then you will be disappointed. All people in the world are divided into only four color types, named after the seasons: winter summer Spring Autumn. There are two subtypes, dividing color types into contrasting and non-contrasting types. Let's consider the features of the definitions adopted in the beauty industry.


    Winter is characterized by typical parameters: boiling white skin, which tends to quickly become injured in direct sunlight. In order not to confuse this color type with its summer counterpart, you will have to apply several injuries to your hand: pinch a section of skin between your fingers and turn sharply. The remaining blue trace will indicate that your color type is winter, red - summer.

    This type of appearance suitable coloring hair in blue-black color. Any manifestations of red and brown are contraindicated– completely alien colors will not decorate you, but will age you by a couple of years. From warm and light shades, choose a wheat or honey shade without red. Ash gray color is suitable.


    Appearance is characterized cool shades of eyes and hair. The pronounced difference in contrasts indicates the subtype of contrasting and non-contrast summer. In the first case, the color of the skin and hair has a sharp combination from the opposite: bright skin And dark hair. In the second: a soft combination of light or dark tones of exterior elements.

    It’s not difficult to understand what hair color is suitable if you have a contrasting summer attitude - it will always have golden notes. The low-contrast subtype is emphasized by chestnut shades, which have prevailing red notes in the spectrum.


    Spring presented in tender sensual blondes with bright eyes and eyebrows, whose skin has a milky tint and is often light dark spots. If you recognize yourself in the description, pay attention to the honey colors, all shades of light brown and light red.


    Natural red hair, freckled skin with a pinkish tint- typical representatives of the autumn color type. Global experiments with appearance are not recommended, will only do natural color hair. It may be lighter or darker, vary in shade, but basic part must certainly be associated with red and yellow pigment.

    You can determine the color type using online tests, in the plural, presented on the Internet. Answer a few simple questions honestly, and the computer will respond to your request. It is worth noting that the accuracy of such a test is questionable: you can conduct it after you determine the color type based on your external physical characteristics and compare the result.

    Becoming blonde, brunette or brown-haired: who is contraindicated

    The desire to dramatically change your hair color, and with it your usual life, is quite understandable. However, you should not trust the momentary impulse - It will take a long and painful time to remove the wrong hair color. In addition, hair health will deteriorate after such risky procedures. Let's consider the pitfalls that various types carry:

    • Blonde
      You can become a blonde if you are sure that your face is perfect. White hair will highlight all the imperfections of your facial skin. Sores, pimples - everything will be noticeable. However, with white hair color you will get a vulnerable, gentle and dreamy look. It is recommended fat girls, as it visually lengthens the face.
    • Brunette
      If nature has not rewarded you dark color hair, and you really want it, we recommend double-checking your compatibility several times. You should not paint yourself black if you are over forty years old: alas, you will look forty-five, or even more. But at a young age it is enough to have expressive eyes And dark skin so that black hair color turns you into a queen. A dark shade on the hair is highly not recommended for girls who are overweight: it will emphasize the imperfection of forms.
    • Brown haired
      The chestnut shade on the hair is very successful and suits most color types. It is suitable in case if the original color was not much lighter than the desired one. Blondes who turn brown will look older.
    • Redhead
      Red color is not suitable for young girls with blond hair and transparent skin. If you are this type, don't make the mistake of leaving this color for the ladies for whom it suits. Also, bright brunettes should not dye their hair red.
    • Red, purple
      These shades look artificial and are suitable for a very small number of girls and women. Use these colors as a second color scheme, in addition to original color hair.

    Be careful about your appearance and do not allow rash decisions to become a reason for it to change for the worse. Choose your hair color according to your color type and avoid prohibited shades. We found out in the article how to understand what hair color suits you: use the recommendations above and you will always be irresistible.

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