• What procedure will make your hair smooth and shiny? How to make your hair smooth: a review of professional and folk remedies


    Negative environmental factors, violation hormonal levels, low-quality cosmetics - this and much more leads to a lifeless state of hair. Not all ladies can afford to regularly visit a salon for comprehensive hair care. You can make your curls shiny and soft yourself if you have the necessary knowledge.

    Step #1. Proper hair washing

    Hair becomes dull, primarily due to incorrect washing procedures. Fix the problem and move on to the next step.

    1. Take a wide-toothed wooden comb and comb each strand thoroughly. This will allow you to properly distribute the shampoo and rinse off cosmetic styling products. The comb can be replaced with a comb made from natural fibers. If the running water is too hard, boil it first.
    2. Start washing your hair. Wet your hair and do not wring out the water. Take a little shampoo, rub it between your palms, then gently work through your roots and scalp.
    3. Rinse off the product, then repeat the steps, but now distribute the shampoo over the entire length. Squeeze the curls with your hands, but do not rub in a circular motion. Rinse off the shampoo again and treat the strands again along the entire length.
    4. Rinse your hair with plenty of water, do not wring out. Apply rinse aid of the same series, wait 10 minutes. During the last 3 minutes, carefully comb each curl with a comb to evenly distribute the composition. Do not purchase “2 in 1” products, they have a detrimental effect on your hair and are of no benefit.
    5. Be sure to rinse off the balm thoroughly, otherwise within a few hours your hair will lose its appearance and your curls will seem dirty. Due to the conditioner, the hair absorbs dust, which obviously does not make it shiny.
    6. After you have carried out the necessary cleansing and softening procedures, squeeze out excess moisture. Gather your hair into a ponytail at the back of your head and push your fist down. Wrap your head in a towel and wait 25 minutes. You shouldn’t tug at the strands too much, they will begin to split and become electrified.
    7. You can start using a hairdryer. Turn on the minimum mode, tilt your head down and direct the flow towards different sides every 2 seconds. Carry out the procedure for 5 minutes, keeping a distance of 30 cm. Now set the hair dryer to completely cold mode and finally dry your hair.

    Step #2. Hair rinsing with medicinal herbs

    As stated earlier, 70% of success depends on proper washing. To improve the effect of the procedure, you need to learn how to prepare plant decoctions that are ideal for all hair types. The hair will become softer and acquire the long-awaited shine after the first procedure. You can find the ingredients at pharmacies and grocery stores.

    Herb Mixing Options:

    • 70 gr. chamomile and 55 gr. linden flowers;
    • 10 gr. yarrow, 75 gr. sage, 65 gr. dried lemon zest;
    • 30 gr. rosemary, 15 gr. burdock root, 50 gr. chamomile flowers;
    • 45 gr. hop cones, 25 gr. lemon balm, 60 gr. St. John's wort;
    • 15 gr. coltsfoot, 80 gr. nettle, 10 gr. burdock;
    • 75 gr. calendula, 20 gr. oak bark;
    • 25 gr. flax seeds, 85 gr. birch bark, 15 gr. and you;
    • 60 gr. thyme, 40 gr. dried parsley;
    • 35 gr. jasmine, 20 gr. mint leaves, 55 gr. ginseng;
    • 70 gr. calamus, 65 gr. nettle, 30 ml. lemon juice;
    • 45 gr. rosemary, 55 gr. cuckoo flax, 15 gr. magnolias;
    • 90 gr. honeysuckle, 10 gr. yarrow, 20 gr. thyme.

    Cooking method
    The components presented above are designed for short and medium hair. Owners of long hair need to double the amount of herbs and, accordingly, the water with which they will be poured.

    To prepare a full-fledged decoction, brew the ingredients in 1.8-2.3 liters of boiling water and simmer on the stove for about half an hour. After this, cover with a lid and place a towel on top. Leave for 3.5 hours.

    Application technology
    Many people make the mistake of rinsing their hair and immediately washing off the product. In this case, your efforts will be in vain. First, the hair is rinsed several times. Secondly, the composition is kept on the strands for about 15 minutes, or longer.

    As for application, preheat the broth to a temperature of 35-38 degrees, then comb your hair. Dip them in a container or rinse with a gentle stream, then put on a shower cap. After a certain time, repeat the steps, do not rinse the infusion with water.

    Step #3. Hair lamination at home

    Lamination was invented to make hair smooth and maintain the results for a long time. It is not necessary to visit a hairdresser; you can easily carry out the procedure yourself.

    1. Wash your hair thoroughly, following the recommendations. Cover your hair with conditioner and wait 10 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water until the strands begin to “squeak”, then use an infusion based on medicinal plants. Rinse your curls in two stages, according to the instructions. Important! For ladies who tint their hair with shampoos and conditioners, the procedure should be repeated after rinsing with a decoction. IN otherwise the plants will wash off part of the product, and lamination will reveal imperfections due to increased shine. If you are not a fan of tinting products, wrap your head in a towel and start preparing the lamination mixture.
    2. Take 4 sachets of gelatin, 20 g each. every. Pour warm (not hot!) water into a glass container. Open the first package and slowly add the gelatin, stirring with a knife or fork. Do not use a spoon for these purposes, otherwise lumps will form that will remain on the hair. After you cook the first batch, do the same with the second, third and fourth. Stir and leave for 35 minutes.
    3. After the gelatin has completely swollen, set the microwave to medium power and place the container on the edge of the moving plate. Turn on for 15 seconds, remove and stir. Place the mixture in the microwave again, but for 20 seconds. Remove and stir again. Repeat steps until the product is completely dissolved.
    4. Now take 120 gr. of your everyday balm and slowly pour it into the gelatin, stirring constantly. The composition should be cloudy so that the bottom of the container is not visible. Otherwise, increase the amount of conditioner.
    5. Remove the towel from your head. If your hair is dry, rinse it with filtered water and squeeze out the moisture. The product must be applied exclusively to wet strands; they absorb gelatin better.
    6. Divide your hair into 4-6 equal sections, loosen one, and pin the rest with hairdressing clips. Make several thin strands to make it easier to apply the product.
    7. Put on gloves, scoop a little mixture onto a dye brush and work through each curl. Pay attention to poorly lubricated areas. The product should be applied in a thick layer; you should not skimp on it. If there is not enough product, prepare another portion. When you finish the first section, move on to the rest.
    8. Wrap your hair in cling film or cover individual strands with foil. Gather them together, wrap your head tightly terry towel, preheat it using heating devices. Wait 40 minutes.
    9. At the end due date You need to warm the composition well so that it penetrates deeper into the hair shaft. Set the hair dryer to the maximum temperature and work the surface of the towel at a distance of 30-35 cm. Continue for 7 minutes, take a break of 5 minutes and repeat the manipulations 1 more time.
    10. After complete warming up, wait 1.5 hours, then proceed to remove the composition. Gelatin is washed off with high pressure of warm water. It is important to remember that shampoo and conditioner are not applied afterwards. To make rinsing easier, use a wooden comb.

    We recommend using the proposed scheme to give your hair shine and softness. The correct washing procedure sets the tone for the final result. Concerning medicinal herbs, their number is selected optimally, so it should not be changed. Plus step by step instructions The fact is that you can take care of your hair in this way every day. Agree, doing salon lamination with such frequency seems unrealistic. Take care of your hair and be irresistible!

    Video: shiny, smooth hair without ironing

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    While owners of straight hair are wondering how to curl it, girls with unruly hair dream of making it perfectly straight. But hair dryers and straightening irons damage the structure of our hair, and chemical procedures are not so easy to trust. That's why we are always looking for something more natural.

    Proper styling should begin in the shower.

    • And it's not a joke. Good styling impossible without correct selection shampoo and conditioner. IN in this case you need to choose products with keratin, which is famous for its straightening properties.
    • After washing, use a towel made of highly absorbent material. For example, bamboo, which also has antibacterial properties.
    • Don't dry your hair too hard as this can cause frizz and breakage. Simply squeeze your hair everywhere to remove excess water.

    You also need to choose your comb wisely

    • Avoid round brushes: instead of straightening your hair, they curl the ends.
    • Use a comb for combing, as it has wider teeth that detangle the hair well without tearing it.

    You can straighten your hair even just by combing it

    • After washing your hair, let it dry, but continue to brush every five minutes. Divide your hair into several sections, pull and hold each strand for a few seconds so that it remembers this straight shape. You can use a hairdryer, but only in cold air mode.

    A ponytail will help you in the fight against capricious hair.

    • After washing your hair properly, wait until your hair is slightly damp and tie it into a tight, low ponytail. If you have bangs or short strands, falling out of the tail, secure them with bobby pins. Comb your ponytail to ensure there are no knots left.
    • Arm yourself with elastic bands and wrap them around the ponytail every 5-7cm to the very base (the number of hairpins depends on the length of the hair). Wrap your head in a silk scarf, wait until your hair is dry, remove the elastic bands, comb it, keep it open and loose. Ready.

    Can you use the secret of Latin women?

    • Latin American countries have their own secret to hair straightening - a technique called “Toga”. In order to cope with unruly hair, residents of hot countries wash their hair, dry it with a hairdryer using the cold air function and, after slightly drying, wrap it around their head, securing it with hairpins. The next morning they wake up with straight and shiny hair.

    A little about straightening cosmetics

    • Creams and straightening serums

    Apply to clean and wet hair, spreading over the entire length and allowed to dry. These products protect well from ultraviolet radiation and overheating. The only drawback is its incompatibility with chemical dyes, since it blocks their path into the hair, which means that the expected effect will not be achieved.

    • Leveling spray and bonding oils

    Can be applied to wet or dry hair. Despite the fact that sprays are convenient to use, they have a significant disadvantage - most contain silicone and various additives that accumulate in the hair and destroy it. Oils are useful in all respects; they are used to straighten hair and provide thermal protection.

    It is necessary to pamper your hair more often with creams and masks to make it look smooth. The thing is that the oily structure not only weighs down the hair, but also helps smooth out the scales, making the strands straight and shiny.

    • Oil mask

    Olive, castor and burdock oils are mixed in equal proportions. The amount of oil depends on the thickness and length of the hair. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for at least 40 minutes, wrapping the hair in a warm cap.

    • Olive mask

    If you don’t have all three oils on hand, you can get by with just one. Heat about three tablespoons in an enamel bowl olive oil. Wrap your head in film and a towel to create a “greenhouse effect.” It is recommended to make the mask in the evening and leave it overnight.

    But it’s quite difficult to wash off these masks. You may need to shampoo and rinse your hair repeatedly. A liter of non-hot water acidified with lemon juice will help in this case.

    Another faithful assistant - colorless henna

    • It is another popular remedy used by many owners. curly hair. The thing is that henna thickens the hair, as a result it becomes heavier and loses its curliness. In addition, henna helps get rid of split ends and dandruff.

    Perhaps there are still natural ways for hair straightening that you have tried on yourself. Share them in the comments.

    Well-groomed shiny hair- the main decoration of a woman. But not every one of us can boast of such a luxurious gift from nature. In addition, the use of hairsprays, foams, blow-drying, frequent coloring and lack of vitamins take their toll - the hair becomes dull, brittle, frizzy and difficult to style...

    But there is a way out - it can help natural mask for smooth hair, which is not difficult to do at home - all the recipes are quite simple, and the ingredients are affordable.

    Mask of honey, yolk and lemon

    This mask is very popular as it gives quick and visible results! The product will help make your hair smooth, vibrant, soft to the touch, and nourished from the inside. So, you will need:

    • juice of one lemon;
    • five tablespoons of base oil;
    • three tablespoons of honey, heated in a water bath;
    • egg yolk.

    Mix all ingredients and apply to dry hair, then put on a cellophane cap. Keep the mask on for about an hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

    Smoothing gelatin mask

    This one is somewhat reminiscent in its effect. For the mask you will need the following ingredients: a tablespoon of edible gelatin, three tablespoons of hair balm and a tablespoon of any oil, for example, almond, peach, wheat germ.

    If desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil; your hair will not only be shiny and silky, but also fragrant.

    First, pour the gelatin with warm water and wait until it swells completely. Then add oil and balm. Apply the mask to clean, slightly damp hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length. Please note that you should not touch the roots - you may get the effect of dirty hair. We wrap it in film and insulate it with a towel, and walk with the mask for an hour.

    We wash our hair without using shampoo. After drying, they are straight, easy to comb, shiny and smell great!

    Vitamin mask

    To prepare this home remedy for smooth hair, you will need to purchase vitamins A and E at the pharmacy. You can add them to any homemade mask, as well as to your favorite shampoo and conditioner. Vitamins will not only restore smoothness and shine to your hair, but will also help strengthen it and stimulate growth.

    Important! You cannot add vitamins directly to the product bottle! This should only be done with the part that you are going to use at the moment!

    Mask with mayonnaise

    For smoothness and shine, the following hair mask is good (for a detailed recipe, see the video below).

    Three tablespoons of our mayonnaise should be applied to clean, slightly damp hair, including the roots. Then you need to wrap the strands with film and insulate them with a hat or towel. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo. To get rid of the smell of vinegar, you can add a few drops essential oils.

    The beneficial property of mayonnaise is that it is rich in proteins - this helps restore damaged and brittle hair, make them alive, soft and shiny.

    Coffee for dark hair

    Two tablespoons of natural ground coffee Brew in a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. Apply the resulting decoction to damp, clean hair and put on a plastic cap. Wait half an hour, then rinse off the infusion with cool water without using shampoo.

    You will be pleasantly surprised by the shine of your hair! This procedure is not recommended for blondes, as the coffee infusion gives the hair dark shade. The leftover coffee cake can be added to shower gel to create a fragrant scrub.

    Glycerin mask

    You will need Castor oil and glycerin in a two to one ratio, as well as egg white. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture to the length of your hair twenty minutes before washing.

    Important! Rinse your hair with cool water, otherwise the protein may cook.

    Curd mask for hair shine

    Cottage cheese is an excellent hair conditioner. To prepare such a mask you will need one egg and a few tablespoons of cottage cheese. Apply the product to the length and rinse after ten minutes with warm water. The hair will be combed well and will stop becoming electrified and breaking.

    After you have made a mask and washed your hair, consolidate the result with herbal decoctions. Chamomile infusion is ideal for blondes, and thyme, mint and sage are recommended for dark-haired girls.

    It is also very useful to rinse with solutions of essential oils, which are very easy to make yourself. All you need to do is add pine, ylang-ylang or orange oil to warm water in a ratio of three drops per hundred milliliters of water. The resulting solution should be used to rinse your hair after using shampoo. Unreal shine guaranteed!

    But remember that no masks will help your hair gain vitality And healthy shine, if you do not properly and regularly care for them. To protect your curls from fragility, dryness, and splitting, it is enough to follow a number of rules.

    Important hair care rules

    1. Do not wash your hair with too hot water; the optimal temperature is 37 °C.
    2. Shampoo and conditioner should match your hair type.
    3. Do not comb wet hair, it will injure it.
    4. Do not overuse hair dryers, straighteners, or curling irons. Do not use a hair dryer on the fastest setting, hot air is very harmful. Hold the device at a distance of thirty centimeters from your head.
    5. Choose a quality hair dye that does not contain ammonia.
    6. Take care of your hair constantly, make masks, do not tie it with tight elastic bands.
    7. Try to use combs made from natural materials- with natural bristles or wooden.
    8. Before going to bed, comb your hair thoroughly, you can drop some essential oil on the comb.
    9. Avoid backcombing, they mercilessly damage the hair structure.
    10. Protect your hair with hats in summer from the sun, and in winter from frost.
    11. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take vitamins and minerals in the fall and spring, when the body is weakened. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke - all this negatively affects not only the condition of your hair, but also your skin and figure.

    It’s not at all difficult to prepare masks for smooth hair at home; the main thing is to choose a recipe that is right for you and in combination with proper care And balanced diet the result will not keep you waiting! To keep your hair smooth and shiny, it is enough to do it twice a week.

    Shiny, silky and healthy hair decoration for any woman. Procedures for smooth hair can be done not only in the salon using professional products; masks for smooth hair prepared at home will help you get rid of frizz and dullness. A competent approach to the selection of ingredients will make hair treatment enjoyable and most effective.

    How to make your hair smooth at home

    There are a number of basic rules on how to achieve smooth hair without leaving the house.

    1. It is recommended to wash your hair as it becomes dirty, and not daily. Daily cleansing of the head using the shampoo that suits you disrupts the natural microflora of the scalp; such excessive hair care significantly worsens the condition of the hair, after all, it is chemicals.
    2. Rubbing and scratching wet hair- crime. This should never be done, because rubbing with a towel only promotes delamination of the hair shaft, and combing stretches it and causes mechanical damage. Agree, this cannot give smoothness to your hair.
    3. To prevent your strands from looking like tow, tangling or breaking, try to moisturize them regularly. Along with shampoos, buy conditioner and serum that do not need to be washed off. Such products provide intensive nutrition and strengthening of the hair, in addition, the hair fiber becomes perfectly smooth and shiny in the sun.
    4. The strands will be smooth and straight if they are cut periodically. Try to visit your hairdresser once every 2-3 months and cut off about a centimeter of hair; this will not greatly affect the overall length, but will improve your health.
    5. At least twice a day, in the morning and before bed, try to spend 5 minutes combing. This routine procedure can strengthen hair, enhance growth, and even become a way to combat hair loss. This is because during this action a head massage occurs, blood flows better to the skin and nourishes the follicles more intensively, and healthy follicles are the key to beautiful hair.
    6. In summer and winter, wear hats to protect against too much low temperatures and sun rays.
    7. In addition to standard cleansing of the crown with shampoo, take the trouble to use folk recipes. Homemade masks are much more beneficial than store-bought ones. For your information, the best mask components for smoothing the hair shaft are all without exception. vegetable oils, and they suit any hair type.
    8. To maintain the beauty of your hair, try to use hot styling tools as little as possible, minimize coloring and perm hair.

    • The best thing about smoothing hair is that it causes minimal damage to it. Homemade mask done in accordance with the rules is much more effective than one done at random.
    • In order to exclude negative reviews about masks, it is important to remember that not a single mask gives an immediate effect natural ingredients. They must be done regularly.
    • People are allergic to many foods. When preparing a medicinal mixture for your hair for the first time, initially do a test on your wrist. If redness, itching and other troubles do not appear at the site where the mixture is applied, then you can safely apply it to the crown.
    • Before using the finished mixture, it is important to wash your hair with shampoo, but not use conditioner, then dry naturally and comb your curls.
    • Almost all mixtures, except gelatin, should be applied to the scalp too. This additionally nourishes the hair follicles.
    • If this is possible, then after treating the hair with a medicinal solution, you should carefully comb each strand with a sparse comb. This will distribute the mask more evenly and reduce frizz.
    • Next, we traditionally create a greenhouse, wrapped in film and a towel.

    The aging period of each mixture is individual, each product is absorbed into the hair at a different rate, but on average the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wash off the masks with warm water, and finally rinse with herbs. Dry naturally.

    Homemade mask recipes for smooth hair


    • 50 ml honey;
    • 40 ml burdock oil;
    • yolk;
    • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
    Preparation and application:

    Stir the yolk with honey, add the remaining liquid ingredients, mix again, and process the crown. We wrap ourselves in film and a scarf for an hour. We wash it off.

    Mask for smoothness and volume

    “Silk mask” gives airiness and shine to the hair. The components moisturize well skin covering and the rod, smooth the scales.


    • 3 tbsp. l. coconut oils;
    • 5 drops of rose oil;
    • 5 drops of rosemary ether.
    Preparation and application:

    Heat the oil, drop in ether, stir. Carefully coat each strand, cover your head with film and a towel for an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo.

    Mask for smoothness and straightening

    The mask envelops each hair with a transparent film, glues the scales together, and masks split ends.


    • 1 tbsp. l. henna;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 10 ml each of oils: grape seed and orange.
    Preparation and application:

    Pour the henna with warm water, let it stand for an hour, then combine it with oils. Apply the resulting paste onto the strands, moving 2 centimeters away from the roots. Leave under a warm hood for 45 minutes. We wash it traditionally.

    With egg

    Moisturizing mask for smooth hair perfectly nourishes, gives shine and elasticity.


    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 30 ml honey;
    • protein.
    Preparation and application:

    Beat the egg whites with butter, sour cream, and lubricate the moistened curls along the length. We cover the top of the head with polyethylene and a turban. After half an hour, wash off as usual.

    With gelatin

    Gelatin mask is one of the products that can be used to successfully laminate hair at home. The procedure is completely safe for hair and solves the problem with frizz.



    • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
    • 6 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction;
    • 3 tbsp. l. balm.
    Preparation and application:

    Soak the gelatin in a warm broth, wait for it to swell for about 30 minutes, heat it in a bathhouse and combine it with the balm. Apply the resulting mixture to each curl, retreating 2 centimeters from the roots, and comb through it with a comb. Leave under a warm hood for one hour.

    With burdock oil

    The mixture deeply nourishes and moisturizes hair, smoothes it, adds shine, and enhances growth.


    • 2 yolks;
    • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
    Preparation and application:

    Beat warm butter with yolks and mayonnaise. Lubricate the roots and curls with the prepared mixture and leave under a warm hood for 45 minutes.

    With cognac

    The cognac recipe is a great way to improve the health of your hair, restore shine, good growth rate and minimize hair loss.


    • 100 ml cognac;
    • egg.
    Preparation and application:

    Grind the products into a homogeneous consistency, distribute along the length, wrap yourself in heat for 45 minutes. Wash with warm water and rinse with water and lemon juice to neutralize the smell of alcohol.

    With kefir

    A kefir mask saturates the hair with shine and volume, improves hair growth, eliminates active work Exocrine glands.


    • egg;
    • 100 ml fat kefir.
    Preparation and application:

    Room temperature fermented milk product combine with honey and egg, soak hair, wrap for 60 minutes. We wash our hair as standard.

    With banana

    Nourishing mask for smoothing hair, supplies all necessary vitamins, adds shine.


    • ½ banana;
    • 20 ml olive oil;
    • 60 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml lemon juice;
    • yolk.
    Preparation and application:

    Mash the fruit pulp, combine with other products, mix well. We treat the scalp with the resulting gruel and distribute the remainder along the length. Wash off after 40 minutes.

    With oils

    Broad spectrum oil mask. Moisturizes, nourishes, restores the normal functioning of the exocrine glands, eliminates dandruff, treats alopecia and helps to grow a long mane.

    You will need 20-40 ml of oils:

    • burdock;
    • olive;
    • castor;
    • almond
    Preparation and application:

    Heat the mixed oil concentrate in a bathhouse to a comfortable temperature, do not boil. Apply along the entire length, carefully treating the roots and ends. We build a greenhouse on the top of our head and walk like this for 2 hours. We wash our hair traditionally, washing it twice if necessary.

    Useful video: How to make your hair smooth and shiny?


    When we speak " beautiful hair”, the phrase “smooth and shiny” appears in the brain by itself. Indeed, many girls dream of perfectly straight hair with a glossy mirror shine. And this despite the fact that by nature smooth hair inherent at all a small number people, and for the vast majority they are wavy to one degree or another.

    Conquering individual unruly curls and pacifying the creative chaos on your head is sometimes not easy. Styling products give a short-term effect, and if you add to this external factors: wind, rain or fog, then a perfectly styled hairstyle can turn into a real crow's nest in a matter of minutes.

    To give hair shine, smoothness and healthy looking, it is necessary to act comprehensively. How exactly? Let's find out from the SalonSecret experts!

    First of all, you need to figure out what condition your hair is in at the moment: whether it lacks moisture and nutrition, whether it is over-dried with a hairdryer and whether it is damaged by frequent dyeing or bleaching.

    If your hair is unhealthy, then just give it smoothness and shine. cosmetic procedures...it won’t work out! So, first of all, remember the main rule: restore your hair to health, and your main weapon should be masks, balms and other restorative procedures based on your hair type.

    Another point directly related to hair health, but which needs to be discussed separately, is. The condition of your hair depends very much on what comb you use and how often you comb your hair. Opt for wooden brushes and avoid combs with metal teeth if you don't want your hair to become frizzy.

    Plays a big role hair washing. Hot water doesn't do them any good. Try to wash your hair with warm water and finish the process by rinsing your hair with cool water. This is necessary so that the hair cuticles close and the hair subsequently becomes shiny and smooth.

    Unruly, brittle, frizzy hair can be a signal that the body lacks vitamins. This is especially true for the cold season. But you don’t need to prescribe vitamin complexes yourself. For them to really benefit you, you need to see a doctor and get tested. At the same time, one should not ignore proper nutrition . A nutritious diet will provide the body with the microelements necessary for the health of vital systems and restore shine and smoothness to the hair.

    How to make your hair smooth and shiny at home

    Professional salons offer various hair straightening procedures. But the first and most important steps need to be taken at home.


    You need to wash your hair regularly, with the frequency necessary for your hair type: greasy hair- once every two to three days, normal - twice a week, dry - once every five to six days.

    In addition to shampoo, do peelings using professional cosmetics.

    Moisturizing your hair is an important step to keep it looking healthy, shiny and smooth. Try to use a balm from the same series as the shampoo: together they work more effectively!


    Make hair masks regularly and use oils for the ends. Masks with vitamin E also work well!

    Even the healthiest hair needs protection, and here you can help will come"heavy artillery":

    • If you blow dry your hair, always use heat protectants;
    • wear special hats in the bathhouse or sauna, and a rubber cap in the pool;
    • Do not go in the cold season without a hat!

    Long, smooth and manageable hair were considered beautiful throughout world history, so recipes have come down to us from our great-grandmothers and their great-grandmothers folk remedies to straighten your hair and make it perfectly silky.

    The modern cosmetics industry also does not stand still and offers many products for smooth hair. What to give preference to? It's up to you, but we would recommend getting the opinion of our experts.

    From our mothers and grandmothers we have heard more than once about “magic” masks for smooth hair. Our experts, however, are skeptical about them: you can always make a mistake with the dosage of one or another ingredient, overexpose the product on your hair and subsequently get the exact opposite result or an allergic reaction!

    But to increase erudition, so to speak, we will tell you exactly what means “saved” our relatives earlier.

    - Oil mask

    Mix castor and Burr oil, heat in a water bath, add chamomile decoction and one raw egg. Mix, apply to hair for half an hour, rinse with warm water.

    Be prepared for a very specific smell after using the mask.

    - Gelatin mask

    Dilute the gelatin packet with warm water according to the instructions, leave for 20 minutes, then mix with the balm that you use regularly. Apply to washed hair for half an hour, rinse with warm water. And here, be prepared to clean the bathroom or shower after non-standard culinary experiments while washing your hair!

    - Apple cider vinegar mask

    Grate a fresh apple, add the yolk of one egg and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply to hair along the entire length. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

    But here you definitely can’t avoid an unpleasant aroma: Apple vinegar weathers quite poorly!

    As you already understand, the effect (and aroma!) of folk remedies is very, very prosaic, so our experts recommend giving preference to proven professional remedies. They are tested and have all kinds of certificates, so you can use them without fear!

    Review of professional hair smoothing products

    So, what products do SalonSecret experts recommend for smooth hair?

    It not only cleanses well, but also moisturizes the hair, and also protects against external influences thanks to the contained substance aquatoril. The active substance - prakaxi oil - guarantees discipline and smoothness of the hair.

    Protects against moisture, adds shine and facilitates the styling process.

    On appearance Hair will not be affected by rain or strong wind. Your hair will be even and smooth, as if you had just styled it!

    Nourishes hair, protects and gives smoothness thanks to Moluccan seed oil in the composition.

    Contains shea butter, which tames unruly hair, protects them from moisture and adds shine.

    It is also called the 25 in 1 product, and for good reason! The lotion nourishes, moisturizes, restores hair structure, strengthens, simplifies combing, prevents split ends, has thermal protective properties, adds smoothness and shine, reduces static and disciplines hair.

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