• How to choose a foundation to match your face tone. Choice depending on the season. How to choose a foundation based on your skin type


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    How to choose a foundation for your face

    Creating a perfectly even complexion is a concern for many women. Few people are naturally flawless smooth skin, missing dark spots or freckles. From time to time, rashes are possible that you want to hide from prying eyes. And here foundation comes to the rescue, which is probably in every woman’s makeup bag. How to choose the right foundation so that it is not noticeable? There are several nuances, since it is important to take into account your own skin type, the texture of the cream itself, its shade and density.

    Selection of foundation based on skin type

    The main thing is to pay attention to the texture of the foundation, since its particles come into contact with the surface of the skin, forming a coating. Taking into account the nuances, you can choose the optimal cosmetic product.

    Those who are concerned about how to choose a foundation for combination skin can be advised to choose products of any texture that they are comfortable applying and using. It is necessary to consider what the expected effect should be. If you need to hide imperfections, choose creams with a dense texture, rich in pigments. For clear skin, a light cream is suitable.

    How to choose foundation for oily skin? Pay attention to samples with a matte effect. In addition to pigment particles that provide an even color, such foundations are saturated with plant extracts that tighten enlarged pores. This allows you to cope with the oily shine that is typical for oily skin. In addition, the product has a dense structure, which allows you to create a reliable coating on the surface of the epidermis.

    Want to know how to choose foundation for dry skin? Look in store windows for products that have a light texture with a high content of nutrients and moisturizing substances. This foundation will not only create a perfectly even coverage, but will also take care of skin in need of enhanced nutrition from morning to evening.

    To the owners sensitive skin We advise you to pay attention to products with hypoallergenic composition and light texture. Foundations for this skin type contain herbal ingredients.

    After 30 years women's skin begins to gradually lose elasticity, the first age-related changes: pigment spots appear, fine wrinkles appear. The changes are associated with natural processes in the body, during which collagen production decreases and hyaluronic acid. Foundations for adult women contain microspheres filled with collagen, the size of which allows them to penetrate between the pores of the skin, enhancing nutrition and improving appearance. In addition, these products contain silicone, which smoothes the surface of the skin. Foundations with a lifting effect should not be used until the age of 30.

    Those women who have a lot of wrinkles or whose facial skin is too dry can be advised to apply a fat-based foundation. This product is applied with a damp sponge and gently blended onto the face to avoid the effect of heavy makeup.

    How to choose foundation for problem skin

    The problem of rashes or the appearance of age spots can affect any woman, regardless of age and skin condition. Properly selected decorative cosmetics can skillfully hide such “troubles”. Since foundation is applied throughout the day, it is necessary to choose products that will not only mask problem areas, but will also have a beneficial effect on them. Many manufacturers produce special medicinal decorative cosmetics, which cares for the skin and “heals” problem areas.

    It is better to treat small rashes point by point, applying separate foundations that are sold in the form of pencils or small tubes. In general, the problem of skin rashes cannot be ignored and it is best to consult a dermatologist about their origin. Foundations will only help hide imperfections, but not completely get rid of them.

    Spot treatment of problem areas can be used by women who are looking for information on how to choose a foundation for a face with freckles or age spots. On top of this product you can apply a creamy base with a thick texture, which evens out your complexion tone perfectly.

    Do not be afraid that a thick cream will turn your face into a lifeless mask - modern foundations, even with a very dense texture, look very decent. The liquid consistency is more intended to even out the complexion and problem skin will not work because it will not hide imperfections. Medium consistency foundations can be used for any skin type.

    How to choose a foundation to match your face tone

    Basic skin tones are warm, cool and neutral. Determining the tone will significantly simplify the selection of shades of decorative cosmetics.

    Warm tone. In natural light, the natural skin tone is slightly yellowish, and the veins on the wrist have a greenish color. Women of this type are better suited for gold jewelry.

    Cool skin tone. In natural light, the skin has a bluish tint, and the veins on the wrist are purple or blue. Girls of this type are best suited for silver jewelry.

    Neutral skin tone. In natural light, the skin has a greenish tint, the veins on the wrist are green or blue tint. From jewelry Both gold and silver look great.

    How to choose foundation for light skin? In the range of shades, preference should be given to the lightest one. As a rule, it is “ivory” or “porcelain”. You should not try to make your skin more tanned by using much darker shades - the difference will be too noticeable. Besides Ivory You can pay attention to the cream, which is one shade darker in the presented line. Basically, they prefer cool shades.

    Girls with very fair skin are ideal for BB creams, which provide ideal light coverage and do not weigh down the skin of the face.

    For those who are wondering how to choose a foundation for dark skin, we advise you to pay attention to warm shades, such as peach, beige and the like.

    When choosing a foundation in a store, you should consider the interior lighting in the room. For example, neon lamps give the natural color a grayish or pink tint and make the color colder. Simple incandescent bulbs emit warm colors such as red, yellow and orange and also change the shade of makeup. Ideally, you should choose foundations in natural light. If possible, you can apply a little tint and go outside to make sure the shade is right.

    By the way, the foundation being tested is not applied to the wrist area. The corrective cream is applied to the chin and jaw - at the border of the neck and face you can best determine how natural the selected shade will be. And the color is always chosen tone-on-tone or one tone darker.

    Choosing a foundation depending on the time of year

    The shades of foundation applied at different times of the year should also be different. In winter, the skin brightens and this necessarily affects the choice of shade of decorative cosmetics. “Winter” creams have a denser structure and are distinguished by high covering power.

    In summer, even the fairest skin becomes darker, which means the tone of the product should be darker. In addition, during the hot season, fundamentally different requirements are placed on foundations. The cream must be exclusively water-based, otherwise an unpleasant oily sheen cannot be avoided. Apply this product quickly with a damp brush or sponge, as it dries quickly. A water base does not clog pores as much as an oil base. Summer products should contain sunscreen components, and the foundation must be completely removed in the middle of the day and then reapplied, since the emerging sweat particles partially dissolve it. There should be no reflective particles in such a cream, as they create the effect of oily skin.

    The foundation is applied exclusively to prepared skin, using a base, which is an excellent day cream for your skin type.

    Cream and liquid foundations apply with a dry sponge, oily and water-soluble ones with a damp sponge.

    Liquid products are first driven into the surface of the skin with your fingertips, and then using a sponge they are gently “stretched” from the center to the borders of the face.

    Fat creams are applied with a brush or sponge, tamponing and “stretching” the product at the same time.

    By mixing two shades of foundation, you can beautifully highlight individual areas of the face. Select the main color and purchase another shade of foundation from the same company, but 1 point darker. Dark tone Apply to the wings of the nose, cheekbones, temples and chin, and shade. A light shade of the product is applied to the middle of the nose and the remaining areas. Blend the cream so that there are no visible boundaries.

    The process of applying foundation occurs in several stages:

    Step 1. Apply cleansing tonic to a cotton swab and gently wipe your face.

    Step 2. Apply moisturizer with light massage movements and leave until completely absorbed.

    Step 3. At home, foundation is best applied near a window, in natural light. First, apply the product to the middle of the forehead and distribute it to the borders with light air movements. Blend very carefully to the hairline and near the edges of the eyebrows.

    Step 4. Apply the product to the nose area, carefully blending along the “wings”.

    Step 5. Apply the product to the cheeks, blending from the nose to the ear. At the same time, smooth the vellus hairs on the cheeks.

    Step 6. Apply foundation to the chin and jaw, gently blending in the neck area.

    Step 7. To make the makeup more durable, powder your face loose powder. You can additionally spray your skin with a special makeup fixing product.

    How to choose a foundation to match your skin color: video

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    The negative impact of the environment, constant stress and poor nutrition forces the fair sex to hide imperfections under cosmetics and spend a long time solving the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches the color of their skin. By evening out the tone, it is the first assistant in makeup. Eyeliner and mascara, exquisite lipstick, perfect shape eyebrows will not be able to hide minor defects or a painful complexion. Naturally healthy skin can sometimes look dull, so it also needs to be disguised with foundation cosmetics.

    How to choose the right foundation for your face

    Choosing the right foundation is not an easy task. Important Features The shade, density and durability of the product are considered. There is a more significant factor, depending on which they decide whether the cream is suitable for the skin type: this is the reaction to the components of the cream. Particular attention should be paid to it by those who know about their tendency to allergies. Before buying a foundation, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and determine whether it contains substances that are aggressive to the skin.

    To identify sensitivity to ingredients, try not a large number of cream, but not on the face. Select the crook of your elbow, the back of your hand, or your wrist. If there is an allergy, it will definitely manifest itself within 3-4 hours. This may include redness, a feeling of dryness, or other irritation. Such signs reflect the fact that the type of foundation being tested, although you like it, cannot be used on the face. The best foundations are determined based on the following characteristics:

    1. The manufacturer and his authority in the product market.
    2. Ingredients used.
    3. Composition density.
    4. Shade and its correspondence to skin tone.
    5. Type of packaging: aesthetically attractive or economical.
    6. Best before date.

    Which texture to choose?

    Each skin type requires the use of certain foundations:

    • So, for masking significant areas with pigmentation, a basic cream base is suitable - it is thick in consistency, and thanks to the powder in the composition, it can hide large areas of problem skin.
    • Sometimes defects do not require the application of a continuous base, in which case a spot-on product in the form of sticks or pencils is an excellent solution. Their high density effectively masks minor defects.

    • Another type of foundation is liquid tone. The liquid texture when applied is not sufficient to hide facial imperfections. With the help of such a product they only improve the skin tone, giving it a matte appearance, or moisturize it.
    • For more durable makeup, compositions are selected in the form of creams on a compact base, which are fixed with a layer of powder. The latter can also be used independently on top of both day cream, and the already applied base. Hides excess fat and evens out the shade.
    • A type of powder is a product with the addition of cream components. Any skin can be camouflaged quick application cream powder using a special sponge.
    • For more light makeup or simply daily care tinted day moisturizers have been developed. Light matte the tone and softness of the skin, masking slight fatigue - all this is the effect of such a cream.

    Selection of foundation based on skin type

    Incorrectly selected cosmetics can harm healthy skin or worsen the situation of already problematic skin. For this reason, any type of hair needs proper care and makeup. To do this, you need products suitable for a specific skin type. Do not use foundation that adds shine if your face is too oily or apply powder to dry skin. Such actions will not hide shortcomings, but will only highlight them.

    For dry skin

    When the sebaceous glands are disrupted, dry skin appears. In the future, this leads to a thinning of the protective layer of the face. The process of aging and wrinkle formation accelerates. To prevent this, dry skin types must be provided with additional hydration. Using a rich foundation helps to get protection. It has a light structure and a large amount of nutritional components and vitamins type A, E. Thanks to the application in a thin layer, it remains imperceptible and perfectly smoothes out peeling.

    For oily

    The previous version of the foundation is not suitable for oily skin. It needs to remove excess shine, so mattifying products are better suited. You should be careful with oily skin, whose pores may become clogged due to the wrong foundation. Among these, the first place is occupied by compositions that have some kind of oil as an ingredient. Special wipes with a mattifying effect are popular in use: they do a good job of removing oily shine.

    For combined

    The luckiest are those who are blessed by nature combined type skin. Its owners will not have to choose a suitable foundation for a long time, because everything depends only on what effect they would like to see. Light and natural is provided by ordinary tinting creams, and denser with coloring pigments - by a basic cream base. The ideal solution There will be a choice of cream-powder as a foundation.

    For problematic

    Those who are wondering which foundation is best for problem skin are less fortunate. This is the most complex and sensitive type, and the product must be anti-allergenic, that is, not irritate the sensitive epithelium. A special requirement is to resist clogged pores, which can lead to blackheads and new breakouts. The dense, but at the same time light structure will allow you to mask defects without covering your face with a layer of film.

    A plus for the foundation will be that it contains ingredients with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Among them, chamomile, St. John's wort and tea tree are effective. It is important that foundation intended for problem skin should not be applied under the eyes. These are the most sensitive areas, and the alcohol and antibacterial components contained in the product can easily damage them.

    Selecting a shade based on skin color

    The answer to the question of how to choose the right foundation for your skin color involves following several simple tips:

    1. For going to the store it is better to choose daytime when the lighting is more suitable.
    2. When applying cream to your wrist, you risk making a mistake with the tone.
    3. The foundation test must be carried out exclusively on the face. Why? The answer is simple - the shades of the face and wrist can differ significantly.

    Here is a simple algorithm of actions:

    • Cover a small amount foundation, the surface of the skin from the middle of the cheek to the neck, passing along the jaw line.
    • The invisible boundaries of the applied composition indicate that it suits you completely.
    • If spots appear or the foundation becomes difficult to blend, it is better to leave it on the store shelf.
    • Do not rush to draw a conclusion, wait 5-8 minutes until the product fully manifests itself.
    1. Foundation for fair skin has pinkish or neutral shades.
    2. For dark-skinned people or dark tan Beige shades of foundation are more suitable.
    3. In spring and autumn it is better to give preference to warm colors, in winter - light, and in summer - darkish.

    Also read and see a detailed review of how to choose, its types and tips for use.

    Wrongly chosen foundations can worsen the health of your facial skin and deprive you of the desired beauty. Only professional makeup artists have extensive experience in selecting cosmetics. For beginners, the problem of how to choose a foundation that matches your skin color is not so easy, because people get confused when they see a wide range of products. If you are also choosing a foundation for the first time or just want to strengthen your knowledge in the field of makeup, then watching the video will be useful. It has a lot of information about choosing, testing and matching foundation to your skin type.

    The foundation of a cosmetic bag and half the success- this is a correctly selected foundation. You can live beautifully without it, but it’s hard to imagine technical and complex makeup without a tone that will allow colors to lie as cleanly as possible, and shapes and textures not to conflict with each other. The times when foundations could not be recommended for regular use are far behind us. New formulas have more and more advantages: many of them have additional caring effects; in the cold season, the coating can protect the skin from aggressive external influences, and wide choose textures allows you to choose the ideal invisible assistant. Together with makeup artist and author of the blog Super make up Suka Gevorg, we are trying to figure out how not to make a pocket-draining mistake, what adjusters are and how to find your ideal color.

    Hue and undertone

    All the basic rules on how to choose the right one decorative means, you can find in the mandatory set of any beauty blog: it is recommended to determine skin undertone by the color of the veins on the wrist or by applying a white sheet to the face. These tips are not universal, so even those with an even and stable complexion should take into account the nuances. In addition to genetics, the condition, and therefore the color, of the skin is influenced by many factors - if once everything is taken into account, then it will be possible to get rid of painful searches for a long time.

    There is no single regulation in describing skin color, so foundations are sold under a variety of lush names. You can hear up to a dozen designations of undertones: golden, bluish, olive, reddish, greenish. Let's agree that for our explanation five will be enough: the undertone can be, as is clear from the popular assortment, yellow or pink, as well as olive or neutral (in such skin several pigments are found in almost equal proportions). For dark skin, red is also used. With the main tone, things are much easier - shades are ranked according to saturation from light to dark, and big choice Not only professional brands have them.

    The yellow undertone is the most problem-free, especially today: suitable shades of varying degrees of intensity can easily be found among Korean-made foundations. Such skin usually does not require strong color correction, and perfect coverage easy to achieve using even the lightest fluids. You can change foundations if your skin tans easily in summer, but it is possible that you can get by with just one suitable color, complementing it with bronzer. For those with pink undertones, it’s a little more difficult. Even on a healthy and well-groomed skin Areas where blood vessels are naturally located closer to the surface may be noticeable - usually the nose area. During the cold season, redness, which may not be to everyone's taste, becomes a regular companion every time you go outside.

    Those with pink undertones are often advised to choose a product with yellow undertones to compensate. Gevorg explains that this should only be done if you really don’t like strong redness or want to hide rosacea: “If you have a face with a pink undertone, then you need to relax and choose a shade of foundation that matches your skin color. And if you have problem skin, closely located vessels and pronounced pink color face, I would advise trying light moisturizing textures like CC creams. Then, when choosing a color, you can place more emphasis on the yellow undertone. This simple technique will help create a visual sense of an even complexion.” It should be noted that special labeling, again due to the lack of any consensus in the name of the products, can be deceiving. A color labeled as “beige” can have both yellow and pink undertones, so clarification will never be superfluous.

    Olive skin undertone is not that common and is defined as yellow with a greenish tint. It is because of this that even very fair skin can appear dark, so rich foundations with a yellow undertone are suitable for her. The rarest neutral shade can be combined with different bases depending on the preferences of the owner - here, when choosing, it is important to ideally select the color saturation. Special means There are also products for these complex skin tones - you should look for them from professional brands like MAC, NARS and Make Up Forever.

    Color customization

    Brighteners and darkeners (or adjusters) of foundations, which previously were not even found in every makeup artist’s cosmetic bag, have recently become easy to buy for anyone. If the base suits you in all respects except color, then proper customization can work wonders. Gevorg reminds us that, first of all, these products are a type of foundation, differing only in an extremely dark or light shade. So, if there is an available alternative, the bank can easily end up being thrown onto a distant shelf over time.

    The makeup artist explains what you need to consider when using such a product: “The lightener has its own texture, light (like the white tone of MAC Face and Body) or much denser (white adjuster Manly Pro). When you mix your foundation with a drop of adjuster, the texture also changes. Here's an example: if you take the light, dewy shade of Chanel Vitalumière Aqua and lighten the shade with MAC Face and Body, the tone density remains the same low. And if you use a light BB cream and try to mix it with the Manly Pro white tone, the overall consistency of the product will immediately become quite thick.”

    There are also subtleties in handling color: the most popular mass product, The Body Shop adjuster, contains pink pigment, so if you don’t have the task of “cooling” the tone at all, it may not be suitable. It is possible that the solution to the problem already lies somewhere among the rubble of cosmetics. For example, Gevorg prefers to use a very light Sephora moisturizing concealer as an adjuster. So, your favorite concealers in very light or very light colors can play the role of a customization product. dark shades and comfortable textures - as a rule, among professional brighteners and darkeners, the choice according to this criterion is very meager.

    Most products that are intended for daily use do not provide dense coverage, which is not what you should expect from them. The makeup base significantly helps the correct shrinkage of the color of the foundation. Among them there are products intended for color correction - Givenchy Actimine, Smashbox Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer and many others. With their help, you can easily give the skin the desired neutrality, and then apply the main tone.

    How to choose funds

    Certainly, the best option It’s obvious: you need to try everything on your face. The inner side of the hand is a bad helper in this sense. The skin color of this part of the body often differs from the skin color of the face, and it is quite difficult to adequately assess whether you have chosen the desired coverage density. It is very important to test in natural light, but unfortunately it is a rare beast in our stores. A good solution is to consult a makeup artist who will help you decide not only on the color, but also on the composition that suits your skin type and the general set of products that you need. Many people recommend choosing a tone so that there is no need to complete your makeup with powder, which may not suit problem skin.

    If a curse hangs over you and your favorite products are being discontinued, then at your service is a fairly accurate Findation service, which searches for similar foundations among all the products known to it. The Temptalia blog is equipped with the same function - in addition, there you can choose a foundation based on the main characteristics: undertone and shade.

    Beauty, freshness, charm - these are special privileges that Mother Nature does not bestow on everyone. Finding yourself in the role of the heroine of your favorite fairy tale, few people would probably hear from the magic mirror: “You are beautiful, no doubt…”. Although, if you apply certain tricks offered by cosmetics manufacturers, perhaps the chances of being compared to Snow White for most would increase significantly.

    After all, the path to perfection is modern women not so thorny and complex as those of their distant predecessors, who reached desired result with the help of substances unsafe for health - clay, flour, chalk and even white lead. Today, the choice of products that mask any flaws is impressive and varied. It's a small matter: you just need to thoroughly understand how to choose the right foundation for yourself, taking into account all the features of your skin, its condition, type and color. To make things easier for yourself, use useful tips from professionals.

    Determining your skin type

    Before choosing a foundation based on your skin color, you have to go through several steps. For careful care of your face and proper use of foundation, it is vital to establish its type. The skin performs a number of important functions:

    • protective - protects the body from mechanical damage and penetration of harmful substances;
    • excretory - in the form of sweat helps get rid of decay products, as well as excess water;
    • sensitive - has a large number of nerve endings;
    • thermoregulatory - maintains body temperature balance.

    The intensity of these processes affects a person’s skin type. The easiest way to determine it is to use a regular napkin. Or resort to special tests, of which there are many. After finding out what kind of skin you have - normal, dry, oily, combination, sensitive or aging - you can begin to decide how to choose the right foundation.

    Deciding on the type of foundation

    One of the most common mistakes of inattentive women is ignoring its consistency when choosing a foundation. But it is precisely this factor that underlies the division into types. Problems such as age spots, fine wrinkles, and pronounced blood vessels can easily be eliminated by a liquid foundation that lasts a long time and is dense in structure.

    Dry skin simply requires a significant amount of fat, which a superbly concealing thick foundation can provide. The cream stick successfully combats large blemishes, and for those with a youthful complexion, a tint will work wonderfully. Foundation powder is recommended for all skin types except dry. If your face is perfectly clean and healthy, it will give it freshness. Now the main thing is not to spoil the picture and pay attention to how to choose the tone of the foundation.

    Studying complexion

    Looking stunning is our goal, which means we move on to the next stage and begin studying our complexion. This is not a difficult task, you just need to observe how your skin reacts to exposure to sunlight - it tans, burns, or is difficult to tan.

    There are no problems with a beautiful, even tan - most likely, your skin color type is yellow. And in the case when, after acceptance sunbathing she blushes intensely, acquiring a copper tint over time, you are a red type mistress.

    How to choose if irritation, allergic reactions, acne or red streaks do not allow you to clearly determine the color? Ask a friend to study the color of the area behind your ear, it will be identical to the skin on your face.

    Selecting the tone

    Having examined the features of the skin, we proceed to choosing the right options for cosmetic products. The names of the tones themselves will tell you how to choose the color of foundation. It's elementary!

    Your skin type is yellow. This means we pay attention to the following shades: sand, nut, olive, light beige, gold.

    Your skin type is red. Then stop at a different palette: copper, apricot, pink beige.

    How to choose the shade of foundation for the lucky owner of a noble porcelain appearance? Also be guided by the name of the cosmetic product: light, transparent, etc. will do.

    Don't forget about the combination

    Those who are restless in their quest for perfection should use another piece of advice from experienced makeup artists - use several shades of concealer cream at once.

    The main areas of the face need a tone that is as close as possible to your natural one; it is advisable to apply a lighter tone to the area around the eyes; the shape of the nose and the oval of the face should be shaded with dark shades. Look at the accompanying visual materials: photos will definitely help you figure out how to choose a foundation based on your skin color.

    Masking problems

    You can often hear the complaint from some women: “I don’t even go outside without makeup!” Sometimes this is not an exaggeration; most likely, they are victims of problematic skin type. Red spots, bumpiness, pimples and oily shine are another reason for many complexes and self-doubt. You can't do this without a corrective rescuer.

    How to choose a tonal color The first rule is the same as for other types - the shade should be as close to natural as possible. If your skin is oily, choose one tone for the entire face. If combined, at least two close ones are needed - lighter and slightly darker, the latter is applied to the cheekbones and forehead.

    Have you learned how to choose a foundation based on your skin color? Now let's focus on texture and consistency. To mask problem areas of the face, we use products with a liquid consistency, because they do not contain oils. But there are absorbent components that absorb fatty secretions. Thanks to this, hiding flaws from prying eyes will not be difficult at all.

    We adhere to the application rules

    If a woman doesn’t care how to choose a foundation based on her skin color and type, this can lead to a sloppy or even vulgar look. It is especially important that the foundation cope with three main tasks - moisturizing, masking imperfections and protecting against external factors.

    It can be applied in several ways. Some people advise starting from the chin and then moving up. Others recommend applying four strokes of foundation to the face - on the forehead, cheeks and chin, and then using a brush to blend evenly from the center to the edges. For evening makeup It is better to use a sponge or sponge, they cover the skin more densely with a masking coating. Of course, you can work with your fingers, but you should be careful here, carefully distributing the corrective substance in the areas near the ears and at the roots of the hair.

    Benefit or harm?

    If someone tells you that you can’t use foundation often, don’t take it to heart. This is not the Stone Age; today we have already learned how to produce high-quality products. Simply saving on your beauty and health is unacceptable.

    A good product is created with the addition of useful natural ingredients - cocoa butter, lanolin. It is possible to use such a cream every day for a long time, and the skin will “breathe” normally and perform an excretory function.

    In addition, tinted cosmetics have filters that protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation and contain a variety of vitamin supplements. If you have mastered the lesson perfectly and understood how to choose a foundation based on your skin color, you will be able to look equally charming both in natural and artificial light.

    The basis of high-quality makeup is not only eye shadow, blush and lipstick. It is very important to have an even and natural color faces. Various tonal products help achieve this. They are a real salvation for modern women. Properly selected concealers will help even out skin tone, get rid of age spots, hide unnecessary rashes, give your face a rested look, eliminating bruises, swelling and other consequences of stress and lack of sleep.

    Types of foundation for the face

    Choosing the right foundation is not an easy task. It’s worth figuring out what features you need to pay attention to.

    Currently on sale you can find different kinds concealers. Understanding what end results they are suitable for and how different consistencies work with each skin type will greatly reduce the variety of choices.

    There are the following types of tonal products:

    • Cream powders and mousses. These products have a dense coverage, which allows you to mask redness and smooth out skin tone. Thanks to their texture, they do not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. The cream powder additionally gives a matte effect that lasts for several hours. Such products are suitable for both young and mature women, with oily or combination skin. It is worth noting that young girls are advised to avoid using such products on a daily basis.
    • Classic foundation- This liquid product of varying consistency. Often foundation creams contain particles of powder, which allows them to cover the skin of the face with a fairly dense layer, it is better to last until the evening and give a matte finish. Classic creams allow you to hide imperfections well: dark circles under the eyes, spider veins, redness and age spots. These creams are suitable for women with normal and combination skin.

    • BB creams. They have a light texture and do not provide a dense coating, which allows the skin to breathe and are easy to apply. Although BB creams contain coloring pigments, which make it possible to hide minor skin imperfections, improve and even out complexion, their main task is still protection from harmful solar radiation, as well as maintaining hydration. These creams are good for regular use and for summer period. They are suitable for women with dry or normal skin. Those with oily or combination skin should not use BB creams.
    • Sticks, concealers, correctors have a very dense coating. It is better to use such products to disguise spot imperfections: under the eyes, with minor rashes and redness. They have very low consumption and are economical to use.

    It is better not to use sticks for dry skin, as the product will not adhere well and over time can ruin the appearance of the face.

    They should be used with caution under the eyes. To prevent overdrying of the skin, apply a layer of foundation with correctors to pre-moisturized skin, and powder on top, which gives durability and prevents the product from crumbling during the day.

    We select according to skin type

    Different types of foundation suit different skin types. By making the wrong choice, you can cause serious harm to your skin, which will lead to additional problems and financial costs.

    When choosing a concealer, you should focus on the following recommendations:

    • For dry skin, you should choose foundations with a moisturizing effect. It is best if the product is liquid and not powdery. It will not focus attention on dryness and will help avoid early wrinkles. Products from the BB cream line are recommended for use specifically for dry skin. The skin will not only be moisturized, but also protected from ultraviolet radiation, which will prevent premature aging.
    • With oily skin, the face acquires a noticeable shine, which does not look very attractive. When choosing a cosmetic concealer, you should avoid creams containing various oils. It is better to choose products with a mattifying effect (or apply a light powder as a final layer - this will eliminate unattractive shine and will not clog pores).
    • For problem skin, you should select anti-allergy creams and avoid applying products to the area under the eyes. In terms of consistency, you should give preference to denser products - for maximum effect camouflage. But they should not create a film after application, otherwise clogging the pores will further aggravate the situation and increase the number of blackheads and pimples.

    • To avoid irritation of delicate skin, you should try to select products with natural ingredients. Ideally, they will contain protective substances.
    • To the owners mature skin It is recommended to pay attention to foundations with a lifting effect, anti-aging components, and containing vitamins and minerals. It is necessary that the product has a protective effect against harmful environmental influences. The main task of foundations for mature skin is to disguise wrinkles and uneven skin texture, as well as intensively nourish the facial skin.
    • Combination skin occurs quite often. With this type of skin, certain parts (forehead, nose, chin) have increased oil content, and in other areas the skin is dry. For this type of skin, the foundation should be creamy-powdery, contain vitamins and mandatory protection from sun rays.
    • Owners normal skin can choose any product, focusing only on the color and the desired effect.

    Determining the color type

    Any type of foundation has a palette various shades. To choose the right color, it is important to know about the color type of your appearance. There are several recommendations for determining it:

    • It is better to carry out testing in a well-lit room with natural light. Light that is too bright, dim, or electric can misrepresent skin tones.
    • If your hair is dyed, it should be pulled back into a ponytail or under a scarf.
    • It is advisable to carry out the test in clothes of calm colors.
    • You can use the help of friends or relatives.

    There are four appearance color types in total: “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer” and “Autumn”. “Winter” and “Summer” refer to cold color types, “Spring” and “Autumn” – to warm ones.

    Girl-"Winter" has a contrasting, catchy appearance. There are two types of skin: either light, porcelain, which easily burns in the sun, or has a dark tint, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation a uniform tan is obtained. Such girls do not have freckles. Hair black or chocolate. Eyebrows and eyelashes are similar in color to the strands. The lips of representatives of the “Winter” color type are most often not very bright.

    Girl spring" light, warm and airy. The skin has cream and peach shades, the tan has a reddish tint, there is a slightly noticeable blush on the face, and there are freckles. Hair the color of wheat or chocolate. The eyes are light in color and the lips are pale pink.

    Girl-"Summer""has a cold and not very expressive appearance. The skin is light or dark, with a bluish tint. Light skin of this color type is susceptible to burns. Light gray hair light brown flowers, do not have copper notes. Eyes predominantly with gray shades. Lips are pale.

    Girl - "Autumn" It has bright appearance, often so expressive that you can do without makeup. Warm-toned skin, tan does not stick well. The hair is often curly, with a reddish tint. Representatives of this color type often have freckles all over their bodies. The eyes are always bright and contrasting. Lips of warm peach and pink shades.

    Warm-colored concealers are suitable for “Spring” and “Autumn” color types. In the store you can buy creams that are light beige or contain a light bronzer; products with a shimmering effect are also suitable.

    Concealers for “winter” and “summer” color types should be selected among cold notes. The products can be light, almost white. If your skin is lightly tanned, you can choose a natural beige or green-yellow shade.

    Fewer difficulties will arise when choosing the shade of BB creams. They have less variety in color and adapt to the tone of the skin.

    When choosing any foundation, you must follow simple rules:

    1. It is better to choose a cosmetic product in not very bright daylight.
    2. You need to choose a shade strictly on the cheekbones or neck, and not, as is commonly believed, on the wrist or hand.
    3. When blending, the product should lie smoothly, without spots, peeling or lumps.
    4. After the test application, the BB cream should be given 5-10 minutes - and only then look at the result of the “fusion”.
    5. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates of the product and its composition.
    6. To determine allergic reactions to a cosmetic product, apply a little cream to the bend of the elbow and wait a few hours.

    The achieved effect depends on the correctness of the chosen shade. With the right choice cosmetic product your face will become brighter and younger. A shade that is not quite right will highlight imperfections, visually add age, or give the face a grotesque appearance.

    Determining the color scheme

    For light

    Selecting a color scheme for fair-skinned girls is a difficult process. The choice should be made in favor of tinted cosmetic products with cool notes. Bright colors(rich peach or pinkish) are not suitable for fair skin. To the owners porcelain skin You can use soft pink, beige, slightly transparent shades with a little shine.

    For dark skin

    Dark skin Least of all needs concealers. If there is a need for them, then preference should be given to light chocolate and honey tones with a matting effect.

    For those prone to redness

    When capillary vessels are located close to the surface, the skin becomes slightly reddish. This can be corrected with the right tinting agent. cosmetic product. When choosing colors, you should give preference to cold (slightly greenish) shades - olive, which can be slightly diluted with a light brown tone. But pinkish tones should be avoided.

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