• Recipes for beauty and youth from grandma's chest. Ancient beauty recipes


    We all dream of staying beautiful for as long as possible. Have delicate skin Everyone wants wrinkle-free. Many people have already tried such common masks as strawberry and cucumber. Would you like to try something new? There are many tips on how to get rid of wrinkles. Here are some of them.

    For example, onion juice brightens the skin well; it can even remove freckles. After reading one woman's letter, I was delighted. Without thinking twice about how to get rid of wrinkles, she chose one very good recipe I was very pleased with the result.

    The woman prepared thirty grams of onion juice. I bought several white lily bulbs at a flower shop and made juice from them. Then I took some cleaned wax. I connected everything together and put it in a water bath for about half an hour until the wax melted. You need to stir until the wax melts with a wooden stick.

    After the wax has melted, the mass must be cooled while stirring. The cream is ready, you can use it. You need to rub your face with this cream twice a day, morning and evening. The result will not be long in coming.

    I want to write a little more about lilies. Lily was also valued by famous beauties of the Great Age. They made themselves such a mixture. You need to squeeze 20 grams of juice from the lily, add 20 grams of honey and 10 grams of already melted wax. Only the wax should be white. This cream protects the face from wrinkles, prevents them from appearing and smoothes out small ones.

    You can do entire courses of treatment to get rid of wrinkles and restore facial skin. Excellent face cream offers ethnoscience. Mix burdock oil and lanolin together and slowly add to rose water. Then add camphor and rose oils and Vaseline. Mix well until cream forms.

    100 milliliters burdock oil and lanolin, 50 g of Vaseline and 50 milliliters rose water. 10 milliliters each of camphor and rose oils. The course of treatment is 21 days. Apply the cream daily clean skin faces. If you feel that there is a lot of cream on your face, blot off the excess with a napkin.

    This healing mask The same is done with burdock oil, only other ingredients are added. Mix flour with burdock oil, and honey with orange juice. First, apply a mixture of flour and oil to your face, gently massaging it and leave it on for five minutes. Then apply a mixture of honey and juice on top and leave it on your face for fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, rinse your face with warm water. The course of treatment is one month. Do the procedures three times a week.

    I almost forgot to write the proportions. So 20 milliliters of burdock oil and thirty grams of linden honey and oatmeal, and fifty milliliters of orange juice.

    In our modern world progress has gone so far that there is no longer any need to make your own cosmetics. And if you want the most modern, most efficient and natural way to get rid of wrinkles, take advantage of the latest achievement of science in combination with the forces of nature - Transfusium face cream from SISEL You will see the effect after 2 weeks of use.

    What kind of face masks did our grandmothers make? Our grandmothers once also collected secrets from various sources, and we can say that for us this is already - ancient recipes for beauty.
    I recently found a notebook with recipes for face masks. Judging by the appearance of the notebook, it is quite many years old, and the recipes were apparently used often.

    Some pages are badly damaged and cannot be restored, so several recipes will remain a mystery.

    For modern youth, everything that was in the middle of the last century is already ancient. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, especially those who lived in the periphery, did not have to suffer when choosing cosmetics and fight off the catalogs of annoying distributors of network companies.

    Ancient beauty recipes from grandma's notebook

    Women who are over 70 and have not ruined their facial skin with modern false effective creams, they look very decent. Their skin has retained its freshness, firmness and elasticity as much as possible for its age. Of course, there are many different “buts” here... nevertheless, when you ask them what they use, they say - chamomile, sour cream, egg. Maybe they are lying?

    Let's see what my grandmother used

    Grandma's beauty recipes I am rewriting it as it is, in the same style.

    Lotions on water

    Prepared from any herb you like. 0.5 cups of dry herb are poured with varnish (boiling water means), covered and infused for 1 day. Later, after straining, add one tablespoon of glycerin per 200 ml of infusion.

    Dandelion oil
    Flowers are collected in May. You can chop it together with roots, leaves and stems and pour in any oil. The jar is placed in a place protected from light for a couple of weeks.
    Suitable especially for dry skin. You can also make it from

    Skin cleansing masks

    • Apply rich fresh cottage cheese to the skin. Wait until it dries slightly to the skin, and then lightly roll it with your fingertips into a flow. 10 min., without strong pressure.
    • Grind dandelion leaves, take 1 teaspoon. and pour warm milk -1 tbsp, after 10 minutes add raw yolk. Well suited for normal to dry skin types.
      If so, add white instead of yolk
    • Do the same with nettles and indoor geraniums. These masks are applied to the face, and when dry, they are rolled off the face in the same way as cottage cheese.

    Salt cleansing mask

    You need fine salt, half a glass. Fill it in:
    For normal skin - cream, if the skin is oily - milk, butter, if the skin is dry.
    Cleaning is done as follows:
    Oily skin must first be soaped, then a salt composition must be applied. Let dry after 10 minutes. wash off.
    Dry and normal skin no need to lather.

    Cleaning with used tea leaves or coffee grounds.

    First, the tea and coffee leftovers need to be dried. If the skin is dry, first apply sunflower oil, then tea or coffee and leave for 4-5 minutes. Use circular movements to clean.
    For oily skin, lather thoroughly first.
    For oily and very porous skin Instead of tea and coffee, you can use finely ground rice.

    Grandmother's anti-aging masks

    Everything is like in a notebook: these masks saturate the skin with vitamins and nourish it well Accordingly, metabolic processes in the skin improve.

    To enhance the effect of any mask, three-year-old aloe juice is added to them. Place 5-6 aloe leaves in a black photo paper bag and refrigerate for two weeks. Then simply squeeze out the juice and add 1 tsp into the masks.

    French mask

    • We have to:
    • Beat together 200 grams of cream and egg;
    • squeeze the juice of one lemon;
    • take 100g of vodka or purified moonshine.
    • Beat everything well and add 1 teaspoon. glycerin and refrigerate. You can store up to six months, but it’s better to make fresh more often.
    • Use in the evening daily on face and neck. After an hour you need to wash it off.

    Cabbage masks for beauty

    1. Chop the cabbage leaf, take 1 tsp each of protein, sour cream and oatmeal and mix with tsp. cabbage porridge. Keep on the skin of the neck and face for up to 20 minutes.
      For dry skin, instead of white you need to take the yolk and add 1 tsp. vegetable oils
      Instead of porridge from fresh cabbage, you can make masks using sauerkraut juice. Suitable for any skin type.
    2. Instead of cabbage, you can use fresh young green peas or sweet bell pepper. Just don't need oatmeal.
    3. Mask with fish caviar for any skin. Take 1 tsp. fresh or salted caviar, mash and mix with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, leave for 10 minutes. in the refrigerator. Then add the yolk and apply to your face for half an hour.

    Masks for skin elasticity and firmness

    All these recipes are from my grandmother's old notebook. And my mother most likely used them too. At all times, a woman has strived to look beautiful, with well-groomed skin. They tried in every possible way to reduce wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, removed freckles, etc. And they did all this using natural ingredients.

    These masks are for those over 30.

    Revitalize prematurely aging skin. 1 tablespoon black radish juice + 1 tbsp. honey + 1 tbsp. fat sour cream. Beat everything well and apply in layers after 5-6 minutes. In general it will take 25-30 minutes. Then wash it off. The mask is suitable for any skin type.

    Starch mask

    Make a starch paste. For oily skin mix 1 tbsp. paste + 1 tsp oatmeal + 1 tsp. whipped egg white.
    For dry skin 1 tsp. dilute dry starch in 1 tsp. warm milk or vegetable oil.
    Apply to skin for 25-30 minutes.

    Tightens and prevents sagging skin
    You need to grind a spoonful of rice into flour.
    To 1 tsp. rice flour add beaten egg + 1 des.l. sour cream. Keep for 15 minutes. Suitable for any skin.

    Venous drainage mask
    Pour hot milk over the rye crumb (100 g), leave for 15 minutes, cover with a lid. Then apply this porridge to your face for 15 minutes. Remove with a compress of hot milk in 2-3 steps.

    Softening masks
    All of them are based on vegetables and fruits.
    , pumpkin, melon, beets, peaches,…. everything that is at home and can be eaten, everything can be applied to the face.
    Choose any vegetable or berry, grate and add, depending on your skin type:
    For dry use cream, sour cream and yolk
    For fatty foods, protein.
    These masks not only soften the skin, but some of them also whiten.

    There was even a mask made from citrus peel (any kind). Grind the zest, take one spoon and add a teaspoon each of flour, yolk and sour cream. Mix everything and apply to your face.

    Mask "Madame Pompadour".
    It is written that it nourishes and whitens the skin.
    Grate the lemon along with the peel and pour 0.5 cups of alcohol into it. Mix well and strain, add sour cream or heavy cream, whipped egg white, tsp. glycerin. . Wipe your face in the evening.

    • Hydroperite tablets were also used to lighten the skin. It was added to cottage cheese and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

    Yeast appears very often. It is characterized as a means for strengthening dull skin and for cleansing it:

    • Yeast with hydrogen peroxide will whiten your skin.
    • Yeast with hot milk and a spoon of any natural juice increases blood circulation and reduces sagging.

    In general, it’s interesting how our grandmothers tried to remain attractive and beautiful without ampoules, mesoscooters and other clever insinuations.

    It is not youth and beauty that one should envy, but the condition of a woman who has freed herself from the fear of age. (April 1913)

    Use persistent lipstick so as not to leave marks on other people's cheeks. And most importantly, not to stain the cheeks of your friend’s child. (October 1949)

    A face that glows with health and a figure that radiates energy have a 4 out of 5 chance of appearing beautiful. (March 1916)

    In fact, today it is easy to become beautiful. After all, we know that beauty is the sum of several noticeable components: a good hairstyle, a slim body, perfect makeup— and a few more subtle little things. (January 1954)

    As we all know, true beauty lies within us. This is the love that every woman radiates. It shines brighter and reveals itself in your concern for others, in the enthusiasm with which you interact with people, trying to get to know them better. (December 1966)

    Never become the type of woman who says, “I don’t care what I look like because I’m already married.” (February 1940)

    Your motto when applying makeup should be: “Use less, but carefully chosen.” (January 1933)

    And now we come to a simple but important rule for maintaining a beautiful neck: always hold your head high. (February 1952)

    Here's our uplifting strategy for January 1961 fashion (it's a time-tested remedy, by the way): Add some bright, fresh color to your wardrobe. Forget about basic Blue colour. Freshen up your image with the brightest clothes you own. Or buy at least one bright dress! Main spring trends

    Secrets of skin beauty

    Apply protective protection to your face fat cream or softening lotion every time before going outside, where wind and cold can damage the skin. Also use sunscreen more often to avoid sunburn on your delicate facial skin. (November 1947)

    Keep a jar of eye cream on your bedside table. Then you won't forget to use it in the evening. (March 1969)

    The worst effect on appearance women and facial skin conditions: poor diet, going to bed too late, bad air, infrequent bathing and anxiety. (February 1895)

    In summer at sea you need an effective sunscreen to avoid burns. Apply it more often, generously, not only when you sunbathe, but also when you get out of the water. Here it is, the secret female beauty, which we never tire of repeating! (June 1950)

    Beautiful look: beauty secrets at home

    The beauty of the eyes largely depends on the shape of the eyebrows. (May 1890)

    To make your look more open and expressive, curl your eyelashes. This will add shine and sparkle to your eyes. (March 1955)

    To hide puffy eyelids, add depth to them using eye shadow. Use a deep, smoky eyeshadow in brown, green, blue or gray tones. Apply shadow over the entire surface of the eyelid and into the crease. And under the eyebrows, apply a light, lighter contrasting shade. (October 1976)

    Your hands

    Homemade beauty secret: if the cuticles near your nails become dry, lubricate them with warm water more often vegetable oil or special oil for the cuticle. This will make it easier to move them away rather than cut them off. (March 1948)

    Be kind to your hands, they need care just as much as your face. Remember that hands are incorrigible informers, and nothing reveals a woman’s age and status like them. Make sure your hands say only good things about you. (July 1927)

    Cover your nails with varnish bright color, it will remind you not to bite your nails! (May 1958)

    How to dress to be successful

    This advice, written in October 1915, is still relevant 100 years later. So, to look successful business woman, you should purchase a well-tailored and perfectly fitting suit made from quality fabric in a dark color. It is advisable that there is no finishing on it. Let the perfection of the cut lines be its hallmark. You should have two skirts to match this suit, as the jacket wears out twice as fast as the skirt. And a pair of plain-style blouses in immaculate condition. A business office is not a place for frills and frills.

    Look younger

    Every woman sometimes needs to use blush, and some simply cannot go out without it. Pink blush gives a fresh and healthy looking pale and tired facial skin. (October 1956)

    It is much easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to try to get rid of them later. (July 1919)

    Dark powder with a dense consistency will highlight your wrinkles. Choose a powder that is lighter and airier; it will hide skin imperfections and wrinkles. (May 1932)

    Hair beauty secrets

    A few curls in your hairstyle will soften your facial expression and make you look several years younger. (May 1897)

    A professional haircut is necessary for a good hairstyle, and this is something that should be entrusted to professionals, and not done yourself. (March 1957)

    Get everything you need for hair coloring in one place. Then your hair won't suffer from dyeing for too long while you're looking for something you forgot to prepare. (June 1977)

    Let's take note of the beauty secrets of our grandmothers!

    Every woman dreams of remaining young and well-groomed, but modern cosmetic brands sell products at outrageous prices, and one trip to a cosmetologist will cost several tens of thousands of rubles.

    Don't rush to save money for expensive cosmetics. First, familiarize yourself with folk beauty recipes that will not only protect your wallet from unjustified financial losses, but also give effective results.

    Don't overpay

    If you are sure that the price of branded cosmetics is more than justified, then you need to give a simple example to refute such a myth.

    Recently, a black one costing up to 5,000 rubles appeared on the market. The popularity of this product has proven to be high, because it does a really good job of cleansing pores. But some buyers were skeptical about the new product, citing the unreasonably high price. Their doubts were confirmed: a black mask with the same cleansing effect can be prepared independently from literally whatever comes to hand, for example, gelatin and activated carbon. Based on the cost of the ingredients, the price of the homemade version does not exceed 10 rubles.

    This is not to say that homemade and original masks are no different. For example, Glamglow feels more comfortable on the face. But is it worth overpaying 4,990 rubles for this? If you answered no, then pay attention to folk recipes for youth and beauty.

    Starch face mask

    Owners of elastic and tightened skin people happily share their beauty secrets and recipes with others. The most popular among women over forty is a mask made from potato starch, because it can rightfully be considered a full-fledged alternative to Botox. The result is noticeable after just 2-3 applications: the skin is tightened and moisturized, and expression lines become less noticeable.


    • potato starch;
    • kefir;
    • egg.

    Mix 50 g starch, 50 ml kefir and one egg white. Apply the finished mixture to your face, and after 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Repeat the procedure no more than three times a week.

    Secret from Sophia Loren

    Recently, a charming lady, who is just over 80, spoke in her author’s book about her beauty recipe. Lauren claims that gelatin mask will help maintain youthful skin long years.


    • gelatin;
    • glycerol;
    • milk.

    3 tsp. pour gelatin with milk (50 g) and leave to brew for 1 hour. Melt the resulting mixture in a water bath, stirring constantly. Add 3 tsp to the cooled mass. glycerin and honey. Apply the finished product to your face with a brush. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. The procedure can be repeated every day.

    Honey mask

    The benefits of honey have been known since ancient times. This product not only has an anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect, but is also a storehouse useful substances and microelements. Honey mask will give aging skin additional strength and nutrition. However, if you want to achieve a visible effect, you will have to buy bee gold not in a store, but from a beekeeper.


    • fat sour cream;
    • cereals;
    • any moisturizer.

    Mix 20 ml of honey, 10 g of cream and 50 ml of sour cream. Using a coffee grinder or blender, grind oatmeal (20 g) and add to the mixture. Apply the mask in a thin layer and rinse after 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure no more than 4 times a week.

    Fighting stretch marks

    Stretch marks on the hips, chest or abdomen are invisible under clothing, but when it comes to... intimacy, the owner of such a deficiency begins to develop complexes. And in vain! After all, from unpleasant defect skin can be eliminated in just a few months.

    Grape mask

    Peel green grapes from peels and seeds and prepare a paste from the berries. Distribute the mixture over the entire surface of the problem area and secure with cling film. Leave the mask on for 1 hour. Repeat the procedure every day for a month.

    Avocado mask

    For this mask you will need a ripe (preferably overripe) avocado. Peel the fruit and prepare a paste using a blender. Add 2 tsp to the puree. white or gray clay, as well as 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply the finished mixture to the problem area and leave for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times a week for 2 months.

    Simple hair beauty products

    Hairs are naughty guys with a mischievous character, and it takes a lot of effort to please them. Dry, lifeless curls take away the lion's share of grooming and neatness from a woman's appearance. Sometimes even the most expensive shampoo will not help cope with this problem.

    The fact is that most modern shampoos only have a cleaning effect. You shouldn’t trust a manufacturer who promises not only clean scalp and hair, but also hydration, nutrition, and radiance. Well-groomed curls are the result of additional and careful care.

    What products do owners of luxurious curls use for the beauty and health of their hair?

    • Burdock or olive oil saturates hair with essential nutrients and microelements. Paying Special attention ends, apply oil along the entire length of the hair, then carefully braid the hair. For a visible effect, the mask must be left on for at least 6 hours. Repeat the procedure before each shampoo. Result: soft and well-groomed ends, crumbly and smooth hair.
    • Gelatin thickens each hair and seals split ends. To prepare the mask, dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in water (3 tbsp), leave the resulting consistency to brew for 1-1.5 hours. Melt the swollen mixture in a water bath, stirring constantly. Add 1.5 tbsp to the cooled mass. l. balm or conditioner. Apply the mask over the entire length of your hair, braid it and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week. Result: a lamination effect is created.

    Take care from a young age

    Folk recipes beauty products are undoubtedly indispensable helpers for every woman. But in order to look like a 20-something at 40, you should remember important rules:

    1. Take care of your skin condition in advance. At the age of 25, the production of new epidermal cells slows down, and therefore elasticity deteriorates. skin.
    2. Keep your weight stable. IN mature age Fluctuations in body weight lead to stretch marks on the skin.
    3. Don't eat junk food. Include fish and vegetables in your daily diet.
    4. Leave bad habits. For heavy smokers, the first wrinkles appear at 26-28 years of age.
    5. Do not visit the solarium. The effect of ultraviolet radiation is bad for the skin and causes premature aging.
    6. Avoid sleep deprivation. The body needs at least 8 hours to recover.
    7. And most importantly: leave the bad mood. Extra worries and stress take away from the body vitality, which, in turn, affects the condition of the skin.

    Not always healthy beauty- the result of intensive rubbing of expensive cosmetics into the skin. Excellent appearance in adulthood is often the fruit of painstaking work on your lifestyle and habits. Grandma's old notebooks sometimes contain very interesting things... By following the advice that has been tested by more than one generation of beauties, you will maintain youthful and healthy skin for many years! For your health digestive system and gentle cleansing of the intestines every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds, chewing them thoroughly and drinking water. Proper work digestive organs will immediately affect the condition of the skin: minor inflammations, redness, excessive greasiness will disappear, and the complexion will improve. For ease of use, you can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. Since flax has a strong choleretic effect, use it with caution, especially if you have gallstones. To maintain normal body weight, consume 150 g of boiled beets daily. Beetroot betaine, which is not destroyed by heat treatment, regulates fat metabolism. In addition, this root vegetable is extremely useful for cleansing the blood. Every day, eat a handful of any nuts that you like best. In a month, the result will be reflected on the face literally. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in! Face mask Buy vitamin E capsules and a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy. Prepare a mixture of 30 ml of glycerin and the contents of 10 capsules. Use this mixture in the evening, applying it 2 hours before bedtime to cleansed skin. Blot off any excess with a paper towel. A mask of dry mustard powder can transform your hair beyond recognition in just a month! Hair loss Mix 2 tsp. mustard powder with 2 tbsp. l. olive or burdock oil, add 2 tsp to the mixture. sugar and the same amount of warm water. Mix well until you obtain the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to damp hair for 15 minutes. before washing. Use this mask to prevent hair loss, increase hair growth, give it shine and silkiness once a week. Mustard may cause a slight burning sensation. If it is tolerable, keep the mask on for the prescribed time, but at very unpleasant sensations It is better to wash off the product. After each shampoo, rinse your hair with the solution apple cider vinegar - Mix 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. No store-bought balm or conditioner will have this effect! Corns To get rid of corns and soften rough skin on your feet, lubricate your feet every evening with a mixture of butter and a few drops of essential lavender or peppermint oil. Put on your cotton socks and go to bed! Will take care of the beauty of eyelashes Castor oil . Make it a rule to lubricate your eyelashes with it before going to bed. For ease of application, use a brush from an old mascara, after washing it first., rejuvenate and tighten the skin of the face and body. The price of the oil is steep, but the result of its use is stunning. Squalene was first isolated from the liver of deep-sea sharks back in the thirties of the twentieth century, and until recently it was believed that this was the only source for obtaining this incredibly strong antioxidant. Only the squalene content in shark liver is only 1.5%, while in amaranth oil its share reaches 8%. Regularly following these tips will ensure you look great and feel great for many years to come. Time will pass, and perhaps you will already share them with your granddaughters!

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