• Stretch marks after childbirth: how to get rid of an unpleasant defect. How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth using creams and procedures


    Stretch marks after childbirth are a cause of concern for most new mothers. They appear on the stomach, chest, and buttocks. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon, highlight the reasons for its formation, find out how to remove stretch marks after childbirth, naming ways to get rid of this cosmetic defect.

    Can stretch marks appear after childbirth?

    Not all new mothers develop stretch marks after pregnancy. However, about 50% of women record their appearance. In their structure, they are similar to scars; they can be white or reddish in color, and are most often localized in the abdomen and chest. These organs directly increase in size during the period of bearing a baby. In medicine they are usually called striae. Stretch marks on the breasts after childbirth occur due to the onset of lactation and an increase in the size of the gland.

    Why do stretch marks appear after childbirth?

    Stretch marks on the body after childbirth are the consequences of changes in the size of individual organs. In the area of ​​thinning of the skin, deep in the tissues, internal tears occur. These areas themselves are replaced with connective tissue over time. As a result, a defect is formed on the surface of the skin. In terms of their composition, stretch marks after childbirth do not differ from scars. In addition to the increased stress on the skin during pregnancy, there are also predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of stretch marks forming. Among them:

    • insufficient intake of vitamins into the body;
    • hereditary factor - there are histocompatibility antigens involved in the synthesis of unstable collagen;
    • lack of selenium and copper, which take part in collagen synthesis.

    Do stretch marks go away after childbirth?

    After childbirth, stretch marks disappear if they are minor and shallow, narrow lesions of the skin. In most cases, a young mother requires special therapy, the use medications, undergoing procedures. This is the only way to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth and restore the skin to its previous appearance. Single stretch marks disappear on their own, and this happens rarely.

    What to do with stretch marks after childbirth?

    The question regarding how to remove stretch marks is heard from almost every second mother. Doctors cannot give universal council, since each situation is individual. When selecting a technique and method of therapy that removes stretch marks on the legs after childbirth, the specialist takes into account the degree of violation, the severity of cosmetic defects - the number of stretch marks, their location, depth, size. Only after analysis is it proposed effective method liquidation. Among the common ones:

    • local therapy - ointments, oils, creams for skin treatment;
    • hardware treatment - injections, laser use;
    • use of folk remedies.

    Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

    When answering this kind of question, doctors draw women’s attention to the time of initiation of therapy. If we talk about whether stretch marks are removed after childbirth, when therapy is started after 1-2 months, then the likelihood of them disappearing when using only creams and oils is small. In such cases, hardware methods are required to remove stretch marks on the hips after childbirth. It is worth noting that such medical procedures make it possible to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Folk remedies help to strengthen it.

    Cream for stretch marks after childbirth

    One of the available and effective means to get rid of stretch marks, is a cream for stretch marks after pregnancy. Doctors recommend using it as a preventive measure during pregnancy. When choosing such a tool, you must be guided by the following rules:

    • the composition must contain exclusively natural ingredients that increase skin elasticity - elastin and collagen;
    • the product should not have side effects;
    • the manufacturer must be known trade brand, tested and approved by dermatologists.

    Among the existing drugs in this group are:

    1. Cream Mama Comfort– designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It contains, regulates the water-fat balance. Horse chestnut extract stimulates blood circulation, oil extract saturates with fatty acids, increasing skin elasticity.
    2. 9 months– complex cosmetic product, including components against stretch marks. Helps prevent and reduce existing stretch marks.
    3. Mustella. It has a double effect - it corrects existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones.
    4. Pregnacare cream. The drug contains aloe vera, allantoin, and calendula extract. These components perfectly moisturize the skin, stimulating its restoration at a deep level.

    Oil for stretch marks

    Often, after the birth of a baby, women wonder how to lighten stretch marks after childbirth and make them less noticeable. An excellent remedy for these purposes is natural oil. It moisturizes the skin, making it more elastic, reducing stretch marks. Among the natural oils suitable for eliminating stretch marks, it is worth noting:

    1. Olive oil - excellent remedy as a food ingredient, it can also be used to prevent stretch marks and eliminate them. Oleic acid is an excellent remedy in the fight against stretch marks. By nourishing the deep layers, it prevents the appearance of new defects on the skin, reducing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth.
    2. Sea buckthorn oil– linolenic and lenoleic acids of this natural component perfectly increase skin firmness and elasticity. The composition also contains carotenes, bioactive substances that improve skin restoration processes.
    3. Almond oil. The composition contains vitamins such as A, E, B, which have a positive effect on the restoration of epidermal cells. The microelements contained stimulate collagen synthesis, restoring the water-lipid balance.

    In addition to natural oils, mothers can also use special preparations that remove stretch marks on the abdomen after pregnancy. Among the popular means:

    1. Weleda. Maintains the tone of the muscle structures of the skin, nourishing it and improving extensibility upper layers. The base of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ, with the addition of arnica flower extract and almonds. These components improve tissue metabolism, allowing you to get rid of cosmetic defects.
    2. Johnson's Baby Oil– often used by mothers when carrying a baby, and can also be used in the postpartum period. By improving microcirculation processes, the structure of skin cells is renewed. The oil can be combined with natural ingredients to improve the effect.

    Folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth

    This type of therapy is actively used by mothers. A folk remedy for stretch marks after childbirth helps reduce the size and number of stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones. Among effective recipes it is necessary to highlight the following.

    Natural oil for stretch marks


    • olive oil– 100 ml;
    • – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • rose oil – 15 drops.

    Preparation, use:

    1. Mix the ingredients.
    2. Apply to the area of ​​damaged skin 3-5 times a day until the effect is achieved.

    Effective cream for stretch marks


    • coconut oil – 50 ml;
    • olive oil – 50 ml;
    • cocoa butter – 50 ml;
    • vitamin E – 10 ml.

    Preparation, use:

    1. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
    2. The resulting cream is applied to stretch marks up to 5 times a day.

    Mesotherapy for stretch marks

    Correction of stretch marks after childbirth is possible using mesotherapy. This treatment involves subcutaneous injections. Their composition is selected individually, according to the severity of the disorder, the depth of the stretch marks, and their location. The procedure for removing stretch marks after childbirth is carried out by experienced specialists using a syringe gun. This instrument can control the depth of needle insertion and the dosage of the drug.

    The composition of the injected funds may vary. Often for such subcutaneous injections they use:

    • collagen;
    • vitamins E, A;
    • enzymes;
    • herbal ingredients;
    • amino acids;
    • plant extracts.

    Laser resurfacing of stretch marks

    Talking about how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth forever, doctors among effective methods laser treatment of stretch marks is distinguished. This manipulation allows you to remove stretch marks as much as possible. After the procedure, they are practically invisible and do not cause aesthetic discomfort to the woman. There are 3 types that are used to treat stretch marks:

    1. Factional– used to remove stretch marks on any part of the body (chest, abdomen, arms, legs). A thin nozzle is used, so the impact occurs precisely.
    2. Tonal (carbon dioxide laser). Used for deep stretch marks. The same technique helps to get rid of postoperative scars.
    3. Laser lifting. Helps restore the spinous layer of the epidermis, giving cells former elasticity. Used to remove stretch marks on the thighs and buttocks.

    Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are a common problem for women. Some are absolutely convinced that removing stretch marks (stretch marks) is an impossible and ineffective task. Let's talk about how to remove stretch marks on your stomach quickly, inexpensively and reliably.

    It is interesting that stretch marks can appear in both women and men, but if men almost never pay attention to it, then for women this situation becomes an issue on the agenda.

    In winter, this problem is not so acute, but in summer it becomes more obvious than ever. Even when several years have passed after giving birth, white stripes and depressions are clearly visible on the body. It is better to prevent any problem than to treat it later. What can you do during pregnancy and how to get rid of postpartum stretch marks without leaving home?

    Fresh stretch marks are much easier to treat than old ones. The thing is that after the appearance of this cosmetic defect, only about a year later the scarring processes are completed. The problem needs to be approached comprehensively. It is important to understand that this will take some time; it will not be possible to eliminate the defect in a week.

    Drinking regime

    Water is the basis of our life; all processes at the cellular level occur with the help of water.

    Of course, there is no direct connection between water and stretch marks, but if you consider the drinking regime in complex treatment, it will definitely help.

    Clean drinking water accelerates cell regeneration processes

    Physical activity

    Regular exercise helps maintain skin tone, so physical activity will prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

    In addition, body weight plays an important role in the formation of stretch marks. Exercising will help normalize weight. Although this will not help in any way eliminate the problem, it can prevent new stripes from appearing on the skin.

    No need to delay exercise, already a few months after giving birth, you can safely start taking care of yourself.


    Don't forget about choosing the right bra. During pregnancy and lactation, the mammary glands increase significantly in size, so they need to be supported and fixed with a comfortable bra.


    You can remove stretch marks on the stomach with a laser. Thanks to laser therapy, newly formed stretch marks will become much lighter, and as for old stretch marks, pigment is added to them, which allows them to become slightly noticeable.

    Laser therapy cannot be performed earlier than two months after birth.
    After the procedure, crusts may form on the thighs and abdomen, which disappear on their own after about two weeks.

    Laser resurfacing is called a breakthrough in cosmetology due to its high efficiency


    The essence of this procedure is that therapeutic and nutritional substances are introduced under the patient’s skin using multiple injections.

    The so-called healing cocktail can be different, depending on each specific case.

    The main components of mesotherapy are the following:

    • extracts of medicinal plants;
    • collagen;
    • enzymes;
    • amino acids.

    According to experts, after ten mesotherapy sessions the condition of the skin will become significantly better.

    In specialized institutions, a special apparatus is used, the effect of which is associated with the absorption of the skin. Vacuum massage performs the most important functions:

    • the condition of the skin, connective tissue and muscles improves;
    • blood circulation is normalized;
    • blood vessels are strengthened;
    • The regenerative abilities of the skin are accelerated.

    Vacuum massage is effective for cellulite!

    Other hardware methods for removing stretch marks

    Professional cosmetologists can offer the following methods of combating skin defects:

    • aromatherapy is perhaps one of the most gentle techniques;
    • cold and hot wraps;
    • ozone therapy;
    • radio lifting (exposure to electrical impulses);
    • surgical intervention.

    Essential oils for stretch marks

    Skin loses its elasticity when it is stretched over time. A rupture of collagen fibers occurs, which first appears as wavy lines of red or purple, and then white stripes form.

    Of course, one cannot fail to note the important role of the genetic factor. There are skin types that are highly susceptible to stretch marks. Yet in most cases acquired factors play a huge role.

    Any disease is much easier to treat in the early stages, and stretch marks are no exception to the rule. When white or silver stripes already appear, treatment becomes difficult and, in some cases, impossible.

    Effective essential oils for stretch marks:

    • carrot seeds. This essential oil can revitalize and tone the skin. It regenerates even very thin and tired skin. It is often used for dermatitis, eczema and skin rashes;
    • Emu oil can penetrate even the deepest layers of the skin. The oil restores the skin well and also smoothes out fine wrinkles and scars;
    • incense. Essential oil is widely used in skin rejuvenation procedures; it relieves inflammation and treats scarring;
    • jasmine. Jasmine oil improves elasticity and reduces the number and size of scars. After regular use of the oil, not a trace will remain of scars and stretch marks. Even hypersensitive and dehydrated skin with jasmine essential oil will gain healthy appearance;
    • Lavender essential oil tones and rejuvenates the skin. Lavender quickly heals cuts, burns, and abrasions. Essential oil helps soften and heal the skin;
    • Rose essential oil wonderfully moisturizes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Rose is an indispensable ingredient in procedures for rejuvenating and smoothing the skin.

    Application of essential oils

    Remember that essential oils are not used in pure form! They must be added to massage mixtures, lotions, creams and rubbed into problem areas of the skin.

    You only need to add a few drops of essential oil to the massage mixture. Thanks to properly prepared relaxing mixtures, you can make stretch marks barely noticeable. As a result of regular rubbing based on natural ingredients You can achieve good relaxation of tired skin and relieve muscle spasms. As a result, the skin will become elastic, smooth, silky and radiant.

    Based essential oils you can do wraps. Oils can be mixed not only with natural fats, but also with honey, chocolate, algae, mud, etc.

    Essential oils can be added to the bath

    This procedure will help you relax and relieve fatigue. Your body will steam well, the pores will open. Due to this, the active components penetrate deeper into the skin better. As a result, blood circulation will improve, and the cells will be nourished with nutrients.

    A few drops of essential oil per ten liters of water will be enough. Thanks to the addition of an emulsifier, the oil will dissolve evenly in water. Such a natural emulsifier can serve herbal infusions, honey or sea salt.

    No need to get your hopes up quick results, even small pink lines with regular use of essential oils can be eliminated in no less than six months, but it may take a whole year to eliminate white stripes.

    Don't wait until a problem appears, use aromatherapy as a preventive measure. And then your skin will delight you with a healthy glow and shine.


    Eliminating stretch marks in salons is not a cheap service, so let’s talk about popular folk remedies that can be prepared from natural ingredients and at a minimum cost.

    In order to see the result, the oil must be thoroughly rubbed into the places where stretch marks appear.

    Olive oil is a well-known remedy for stretch marks.

    You need to make it a rule to carry out this procedure after every shower. If you do this every day for a month, you will be pleased with the result. But it is important to understand that olive oil is not a panacea or a miracle cure for stretch marks. Along with rubbing oil, you need to eat right, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    In addition to olive oil, you can use almond or avocado oil. The use of vitamin E will also give good results. It will not only help get rid of stretch marks, but also give your skin a shine and a healthy look.

    Aloe vera

    Pharmacies sell a special gel based on Aloe Vera. The gel is mixed with cod liver oil and vitamin E. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply a homogeneous mass onto problem area.

    Aloe Vera is known for its ability to reduce stretch marks.

    Castor oil

    The oil should be rubbed into the problem area of ​​the skin, then wrapped in cellophane and a heating pad placed on top.

    The procedure lasts half an hour, after which Castor oil need to be washed off thoroughly. It can be done once every two days until the effect is achieved.


    Therapeutic lotion for stretch marks consists of the following ingredients:

    • half a glass of olive oil;
    • a quarter cup of Aloe Vera gel;
    • five capsules of vitamin E;
    • five vitamin A capsules.

    All these components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a bottle, which is stored in the refrigerator. You can use the lotion daily, but before using it, the contents must be shaken thoroughly.


    Beat the egg and coat the stretch mark area with it. Then wrap the skin in cellophane and cover with a towel. After the procedure, take a bath.

    Egg is a rich source of protein

    Cocoa butter

    In beauty salons, getting rid of stretch marks using cocoa butter is an expensive procedure, but you can do the same at home and save a lot of money.

    To prepare the medicinal mass, you need to mix cocoa butter, beeswax, wheat germ oil and vitamin E. Place the mass in a water bath so that the beeswax melts, then cool the cream and place in the refrigerator.
    Use healing cream can be done daily by rubbing into the problem area of ​​the abdomen and thighs.

    Having gotten rid of some stretch marks, you are not immune from the appearance of new ones, which is why you should follow useful recommendations that will prevent the development of stretch marks:

    • Try to maintain a stable weight, and to do this, watch your diet. Food should be balanced, avoid fatty, fried, smoked foods. Try to eat small meals, approximately every 2-3 hours. If the food is fortified and mineralized, the skin will be toned;
    • choose the best one for yourself physical activity– running, swimming, fitness, aerobics, etc.;
    • It is useful to massage those places that are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks every day. A massage brush or mitten can help with this. Such self-massage will help improve blood circulation, stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, as well as renew the skin;
    • After taking a bath or shower, make it a rule to apply some kind of moisturizer to your skin - cream, balm or milk.

    It is important to understand that fighting stretch marks is daily and painstaking work. Be patient and don't give up. As they say, patience and work will wear out everything, even stretch marks!

    The birth of a child radically changes a woman's life. At the same time, it can change its appearance, namely, worsen the condition of the skin. During pregnancy, the epidermis experiences significant stress and does not always survive rapid stretching during fetal growth and weight gain. As a result, ugly stretch marks (striae) appear on the skin in the abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs. This is why many young mothers are wondering what is the best cream for stretch marks after childbirth?

    Cream composition

    No cream can eliminate stretch marks without a trace, but it can make them almost invisible. The main task of such products is to fully nourish the epidermis and activate its regeneration. They are quite expensive, so when purchasing, you need to be sure that they actually contain effective substances that can make stretch marks less noticeable. The main components of most stretch mark creams:

    • Retinol, which ensures rapid regeneration of the epidermis and normal water balance skin, stimulating the production of collagen, which increases the strength and elasticity of the epidermis.
    • Extracts medicinal herbs, toning the skin.
    • Essential oils of wheat, shea, jojoba, which improve tissue metabolism and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. They also perfectly moisturize the skin.
    • Shilajit, which promotes the activation of blood circulation in skin tissues and its regeneration.
    • Proteins collagen and elastin, which improve the general condition of the epidermis and increase its strength and elasticity.
    • Vitamins, amino acids and other substances that promote rapid skin regeneration.
    • Extracts of algae and fruits that activate tissue metabolism and improve the condition of the skin.

    Cream for stretch marks after childbirth should not contain various fragrances and flavors, or other active ingredients that can be absorbed into the body's cells and penetrate into mother's milk. Such products must be hypoallergenic.

    Method of use

    Almost any anti-stretch mark cream is applied to clean and dry skin 2 times a day. It is best to perform this procedure in the morning and evening. Before applying this product, you should take a shower or bath and warm up the skin with massage movements. This preparation promotes better absorption of the cream into the skin and increases its effectiveness. Most often, the product is rubbed into problem areas with light massage movements. They are stopped when the product is completely absorbed into the skin. Medicines are accompanied by instructions that indicate the method of their use, which should be followed.

    Stretch marks are formed when the epidermis is significantly stretched, causing internal ruptures. Over time, they turn into scars consisting of connective tissue. The tissue around them atrophies, and the process of synthesis of elastin and collagen in them is disrupted. Striae are divided into:

    • young (up to 12 months), having a purple tint;
    • old (over 12 months), which become lighter.

    Treatment of stretch marks should begin as quickly as possible, since young stretch marks respond to treatment better than older ones.

    Cream for stretch marks

    The best remedies for stretch marks

    There are a variety of anti-stretch mark creams available on the market. Below is a list of the most effective ones:

    1. Pregnacare, which not only prevents stretch marks, but also treats them. This cream stimulates lipid metabolism in epidermal cells, relieves irritation and itching of the skin.
    2. "Nine month", which contains various active substances that prevent and eliminate stretch marks.
    3. Mustela is an effective stretch mark cream. It is able to fight already formed stretch marks and prevent the appearance of new ones. It contains emollient oils, elasto-regulators and AHA humectants. This product restores the structure of the supporting fibers.
    4. Vichy is a rather expensive remedy, but very effective for stretch marks in pregnant and postpartum women. It includes moisturizing and nourishing components that increase skin firmness and elasticity. Vichy contains hydroxyproline, which stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers.
    5. Mama Comfort, which eliminates stretch marks even on dry and sensitive skin. This cream improves the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis. It has a delicate consistency, so it easily penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. Its components activate microcirculation in capillaries and enhance intracellular metabolism. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
    6. Lierac copes with stretch marks and even cellulite. This product reduces the volume of fat cells, evens out the texture and tones the skin.
    7. Contractubex is a cream for the treatment of scars and scars, but it is also very effective against stretch marks. It is applied to problem areas 2 times a day.
    8. Avent is an excellent complex product that contains algae extracts, shea butter, papaya and almond. It helps to get rid of not only stretch marks, but also cellulite. It comes in a non-greasy but very rich form. Avent nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It makes it stronger and softer. This cream helps remove excess fluid.
    9. Sanosan – effectively eliminates old stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones. It contains olive oil and wheat protein, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.
    10. Chicco is characterized by a moisturizing and softening effect. It contains wheat and rice oil, vitamins E and PP.
    11. Guam, which contains 10% glycolic acid. This product has a lifting effect that can reduce stretch marks. Its components are natural oils and vitamins. They activate skin renewal.
    12. Clarins, which prevents the appearance of stretch marks and eliminates already formed stretch marks. It perfectly cares for, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increasing its resistance to stretching. The active ingredients of this product inhibit the synthesis of enzymes that promote the degradation of elastin and collagen fibers.
    13. Biotherm, which has a light texture, is an excellent tool for removing stretch marks. It contains organic silicon and hydroxyproline, which stimulates collagen synthesis. It contains soybean and shea nut oil, which perfectly nourishes and tones the skin. This cream also includes a moisturizing complex that improves the overall condition of the epidermis.
    14. Weleda, which is used to prevent and eliminate stretch marks. This product contains natural oils, arnica extract, and various vitamins. It activates increased elasticity and firmness of the epidermis.
    15. Collistar, which contains amino acids that prevent the rupture of elastic fibers. This product increases the strength and elasticity of the skin, and also improves its tone.
    16. Babe, which promotes skin renewal, increasing its elasticity and firmness. The Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids it contains restore the hydrolipid balance of the epidermis and nourish it. Glycerin prevents skin dehydration.
    17. Green Mama – effective remedy, which not only strengthens the tissues of the epidermis and dermis, but also has a drainage effect. Its effectiveness is due to the presence of components such as natural oils and seaweed.
    18. Thalgo can remove both new and old stretch marks. Due to its oily texture and specific smell, it is more like a medicinal ointment. It contains such effective components as wheat grain oil, tamanu nut and elastin. This cream significantly increases the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis in 2-3 months.

    Anti-stretch mark creams for moms

    Prevention of stretch marks

    Although modern means for stretch marks after childbirth are very effective; it is best to start fighting stretch marks already from the second trimester of pregnancy at the first signs of tummy growth. To prevent stretch marks, you should use special means, which are applied daily to clean and dry skin twice a day. It is also necessary to constantly nourish the epidermis from the inside. To do this, you should regularly take vitamins A, E, C and special medications for pregnant women. You can also use an oil solution of retinol, which helps increase skin elasticity and firmness. It is necessary to enrich the diet with protein foods and fatty sea fish. Proper hydration plays a big role in preventing stretch marks. A woman should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily.

    It's hard to say which best cream from stretch marks. Its effectiveness is influenced by the age of the stretch marks, the condition of the woman’s skin and other factors. Any product should be used in accordance with the instructions and regularly. A nursing mother should consult her doctor before using cream for stretch marks.

    Formation of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the abdomen and chest during pregnancy and breastfeeding- the process is normal and natural, since the skin has to stretch to unusual sizes in a relatively short period of time. The situation is aggravated by a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are necessary for skin elasticity, due to hormonal changes. And although stretch marks do not pose any danger, in the 21st century there is no longer any need to put up with this unaesthetic phenomenon, which often causes itching and discomfort. In this article we will look at the most popular and effective creams and ointments against stretch marks, which can greatly speed up the natural process of discoloration and reduction of stretch marks.

    What should be the remedy for stretch marks?

    To avoid wasting money or even harming your health, any woman should be aware of the requirements for creams and ointments against stretch marks.


    Firstly, creams must be hypoallergenic and not irritate the skin. Secondly, since such products are in most cases used during breastfeeding, their components should not penetrate the bloodstream and be passed on to the baby through milk. Breastfeeding mothers should check whether the tube indicates that the cream can be used while breastfeeding. It is better to choose a product with minimal odor and a white or translucent color: dyes and fragrances are potential allergens.


    A truly effective cream for stretch marks after childbirth should include:

    • elastin and collagen - proteins designed to maintain the strength and elasticity of the skin;
    • stimulators of elastin and collagen production;
    • antioxidants: beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, flavonoids, etc.;
    • substances that activate and accelerate the regeneration process;
    • substances that nourish and moisturize the skin: vitamins A, F and B vitamins;
    • blood circulation stimulants.

    Instructions for use

    Although different anti-stretch mark creams may have slightly different instructions for use, in general the principle of their use is similar:

    1. Wash and dry the skin on problem areas (ideally, use the product after a shower or bath).
    2. Apply the cream or ointment in a circular motion until completely absorbed into the skin on areas with stretch marks (thighs, abdomen, chest, forearms).
    3. Repeat twice a day.

    If a woman has had C-section, you should not apply cream to the scar until it is completely healed.

    The best creams against stretch marks

    There is no and cannot be a universal remedy against stretch marks that would suit any woman. A key role in the fight against stretch marks is played by the woman’s age, the “age” of the stretch marks, their location (stomach, chest or hips), diet and other factors. Because of this, each woman needs to choose a product for herself, with which the list below will help her: best creams, gels and tonics to combat stretch marks.

    1. Cream “9 months”

    Price: about 300 rubles.

    The line of products of the same name is designed specifically for pregnant women. The cream is suitable both for preventing the formation of stretch marks and for removing existing ones.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • grapefruit oil - enhances lymph and blood circulation;
    • shea butter - gives the skin elasticity and softness;
    • wheat germ oil - a source of collagen;
    • vitamin PP - antioxidant;
    • elastin, peptides and soy lipids - provide skin elasticity and eliminate sagging;
    • dimethicone is a substance similar to silicone that creates a protective film on the surface of the epidermis.

    2. Skinformer toner

    Price: 990 rubles

    Skinformer is a product with 100% natural composition, due to which it has no contraindications and is suitable for allergy sufferers, pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. In addition to eliminating stretch marks, the tonic has a healing effect on skin damage, tightens the epidermis, relieves inflammation, moisturizes the skin by reducing moisture loss, and activates the renewal of epithelial tissue.

    The composition of the tonic includes:

    • elastin;
    • vitamin E is an antioxidant that supports the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin;
    • vitamin A - has anti-allergenic properties, relieves inflammation, protects from sun rays;
    • dexpanthenol - softens the skin, heals damage;
    • lecithin - stimulates lipid metabolism, restores the protective function of the epidermis;
    • glycerin - moisturizes the skin;
    • diatomite - fights stretch marks, reduces the visibility of old scars;
    • urea - provides soothing and antibacterial effects;
    • SI-MATRIX complex (copper, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium) - retains moisture and maintains skin elasticity.

    The tonic is not sold in pharmacies; you can only buy it on the official website of the manufacturer.

    3. Cream “Mama Comfort”

    Price: about 300 rubles.

    Designed specifically for pregnant women (as a preventive measure) and nursing mothers.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • olive oil - softens the skin;
    • tea tree extract - heals skin damage;
    • chamomile extract - provides nutrition and hydration;
    • horse chestnut - intensifies blood circulation in the skin, eliminates inflammation;
    • hyaluronic acid - regulates water-fat balance.

    4. Pomegranate emulsion

    The completely organic composition of the product allows it to be used by women prone to allergies, as well as during breastfeeding. According to research results, on average, within a week, pomegranate emulsion eliminates small stretch marks, and within a month, it almost completely discolors large ones.

    The composition of the emulsion includes:

    • flavonoids - start the process of epithelial renewal;
    • folic acid - fights skin aging at the DNA level;
    • phytoestrogens - enhance the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid;
    • vitamin D complex - prevents premature aging skin, improves blood microcirculation;
    • a complex of micro- and macroelements (calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc) - help retain moisture and maintain skin elasticity;
    • beta-carotene and vitamin C are antioxidants;
    • fatty acids - restore the protective functions of the skin.

    5. Cream from Avent

    Price: about 500 rubles.

    During testing, this hypoallergenic product proved to be effective in both the prevention and elimination of stretch marks, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. Avent products undergo strict dermatological control.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • Shea Butter;
    • sweet almond and papaya oil - removes excess moisture, eliminating stagnation;
    • algae extracts - give the skin elasticity.

    6. Intensive Anti-Stretch Marks Cream

    Price: about 2900 rubles.

    Development of the world famous Italian company Collistar. Such a high cost is due to the unique mechanism of action of the cream - it blocks the enzyme elastase, which is responsible for the breakdown of elastin.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • silk proteins - retain moisture in the epidermis;
    • beeswax - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • hyaluronic acid;
    • complex of 4 amino acids;
    • complex of vitamins.

    Price: about 2000 rubles.

    The composition of the cream is mostly natural and absolutely hypoallergenic. According to reviews, good effect is provided only for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • oil extract to nourish the skin;
    • crowberries and centella asiatica - trigger skin regeneration and the production of elastin and collagen.

    8. Lotion "Solaris"

    A universal remedy that fights against stretch marks, burns, frostbite, scars, skin damage after tattooing, age spots and so on. The ability to relieve bone and muscle pain has been noted.

    The composition of the lotion includes:

    • Dead Sea salt - controls sebum production;
    • aloe extract - smoothes fine wrinkles;
    • avocado, rosemary, jojoba, orange oils - moisturize and nourish;
    • thyme - copes with looseness and sagging skin.

    9. Phytolastil ampoules and gel

    Price: about 2700 rubles.

    The manufacturer (the famous French company Lierac) claims to successfully get rid of old and new stretch marks in 85% of cases when using this cream.

    The composition of the product includes extracts of horsetail, butcher's broom and mantle, which help the growth of new skin fibers.

    10. Vichy cream

    Price: about 1500 rubles.

    Excellently fights the appearance of stretch marks and noticeably discolors existing ones.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • glycerol;
    • thermal Vichy water- promotes skin regeneration;
    • bassia oil - accelerates metabolic processes inside the skin, increases collagen production.

    11. Pregnacare cream

    Price: about 550 rubles

    A completely hypoallergenic cream that copes well with the formation of new stretch marks

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • dexpanthenol;
    • aloe vera extract;
    • allantoin and evening primrose oil - start the process of skin regeneration;
    • soy glycine, calendula extract, vitamin E - antioxidants;
    • lemon oil - slows down the breakdown of elastin and collagen.

    12. Mustella double action cream

    Price: about 2500 rubles

    By double action we mean the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks and the removal of existing ones. Feedback from customers indicates the high effectiveness of the product.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • shea butter, avocado peptides - nutrition skin;
    • Japanese Sophora, set of minerals - eliminate damage;
    • arabinogalactan, lupeol, elastoregulator - increase elasticity.

    13. Mangosteen cream

    The composition does not contain dyes, parabens or fragrances, making the cream ideal for combating stretch marks during pregnancy and lactation. The product has successfully passed large-scale tests on volunteers, repeatedly confirming its effectiveness.

    The composition of the cream includes:

    • iron - is responsible for the supply of oxygen to skin cells, evens out its tone;
    • vitamin C is an antioxidant and also accelerates the resorption of scars;
    • biotin - triggers the regeneration of skin tissue, eliminates sagging;
    • retinol and xanthones - accelerate collagen synthesis.

    The considered list of creams, gels and lotions is far from exhaustive, but no matter what cream for stretch marks after childbirth a woman is going to purchase, she needs to pay attention to the effectiveness of the composition (the presence of collagen, elastin or stimulants for their production) and its safety (the absence of dyes, fragrances and parabens).

    Many women want to prevent stretch marks by taking a whole range of measures in advance aimed at preventing this problem. But, unfortunately, they are not always effective, and as a result, after the birth of the child, it is necessary to look for reliable way getting rid of stretched areas of skin.

    Completely this cosmetic defect It's quite difficult to fix on your own. To make stretch marks almost invisible on the skin, your own efforts are enough. If such a goal is set, the approach must be comprehensive. It is necessary to combine medical and folk remedies together, special exercises, perform a massage, reconsider your eating habits.

    Scientifically, stretch marks are called striae. They usually appear in women in interesting position, which is facilitated by a sharp change in physical data, including speed dial weight, change hormonal levels. An important role is played by a decrease in the pace of life - a woman stops actively moving, and recent months often spends most of his time at home.

    Such changes have a negative impact on the skin. It stretches quickly and strongly, and the amount of elastin and collagen produced by the body is not enough to compensate for this process. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin. If deformation changes in the dermis occur too quickly, they simply “cannot keep up” with such a rhythm.

    The result of such processes is a microscopic tear in the upper layers of the skin and connective tissue. When this happens relatively regularly, conspicuous stripes are formed, called striae. At first they have a pinkish, reddish or brownish color. Over time, the color changes to silver, light purple or even white.

    A huge number of special measures have been developed to prevent the formation of stretch marks, since it is easier to prevent the problem than to suffer later. These methods are effective, but are not universal, since they become useless when:

    • genetic predisposition to the appearance of microcracks in the skin;
    • a sharp jump in weight, which is typical for most pregnant women;
    • excessively large abdominal volume;
    • lack of nutritional and valuable elements that stimulate the production of high concentrations of elastin and collagen.

    Remedies to combat stretch marks

    It was already said above that without professional intervention we can talk about reducing the severity of stretch marks, and not completely getting rid of them, but even this, if everything is done correctly, is enough to make the skin look smooth and toned. Main. combine time-tested techniques.

    One more important point is regularity, but all activities are quite simple to perform, they do not require any special knowledge, skills, or manipulations. You just need to set a goal and tune in to a successful end result, realizing that it will take more than one month to fight stretch marks.

    Massage treatments

    An effective and effective way against sprains in the abdominal area. The only limitation is the fact that massage helps against new, that is, recently appeared stretch marks.

    Massage is practically powerless against old stretch marks. This does not mean that it should be abandoned. The procedure is simply included as an auxiliary procedure, because it perfectly eliminates sagging and sagging.

    Massage the skin dry or with special oils and creams. Among the former, the most popular are rosemary, almond, and citrus. There are no special instructions regarding movement technique. The main thing is to avoid overexposure. The skin needs to be pulled, pinched, and patted so that the movements are noticeable but not painful.

    You need to massage every day. If possible, it is best to carry out as many as two procedures daily, which will allow you to get visible results faster. The duration of the session should be at least half an hour. The minimum course must include at least 25-30 full procedures.

    The massage can be combined with a shower, which is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Turn on warm water and with a washcloth made from natural fibers, begin to massage problem areas, making circular movements. Rinse with cool water.
    2. At a time, perform from 2 to 4 contrast showers, accompanied by a massage. When water procedure completed, stretch marks are treated with cream. It is necessary to take either regenerating or moisturizing.

    Cosmetic preparations and procedures

    There is a whole range of measures to reduce the severity and number of stretch marks, but only if performed regularly:

    1. Baths. A mixture prepared from a glass of starch and two liters of water is poured into a filled bath. You need to take the procedure every other day for no more than a quarter of an hour.
    2. Wrap. Many women prefer to do this. Apply 10-12 drops of jasmine, rosemary, lavender, lemon and neroli oils to the body, as well as 2 tbsp. l. mixture of avocado and jojoba. Next, carry out a light and quick massage, and then wrap the problem area with cling film.

    Do not allow strong tugging of the skin. If the film is tightened too much, the blood flow will be disrupted, which means there will be no effect.

    Wrapped in film, they lie down, wrap themselves in a warm blanket or blanket, and remain in a horizontal position for about 30 minutes. This therapy brings results within a month.

    1. Ice wraps. Ideal for daily use. You should not limit yourself solely to ice obtained by freezing water. It is better to add aromatic and herbal oils to the liquid.
    2. Compress. Excellent for both old and new stretch marks. Place a tablespoon per liter of hot water lemon juice and salt. It is permissible to use both sea and table fish, but large ones.

    Dip a clean towel into the resulting solution and apply it to the area with stretch marks for about 30 seconds, and then change the compress to a cold one, obtained by wetting the fabric in cold water, which can be obtained by adding ice cubes.

    The number of sessions should be 10-12. Compresses are done daily.

    The described manipulations must be combined with diet and a variety of physical exercises, which will reduce the manifestations stretched skin when the stretch marks become almost invisible.

    Traditional recipes against stretch marks on the stomach

    There are a huge number of products that can easily be prepared at home that help get rid of stretch marks no worse than store-bought ones:

    • Scrubs. To make this product yourself, mix olive oil or sour cream with ground coffee, pre-dried and crushed peach, almond, citrus fruits, apricot kernels, ground sea salt.

    Apply the product using intense circular movements. Wash off the scrub with a contrast shower. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every two days.

    • Peeling. Avocado is kneaded to a mushy state, mixed with two spoons of clay (cosmetic) previously diluted with water. Apply this peeling for 25 or 30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with a stream of water. Use the product every other day.
    • Cream and mummy. The last remedy, purchased at the pharmacy, is diluted with boiled, chilled water. Place 1 gram of mumiyo per tablespoon of liquid. This amount is added to 3-4 spoons of regular baby cream, which does not contain any extraneous additives, and applied to the skin daily, washing off any residue that has not been absorbed. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
    • Application. A slurry is made from blue clay by adding water, which is mixed with fresh liquid honey. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area, bandaged the area, leaving the mixture overnight. In the morning, wash off and lubricate the skin with cream. Repeat this procedure 15-20 times.

    Among folk recipes It lists not only cosmetic home remedies, but also products that have been used for many generations. All of them involve the use of exclusively natural and inexpensive ingredients:

    • Rubbing. Take a tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort, and string. The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water and brought to readiness in a water bath (kept for 4-5 minutes). The decoction is filtered and combined with aloe juice and natural honey. The composition is applied to stretch marks and left.
    • Homemade herbal cream. Oatmeal is ground in a coffee grinder and filled with aloe extract, vegetable oil, mixed with dandelion leaves. The components are taken in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly and place it in a glass or plastic hermetically sealed container, and then store it in the refrigerator. The composition must be applied daily for 12-15 minutes, and then washed off with a contrast shower.

    To enhance the effect obtained from regularly performing the procedures described above, you should visit a steam bath or sauna more often. Such visits should be combined with the application of honey to the body. This procedure perfectly helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, as well as noticeably reduce the volume. In addition, the skin becomes softer and smoother. If you want to get this effect for the whole body, smear yourself completely.

    You can’t just limit yourself to the manipulations of external influences. It is also necessary to take care of quality nutrition, which involves eating exclusively healthy products, and especially those that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. This also applies to regular exercise. And, although the stretch marks will not go away completely, they will become almost indistinguishable.

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