• Universal tips for self-care. How to take care of yourself as a girl


    The new review has collected several incredibly simple and yet practical tips, each of which will help you look much better.

    These tips will help in any conditions and under any circumstances, and therefore everyone should take note of them.

    1. Yoga for the face

    With age, facial muscles lose tone, which leads to loss of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. A simple set of exercises for developing facial muscles will help slow down the natural aging processes of the skin. Such exercises should be performed daily, in the evenings, after thoroughly cleansing the skin. Yoga for the face will allow you to get rid of double chin, tighten the cheeks, make the facial contour clearer, reduce nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles.

    2. Side parting

    To the owners fine hair, the volume of which leaves much to be desired, it is worth changing the classic straight parting to the side. Due to the uneven distribution of hair, the hairstyle will look fuller and more voluminous. In addition, side parting is one of the main beauty trends of this year.

    3. Eyebrow styling

    Eyebrows are an important attribute of the image modern woman. Their shape determines their facial expression, the expressiveness of their eyes, and even their size. Therefore, make it a rule to comb dry, clean eyebrows daily with a brush in an upward direction and style them using special means. This little trick will visually enlarge your eyes and make your gaze more open.

    4. Interlash liner

    Carefully paint the space between the eyelashes and the skin of the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes. Do this exactly along the lash line using a soft pencil or gel eyeliner, slightly pulling the upper eyelid upward. This trick will literally make your eyes more expressive and your eyelashes thicker in just a matter of seconds. Use this tip when you're running late and don't have enough time to do full eye makeup.

    5. Cool shades

    When choosing your next lipstick, you should give preference to cool shades. Such colors will visually make your teeth whiter, while warm shades of lipstick, on the contrary, will emphasize the yellowness and imperfection of your smile.

    6. Perfect curls

    When starting to create perfect curls, twist them away from your face. Firstly, curls of this type are the most popular and are considered trendy, and secondly, such curls are suitable for all girls without exception, regardless of face type. So, curls falling from the face will help hide a heavy chin and wide cheekbones, make round face visually narrower or emphasize its ideal oval.

    7. Dry shampoo

    Buy and always carry dry shampoo with you. If necessary, with its help you can quickly refresh your hair and restore its volume wherever you are. Dry shampoo removes the secretion of the sebaceous glands from the root zone and should only be applied there to give your hair another day of freshness.

    8. Sleek hairstyles

    Smooth hairstyle is the right way quickly create a sophisticated and elegant look. In addition, such hairstyles are quite simple to perform and are the main trend of 2017. The most important thing is to choose the option that suits your head shape. This can be styling with loose, perfectly ironed hair, updo with a smoothed parietal area or a regular ponytail.

    9. Lipstick testing

    Most people test a lipstick shade by applying it to their wrist or back side palms. However, these areas of the skin can somewhat distort the actual color of the product as they do not have the red undertone that lips have. Therefore, from today, when you go to the store for a new lipstick, test the shades on the pads of your own fingers, which are naturally a little pinkish.

    10. Applying face cream

    Many women use facial care products incorrectly, thereby not only not getting the desired effect, but also causing harm to their own skin. For face cream to work correctly, it must be applied along massage lines. All massage lines pass from the center of the face to its periphery. You should start from the forehead, apply a little cream to the bridge of the nose and distribute it in different sides towards the temples, from the hollow of the chin to the earlobes and so on.

    11. Lower eyelashes

    Many girls paint exclusively their upper eyelashes, forgetting about the lower ones, which can create the impression that they are not there at all. Another mistake is to paint the lower eyelashes too thickly, as a result of which the eyes may visually droop and the look will become doll-like. Perfect Makeup the eye involves lightly painting the lower eyelashes in one layer. For this, it is better to use brown or gray mascara. The central eyelashes can be painted entirely, and the hairs on the sides can be covered only at the roots, removing excess mascara with your fingers.

    12. Facial brush

    If you still don’t have a special brush for cleansing your face, be sure to buy one. According to studies, regular facial brushing can deeply cleanse pores, smooth out existing unevenness, get rid of acne, improve blood circulation and complexion, and remove about 10 times more impurities from the skin than simply washing your face.

    13. Red lipstick

    Red lipstick is a product that should be in every woman's makeup bag, regardless of age and social status. This lipstick suits absolutely everyone, provided that you manage to choose the right shade. Most often, brunettes are suitable bright shades red, brown-haired women belonging to a warm color type are suitable for coral, orange and brick colors, but representatives of a cold color type should choose lipstick with a blue undertone.

    14. Ice uses

    In warmer months, use ice cubes to wash your face. This will quickly refresh and tone the skin, as well as slow down the aging process. In addition, after washing your face this way, your makeup will go on smoother and last much longer. What if instead ordinary water freeze chamomile decoction, green tea or add potato or aloe juice to the water, you will soon be able to cope with problems such as acne, inflammation, peeling and greasy shine.

    A clever way to wear perfume.

    Do you dream of leaving behind an unobtrusive trail of perfume? Apply perfume to your back and shoulders. Then the aroma will remain behind you, and not hit the noses of others.

    17. Dark circles under the eyes

    Often, painting over dark circles under the eyes, we apply the corrective product only under the lower eyelids, forgetting about the bridge of the nose. Eventually, dark shadow at the inner corner of the eye makes the appearance tired. To prevent this from happening, you need to start masking the circles from the inner corners of the eye, smoothly moving to the area under the lower eyelid.

    Use highlighter.

    Don't get carried away with powder so that your makeup doesn't look like a mask. Use it exclusively to hide the oily shine of the T-zone. But on the prominent bones of the cheekbones, in the dimple above upper lip and apply highlighter to the middle of the nose. This trick will make your skin glow and your appearance rested.

    It would seem that we are doing everything correctly, using the best means on caring for your face and hair, but the joy of appearance Less and less. Prejudice towards yourself? Or is it still time to “take apart” how we take care of ourselves and work on our mistakes?

    Facial care

    Does the cream go away at the speed of light? This means it’s time to pay attention to how much we apply it to our face. It is wrong to think that the thicker the layer of a healing agent, the higher its effectiveness will be. The skin absorbs exactly as much cream as it needs, and the rest remains on its surface, thereby preventing the skin from breathing. Hence the appearance of swelling, enlarged pores and unhealthy complexion. So it turns out that we ourselves become the culprits of all this. Therefore, savings in our case are the most best friend, especially if we have a very expensive and high-quality product in our hands.

    For the face, but not for the eyelids

    Have you run out of serum or cream for the skin around your eyes, but your hands are still reaching out to use regular face cream instead? Not the best the best option. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and thin, poor in the number of sebaceous glands. Therefore, it requires a special cream that is aimed at replenishing lipids and smoothing out wrinkles that arise due to lack of moisture. Only such products are developed taking into account the structure of the delicate skin around the eyes, and no other creams are suitable here.

    We wash ourselves, but don’t dry ourselves

    Wiping your face with a towel after washing is a very, very bad habit, or rather, harmful and dangerous for our beauty. After all, it is these manipulations that lead to stretching of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles on it. Therefore, you should not wipe your wet face, but just gently pat it dry with a soft napkin or towel.

    Frequent washing is not so harmless. They provoke active production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. And if hot water is also used, then this is the most worst option for washing. Under influence high temperature moisture from the surface of the skin evaporates in the blink of an eye, which leads to its drying out. Therefore, we train ourselves to wash ourselves with warm or cool water, literally 2 times a day.

    There is no more strength to fight fat and dull hair? The most selected best shampoo, but the result is zero? Perhaps then it’s worth paying attention not to the products, but to the temperature of the water at which you wash your hair? Hot showers are loved by many, but not by our hair. Under the influence of high temperature, the sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively, which means that literally the next day there will be no trace left of freshly washed hair. Only warm water (37-40°) is suitable for washing hair, and you need to rinse it with even cooler, but not cold, water. Only in this case will your hair look healthy and delight you with its cleanliness.

    The dark side of air conditioning

    A big mistake is when we try to generously cover the entire head with hair conditioner. The invisible film that forms on the scalp in this case, unfortunately, does nothing but harm. Conditioner should be applied to the hair, starting from the middle, and avoid getting on the roots.

    It would seem that what could be simpler than the rules for using shampoo? Pour it in, foam it up, rinse it off. But here, it turns out, there are significant pitfalls. If you pour shampoo directly onto your hair, it’s easy to dry out your scalp, because this product has a fairly high concentration. Therefore, it is very important, before the shampoo gets on your hair, to rub it in wet palms and only then lather your hair with it. And the most ideal option would be to dilute the shampoo in a separate container with a small amount water.

    To look well-groomed, a girl must work on herself all the time. beauty- a relative concept, but a person’s attitude towards himself is immediately noticeable: you can tell a lot by the way he looks! Women who are confident and calm internally attract men because they love themselves.

    A person who loves himself always takes care of his own figure and hairstyle, eats healthy food, and dresses with taste. If you don't like yourself, that's not a reason to give up. On the contrary, it is worth using useful tips that will help you get into excellent physical shape and look attractive. To be well-groomed means to please yourself every day with careful care...

    Self-care rules

    1. A flat stomach is the dream of all girls. But few people know that with the help of exercises to strengthen the abs it is impossible to achieve their ideal condition. For a perfect tummy, tuck-ins are useful, this way you train the muscles best.
    2. Walk more! Walking does wonders to make your legs look great.
    3. If you decide to go to the gym, don't forget to stretch after your workout. Stretching maintains muscle flexibility and the cute contours of a woman's figure.
    4. Drink water in the morning! After 2 glasses of water, you can start breakfast - this way you will definitely not overeat.
    5. Spoon olive oil before breakfast is very useful for women. The oil not only has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair, but also helps normalize the menstrual cycle.
    6. Never drink water or tea immediately after eating! Let the food digest for 40 minutes, and only then treat yourself to drinks. This way the walls of the stomach will not stretch.
    7. To speed up your metabolism, eat small meals often. Ideally - 5 times a day.
    8. Visit the sauna regularly - it is very beneficial for the skin.
    9. Don't eat for 3-4 hours before going to bed so that the food has time to digest.
    10. After 16:00, eat only protein foods. Carbohydrates inevitably turn into fat at this time of day.
    11. Take a contrast shower and you won’t even know what cellulite is! In addition, this procedure strengthens willpower very well.
    12. Chew your food as slowly as possible. This not only speeds up your metabolism and helps you stay full for a long time. Thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest and does not turn into excess weight!
    13. Eat slowly. The feeling of fullness occurs only 20 minutes after eating, don’t forget!
    14. Wean yourself off eating in front of the TV and with a book. This promotes weight gain! Turn your meal into a whole ceremony - use cutlery, sit straight at the table, don’t be distracted by extraneous matters. You will eat much less!
    15. A sudden attack of hunger is easy to overcome: get distracted! Do 20 squats, take a bath, look at beautiful clothes… Look in the mirror and decide if you can afford an extra sandwich or candy.
    16. Don't sit in front of the computer! Every half hour, do exercises - pump up your abs, squats, push-ups, jump rope. The effect will not be long in coming.
    17. The more you exercise, the less you want to eat! It’s a paradox, but it’s true - when the body enters the stage of active energy production, it uses its internal resources and does not need their constant replenishment so much.
    18. Drink a glass of water every hour and you will lose weight in no time! Water ensures youthful skin, helps wrinkles smooth out and helps remove toxins from the body.
    19. Learn to hate cigarettes and alcohol as much as you hate saggy sides and an ugly protruding belly. The same applies to chips, sugary carbonated drinks and fast food.
    20. Be careful with nuts and butter - these are very high-calorie foods. Try to eat no more than 10 nuts a day, season your salads with oil sparingly.
    21. Forget about potatoes! There is not even a hint of benefit in this product.
    22. Eat less bread. When allowing yourself bread, limit the consumption of other foods.
    23. Drink tea without sugar. This is a very useful habit; tea has a positive effect on the body. But only if sugar and cookies are not paired with it...

    You can do anything, the main thing is to want it! In matters of self-care, the statement “ The eyes are afraid, but the hands do"Very revealing. Stop worrying, suffering from self-doubt and blaming other people for your personal troubles. Intention become better- the first step towards the fulfillment of all your cherished desires.

    Greetings, friends! Today we will touch on the topic of beauty and health. I think these are relevant moments not only for women, but also for men. After all, external beauty is also an indicator of health. On this occasion, I present to your attention self-care tips that you can apply yourself without a beauty salon or cosmetologists.

    My tips are divided into 4 categories: face, body, hands, hair. Well, let's begin!


    Facial skin requires daily care. Follow these morning routines:

    • Cleansing. We wash ourselves with a cleanser (gel, micellar water or milk) and warm water. Important: too hot water dries out the skin.
    • Hydration. Wipe your face with lotion or toner to remove any remaining water and cleanser, then apply moisturizer.
    • Protection. We need her all year round, especially if you are outside for more than 1 hour. You can purchase a moisturizer with SPF or apply protective agent on top of the moisturizer.

    Thanks to evening care, the skin on your face will remain healthy for a long time. To do this, before going to bed you should:

    • cleanse;
    • tonify;
    • moisturize.

    Please note that for evening care it is best to use a moisturizer that does not contain SPF, or a night cream. Also, do not forget to use makeup removers.

    To prolong the youth and elasticity of the skin, women should do masks and peeling at least once a week.


    Methods for keeping body skin smooth and healthy are similar to facial treatments. Our body requires:

    • cleansing (daily);
    • moisturizing (daily);
    • scrubbing (once a week).

    In addition, do not forget about:

    • Contrast shower - used to cleanse the body and tone it. The main thing is not to delay the duration and not rush to extremes in terms of large temperature changes.
    • Taking a bath should not last longer than 20 minutes. Use bath oils. After steaming, apply a moisturizer.
    • An active lifestyle prevents the appearance of cellulite and makes the skin elastic.


    I'll give you a few simple tips for the care of palms and nails:

    Firstly, to avoid drying out your hand skin, use a soft or baby soap. You can use a facial cleanser instead of soap. Please note: regular toilet soap often has a dehydrating effect.

    Secondly, antibacterial soap not only destroys the protective layer, destroying germs, but also dries out the skin of the hands.

    Thirdly, moisturizing your hands should occur half an hour before bedtime or before going outside. Don't forget that your hands need to be protected not only from the wind, but also from the sun.

    Fourth, purchase a manicure and pedicure set. Use it for regular care. After getting your nails in order, don't forget to apply cuticle oil.


    Note that every time you wash your hair, your hair becomes more susceptible to damage. For example, when wet they are susceptible to brittleness.

    It is very important to follow these tips to keep your hair full and healthy:

    • Comb your hair before every wash. To make this process less difficult after washing and less damaging to the structure, start combing your strands from the ends to the roots.
    • Apply masks and conditioners exclusively to the ends of your hair.
    • Use warm or not too hot water when washing. IN otherwise you activate the process of hair loss: hot water causes the pores of the scalp to expand.
    • Never go to bed with wet hair. There are 2 reasons for this. First: you might catch a cold. Second: you risk the health of your hair - this makes it more prone to breakage and loss.
    • Use hair products as they protect against mechanical stress, such as combing, drying and other styling.

    • Say NO.
    • Consume a large number of water. You can find out why this is needed.
    • Try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
    • Take vitamins. Lack of minerals and others useful substances affects the general condition of the body and, above all, appearance. Important: do not self-medicate. It is best to consult a specialist.
    • Include fish oil in your diet. It is a storehouse of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A and D. In addition, it has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.
    • Maintain constant humidity in your home in the range from 30 to 60%, as this is the most optimal for the human body.
    • The optimal room temperature should be 20–23 °C.
    • Use scrubs and lip balms.
    • Sunglasses prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles under the eyes and protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays and dust.
    • Sunscreens should be used regularly to slow down skin aging.

    Thank you, readers, for visiting my blog. I sincerely hope that the information was useful to you. Subscribe to the site - we have a lot of interesting things. There are useful articles for everyone here.

    Perhaps today, not a single woman needs to be specifically reminded that being well-groomed and attractive is what makes it easy to achieve success in all areas of her life: in love and family, in career, study, at work, in communication and business . In addition, beauty is inextricably linked with health, and healthy people always turn out better than sick and weak people.

    In order to always be attractive, it is not necessary to be born a beautiful woman, but you definitely need to know what influences our appearance, and what means should be used so that all influences are only positive.

    Self-care: all the pros and cons!

    Of course, we all know today that appearance is negatively affected by the environment, climate, stress, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and, of course, nutrition.

    We are unlikely to be able to change the environmental situation; It’s also not possible to completely get rid of stress - after all, you still have to go to work. But from bad habits, as well as from wrong image life, we can refuse, but we can completely change our diet if we really want to. Look at the animals that live in nature: they remain beautiful all their lives - they have beautiful fur, feathers or skin, because they eat what they are supposed to, and do not invent all sorts of gastronomic excesses for themselves.

    In the mirror we only see our appearance, but it directly depends on what is inside us.

    For example, we see wrinkles on the face, " crow's feet", red eyes, sagging cheek skin, dull and brittle hair, but it doesn’t always occur to us that we need to start changes from within. After all, such an unsightly appearance, first of all, means that our cells are very sick and cannot do their job in such a way as to maintain our youth and beauty.

    Therefore, it is healthy balanced diet, healthy is the key to health and beauty: slim figure, silky skin, thick and shiny hair- after all, every woman dreams of this, although not everyone dares to admit it.

    Of course, in order to maintain a beautiful appearance, you also need to regularly and regularly, every day, take care of your skin, hair, nails, hands, feet and your entire body, which is given to us by nature. If you love and respect your body, then there will be much fewer problems in life.

    The skin is our largest organ, and it has to work all the time. Some numbers: the surface area of ​​the skin can reach 2 m, and its weight can be 15% of the weight of the entire body. A considerable part of all blood constantly circulates in our skin - this is ¼ of the total amount that is in the body.

    What should our skin do? She has a lot of work: she protects us from germs and any influences - physical, chemical, mechanical; removes waste and toxins from the body; maintains normal body temperature; It heals all damage itself - wounds, scratches, cracks. It is clear that the skin needs to be helped: moisturize it, nourish it, protect and tone it, and do all this regularly, in accordance with your skin type.

    I would like to say a little about the skin around the eyes - this is always a separate topic. The eyes play a vital role in creating an image. female beauty- in this other parts of the body cannot compare with them. Even if a woman’s weight is not ideal, but her face and hair are completely ordinary - bright, shiny and expressive eyes can easily compensate for these shortcomings - those around them will not even notice them. But the skin around the eyes is very vulnerable and ages earlier, so you don’t have to wait for time, ecology and everything else to work on it - you need to take care of the skin in a special way. Products for caring for the skin around the eyes should be effective, but gentle, not cause irritation or redness - and then your look will always be shiny and attractive.

    Hair will also be healthy when the whole body is healthy, but it also needs special care.

    You need to keep them clean: comb them properly and wash them on time, using only soft water. The towel should be soft and dry, but a hairdryer should be used only when necessary - after all, our hair already endures a lot, so it doesn’t need unnecessary drying. As for masks and balms, they should be used regularly, and not try to choose the cheapest ones; We should also not forget about folk recipes- they will always come to the rescue.

    Self-Care Tip #5: Hand and Nail Care

    Nails and hands are the next beauty topic. Unfortunately, in Russia there are many women who do not understand why they need care for their nails if there are no special problems with them? However, when the nails begin to peel and break, you have to solve the problems - but by this time they have already started. To ensure that your nails are always strong, smooth and elegant, you need to take care of them no less carefully than you take care of your skin or hair - there are also enough products and methods for this. If the nails are healthy, their health should be maintained, and it is better not to cut the cuticle, and not to use strong medicinal products for care.

    Hands, as you know, count business card ladies, but we often forget about this when we are busy cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, washing dishes, working in the country, etc. Hands, like the face, are generally more susceptible to impacts than other parts of the body - after all, they are always open, and even warm gloves do not save them in the cold season. Dust and chemicals get on the skin of your hands, they suffer from wind and cold; If you don’t take care of your hands, they will grow old and will not even show your true age, but will make a woman look older than her years.

    Use only mild toilet soap with special fat additives to wash your hands, and dry them with a soft towel, and do not rub the skin, but gently blot it. Wash your hands only with warm water, use, do nourishing masks and massage - today there are all possibilities for this.

    No less important than taking care of your hands is caring for your feet. If the hands only show age, then the legs and their condition have a direct impact on the state of our health - there are many biologically active points on the legs through which you can influence the entire body.

    In one day, an ordinary woman has to walk up to 8,000 steps. When she returns home, she again moves on her feet, or stands - most often in the kitchen. Even work that can be done while sitting is done while standing. For example, peeling and cutting vegetables. If you don’t take care of your feet, swelling, calluses, and fungus will quickly appear. The skin will turn red and yellow, and varicose veins veins and other diseases. Baths, masks, massages and other simple procedures that can be easily done at home can help your feet.

    And in conclusion, it’s worth saying a little about teeth.

    Sure, we all brush our teeth – but how do we do it? As a rule, in 20-30 seconds, when we wash ourselves in the bathroom in the morning, and in the evening, before going to bed, also as quickly as possible. After all, I already want to sleep - I don’t have the strength. That's all care. And you can no longer remember about thoroughly cleansing your teeth and gums, using rinses, suitable toothpaste and brushes.

    Moreover, we don’t want to visit the dentist to prevent caries - after all, it costs money. But then we pay many times more. We waste time, nerves, endure pain and discomfort, although everyone seems to understand that healthy teeth are better than sick ones. A snow-white smile, sincere and kind, is not only a character trait or great mood. This is the result of careful and regular care of teeth and gums.

    The issues discussed in this article are of interest to any woman for whom health, beauty and success are important.

    In the women's magazine InFlora.ru you can find many simple, but useful secrets: about how to take care of yourself without special expenses, and at the same time remain young, healthy and attractive.

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