• What to put on your heels to make them soft. Ointment with essential oil. Traditional medicine recipes


    Hard heels are a problem that both women and men often face. It occurs due to lack of regular care. Dry skin becomes rough and, over time, deep cracks appear on it. This problem can be quickly solved by visiting a beauty salon several times. But this is too expensive. The question arises, how to make your heels soft at home.

    The best way to clean your heels at home is with baths. When the top layer of skin begins to become rough and small cracks appear, the situation needs to be corrected urgently. The most common reasons why this problem may occur:

    1. Dry air in the house.
    2. Poor blood circulation in the legs.
    3. Irregular care.
    4. Hormonal disbalance.

    Before tidying up your heels, pay attention to your health. Perhaps your skin is very dry or your metabolism is disrupted. Dry skin on the heels can cause a lot of stress on the feet, fungal diseases, diabetes or uncomfortable shoes.

    How to make your heels soft at home

    Special baths, folk remedies, masks and wraps will help you soften your skin and make your heels like a baby’s at home. For these purposes, a homemade scrub is also often used.

    Soda foot baths

    If you want to soften your skin, use a soda foot bath. It is perfect for people who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit a specialist to get a pedicure.

    Pour 5 liters of water into a basin. Add a glass baking soda and a little of any soap solution (shampoo, shower gel, liquid soap). Feet should be kept in water until it cools down. Soften heels intensively with three pieces of pumice or with a special file. After this, we treat the feet with a scrub, wipe them, lubricate them with lemon juice and put on cotton socks.

    Heels' best friend is glycerin

    The main feature of glycerin is the attraction of water molecules from the air. When applied to a problem area, this product extracts moisture from the atmosphere and saturates the skin with it. Glycerin has disinfecting and antibacterial properties. Baths with this substance are highly effective in treating dry, rough skin on the feet. Their action is manifested in the following:

    • skin hydration;
    • softening the roughened layer;
    • elimination of keratinized areas;
    • healing of cracks;
    • prevention of the formation of corns and calluses.

    Glycerin is a safe and accessible drug for everyone. It can be purchased at a pharmacy and used without restrictions. In terms of effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to expensive branded drugs.

    To soften your heels, you can use masks with glycerin:

    1. With vinegar. To prepare a mask, it is better to use apple cider vinegar. It is mixed with glycerin in equal parts. The liquid is applied to gauze, applied to the problem area, socks are put on and the mask is left on overnight. This method shows high efficiency after the first procedure.
    2. With chamomile and oak bark. Take 15 g of dry crushed chamomile and the same amount of oak bark, pour boiling water and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Strain the broth and add 1 spoon of glycerin. The mask is applied to the skin and feet and left overnight. In the morning, you should wash your feet with warm water.
    3. With ammonia. Mix equal parts glycerin and ammonia. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. Before going to bed, soak gauze in the solution, apply a compress to your heels, put on a plastic bag and socks. In the morning, wash your feet and treat problem areas with pumice.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    A hydrogen peroxide bath for heels can be used even in the most advanced cases. Procedure:

    1. Take a small bowl, pour hot water (1.5 l) into it and add 4 tbsp. l. peroxide.
    2. Place your feet in a bowl and keep them there for 10 minutes.
    3. After the bath, you need to remove dry, white skin with a special pedicure brush.
    4. Lubricate your feet and heels with rich cream.

    Hydrogen peroxide is a potent agent, so a bath with this substance can be done once every 10 days.


    Most effective method to get rid of rough skin on the heels - a mask with aspirin. To prepare the medicinal mixture you will need:

    1. Packaging of acetylsalicylic acid.
    2. Alcohol.

    You need to add iodine and medical alcohol to the powdered tablets. You should end up with a thick paste-like mass. It should be applied to the heels after a herbal or soda bath. A mask with aspirin softens rough skin and helps quickly get rid of cracks.

    How to make your heels soft and smooth

    There are other ways to clean your heels from rough skin. This oil wraps and procedures using homemade scrubs.

    Oil wraps

    Your heels will become soft if you regularly apply oil wraps at night. Olive or any other vegetable oil is perfect for this procedure. You can also use fat cream for legs. Apply the product generously to the skin and wrap plastic bag and tie it with a bandage. In the morning, your heels will be as soft as a baby's.

    Another option is a mask of honey, lemon and olive oil. This storehouse of vitamins, which has a positive effect on the entire body, allows you to quickly solve the problem of rough heels. To prepare the mask, you need to take 15 g of honey, 25 g of olive oil and 1 spoon of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to steamed skin and left overnight. Literally a week after you start using the product, your heels will become smooth and soft.

    DIY scrubs

    Foot scrub can be purchased at the store. Such products are presented in a wide range from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. But most often these are scrubs for soft heels. For keratinized skin, it is better to make them yourself from ingredients that can be easily found in any home.

    To prepare the scrub you will need:

    • almond oil;
    • sea ​​salt;
    • washed river sand;
    • shampoo.

    Sand and sea salt in equal parts are mixed in a bowl. After this, add a little shampoo and a few drops almond oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem area and massaged thoroughly for 5 minutes. This scrub allows you to remove dead skin from your heels without damaging the epidermis.

    Socks for pedicure

    This is a simple and safe way to care for your feet. Pedicure socks made from lactic acid and medicinal herbal ingredients will make rough skin smooth and elastic. Regular use of this medicinal complex allows you to forget forever about rough, rough heels.

    Pedicure socks are effective and safe. They can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. In addition to skin care, this medicinal complex copes well with swelling, reduces sweating of the feet and thereby eliminates bad smell. Regular use of socks stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this remedy, you can forget about cracks and corns forever.

    Roller file

    Most the best option for foot skin care – pedicure roller. It gently exfoliates dead skin particles and makes your heels soft and smooth. The roller file is equipped with an abrasive coating. The main advantage of such a device is that you do not need to steam your skin before using it.

    A little about salon procedures

    The safest and most reliable option is to remove rough skin in a salon. The master will remove the dead layer of epidermis with a special device using different attachments. Smooth heels are treated with nourishing cream. Thanks to this, they are moisturized and saturated. useful substances. A specialist will determine the cause of the problem and advise what needs to be done to keep your feet healthy and beautiful.

    Smooth and soft heels: 10 folk remedies at home

    You can’t even imagine how ugly it is to show off your dry, cracked heels. I don’t know about you, but I would burn out of shame or not show up on the street at all.

    Take care of your legs, they are watched closely by individuals of the opposite sex!

    You need to take care of yourself - you are a woman! They pay attention to you.

    No, my dears, I am against dry heels. I am for neat, smooth, pink heels, like a baby’s. Well, it’s nice to run your hand over these tender heels.

    Then I looked and counted how many products from traditional medicine can help make your heels soft and smooth at home. Here are 10 ways, or rather 10 remedies, that soften the skin on your feet. Don’t forget to moisturize your heels with cream after treatment.

    How to make your heels soft and smooth, without cracks, at home?

    font-size:20px;"> 1. Honey. Take baths with honey. Simply soak your feet in a solution of warm water and honey. You can choose the amount of honey yourself.

    2. Apple cider vinegar. Another effective remedy. Just don't overdo it. Better in moderation. Dilute 200 grams of vinegar in a bowl of warm water.

    3. Coconut oil. Rub oil into problem areas

    4. Mask with bananas and coconut oil. Everything is clear here: mix 1 banana with butter. And apply to the heels, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

    5. Shea butter. Squeezed lemon juice and Shea butter perfectly moisturize and treat dry and cracked heels. Use this folk recipe.

    6. Epsom (Epsom) salt. I haven't tried it myself. But judging by the reviews on the Internet, it doesn’t work badly. The heels are soft and smooth.

    7. Sea salt and lemon.

    8. Jojoba oil and oatmeal. Prepare a mixture of oatmeal and jojoba oil. Apply to your heels and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse and moisturize.

    Actually, this is exactly the case when we can safely say: size does not matter. Absolutely. Be it like Cinderella or like the giantess Fiona from the acclaimed cartoon about the good-natured cannibal troll Shrek. But! Any size female legs must be well-groomed. In particular, a man should just want to smack his lips on the very center of a lady’s round and pink heel, which is soft and smooth like a baby’s bottom. Well, or at least throw half the kingdom, a fur coat from a luxurious animal and a white Mercedes horse under these heels. Are you daydreaming?.. Then let's get to work!

    If you have already rushed to the salon for a pedicure, we will not slow you down: come back and read how to make your heels smooth and soft at home. It’s a simple matter, it doesn’t require any special expenses, and there’s a lot of pleasure. You are trying for yourself! By the way, knowledgeable grandmothers say that when caring for herself, a woman does not waste energy, but collects it in herself, as in a fantastic vessel. It will come in handy later, when, for example, you need all your strength to charm a horse... that is, a prince.

    To keep your heels always well-groomed, you only need one, two, three:

    • never - well, just never! – do not cut off rough skin from the heels with sharp objects (blades, knives, daggers...), but use pumice, special graters and files;
    • Apply special moisturizing and softening products to your feet in the morning and evening;
    • regularly carry out special care for your heels - do baths, lotions, scrubbing, masks, massages.

    Baths for soft heels

    The most effective remedy to instantly soften the skin on the heels - these are warm and hot baths with herbs, salt, soap shavings or even milk.

    Milk bath for soft heels

    Pour 0.5 liters of milk into a bowl of hot water and add a tablespoon of soap shavings made from baby soap. “Soak” the heels in the milk solution until the liquid cools. A nuance: if you pour glass balls into the bottom of the basin, you can also do a massage at the same time, rolling the balls back and forth with your feet.

    After a milk-soap bath, apply a scrub to wet heels and carefully, without extra effort, rub with a special pumice file for feet. Rinse your feet with cool, clean water and immediately apply moisturizer or regular olive oil. If the procedure was done before bedtime, then you can go to bed in socks - the next morning your heels will be silky and smooth to the touch.

    Salt bath for soft heels

    This procedure is, as they say, two in one: it simultaneously strengthens toenails and softens the skin on the heels. It's easy to prepare: hot water plus half a glass of sea salt plus the same amount of soap shavings. After the bath there is traditionally a scrub and nourishing cream.

    Masks for soft heels

    Just as you take care of the skin of your face and hands, you can also pamper your heels with care. These procedures will take little time, but you will probably like the result.

    Nadezhda Sergeeva |

    08/21/2015 | 90379

    Nadezhda Sergeeva 08/21/2015 90379

    Rough, dry heels do not make our legs look good. How to make your heels soft at home?

    Due to constant friction and stress, the skin on the heels quickly loses its smoothness, especially during the season of open shoes. And rough, rough heels are far from an aesthetic sight. In addition, a cosmetic problem can develop into a medical one: calluses and calluses quickly form on damaged skin.

    The secret to smooth heels is regular care

    Make it a rule to spend a little time on your heels every evening. You don't need to do anything complicated: Don't overuse rough pumice

    and under no circumstances cut off dry skin on your heels with a blade! If you clean your heels this way, there is a high risk of infection and serious problems. Do not rub steamed, wet heels with a pumice stone or an abrasive grater.

    You can damage the healthy layer of skin and further increase dryness. Pamper your heels with warm baths a couple of times a week. A heel bath with soap shavings and sea ​​salt (dissolve 0.5 cups in small quantity

    hot water). After the bath, enhance the effect with a heel scrub from ground coffee

    and vegetable oil, mixed to a thick paste. The skin will become smooth and moisturized. Get a massage every day

    , rubbing any heel product into the skin - a regular moisturizer or oil. To keep your heels smooth and soft, wear comfortable shoes

    , and in the warm season, walk barefoot more often on embossed surfaces.

    There are many ways to make your heels soft at home. We have chosen the three most effective and simple ones.

    Make your heels soft in 10 minutes This recipe has been tested by our readers and received a large number of

    rave reviews. So:

    1. Spread clean and dry (not steamed!) heels with cream (any emollient, maybe baby cream).

    2. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

    4. Rub your heels with gentle and quick movements. Within a minute, you will see the dead, dry skin peeling off and falling away.

    5. Continue cleaning the heels; when the file dries out, moisten it with water again.

    6. When you polish the skin completely, wash your feet and again apply cream to the cleaned areas.

    7. Put on cotton socks and let your feet rest for a while.

    If you do this procedure at night and go to bed in socks, the next morning you won’t recognize your heels! They will become pink, smooth and soft, like a baby's.

    Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

    Vinegar for heels - very useful remedy. It not only removes dryness and softens the skin, but also kills fungus. And in combination with glycerin, the effect is enhanced several times.

    To get rid of rough heels, make a compress of apple cider vinegar and glycerin.

    1. Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

    2. Soak pieces of gauze in the mixture and apply to the heels.

    3. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on soft socks.

    4. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash your feet and apply cream to your heels.

    You need 3-4 such procedures, but the result will be visible after the first application. This method helps even with shallow cracks in the heels.

    Hydrogen peroxide for soft heels

    A bath with hydrogen peroxide for your heels will help, even if your feet are completely neglected and the soles are very rough.

    1. Take a small basin or bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water into it. The temperature should be such that you can tolerate it.

    2. Add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir.

    3. Submerge your feet in water and steam them for about 10 minutes, depending on the condition of your heels.

    4. Use a soft pedicure brush to remove any white, dry skin from your heels.

    5. Apply cream to your heels and massage thoroughly.

    Hydrogen peroxide is a potent substance, so you should do this heel bath no more than once a week.

    These methods will help you quickly get your feet in order. If you know other effective measures to clean your heels and make them soft at home, please share them with us.

    Any woman wants to remain tender and feminine at any time of the year. However, unpleasant to the touch, rough heels can ruin all self-satisfaction! And many women strive by any means to make their legs smooth and soft. In our article we will look at the most effective methods.

    To keep the skin on your heels soft.

    1. Use a pumice stone or a foot file (it's sold almost everywhere and doesn't cost much) regularly after a hot shower.
    2. Don't forget to rub a moisturizing rich cream into the skin of your heels before going to bed. You can make such creams yourself, on a natural basis.
    3. Before going to bed, don’t be lazy to spend 10 minutes on a pleasant foot care procedure.

    There are several types of procedures that make the skin of the heels soft - these are foot baths and masks. You can easily find the ingredients for them at home.

    Heel baths

    After a hard day at work, our feet need a soothing bath that will relieve fatigue and soften the skin. Below are the most effective masks.

    Attention! The water temperature for baths should vary from 30 to 40 degrees.

    Soap and soda. Grind half a glass of soap to shavings and mix with the same amount of baking soda and 3 liters of hot water. Solid soap can be replaced with liquid soap.

    Fermented milk whey. The procedure also whitens the skin. The whey needs to be heated and poured into a bowl. Keep the feet in water for 20 minutes, and then lubricate with a mixture of castor oil and glycerin. Put socks on top.

    Hydrogen peroxide and salt. Add the indicated ingredients to water in an amount of 2:1. After 10 minutes, rinse your feet with warm water and apply the cream to your feet.

    Herbal bath. Great for helping with corns. You need to pour boiling water over 200 grams of marshmallow root or linden flowers, leave for half an hour and mix with water.

    White wine. Boil 300 ml of wine and throw in some linden flowers, boiling them in the wine for several minutes.

    Take half a glass of baby soap and warmed cow's milk. Make a bath until the liquid cools completely.

    Attention! If you roll small balls of hard material with your feet during the bath, this will also be a wonderful acupressure that will enhance the effect.

    2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice mix with 50 g of salt (sea salt is possible) and stir in water.

    Foot masks

    Masks are made from natural ingredients– fruits, vegetables and other products with cosmetic properties. For the mask to work, apply the mixture to the heels, secure with polyethylene and insulate with socks. The lack of air exchange allows nutrients to be completely absorbed into the skin. After the mask, it is recommended to lubricate the legs with cream.

    Apricot. Grind the apricot pulp, mix with olive oil and heat slightly.

    Corn oil. Lubricate your heels with oil, put on socks, and in the morning take a bath and clean your feet with a pumice stone.

    Olive oil. By using it using the technique described above several times a week (you can ignore the morning bath), you will get excellent results.

    Lard and honey. Mix in a 2:1 ratio and heat in a water bath.

    Blue clay. Breed blue or white clay in warm water and apply the paste to your feet.

    Apple. Finely chop the apple along with the seeds. It can be mixed with vegetable oil or rye flour.

    Banana and honey. Crush one banana with a fork and mix with honey. Honey is generally considered a universal ingredient. Based on it they do the same

    Egg yolk. The yolk in combination with vegetable oil is an excellent nutrient.

    Making your heels soft - an emergency option

    If you urgently need to correct a disastrous situation, use the following recipe.

    Use a depilatory cream - the application is left for 15 minutes, and then the keratinized layer of cells is removed with a pumice stone.

    Wax cream recipe

    Place a water bath and heat 100 ml of oil (it is better to use olive oil) to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Dip 15 g of solid beeswax into the oil, and after a few minutes add a spoonful of glycerin and sea buckthorn oil. This ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.

    Application with vinegar essence

    Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and combine it with vinegar essence, adding the latter in such an amount that the bottle of glycerin is full. Shake the product and lubricate your heels with it every night using an ear stick. Warm your heels with cellophane and socks. The procedure lasts half an hour. Just like you should take care of your legs, you should also take care of your hands. And therefore we offer you an interesting article on the topic.

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