• How to strengthen weak nails naturally. How to strengthen weak nails at home


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    When communicating, the interlocutor involuntarily pays attention to the person’s hands. They tell a lot about the owner.

    If the hands are well-groomed, it means the person is neat, if brittle nails on the hands - this means that the reason lies in deviations of the body from the normal state, and in front of us is a sick person.

    However, brittle nails occur in people who do not take care of themselves and are unfamiliar with the concept of hygiene. Ungroomed, dull, brittle nails give your hands an unkempt and unkempt appearance.

    Causes of brittle nails

    Exposure of nails to external and internal factors leads to their fragility. They begin to crack, peel off, break off, they are impossible to grow back and, moreover, to do a high-quality manicure.

    Exposure of nails to external and internal factors leads to their fragility.

    To understand the reasons for this process, you need to turn to time achu. It will help identify or exclude chronic and fungal diseases, check the amount of vitamins and microelements in the body.

    Comprehensive treatment of brittle nails includes the elimination of all causes of this phenomenon: the use of medicinal baths, special creams, paraffin therapy, etc.

    The main reasons for the brittleness of your nail plates include a number of factors.

    Genetic causes

    Such causes of brittle fingernails are quite common. The ability of the body to produce keratin and a certain amount of sulfur to harden it is passed on to a person from his parents.

    In order to exclude genetic cause, it is recommended to submit a small part of the nail to the laboratory.

    You shouldn't give up. It is necessary to take more careful care of your nails and carry out medical procedures as preventive measures.

    Poor care, manicure

    If a woman suddenly discovers that her fingernails are brittle, Often the reason for this lies in improper and illiterate care.

    If a woman suddenly discovers that her nails are brittle, the reason for this often lies in improper and illiterate care.

    The use of cheap varnishes and liquids based on acetone, low-quality care products leads to the penetration of harmful substances deep into the nails, damaging their structure, making them more vulnerable.

    If girls often get manicures or nail extensions, this has a detrimental effect on them. The nails begin to fade, peel and become brittle.

    Not everyone knows how to properly do a manicure at home and learn on their own, performing manipulations that negatively affect the nails.

    Pay attention to the most common mistakes:

    1. Do not use metal or glass files;
    2. The file must be held strictly perpendicular to the nail, then you will correctly form the shape of the nail plate;
    3. If detachment has already taken place, such a nail must be treated first on the sides, gradually moving to the center;
    4. The movements of the nail file occur in one direction;
    5. Prefer a tool with fine abrasive and do not grind it.

    Playing musical instruments

    Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, be it playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail at the microscopic level and, thus, to disruption of natural exfoliation.

    Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, be it playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail.

    Working with aggressive substances

    When cleaning the house, a person cannot do without chemicals that significantly improve and simplify cleaning.

    Even if a woman starts washing dishes, she cannot do without a chemical detergent. Therefore it is recommended Do all housework related to chemicals with gloves.. They will protect your nails and hands from exposure to aggressive substances.

    Hormonal imbalances

    Hormonal imbalances, mainly associated with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. During such a period, brittle fingernails often appear, and the reason for this lies on the surface.

    Hormonal imbalances, mainly associated with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. During this period, brittle fingernails often appear.

    During hormonal imbalance, estrogen levels decrease, and this has a detrimental effect on the condition of the marigolds.


    Vitamin deficiency, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the human body, leads to the fact that nails look dull and flake. Brittle fingernails look unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

    The composition of the nail includes keratin, so that the body produces it, it is recommended to include poultry, eggs, and sea fish in the menu.

    Using daily, These products will have a beneficial effect on the health of the nail plates. To prevent vitamin deficiency, you can take a complex of vitamins once a year.

    Nail fungus

    This problem occurs to many people. If treatment is not started on time, the nails will lose their shape, color and become brittle.

    Outside interference

    Many people bite their nails or remove them with nail clippers; this is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of improper mechanical intervention, they break.

    Lack of water and dehydration

    Lack of water in the body causes nails to become yellow, dull and brittle.

    Chronic diseases

    This reason, due to which brittle fingernails appear, occupies a leading place. Diseases such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, problems with endocrine system they all affect the health of your nails.

    All of the above reasons for brittle nail plates can be eliminated. Some can be removed quite easily and quickly, while with others you will have to be patient and treat the disease under the supervision of a doctor.

    All of the above reasons for brittle nail plates can be eliminated.

    The main thing is that the result will be healthy, dense and elastic nails.

    Features of brittle nails

    Now let's look at what brittle nails look like and what makes them special.

    Except them, contains keratin, which is responsible for the density of the nail, and water, which is responsible for elasticity and healthy shine. At the base of the nail there is a light zone - the matrix. Cells divide in it, and due to this it grows.

    Let's look at the structure of the nail. It consists of large quantity horny plates that are tightly pressed against each other.

    With a negative impact on the nail plates, tiny cracks and gaps form between the layers. Over time, a void forms from them, which delaminates the nail.

    Please note that brittle nails look bad, their structure becomes soft, and under mechanical stress they bend and break.

    The ends look sloppy, lifeless, and may flake off. If you try to grow them, then most often this is not possible. With such nails, the hands look unkempt, and the person himself looks sloppy.

    How to strengthen your nails

    In order to get your nails in order and reduce their fragility as much as possible, you need to properly care for them and strengthen them.

    File your nails only with an emery file; metal and glass ones damage your nails.

    Proper care includes the following:


    Most often, brittle nails are a message from the body for a person to think about his diet. If the body experiences a lack of microelements and vitamins, then it is the nail that immediately reacts to this fact.

    The body may lack elements such as:

    Strengthening nails with special preparations

    Many people have brittle fingernails, so there are many products on the market that combat the causes.

    Such products are purchased in pharmacies:

    Traditional methods

    Also, in addition to special drugs, you can try out their methods on yourself. traditional medicine.

    Traditional methods that fight fragility:

    Prevention of brittle nails

    In order not to let your nails return to their previous, unfavorable state, you must remember to take preventive measures.

    It is important to remember a number of tips:

    Thus, by following all the necessary measures and constantly caring for your hands and nails, you will forever forget about the problem of their fragility.

    This video will tell you what you can do to strengthen your nails.

    In this video you will learn about three effective recipes strengthening nails at home.

    This video will tell you how to deal with brittle nails and fungal nail infections.

    Violation of the strength and integrity of the nail plates associated with exposure to external and internal factors. Brittle nails often break off, flake, crack, and present difficulties with growing and high-quality application of decorative varnish. To find out the causes of brittle nails, it is necessary to exclude chronic diseases, deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, fungal diseases. Treatment of brittle nails involves eliminating etiological factors, performing therapeutic baths, paraffin therapy, strengthening nails, using nourishing creams for nail care, etc.

    Causes of brittle nails

    Nails can become brittle for external and internal reasons. Nails have a porous structure and easily absorb moisture and various chemicals that your hands come into contact with. Therefore, brittle nails occur in people due to their professional activity in contact with solvents, acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. In addition, brittleness and splitting of nails can occur due to frequent contact with products. household chemicals (washing powders, detergents and cleaners), prolonged exposure of hands to water, etc. Nails are weakened by physical factors such as low temperature ambient air in winter time years, dry indoor air. As a result of chronic hypothermia and drying out, nails become thin and brittle.

    A common cause of increased fragility of nails is poor care: improper cutting of nails, the habit of biting nails with teeth. Frequent nail extensions and the use of cheap nail polish and nail polish remover lead to harmful components(acetone, formaldehyde, etc.) penetrate deep into the nail, disrupting its structure and making it more vulnerable. In addition, mechanical stress from the outside can lead to cracking of the nail.

    The problem of brittle nails may be associated with endogenous factors, among which the leading role is played by a deficiency of microelements and vitamins. The condition of the nail plate is especially adversely affected by a lack of vitamins A, D, E, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, and iron. Brittle nails may increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is understandable - at this time the female body “shares” its resources with the baby’s body, therefore it is extremely important that the mother’s diet is of high quality and complete in composition. In addition, increased fragility of nails can be observed during hormonal changes - during puberty and menopause. The cause of brittle nails can be thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, and stress.

    Characteristics of brittle nails

    The problem of brittle nails is familiar to many women firsthand. In this case, the free edge of the nail often breaks off along its entire thickness or delaminates, i.e., the damage concerns its upper (shiny) layer. At the same time, the nail plates are thin and grow slowly. Increased brittleness of nails does not allow a woman to enjoy beautiful, long natural nails. Often, brittle nails are combined with deformation of their surface, changes in color and shape.

    Splitting of nails in the longitudinal direction (onychoclasia, onychorrhexis) often leads to a painful crease in the nail plate. Vertical cracks originate from the free edge of the nail and extend to varying distances in the proximal direction. In this case, as a rule, the lesion concerns individual nails of the fingers or toes. With onychoschisis, the nails split in the transverse direction. This problem can occur with poorly performed manicure, playing stringed instruments, typing, etc.

    In dermatology, brittle nails are considered a manifestation of onychodystrophy, requiring identification of the causes and proper treatment. With the problem of brittle nails, a woman can turn to a nail service specialist, but it would be better to first visit a dermatologist. Only a medical specialist can properly understand the severity of the problem. Taking into account the rate of nail growth (on the hands 1-2 mm per week, on the feet - 0.25-1 mm per week), you can calculate the approximate time of exposure to the pathological factor.

    To find out true reasons brittle nails may require additional consultation with a mycologist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist. In order to obtain objective data, the patient may be prescribed a spectral analysis for trace elements, scrapings from the nail plates for pathogenic fungi, a blood test for thyroid hormones, and others. necessary tests. Brittle nails should be distinguished from onychomycosis, changes in nails with skin diseases(psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, congenital epidermolysis, etc.).

    Treatment of brittle nails

    A competent approach to treatment should begin with eliminating the underlying cause of brittle nails. In all cases, it will be useful to temporarily avoid contact with chemicals and coating your nails with decorative varnishes; enhance nail protection and care. Useful home remedies for brittle nails include warm hand baths (oil, salt) - this will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients in the nails. Daily remedy care for brittle nails should be nourishing creams and balms with keratin, vitamins, proteins, which should be applied to the cuticle area, since in this place the nail is most susceptible to useful substances. However, nutrition of nails should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. That is why, if you have a problem with brittle nails, you need to take care of changing your diet, including foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, B5, etc., as well as taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

    When manicuring brittle nails, you must adhere to certain rules. Nails should only be cut with sharp scissors; It is recommended to avoid using cutters, which put too much pressure on the plate, causing it to delaminate and become brittle. For filing brittle nails, glass or ceramic files with fine grain are better suited, as they do not injure the fragile nails as much. nail plate. In this case, filing movements should be made in one direction, with a large amplitude, from the edge to the center. Before applying colored varnish, nails must be coated as a base with a special protective and strengthening agent. All products used for manicure procedures should not contain substances harmful to the nail plate.

    Specialized care for brittle nails can be carried out in conditions nail studio beauty salon. For brittle nails, spa manicure and Japanese manicure procedures, paraffin therapy, and masks for hands and nails are recommended. Therapeutic massage of the nail plate and cuticle area using a keratin complex, polishing the nails using fortified creams or oils, and sealing the nails are useful. To strengthen natural nails acrylic, gel, biogel are used on the arms and legs. If a crack occurs in the nail plate, the nail is repaired using silk or fiberglass. As the plate grows, the damage site is gradually cut off.

    Weak, brittle, peeling nails and ragged, bleeding cuticles can drive anyone to despair! Just like constant raids on nearby pharmacies in search of a wonderful remedy that will help get rid of all this! At first glance, there are thousands of products - from moisturizers to polishes - that promise to make your nails stronger, harder, longer and grow twice as fast. But you don’t have to use blatant chemicals or spend a fortune on special moisturizers! You can change your nails almost beyond recognition by following these simple tips:


    Think about how you currently care for your nails. How carefully do you cut them? How well hydrated are your hands? Do you work a lot with your hands? Do you bite your nails? Maybe you cover your nails with countless layers of polishes and acrylic gels, and then soak them in acetone to remove those layers? Perhaps your hands spend a lot of time in water, such as when washing dishes or swimming? Your daily activities are directly related to the quality of your nails. Make a list of your activities and think about the effect they have on your nails.

    Limit exposure to harsh chemicals. Chemicals such as acetone (in nail polish remover) or other similar substances that you may come into contact with at work dry out the cuticles and significantly weaken the nail itself. If your hands long time are in contact with water, your nails will also weaken and become soft and brittle. Give your nails a break! Carefully remove all varnish from them. Cut them short. If you have a bad habit of biting your nails, promise yourself to get rid of it today! If your weekly schedule includes visiting nail salon– take a break, let your nails be in their original form, let them breathe! (By the way, you'll save a lot of money!) Taking a break is probably the best thing you can do for your nails.

    Don't neglect gloves! When you have to do heavy work, wear work gloves.

    • When you wash dishes, don't forget to wear these fun yellow dishwashing gloves.
    • Protect your nails from the elements.
    • Also, to thoroughly soften and moisturize the skin of your hands and nails, use the following advice: before going to bed, apply a sufficient amount of your favorite cream/lotion, or just Vaseline, or natural (olive, coconut, almond, etc.) oil, or any other suitable remedy on your hands, put on clean cotton gloves and go to bed. (Make sure to remove all rings from your hands first, otherwise all your jewelry will take a long time to scrub off!) When you wake up the next morning, your hands, nails, and cuticles will be soft, healthy, and hydrated.
    • If you can do this procedure regularly, you will soon see and feel improvements in the quality and health of the skin on your hands and nails.
  • File your nails towards the middle of the nail. Start on one side and move the file evenly to the middle of the nail, then turn your finger over and do the same with the other half of the nail. (This may not work right away, especially if you've just been filing your nails back and forth.) Filing the nail from the edges to the center allows the body of the nail to support the edge and helps prevent unnecessary breakage. And over time, this method of filing helps improve the quality of the entire nail. Also, try not to use metal nail files because they are too hard. Use files made from other, softer materials if you want to treat your nails well.

    Start working from within. Your diet and lifestyle also greatly influence the quality of your nails. Review your diet. If your body does not receive required amount proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, it simply physically cannot provide you strong nails. Of course, you've already heard a thousand times that "you need to eat a balanced diet," and we won't waste time on that now. Although exactly healthy eating can solve your nail problems. If you're eating healthy and your nails are still weak and brittle, then you may want to consider taking a skin, hair, and nail supplement. These supplements typically contain vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, folic acid, iron, zinc, calcium and biotin. Also make sure that you consume enough omega-3 acids, which also reduce the risk of brittle nails. If you regularly take such nutritional supplements or vitamins, then the positive effect will not take long to appear. And not only your nails will feel it! You will also see improvements in your hair and skin, as well as overall health and energy!

    Polish your nails. Buy inexpensive four-way nail polish at your local drug store. Polishing the nail brings blood and lymph flow to the nail bed (those tissues under the surface of the nail itself that are responsible for its growth), and also softens the nail and makes it shiny. Polishing makes your nails attractive and stylish without the use of varnishes or other chemicals!

  • If you have already tried all imaginable and inconceivable methods, all the ideas proposed above, and your nails are still weak and brittle, or if you suspect that the cause of this condition may be a fungus or some kind of infection, do not hesitate and consult a doctor.

    • Just like your skin, hair and eyes, your nails are a reflection of your health and well-being.
    • Be patient. Your nails - like everything else in this life - did not become weak and brittle in one day, so you won’t be able to get them out of this state in one day. Give it time, and you will be happy to watch the slow but sure restoration and healing of your nails.
    • Start eating healthy foods more often. Exist regarding the effect of gelatin on strengthening nails and accelerating hair growth. Some swear that when they started eating more gelatin they noticed amazing effects, others say it's all nonsense and has no scientific basis. Although, if you like jelly as a product, why not try eating it more often - maybe it will work! And applying liquid gelatin without fragrances or dyes to well-moisturized nails can help eliminate minor imperfections.
    • Polishing your nails can also make them weak and brittle because polishing removes layers of your nail, thus making it thinner and weaker.
    • Learn to love natural beauty nails without coating.
    • You may need to see a doctor, because various diseases can be the cause of weak and brittle nails.


    • I really want to believe cosmetic companies that promise with the help of varnishes and other chemicals make your nails stronger and stronger, and luring customers with phrases like “guaranteed results”, “completely natural ingredients" and "vitamin complex that accelerates nail growth." But, if you look into it, they are trying to sell you the same varnishes, stuffed with different chemicals. If they help, it will only be for a while. Try not to use such products, especially in the first weeks of the nail restoration course.
    • Acrylic is a great option if you urgently need long, well-groomed nails, but it will inevitably damage your real nails. Strong chemicals will suck all the moisture out of your cuticles, and false nails can cause a lot of damage to your nail bed (and it hurts like hell!), so this fast decision in fact, it will turn into a long and difficult process of restoring your nails.
  • Brittle weak thin nails. Strengthening fragile nails

    Strengthening brittle nails includes nourishing them with nail oil and medicinal cream for the cuticle. When applying oil Special attention is applied to the contour of the nail, and the cuticle product is rubbed into the base of the nail in a circular motion thumb other hand. In this case, the softened cuticle can be gently pushed back with an orange stick, allowing the nail to “breathe.” The composition of ready-made products for strengthening nails is very different. Allantoin and panthenol effectively heal the cuticle, especially after trimmed manicure. Liposomes and nutrients stimulate the formation of new cells in the growth area of ​​the nail plate to enhance nail growth. Creams may also contain sulfur amino acids and keratin, proteins and vitamin C, which help strengthen nails and improve their resistance to harmful environmental influences.

    To strengthen fragile and brittle nails, you can take baths of warm vegetable oil with the addition of vitamin A, 3 drops of iodine or 5 drops 1-2 times a week lemon juice. It is necessary to regularly rub lemon juice, table vinegar, and cranberry juice into the nail plate and the skin surrounding the nail bed. If possible, after 1–2 days you need to make warm baths of sea or table salt. “Thimbles” made of beeswax, which are heated in a water bath and the fingertips are dipped into it, have an excellent effect. To achieve a lasting effect within 1-2 months, it is useful to take complexes of vitamins and minerals for hair and nails, such as Rivolit, Nutricap, Merz, Zinc, selenium, silicon, sulfur as part of dietary supplements.

    To strengthen the nails themselves, you can use paraffin baths and strengthening varnishes. Calcium varnishes will help brittle nails. If the nail is already broken, it is enough to cover the crack with a special material for sealing nails, and apply a regular base coat or a special gel for artificial nails on top.

    Recipes for treating and strengthening brittle and thin nails

    Recipes against brittle nails:

    • Baths of heated vegetable oil with the addition of liquid vitamin A and lemon juice. It is advisable to do it 2 times a week.
    • Every other day, do lemon “baths”. You need to cut the lemon in half and dip your fingertips into each half for 10 minutes. Course – 2 weeks.
    • Twice a week, give your nails an evening bath of heated olive oil with the addition of 3-5 drops of iodine. Dip your fingers in the oil for 15 minutes, then wipe them and avoid contact with water for several hours.
    • Vegetable oil baths and apple cider vinegar, mixed in equal parts.
    • Nourishing ointment for nails based on wax. Boil the egg hard. Take out the yolk and mash it. Add 4 g of beeswax, melted in a water bath, to the yolk and add Peach oil until the mixture thickens to the consistency of an ointment. Use ointment every evening.
    • Sometimes brittle nails are associated with a lack of certain microelements and vitamins in the body. In such cases you need to eat more fresh vegetables and cottage cheese. And from plants you can make a tea that strengthens nails: nettle - 1 part, shepherd's purse - 1 part, creeping wheatgrass rhizome - 2 parts, gray alder fruit - 1 part, black elderberry flowers - 3 parts. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 6-8 hours, strain, take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
    • Make an infusion of elm leaves and give your nails daily baths.
    • Equal parts vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. Course 2-3 weeks, daily, 10 minutes. Then apply universal nail cream
    • Pour into a glass vegetable oil, mix with a few drops of lemon juice. And every evening, before going to bed, hold your hands in it. To make the product even more effective, do not wash it off, put on cotton gloves and leave it on all night.

    Tips for strengthening thin, brittle nails at home

    When you boil potatoes, do not pour out the broth. After finishing all your household chores, hold your hands in it for 5-10 minutes. And then lubricate with cream.

    Unfortunately, peeling nails are a problem familiar to many. Salt baths are very useful to strengthen them. You just need regular sea salt, without all kinds of aromatic additives that are fashionable today. Dissolve a level teaspoon of salt in warm water and hold your hands for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated for 10 days in a row. After a month it can be repeated. Well, for prevention it’s enough to do salt bath once a week.

    Thin, easily broken nails will become stronger if you rub lemon juice or vegetable oil into them. Also try, at least temporarily, not to deal with washing powders.

    Sometimes brittle nails are associated with a lack of certain vitamins in the body. In such cases, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and cottage cheese. And from plants you can make a tea that strengthens nails: nettle - 1 part, shepherd's purse - 1 part, creeping wheatgrass rhizome - 2 parts, gray alder fruit - 1 part, black elderberry flowers - 3 parts. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 6-8 hours, strain, take half a glass 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

    If your nails are peeling, wipe them daily with a special lotion. At night, lubricate your hands and nails with any nourishing cream.

    Perfect natural remedy for hand care - regular lemon. Lemon juice improves the structure of nails, perfectly softens the skin around them and, in addition, has a whitening effect. Cut a lemon in half and soak your nails in the pulp, then massage them for a few minutes by rolling the lemon halves inside. Cut off the softened cuticles.

    Special keratin additives have a strengthening effect on nails. It is recommended to apply lotions and creams with such additives after each hand washing or at least twice a day. Warm baths with various softening additives relieve stress from your hands.

    Particular attention should be paid to the cuticle. For a long time it was removed mechanically, but now there are softer methods to avoid wounds and, consequently, infections. Cuticle cutting is not recommended. It is better to use a special gel, cream or oil before the bath to soften the cuticle, and then gently push it with an orange wood stick to the edges of the nail. Another remedy for treating the skin at the base of the nail is special liquid for the cuticle, which inhibits the growth of epithelial cells.

    For fragile and weak nails, there are special creams that strengthen the nail plate.

    Lumpy, broken, split nails look ugly. Nevertheless, this is often caused not by a serious general illness, but by the most ordinary housework, their usual - but endless - contact with alkaline agents. Therefore, protection in the form of gloves is as necessary for nails as for the skin of the hands.

    Even if you apply a colorless base varnish or liquid fixative to your nails, they will have at least some kind of protective film that will protect them from delamination.

    Many girls and women have more than once encountered such a problem as weak, peeling nails. A thin nail plate forms layers that do not allow beautiful manicure and keep your hands looking well-groomed. Strong and smooth nails are primarily a sign of a high index healthy body. How to care for your nails so they grow strong?

    What reasons can cause a change in the structure of nails?

    Firstly, poor nutrition contributes to this. A lack of calcium can cause your nails to break. Try to consume foods containing silicon as often as possible. Provide your body with vitamins A, C and E. Stratification is usually caused by a small amount of water, which is why it is so important to drink about one and a half liters per day.

    Secondly, the cause of weakness of the nail plate may be improper care. Upon contact with cleaning agents that have negative impact, you need to use special protective gloves. Try to use nail polish and acetone less often. This will give your nails a break.

    If you still want to get a manicure, then select a suitable specialist on the website and consult with him which manicure is more gentle for your nails or what caring procedures can be done to restore their previous appearance.

    How to care for and strengthen your nails?

    In order to strengthen your nails, there are certain methods. You can regularly take baths with the addition of sea ​​salt and lemon juice. Keep your hands in this solution for about 20 minutes. A similar procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a week.

    Helps great olive oil, which is usually rubbed into the nail plate before bed. It is advisable to use a medicinal varnish that contains certain microelements that are beneficial for your nails.

    Another important advice– Avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Remember that the nutrition of your skin and nails directly depends on the condition of your nervous system. Try to be as nervous as possible. And let your nails please the eye!

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