• What to steam your heels with at home. Soft and smooth heels at home: an effective cleansing technique

    80 378 3 It doesn't matter what size your feet are, but if you are a woman you should take care of your feet. Sometimes you meet a woman on the street, beautiful, with makeup, stylishly dressed, smelling nice, but when you pay attention to your heels, it immediately becomes clear that she doesn’t take care of them and all her beauty dissolves. I have heard from many friends that when choosing a girl for a relationship, they (guys) often pay attention to their legs. Some on the calves, others on the fingers and feet. So if you are still looking, then be prepared for anything, in case your unkempt legs scare away the prince.

    A woman should pay due attention to her heels all year round, and not just when spring comes. And you don’t have to run to a beauty salon for this. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to clean rough heels and how to make heels soft at home.

    Why do heels become rough?

    Only babies have smooth heels by nature, if you see a woman who has soft and smooth heels, without a single crack, believe me, this is the result of long and hard work. And you won't have such heels if you don't try. The skin on the heels gets rougher over time and why does this happen? Let's look at the main reasons:

    • Violation of personal hygiene rules. Regular washing and cleansing of the skin of the feet also refers to the procedure of personal hygiene, and violation of its rules leads to rough skin.
    • Some people are not familiar with the pedicure procedure, they think that pedicure is applying nail polish and that's it. But in fact, pedicure means complete care for nails and skin of feet.
    • Synthetic socks or tights. As everyone knows, synthetics do not allow air to pass through, your feet begin to sweat, bacteria multiply, and bad smell and fungus.
    • Too dry skin on the feet can also cause cracks. If lovely ladies think that only their face and hands need to be moisturized, then they are deeply mistaken. Feet are no less susceptible to dryness.
    • Unbalanced diet. If your body lacks any vitamins, namely A and E, it can respond to you with rough heels.
    • If you have rough heels, you may like to walk barefoot, including at home. Try to give up this habit; your bare feet are more susceptible to dryness and cracking.
    • Incorrectly selected shoes. For example, in the summer it is worth choosing sandals with a closed heel, this way you will protect your heels from sun rays and frequent chapping. The rest of the time, carefully choose high-heeled shoes and avoid wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes.
    • More serious diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes They can also cause dry feet, which in turn can lead to the formation of cracks.

    How to make your heels smooth at home

    The most effective methods To combat rough heels, use special foot baths. The composition of the baths can be different: herbal, salt and soda, depending on the characteristics of your skin. After using the bath, the skin of the feet is thoroughly cleansed using fine-grained pumice or special. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied. For maximum hydration, feet can be lubricated with olive oil and worn overnight plastic bags, and in the morning you will be surprised how soft and smooth your feet are.

    Read more about foot baths on our website soon.

    Folk recipes for masks for soft heels

    If your heels seriously suffer from cracks and corns, then it is advisable to apply special masks to your feet after using the baths.

    • Egg and lemon mask . Break the egg, separate the yolk from the white. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of starch. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask to your feet until it dries completely, and then rinse with warm water. Finally, apply nourishing cream to your feet.
    • Honey mask and olive oil . Mix honey and olive oil in equal quantities and apply the resulting mixture to your heels for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water.
    • Zucchini mask . Take a young zucchini and grate it on a fine grater. Place the resulting mixture in clean gauze and then apply to the problem area for 30 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied to the feet.
    • Honey and banana mask . Grate the banana on a fine grater. How many bananas are the same and take honey. Move everything. Apply the resulting porridge to your heels and wrap your feet with plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
    • Aloe mask . Grind an aloe leaf in a mortar, apply the resulting mass to the problem area, wrap in cling film and leave overnight, and in the morning you will see an amazing effect.

    Using hydrogen peroxide for heels

    Surely in every home medicine cabinet There is hydrogen peroxide, by the way, and it is very effective in combating rough skin stop. We will tell you how to clean your heels with hydrogen peroxide. But first, it is worth noting that this substance is quite aggressive in nature, so its use requires compliance with all recommendations.

    There are 3 effective recipes using hydrogen peroxide:

    1. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water in a ratio of 1 to 6, respectively. The water should not be cold, but slightly warm. Next, take a small piece of gauze, soak it in the resulting solution and wipe the area of ​​your feet for about 5 minutes, and then clean it with a pumice stone.
    2. You can also steam your feet in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Take hot water (1.5 liters), as hot as possible so that your feet can withstand this temperature. Add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and steam your feet for about 5-10 minutes. After steaming, you can clean your feet using a pumice stone or a foot file.
    3. And the third recipe contains, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, table salt. Fill a basin with warm water, add 2 tbsp. l. salt. Keep your feet in the basin for about 7 minutes, then add 3 tbsp to the same basin. hydrogen peroxide and continue the procedure for another 5 minutes. When finished, clean your feet with a pumice stone.

    Using hydrogen peroxide, you can treat not only rough skin on the feet, but also corns. Take a gauze lotion, soak it in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the corn for 2 hours (you can apply it with a band-aid)

    Using Aspirin for Soft Heels

    Aspirin is, so to speak, heavy artillery that can cure the most advanced type of rough heels. How to clean your heels with aspirin?

    The recipe is as follows:

    • 10 aspirin tablets
    • Medical alcohol

    Grind the tablets into powder, add iodine and alcohol. Apply the resulting mass to damaged areas of the skin after the procedures. An infusion based on aspirin helps fast healing cracks and softening of the skin of the heels.

    Heels like a baby in 10 minutes

    You have an important event, but you don’t have any time for a pedicure, then you need to know how to quickly make soft heels at home. We offer you an express procedure:

    • Wash your feet thoroughly using cleansers and then dry.
    • On dry feet, apply the foot cream you usually use. Allow the cream to be completely absorbed.
    • Then take special file for feet, soak it in warm water and rub it on the problem area on your feet. Continue this procedure until all the rough skin comes off your feet.
    • Then wash your feet thoroughly again, apply fat cream and put on special cosmetic socks. You can use regular soft cotton socks.

    Of course, this express method is not suitable for advanced cases. If your heels are very rough and have many cracks, then it is better to resort to more serious methods of softening your feet.

    For the big guns, we invite you to try the new, amazing Scholl Velvet Smooth foot file. Personally, I have already experienced it myself. Here

    • All procedures are performed on clean feet.
    • It is better to carry out foot skin care procedures in the evening, so your feet can fully rest during the night.
    • Never cut corns or cracks with sharp objects (blade, razor or scissors). You can only injure yourself.
    • If you use more powerful tools, never neglect the instructions. Observe the proportions strictly, and then nothing will threaten your health.
    • Do not use rough pumice. If you think that a rough pumice stone will help you deal with rough skin on your feet faster. You are mistaken, you will only injure your skin; instead of pumice, you can use a scrub.
    • Treat your feet regularly, just as you brush your teeth.

    Now you know how to effectively clean your heels at home, so there is no need to spend a considerable amount of money for a similar procedure in a beauty salon, because everything can be done at home and using simple and affordable products.

    Rough, rough heels are a big disadvantage for every lady, and in addition, they also cause pain. You can make your heels soft not only in the salon, but also at home. What you will need for this, besides perseverance and patience, we will tell you in this article.

    The main causes of rough heels

    According to dermatologists, moisture evaporation and loss of skin elasticity occur for several reasons. First of all, dry epidermis on the feet appears when constantly wearing narrow shoes on high heels. In addition, rough spots on the heels indicate a lack of useful substances in organism. In particular, vitamins A and E.

    Did you know? In ancient times, no attention was paid to the skin of the feet. It was believed that it should be rough for comfortable walking barefoot. The first analogue of modern pumice were stones on which people simply wiped their feet, like dirty boots.

    You can’t boast of perfect heels even if they are not in order. endocrine system, there are fungal, infectious diseases stop. Dry surface, small cracks, loose or unusual color nail plate- all this indicates the need to undergo examination by a specialist. In its advanced form, the fungus is much more difficult to cure than in the initial stages. The condition of your feet is greatly influenced by how you care for them. To keep your heels smooth, you don’t need the services of a professional; you can achieve results just as good at home.

    Rules for caring for heels at home

    There are many radical ways that will make your heels soft and smooth at home in 15 minutes. But it is better not to resort to them, since their effect is cosmetic. Daily competent care of your heels, in addition to balanced nutrition and wearing comfortable shoes, consists in cleansing from keratinized particles, nourishing masks and baths.

    Did you know? If swelling in the legs often appears, contrast baths are recommended, and if the feet are very sweaty, it is better to prepare a bath with lemon juice.

    Heel baths

    Heel baths are the most effective quick method of softening the skin. In addition, it is also a relaxing remedy that will help relieve fatigue after a hard day at work. For this purpose, cleansing foot baths are prepared either warm or hot. But be careful: people with heart and vascular diseases, varicose veins veins, it is contraindicated to keep limbs in hot water for a long time. Let's consider what to wear to make your feet softer.

    More often the recipe mentions such components as salt, soap, milk, soda, herbal infusions. For example, to pamper your heels in a milk bath, you will need a container of hot water and half a liter of milk. Add another 30 g of soap shavings to this mixture and steam the legs until the solution has cooled. Some ladies advise throwing a few glass balls at the bottom of the basin. By rolling them at the same time, your feet can be massaged. Another recipe advises softening your heels at home with soap and soda. Both components are added in equal parts to hot water.

    The product is used for painful and cracked surfaces. A solution of half a glass of soap shavings and the same amount gives a double effect sea ​​salt, which are dissolved in hot water. This bath will soften your heels and strengthen your nails. You can also steam your feet in highly concentrated infusions of linden or marshmallow root, string, sage, and calendula. The products have antimicrobial, antiseptic and relaxing properties.

    After soaking your heels, be sure to treat your feet with a scrub and pumice stone at home. After this, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with any cream. If the procedure is done at night, it is a good idea to put thin socks on your feet. The next morning your heels will be smooth. Some women replace the cream with olive oil, adding fresh lemon juice to it.

    Important! In severely advanced cases, do not try to remove all dead particles from the foot in one procedure. More effective, gentle, smooth results.

    Mechanical heel cleansing

    You can get rid of rough particles on the skin using special polishing brushes, files and pumice. Let's look at how to properly exfoliate your heels at home. Many people do this procedure after steaming. Moreover, the keratinized skin is often cut off with a blade. And this gross mistake, which can lead to deep cuts and infection. Mechanically cleanse the skin 30 minutes before the bath. Before this, a rich cream is applied to the heels, which allows dead particles to gently peel off and roll off.

    For these purposes, you should buy a file with a fine-grained coating, rather than a coarse one, since the latter “tear” the skin. Remember that the thick dead layer must be removed with a fine abrasive that gently polishes the surface. On sale you can find such objects of various shapes, they are based on plastic or wood, often double-sided.

    The modern fashion industry offers Alternative option pumice and pedicure files. These are electric roller files. Their advantage is fast and painless processing. But none of the mentioned remedies can cope with neglected, rough heels. In such situations, you cannot do without the help of a professional and a hardware salon pedicure.

    Nourishing masks

    This is the most important condition for achieving smooth heels at home. Foot masks should be prepared regardless of the time of year. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish it with vitamins, promote the healing of microcracks and soften the fibers of the epidermis.

    You can prepare them from anything: vegetables, fruits, mixed berries, as well as semolina, oatmeal, sea salt, coffee and cinnamon. Exfoliators are very effective for corns, calluses and rough skin. Before doing the procedure, you need a foot bath, then apply a mask to the soft heels for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Subsequently, the skin is treated with pumice and rinsed with water. Nourishing cream is applied to dry feet.
    It is recommended to apply nourishing masks to the skin of your feet every week. Don't strive to achieve instant results. The gradual effect, which will be obvious after 8 procedures, is much better.

    Important! Frequent soda foot baths can disrupt the pH level of the skin. Therefore, experts advise not to focus on one recipe.

    The best recipes for soft heels at home

    To keep your heels soft, experts advise not to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but to use folk remedies.

    Heel baths

    White clay solutions are recognized as the best softening baths. 4 tablespoons of clay diluted in hot water is enough for one procedure.

    Potato mixtures are very effective and affordable. To prepare them, soften 2 boiled potato tubers (with water) and combine with milk.

    Starch baths of 1 liter of warm water, 40 g of fir oil and 60 g of starch have a beneficial effect on the heels. By the way, fir oil is used in tandem with castor oil in a ratio of 2:5 per 1 liter of warm water.
    To heal cracked heels, use a solution of boric acid in a proportion of 50 g per 1 glass of water. The feet are steamed for 20 minutes before bedtime; after the manipulations, the rough areas are lubricated with Vaseline and covered with a band-aid. They go to bed in socks and wash their feet in the morning. To completely restore the skin, 5-6 procedures will be needed.

    To relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, mint tincture is recommended. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of the potion into 2 liters of boiling water and add 3 tablespoons of salt.
    If your feet are affected by a fungus, unpleasant odor A medicinal herbal bath will help get rid of it. It contains 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, flax grains and horsetail. All components are steamed in 2 liters of boiling water, and when the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can begin steaming your feet. The procedure should be repeated three times a week for a month.

    Important! After each use, the pumice stone should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and taken out of the bathroom to a well-ventilated, lighted place. In a humid environment, fungal microbes can grow in the pores of the scraper. To prevent this from happening, disinfect it periodically and do not forget to change it.

    Heel masks

    Pedicurists often recommend that their clients treat their feet with a lemon cut in half. This method removes the smell of sweat and nourishes with vitamins. After the procedure, it is advisable to blot the skin with a napkin and moisturize it with cream. The mask is not suitable for those who have deep wounds on their heels.

    A potato mask softens the epidermis and heals small cracks. To do this, one washed and peeled tuber is enough. It is crushed to a paste consistency and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil.

    In the summer, when there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables, it is worth using recipes from strawberry juice, zucchini puree with a spoon of olive oil, chopped apples with rye flour, warm apricot gruel with corn oil.
    IN winter time A mask made from egg yolk, a teaspoon, will help you achieve soft heels at home. lemon juice and any vegetable oil. You can enhance the effect using cellophane. Honey (made from steamed honey) or onion (made from onion minced through a meat grinder and a teaspoon of honey with milk) compresses also work well.

    How to make your heels soft: a quick method for cleansing the skin of your feet

    For busy ladies, there are express technologies for instantly making your heels soft at home. They are effective, but not approved by dermatologists because their harsh effects cause more harm. skin than good.

    Occasionally it is allowed to treat clean, damp feet with depilatory creams, after which socks are put on for 15-20 minutes. The softened skin is cleaned with pumice, then the feet are washed and moisturized with any cream. If for some reason this method does not suit you, dissolve coarse sea salt in a bowl of hot water. After soaking your heels in this solution for 5 minutes, add 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (or 3 tablespoons) to it. After 5 minutes, remove the dead tissue with a special grater and sand the surface with a fine-grained file or pumice stone. After all the manipulations, the legs are traditionally treated with cream.

    Did you know? To prevent the skin on your feet from becoming rough quickly, regularly relieve fatigue from your feet. To improve blood circulation, soak your feet for 10 minutes in a hot decoction of chamomile or nettle. Make it a habit to relax on the couch with your feet elevated.

    You can do without steaming, because when cleaning swollen dead skin, living cells become vulnerable, their damage further provokes rapid coarsening. In this case, the feet are first lubricated with cream, and when it is completely absorbed, we begin peeling using pumice. Before work, moisten the tool with water and continue cleaning until the dead layer is completely removed.

    Now you know what you need to do to keep your heels soft and in in case of emergency, and in Everyday life. Love yourself and don't be lazy to take care of your body. Only then will you feel comfortable and confident.

    If women try to look after the beauty and youth of their face and body, devote a lot of time and money to this, then for some reason not everyone looks after the skin of their heels.

    But on the feet it is a large number of nerve endings. And our appearance and health depend on how well we take care of our feet.

    Many women have the problem of rough skin on their heels, some even have corns, calluses and cracks.

    If you don't want your feet to turn into sandpaper, then quickly find out how to quickly make your heels soft and smooth at home, without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

    In addition, when doing a pedicure in some untested salon, no one guarantees your safety; you will not be sure that after the pedicure you will not get fungus.

    There may be several reasons for this:

    At home, the following methods will help you cope with roughness and dry heels:

    1. Foot baths– they perfectly soften the skin.
    2. Scrubs– effectively exfoliate the top dead layer of skin.
    3. Masks– nourish the skin, saturate it with useful elements, make it soft and beautiful.

    Baths for rough heels

    If the skin on your feet has become rough, foot baths can help restore its smoothness and softness. Let's look at the top 5 effective recipes heel baths.

    Contrast baths

    Place hot water in one bowl and cold water in another. Alternately move your feet to one container or another.

    Contrast baths perfectly tone, improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue from the legs, a feeling of heat from the heels, and reduce swelling.

    Take 3 liters of water into a basin, add 5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, place your feet in the container, sit for 15 minutes.

    Clean the skin, rinse, wipe dry, apply nourishing cream to the skin.

    Apple cider vinegar perfectly softens heels, fights mycosis and onychomycosis, and prevents cracking and peeling.

    Sea salt baths

    For 2 liters of hot water, take 200 g of sea salt, when it dissolves, you can add a little cold water. Lower your legs to your ankles and sit in the bath for 15 minutes. Then the standard procedure: working with pumice, applying nourishing cream.

    Salt foot baths soften the skin on the heels, improve blood circulation, remove unpleasant odors, and prevent sweating.

    Sea salt is also good for nails - it strengthens the plate and prevents it from becoming brittle and splitting.

    Take equal quantities and brew the following dry herbs: chamomile, rosemary, mint.

    Pour the broth into a bowl, add warm water for volume. Immerse your feet; the duration of such a bath can be 20 minutes.

    Don't know how to make your heels soft? Only with regular care can you achieve smooth, pink feet like a baby's.

    Boric acid baths

    What to do if cracks begin to appear on the rough skin of your heels? First you need to steam your feet in hot water, so the skin will become softer and local blood supply will improve.

    Then add to warm water boric acid(5 g per 1 liter). You can wash your feet with a decoction of St. John's wort.

    After the foot bath and before using the mask, it is recommended to use a heel scrub. It will help quickly remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, make your heels smoother, and give them a beautiful pink tint.

    Any scrub should be applied to pre-steamed skin. Now let's look at what folk remedies will help perfect peeling skin:

    1. Coffee. Take 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. l. olive or sunflower oil. Mix all ingredients until a thick paste forms. Apply the mixture to your heels, rubbing it in thoroughly.
    2. Sea salt with honey. Mix 2 tsp. salt with 1 tbsp. l. honey Scrub your feet with this mixture. This scrub perfectly exfoliates the skin, removes roughness, and relieves inflammation.
    3. Orange peel. It should first be dried and then turned into powder using a blender or other kitchen appliance. Add a little olive oil to the orange powder. Apply the thick mixture to your heels and massage them for 10 minutes.

    How to treat your heels to make them smooth and soft? No less effective than baths are foot masks. It is advisable to do them immediately after the bath.

    Foot masks must be made from fresh products; you should not store the prepared product in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its properties. medicinal properties. Foot masks perfectly soften the skin, saturate it with vitamins, and help get rid of cracks and calluses.

    To prevent the skin on your heels from becoming rough quickly, give your feet rest more often. Get a massage, take off your socks, lie on the sofa with your legs thrown up.

    What to put on your heels to make them soft? Products from the refrigerator will come to the rescue:

    If there are deep cracks in the heels, then using homemade masks is prohibited..

    In this case, you should resort to special medicinal ointments and creams that promote skin healing. And only after the cracks have healed, you can begin to soften the skin of your feet using masks.

    You can quickly improve the condition of the skin on your heels only if you have not caused the problem too much.

    If the skin has become very rough, corns and calluses have appeared, then you should try hard to make your heels smooth and soft.

    We have reviewed the most popular recipes for the beauty of your feet. The main thing to remember is that you should take care of your feet regularly, this is the only way to achieve soft and healthy skin. And homemade masks, scrubs and foot baths can help you with this.

    Hello friends!

    It doesn't matter whether your feet are big or small, if you respect and love yourself, you should take care of your heels.

    It happens that you meet an attractive woman in expensive clothes, with manicure and hairstyle, but as soon as the vision concentrates in the area of ​​​​the heels, the impression of her immediately spoils, because the person neglects foot care.

    It is not surprising that many well-groomed ladies simply forget about this part of the body, because attention needs to be paid to the fingers, nails, and hair, and when the turn comes to the heels, there is no longer any strength or patience left to do anything.

    However, this is not a reason to allow yourself such frivolity.

    You need to take care of your feet all year round, and not just with the arrival of spring and summer. It is not at all difficult and does not require a mandatory visit to the salon. All procedures can be performed at home.

    Our great-grandmothers knew how to make your heels soft and smooth without leaving home.

    How to make your heels soft and smooth - simple tips and tricks

    From this article you will learn:

    Causes of rough skin on heels

    Only small children have perfectly smooth legs by nature.

    Women with such heels are not the lucky ones of fate, whom she awarded with such beauty.

    All these are the fruits of incredible efforts. Without proper effort and care, your feet will never become so perfect.

    Let's figure out why our heels become rough over time:

    • neglect of the principles of personal hygiene. A woman should wash her feet regularly and ensure that their skin is in good condition;
    • many people do not even suspect that there is such a procedure as pedicure. They'll tell you it's just a coating of nail polish. But in fact this term means complete care for nails and skin;
    • use of synthetic socks and tights. Such wardrobe items do not allow air to pass through, resulting in the proliferation of bacteria and an unpleasant aroma;
    • Cracks form on the dry skin of the legs. Some people believe that the cream should only be applied to the skin of the hands and face, while sparing the heels. This is a grave mistake, because the legs also need softening;
    • poor nutrition. If there is a lack of any vitamins in your body, this will be fully reflected in your appearance;
    • Some people have a similar problem because they like to walk barefoot. This applies not only to villages and cottages, but also to apartments. Eradicate this habit and your legs will thank you;
    • poorly chosen shoes. For example, in the hot season, you need to choose shoes with closed heels to protect them from the effects of wind and sun. On other days, wear high-heeled shoes and avoid tight and uncomfortable models;

    Remember that there are other, more serious causes of rough heels.

    Carbon metabolism disorder or diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the skin suffers significantly. Also, a similar phenomenon can be caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland. In any case, it makes sense to get checked in order to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.

    How to get rid of rough skin on the heels using folk remedies?

    • Using usually glycerin

    Glycerin is characterized by amazing abilities. Glycerin can effectively soften the skin. Its disinfecting properties guarantee the restoration of wounds and damage to the heels.

    Make a foot bath for steaming, clean your feet with a pumice stone, apply a layer of glycerin to your heels and put on socks. The most important thing in this matter is consistency. This is the only way your feet will become smooth and silky.

    • Using hydrogen peroxide

    A great product that can be used to effectively clean your heels is hydrogen peroxide.

    This product dissolves completely and removes harmful substances. It is added to a container with warm water (1:10), wiped over the feet and cleaned vigorously with pumice.

    The activity is carried out only with clean feet; you should be especially careful about cracks in the feet, because serious complications can arise when interacting with an aggressive liquid.

    The product will make your feet smooth and silky.

    • Baking soda

    Baths with the addition of . Such measures are suitable for the first self-care. The bath can also be given to those people whose feet are in terrible condition, when they can be compared to an emery surface.

    In a container with warm water for steaming, you need to pour a pack of soda and be sure to add shampoo.

    The feet are kept in the water until it cools down. Then they are intensively rubbed with pumice, after which a scrub is applied, wiped dry and lemon juice is applied.

    • Apple vinegar

    For one liter of liquid, you need to pour two spoons, then place your feet in a container filled with water.

    You should not use simple vinegar for this purpose, as you will only harm your body. Thoroughly clean the heels with a pumice stone, rinse, wipe and apply a softening cream.

    • Using the yolk

    A mask using . is no less effective. You will need one spoon of starch, lemon juice and one egg yolk. All these components are mixed together.

    The mixture should be applied to steamed feet and after they begin to dry, they should be rinsed, wiped and cream applied to them.

    • With the help of honey

    Another remedy will help you get rid of this annoying problem. Take bee honey and add olive oil. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions.

    The resulting composition is applied to the heels, after which the feet are washed off thoroughly with water, dried with a towel and moisturized with cream.

    • Using herbal decoctions

    Herbal decoctions for rough skin of the feet. Such actions help remove rough skin quickly.

    The herbs that you have in your home will do. It could be, and, and, and a series, etc.

    Pour one glass of boiling water into two large spoons of the mixture. The product must be infused in a closed container for thirty minutes.

    Gauze should be moistened in this liquid and applied to problem areas for half an hour, put cellophane on top and put on socks. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse your heels and apply cream to them.

    How to make your heels soft and smooth - video

    O"Keeffe is a highly effective moisturizer for dry and cracked foot skin. The concentrated, unscented formula naturally hydrates skin, corrects pH balance and helps retain moisture.

    You will notice the difference within a few days. Safe and effective for diabetics.

    • carry out all of the above activities on clean feet;
    • It is better to perform procedures in the evening so that your legs can rest;
    • you don’t need to cut the skin yourself, as you will only get hurt;
    • adhere to the instructions for use, strictly observe all proportions and you will not be in any danger;

    How to make soft heels at home

    Actually, this is exactly the case when we can safely say: size does not matter. Absolutely. Be it like Cinderella or like the giantess Fiona from the acclaimed cartoon about the good-natured cannibal troll Shrek. But! Any size female legs must be well-groomed. In particular, a man should just want to smack his lips on the very center of a lady’s round and pink heel, which is soft and smooth like a baby’s bottom. Well, or at least throw half the kingdom, a fur coat from a luxurious animal and a white Mercedes horse under these heels. Are you daydreaming?.. Then let's get to work!

    If you have already rushed to the salon for a pedicure, we will not slow you down: come back and read how to make your heels smooth and soft at home. It’s a simple matter, it doesn’t require any special expenses, and there’s a lot of pleasure. You are trying for yourself! By the way, knowledgeable grandmothers say that when caring for herself, a woman does not waste energy, but collects it in herself, as in a fantastic vessel. It will come in handy later, when, for example, you need all your strength to charm a horse... that is, a prince.

    To keep your heels always well-groomed, you only need one, two, three:

    Never - well, just never! - do not cut off the rough skin from the heels with sharp objects (blades, knives, daggers...), but use pumice, special graters and files;

    Apply special moisturizing and softening products to your feet in the morning and evening;

    Regularly carry out special care for your heels - do baths, lotions, scrubbing, masks, massages.

    Baths for soft heels
    The most effective remedy to instantly soften the skin on the heels - these are warm and hot baths with herbs, salt, soap shavings or even milk.

    Milk bath for soft heels
    Pour 0.5 liters of milk into a bowl of hot water and add a tablespoon of soap shavings made from baby soap. “Soak” the heels in the milk solution until the liquid cools. A nuance: if you pour glass balls into the bottom of the basin, you can also do a massage at the same time, rolling the balls back and forth with your feet.

    After a milk-soap bath, apply a scrub to wet heels and carefully, without extra effort, rub with a special pumice file for feet. Rinse your feet with cool, clean water and immediately apply moisturizer or regular olive oil. If the procedure was done before bedtime, then you can go to bed in socks - the next morning your heels will be silky and smooth to the touch.

    Soap and soda bath for soft heels
    This recipe will work when you haven’t been to the pedicurist for God knows how long and your heels appearance resemble an old baked potato with cracked skin.

    Pour half a glass into hot bath water baking soda and the same amount of soap shavings. Soak and steam the heels until the solution becomes slightly warm. Then, without drying your feet, apply a scrub and clean your heels with a pumice stone. You can prepare the scrub yourself from vegetable oil and coarse salt: mix a spoonful of both - the product is ready. After rinsing, apply nourishing softening cream or olive oil whipped with lemon juice to your heels.

    Herbal bath for soft heels
    For foot baths in for cosmetic purposes use marshmallow root and linden blossom. The decoction is prepared in the same way as if you were preparing herbal tea for yourself, only three times more raw materials are taken. Some especially romantic girls They also add honey to the broth - it definitely won’t hurt, although it has not been proven what exactly beneficial features honey so magically transforms heels after herbal baths. After the bath, be sure to use a scrub and finally apply a rich cream to your heels.

    Salt bath for soft heels
    This procedure is, as they say, two in one: it simultaneously strengthens toenails and softens the skin on the heels. It's easy to prepare: hot water plus half a glass of sea salt plus the same amount of soap shavings. After the bath there is traditionally a scrub and nourishing cream.

    Masks for soft heels
    Just as you take care of the skin of your face and hands with masks, you can also pamper your heels with care. These procedures will take little time, but you will probably like the result.

    Zucchini for soft heels
    From zucchini, as you know, you can make caviar and bake pancakes. And it turns out that they can be used to make great masks for heels.

    Pass the young zucchini through a meat grinder and pour a spoonful of olive oil into the puree. Spread on gauze swabs like butter on bread and apply to the heels. Secure it with a bandage and beat it for half an hour. Although, of course, you can do procedures for your hands or face at this time without leaving your seat.

    After the mask (by the way, don’t forget to rinse off any leftovers with water) apply your regular foot cream to your heels.

    Olives for soft heels
    Leaving the VIP category - you know how much fresh large olives cost. But beauty requires, as they say... Therefore, buy two hundred grams of large olives, remove the pits, grind the pulp in any way. Add a quarter of a lemon (pulp) and a raw yolk from chicken egg. Beat until smooth. Spread the resulting “cream” generously on your heels and leave until completely dry. Remove the mask with warm water, lubricate your heels with olive oil.

    It is good to do this procedure after preliminary scrubbing - this way the heels become even softer and smoother.

    Apricots for soft heels
    Mash ripe sweet and sour apricots in a thick enamel bowl and heat on the stove until almost hot. In fruit puree add a little corn oil, mix and apply tolerably hot on the heels. Insulate the top like a compress with cling film and thick woolen socks. Keep for about half an hour. After removing the mask with water, lubricate your heels with your usual cream.

    Apples for soft heels
    Eat as many sweet apples as you like, and grind their cores into puree along with the seeds. Add a little rye flour, so that you get a kind of fruit dough, elastic enough to be handled by hand, but not tough. Place fruit-rye dough flatbreads on your heels using a bandage, wrap them with plastic on top and put on thick socks. Sit quietly for an hour. After such a “compress”, you don’t need to rinse your feet, just lubricate the heels with moisturizing cream.

    Radical express methods for soft heels
    It also happens that you desperately need to bring your heels into divine shape. No time for baths, scrubs, masks. In these cases, you can do the following:

    Use commercial depilatory cream to soften the skin on your heels. Apply to clean, damp heels, put on socks, and leave for a quarter of an hour. Clean the softened skin with a pumice stone, rinse with water, and lubricate with softening foot cream.

    Pour coarse salt into a bowl of hot water, soak your feet for five to seven minutes, then “pour” hydrogen peroxide into the water - two tablets or three tablespoons of a ready-made pharmaceutical solution. Wait another five minutes. Remove the whitened skin from the heels with a special grater, polish with fine pumice, and lubricate with moisturizer.

    Be careful! These methods are truly radical and cannot be used regularly to avoid causing irreparable harm to the skin of the feet.

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