• What ways can you get rid of a scar on your face? How to get rid of scars: traditional and folk medicine


    Sufficiently old scars and scars on the skin cannot be completely removed; only a few surgical methods can do this. You can also use some methods to smooth out the skin and make them almost invisible. You can buy various creams, masks and other products at the pharmacy or use natural, home-cooked.

    1. If the scar occurs after surgery or a wound, then you need to apply special creams as quickly as possible to absorb the scar tissue. Many people recommend Contractubex cream, which does its job well.
    2. If after using creams and other products, the scars are still visible, then you can use peeling. This is how special reagents are applied to the skin, which can remove the top layer of skin. This method is great for removing scars on the legs, arms and other parts of the body.
    3. If the scar is in the form of a hole or dent, then you can use special dermal fillers. Thanks to them, the skin is evened out, but the procedure is performed once every few months.
    4. Laser therapy helps to erase the scar on the skin without leaving any marks. There are several laser treatments that can help you get rid of scars. Some remove the top layers of skin, while others penetrate the lower layers of skin and activate collagen production. Thanks to this, scars disappear forever and give the skin a natural look.

    How to remove scars on the body at home using folk remedies

    Onion juice

    Onion - natural remedy, which will help you get rid of scars. It contains unique enzymes for skin regeneration. Pre-steam the skin in the scar area and lubricate it with the prepared fresh juice onions. Apply baked onion compresses at night. Do this every day for several months.

    Remember that the result can be seen if you follow all the rules and do not give up treatment.

    Banana, cucumber and lemon juice

    Make healthy juice from fresh cucumber, lemon and banana. Lubricate the scarred area of ​​skin several times a day with the prepared mixture.

    Melon seed mask

    If you prepare a mask of melon seeds and apply it daily to the area with a scar, you can smooth out the scar tissue. To do this, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder, add eggshells And olive oil. The resulting paste must be applied to the scar in the form of a compress. Follow this procedure for at least 1 month.


    Sage, chamomile, calendula, nettle, plantain, parsley, dandelion, mint, green tea, yarrow and St. John's wort. This list of herbs has a regenerating effect. It is necessary to make lotions from decoctions of these plants for 2-3 months.

    Rub honey 1-3 times a day into scar tissue. After a few months, the scars will become pale and smooth.

    Essential oils

    Essential oils have a regenerating and healing effect. Many cosmetologists recommend using rosemary, lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.

    Beeswax or paraffin

    Masks made from warm paraffin or wax can smooth out the skin. You can also prepare a special ointment for scars from wax. To do this, take 1 part beeswax and 3 parts sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Lubricate the scars with cold ointment for 1-2 months.

    How to get rid of scars on your face - video

    Scars can appear on any part of the body and as a result of many influences: thermal (burns, frostbite), mechanical (surgery, cut), physiological (pimples, acne), etc. And if the scars of men are decorated, then girls, after discovering such a defect on their skin, are everywhere looking for a way to get rid of scars. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

    Salon and medical procedures

    Doctors cannot yet agree on when it is easier to remove scars: some believe that while they are still fresh, that is, no later than a month, some believe that the scar must first heal, that is, a year after its appearance.

    In any case, experts agree on one thing: before getting rid of a scar on the face and other parts of the body, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. These include the size of the damage, its depth, location, cause, as well as age, individual characteristics and the patient's heredity.

    1. Cryotherapy

    Applying cold to the scar (usually liquid nitrogen) within 1-3 sessions you can remove the scar. First, it becomes covered with an icy film, then the skin swells and enlarges, like a burn; after a couple of days, a dry crust appears, which soon falls off, leaving behind a pink mark that merges with the surrounding skin over time.

    The procedure is performed in the presence of anesthesia.

    1. Scar filling

    This procedure is suitable for you if the scars you would like to get rid of seem to be buried in the skin, for example, if you are looking for a way to remove scars from cuts. Scars are filled with collagen, hyaluronic acid or your own adipose tissue taken from other places. The result is noticeable instantly, but it does not last forever. Usually a repeat procedure is necessary after six months, but the effect can last for 1.5 years.

    1. Dermabrasion

    How to remove old scars medically? Erase to the roots. The procedure is as follows: the patient is given anesthesia, and then the scar tissue is ground down with rotating brushes. In this case, blood is inevitably released and the deep layers of the skin are affected.

    After the procedure, the skin must be regularly disinfected to avoid blood poisoning; after some time, a crust will appear, which will fall off within a week and leave behind the skin with virtually no initial signs of a scar.

    1. Operation

    The most radical method of getting rid of scars is surgery. It is suitable for all types of scars, except keloids. After the operation, the scar site will remain, of course, not ideal. smooth skin, but a thin thread-like trace.

    To correct extensive scars, skin from a healthy area of ​​the patient or a silicone bag is transplanted in their place.

    The doctor decides whether it is possible to remove deep scars in this way.

    How to remove scars at home

    Despite the fact that usually the treatment of scars and scars at home is based on the use of natural ingredients, they should be handled with utmost care and worked according to the instructions.

    1. Green clay and rosemary oil

    Prepare the following ointment: mix 1 teaspoon of clay powder with 3 drops of oil and the amount of water necessary to form a not too liquid paste. Apply the composition to the area of ​​skin with a scar for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

    Frequency of procedure: once every 3 days. Between applying the ointment, lubricate your skin with rosemary oil 6 times a day.

    1. Apple vinegar

    As home remedies to remove scars and scars, they can help fruit acids, which are contained, for example, in apple cider vinegar. Vinegar itself is too aggressive, so before use, dilute it with clean water in a ratio of 1:3. Soak gauze or handkerchief in the solution and apply to the scar(s) for 10 minutes.

    1. Hydrocortisone

    This ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy for little money. Apply a thin layer to scarred areas. Helps in getting rid of keloid scars. Before using hydrocortisone ointment to get rid of scars at home, it is a good idea to consult a doctor, as it has contraindications. It is also not recommended to use it for more than a week.

    Regularity of procedure: 3 times a day.

    1. Peeling

    You can try to smooth out voluminous scars. We are talking about home peelings using natural products: salt, soda, badyagi, seaweed.

    Wet, or better yet, slightly steam the skin with the scar and rub one of the selected products into it. Rough materials can easily damage your skin, so be careful and gentle with your skin.

    Badyaga is sold in pharmacies in the form of an ointment or powder, which must first be diluted with water. It improves blood circulation, which is used to heal bruises and visible capillaries.

    Frequency of procedure: once a week.

    1. Use of oils

    Essential oils help fight, perhaps, all skin imperfections; it all depends on which oil you choose.

    One of the following essential oils can help you get rid of scars at home:

    • Rosemary;
    • Tea tree;
    • Lavender;
    • Grape seeds;
    • Almond;
    • Coconut;
    • Wheat germ oil;
    • Sesame;
    • Jojoba;
    • Sea buckthorn;
    • Olive

    The main advantages of this method of removing scars at home are their low cost and the possibility of long-term treatment.

    The ideal proportion for preparing the mixture is 30 drops of base oil per 1 drop of essential oil. The product should remain on the skin for at least half an hour, then you can wipe it off with a napkin or rinse with warm water.

    Frequency of procedure: once a day.

    1. Masks

    If you are interested in a way to remove scars from cuts on your hand or face, it is very convenient to make weekly masks.

    • Banana

    Apply ripe banana puree for 10 minutes and rinse with water. The same fruit acids that were mentioned earlier go into battle.

    The Aloe Vera plant is also famous for its healing effects on the skin. How to lighten a scar with it? It is very simple, you need to keep aloe leaves on the scarred skin for 15 minutes several times a day. You can also squeeze juice from the leaves or make a paste, it all depends on your convenience.

    • Oatmeal

    The action of a mask of oatmeal and kefir is aimed at getting rid of scars after acne and pimples. Even though this is more of a scrub than a mask, it is also suitable for sensitive skin.

    To prepare, you will need 50 ml of kefir and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal; you can first grind them in a blender.

    Wait 10 minutes for the flakes to swell and apply the mask to the entire face or specifically to problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse with water.

    Regularity of the procedure: 2 times a week for 2 months.

    How to remove chickenpox scars

    A separate story with scars after chickenpox, they appear mainly if a person experiences smallpox as an adult or if he scratches the skin too much, this is typical for children.

    It is advisable to begin home treatment immediately after the chickenpox pimples crust over and fall off.

    • Contractubex

    The pharmaceutical product in the form of a gel includes onion extract, which heals the wound. On fresh scars, the gel should be applied in a thin layer, rubbing in. Apply to the old one with a reserve and leave for 6-12 hours, during this time avoid sunlight and temperature influences.

    Any medical drug has analogues and contraindications, so before purchasing it is best to consult a doctor so that you do not end up paying twice.

    • Cacao butter

    If the scars are shallow and not so numerous, using cocoa butter can remove chickenpox scars on the face. How? - you ask. Simply rub it onto the affected skin several times a day. This product will accelerate cell regeneration, reduce the inflammatory effect and tighten the skin.

    In fact, cosmetic, medical and home remedies on how to remove a scar from a burn, cut, illness, etc. There are many, but you should choose them carefully and taking into account your skin. Do not delay healing if the scars bother you very much. It is quite possible that by waiting you are increasingly complicating the future treatment process.

    Sometimes it happens that your own body is no longer happy. And the reason is not at all in physical form or ideals of appearance. The whole point is that for some reason scars or scars appeared on it.

    Is it possible to remove a scar?

    Scar removal is a delicate issue that concerns both medicine and cosmetology. For a long time, it was practically impossible to get rid of the scar once and for all. But now cosmetologists are able to correct any flaw on the body. Modern medicine provides more than one way to get rid of scars. Among them are:

    1. Surgical intervention. Represents plastic surgery, to remove scars or scars by excision. This method is painful and takes a long time. rehabilitation period. And not always with the expected result.
    2. The simplest and most accessible is ointments for resolving scars. But, unfortunately, they only work well on fresh scars. If your scar is more than 5 years old, it is unlikely to disappear without a trace.
    3. Cryodestruction of scars. Removing scars using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is present and provided in many clinics or beauty salons. However, it is extremely undesirable. The scars after it do not disappear completely, but smooth out and spread wider.
    4. Chemical peeling. The procedure is more suitable for getting rid of small scars left, for example, from pimples.
    5. Removal using laser. One of the most delicate and precise operations to remove sutures on the body.

    How to remove acne scars

    To remove acne scars from the face, peeling is the most suitable procedure. Achieving results occurs in several sessions. It cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis of old cells, helping to regenerate new ones. As a result of the skin renewal process, acne scars gradually disappear.

    There are several types of peeling:

    • chemical: performed using acids;
    • laser: almost painless procedure, with a recovery period of a couple of days;
    • coral: based on adding coral chips to the peeling mixture.

    The use of one or another type of peeling depends on the condition of your skin, as well as the density and age of the scars.

    Scar removal

    It is best to remove scars with a laser. In the clinic, under the supervision of a doctor.

    The laser removal procedure is divided into two types:

    1. Laser treatment. With its help, the scar is transformed into normal skin. The treatment process is a pulsed effect on the mutilated area of ​​skin, as a result of which it softens and becomes comparable to the skin.
    2. Laser resurfacing with erbium laser. That is, layer-by-layer removal of the scar. This method allows you to remove any type of scars.

    Scar polishing

    Has a number of advantages:

    • it is possible to remove any type of scar;
    • already after the first procedure the result is visible;
    • the procedure is allowed in the décolleté, neck, and face areas;
    • as a result of the operation, the surrounding tissues are not damaged;
    • the procedure does not require special preparation and is suitable for all skin types;
    • absence of a difficult postoperative period.

    The number of procedures will directly depend on how severely damaged the skin is. Experts recommend not to rush to get the result and go to it gradually, leaving intervals between procedures of a month or two.

    Contraindications include: tanning, diabetes, cancer, pregnancy.

    Tattoos covering scars

    Not every scar can be easily removed, and sometimes the procedure is so expensive that not everyone can handle it. Another way to get rid of a boring scar is to cover it with a tattoo. It's trouble-free, but it's not for everyone. Not everyone is ready to put a design on their body that they will have to wear for the rest of their lives. However, those who still decide to do this should take the matter seriously.

    First you need to decide on a drawing. The master can make for you any sketch you wish. A good tattoo artist will always tell you the best options and help you decide. After the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to transferring the design to the body.

    How to disguise a scar

    Scars for girls are sometimes worse than nuclear war. But you don’t want to decorate your body with a tattoo, especially if it’s on your face. And the operation is even worse. Then there is nothing left to do but simply disguise it with cosmetics. It is worth considering that this method can only work with small scars, but not with rough scars or post-operative sutures.

    To work on a scar you will need:

    • tonic;
    • primer;
    • concealer;
    • makeup application kit.

    To begin, cleanse the scar area with toner. Apply primer, it will help hide the scar better. Next, use concealer. He will correct the scar. After the concealer has dried a little, get rid of the excess with a sponge, simply blotting the scar. And as a final step, apply foundation. Remember that to achieve better effect, it should be matched exactly to your skin tone.

    How to remove scars at home

    It is completely impossible to get rid of a scar at home. You can slightly smooth out the skin on the scar or lighten it, making it less noticeable. Even if you decide to tackle this issue yourself, resorting to grandma's recipes, still consult your doctor.

    Check out some ways to remove a scar at home:

    1. Bodyaga will help to resolve the scar.
    2. Ointments that help skin regeneration. The most common is Contractubex.
    3. (Jojoba, rosemary, almond) can help in removing small scars.
    4. Use different types of masks. For example, from aloe leaves. Just squeeze the juice out of them and let it brew for a day. Apply to the scar a couple of times a day. Or a mask with honey and... You will need 1 tbsp. l. each product, mix, ready to use. The mask should be kept on for about an hour.

    Scar removal: before and after photos

    We present to your attention photos of scars before and after various procedures.

    Removing scars with laser

    Application of grinding

    Peeling procedure

    Disguising a scar with cosmetics

    Covering up tattoo

    The causes of scars vary, as do the methods for treating them. Depending on whether the scar is fresh or old, home remedies or treatment using modern salon techniques come to the rescue. How to get rid of scars as quickly as possible and restore the beauty of the face and other areas of the body?

    A scar that has formed on the face or other open part of the body can often be removed independently using special ointments, creams or gels. Most of the drugs are over-the-counter, so this treatment does not require the participation of a doctor. The main thing is to read the instructions in detail to exclude contraindications.

    Recommended medications for facial scars provide a resolving and softening effect. Like cooked with my own hands home remedies, they give quick positive result if the skin damage is deep. In other situations, you can get rid of scars only through expensive salon techniques. As for pharmaceutical formulations, they are considered as an addition to the main treatment.

    Review of the best products

    Main active ingredients pharmaceutical drugs there will be minerals, vitamins and hormones. The compositions are also enriched essential oils, surfactants. Therefore, medications intended for local treatment provide a diverse effect without changing the general condition of the body.

    The problem can be effectively dealt with by reducing the height and size of the scar, lightening the scar tissue, softening it, and eliminating the feeling of tightness. If remedies for facial scars are applied immediately after the scar appears, it is possible to prevent further growth of pathological tissues and cope with itching and redness.

    As reviews show, the most effective for adults (both women and men) are the following:

    1. Contractubex. A medicine based on sodium heparin, Serae onion extract, and allantoin helps slow down the formation of scar tissue, helps quickly produce collagen, and stop the inflammatory process. As a result, it is possible to effectively get rid of shallow scars.

    2. Kelofibrase. Getting rid of a scar occurs by increasing blood circulation, saturating tissues with moisture, and reducing inflammation. The drug contains sodium heparin and urea, so women can use the medicine to prevent stretch marks during sudden weight loss or gain.

    3. Kelo-Kot spray and gel. The product helps to achieve an effective result due to the presence of silicone dioxide and polysiloxane in the composition. Under their influence, a thin film appears on the surface of the scar, providing round-the-clock treatment of a scar on the face or other part of the body. The feeling of tightness and itching quickly goes away, and the process of scar tissue growth is inhibited. Additionally, the drug protects against ultraviolet radiation.

    4. Spenko plates. These are transparent silicone plates that are attached to the scar using a patch or bandage. As a result, you can get rid of all types of scars on your own. Treatments of the face and other open areas are carried out until the damage is completely eliminated. The length of treatment depends on how extensive and old they are.

    5. Dermatix. As reviews show, a product based on silicon dioxide and silicone helps to form a breathable film on the surface of the scar and protect tissue from further mechanical damage. Eliminates scars of varying complexity.

    6. Mederma. The product for the treatment of scars is almost similar in composition to Contractubex, but does not contain heparin. Indicated for the treatment of stretch marks and atrophic scars. If you need to get rid of acne marks, you should choose another medicine.

    7. Fermenkol. A drug based on an enzyme that breaks down collagen helps to get rid of cosmetic defects, even if the scars are old. True, in this case it is better to combine local treatment at home with electrophoresis therapy.

    Along with pharmaceutical medications, you can treat scars on the face using traditional medicine recipes:

    • For women whose skin, in addition to scars, contains dark spots, it is recommended to use lemon juice, rich in natural bleaching agents.
    • Aloe juice helps to cope with scars, especially if the scar appears as a result of acne healing.
    • When planning how to remove a scar on your face, do not forget about beneficial properties honey This product is considered effective mask, able to cope with any scars. Treatment with honey is carried out a couple of times a day. You can use sweet medicine to restore facial skin only if there is no contraindication in the form of a possible allergic reaction.
    • Oatmeal mask. Women can cook effective mask by combining a tablespoon of cream with a few drops of lemon juice. Home remedy Apply to the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash off with warm water.

    Removing acne scars

    To get rid of scars and scars after acne, you can treat your face with the following compositions:

    1. Almond or olive oils. They are used for daily massage to promote the production of skin-smoothing collagen.

    2. Rubbing with ice cubes, for which infusions are frozen medicinal herbs. Chamomile, calendula, and sage are especially effective for scars. As a result, the skin tone noticeably increases, it is smoothed and strengthened.

    3. Fresh cucumber. For processing, take vegetable juice, rubbing twice a day to increase tone skin and smoothing it out.

    4. Honey-cinnamon mask. The products are combined in equal proportions and used as a face mask. Feedback from women shows that the result is a renewal of the epidermis and a decrease in the severity of scars. The duration of the session is 25 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week. The only contraindication for treatment is hypersensitivity to honey.

    5. Coffee scrub. Use a natural ground product, combining it with table salt. As a result, the facial skin is effectively exfoliated, deep microcirculation is activated, and the tone of the epidermis increases. The frequency of use of this home remedy is no more than twice a week.

    6. Another option for women who want to even out their facial skin after acne is a mask based on white clay. It is combined with hydrogen peroxide and bodyaga, mixing all components in equal quantities. The procedure is carried out every other day, leaving the composition on the skin for 20 minutes. The result is effective skin toning and smoothing of scars.

    7. Copes well with acne scars and a mask based on egg white, combined with lemon juice (a couple of drops is enough). As a result of such treatment, the face is not only straightened, but its contour is tightened. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, leaving the composition on the skin for 20 minutes.

    8. Many cosmetologists recommend that women who are puzzled by the question of getting rid of scars at home use healing properties green clay. To do this, its powder is combined with a few drops of rosemary oil and water, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream. Leave the mask on the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The frequency of sessions is twice a week. The result is complex, since simultaneously with the smoothing of acne scars, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated.

    9. Another option for traditional therapy is rubbing the face with essential oils of plants such as lavender, rosemary, and avocado.

    Elimination of scars and old scars in the salon

    If acne scars are deep enough and old or you need to remove a scar after surgery, cosmetologists recommend immediately turning to salon techniques. Treatment is possible in several options.

    • Chemical peeling.

    As a result of the procedure, the damaged upper layer of the epidermis is removed. To influence the skin, chemicals are used in the form of trichloroacetic, salicylic, glycolic acid. Subsequent tissue regeneration occurs in as soon as possible due to the active production of collagen. As a rule, several sessions are performed to obtain the desired result.

    • Mechanical grinding.

    She is also called diamond dermabrasion. A vacuum suction apparatus is used, which is supplemented with nozzles coated with diamond particles. The technique is low-traumatic and highly effective. The skin is regenerated in the shortest possible time, and acne marks or other scars are practically undetectable visually.

    • Laser and ultrasonic grinding.

    During laser procedure The skin is removed at a specific depth. As a result, collagen-containing epidermal cells begin to actively grow. In parallel with the elimination of scar changes, a noticeable rejuvenation of the face occurs, returning the skin to velvety and smoothness. When exposed to ultrasound, the upper keratinized layer of skin is removed and the production of new cells is stimulated.

    • Microdermabrasion.

    We are talking about exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis under the influence of mechanical treatment, during which aluminum oxide is used. Result - effective cleansing face, improving microcirculation at the level of the deep layers of the skin. It is possible to remove scars by increasing the production of collagen fibers by tissues.

    • Phenolic peeling.

    This is about deep cleansing skin. This procedure is quite painful, but its effect is noticeable immediately, so repeated treatments are not required for several years. Immediately after the session, it is necessary to protect the face and other exposed parts of the body from direct sunlight.

    • Ozone treatment.

    Ozone therapy is especially indicated for acne scars. To restore tissue, a mixture of ozone and oxygen is used, which is injected subcutaneously to heal wounds.

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of treatment methods. Therefore you can choose suitable option in any case, obtaining a obviously positive result.

    Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Enjoy reading! Everyone has more than once encountered injuries, wounds, and cuts that leave noticeable scars. Scars and marks on the body give men masculinity, however female body they do not decorate at all.

    Small scars left after abrasions or pimples may not cause any inconvenience to their owners, but large postoperative scars, scars that are located in prominent places, can cause a lot of worry and embarrassment among the fair sex. How to get rid of old scars? More details below.

    Getting rid of old scars is a long and at the same time complex process. You can get rid of them completely only by resorting to plastic surgery, which involves transplanting part of the skin. Sometimes a small part of the scar is dried out, after which it becomes much narrower and less noticeable. The operation is performed in a hospital, under local or general anesthesia. As a rule, the rehabilitation period in this case is no more than a month.

    There are other methods of disposal. The choice of treatment method largely depends on the origin and depth of the skin lesion (choose one method or a combination). One of the most common is dermobrazic ( chemical peeling). This method involves removing a layer of skin (top layer) with special milling brushes. This method allows you to completely get rid of small scars. However, this procedure is very painful and traumatic, because along with top layer The skin removes some of the capillaries, which can cause bleeding.

    A less painful method is microdermabrasion.. With it, the treatment of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin is not carried out so deeply and does not affect the blood vessels. This method is most effective in treating acne scars. It is strongly not recommended to carry out this procedure at home. It should only be carried out by a specialist in the beauty salon.

    Laser resurfacing can help get rid of old scars. Its action resembles peeling. This procedure is performed to get rid of shallow scars.

    Sometimes it can be removed using special ointments and creams(sold in pharmacies without a prescription), which have a resolving effect. Treatment with such drugs is quite long - up to six months. A big plus this method is that it has virtually no contraindications and does not cause pain.

    There are also methods such as treatment scars with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery), as well as treatment folk remedies(treatment with essential oils, honey, beeswax, clay, etc.).

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