• Veins in pregnant women's legs treatment. Varicose veins during pregnancy: what to do. Traditional medicine recipes for varicose veins during pregnancy


    During pregnancy, the female body undergoes serious stress, which can lead to the development of health complications. One of the most common problems is varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy. What to do if it appears, how to prevent it and what measures to take can be found in this article.

    What are varicose veins and where do they come from?

    Vein is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a great danger to the health and life of the mother and baby. Visually, varicose veins can take the form of a spider vein visible through the skin, or a strong expansion of the main veins that protrude above the skin and look like “worms”.

    Spider veins typically have a bluish or purple tint, while swollen and bulging veins are different green. With progressive varicose veins, the development of thrombophlebitis or trophic ulcers is possible, but the most dangerous thing is the formation of blood clots, which, when broken off, pose a serious threat to the life of the mother and fetus.

    For these reasons, it is important to begin treatment for varicose veins in a timely manner. Reviews from pregnant women about the course and treatment of the disease are so numerous and contradictory that it is worth considering this pathology in more detail.

    The mechanism of development of varicose veins is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. It turns out that blood flows to the legs, but does not flow back due to the fact that the vein is pinched somewhere. Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities provokes an increase in pressure and stretching of the vascular wall.

    When the venous wall is stretched, the valves located in the veins and ensuring the correct outflow of venous blood cease to function.

    Causes of the disease

    Varicose veins in women are an unpleasant phenomenon and can develop due to:

    • pregnancy- the most common reason, which causes a lot of anxiety among expectant mothers and, in certain cases, poses a threat to the health and even the life of the woman and baby;
    • rapid weight gain or presence extra pounds - maintaining optimal weight ensures the proper functioning of all body systems, as it eliminates excessive impact of fatty deposits on the organs;
    • presence of spider veins before pregnancy- the lack of timely treatment of varicose veins before pregnancy provokes a significant deterioration in the condition of the veins of the lower extremities during pregnancy;
    • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
    • sedentary lifestyle- in the absence of mobility, swelling, numbness and swelling of the veins in the legs appear; it can be difficult to eliminate these consequences, and the lack of medical intervention is dangerous for the mother and child;
    • frequent wearing of uncomfortable high-heeled shoes;
    • long-term sunbathing - under influence ultraviolet rays the skin becomes thinner, which contributes to the negative effects of radiation on the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities;
    • strong physical activity(in particular, lifting weights);
    • wax epilation.

    Of all the causes, pregnancy is the most common. This especially applies to the last trimester, when weight increases rapidly and the volume of circulating blood also increases noticeably. In case of non-compliance proper nutrition and other doctor’s recommendations, the venous walls lose their elasticity and swell, protruding above the surface of the skin.

    In addition, the growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the main vascular lines, provoking varicose veins. Treatment and prevention of the disease in the presence of a genetic predisposition must begin with young. This is, first of all, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, contrast showers and wearing comfortable shoes and clothes.

    Symptoms of the disease

    It is practically asymptomatic, so it is necessary to pay attention to the sudden appearance of swelling, pain and fatigue in the legs, as well as cramps. With further development of the disease, deformation of the veins occurs.

    The increasing volume of blood during pregnancy and the constantly increasing weight put strong pressure on the vessels of the lower extremities, as a result of which the venous wall weakens and stretches, and the vein begins to protrude strongly above the surface of the skin. This is how varicose veins form on the legs during pregnancy. It is difficult to say what to do with a progressive disease without a complete examination of the pregnant woman.

    With hormonal changes in the body, some women may experience severe pain in the legs without visible changes in the blood vessels, while others may have no pain even in the advanced stage of varicose veins, with severe deformations of the blood vessels. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves very individually.

    Varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy: what to do?

    Having discovered the first symptoms of the disease or already noticeable veins and bulging veins, you need to tell your doctor about them. He, in turn, must conduct an examination and refer the woman to a phlebologist - a doctor who specializes in solving problems with the blood vessels of the body.

    After conducting a full examination, you can draw a conclusion about the condition of the veins and the degree of development of varicose veins. During the first pregnancy, varicose veins develop in approximately a quarter of pregnant women. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of developing varicose veins increases greatly, and if the disease was detected earlier, it gets worse. That is why, as a woman ages, she needs to more carefully monitor her lifestyle.

    All women sooner or later begin to worry about varicose veins on their legs during pregnancy. What to do to prevent this disease can be found in specialized literature, experienced mothers, or better yet, just consult a doctor.

    Prevention of varicose veins

    Preventive measures should apply to all pregnant women without exception. The simplest and most effective way is to wear special stockings. During pregnancy, it is preferable to use tights against varicose veins. Only a doctor should prescribe such clothes, since it is difficult to choose them on your own, especially taking into account your position, so as not to harm either yourself or your unborn baby.

    It is necessary to monitor weight gain, since excessive and rapid increase has a very negative effect on the health of the mother and the general condition of the baby, and also provokes the development of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

    If you still have to spend a long time on your feet, you need to periodically rise on your toes to disperse stagnant blood. It is useful to use a special gel for varicose veins, which will relieve fatigue from the legs and improve the condition of blood vessels, making the venous wall more elastic.

    Shoes should also be comfortable and not cause foot fatigue. You shouldn’t go to extremes by going through your entire pregnancy in stiletto heels, or, on the contrary, in ballet shoes with flat soles. For a physiologically correct position of the foot and distribution of the load on it, shoes should have a small heel - 3-5 cm.

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal treatment and diet for a pregnant woman. Under no circumstances should you buy or use any advertised remedies for local or local varicose veins. internal use, you should also not choose tights for varicose veins on your own; all this can harm a developing baby.

    During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated, so preference is given to ointments, gels or local folk remedies. Preparations for internal use are prescribed only in the presence of complications of varicose veins, or when the disease is in an advanced stage.

    Doctor taking into account individual characteristics the body's characteristics of the course of pregnancy and heredity will select suitable drugs that provide the greatest effectiveness in a particular case. During pregnancy, traditional medicines are very popular, for example, chestnut tincture for varicose veins. In particularly advanced forms of varicose veins, surgical intervention is allowed. However, it is justified only in case of a real threat to life. The operation can only be performed on pregnant women up to 6 months. It is also effective to sclerotize veins using special solutions.

    Traditional methods of preventing and treating varicose veins

    At all times, people trusted traditional methods of treatment more. To prevent varicose veins, it is effective to make lotions and compresses based on medicinal herbs. However, before using any external prescription, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm the baby.

    Kalanchoe tincture will help relieve fatigue and heaviness in your legs. It is enough to take the crushed plant and vodka in a 1:1 ratio, infuse it and rub the lower limbs with the tincture daily.

    It is the most effective folk remedy. To prepare the tincture, you need to prepare half a liter of vodka and 50 g of crushed chestnut shells. The ingredients are placed in a suitable glass container. After three weeks, the tincture is ready for use.

    Note! The container with the tincture must be shaken periodically.

    For compresses, you can use white cabbage. Cabbage leaves are smeared with soap and placed on the damaged areas, which must first be sprinkled with soda. This compress should be left overnight, secured with a warm cloth.

    Method of delivery for varicose veins

    Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman and the degree of varicose veins, the doctor may recommend natural childbirth or caesarean section. In most cases, preference is given to independent childbirth; this process is much better for both mother and child.

    During a natural birth, a pregnant woman needs to wrap her legs with an elastic bandage. This will prevent backflow of blood during pushing. After childbirth, doctors recommend setting aside time for daily therapeutic exercises, you will need to visit a phlebologist.

    Caesarean section is prescribed only in extreme cases; in general, varicose veins are only an additional contraindication, which is based on other prohibitions. For example, when malpresentation fetus when the child is too big, or when carrying twins.

    If during the diagnostic process (usually an ultrasound of the lower extremities) deep vein thrombosis is detected, the patient must undergo surgery. IN otherwise A blood clot, once broken, poses a serious threat to life.

    Features of the course of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a phlebologist and undergo regular examinations. A responsible attitude towards your health will help prevent or promptly detect the development of thrombosis. Massage for varicose veins has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, preventing blood stagnation in the legs.

    The massage should begin from the thigh, covering the buttocks area, then move to the legs, and only then massage the feet. The massage technology consists of continuous shaking and rubbing of the muscles. The patient lies on his back, with his knees slightly bent. This approach will not only eliminate numbness and heaviness in the legs, but also eliminate cramps and itching.

    You need to carefully monitor your diet, weight gain, activity, and comfort in terms of shoes and clothing. It is very useful to visit the pool during pregnancy. Swimming not only helps relieve tension from the muscles and nervous system, but also improves blood circulation, helping to strengthen the vascular walls and saturate the body with sufficient oxygen. All this will contribute to the proper development of the fetus and the well-being of the pregnant woman.

    Physical activity for varicose veins

    Moderate physical activity is the key to health and well-being. Sports are not contraindicated, and given that a woman is carrying a baby, moderate loads must be present.

    The main thing is to choose the right sport so that it brings pleasure to the mother and fills the body with new strength. The best option you can call walking, swimming, after childbirth it would not be amiss to add jogging.

    Note! Before starting any exercise, you should consult your doctor. This will avoid unforeseen complications and heavy stress on the weakened and vulnerable female body.

    Pregnant women are advised to get plenty of rest, avoid heavy exercise, take plenty of vitamins and active image life. It would be a good idea to attend pregnancy courses or yoga classes. This will not only improve your health, but will also ensure easier labor.

    Most effective recipe for varicose veins - a healthy lifestyle. A woman who adheres to proper nutrition and leads an active life is not afraid varicose veins veins

    Varicose veins are a pathology of venous vessels, in which the functioning of the vein valves is disrupted and blood penetrates downwards. Stagnation appears, blood flow is disrupted, and the venous wall loses its elasticity. Enlarged veins become visible to the naked eye. Externally through the skin, they resemble dense thick worms with a bluish tint. On initial stage“Spider veins” are formed.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy. What it is

    During pregnancy, weight progresses due to the growth of the fetus. Accordingly, increased body weight “puts pressure” on the legs, leading to expansion of the venous walls.

    A cosmetic defect of the lower extremities can develop into a huge problem with dire consequences.

    The expansion of venous walls during the gestational period requires treatment and compliance with preventive measures to combat the disease.

    Stages of varicose veins formation:

    • At the beginning of the development of the disease, there are no clinical signs of the disease. Swelling of the limbs may occur. Upon external examination, a web of small vessels appears.
    • At the next stage, deformation of the venous wall occurs: loss of elasticity, thickening and slowing of blood circulation. Appears pain syndrome and increased fatigue of the calf muscles.

    The process is aggravated by the influence of the uterus, which increases in size.

    Dilated veins during pregnancy are observed on the lower extremities, labia, and in the area.

    Causes of varicose veins in pregnant women

    The main cause of the pathology is weight gain.

    However, most pregnant women. But this does not mean that everyone is diagnosed with venous disease.

    For the development of the process, more compelling reasons and factors are needed.

    These include:

    • Varicose veins in close relatives (hereditary factor);
    • Hormonal changes and;
    • Congenital anomalies of the venous system;
    • Injuries of veins and arteries;
    • Chronic liver diseases;
    • Changes in the consistency and thickness of biological fluid;
    • Disturbance of the hemostasis system.

    Venous expansion occurs not only in the legs, but also in the pelvis.

    Factors that provoke disease on the legs

    • Intestinal diseases with a tendency to form difficult bowel movements (constipation);
    • Exceeding the permissible body weight (even in an “interesting position”);
    • Sedentary lifestyle;
    • Work that requires constant sitting at a desk.

    Small pelvis

    • Carrying several fetuses at the same time or a large weight of the unborn child;
    • Endometritis;
    • Multiple pregnancies;
    • Thrombophlebitis;
    • Inflammation of the appendages;
    • uterine vessels;
    • in the reproductive organs.

    In the groin

    • Gynecological pathologies in complex;
    • Prolonged hormone therapy;
    • A significant number of pregnancies in history;
    • Several short-term pregnancy terminations;
    • Increased estrogen;
    • “Sedentary” professional activity.

    Types and symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy

    The type of inflammation is related to the place of its manifestation.

    There are dilation of blood vessels in the systemic circulation:

    • On the legs - occurs in 80% of cases and is mainly associated with changes in severity during gestation;
    • In the pelvis it is 8–10%. Often occurs in non-pregnant patients, and with the onset of “ interesting situation"is getting worse.
    • Inguinal zone - vascular dilatation is common, spider veins appear.

    Symptoms of pathology

    The clinical picture of varicose veins differs in its location and the severity of inflammation.

    General signs of pathology development:

    • General fatigue;
    • Heaviness in the legs;
    • The appearance of small vascular branches visible through the skin;
    • Slight burning along the vessel.

    Symptoms according to the location of the disease:

    Lower limbs:

    • Swelling;
    • Excessive sweating and appearance unpleasant odor;
    • during night sleep;
    • Frequent feeling of “running goosebumps”;
    • Tired legs;
    • Soreness in the feet;
    • Stiffness in movement of the affected limb.

    In the pelvis:

    • Pain in the perineal area;
    • Nagging pain in the lower abdominal segment;
    • Changes in the nature of vaginal secretions;
    • Dilated veins on the labia or at the entrance to the vagina;
    • Pain during sexual intercourse;

    In the groin:

    • Feeling of fullness and burning in the groin area;
    • Minor hyperthermia;
    • Vascular web;
    • Protrusion of veins;

    What are the dangers of varicose veins during pregnancy?

    Venous pathologies detected during the gestational period can lead to complications during gestation and during labor.

    The danger of congestive blood phenomena is the increased risk of blood clots and the development of thromboembolism at the time of childbirth.

    The pathology causes venous insufficiency, which cannot but affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and the health of the fetus.

    Varicose veins are a precursor that can “block” the access of oxygen in the uterine bloodstream. This pathology results in an unborn child.

    A mild form of pathology does not have a negative effect on the fetus, but requires mandatory monitoring by doctors.

    Dilatation of veins with constant pressure leads to the development of thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and thrombosis of deep vessels.

    Diagnosis of varicose veins in pregnant women

    Pathology can be suspected in two cases:

    • Visually notice an increase or protrusion of blood vessels;
    • Assess existing symptoms.

    In both cases, specialized diagnostics are required.

    During a routine examination, the gynecologist takes into account the patient’s complaints and, if necessary, sends her for additional examination.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that from the 20th week of gestation until the moment of fatigue in the legs is inherent in every second pregnant woman. But this is by no means a symptom of the spread of vascular pathology.

    Diagnostic manipulations will confirm or refute the suspicions of the pregnant patient.

    The main diagnostic methods are carried out only by an “expert” of veins - a phlebologist. To identify the cause, hardware methods are used:

    • Duplex scanning of veins;
    • Vascular ultrasound;
    • In severe cases - contrast venography.

    In addition, the specialist will collect anamnesis, take into account complaints and recommend taking a necessary tests.

    Treatment of disease during pregnancy

    The therapy used is intended to eliminate the main symptoms of the pathology and restore normal blood circulation.

    The treatment tactics carried out must be well thought out in order to minimize possible Negative influence for the child to be born.

    Compression therapy

    Wearing therapeutic stockings with a compression function is the main treatment for varicose veins in pregnant patients.

    Stockings and tights perfectly maintain pressure in the blood vessels, preventing them from bulging. The special fabric of the underwear allows air to pass through, so your feet do not sweat.

    Therapeutic knitwear restores the circulatory system and prevents the development of thrombosis.

    Compression products relieve inflammation and fatigue in the legs.

    Drug treatment

    To eliminate the pathology, topical medications are used. These are creams, ointments and special rubs. Preparations based on chestnut are popular. Popular remedies for varicose veins:

    • Venarus;
    • Fastum-gel;
    • Lyoton – gel;
    • Diclofenac in gel form.

    Oral therapy consists of taking heparin-based anticoagulants to maintain the hemostatic system.

    Heparin drugs reduce the risk of blood clots by thinning the blood to the desired consistency.

    To minimize the occurrence of pathology during the gestational period, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

    1. Follow the diet of pregnant women, controlling body weight;
    2. Give preference to comfortable shoes;
    3. Reduce consumption of harmful foods;
    4. Take a walk every day with a fifteen-minute break;
    5. Follow a diet to eliminate constipation;
    6. Do not wear jeans or too tight trousers;
    7. To prevent protrusion of vascular walls with a hereditary predisposition to wear compression garments;
    8. Lead a healthy lifestyle without smoking tobacco or drinking strong alcoholic beverages.

    Video: varicose veins during pregnancy, what to do, how to treat

    Varicose veins are a disease in which thinning of the venous walls occurs and an increase in the lumen of the bloodstream with the subsequent formation of nodular expansions.

    Varicose veins develop in 20–30% of women during pregnancy. Pathological changes most often occur in the veins of the lower extremities. Externally, the disease is expressed in the appearance of spider veins and spider veins. In advanced cases, swelling of the veins is observed. Clinical manifestations without external symptoms develop in approximately 80% of expectant mothers.


    Symptoms of varicose veins depend on the current stage of the disease. Initially, the pathology causes minimal discomfort. As the condition worsens, the clinical picture also intensifies.

    The initial signs of abnormal varicose veins include:

    • the formation of a vascular pattern indicating the affected area - calves, the area under the knees, the outer surface of the thigh - not painful on palpation;
    • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
    • rare cramps in the calf muscles at night.

    In the absence of adequate therapy, the initial symptoms include:

    • swelling;
    • change in the venous pattern - protrusion of the walls of blood vessels, the formation of “nodes”;
    • deterioration of condition skin;
    • pain syndrome accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the affected veins;
    • formation .

    Such a clinical picture allows you to confirm the diagnosis without ordering tests. Additional diagnostic methods are justified in early stage varicose veins, to exclude the development of diseases with similar symptoms.

    Most often, varicose pathology affects the veins of the lower extremities, but during pregnancy, disturbances in the outflow of blood can be recorded in the organs of the pelvic region and labia.

    This type of varicose veins is difficult to distinguish from standard gynecological pathologies. The condition is accompanied by typical symptoms:

    1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
    2. Copious vaginal discharge.
    3. Discomfort during intimate relationships.
    4. Difficulty emptying the bladder.

    Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis during an examination in a chair. In this case, a change in the venous pattern of the vagina and the visible segment of the cervix is ​​clearly visible.

    It is important to know! Untreated varicose veins of the pelvic area can cause infertility - a woman cannot become pregnant.

    External manifestations of varicose veins of the pelvic region appear in rare cases. Spider veins and nodules can form in the buttocks, perineum, pubic area and inner thighs.

    Reference! A woman with a severe form will give birth by caesarean section.

    That is why the disease occurs in a latent form for a long time and is accompanied by the development of serious complications. These are vaginal and uterine bleeding, inflammation internal organs, thrombosis and others.

    Varicose veins of the labia are a common occurrence during pregnancy.. The risk of developing pathology only increases with each subsequent gestation. After childbirth, the condition of the veins quickly returns to normal.

    The signs are:

    1. The appearance of a characteristic venous pattern.
    2. Protrusion, drooping of inflamed areas of veins.
    3. Itching and dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
    4. Increase in the size of the labia and vulva due to swelling.
    5. Painful sensations.

    With varicose veins in the groin area, discomfort may occur:

    • during urination and defecation;
    • after sexual contact;
    • after prolonged sitting;
    • while walking.

    Complications of varicose veins

    Signs of varicose veins appear in the second trimester, around the 4th – 5th gestational month. Venous pressure in the legs increases, which leads to a slowdown in the rate of blood outflow. If a woman does not receive the necessary treatment, the disease becomes the cause of a difficult course of pregnancy, labor itself and the postpartum period.

    Stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis entails poor contractility of the uterus, which can provoke severe bleeding and the development of arterial thrombosis.

    Important! For a child, pathological dilatation of the veins of the lower extremities in his mother is not dangerous.

    Diagnosis of varicose veins

    A phlebologist makes the diagnosis. It is this doctor who selects treatment and decides on the need for consultation with a vascular surgeon.

    Necessary examinations

    In order to diagnose vein pathology, a woman is prescribed the following tests and instrumental tests:

    • Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the lower extremities. The technique makes it possible to identify the degree of damage to the blood vessels, assess the consistency of the valve apparatus, etc.
    • General blood analysis. Of diagnostic interest is the leukocyte formula, the number of leukocytes and platelets.
    • Coagulogram. The study helps evaluate blood clotting parameters.

    Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

    This period has some peculiarities. When the first signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

    Important! The selection of medications should be done by a specialist, since medications have their own contraindications by trimester.

    To increase vascular tone, Detralex, Glivenol and Troxevasin tablets can be prescribed. They have an angioprotective effect, help reduce swelling and reduce pain. In addition, therapy with these agents eliminates night cramps and improves cellular nutrition of inflamed tissues.

    After 3 months, the use of Venoruton gels, as well as Lyoton and Essaven, is allowed.

    Allowed to use traditional methods treatments, for example, preparing balms and herbal infusions for applying compresses. But first you need to consult with your doctor.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Veins of the lower extremities during pregnancy are one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of the disease.


    The daily diet should include products that can provide the female body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Its basis is:

    • complex carbohydrates: grain bread, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • low-fat or low-fat fish;
    • meat tenderloin;
    • poultry (be sure to remove the skin to reduce calorie content);
    • nuts;
    • dairy products (medium fat is best).

    It is necessary to limit the consumption of butter: during the day you can eat a piece weighing no more than 10 grams.

    Preventing excessive weight gain

    One of the reasons for the development of varicose veins is accelerated weight gain. To prevent excessive weight gain, fasting days are recommended for women.

    There are several options:

    • kefir (1.5 l);
    • apple (1.5 kg);
    • buckwheat (250 g of cereal);
    • vegetable (1.5 kg).

    The daily intake of the selected product - indicated in brackets - must be divided into 6 doses. You need to eat often, every 2 hours. The appearance of a strong feeling of hunger is unacceptable.

    You are allowed to drink clean water throughout the day. Sugar and salt are completely excluded. By following the recommendations, you can lose up to 2 kg of weight in one day.

    Physical activity

    Physical activity acceptable during pregnancy and frequent changes in the position of the legs will help improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and prevent the development of varicose veins.

    During the day you can perform simple exercises:

    • circular movements of the feet;
    • raising on toes;
    • rolls from toe to heel.

    Positional therapy

    Positional therapy also serves as an excellent prevention of the development of varicose veins. The recommendations will be as follows:

    • you cannot cross your legs;
    • when sitting on a chair, only the buttocks should touch it - it is undesirable to lean on the back;
    • You need to sleep only on your left side, placing a pillow under your stomach - this position helps reduce the pressure exerted by the uterus on the vessels located behind the peritoneum, which improves the outflow of blood from the legs.

    Important! In addition, sleeping on the left side helps to avoid the development of uterine hypertonicity.

    Avoid triggers

    Factors that provoke the development of varicose veins include:

    • Compression of the iliac veins by the enlarged uterus. This impairs the outflow of venous blood. On recent months pregnancy can cause pathological dilatation of the vulvar veins.
    • Predisposition at the genetic level. Heredity is one of the main reasons for the development of pathology.
    • Changes in hormonal levels. The increase in progesterone levels that occurs during pregnancy causes a decrease in the tone of the venous wall and its stretching.
    • Increased pelvic blood flow. During gestation, there is an increase in uterine blood flow, which leads to an increase in pressure in the pelvic venous system. The result is a violation of the outflow of blood from the legs.

    Unfortunately, a woman is not able to control the development of many factors that provoke varicose veins, since they are determined by physiology. But she is able to give herself daily physical activity, giving up a sedentary lifestyle. After all, frequent lying in a horizontal position and restriction of movements is perhaps the most important factor in the formation of varicose veins. Stagnation of venous blood causes pathological dilatation of blood vessels.

    It is necessary to strictly monitor your weight, since extra pounds have a very negative impact on the condition of the veins.

    Clothes and shoes

    To reduce the load on your veins, you need to wear comfortable shoes. Shoes should have a small - no higher than 5 cm - stable heel. Complete refusal and wearing, for example, “ballet shoes,” significantly increases the pressure on the heels, and spider veins can form in the popliteal area.

    Clothes should be made from breathable fabrics and not restrict movement. Any tightening in the abdominal area is strictly prohibited. Gynecologists recommend that women use a special prenatal bandage, sometimes even in the early stages.

    An important point is wearing compression stockings ( anti-varicose tights will cause compression of the pregnant uterus). The phlebologist observing the woman should select therapeutic knitwear, since only a specialist can calculate the required degree of compression, taking into account the current clinical picture and stage of the disease.

    Baths and showers

    Taking a contrast shower gives a good therapeutic result. Alternating comfortably cool and warm water becomes an accessible means of preventing the development of varicose veins during pregnancy. The procedure helps to increase vascular tone and prevents stagnation of venous blood. But too much temperature contrast can trigger uterine contractions.

    An alternative to a contrast shower would be this home remedy like contrast baths with sea ​​salt or herbal infusions.


    Spreading your legs improves local blood flow and prevents varicose veins. Movements should be directed from bottom to top. To enhance the therapeutic effect, when initial symptoms are detected, it is allowed to use anti-varicose ointments, creams and gels.

    Surgical treatment

    Surgical methods for treating pathology during pregnancy are practiced in rare cases. The exception is a rapidly progressing condition or a complication of existing varicose veins in the form of the formation of a trophic ulcer or ascending thrombophlebitis.

    Surgical treatment is allowed only during the first 6 months of gestation. A sclerotherapy procedure can also be performed.


    The prognosis for life is favorable. The course of the disease can be complicated by:

    • predisposition at the genetic level;
    • repeated pregnancies;
    • multiple births;
    • difficult childbirth;
    • woman’s age (risk increases after 35 years);
    • obesity;
    • the presence of superficial thrombophlebitis.

    The onset of gestation against the background of existing varicose veins may increase the risk of blood clots and the development of deep vein thrombophlebitis.

    Modern medicine has made significant progress in the treatment of varicose veins. There are many different drugs and methods of prevention that are safe for a woman and her child, in particular, special gymnastics.

    You have probably heard about such a disease as varicose veins. It is associated with persistent irreversible dilation of the veins and, as a result, disruption of normal blood flow. Varicose veins are most often observed in the lower part of the body - on the legs, on the genitals, in the pelvis. One of the favorable factors for the occurrence of such changes is pregnancy. Of course, this does not mean that if you become pregnant, you will definitely encounter this disease: only half of women experience varicose veins during pregnancy. If a woman has suffered from it before, then while carrying a baby the disease will most likely begin to progress.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy develop as a result of changes in the body of the expectant mother, the structure of her body and a change in the woman’s lifestyle. There are some specific factors that provoke the appearance of this disease:

    1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, but it also has “ by-effect": relaxation of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the ascending veins cannot actively pump blood, stagnation begins, which contributes to even greater dilation of blood vessels - a vicious circle!
    2. Increased venous pressure– blood in pregnant women becomes more fluid. This is necessary to improve blood supply to the fetus. But this is not so good for the veins: they become permanently dilated.
    3. Increased blood clot formation- this is how the body prepares for childbirth so that the woman does not lose too much blood after the placenta separates. But if varicose veins has already begun, the tendency to thrombosis will only worsen the situation.
    4. Level reduction physical activity – Pregnant women often prefer to lie down than do some kind of gymnastics. However, if there are no contraindications, gymnastics must be done! Or take long walks. All this improves blood circulation and serves as a prevention of varicose veins.

    Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

    By the way, varicose veins happen various types. Consider those that occur most often during pregnancy:

    • varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin - the appearance of swollen veins in the groin, the woman feels “bloating” in this area;
    • varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy are the result of a hereditary predisposition and increased work of the iliac veins. It can also occur as a result of prolonged inflammatory processes, abortions, failure menstrual cycle etc.;
    • Vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy are a fairly common form of the disease, which especially often affects women whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from enlarged veins in the legs;
    • and, finally, varicose veins on the legs - the most common form of this disease.

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Not all methods used to treat varicose veins can be applied to women in an “interesting situation.” For example, sclerotherapy (injections of special drugs) and surgery are radical, but also the most effective ways- Strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. They should not be used even if a woman plans to become a mother within the next two years, because then a relapse of the disease is practically unavoidable.

    Therefore, the only remedies for varicose veins during pregnancy that certainly will not harm anyone are to the expectant mother, not the baby - wearing compression garments (special stockings and tights) and various topical products (creams, ointments). If we talk about the latter, products based on heparin (Lioton-gel) and horse chestnut extract (preparations such as Dr. Theiss, Venitan, etc.) have proven themselves well. If your doctor recommends that you wear compression stockings or stockings, be prepared to wear them during childbirth - at this time the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly.

    How does childbirth occur with varicose veins?

    Varicose veins are not at all a contraindication to bearing and giving birth to a baby. You just need to be more careful about your health. The doctor will suggest prevention of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. The question will also arise about how to give birth - natural or by caesarean section. You will decide this together with your gynecologist and phlebologist. If possible, preference is always given natural childbirth. But before giving birth, you will definitely wear compression stockings or bandage your legs with elastic bandages to prevent the backflow of blood during labor.

    Do varicose veins go away after childbirth?

    By the way, many are interested: if during pregnancy the doctor diagnosed varicose veins, then what to expect after childbirth - recovery or, conversely, an aggravation of the situation? No one, not even your attending physician, will give you a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. Some women after giving birth forget about what varicose veins are (at least for a while), while others continue to suffer and look for ways to eliminate this problem. So, how are varicose veins treated after childbirth?

    Today, medicine can offer 2 ways to treat varicose veins: conservative – with the help of medications and operational – by surgical intervention.

    After childbirth, women often develop, in addition to varicose veins, venous thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the vein walls, and venous thrombosis. The symptoms are usually the same: tension of the veins, painful sensations when palpated, redness of the skin on the affected area of ​​the body, up to an increase in temperature. If you observe all these unpleasant phenomena in yourself, immediately contact your doctor and be prepared for him to prescribe hospitalization for you.

    Now you need bed rest, and most of the time your legs should be in an elevated position. If speak about drug treatment during this period, in such cases sulfonamides, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, painkillers are usually prescribed. Sometimes doctors fight the problem with the help of coagulants - drugs that prevent blood clotting. There is one peculiarity: they can be taken no earlier than 3 days after birth to avoid uterine bleeding.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    As always, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Therefore, every woman needs to know about measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, regardless of whether she has a predisposition to this disease.

    If neither you nor your family have ever encountered such a problem, you do not spend all day on your feet and you do not have excess weight– preventing varicose veins will not be difficult. If all these “aggravating” factors are present, then preventive measures you need to resort to it with double diligence: it really gives very good results.

    By the way, remember that each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of the occurrence and development of varicose veins.

    If you notice that swollen venous “nodules” (even very small ones) have appeared on your legs, go to a phlebologist or surgeon: the doctor will monitor you throughout your pregnancy and for some time after childbirth.

    How to avoid varicose veins during pregnancy

    Let long (at least 2 hours) walking walks around the city will become your daily habit. This is a good warm-up for the calf muscles, and blood circulation improves significantly when walking. But in extreme heat it is better to stay home.

    Another great option - swimming: This is both physical activity and a kind of water massage. It is also useful because it has a beneficial effect on the spine, which experiences increasing stress as your tummy grows.

    A contrast shower will also be useful for you, but the temperature difference should not be too great, otherwise you may feel ill (not because of varicose veins, but simply because of an “interesting position”). Be guided by your feelings.

    Be careful when choosing shoes. None high heels ! If there is a heel, then it should be low (no more than 3-5 cm) and stable. It should not have elastic bands, ties or laces that squeeze and tighten the leg - this interferes with blood circulation. The same goes for tight elastic socks.

    Throughout the day, try periodically lie down for 15-20 minutes with your legs elevated. Have you seen in films how Americans sit with their feet on the table? We consider this unacceptable, but what an excellent prevention of varicose veins! Of course, you don’t have to put your legs on the table, but on a soft pillow is the way to go.

    Get used to it sleep only on your left side: This relieves the pressure of the uterus on the vein that is on the right side and reduces the venous pressure in the legs. Try placing a small pillow under your stomach, it is very comfortable.

    To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, and simply for good health, try to distribute the time during the day that you spend in the “standing-sitting-lying” positions. Any extremes are unacceptable: you should neither walk to the point of exhaustion, nor lie on the couch for 10 hours straight.

    Do not sit with your legs crossed, especially on a low seat.

    During internal changes, external manifestations are also inevitable. Hormonal changes affect the elasticity and structure of the veins, which can impede blood flow and cause venous insufficiency. On later pregnancy, the body's retention of fluid, enlargement of the uterus, as well as the fetus, leads to compression of the veins in the legs and an increase in venous pressure.

    All these factors contribute to the appearance of expansion of nodal veins and capillaries, an increase in existing varicose veins.

    Today the topic of our article is varicose veins in the legs: symptoms and treatment during pregnancy.

    Why are varicose veins on the legs dangerous during pregnancy?

    From a medical point of view, in addition to the swelling and pain caused by varicose veins, there may be even more serious problems.

    Immobility of nodal blood vessels and inevitable growth of the uterus may cause blood clots to form, increasing the risk of intravenous blood clots.

    The places where blood clots have formed turn red and become hard, it is painful to touch them, even a light touch of clothing can cause unbearable pain. In case of blood clots, injections are prescribed to thin the blood. Usually, after such injections and the use of ointments, blood clots resolve within two weeks.

    Reference! It is important to know that if you do not pay attention to varicose veins and ignore the formation of blood clots, the disease may develop into a pulmonary embolism. The most common cause of death among pregnant women in developed countries is the release of a blood clot into the lungs. Such cases occur in one in 500 pregnant women.

    How does the disease affect the body of the mother and child?

    The mother's heart works faster than usual, as it must provide the fetus with a sufficient flow of blood, which accumulates mainly in the legs. This may lead to dizziness and fainting.

    Research shows that the volume of blood vessels the size of a finger can influence changes in the position of the baby in the womb. After childbirth, many of the dilated veins disappear, however Poor blood clotting may remain.

    Types of varicose veins on the legs

    Spider angiomas, telangiectasia. Varicose veins in the form of a web or asterisk, veins less than 1 mm in size. It is not felt to the touch, it can be blue or red. Can cover the entire leg.

    Mesh. Less than 4 mm in size, comes in blue, purple, felt to the touch.

    Superficial. Easily noticeable, felt to the touch, measuring more than 4 mm.

    Varicose veins of the great saphenous vein. Formation of small or medium-sized balls in large veins, usually greenish in color.

    Deep varicose veins. This expansion is formed deep in the intravenous system.

    At-risk groups

    1. A family history of vascular disease or varicose veins.
    2. Presence of varicose veins before pregnancy.
    3. Repeated pregnancy.
    4. Professions that involve spending long periods of time on your feet.
    5. The last months of pregnancy fall in the summer.


    What varicose veins look like on the legs during pregnancy, photo below:

    Causes of the disease

    1. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
    2. Fetal growth, which affects insufficient blood flow from the pelvis to the heart.
    3. Increased blood volume, as well as fluids in the body of a pregnant woman, which is especially noticeable on the legs.
    4. Curvature of the spine caused by pregnancy.
    5. Multiple pregnancy.
    6. Obesity, weight gain.
    7. Lack of preventive measures to prevent varicose veins of the lower extremities.


    Pain. Dull pain, especially in the popliteal area. Usually the pain makes the legs feel heavy. The pain increases when you spend a long time on your feet, and decreases when you raise your leg up.

    Itching. My feet are itching. A throbbing burning sensation may be felt in areas where the veins are dilated, and the ankles may also itch.

    Swelling of the ankles. Especially in the evening, mild to moderate swelling of the ankles may occur.

    Skin changes on ankles. Eczema, pigmentation, and ulcers may appear.

    Night cramps. Feeling tired and tense in the legs.

    How to prevent the appearance of varicose veins?

    1. Treat existing varicose veins before planning a pregnancy.
    2. Avoid spending long periods of time on your feet or sitting.
    3. Do not remain for a long time without moving.
    4. Avoid sitting on low chairs.
    5. Avoid kicking against sharp corners of tables and cabinets.
    6. Swim regularly, walk at a moderate pace in the fresh air.
    7. If necessary, sit for a long time ( long road in the car) you need to constantly change your position and stretch your legs.
    8. Don't take a hot bath.
    9. Avoid being in the sun for long periods of time.
    10. In hot weather and after physical activity, water your feet with cold water, starting from the soles of your feet.
    11. When sleeping and resting, place your feet above heart level, placing pillows.
    12. Use tights against varicose veins as prescribed by your doctor.
    13. Avoid cross-legged posture, this position stops the outflow.
    14. Drink more fluids.
    15. Avoid salt.
    16. Avoid wearing tight clothing.
    17. Avoid wearing shoes with heels.
    18. Do not lift heavy objects.


    Modern medicine can easily determine the degree and type of varicose veins. Ultrasound provides duplex scanning, color display of blood flow.

    If necessary, the doctor may prescribe magnetic resonance imaging, venography or photoplethysmography– a diagnostic method that allows you to obtain complete information about the outflow of blood.

    Treatment of varicose veins in pregnant women is carried out if it has not disappeared within two months after childbirth. Treatment begins three months after birth.

    Treatment methods for varicose veins on the legs in pregnant women

    Tights against varicose veins. When thin capillaries or veins appear large sizes, no tights required. Also, with such minor formations, no medications are prescribed for internal use either during pregnancy or lactation.

    Typically, tights with appropriate pressure for the diagnosis are prescribed by a doctor. Tights help reduce venous pressure, pain and sensitivity in the legs. Tights are put on in the morning after taking a shower and removed before bed.

    Of course, wearing such tights is not very convenient and comfortable, especially in summer, but it is worth it, because they relieve all symptoms. If you avoid using tights prescribed by your doctor, the consequences can be serious and difficult to treat.

    Classic operation (stripping/ligation). Today this method is rarely used, the only exceptions being those cases when varicose veins are advanced, And cosmetic appearance doesn't matter much. After such an operation, they leave the hospital on the same day and return to normal life in 3-4 days.

    Radiofrequency therapy. This method is similar to endovascular laser treatment in that a catheter is inserted into the femoral vein. However, instead of using a laser, radiofrequency energy is injected into the catheter to help close the dilated vessel.

    Outpatient phlebectomy. It is used to remove nodes using a 3-5 mm incision. Carried out under local anesthesia. The patient is discharged 2-3 hours after surgery.

    Sclerotherapy. A method for burning out spider-like varicose dilations of medium-sized blood vessels. It is carried out by injecting a special drug directly into a vein with a very thin needle. Treatment takes 15-30 minutes.

    Interesting! Laser therapy. One of the most effective and painless ways to treat varicose veins. This treatment does not require anesthesia; it is usually treated with ice or a special cream. As a rule, varicose veins completely disappear in 3 sessions. It is preferable to undergo laser therapy in winter.

    Laser therapy has varieties:

    1. Exo Laser. Used to remove small arachnid formations. Leaves no traces.
    2. Endovascular laser. Used to remove large, palpable formations. A catheter is inserted into a certain place, where the beam is directed. Bruises remain for 2 weeks after surgery.
    3. Endolaser. A fiber laser is inserted into the damaged vessel, which eliminates the expansion. No scars, but bruises remain for 10 days.

    Varicose veins are a common disease, but can worsen during pregnancy. This disease easy to treat in modern ways , but for this you need to wait until the end of breastfeeding so as not to harm the baby.

    Pregnant women shouldn't be upset about the appearance of their legs - it's goes away if you notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor. In such cases, it is imperative to undergo a duplex ultrasound examination to determine the extent of the pathology. To prevent this ugly disease, you must follow all the instructions and advice of your doctor.

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