• Self-tanning at home - quick tanning, application rules


    Self tanning- this is the creation of a tanning effect using substances that color the skin. Over the past 30 years, developments in the field of self-tanning have resulted in a full-fledged branch of the beauty industry - the production of solariums.

    A huge number of beauty salon clients strive to maintain a bronze skin tone throughout the winter and spring. An alternative to artificial tanning in solariums is the equally popular cosmetic tanning procedure.

    Natural and artificial tanning are expensive pleasures. The first involves traveling to the south. The second is regular visits to the solarium in a beauty salon. For those who do not want to waste time, self-tanning products have been created.

    To get a nice tan, you don’t have to lie in the sun all day or go to a solarium, especially since this is not the healthiest alternative. You can simply use self-tanning product.

    Self-tanning is ideal for those people who... sunbathing are contraindicated, but there is a desire to look beautiful and have a beautiful and healthy tan.

    What types of self-tanning products are there?

    Cosmetical tools:
    Bronzers or bronzers
    Tanning accelerators
    Self-tanning products

    Bronzers or bronzers contain coloring agents. A tan is formed due to the normal coloring of the skin. When bronzer is applied to the skin, the skin immediately acquires a tan shade. The disadvantages of bronzers are the instability of the paint, which can dissolve and stain clothes when exposed to moisture, as well as the instability of the tan, resulting in light spots on the skin. The rules for using bronzers are simple: you don’t need to achieve a very dark color; the bronzer should be only one, maximum two shades darker than your skin; apply the cream or gel to those parts of the face and body where the sun's rays usually hit (for example, on the cheekbones and nose line); There is no need to darken the neck too much to make it more believable.

    Accelerators Tanning helps increase the amount of pigment synthesized in the skin. The most famous accelerator is tyrosine. This amino acid is a precursor in the long chain of melanin synthesis. When tyrosine gets on the skin, its very presence in huge quantities causes the desire of melanocytes (cells that produce pigment) to accelerate the tanning process.

    Self-tanning products- milk, sprays, creams are easily applied to the skin. The active ingredient in self-tanners is dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This substance is the most popular ingredient in self-tanning products. When interacting with skin proteins, DHA colors the upper layers of the skin in dark color. However, it does not darken immediately, but after 3-4 hours (about the same amount of time needed for the reaction). There are products, mainly sprays, that give effect after 1 hour. When the horny scales begin to peel off, the tan fades and is washed off.

    How to choose the right product

    It is not necessary that your product be expensive, the main thing is that the color looks as natural as possible. To choose a shade, you need to apply it to a sample piece of paper and apply it to the skin on your hand to compare. If the color suits you and you buy it, you can move on to the next step - application.
    Before using the cream, the skin must be prepared.

    First, it is necessary to peel it so that the cream spreads evenly. You can use a scrub cream, salt, loofah or anything else.
    Secondly, you need to remove all hair on your legs.

    And finally, moisturize your skin well. Try to use mildly scented moisturizers, as fragrances can interact with self-tanning creams. When using a humidifier Special attention Focus on areas prone to dryness, as well as knees and elbows, where additional moisturizer should be applied.

    Applying self-tanning

    Before applying the cream, it is best to put gloves on your hands, since the palms are 40% more pores than other areas of the body, and the hands can easily turn orange. If you do not use gloves, then you must apply the cream very quickly, or pause between applications to individual areas of the body in order to wash the cream off your hands.

    Self-tanning spray, how to use?

    Shake thoroughly before use. Apply the first layer of self-tanner to dry skin from a distance of 20-25 cm, rub in with your hand or a napkin, let dry for 10 minutes and lightly wipe the skin with a paper towel to remove excess. Then repeat the procedure to obtain a darker shade. Self-tanning should be applied to the face carefully by hand or with a soft sponge. The spray does not provide sun protection. Self-tanning is washed off with shower gel or soap. It is advisable to rinse the skin with lemon juice diluted in water.

    Rules for applying self-tanning

    Before use, mentally divide each part of the body into several parts. Start at the ankle and imagine that your leg is divided into 4 parts: shin, calf, front thigh, back thigh.
    Apply the cream to the shin with movements directed upward, against hair growth. Skip the knee and start applying the cream to your calf, then to the front and back of your thigh. Only now can you start working on your knees and feet, but remember that these areas are never very tanned with a natural tan. Once your entire leg is covered in self-tanner, apply a little more moisturizer on top. This will help the remaining cream redistribute.

    Wash your hands and move on to the next leg. Then apply the cream to your stomach, back, arms, face and neck. When applying the cream to your hands, use the same method as when applying the cream to your legs, lastly apply the cream to your elbows and inner parts of your arms.

    To apply self-tanning to hard-to-reach areas of the body, such as the back, you can use a self-tanning spray.
    - To maintain the resulting tan, repeated applications of the cream are necessary every 4-5 days.
    - Choose a product that appears on the body for a minimum amount of time. You don’t want to walk around the apartment for three hours, afraid to sit down or touch something. Now there are products whose manifestation period is less than an hour.
    - It is always better to apply less self-tanner than more. After all, you can reuse the self-tanner the next day.
    - If you are applying self-tanner for the first time, have someone help you as you may find it difficult to get into some of the hard-to-reach areas.
    - before applying self-tanning, do not forget to depilate and take a shower with a gel that has an exfoliating effect.
    - dry yourself with a dry towel.
    - start applying self-tanning on your face first: apply small portions of the product in a thin layer on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Then move on to the neck, chest, shoulders, arms, etc. Lubricate each area of ​​your body thoroughly and completely before moving on to the next. Rub the self-tanner methodically and carefully, making sure that no area is left unattended. To paint the back, you will need the help of a friend. Areas such as the neck, elbows and knees should be painted only once, or use a tissue to remove excess product - folds of skin in these areas can collect too much self-tanner and end up darker than the rest of the skin.
    - Before getting dressed, let the self-tanner soak in for about 20 minutes.
    - to maintain your tan, apply self-tanner every 3-4 days.

    Now you can have a great natural tan without harming your skin!

    If you did not have time to apply gradual tanning products in advance, there is little time left, and you don’t want to look like a “black sheep” on the beach, and also for those who did not manage to get a vacation in the summer and are tired of hearing the questions “why are you so white” and advice “you should go tan”, and also for those who understand the real harm of the sun and solarium, there is a modern safe remedy – self-tanning.

    1. The first and most important advice is still conducting an allergy test. Even if you have never had an allergy to anything, if you never do an allergy test when using any other cosmetics, in this case you need to do a test. Self-tanners contain much stronger chemicals because they are supposed to provide an immediate visible effect on the epidermis, whereas all skincare products are designed for gradual results. You should always do a test on the thinnest skin; if there is an allergy, then it will manifest itself most clearly and quickly, much faster than the 12 hours stated by the manufacturers. Also, do not forget that you need to carry out the test on that part of the body that you can cover with clothing if the outcome is unsuccessful. So think about what clothes you wear in the summer and, based on this, choose. One of the pleasant bonuses of the allergy test is that you can already see what color your skin will acquire after using self-tanning.

    2. In addition to the well-known advice that before applying a self-tanner you need to exfoliate your skin and take a shower, the next day after using a self-tanner, you will need to shower and scrub your body again. This will remove all unevenness and “flaws” in applying self-tanning, remove bad smell and will make your skin tone truly even. As well as an additional bonus - the skin will be soft and pleasant to the touch, which cannot be achieved from a regular tan, when the skin becomes dry and flaky from exposure to the sun.

    3. How to choose a self-tanner? No matter how much we would like to “tan” immediately, but for the first time using self-tanning, you need to choose a cream “for dark skin”, because it will give a less noticeable and more natural color. But when exposed to a cream “for light” skin, all “snow whites” will immediately receive the orange skin color that is ridiculed by the people. Your main goal is to make your tan look natural, so that no one will guess that you got it while sitting at home and not relaxing at a resort. Moreover, no one forbids you to repeat this procedure again after some time.

    4. Self-tanning should be applied in a thin, even layer. It is better to apply another layer again after self-tanning, and also touch up those places where there is less “tanning”.

    5. Self-tanning may appear much later than after the 2-4 hours stated on the package, aim for a time of about 6-8 hours at a minimum.

    6. Consider whether to apply auto-bronzant to your face, it may be better to use decorative cosmetics– for example, in summer time apply Foundation and powder of a darker color than your natural one. Throughout our lives we apply to our facial skin greatest number both decorative and skincare cosmetics, the complexion tone is initially uneven, then maybe it’s not worth the risk, because no one knows how self-tanning will behave. By the way, Hollywood stars who love self-tanning never do not apply it to the face, preferring to trust makeup artists to select the required color. Even if you fail to apply self-tanning evenly on your body and everything is very sad, you can hide it with clothes. And on the face of an unsuccessful tan, it will be difficult to hide even with a thick foundation.

    7. Under no circumstances should self-tanning be applied to the face of those who have enlarged pores, because it will certainly get clogged in them, and they will be much darker. After this, you will get the effect of “black dots” all over your face, it will look terrible, as if you don’t know who a cosmetologist is. It will be especially offensive if you just regularly visited it, struggling with “blackheads,” because they are the ones that usually come with enlarged pores.

    8. Of course elbows and knees due to the fact that there is a thicker and rough skin, are problematic areas for applying self-tanning, and a thinner layer should be applied to these areas. But they cannot be compared with bending your elbows and knees. After applying self-tanning, you will not stand for many hours in a row - you will want to sit, do some homework, and then you will be very upset that the tan will not take on the folds, and part of its self-tanning will transfer to the surrounding parts of the body. For some reason no one ever talks about this. Of course, in this case, we can only advise you to add self-tanning later, and organize your activities in such a way that you use your arms and legs to a minimum during the duration of the self-tanning. Most likely, you won’t be able to do this, but you should be happy that even when tanning naturally, these parts also tan very, very badly. First of all, because a person cannot help but move, movement is life and the best free pleasure available.

    9. Think about Why do you personally need a self-tanner? If only to avoid stupid questions surrounding people, then you can apply it only to visible areas of the body. For example, on the arms and legs. Because anyway, it’s unlikely to be applied to your back without outside help. And what confuses everyone around you most is your White color skin on the legs, oddly enough.

    If you were going to apply a self-tanner before going to the beach, then you shouldn’t worry, because in a day or two your back and shoulders will tan, but to get a tan on your legs you need to go to the beach for at least a week and a half in a row.

    10. Many people definitely recommend epilate before applying self-tanning, because It will lie unevenly near the hair follicles. Of course, this is worth doing if you regularly and often enough, for example, shave your legs, especially since shaving removes the smallest layer of rough skin, this helps scrubbing, and the tan will lie more evenly. But on the other hand, you won’t deliberately shave your entire body, because tiny hairs are everywhere. Or, for example, start shaving your arms if you have never done this before. Moreover, as practice shows, this rule has nothing to do with reality, and body hair does not interfere with or worsen the effect of self-tanning. Especially if you did everything else correctly.

    11. A question that confuses many, but which, unfortunately, is not discussed anywhere - “what will happen when applying self-tanning to skin covered with cellulite, how will it lie.” We can assure you that nothing bad will happen; on the contrary, a properly applied self-tanner will completely will hide cellulite and only you will know about it. By the way, many Hollywood stars use this property.

    12. It will be necessary to apply tan to moisturized skin, because it will apply very, very badly to dry skin of the body. If you are not the lucky owner of such skin by nature, and only those with oily skin who have a million other problems can boast of it, you will need to apply moisturizer to your entire body in advance, at least 40 minutes in advance.

    13. It is worth applying self-tanner to problematic skin, with rashes? The clear answer is no, you should limit yourself to those areas of the skin where there are no rashes

    14. Very often you can hear advice that in order to get a natural skin color, you need to mix two creams - moisturizing and self-tanning, especially since this will avoid uneven application. Unfortunately, no one knows how two creams will behave, with different chemical compositions, often from different series and manufacturers, and even more so, with completely different effects. And why are you sure that you will be able to mix them correctly, even if not every cosmetologist will undertake this because they are afraid of their effects, and you are ready to risk your own skin.

    15. There is also often advice circulating on the Internet that you can apply a self-tanner, go to bed and wake up beautiful. If it is so difficult to apply evenly, where did the idea come from that it can lie perfectly when we do not control our body in our sleep, turning from side to side? This is if you miss the fact that most of it will be absorbed into clothes and sheets.

    16. The only thing worse than the smell of self-tanning is the smell of depilatory cream; you need to prepare for this in advance and warn your family that the apartment will then need to be ventilated for a very long time. Also, do not be alarmed if, when you first take a shower, the water is brown, this does not wash off your self-tanning, which you so painfully applied, it washes off everything unnecessary, and the self-tanning will stay on your body for at least another week.

    17. It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, though scientific research its harm has not been announced, but it’s better not to risk it.

    18. You will need to wash your hands immediately after application; many people apply self-tanning with damp sponges, believing that no matter how hard you try, hand stains will remain. Here you should probably say that it is still preferable to apply self-tanning rather than smear it rubbing in circular motions, starting from the feet. But this is how it will turn out, if you apply self-tanning regularly, you will be able to apply it with anything and very quickly, everything requires practice.

    19. It is also worth noting that self-tanning is strictly Do not apply to the skin around the eyes, although there is an opinion that it supposedly covers up bruises under the eyes well. This is not true, especially since when using self-tanning you should strictly avoid getting it into your eyes, and if you apply it to the skin around your eyes, you will still blink, the product will be distributed and is guaranteed to get into them.

    20. The most important thing you need to remember when using self-tanning is that by applying it you protect your health and skin from the development of melanoma and premature aging.

    How to apply self-tanner correctly?

    When you use self-tanner on your body, you need to know the basic rules for applying the spray or cream.

    • Before applying self-tanner, you need to cleanse and moisturize your skin with a scrub. This will make your tan more natural and even.
    • Typically, dry skin is prepared several days before the procedure. You need to remove all the flaky bits, moisturize your skin and cleanse it for an even tan. You can use oils or special creams to moisturize the skin.
    • Before applying, check to see if there are any drops of water left on your body. You need to completely cleanse the skin, otherwise the tan will appear with spots and stains.
    • After applying self-tanner, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Also try not to wear clothes or shower for 1-2 hours.

    Rules for applying self-tanning without blemishes - video

    In the era before the advent of Coco Chanel, women strenuously protected their bodies and faces from the sun's rays, since it was believed that tanning was the lot of commoners, and aristocrats only looked dazzling. White skin. But the Great Mademoiselle turned everything upside down, and now a tan is considered very beautiful, befitting women from a society with a sufficient income, who have time to do nothing on the beaches.

    But advances in the cosmetics industry have made tanning accessible even to the ever-busy, pale-skinned women of large cities. Even if this product comes from a tube or jar, it nevertheless makes the skin look remarkably fresh and youthful.

    The only question is how to properly apply self-tanning at home, so that a tiger or leopard is not reflected in the mirror, but a young and beautiful woman with an even golden complexion and body, as if kissed by the first rays of the sun.

    At its core, self-tanning, regardless of its form of release, is a coloring substance that can penetrate the surface layer of the skin and appear in it as shades of tan. Depending on their consistency, self-tanners can be of the following types:

    • cream;
    • gel;
    • lotion or milk;
    • mousse;
    • spray;
    • napkins.

    Each of these products has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the woman herself determines experimentally what consistency of the drug is most convenient for her to work with. Tanning lotions and sprays are most often used as the most convenient forms of the product.

    In order to learn how to use self-tanning correctly, you need to understand for what purpose you want to do it.

    If you need a little revitalization and refreshment pale skin, it’s worth stopping at the very light shade facilities. With him it is impossible to immediately become a mulatto, but at least he will not give unaesthetic brown spots all over the body and face.

    For the same purpose, you can make a self-tanner yourself. The easiest way is to use strong tea leaves or carrot juice. Both of these substances will provide a light, temporary color that is great for tinting your lower legs during the transition from tights to bare legs. This way your skin will look fresher and more beautiful, and you won’t need to be embarrassed about your “blue” winter legs.

    Having figured out how self-tanning works, you can start choosing “your” product. There are many brands of such drugs produced in the world, but not all of them are equally good. It is best to focus on well-known, trusted manufacturers who take the composition of their drugs seriously.

    It must be remembered that self-tanners tend to provoke allergies, so you should try to choose a minimally aggressive composition and be sure to do a test before the first use.

    You need to be equally careful when choosing the color of the product, especially if you have milky-white skin. A self-tanner that fits perfectly on the skin of a darker woman may turn out to be a disgusting yellow or orange tint on a snow-white woman.

    It is best to use samples or purchase a miniature version of the product to try it on an inconspicuous place. If you like the result, you can take a full-size container and begin to understand the intricacies of applying this substance.

    How to Apply Self-Tanner Without Streaks or Spots

    The most important thing about how to use self-tanning is to answer the question: what needs to be done long before the procedure itself? The entire process and complexity of application are closely related to preparing the skin to receive the product. A simple example will help you understand this.

    Before painting a wooden tabletop, it is not only thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. It is carefully polished several times until smooth, and then a primer is applied to it. Only after this the paint will lie thinly, evenly and give a glossy, very uniform and beautiful coating.

    The same should be done with the skin, especially if a bronzer is used for the skin of the face. This method will allow you to apply self-tanning without streaks, distributing it so that a thin layer remains on the skin, which will give a natural, even color.

    Basic rules on how to properly apply self-tanning to your face and body:

    • Preparation for using the product should begin long before the actual use of self-tanning, preferably 14 days before this event, especially if the skin is dry, damaged or inflamed. Each imperfection on the skin will subsequently cause a spot when applying self-tanning product.
    • The body and face must not only be thoroughly cleansed, but also dead skin must be carefully removed. It stains first and very intensely, so it must be removed before applying self-tanner. Scrubs and peelings are used for this. You need to act gently and delicately, paying especially much attention to the most problematic, dry places with thick, keratinized skin - knees, elbows and shins.
    • After treatment, the skin must be moisturized and nourished. For this purpose, high-quality body products are used, which are selected according to skin type. Well-groomed, moisturized and “fed” skin becomes denser and more elastic, it has a smooth surface, this will help to apply self-tanning evenly.
    • You need to be especially careful about how to apply bronzer to your facial skin. Hair, especially light hair, must be covered, and a thin layer of cream should be applied along the hairline. This will help avoid dye getting on the hair roots and forming an unsightly brown outline, which immediately reveals an unnatural tan. The skin of your face is just as diligently prepared for applying self-tanning, but here you need to apply the product along the skin lines so as not to damage or stretch it.
    • Self-tanning should be applied quickly, with light movements, without fixing on one place for a long time. The drug is applied to the knees and elbows last and in slightly smaller quantities than to other parts of the body. The skin here is dry and rough and absorbs paint like a sponge, so these areas may become more stained.
    • It is extremely inconvenient to treat your back yourself, so to avoid getting stained, use the help of your husband or girlfriend.
    • Aerosol preparations are very convenient, but require rapid action. In order to learn how to carefully apply spray tanning, you need to use the usual tips, and start covering from the extremities - this way you will be able to get a more even layer.
    • After application, self-tanning usually appears within 4 - 6 hours; it will stain clothes for about 2 hours (nothing can remove stains on white).
    • After the procedure, you should not swim for at least 6 hours or get your body wet at all, unless you want to wash off your tan.
    • To save beautiful colour for as long as possible, you will have to give up peelings and scrubs, rough brushes and washcloths, aggressive detergents and oils. For washing, soft gels with a delicate effect are used, perhaps for children.
    • Most self-tanners have an unpleasant odor that disappears after drying, but reappears when the skin gets wet.
    • After application, everyone is wondering: how long does self-tanning last? The shelf life of a tan on the body is individual and depends on the type of skin, the products used for washing and care, and the rate of skin renewal. On average, a self-tanner can last from 3 to 14 days.

    When choosing a product, please note that for the body and face they are often offered various means. This is due to the fact that facial skin is more delicate and sensitive, requiring delicate care ingredients.

    How to remove self-tanner at home

    Sometimes, if you have gone too far with the product, the color does not suit you or is stained, the question arises: how to wash off the self-tanner? The most simple remedies to make it lighter - these are ordinary shower gels, especially those containing small balls to enhance the effect. These products are especially effective immediately after applying self-tanning, when it “sets”, it will not be possible to lighten the skin tone much.

    Another option for removing self-tanning is to go over your body with a stiff brush or washcloth. But only a high-quality body scrub will help you quickly and easily remove self-tanning at home. In heavily stained areas, you can use baking soda, only after this the skin should be well treated with cream.

    Indications and contraindications

    Many women are interested in whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin. A good, high-quality product with a normal composition will not harm, so it is very important to navigate correctly when choosing a drug and its manufacturer. If it contains only toxic “chemicals,” naturally, using it can cause harm, no matter whether it is a self-tanner or any other cosmetic product.

    As for whether pregnant women can use self-tanning, there are no direct prohibitions on this.

    Of course, self-tanning during pregnancy is recommended to be applied in doses, best limited to the face and limbs, and when applied to the entire body, focus on the maximum natural compositions, fearing allergies. Testing for it is required. Only then will self-tanning during pregnancy cause no harm.

    1. Before applying self-tanner, prepare your skin. It needs to be thoroughly exfoliated to remove dead cells: after this the product will lie smoother.

    2. To ensure that the tanning product is evenly distributed, apply it with the entire palm using wide, smoothing movements.

    3. Avoid getting self-tanner on the roots of your hair and eyebrows: this way you will protect yourself from the appearance of dark streaks on your face. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying self-tanner.

    4. Give the self-tanner time to dry and absorb. As a rule, this takes a few minutes, after which you can get dressed.

    5. Want to deepen your tan? Try reapplying the product after three hours.

    6. To maintain your tan, apply auto-bronzing agent every two to three days.

    7. To make your tan last longer, carry out any procedures that speed up the process of renewal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin (scrub, shaving, hair removal) before applying self-tanning.

    How to properly apply self-tanning to the knees, elbows and heels?

    The skin in these areas is drier than the rest of the body, so when applying self-tanner to these areas, avoid applying pressure and spread the product with light movements. This way you will avoid dark spots.

    How to apply self-tanner of different textures? Are there any differences between them?

    There is a slight difference in the time it takes for self-tanning to absorb: gels, light lotions and mousses do it faster. Creamy textures take a little longer to absorb, but this does not affect the quality of the tan. The principle of self-tanning is the same, regardless of its texture. Whether it's cream, gel, mousse or spray, your task is to choose the one that you like best and is more convenient to apply. If it’s easier and clearer for you how to apply a self-tanning spray rather than a cream, then this is the product for you.

    What is the difference between modern self-tanners and those that came before?

    Previous generation artificial tanning products often did not provide an even, natural shade. In addition, they dried out the skin. Modern self-tanners are evenly distributed and their tone cannot be distinguished from a natural tan. Moisturizing ingredients such as aloe extract have been added to formulas, so the dehydrating effect is reduced to zero.

    Using self-tanning at home, positive and negative sides, main types, examples of skin color tinting products, useful tips For correct application to get the perfect tan.

    Properties of self-tanning for body toning

    Any self-tanning product contains substances that can give the body beautiful shades. It can be used at any time of the year. Like any cosmetic product, self-tanning has both advantages and disadvantages. Let us describe in more detail what advantages this method has:
    • Many experts claim that the use of tanning is safe compared to sunbathing, which can cause burns or complications due to harmful radiation.
    • Useful additives nourish and moisturize the skin and do not contribute to premature aging.
    • After processing upper layer The skin is evened out and becomes radiant.
    • Saving time and money on natural tanning or going to the solarium.
    • Can be used at home thanks to simple way applications.
    • Can be used even during pregnancy.
    Among the negative aspects of self-tanning are the following:
    1. The effect remains sufficiently a short time(from 2 days to 2 weeks). Most often this is due to the type of skin, its pre-treatment before the procedure, the type of product, the frequency of showering, the use of additional hygiene products, and the composition of the water (plain or sea).
    2. It is quite difficult to treat all areas of the skin on your own, so it is worth resorting to outside help.
    3. Due to the fact that the skin throughout the body is oily, the effect disappears unevenly.
    4. In some cases, to achieve the best result, you have to carefully select the product.
    5. Some types of self-tanning have a specific smell.
    6. The product is not completely absorbed, so traces of it may remain on clothes and bedding.
    7. To maintain a permanent tanning effect, apply the product every 2-4 days.

    Contraindications to the use of self-tanning for the body

    The substances included in self-tanning products can have different effects on the skin and the body as a whole, so it also has some contraindications for use.

    Let's look at what prohibitions exist for artificial tanning:

    • Predisposition to allergic reactions. To avoid unwanted effects, perform a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the drug on a small area of ​​skin for several hours. If the result is no red spots or other reaction, feel free to use the product.
    • Do not use if you have rashes or acne.
    • During an exacerbation of herpes, it is also undesirable to use it, so as not to transfer the infection to other areas.
    • It is not recommended to apply the product frequently to dry skin, so as not to dry it out even more.

    Types of self-tanning for the body

    Numerous companies specializing in the production of this type of cosmetics produce self-tanning products of varying color intensities and in various types, including milk, cream, lotion, oil, wipes, spray, gel, pills. Let's look at the most popular ones.

    Self-tanner in gel form

    Has the easiest method of application. Used while taking a shower. The result and the duration of skin coloring depends on how often it is applied. It differs in that it applies very evenly. At the same time, it does not leave any marks on towels or clothes. Does not require thorough rinsing. Disadvantage: low color intensity.

    Some examples of gel for creating tanned skin:

    1. Sublim Bronze by L'Oreal. After application, a bronze tint instantly appears, the gel is quickly absorbed and dries. Thanks to the immediate effect, you can always see which areas have already been treated. Doesn't stain clothes. Cost - 1200 rubles.
    2. Terracotta Sunless Gel Autobronzant Teint? by Guerlain. Has a double effect - toning and moisturizing. Doesn't clog pores. The full intensity of the shade is achieved an hour after application. In areas with dry skin, the color intensity is higher, so to avoid blemishes, you need to moisturize the skin. Duration of coloring is up to 4 days. One bottle can be purchased for 2500 rubles.
    3. Sun Touch by Nivea. Once on the skin, the gel interacts with epidermal cells, which leads to the appearance of a tint. It can clog pores, especially noticeable on the face. Absorbs longer than sprays. It is inexpensive - about 200 rubles.
    4. Silky Bronze Self Tanning by Sensai. It is absorbed quite quickly, so it does not leave any traces. Doesn't clog pores. The price category is above average - from 2200 rubles. But the cost is justified by the efficiency.

    Self-tanning milk

    Most products of this variety do not leave stains on clothes and have a light texture. Among the most frequently purchased products are the following:
    • Self-tanning milk "Express" from Floresan. Can be used for face and body. Its cost is low (starts from 100 rubles for 125 ml), it has a pleasant smell, the bulk is quickly absorbed, and leaves virtually no traces.
    • Self-tanning milk " Even tan» by Garnier. The composition contains many natural nutrients, for example, apricot extract. Does not dry out the skin. Does not contain parabens. At the beginning of the course, apply every day to achieve the desired effect, then use is limited to 2 procedures per week to maintain color. The cost for a 150 ml bottle is 516 rubles.
    • Self-tanning milk “Sublim Bronze” from Loreal. After application, an immediate effect appears, but upon first use, the shower is washed off almost completely. 150 ml of the product costs 640 rubles. The method of application is similar to milk from Garnier.

    Self-tanning cream

    Self-tanning in cream form has a longer lasting effect. However, its impact must last much longer, which leads to additional expenditure of effort and time. After applying the cream, you should not get dressed for about 30 minutes so that all the components have time to be absorbed into the skin.

    Preparations in cream form:

    1. . Contains acacia micropearls, which can tighten pores and smooth out wrinkles. This product is quite greasy, so it should be applied in a thin layer, does not contain SPF, and has a pungent odor. Not suitable for oily skin. The cost is quite high - about 2000 rubles.
    2. Self Tan Concentrate by Babor. Contains almond oil and, in addition to the tanning effect, it has a lifting effect, as well as alcohol, so it is better not to use it for dry skin. The cost of a bottle is from 1500 rubles.

    Self-tanning lotion

    Self-tanning lotions have a very delicate flowing texture. Using them, you can easily control the thickness of the applied layer.

    Let's describe several common products for obtaining artificial tanning in lotion form:

    • Lancaster Self Tanning Gradual Hydrating Bronze Lotion 6 SPF. An excellent option for beginners, the full tint effect is achieved gradually with daily application. Price - approximately 1500 rubles.
    • . Self-tanner with reflective particles. Penetrates deeply and cares for the skin. After application, a shimmering shade appears. The average price is 440 rubles.
    • Gradual Tanning Lotion Face Body by La Prairie. Perfectly moisturizes the skin. When used for coloring sensitive skin allergic reactions are possible. Cost - 3000 rubles.
    • Kiss of the sun from Nivea. Contains grape seed oil. The tan color appears gradually. Helps moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity. Can be used daily to maintain the coloring effect. The cost is low and amounts to approximately 325 rubles.

    Body toning oil

    Self-tanning cosmetic oils are a source useful substances, they thoroughly moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins. One of the disadvantages of this type decorative product- Creation greasy shine on the skin and film, which may cause discomfort. Self-tanning oil is best used for dry skin to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    The most frequently mentioned products online are:

    1. Huile Somptueuse Eclat Naturel Dior Bronze by Dior. Allows you to get an even, natural tan. Does not leave a greasy film, makes the skin soft. 100 ml of the product costs 2,700 rubles.
    2. . It is a solid cream that melts upon application. It has an interesting cocoa scent that stays on the skin for some time. The effect appears after 5-6 hours. With repeated application, the color intensity increases. Can be used to maintain the color of a natural sun tan. In the company’s official store, 100 ml of oil can be purchased for 122 rubles.

    Self-tanning wipes

    Self-tanning wipes have a fabric base impregnated with coloring agents. This form of product release is more suitable for use on the face and neck. It’s easy to carry wipes with you at all times to refresh your tan at the right time, because... the effect occurs instantly. Their use is not recommended for those with fair skin.

    Let's consider popular means:

    • Sublime Bronze Eazy Tanner by Loreal. In addition to coloring components, the wipes are impregnated with deodorizing, exfoliating and moisturizing substances to ensure that the tan is as even and natural-looking as possible. The cost of a package, including 2 napkins, is 220 rubles.
    • . Dihydroxyacetone, which is part of the composition, interacts with epidermal cells, stimulates the formation golden hue. They moisturize the skin well, and vitamin E helps slow down aging. Available in packs with different numbers of napkins (1, 4 and 8 pieces). A sample (1 packaged napkin) costs 200 rubles.

    Self-tanning spray

    Self-tanning spray is easy to apply from any position. Processing takes a short amount of time. Drying occurs in 10-15 minutes. When spraying, it is necessary to observe safety precautions so as not to inhale aerosol vapors.

    Common Products:

    1. Aerotan SexSymbol by SexyHair. Does not contain dehydroxyacetone, therefore does not interact with epidermal cells. The effect after spraying appears instantly. The product does not cause allergic reactions. Cost - from 1125 rubles.
    2. Sublim Bronze Automatic by Loreal. After spraying there is no need to distribute the drug. Creates an even shade. Leaves no traces. The cost of this spray is from 650 rubles.
    3. Aerosol Sun Touch from Nivea. Features convenient application. Gives an even, natural shade. But after prolonged use, the skin dries out, which leads to small spots in the bends of the arms and legs, and the uniformity disappears. Over time, the color loses its naturalness.

    Features of using self-tanning

    Self-tanning helps many people in various situations. For some, it is enough to use it only on the face and hands, provided that the rest of the body is covered with clothing, for others it is necessary to treat the entire body, and for others the goal is not only to color the skin, but also to receive additional care. Let's consider several options for using bronzers cosmetics.

    Applying self-tanning to the face

    The main rule is that self-tanners intended only for the body should not be applied to the face. This is because the skin type on the body and face is significantly different. Therefore, in some cases the result may be unpredictable. Best used as a self-tanner for the face. special means, which have a delicate texture, gentle composition and mild effect.

    Sequence of actions for processing the face:

    • For facial treatment, it is better to choose a time of day when you can be at home for about 5 hours to wait for the results and, if possible, correct them.
    • The skin on the face must be cleansed of any cosmetics. You can use a moisturizing toner.
    • To better distribute the drug over the entire surface, apply it to slightly damp skin.
    • Immediately apply self-tanner to those areas where the pores are smaller. Then, with light movements, treat the nasal area and the center of the forehead. Do not apply to the skin around the eyes.
    • Finally, soften the edges where the hair starts. To do this, use a moisturizer that can be used to distribute the dye in these areas.
    When purchasing a facial toner, you should pay special attention to the intensity of the color. Let us describe several well-established rules of choice depending on hair and skin color:
    1. Mark “light” - bright skin. You should not buy a darker tone to avoid an unnatural color. The remaining bronzes will be difficult to wash off even with a strong desire.
    2. Marked “medium” - light brown, brown hair, peach skin. Although other shades will also look uncritical.
    3. Marked "dark" - dark hair, dark skin. Other self-tanning options can add a yellow tint, compromising your appearance.

    Applying a moisturizing self-tanner

    Self-tanning products with a moisturizing effect are more aimed at dry skin, which can be harmed by regular tinting products in the form of peeling. Additional hydration, nutrition, care can improve coloring, extend the life of drugs and at the same time ensure normal functioning skin.

    Natural extracts, oils and other useful additives help increase the protective functions of the epidermis and its resistance to external influences.

    It is not recommended to use moisturizing self-tanners on oily areas of the skin, because... they can enhance shine. So, if the skin on your face is oily or combination, then it is better to choose a specific bronzer that is most suitable for a specific type.

    Moisturizing self-tanners are easier to spread over the body to achieve an even shade. The risk of divorce is reduced.

    How to use self tanner on your body

    There are home tanning products that cannot be used on the face, but only on the body. Read the instructions carefully.

    To achieve a flowing tan, treat the areas that receive the most sun. To make your tan look more natural, do not overly darken your neck, the curves of your arms and legs. It is recommended not to paint the armpits at all.

    The product must be distributed in the smallest layer and as quickly as possible, because every separate product has different penetrating abilities and color intensity.

    How to Apply Self Tanner with Sun Protection

    The vast majority of artificial tanning products do not contain components that protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. However, for some people, the “self-tanning + SPF” tandem is a priority among decorative cosmetics. After all, having dyed our skin artificially, we do not refuse to walk in the open sun, which can cause irritation or burns on the body.

    An excellent representative of such bronzes is Milk with SPF 6 filter from Clarins (from 1650 rubles). This drug is most suitable for light sensitive skin. This milk gives dark color, moisturizes the epidermis and creates a barrier on the skin against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation.

    Based on reviews on the Internet, we can conclude that Milk SPF 6 from Clarins is quickly absorbed (from 5 to 10 minutes), after this time it does not leave marks on clothes, the coloring effect appears after 2-4 hours and lasts up to 5 days, shade It looks natural, there is no yellowness.

    The application rules for self-tanning with SPF do not differ from the basic recommendations for the use of such products. The only difference is that protection from sunlight is more necessary only in the hot months of the year. Therefore, in winter you can buy ordinary bronzes.

    How to use self-tanning bronzer

    In summer, self-tanning can be used as a product to maintain sun-acquired color or to correct color throughout the body.

    On public beaches it is quite difficult to achieve an even shade due to swimsuits, under which the skin remains much lighter when light stripes peek out from under summer clothes.

    On nudist beaches, too, everything is not rosy. The fact is that not the entire surface of the body tans evenly in the sun due to changes in postures on the beach and the position of the sun in the sky during the day. The shoulders and face turn darker faster. And the places where the arms and legs bend and areas with thicker skin, on the contrary, acquire a summer shade more slowly.

    In this case, bronzers come to the rescue to correct the imperfections of a natural tan. This option for using self-tanning is the most economical, because... There is no need to treat the entire body, just apply the product to light areas.

    Rules for applying self-tanning to the body

    To achieve maximum correct result Observe the following rules:
    • Test your new tint for color shade and intensity.
    • Be sure to cleanse your skin immediately before or the day before using a store-bought scrub or homemade exfoliator. The mixture perfectly smoothes the epidermis and rids it of rough or dry particles baking soda and salt in equal proportions, diluted with milk for washing or liquid soap.
    • It is recommended to remove unwanted hair on the legs, in the bikini area.
    • Apply the product to clean, damp skin to avoid clogging pores. Lightly steamed skin absorbs components better, but dark spots may form in the pores. On skin moisturized with cream, there is a better chance of self-tanning being better distributed in a thinner layer, because... In this case, it dries a little slower.
    • Use the product in small portions. Rub it in quickly in a circular motion.
    • Treat areas with thicker skin immediately, then more sensitive ones.
    • Do not try to color the skin too much dark colors. The best option is 1-2 shades darker than the natural color.
    • If the coloring process is not carried out in the summer, and the whole body is not planned, because... it is located under clothes, then for greater naturalness it is worth treating your hands too. In this case, the drug does not need to be applied to the inner surface of the palms or nails. After a few minutes, you can lightly moisten your palms with clean water and use it to distribute the product again.
    • Do not apply long-drying products before bed, so as not to smear during the night and stain your bed linen.
    • In case of dry skin, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams 15-20 minutes before the procedure.
    • To protect your palms from staining, wear gloves or distribute the product using a special mitt.
    • If applying with bare hands, wash them thoroughly immediately after completion. Nails can be treated with a brush.
    • Application must be done sequentially - from bottom to top or vice versa.
    • Do not allow the product to drip.
    • Do not shower immediately after the procedure; some products may wash off immediately.
    • Apply moisturizers after the product has completely dried (the timing is indicated on the package).
    • The procedure can be repeated no less than half an hour after the effect appears. The frequency of treatment is indicated on the product packaging.

    Each product for imparting a bronze or chocolate shade has its own specific recommendations. detailed instructions on application is present on the product packaging.

    How to apply self-tanning - watch the video:

    Among the many self-tanning products, it is quite difficult to decide on the most suitable one. suitable remedy. The recommendations for use described above and information about the properties of a particular type should be taken into account. However best option- selection of self-tanning by trial and error.
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