• Dilated veins of the perineum during pregnancy. Varicose veins of the genital organs in pregnant women. Danger and complications


    Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are a phenomenon that occurs in 30% of women, and with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of developing pathology increases. The first signs of the disease appear at the beginning of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes this happens already in the 2nd trimester.

    Often varicose veins of the groin area are a complication of disease of the lower extremities, and sometimes - its harbinger. The pathological process can affect the saphenous veins of external organs, the uterus and vagina, and the iliac veins.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are a phenomenon that occurs in 30% of women, and with each subsequent pregnancy the risk of developing pathology increases.


    During pregnancy, hormonal levels change in a woman's body.

    The main reason for the development of varicose veins in the perineal area is progesterone, which is produced in large quantities during pregnancy, increases blood pressure, increases the volume of circulating blood and at the same time reduces the muscle tone of the veins and promotes their expansion.

    At the same time, during pregnancy, the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the pelvic vessels: the inferior vena cava and iliac veins increases. The outflow of blood from the lower extremities, external genital and pelvic organs worsens, the lumen of the veins increases, the venous wall becomes thinner, and nodes appear - local dilations of blood vessels.

    Exacerbates congestion and weight gain during pregnancy. Due to the increased load on the lower extremities, the superficial vessels that do not have muscle support are primarily affected.

    The development of varicose veins in the groin area during pregnancy largely depends on genetic predisposition. Heredity determines such characteristics of the vascular wall as density, elasticity, consistency of venous valves, and the presence of structural anomalies.

    Lack of muscle activity, chronic inflammatory processes in the organs and tissues of the genitourinary system, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy and hormone-containing drugs during it, diseases of cardio-vascular system, frequent constipation, high intra-abdominal pressure, increased blood viscosity and clotting, chronic diseases endocrine system aggravate the course of the disease.

    Vaginal varicose veins often develop against the background of sexual dysfunction or as a result of changes in the position of the uterus, and inguinal varicose veins often develop as a result of heavy lifting, prolonged static body position (standing, sitting, lying down) and too intense physical activity.

    Women with a history of difficult births are more likely to develop varicose veins in the groin area during a subsequent pregnancy. In addition, the disease can develop at an earlier stage - already in the 2nd trimester.


    Inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy have the following symptoms:

    Varicose veins of the vagina and uterus during pregnancy are often asymptomatic. With severe stretching of the veins, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen, which spreads to the entire groin, lower back, and buttocks. Because of the pain, sexual intercourse becomes impossible, and heavy discharge from the vulva may occur.


    If veins are swollen in the genitals of a pregnant woman, you should immediately contact a phlebologist. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to conduct a detailed blood test to assess the number of platelets, a comprehensive analysis of coagulation indicators (prothrombin index, thromboplastin time, fibrinogen A and B, international normalized ratio), ultrasound of the pelvic vessels and lower extremities. Based on the examination, treatment is prescribed.

    In most cases, conservative treatment is effective during pregnancy. In addition, most women experience spontaneous healing after delivery.

    During pregnancy, a woman needs to wear tights, which promote blood flow and increase blood circulation.

    If after the birth of the child the disease continues to progress, sclerotherapy, phlebectomy, laser or electrocoagulation of the affected vessels are performed.


    To treat varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy, drugs are used that have a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, reducing painful sensations and swelling, preventing the formation of blood clots, improving blood microcirculation.

    Pregnant women are prescribed gels or ointments for external use, acceptable for use from the 1st trimester of pregnancy: Venoruton, Troxevasin, products containing heparin (Lioton 1000, Heparin gel), preparations with horse chestnut extract (Venitan, Eskuven) or gingko biloba (Ginkor and other).

    The ointments are applied with light movements, without rubbing or squeezing the veins, 2-3 times a day.

    Drugs containing diosmin and hesperidin (Detralex, Venarus), horse chestnut extract (Aescusan) are used internally; oral administration of angioprotectors is practiced from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

    Additionally, patients during pregnancy are prescribed antioxidants and vitamins (C, PP, group B, fat-soluble vitamins), as well as calcium, zinc, and selenium.


    Pregnant women with varicose veins will benefit from swimming, water aerobics, yoga, walks in the fresh air and special gymnastic exercises.

    A simple but effective set of exercises:

    Exercises during pregnancy are best performed using a bandage.

    Danger and complications

    Against the background of varicose veins of the groin, varicose veins of the internal organs of the small pelvis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers may develop, and bleeding may occur. The risk of complications is especially high during childbirth.


    To prevent the veins in the groin from expanding and swelling, from the first days of pregnancy it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle: eat right, do therapeutic exercises, spend enough time in the fresh air, avoid static positions, refuse bad habits and alcohol. It is especially important to adhere to these rules for women at risk who have a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease, varicose veins or a history of difficult childbirth.

    Moderate loads during pregnancy should be alternated with proper rest, during which it is better to raise your legs a little.

    You will have to give up uncomfortable and unstable shoes. During pregnancy, it is better to choose underwear without seams, with supporting inserts, made from natural fabrics.

    Light self-massage without pressure or rubbing will be useful. During pregnancy, you will have to give up visiting the sauna, hot showers and baths. You can take a contrast shower with a slight temperature difference. This procedure tones the blood vessels.

    It is better to sleep on your left side, placing a small pillow under your stomach. This will help avoid squeezing the inferior vena cava.


    Nutrition during pregnancy in the presence of vessels damaged by varicose veins should help reduce blood clotting and viscosity, improve the tone of blood vessels and strengthen their walls. It is also important to control weight gain. In 1 week, the expectant mother should not gain more than 300 g, so as not to increase the load on the vascular system.

    During pregnancy, you need to eat fractionally, choosing foods rich in plant fiber, vitamins, proteins, omega 3 and 6, macro- and microelements.

    The diet should contain:

    The diet should be designed taking into account individual tolerance to foods and the duration of pregnancy. Drinking regime is also important. A woman should drink a sufficient amount of liquid per day (water, fruit drinks, compotes, teas), taking into account liquid food.

    Compression underwear

    For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins in the groin area and lower extremities, they practice wearing compression garments, which compress the stretched veins, returning them to their original volume and ensuring the outflow of venous blood to the heart, compensating for the insufficiency of intravascular valves. You can wrap your legs with elastic bandages.

    Compression garments are worn every day until delivery. It must be worn in the morning and washed daily. The selection of such underwear during pregnancy and determination of the degree of compression should be carried out by a phlebologist. During childbirth, such underwear is necessary to reduce pressure in the veins of the pelvis and protect blood vessels from excessive stretching during contractions and pushing.

    Varicose veins are susceptible to veins located in layers that are easily compressed and do not provide sufficient resistance to increased pressure - in the subcutaneous fatty tissue or submucosal layer of internal organs.

    Varicose veins of the genital organs (labia, vulva, vagina, uterus) are quite common - up to 30% of pregnant women suffer from it.

    Etiology of illness during pregnancy

    The main reasons for the appearance of varicose veins of the pelvic organs, in particular the uterus, vagina, vulva and labia, in pregnant women include:

    Risk factors that provoke the occurrence of varicose veins of the labia, vulva, vagina and/or uterus include:

    Pregnancy provokes the appearance of varicose veins, as it creates conditions for increased pressure in the pelvis. The pregnant uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins, making it difficult for blood to move through them, and a physiological increase in blood viscosity aggravates this condition.

    Manifestations and complications of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Clinical manifestations of genital varicose veins during pregnancy depend on the location and extent of the pathology, the stage of the disease and the duration of pregnancy. There are varicose veins of the internal (vagina, uterus and appendages) and external genitalia (vulva, labia).

    Symptoms of varicose veins of the external genitalia are:

    The symptoms of vaginal varicose veins are somewhat different from the symptoms of external varicose veins:

    • feeling of fullness and burning in the vagina;
    • pain during intimacy;
    • nagging pain in the vagina, which radiates to the groin, occurs or intensifies after physical activity;
    • sometimes – bloody vaginal discharge or difficulty urinating;
    • When examined in the speculum, varicose veins under the vaginal mucosa are determined.

    Varicose veins of the uterine veins are often asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms (for example, aching pain in the lower abdomen).

    Varicose uterus in pregnant women manifests itself in the form of nonspecific symptoms:

    An effective remedy for leg swelling and cramps exists! For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins of the upper and lower extremities, our readers successfully use the method of Ksenia Strizhenko. Having carefully studied this method, we decided to bring it to your attention.

    When examined in mirrors, pathology is often not detected. If the cervix is ​​involved in the process, the doctor can see cyanosis and swelling of the cervical mucosa, sometimes dilated vessels can be seen through the mucosa.

    Questioning and examination are not enough to diagnose uterine varicose veins. Additional research methods provide a more informative picture:

    During pregnancy, diagnosing varicose veins of the uterus is difficult, since many additional research methods during pregnancy are dangerous and are temporarily prohibited from using (transuterine venography, laparoscopy, computed tomography).

    Varicose veins of the internal genital organs during pregnancy are dangerous due to their complications:

    Approaches to the treatment of illness in pregnant women

    Often, varicose veins of the pelvic organs of a pregnant woman go away on their own after childbirth, since the main risk factor, the pregnant uterus, disappears.

    Treatment of varicose veins of the pelvic organs during pregnancy is difficult, as it is dangerous for the fetus and is fraught with complications during pregnancy.

    Therefore, treatment of varicose veins of the pelvic organs during pregnancy is limited to conservative non-drug methods. The main methods of treating varicose veins during pregnancy include:

    For the treatment of VARICOSE in women and men, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Cream of Varicose Veins. It contains 8 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in the treatment of VARICOSE. Only natural ingredients are used, no chemicals or hormones!

    The presence of varicose veins of the pelvic veins in a pregnant woman requires the woman to lead a special lifestyle and avoid risk factors that can cause its progression. The most the best option for the normal course of pregnancy in women with varicose veins of the small pelvis is planning pregnancy and treating the disease before it occurs.

    Feedback from our reader - Victoria Mirnova

    I recently read an article that talks about a natural cream, Cream of Varicose Veins, for treating varicose veins and cleaning blood vessels from blood clots. Using this cream you can cure VARICOSIS FOREVER, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of veins, quickly restore the walls of blood vessels, cleanse and restore varicose veins at home.

    I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed changes within a week: the pain went away, my legs stopped “humming” and swelling, and after 2 weeks the venous lumps began to decrease. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

    Do you still think that it is impossible to GET RID OF VARICOSE VARICOSE!?

    Have you ever tried to cure VARICOSE or cleanse your body of THROMBUS!? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what it is:

    • I feel heaviness in my legs, tingling...
    • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
    • Swelling begins to form in the legs, veins swell...
    • and varicose nodes begin to appear in the veins of the legs?
    • there is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion...

    Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE and the only way out will be surgical intervention!

    That's right - it's time to start putting an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Phlebology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - V. M. Semenov, in which he revealed the secret of a cheap method of treating varicose veins and complete restoration of blood vessels.

    Varicose veins of the perineum during pregnancy (labia, vulva, vagina) is one of the abnormalities that can occur in a woman’s body. It is a pathological expansion of the veins located in the groin area. The disease not only causes physical and emotional discomfort to the woman, but also threatens complications during pregnancy and the birth process. This is explained by the fact that varicose veins of the external genitalia are often associated with varicose changes in the pelvic vessels located around the pregnant uterus. If varicose veins are found in the groin during pregnancy, what should a woman do to avoid unpleasant consequences? Let's talk about this in more detail.


    For the occurrence of perineal varicose veins during pregnancy, a number of prerequisites are created:

    1. Hormonal levels during pregnancy undergo significant changes. The level of the hormone progesterone increases significantly, the action of which is aimed at prolonging and maintaining pregnancy. Progesterone also has additional effects - it causes degeneration of the connective tissue fibers that form the wall of the veins. As a result, the veins lose their inherent elasticity and become more pliable.
    2. The pregnant uterus, which is greatly enlarged in size, puts excessive pressure on the veins through which blood flows from the entire lower part of the body (including the groin area). Impaired blood flow leads to increased pressure in the veins.
    3. During pregnancy, a woman's blood volume circulating in her vessels increases significantly, which is explained by the appearance of an additional placental circulatory system. An increase in the volume of circulating blood naturally leads to an increase in pressure in the veins and their stretching.
    4. Increased body weight during pregnancy is also a factor contributing to increased pressure in the venous system. The greatest load falls on the veins of the lower body.

    The listed factors collectively affect the wall of the veins, causing pathological dilation of blood vessels. Changes are primarily experienced by the saphenous veins, which along their length do not have support in the form of a layer of muscle.

    The influence of factors becomes pronounced in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, so symptoms of varicose veins of the labia usually appear by 18-20 weeks of pregnancy.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy

    Varicose veins of the groin area are manifested by specific symptoms:

    • swelling, expansion of the subcutaneous tissues located in the perineum, up to the formation of large painful nodes;
    • swelling of the labia, increasing their size;
    • pain in the perineal area with irradiation to the sacral region, to the lower extremities, intensifying after physical exertion, urination, sexual intercourse;
    • trophic disorders of the skin of the labia (dryness, spider veins, pigmentation, irritation);
    • itching, numbness, burning of the skin of the labia;
    • urinary disorders;
    • in severe cases - difficulty walking and sitting.

    Bright clinical picture leaves no doubt about the diagnosis. Additionally, a study of the coagulation system (coagulogram) and vascular ultrasound are prescribed (to exclude the presence of blood clots in the inferior vena cava system).

    What to do if a pregnant woman has varicose veins in the groin

    It is possible to completely get rid of the symptoms of varicose veins in the groin only after the cessation of exposure to the factors that provoke its appearance, that is, after childbirth. During pregnancy, therapy is prescribed to help reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease and prevent its progression.

    • It is prohibited to lift objects whose weight exceeds 3 kg;
    • rest in a position lying on your left side with your knees brought to your stomach;
    • moderate regular physical activity;
    • wearing comfortable shoes with low, stable heels;
    • prevent pathological weight gain;
    • daily bowel movements, for which it is necessary to enrich the diet with fiber (vegetables, fruits);
    • classes in the pool;
    • avoid hot baths and use a shower for hygienic purposes;
    • use comfortable underwear made from natural materials;
    • carefully observe intimate hygiene.

    It is necessary to teach the patient the elements therapeutic exercises, which significantly reduces pain from varicose veins of the labia. Postures are practiced that facilitate the outflow of venous blood from the lower part of the body, for example, standing on all fours with the head lowered to the floor and the pelvis raised.

    A good effect is achieved when wearing compression garments. There is an acceleration of blood flow, a decrease in congestion and the severity of symptoms.

    Drug therapy includes the use of venotonic agents (tablets, gels, ointments) - Detralex, Venoruton, Troxerutin, Lyoton. In case of a pronounced pathological process, the use of blood thinners (antiplatelet agents) is indicated: “Curantil”, “Trental”, “Aspirin”.

    Prevention methods

    Effective measures for the primary prevention of perineal varicose veins are:

    • regular examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
    • daily walks;
    • taking a contrast shower;
    • nutrition to prevent constipation;
    • physiotherapy.

    Genital varicose veins are a completely curable pathology. Modern medicine can reduce the severity of painful symptoms and alleviate a woman’s condition. To do this, you need to diagnose the disease in time and seek the help of a specialist.


    Why does VRV appear?

    In our body, veins perform the function of blood outflow. For this purpose, they are equipped with valves. During a cardiac impulse, blood is fixed in the vein at a given level with their help. With the next heartbeat, the blood moves further - to the next segment of the vein, limited by the valves.

    With varicose veins, its walls are stretched, and the valve apparatus loses its functions. Venous stagnation of blood is formed, the vessel further expands - a vicious circle arises.

    Risk factors

    What influences the formation of varicose veins? There are many reasons predisposing to varicose veins. The most common of them are:

    • Heredity. It is considered the most common cause of varicose veins.
    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • Increased physical activity, such as carrying heavy objects.
    • Long-term work standing or sitting.
    • Obesity.
    • Hormonal changes in women. For example, during pregnancy or when taking incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives.

    It is believed that in the absence of predisposing factors, even with poor heredity in terms of varicose veins, the disease does not always develop.


    Now we will take a closer look at the reasons that can provoke the appearance of varicose veins during pregnancy.

    The growing pregnant uterus compresses the veins of the pelvis and lower extremities. And the increasing weight of the expectant mother creates additional stress on them.

    In addition, progesterone, the amount of which is noticeably increased during pregnancy, has a relaxing effect on the muscles of both the uterus and vascular walls.

    All these factors determine the frequent development of varicose veins during pregnancy.

    Manifestations of ARV

    As mentioned above, varicose veins occur not only in the legs, but also in other areas of the body. During pregnancy, localization of the disease on the external genitalia, vagina and rectum is quite common.

    Doctors distinguish six stages of the disease - from the practically asymptomatic first to the sixth, in which non-healing ulcers form as a result of a deep violation of the venous circulation.

    Varicose veins of the legs

    For example, let's look at the main manifestations of varicose veins on the legs, as the most common type of this disease. The first symptoms are:

    • Swelling of the legs, especially in the evening.
    • Feeling of burning, swelling in the calves.
    • Convulsions, most often occurring at night.

    Such manifestations of varicose veins are especially pronounced after prolonged standing or sitting. They may noticeably decrease or even disappear after walking or prolonged rest in a horizontal position.

    Further, the intensity of these symptoms increases. Spider veins form, areas of hyperpigmentation appear - brown spots, especially on the legs and ankles. The vascular pattern of the veins changes: they thicken, become tortuous, and acquire a purple or deep blue color.

    As the disease progresses, significant disturbances in venous circulation occur and so-called trophic ulcers occur. Their formation is associated with malnutrition (trophism) of the affected area of ​​the leg.

    Other localizations

    The appearance of varicose veins in the rectum or external genitalia is usually associated with a long-term increase in intra-abdominal pressure (chronic constipation). And, for example, varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy occur due to increased pressure in the pelvic vessels.

    Groin area in women

    The main manifestations of varicose veins in the groin are practically not much different from its localization on the legs.

    In this case, painful sensations in the groin area and discomfort during sexual activity may also occur. When palpated, a conglomerate of enlarged and tortuous veins can be detected on the labia majora and/or labia minora, and sometimes in the vagina.


    This is nothing more than hemorrhoids. It manifests itself as itching of the anal area, pain and the appearance of scarlet blood during defecation.

    Sometimes the “nodes” of hemorrhoidal veins are located outside the anus. When they become inflamed, very intense pain occurs, often accompanied by bleeding.

    There are also more rare and severe localizations of varicose veins: vessels of the uterus, esophagus, etc.


    Why is varicose veins so dangerous? We will not dwell now on the cosmetic nuances of this problem. Let's face it, varicose veins look unsightly. But the aesthetic side of this disease is far from being in first place.

    So, varicose veins are dangerous due to their complications.


    Stagnation of blood in the altered vein provokes the formation of thrombi - blood clots. They can travel further into the systemic circulation with the bloodstream and cause blockage of vital vessels, for example in the brain or heart.

    This can result in life-threatening and health-threatening conditions: stroke, heart attack or pulmonary embolism.

    A blood clot can also close the lumen of a deep vein in a limb - thrombophlebitis develops, which requires emergency treatment.

    Pathology of pregnancy

    The location of varicose veins in the genital area or in the pelvis, for example, in the uterus, significantly increases the incidence of various complications during pregnancy.

    The most serious of them is premature detachment of a normally located placenta, which is often accompanied by massive bleeding and can lead to the death of the child and even the mother.

    Based on the above, we can draw a clear conclusion: varicose veins need to be treated. And the earlier treatment is started, the better the result.

    What to do?

    First of all, do not hush up the problem. You should inform your doctor of any changes in your health.

    And if you detect any suspicious changes in the venous vessels in the legs, groin and other areas, you should inform your doctor about it.

    How to identify VVV?

    Varicose veins are most often clearly visible during a routine examination. However, for a more complete assessment of their condition, an ultrasound scan (ultrasound examination) is prescribed.

    In the early stages of the disease, a Doppler study is usually done, which allows one to determine the disturbance of blood flow in the veins.

    However, ultrasound duplex scanning (USDS) is considered more informative. It combines the capabilities of echography and Doppler examination. With its help, you can evaluate the function of the vein valves and the speed of blood flow in it, as well as the condition of its walls.

    Be sure to regularly monitor blood clotting - coagulogram analysis.

    How to treat varicose veins?

    Varicose veins are treated by a phlebologist. There are conservative and surgical treatments for varicose veins.

    The choice of a specific technique directly depends on the stage of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant pathology.

    Conservative treatment

    In the early stages of the disease, surgery can often be avoided. It is necessary to follow several simple recommendations, which are especially relevant for pregnant women:

    1. Watch your weight. It is especially important not to recover unevenly, in “jumps.”
    2. You cannot lift weights, take hot baths, or sunbathe.

    3. You need to rest more often. Try to take a horizontal position for 10–15 minutes every two to three hours. At this time and during night sleep, it is necessary to place a pillow under your feet or raise the foot end of the bed.
    4. Moderate physical activity and walks in the fresh air have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the veins.
    5. With the help of a doctor, you should select special compression underwear - stockings, tights, etc. They are usually sold in pharmacies. There are four classes of such underwear in total.
    6. Sometimes, instead of wearing compression garments, your doctor may recommend wrapping your legs with an elastic bandage.

    During childbirth or if the condition of the veins worsens during pregnancy, wearing elastic bandages is mandatory!

    Medicines for varicose veins

    Drug treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    You should know that the use of tablets, ointments or creams for varicose veins cannot return the damaged vessel to its previous appearance. This treatment is used solely for the purpose of improving well-being and slowing the progression of the disease.

    In the first months of pregnancy, it is best to refrain from taking any medications. During this period, the laying of all organs and systems of the unborn child takes place and the influence of drugs at this time is extremely undesirable.

    Phlebotropic drugs (used to treat varicose veins) can be divided into several groups:

    1. Venotonics that improve the tone of the venous wall. This is the most commonly used group of drugs, which is used both locally - in the form of a cream, ointment or gel, and systemically (tablets). These include, for example, Aescusan, Detralex, Venoruton, etc.
    2. Affecting blood clotting and preventing the formation of blood clots - heparin and its derivatives.
    3. Improving microcirculation - Trental, Curantil.
    4. Having an anti-inflammatory effect - acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac, corticosteroids, etc.

    Of course, there are contraindications for taking each drug. Therefore, it should be emphasized once again that drug treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, especially during pregnancy.


    Varicose veins are non-functional. The goal of all surgical methods is to turn it off from the bloodstream.

    Currently, the following types of surgical treatment of varicose veins are performed:

    • Phlebectomy. Actually, surgical removal of varicose veins.
    • Laser or radiofrequency coagulation of varicose veins. Modern method treatment of varicose veins.
    • Sclerotherapy of a varicose vein is the introduction of a special substance into the vessel that “glues” it together.

    Operations to treat varicose veins during pregnancy are performed solely for health reasons.

    Childbirth with varicose veins

    The method of delivery for varicose veins will depend on the location, stage of the disease and the presence of complications. This issue is resolved by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a phlebologist individually in each case.

    For example, with uncomplicated varicose veins of the legs, childbirth through the birth canal is quite possible using elastic bandages on the lower extremities.

    After childbirth, there is often an exacerbation of the manifestations of varicose veins. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a phlebologist during this period and receive recommendations for further treatment of the disease.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy should be carried out by every expectant mother. Recommendations aimed at preventing varicose veins during pregnancy are as follows:

    • High heels should be avoided. Also, nothing should interfere with normal blood circulation in the legs - tight elastic bands, ties, belts, etc. are prohibited.
    • Walking in the fresh air and moderate physical activity, such as swimming, should be present in every pregnant woman. However, in some cases this point needs to be discussed with your doctor.
    • It is necessary to periodically rest during the day in a horizontal position with elevated legs (pad, cushion).
    • You need to sleep on your left side.
    • Avoid crossing your legs and sitting on low seats.
    • It is necessary to eat properly and drink enough fluids. And also monitor regular bowel movements.

    There is also a set of exercises that can strengthen the leg muscles and somewhat slow down the development of varicose veins. You can check with your doctor for details, taking into account the specifics of your pregnancy.


    Varicose veins during pregnancy causes

    Varicose veins during pregnancy (slowing the outflow of venous blood) most often develops in women with a hereditary predisposition against the background of hormonal changes in the body during this period (weakening of the venous wall, stagnation), and lifestyle changes. Individual characteristics of a woman’s body (poor elasticity of the vascular walls, underdevelopment or complete absence of venous valves) may also be the cause of the disease during this period. The following factors can serve as triggers for the development of the disease during pregnancy:

    1. Growth of the uterus and fetus - as it increases, pressure on the vessels increases, which prevents the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.
    2. An increase in the volume of circulating blood (increase in venous pressure), resulting in an increase in the load on the veins.
    3. Poor blood circulation due to lack of physical activity.
    4. Increased intrauterine pressure during labor activity.

    Usually if a woman has up to interesting situation the veins were fine and no symptoms of varicose veins (blue or blue spider veins) purple) was not observed, after delivery their condition may return to normal. IN otherwise Appropriate treatment for varicose veins will be prescribed.

    Symptoms of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Most often, while carrying a child, varicose veins develop on the legs; varicose veins of the pelvis, groin (labia or vulva), uterus, and anus (hemorrhoids) can often occur. Such conditions cause a lot of discomfort and threaten health with complications. Vulvar varicose veins are particularly dangerous; in the absence of appropriate treatment, the vein can rupture, which will lead to life-threatening bleeding.

    At an early stage, the disease may occur without any symptoms at all, and a slight change in the veins may be visually observed. Typically, at this stage of the disease, a woman experiences swelling in her legs towards the end of the day, but this usually goes away in the morning. Swelling may be accompanied by leg fatigue, a feeling of heaviness, and “fullness.” In more advanced cases, women may experience calf muscle cramps at night. As the situation worsens, severe pain in the legs and itching of the skin are observed, especially at night. Next, there is a significant deformation of the veins (they become curved) when they expand and begin to protrude above the skin. IN in this case pain may or may not occur at this stage of the disease.

    Video: How to recognize varicose veins during pregnancy.

    Varicose veins are not a contraindication for conceiving and bearing a child; it is just that during this period, or even better, at the planning stage of conception, it is necessary to take preventive measures in order to prevent the development of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. With this disease, during pregnancy the question of how the birth will take place (natural or caesarean section) will be decided. The issue is discussed by the gynecologist together with a phlebologist and decided taking into account the woman’s condition before childbirth. Doctors are usually in favor of giving birth as naturally as possible, if possible. In this case, compression garments are required during childbirth; this will prevent the backflow of blood during labor.

    Varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy treatment

    Varicose veins are a serious disease that should not be left to chance and at the first sign you should visit a phlebologist or vascular specialist. Treatment of varicose veins on the legs while carrying a child is complicated by the fact that a woman is prohibited from taking any medications. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. During the period of bearing a child, treatment is conservative; all measures are aimed at improving blood circulation and eliminating congestion. The doctor usually recommends constant wearing of compression garments (stockings, tights), physical therapy exercises (hiking in the fresh air, swimming, walking up the steps), a 5-minute massage on each leg with kneading, stroking and rubbing movements.

    The diet of a pregnant woman suffering from varicose veins should also change; the daily menu should be based on lean meats, fresh herbs and vegetables, low-fat fish, cottage cheese, and eggs.

    The doctor may also prescribe topical medications, usually venotonics (creams, gels), they are used twice a day. I repeat that the drugs will only be prescribed by a doctor, since the active ingredients can penetrate into the blood and be dangerous to the fetus.

    In some cases, it will be appropriate to use folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins; you should first consult a doctor.

    Varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy

    Varicose veins during pregnancy affect the uterus less often than the legs, but its complications are no less dangerous - thrombosis of the main veins and thrombophlebitis. Surgical treatment is used only if the woman is not pregnant; otherwise, exclusively conservative therapy is used, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease (physical therapy, eliminating physical inactivity). Drug treatment (oral venotonics) is prescribed by a doctor and only from the second trimester of pregnancy.

    A pregnant woman suffering from varicose veins of the uterus should be under the constant supervision of a phlebologist; if complications develop, a cesarean section is performed.

    Dilated veins of the small pelvis

    Varicose veins of the pelvis and uterus are not the same thing. Varicose veins of the small pelvis appear against the background of congenital underdevelopment of venous valves, a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, due to pressure on the main veins of the growing uterus during pregnancy. Treatment is similar to the treatment of uterine varicose veins; surgical treatment is carried out exclusively after childbirth and the lactation period.

    Varicose veins in the groin (vagina, labia) during pregnancy

    It can manifest itself independently, or it can accompany varicose veins of the small pelvis. The disease consists of dilation and pathological changes in the veins of the external genitalia. Treatment is exclusively conservative.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy prevention

    Prevention is important not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are just thinking about motherhood, and for those who already have the first signs of the disease. Basic measures:

    1. Wearing compression hosiery (select together with a phlebologist, who will explain the main nuances of its use).
    2. Refusal to wear tight, narrow underwear and clothes that restrict movement, high-heeled shoes (over 5 cm).
    3. Special physical exercise aimed at improving blood flow.
    4. Swimming, running, water aerobics.
    5. Increasing physical activity and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.
    6. Give your legs a rest, give up the habit of sitting with your legs crossed.
    7. During the day, lie down several times so that your legs are on a hill (it’s good to throw your legs on the wall while lying on the sofa).
    8. It is better for pregnant women to lie on their left side while sleeping, this improves blood flow.
    9. Try not to sit or stand in one position for a long time.
    10. If possible, move your feet up and down throughout the day.
    11. Control your weight.
    12. Correction of nutrition with the exception of flour, fatty, sweet and smoked foods, enrichment with fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs.
    13. Cold and hot shower.
    14. Exclusion of hot baths, saunas, baths.
    15. Refusal of serious physical activity, heavy lifting.

    Video: Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy.

    If you follow these simple rules and follow all instructions, you can prevent or significantly slow down the further development of the disease and its complications.



    During pregnancy, many changes occur in the body and most of them are invisible to the naked eye. The well-known hormone progesterone, responsible for the preservation and development of pregnancy, it acts not only on the uterus, but also on the veins, or rather on their smooth muscle cells, thereby reducing their tone. This is the first and most important reason varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy. Progesterone begins its negative impact on the venous wall from the earliest stages, when a woman only finds out that she will soon become a mother.

    information The influence of hereditary factors should also not be underestimated. If your mother, older sister, grandmother suffered from this disease, then be prepared to face it too. In addition, another trigger is the pressure of the rapidly growing pregnant uterus on the pelvic vessels and difficulty in the outflow of blood through the veins. The final causative factor is rapid weight gain over nine months.


    Externally, varicose veins of the lower extremities are very similar to those on the lower extremities. Here are the main symptoms of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy:

    • spider veins, nodules;
    • an increase in the size and deformation of the shape of the veins and the labia themselves;
    • discoloration and dryness of the skin in the affected areas;
    • itching, discomfort and soreness.

    If you find yourself with one or more of the signs listed above, you should definitely contact your gynecologist. To confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage, you will be prescribed additional examination. First of all, you will need to get tested - general analysis blood with determination of platelet levels and a detailed coagulogram, which must include the following indicators: PTI (prothrombin index), APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen A and B, D-dimers, INR (international normalized ratio).


    Causes of varicose veins of the labia in pregnant women

    Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy can be a manifestation independent disease or appear in the background pre-existing varicose veins of the legs.

    Among the reasons due to which the disease may develop, the most significant are:

    • As pregnancy progresses, the volume of blood circulating in the mother's body increases. This causes an increase in the load on the vascular wall, which can lead to dilation of the veins;
    • The uterus, enlarged due to pregnancy, puts intense pressure on the pelvic vessels, which leads to a mechanical cause of blood stagnation in the pelvis and veins of the lower extremities;
    • During pregnancy, a woman's body weight increases. The increase is not always physiological within the range of 10 – 12 kg. With excessive weight gain, as well as in the presence of obesity before pregnancy, there is an increased load on the vessels of the lower extremities and pelvis;
    • Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy due to increased progesterone lead to changes in the vascular wall of the labia in the groin. Veins throughout the body relax, which leads to a decrease in tone and relaxation of their valve apparatus. Additional intake of hormonal drugs causes additional relaxation of blood vessels.

    Among the factors that can contribute to varicose veins of the perineum are:

    • hereditary predisposition to the disease;
    • features of work in the form of static, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

    Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy can be manifested by various symptoms that appear in different terms carrying a child. In addition, depending on the type of varicose veins: external or internal, symptoms may vary. Internal varicose veins have nonspecific symptoms.

    Most often, women complain about:

    • pain in the pelvic area that is not accompanied by any visual signs;
    • a feeling of heaviness or distension in the pelvis;
    • pain during sexual intercourse, which does not manifest itself with additional symptoms.

    With external varicose veins, the disease can manifest itself:

    • enlargement of the labia, unilateral or bilateral;
    • distension in the area of ​​the labia and perineum;
    • varicose veins of the saphenous veins in the groin area;
    • skin irritation;
    • pain during intercourse or discomfort;
    • swelling in the genital area;
    • spider veins or varicose veins in the perineum and labia.

    Symptoms increase as pregnancy progresses, reaching a maximum in the third trimester. After childbirth, swelling and pain disappear within 7 days. 30 days after birth, the saphenous veins acquire their normal appearance.


    Diagnosis of varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy and the perineal area is based on:

    • careful collection of anamnesis;
    • gynecological examination;
    • special examination methods.

    When collecting anamnesis, attention is paid to patient complaints about the presence of disease-specific symptoms. During a gynecological examination, the gynecologist pays attention to the condition of the skin of the external genitalia and vagina.

    This can reveal:

    • the presence of telangiectasia in the labia and perineum;
    • varicose veins;
    • tortuous veins visible to the eye;
    • redness or bluishness of the skin and mucous membranes in the groin.

    Vaginal examination reveals the presence of:

    • pain on examination;
    • cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa;
    • hypertrophic changes;
    • swelling of the vagina;
    • varicose veins of the groin in the vagina;
    • Excessive light-colored discharge.

    If pelvic varicose veins are suspected, additional research methods are performed - a coagulogram to determine the function of the blood coagulation system and determine the level of thromboplastic elements. Among instrumental research methods during pregnancy, it is possible to use ultrasound with Dopplerography.

    Treatment methods for varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy are divided into management:

    • pregnant women;
    • women in labor;
    • postpartum women

    During pregnancy, patient management tactics include:

    • preventive therapy;
    • therapeutic drug therapy.

    Among the means for drug therapy, it is possible to use drugs that are safe for mother and child and act in minimal dosages. The drugs can be used in tablet form or topically in the form of ointments or gels.

    Among them there are groups of drugs:

    • venotonics and angioprotectors: Aescusan, Phlebodia, Detralex;
    • antiplatelet agents: Aspirin, Curantil, Fraxiparine.

    During pregnancy, it is recommended to wear compression underwear in the form of tights, which are used both for the prevention and for the comprehensive treatment of varicose veins in the groin area. Underwear for pregnant women is prescribed by a phlebologist, and it is sold through pharmacies or specialized stores.

    Surgical treatment is indicated only for:

    • the occurrence of complications of the disease, when the risks of complications of varicose veins are higher than the risk for the child;
    • severe course of varicose veins.

    During childbirth, pregnant patients with varicose veins of the labia and groin require increased attention due to the risk of complications:

    • rupture of varicose vessels with the development of bleeding;
    • thromboembolism.

    In the second stage of labor through the natural birth canal, the midwife, while cutting through the head, squeezes the nodes with her hand and performs perineotomy according to indications. Episiotomy is undesirable, as it may damage varicose veins located inside the tissue.

    If a varicose vein ruptures during childbirth, it is sutured after childbirth.. An ice pack is applied to the labia and groin area for 30 minutes. In case of failure with continued bleeding, a tight vaginal tamponade is performed with aminocaproic acid or saline for 24 hours. In case of severe disease, high risk of complications, the woman is given birth by caesarean section .

    The postpartum period should include preventive measures;

    • getting up early after 12 hours;
    • physical therapy;
    • administration of fraxiparine for severe varicose veins and after cesarean section;
    • coagulogram control.

    In the postpartum period, surgery may be performed to remove varicose veins.

    Methods for preventing varicose veins for pregnant women

    Prevention of varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is:

    • dispensary observation by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
    • joint management and choice of treatment tactics with a phlebologist;
    • complete exclusion of self-medication;
    • following a diet with weight gain in the range of 300 - 400 g in 7 days;
    • prevention of constipation;
    • compliance with the work and rest regime;
    • avoiding static work;
    • horizontal rest with legs raised up;
    • performing physical therapy;
    • dynamic monitoring of coagulogram once every 14 days;
    • wearing compression stockings;
    • excluding high-heeled shoes;
    • excluding wearing underwear with tight elastic bands.

    Although the occurrence of varicose veins in the groin area and labia during pregnancy is not uncommon, doctors have learned to cope with this unpleasant vein disease. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek qualified help in time.


    Causes of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Varicose veins during pregnancy develop as a result of changes in the body of the expectant mother, the structure of her body and a change in the woman’s lifestyle. There are some specific factors that provoke the appearance of this disease:

    1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, but it also has “ by-effect": relaxation of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the ascending veins cannot actively pump blood, stagnation begins, which contributes to even greater dilation of blood vessels - a vicious circle!
    2. Increased venous pressure– blood in pregnant women becomes more fluid. This is necessary to improve blood supply to the fetus. But this is not so good for the veins: they become permanently dilated.
    3. Increased blood clot formation- this is how the body prepares for childbirth so that the woman does not lose too much blood after the placenta separates. But, if varicose veins have already begun, the tendency to thrombosis will only worsen the situation.
    4. Decreased level of physical activity– Pregnant women often prefer to lie down than do some kind of gymnastics. However, if there are no contraindications, gymnastics must be done! Or take long walks. All this improves blood circulation and serves as a prevention of varicose veins. Read more about gymnastics for expectant mothers →

    Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

    By the way, varicose veins happen various types. Consider those that occur most often during pregnancy:

    • varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin - the appearance of swollen veins in the groin, the woman feels “bloating” in this area;
    • varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy are the result of a hereditary predisposition and increased work of the iliac veins. It can also occur as a result of long-term inflammatory processes, abortions, menstrual cycle failure, etc.;
    • Vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy are a fairly common form of the disease, which especially often affects women whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from enlarged veins in the legs;
    • and finally, varicose veins on the legs are the most common form of this disease.

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Not all methods used to treat varicose veins can be applied to women in an “interesting situation.” For example, sclerotherapy (injections of special drugs) and surgery are radical, but also the most effective ways- Strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. They should not be used even if a woman plans to become a mother within the next two years, because then a relapse of the disease is practically unavoidable.

    Therefore, the only remedies for varicose veins during pregnancy that certainly will not harm anyone are to the expectant mother, not the baby - wearing compression garments (special stockings and tights) and various topical products (creams, ointments). If we talk about the latter, products based on heparin (Lioton-gel) and horse chestnut extract (preparations such as Dr. Theiss, Venitan, etc.) have proven themselves well. If your doctor recommends that you wear compression stockings or stockings, be prepared to wear them during childbirth - at this time the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly.

    How does childbirth occur with varicose veins?

    Varicose veins are not at all a contraindication to bearing and giving birth to a baby. You just need to be more careful about your health. The doctor will suggest prevention of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. The question will also arise about how to give birth - natural or by caesarean section. You will decide this together with your gynecologist and phlebologist. If possible, natural childbirth is always preferred. But before giving birth, you will definitely wear compression stockings or bandage your legs with elastic bandages to prevent the backflow of blood during labor.

    Do varicose veins go away after childbirth?

    By the way, many are interested: if during pregnancy the doctor diagnosed varicose veins, then what to expect after childbirth - recovery or, conversely, an aggravation of the situation? No one, not even your attending physician, will give you a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. Some women after giving birth forget about what varicose veins are (at least for a while), while others continue to suffer and look for ways to eliminate this problem. So, how are varicose veins treated after childbirth?

    Today, medicine can offer 2 ways to treat varicose veins: conservative – with the help of medications and operational – by surgical intervention.

    After childbirth, women often develop, in addition to varicose veins, venous thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the vein walls, and venous thrombosis. The symptoms are usually the same: tension of the veins, painful sensations when palpated, redness of the skin on the affected area of ​​the body, up to an increase in temperature. If you observe all these unpleasant phenomena in yourself, immediately contact your doctor and be prepared for him to prescribe hospitalization for you.

    Now you need bed rest, and most of the time your legs should be in an elevated position. If speak about drug treatment during this period, in such cases sulfonamides, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, painkillers are usually prescribed. Sometimes doctors fight the problem with the help of coagulants - drugs that prevent blood clotting. There is one peculiarity: they can be taken no earlier than 3 days after birth to avoid uterine bleeding.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    As always, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Therefore, every woman needs to know about measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, regardless of whether she has a predisposition to this disease.

    If neither you nor your family have ever encountered such a problem, you do not spend all day on your feet and you do not have excess weight– preventing varicose veins will not be difficult. If all these “aggravating” factors are present, then preventive measures you need to resort to it with double diligence: it really gives very good results.

    By the way, remember that each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of the occurrence and development of varicose veins.

    If you notice that swollen venous “nodules” (even very small ones) have appeared on your legs, go to a phlebologist or surgeon: the doctor will monitor you throughout your pregnancy and for some time after childbirth.

    How to avoid varicose veins during pregnancy

    Let long (at least 2 hours) walking walks around the city will become your daily habit. This is a good warm-up for the calf muscles, and blood circulation improves significantly when walking. But in extreme heat it is better to stay home.

    Another great option - swimming: This is both physical activity and a kind of water massage. It is also useful because it has a beneficial effect on the spine, which experiences increasing stress as your tummy grows.

    A contrast shower will also be useful for you, but the temperature difference should not be too great, otherwise you may feel ill (not because of varicose veins, but simply because of an “interesting position”). Be guided by your feelings.

    Be careful when choosing shoes. No high heels! If there is a heel, then it should be low (no more than 3-5 cm) and stable. It should not have elastic bands, ties or laces that squeeze and tighten the leg - this interferes with blood circulation. The same goes for tight elastic socks.

    Throughout the day, try periodically lie down for 15-20 minutes with your legs elevated. Have you seen in films how Americans sit with their feet on the table? We consider this unacceptable, but what an excellent prevention of varicose veins! Of course, you don’t have to put your legs on the table, but on a soft pillow is the way to go.

    Get used to it sleep only on your left side: This relieves the pressure of the uterus on the vein that is on the right side and reduces the venous pressure in the legs. Try placing a small pillow under your stomach, it is very comfortable.

    To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, and simply for good health, try to distribute the time during the day that you spend in the “standing-sitting-lying” positions. Any extremes are unacceptable: you should neither walk to the point of exhaustion, nor lie on the couch for 10 hours straight.

    Do not sit with your legs crossed, especially on a low seat.

    Adjust your nutrition. Firstly, it is important to normalize the functioning of the intestines, and secondly, a special diet, which we will discuss below, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins.

    Diet for varicose veins

    Pay attention to the liquid: there should be a lot of it. This includes water, juices, soups, and vegetables contain a lot of water (cucumbers, for example, consist of 97% of it). Red grape juice is extremely beneficial for you: half a glass a day will reduce platelet activity by 75%.

    Blood clotting is reduced by cranberries, celery, onions, garlic, kiwi, cherries, and tomatoes.

    You also need iodine to reduce blood viscosity and increase the elasticity of vessel walls. It is found in seafood (in particular, seaweed) and iodized salt.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy are not so scary if you know what to do and don’t worry about it again. Follow these recommendations and don’t get sick!



    This disease is unique to humans, as it is a consequence of upright walking. The vertical position of the body facilitates the movement of arterial blood, as it moves from the center to the periphery. It also complicates venous circulation, since the blood overcomes the force of gravity when moving.

    The work of the veins is already difficult: the blood pressure here is much lower, circulation, in fact, is carried out due to the mechanical filling of the vessel. Movement looks like a transfer of fluid volume from one area to another. When blood fills a section of the vein, the lower venous valve closes, the upper one opens, and blood fills the next section.

    Obviously, the completeness of circulation depends on the normal operation of the valves. It is also obvious that flexion and extension of the muscles in the legs and in the pelvic area greatly facilitates their functioning, since it mechanically compresses and releases sections of the veins. Therefore, prevention and treatment of varicose veins include physical activity.

    In a stationary vertical position - standing or sitting, the veins are subject to double stress: the force of gravity exerts its effect, and there is a complete absence of muscle activity.

    As a result, the venous valves work with increasing load, and the blood begins to become pumped. The walls of the vessels are stretched under its weight, and the working cross-section increases. On the one hand, this makes it possible to pump a larger volume of blood under the same pressure, and on the other hand, it does not allow the valve to completely block the vein. As a result, some of the blood flows back and venous stagnation only increases.

    The veins in the legs and pelvic area are most affected. The hands, as a rule, make much more movements, which ensures constant mechanical pushing.

    Causes of the disease

    Of course, the most obvious cause of the disease is the lack of physical activity, which is associated specifically with movement, and not with lifting heavy objects, for example. However, varicose veins during pregnancy are also caused by several other factors.

    • Hormonal background - one of the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy is the production of progesterone and relaxin: they are responsible for relaxing the muscles of the uterus. However, they also cause the connective tissue to become loose, which leads to weakening of the venous valves. The blood begins to stagnate, the veins dilate, which further complicates the operation of the valve. Any vessels are affected: on the ankle, in the pelvic area, in the uterus.
    • High blood pressure - the volume of blood transmitted in pregnant women increases by 50%, which causes dilation of the veins. If before pregnancy the walls of the vessels were already weakened, then the additional load will provoke the development of varicose veins of the pelvis and legs.
    • Thrombosis - since childbirth is accompanied by blood loss, the female body activates various mechanisms that help stop and thicken it. One of them is increased thrombus formation. But if varicose veins of the pelvis or legs are already present, this feature turns into a serious threat. Treatment during pregnancy is always extremely difficult, since most medical devices cannot be used, and surgical intervention is extremely undesirable.
    • Weight - and the sedentary lifestyle associated with it. Of course, it is difficult for the expectant mother to move, especially if she has gained a lot of weight, but it is necessary. Stagnation in the pelvic veins can provoke dilation of the ovarian vein and uterus, and this complication will endanger the life of the child.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy is the need to do exercises. Hiking, gentle forms of fitness, swimming - available exercise significantly reduces the risk of disease and the degree of development. Treatment also necessarily includes accessible exercise.

    Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

    The expansion of veins is primarily observed in weakened areas. If before pregnancy a woman worked, as they say, on her feet, then the ankle and popliteal veins will suffer. If the work involves a sitting position, then the pelvic veins are the first to be affected.

    • Varicose veins on the legs remain the most common form of the disease. It manifests itself traditionally: spider veins appear on the skin, the legs swell in the ankle area, the swelling is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain. Then the dilation of the veins reaches a stage where it is determined visually and causes pain when palpated. Cramps are possible, especially at night.

    Unlike the “normal” course of the disease, varicose veins develop very quickly during pregnancy. A large volume of blood and lymph fluid exerts double pressure, swelling forms faster and the degree of compression of nerve endings is also noticeably higher.

    • Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy are a consequence of dilation of the pelvic veins. The symptoms are similar, but more painful. At the first stage, stars form in the groin area, then the labia are deformed. The process is accompanied by a feeling of pressure, bursting of the vagina from the inside, and then itching and pain as the labia dry out.

    Treatment primarily involves wearing compression garments. Of course, it is recommended to do exercises that activate blood circulation in the pelvic area. Medications may also be prescribed, but with great caution. Under no circumstances should you select venotonic compounds yourself.

    • Varicose veins of the uterus develop both during pregnancy and after. It is expressed in severe pain in the lower abdomen, disturbances and a long duration of the menstrual cycle, if we are talking about non-pregnant women. Since these symptoms correspond to various gynecological diseases, it is difficult to diagnose the disease.

    During pregnancy, treatment is especially difficult, since the choice of treatments is limited.

    The difficulty also lies in the fact that the most severe consequences appear after childbirth, and childbirth is precisely the catalyst. Sometimes the threat is so great that a decision is made to perform a caesarean section.

    Preventive measures

    In fact, all treatment of various forms of varicose veins comes down to measures that can be called prevention. They are also a way to stop the development of the disease. Of course, we are not talking about the extreme stages of the disease, when conservative treatment is undertaken, and in especially acute cases, surgical intervention.

    • Doing exercises is a universal and most effective way. Any form of activity requires flexion and extension of muscles, which literally forces blood to move through the veins. You should not start active sports if you did not have such a useful habit before pregnancy: it will bring nothing but complications and poor health. But walking for 1-2 hours is accessible to everyone.
    • Swimming is an ideal sport for pregnant women. Reducing weight in water allows you to move more freely and do more complex exercises that involve bending. And the load when overcoming a viscous environment activates muscle work.
    • Wearing compression underwear - depending on the lesion, socks, stockings, and compression underwear for the pelvis are used. Its role is mechanical compression of the veins, which facilitates the work of the venous valves.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy are not a contraindication for natural childbirth, with the exception of the extreme stages of development of varicose veins of the uterus and labia. However, he causes a lot of trouble. Heaviness, pain in the legs, in the pelvic area or abdomen are completely unnecessary during pregnancy. In addition, varicose veins are irreversible damage: even the most successful treatment will not eliminate either “stars” or swollen veins.

    Stopping the disease is simple: you need to do exercises and follow the recommendations of a phlebologist.

    A detailed description for our readers: varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin, how to give birth on the website in detail and with photographs.

    Varicose veins are a disease that most often occurs in the lower extremities, where it is characterized by the appearance of thick, swollen veins under the skin and the formation of swelling in the legs. But this disease sometimes affects other parts of the body.

    One of these common problems is varicose veins of the labia, which women suffer from during pregnancy.

    What should you do if varicose veins appear in the groin, in the outer part of the vagina, or on the labia during pregnancy? What treatment methods will help to safely cope with the problem? And most importantly, is it possible to give birth at the same time?

    This disease occurs usually in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it can appear much earlier - women often complain about this problem already at the beginning of the 2nd trimester. In most cases, varicose veins of the labia are formed against the background of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

    This pathology may not be noticed immediately. In the first stages of development, it is formed small soft nodule on the labia, which does not cause any inconvenience. Over time, it begins to grow, causing pain and other unpleasant sensations.

    Often this disease goes away after the baby is born. But this does not mean that you can ignore it, especially if varicose veins continue to increase in size. If a disease is detected, you must consult a doctor, since in advanced cases, varicose veins of the labia during pregnancy can lead to varicose veins of the small pelvis and serious complications that threaten the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

    Causes and risk factors

    This disease is typical specifically for pregnant women, since during this period the body is subjected to great stress. Body weight increases, and changes occur in the hormonal system. Levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen increase sharply, which negatively affects the structure of the veins. They weaken and become more extensible.

    Other common causes of this disease are:

    • The fruit is growing, as a result, the uterus increases in size and compresses the lower part of the vena cava, as well as the iliac veins. This leads to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.
    • Increased blood volume. To ensure that the fetus receives enough oxygen and nutrients, the body begins to produce more blood. It overflows the veins, which, due to increased pressure, stretch and their tone decreases.
    • Chronic diseases of the genital organs characterized by inflammatory processes.
    • Lack of physical activity, lack of mobility. If a woman stands for a long time or sitting position, stagnation occurs in her pelvic organs, blood circulation deteriorates, which contributes to the formation of pathology. The occurrence of inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy can also be associated with sudden physical activity - for example, when lifting weights.
    • Physiological disorders in the structure of venous valves, congenital pathologies of the venous walls, as well as a genetic predisposition to varicose veins.
    • Obesity. While carrying a child, a woman quickly gains weight, and this negatively affects the condition of the lower extremities, since the load on them increases. This contributes to the development of varicose veins of the legs, which often leads to varicose veins of the labia.
    • Constipation. This problem characteristic of almost any woman during pregnancy. The activity of the intestines is disrupted, tension in it increases, resulting in increased pressure on the pelvic vessels, which provokes varicose veins.

    Women who are giving birth more than the first time, carrying several children, as well as those who had previous births with severe complications are predisposed to developing this disease.

    How to give birth

    This disease itself is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. Only if the pathology develops rapidly and the dilation of the veins has reached alarming proportions, can a caesarean section be indicated.

    In any case, before giving birth you need to undergo the necessary examinations that will determine the possibility of natural childbirth. If the disease is detected early, it can be treated before birth.

    After the birth of a child, varicose veins often go away on their own, but if the disease was severe and advanced, it may continue into the postpartum period. Women are at the highest risk of recurrence of varicose veins in intimate areas during their next pregnancy. That's why it's so It is important to see a doctor, follow all his instructions and take preventive measures.

    Danger and complications

    Varicose veins of the perineum are a dangerous condition during pregnancy, which can lead to rupture of altered veins during childbirth and heavy bleeding. Another complication of this disease is acute varicothrombophlebitis, which is characterized by inflammatory processes in the walls of blood vessels with the formation of a blood clot.

    It is for this reason that in severe cases, a cesarean section is prescribed to prevent these complications of varicose veins.


    Before they appear external signs illness, pregnant the woman begins to feel the following unpleasant changes:

    • painful sensations in the perineum;
    • constant itching and burning;
    • the labia appear swollen.

    Discomfort is most pronounced in the evenings, especially if a woman spent many hours during the day in the same position, or if she experienced heavy physical activity.

    Gradually nodules will begin to appear in the labia area. They look like small swellings, soft to the touch. Over time, these nodules expand under the influence of bulging veins, the symptoms become more pronounced, and the aesthetics of the genital organs deteriorate.

    Unpleasant sensations in intimate area cause a lot of inconvenience to a woman it becomes difficult to move, she experiences pain while walking, sitting for long periods of time, and even at night while sleeping. Most expectant mothers are forced to completely abandon sexual contact. And the problem here is not only that they are embarrassed to demonstrate modified genitals, but also fear possible damage to the swollen veins during sexual intercourse.

    Since the slightest friction of clothing on the affected labia causes a lot of suffering, the woman has to wear loose underwear to minimize the contact of clothing with the genitals.


    You can detect the disease yourself by palpating the labia, but still It is recommended to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

    At the first signs of varicose veins of the genital organs during pregnancy, you should visit a phlebologist who will conduct an examination and give the necessary recommendations to prevent the development of the disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe duplex scanning or ultrasound. Only after all these procedures is the course of suitable treatment determined.

    Treatment methods

    Although this disease Most cases go away on their own after the baby is born., certain treatment methods can prevent a number of complications during childbirth and alleviate the patient’s condition.


    The most common method of treating varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy is sclerotherapy. This procedure consists of injecting a special drug into the affected vein, as a result of which its condition is normalized. The injections are carried out in the hospital, the number of procedures depends on the severity of the disease.

    Besides, To increase the tone of the veins, various drugs are used:
    • Troxerutin;
    • Diosmin;
    • Detralex;
    • Hesperidin;
    • Phlebodia;
    • Lyoton;
    • Heparin;
    • Gels, creams and ointments containing ginkgo biloba extract.

    It is not recommended to choose a drug for treatment on your own, since some of them can cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa. You should seek your doctor's approval before using any product.

    Compression underwear

    Wearing special clothing, namely special compression stockings, helps restore the normal state of a swollen vein. Compression garments for varicose veins compress the affected areas, putting pressure on the veins, as a result of which they are in constant tone.

    In parallel with wearing compression garments, to relieve pain and support blood vessels, It is recommended to carry out special gymnastic exercises. For example, you can bend your knees one at a time while lying down. Or get on all fours with your head on the pillow. In this case, the pelvic area will be higher than the head, which will improve the flow of blood from the affected areas and relieve pain.

    Can have a good effect raising on your toes, bending your knees while lying on your left side, or simply walking in place. A specific set of exercises is prescribed by a specialist based on individual indications.

    Prevention measures

    Preventing the appearance of varicose veins on the labia during pregnancy is not a very difficult task. It is enough to follow certain preventive measures:

    • do not wear high heels;
    • reduce the amount of salty and overly spicy foods in your diet, as well as foods high in vitamin C, which contributes to the formation of edema;
    • avoid heavy physical activity, rest more often, but do not neglect regular exercise;
    • control body weight;
    • wear a special bandage that prevents the growing belly from putting unnecessary strain on the legs and pelvic organs;
    • observe the rules of intimate hygiene - carry out hygiene procedures in the mornings and evenings, using special gels instead of soap, change underwear every day, giving preference to materials made from high-quality natural fabrics.

    Varicose veins of the labia in pregnant women - the disease is unpleasant, but not very dangerous. Timely measures taken will help avoid its occurrence and prevent any other types of varicose veins. If the disease begins to manifest itself, you should not delay contacting a doctor. The sooner treatment begins, the less likely it is to develop dangerous complications.

    Varicose veins in the groin during pregnancy are a common phenomenon and, if they occur, require the necessary measures to be taken. Expectant mothers undergo a radical restructuring of the body, so there is nothing surprising in the appearance of varicose veins. However, pathology can be avoided, or at least prevent its further aggravation. In advanced forms, ruptures of blood vessels and heavy blood loss that occur during childbirth are possible, for example.

    What is the cause of the disease?

    As is known, with varicose veins, the vascular structures expand, become thinner, thicken, and characteristic nodularity is observed.

    More specifically, this condition is accompanied by:

    • an increase (moderate or more intense) in certain areas of the lumen of the venous bed;
    • obvious thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
    • gradual formation of nodularity and peculiar tortuosity of the veins.

    A type of this disease is perineal varicose veins during pregnancy. Most often, it is in the groin area that women find such an unpleasant disorder. For some, the problem causes virtually no inconvenience, but sometimes significant discomfort occurs.

    Varicose veins in intimate places are provoked by several factors:

    1. A sudden hormonal change, thanks to which pregnancy proceeds safely. This refers to the increase in progesterone concentration after conception has occurred. The need for the hormone is explained by the fact that the uterine muscles must be in a relaxed state, otherwise the body will simply reject the fetus. And since progesterone causes the venous walls to relax, they become deformed.
    2. Significant increase in venous pressure. Due to the increase in the size and weight of the main reproductive organ, the pelvic veins are forced to take on a gradually increasing load. Because of this pressure, the vessels dilate not only in the groin area, but also on the thighs, legs, legs and even the labia.
    3. A certain increase in blood fluidity and viscosity, resulting in an increased likelihood of blood clots.
    4. By decreasing motor activity most women are pregnant.

    Clinical manifestations

    The longer varicose veins progress, the more intense the symptoms will become.

    The disease can be recognized by many signs:

    • upon visual examination, some swollen areas of venous vessels are visible;
    • as a result of deformation and swelling of the veins, the patient may feel painful discomfort;
    • the condition is often complemented by general weakness, pain in the lower extremities, fatigue, which occurs even with minor exertion;
    • Often pregnant women complain of a feeling of fullness in the groin, as well as swelling of the labia;
    • swelling of the arms or legs is not excluded;
    • Many women experience numbness and tingling in certain areas.

    If vein deformation during pregnancy occurs early in the pregnancy, its manifestations are usually moderate. This pathology develops slowly. But as the birth approaches, there is an increase in symptoms, which sometimes disappear on their own after the birth of the child.

    Unfortunately, some women have to deal with a disease that is quite aggressive and causes complications in the form of bleeding, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose ulcers, and so on. No one can say with certainty how varicose veins will develop in pregnant women. It is better to get tested in advance.

    If you have the following symptoms, you should seek help as soon as possible:

    • the vessels in the groin area are clearly visible, and the formation of nodules or “stars” cannot be ruled out;
    • intimate organs change in appearance - in shape or color;
    • the skin in the groin is dry and flaky;
    • discomfort appears in the form of tingling, burning and itching sensations, which is explained by compression of the nerve endings.

    What are the possible complications?

    If any pathology occurs, of course, you want it to disappear as soon as possible. Varicose veins in the groin area in some women disappear on their own after delivery. But this does not mean that you should wait until the problem resolves itself. Basically, you have to resort to some methods through which you can weaken the existing symptoms.

    Until a pregnant woman gives birth, serious treatment cannot begin. And even if it seems that the disease has subsided during the postpartum period, it is necessary to engage in therapy.

    Expectant mothers should know that pathology can result in:

    1. Hemorrhoids. Due to congestion in the pelvic area, pathological changes are possible in those organs that are located nearby. Appearance hemorrhoids and anal fissures will cause severe discomfort and pain with each act of defecation.
    2. Trophic ulcer or other dermatological disorder in the intimate organs. Problems with the supply of vitamins and oxygen to skin will negatively affect local defenses and regenerative capabilities. As a result, dry skin will be observed, which subsequently may cause various inflammations and rashes. There should be no dermatological problems during pregnancy.
    3. Thrombophlebitis. It is often present together with other blood flow disorders.
    4. Acute placental insufficiency. This situation is considered extremely dangerous for the baby. If doctors fail to normalize fetal blood circulation within a few hours, the baby faces intrauterine death.

    Only a pregnant woman’s conscious attitude towards her condition will help prevent all possible risks.

    Ways to combat the disease

    What to do if inguinal varicose veins were discovered during pregnancy? Naturally, the disease cannot be ignored under any circumstances. But at the same time, treatment methods must be selected in such a way that neither the mother’s body nor the child are harmed.

    To restore blood flow in the pelvis, increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, as well as improve immunity, doctors prescribe treatment with:

    1. Medications. Typically, a patient who is due to give birth after a certain period of time is prescribed drugs that stimulate the regenerative abilities of the connective tissues located in the perineal area. If necessary, creams and ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect are used. They contribute to a fairly rapid increase in local protective forces. If there is infection or viral damage to the pelvic organs, then antibiotic agents with a local effect will be appropriate. As a result, the pathogen is eliminated, while Negative consequences none. The tone of the veins is increased with the use of Troxerutin, Detralex, Hesperidin, Lyoton, Heparin, as well as preparations containing ginkgo biloba extract.
    2. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors do not resort to them very often. Electrophoresis or ultraviolet lamps are used against the disease. The duration of the procedure is influenced by the degree of venous damage, the general condition of the mother and child, and how far along the pregnant woman is.
    3. Surgical intervention. The operation is always prescribed only under one condition: if the expectant mother or baby is in serious danger. The surgical procedure is very risky, since all manipulations will be carried out near the reproductive organs and placenta.
    4. Folk or homeopathic remedies. Their use is allowed only if other methods are available, and after consultation with a doctor. It is forbidden to use folk methods at your own discretion. There are quite a large number of herbs, the effects of which can cause uterine hypertonicity.

    Doctors say that when the pathology is mild, it is better to constantly monitor it without the use of medications or other methods that may be dangerous. Although you can use topical products or wear special compression garments.

    Should I be afraid of natural childbirth?

    It is not surprising that women who are preparing for future motherhood are very worried about how to give birth if they have varicose veins in the groin area. This issue will be resolved only by the attending physician. He will make the final decision based on the examination data, the condition of the pregnant woman, the position of the fetus in the womb, and so on.

    For many women, if varicose veins are located on initial stage, natural childbirth is recommended. The main thing is that there are no contraindications for any other pathologies.

    The patient will be prepared for a caesarean section if certain symptoms are present:

    1. If, due to the development of varicose veins in the groin area, the veins have become so deformed that even the slightest pressure can cause rupture of the walls. The situation will result in severe blood loss, which most likely cannot be eliminated. Accordingly, the death of the woman in labor or her baby cannot be ruled out.
    2. If there are serious problems with the patency of the birth canal. The anatomical structure of the birth canal may be damaged due to venous expansion or the appearance of nodes.

    Do not panic in advance until the doctor conducts a full examination. The probability of a successful birth always exists. You just need to follow the specialist’s recommendations and avoid self-medication.

    Methods for preventing pathology

    Prevention should never be forgotten. This is especially true for pregnant women. Naturally, everyone wants everything to be okay with the baby and for as few difficulties to arise during labor as possible.

    Therefore, pregnant women should:

    1. Swimming regularly. Thanks to moderate activity while in the pool, the organs of the expectant mother, as well as the baby, function normally. In water, a woman will move smoothly, while evenly distributing body weight and restoring blood flow in the intimate area. You should talk to your doctor about exercise. The result of the classes will not take long to arrive. Since the legs and spinal column suffer greatly during pregnancy, swimming will help relieve the stress.
    2. Take care to normalize stool. The quality of life and the very health of the expectant mother can seriously deteriorate due to the occurrence of stagnation of blood in absolutely all organs located in the pelvis. Constipation definitely needs to be dealt with. If the kidneys and heart work harmoniously, the fluid should enter the body in an amount of 1.5-2 liters. It is also necessary to eat greens and vegetables that contain high concentrations of plant fiber.
    3. Wear compression medical underwear. Such clothes are selected individually. Even after a few days of using the underwear, the discomfort due to the dilation of blood vessels in the groin will subside. Before going to bed, underwear must be removed, otherwise pinching of the veins is possible.
    4. Avoid high-heeled shoes.
    5. Salty and spicy foods should be almost completely eliminated from your daily diet. The rule also applies to those products in which vitamin C is present in excessive doses, since it causes swelling.
    6. Avoid excessive fatigue. Regular rest is indicated. It is important to constantly perform the gymnastic exercises recommended by your doctor.
    7. Regulate your weight.
    8. Always maintain intimate hygiene. The genitals should never smell bad. Hygiene procedures are appropriate at least in the morning and evening hours. Soap should be replaced with a special gel. Underwear should change every day, and you should only choose products made from high-quality natural material.
    9. Go out into the fresh air for walks.
    10. See a gynecologist regularly, especially if you notice certain negative changes in your health.

    Summing up, we can say with almost certainty that although this disease is quite unpleasant in terms of symptoms, it can be dealt with quite successfully. Only timely detection of pathological changes guarantees effective treatment. Those who ignore the problem or use ineffective methods risk developing dangerous complications. Therefore, if a pregnant woman takes her health seriously, specialists will be able to help her overcome the difficulties that have arisen. Moreover, there are enough ways to eliminate the disease while carrying a baby.

    The content of the article: There is no woman who has never heard of such manifestations as stars, swelling, heaviness, dilated veins, etc. All of them are associated with one rather unpleasant and serious disease - varicose veins. It is considered a women's disease, although men also suffer from it. This pathology mainly occurs in expectant mothers (about 80% of all affected representatives of the fair sex). Therefore, the question quite naturally arises - how does childbirth occur with varicose veins, what is the danger and what are the features of the process.

    About the disease: what are varicose veins?

    The disease has been known since ancient times; even ancient medical treatises described methods of treating it. The essence is the swelling, expansion, thinning and increase in size of the superficial vessels that carry blood to the heart. These vessels are veins. The muscle tissue in them is very thin, and the blood flows in the right direction thanks to the valves. So, the disease damages them, or with it they are completely absent. This valve failure is considered the trigger for the development of the disease.

    Most often the disease manifests itself on the legs. Although women (especially during pregnancy) are often affected by varicose veins of the following localization:

    uterus, etc.

    But even under such circumstances, childbirth with varicose veins is often carried out naturally.

    Causes of varicose veins

    The disease is called primary if the wall of the large vein was initially weak. Or when the disease occurs due to congenital dysfunction of the valves. And secondary - if problems arose due to pregnancy, excessive stress, etc. All of these are causes of varicose veins, including:

    Walking straight;

    “stationary” lifestyle;
    hormonal disorders;
    prolonged “standing” on your feet;
    obesity and many other factors.

    Of course, if you monitor your health and pay attention to any changes and symptoms in a timely manner, you can prevent the onset of the disease. Expectant mothers especially need to be careful, as they are a high risk factor. In addition to the fact that pregnancy itself is the cause of the appearance of varicose veins, the development of the disease can also be accompanied by excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle and hormonal surges.

    Symptoms of varicose veins

    Varicose veins do not appear “suddenly”; they develop over time. Therefore, you need to know the first signs of the disease so as not to miss it. These include:

    Leg pain;
    changes in the appearance of the veins (they become thicker, darker);
    tingling, burning;
    cramps at night.

    Is it possible to give birth with varicose veins?

    Everything is clear with the disease. But the most painful question that concerns women suffering from the disease is whether it is possible to give birth with varicose veins? The answer is yes. But the method of conducting labor in this case depends not on the wishes of the woman in labor, but on the developing obstetric situation, the degree of development of the disease, the place of its manifestation, etc. Labor is carried out under strict control, in compliance with all requirements for the management of such childbirth, taking into account possible risks and complications. In addition to the gynecologist, a phlebologist should also take part in all this, if possible.

    To a large extent, only childbirth with varicose veins in the legs can be natural. This is the mildest form of the disease and the most common, often going away on its own after the baby is born. How to give birth with varicose veins in the uterus or groin? In other locations of this venous pathology, most likely, a cesarean section will be considered as a method of delivery. Most likely, but not necessarily.

    Childbirth with different types of varicose veins

    There are several types of diseases that affect labor and the characteristics of childbirth.

    1. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. It has already been mentioned. This is the most common form. With a normal course and compliance with all necessary measures, a woman can give birth on her own. With such a pathology, you cannot do without special equipment. That is, the expectant mother should wear anti-varicose stockings during childbirth or her legs should be wrapped with an elastic bandage (this is done for any location of the disease). This is necessary in order to avoid blood reflux through the veins during the pushing stage.

    2. Varicose veins in the groin. In this case, natural delivery is also not prohibited. Of course, this depends on the degree of development of the pathology and its severity. If the manifestations are severe (there are serious difficulties in the movement of blood through the vessels), then the doctor will most likely insist on surgery. For childbirth with varicose veins in the groin, in order for it to go smoothly, a woman needs to prepare seriously and thoroughly, not forgetting to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and preventive measures during pregnancy. These include:

    Monitoring nutrition and personal well-being;
    wearing the right clothes (non-constrictive, made from natural fabrics, compression underwear and tights) and shoes (comfortable and comfortable);
    refusal of a bath and hot shower in favor of a contrast one;
    treatment, etc.

    3. Varicose veins of the uterus. It may not manifest itself at all, appearing in all its glory during pregnancy. The disease occurs:

    Due to inflammatory processes of the reproductive organ,
    irregular cycle;
    uncontrolled use of contraceptives,
    genetic failure;
    hormonal disorders and other factors.

    Varicose veins that appear in the uterus when carrying a baby are a natural process, since he (the baby) is later compresses the uterine veins. But if the disease was present initially, that is, before pregnancy, then, of course, an interesting situation can only aggravate the situation and lead to various complications.

    Childbirth for varicose veins of the uterus is recommended only surgically. Natural ones cause such tension in the organ that this force can rupture a vein.

    The same can be said about cervical varicose veins. In addition, impaired blood flow will not allow the uterus to open normally. Therefore, surgical delivery for cervical varicose veins is also recommended.

    4. Vaginal varicose veins. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of pathological vasodilation in this place, most of them are associated with pregnancy. Childbirth with vaginal varicose veins depends on the severity of the disease. Natural delivery takes place under the full supervision of a doctor, because without pushing, the eruption of the baby’s head can cause a rupture of the vein.

    At the moment of pushing, the doctor squeezes the affected area, protecting it from overflowing with blood. To prevent varicose veins (both large and invisible) from rupturing, perineotomy and episiotomy of the perineum are performed.

    Varicose veins sometimes go away after the birth of a child, as the main factor in the development of the disease, pregnancy, disappears.

    And yet childbirth and varicose veins of the small pelvis are compatible. And even natural delivery is possible, if the condition of the blood vessels allows it and does not threaten the life and health of the mother and baby.

    Features of childbirth with thrombosis

    A disease called thrombosis is characterized by the formation of blood clots (clots) in the deep veins (usually the legs). Men are more often affected, but pregnancy and oral contraceptive use (and, of course, some other factors) make the disease common among women.

    Childbirth with deep vein thrombosis takes place taking into account the intensity of the thrombotic process and the situation as a whole. Everything is decided only individually. If the thrombosis is not floating, then the baby can be born naturally, of course, when there are no other indications for surgery. At the same time, therapy with drugs that prevent thrombus formation is carried out. Heparin (anticoagulant) is discontinued 6 hours before the expected onset of labor. And the administration of the drug is resumed after the same time.

    If a patient is diagnosed with floating thrombosis, but a normal birth is possible only after a vena cava filter is implanted into a vein - a device similar to a metal umbrella (or tulip) that catches blood clots moved by the blood flow. The vena cava filter is implanted into the lumen of the inferior vena cava.

    Without installing a filter, only surgical delivery is allowed.

    Why is varicose veins dangerous during childbirth?

    In general, the consequences of advanced varicose veins are thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. And disruption of blood flow in the uterus affects hormonal levels, resulting in:

    The level of female hormones drops;
    the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
    infertility develops (when everything is completely neglected).

    And every expectant mother needs to know the dangers of varicose veins during childbirth. Moreover, if she directly encountered this trouble. So, the following complications are possible:

    Early breaking of water;

    vessel rupture;
    formation of hematomas;
    short contractions;
    placental abruption, etc.

    There is a danger of complications from varicose veins during childbirth. But an experienced doctor will minimize all negative consequences. If a rupture does occur, a quick examination is performed, the wounds are sutured, the vessels are tied up and covered with ice.

    To reduce all risks, a woman herself should not start the disease: undergo a timely examination, follow all doctor’s instructions, and lead the healthiest lifestyle possible. And then through joint efforts we can get a positive result. Most often, the disease recedes, but it should still alert you and force you to be more attentive to your health, in particular, to your blood vessels.

    Make an appointment with a doctor in your cityClinics in your city

    You have probably heard about such a disease as varicose veins. It is associated with persistent irreversible expansion of the veins and, as a result, disruption of normal blood flow. Varicose veins are most often observed in the lower part of the body - on the legs, on the genitals, in the pelvis. One of the favorable factors for the occurrence of such changes is pregnancy. Of course, this does not mean that if you become pregnant, you will definitely encounter this disease: only half of women experience varicose veins during pregnancy. If a woman has suffered from it before, then while carrying a baby the disease will most likely begin to progress.

    Causes of varicose veins during pregnancy

    Varicose veins during pregnancy develop as a result of changes in the body of the expectant mother, the structure of her body and a change in the woman’s lifestyle. There are some specific factors that provoke the appearance of this disease:

    1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which relaxes the muscles of the uterus, but it also has a “side effect”: relaxation of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the ascending veins cannot actively pump blood, stagnation begins, which contributes to even greater dilation of blood vessels - a vicious circle!
    2. Increased venous pressure– blood in pregnant women becomes more fluid. This is necessary to improve blood supply to the fetus. But this is not so good for the veins: they become permanently dilated.
    3. Increased blood clot formation- this is how the body prepares for childbirth so that the woman does not lose too much blood after the placenta separates. But, if varicose veins have already begun, the tendency to thrombosis will only worsen the situation.
    4. Decreased level of physical activity– Pregnant women often prefer to lie down than do some kind of gymnastics. However, if there are no contraindications, gymnastics must be done! Or take long walks. All this improves blood circulation and serves as a prevention of varicose veins. Read more about gymnastics for expectant mothers →

    Types of varicose veins during pregnancy

    By the way, varicose veins come in different types. Consider those that occur most often during pregnancy:

    • varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin - the appearance of swollen veins in the groin, the woman feels “bloating” in this area;
    • varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy are the result of a hereditary predisposition and increased work of the iliac veins. It can also occur as a result of long-term inflammatory processes, abortions, menstrual cycle failure, etc.;
    • Vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy are a fairly common form of the disease, which especially often affects women whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from enlarged veins in the legs;
    • and finally, varicose veins on the legs are the most common form of this disease.

    Treatment of varicose veins

    Not all methods used to treat varicose veins can be applied to women in an “interesting situation.” For example, sclerotherapy (injections of special drugs) and surgery - radical, but also the most effective methods - are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. They should not be used even if a woman plans to become a mother within the next two years, because then a relapse of the disease is practically unavoidable.

    Therefore, the only remedies for varicose veins during pregnancy that will certainly not harm either the expectant mother or the baby are: wearing compression garments(special stockings and tights) and various topical products(creams, ointments). If we talk about the latter, products based on heparin (Lioton-gel) and horse chestnut extract (preparations such as Dr. Theiss, Venitan, etc.) have proven themselves well. If your doctor recommends that you wear compression stockings or stockings, be prepared to wear them during childbirth - at this time the risk of developing thrombosis increases significantly.

    How does childbirth occur with varicose veins?

    Varicose veins are not at all a contraindication to bearing and giving birth to a baby. You just need to be more careful about your health. The doctor will suggest prevention of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. The question will also arise about how to give birth - natural or by caesarean section. You will decide this together with your gynecologist and phlebologist. If possible, natural childbirth is always preferred. But before giving birth, you will definitely wear compression stockings or bandage your legs with elastic bandages to prevent the backflow of blood during labor.

    Do varicose veins go away after childbirth?

    By the way, many are interested: if during pregnancy the doctor diagnosed varicose veins, then what to expect after childbirth - recovery or, conversely, an aggravation of the situation? No one, not even your attending physician, will give you a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. Some women after giving birth forget about what varicose veins are (at least for a while), while others continue to suffer and look for ways to eliminate this problem. So, how are varicose veins treated after childbirth?

    Today, medicine can offer 2 ways to treat varicose veins: conservative– with the help of medications and operational– by surgical intervention.

    After childbirth, women often develop, in addition to varicose veins, venous thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the vein walls, and venous thrombosis. The symptoms are usually the same: tension of the veins, painful sensations when palpated, redness of the skin on the affected area of ​​the body, up to an increase in temperature. If you observe all these unpleasant phenomena in yourself, immediately contact your doctor and be prepared for him to prescribe hospitalization for you.

    Now you need bed rest, and most of the time your legs should be in an elevated position. If we talk about drug treatment during this period, then in such cases sulfonamides, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, painkillers are usually prescribed. Sometimes doctors fight the problem with the help of coagulants - drugs that prevent blood clotting. There is one peculiarity: they can be taken no earlier than 3 days after birth to avoid uterine bleeding.

    Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy

    As always, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Therefore, every woman needs to know about measures to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, regardless of whether she has a predisposition to this disease.

    If neither you nor your family have ever encountered such a problem, you do not spend all day on your feet and you are not overweight, preventing varicose veins will not be difficult. If all these “aggravating” factors are present, then preventive measures must be resorted to with double diligence: this really gives very good results.

    By the way, remember that each subsequent pregnancy increases the risk of the occurrence and development of varicose veins.

    If you notice that swollen venous “nodules” (even very small ones) have appeared on your legs, go to a phlebologist or surgeon: the doctor will monitor you throughout your pregnancy and for some time after childbirth.

    How to avoid varicose veins during pregnancy

    Let long (at least 2 hours) walking walks around the city will become your daily habit. This is a good warm-up for the calf muscles, and blood circulation improves significantly when walking. But in extreme heat it is better to stay home.

    Another great option - swimming: This is both physical activity and a kind of water massage. It is also useful because it has a beneficial effect on the spine, which experiences increasing stress as your tummy grows.

    A contrast shower will also be useful for you, but the temperature difference should not be too great, otherwise you may feel ill (not because of varicose veins, but simply because of an “interesting position”). Be guided by your feelings.

    Be careful when choosing shoes. No high heels! If there is a heel, then it should be low (no more than 3-5 cm) and stable. It should not have elastic bands, ties or laces that squeeze and tighten the leg - this interferes with blood circulation. The same goes for tight elastic socks.

    Throughout the day, try periodically lie down for 15-20 minutes with your legs elevated. Have you seen in films how Americans sit with their feet on the table? We consider this unacceptable, but what an excellent prevention of varicose veins! Of course, you don’t have to put your legs on the table, but on a soft pillow is the way to go.

    Get used to it sleep only on your left side: This relieves the pressure of the uterus on the vein that is on the right side and reduces the venous pressure in the legs. Try placing a small pillow under your stomach, it is very comfortable.

    To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, and simply for good health, try to distribute the time during the day that you spend in the “standing-sitting-lying” positions. Any extremes are unacceptable: you should neither walk to the point of exhaustion, nor lie on the couch for 10 hours straight.

    Do not sit with your legs crossed, especially on a low seat.

    Adjust your nutrition. Firstly, it is important to normalize the functioning of the intestines, and secondly, a special diet, which we will discuss below, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins.

    Diet for varicose veins

    Pay attention to the liquid: there should be a lot of it. This includes water, juices, soups, and vegetables contain a lot of water (cucumbers, for example, consist of 97% of it). Red grape juice is extremely beneficial for you: half a glass a day will reduce platelet activity by 75%.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy in the groin are observed in 25-29% of women. This common occurrence is due to changes that occur in the body during gestation. Varicose veins appear in the form of spider veins, meshwork, which shine through thin skin without rising above its level. As the disease progresses, varicose nodes may form.

    The main causes of varicose veins in pregnant women can be divided into endogenous and exogenous:

    • hereditary venous insufficiency;
    • physical inactivity;
    • prolonged forced posture;
    • wearing high heels;
    • excess weight;
    • hormonal disbalance;
    • some chronic diseases and pathologies of organs (heart, liver, spleen, etc.);
    • changes due to age;
    • poor posture and flat feet;
    • taking certain types of medications (oral contraceptives, steroids);
    • increased intracranial pressure, which causes:
    • constipation;
    • pregnancy, etc.

    In women, the state of the venous system is determined by the morphological and physiological characteristics of the body. Thus, some scientists suggest that a special gene, which is inherited and linked to gender, is responsible for the pathology of veins in women’s bodies. It determines the ratio of collagen and elastin in the walls of veins.

    In addition, if hemodynamics in the deep veins are disrupted, blood is discharged into the saphenous veins. The subcutaneous tissue structure in women has characteristic differences. Well-developed subcutaneous tissue divides the tissue into sectors by connective tissue bridges. In women with loose subcutaneous tissue, as a rule, the veins are thin-walled and tortuous. “Jumpers” put pressure on the thinned walls, further preventing the outflow of blood.

    The state of the muscular layer of the venous wall in women is also influenced by the amount of sex hormones.

    When estrogen levels decrease due to pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, menopause, the so-called “corpus luteum” hormones appear, which relax the muscles of the venous wall.

    According to statistics, varicose veins occur in 70% of women who have experienced menstrual irregularities during pregnancy.
    During pregnancy, an increased risk of developing venous pathology is associated with:

    • mechanical pressure – fetal enlargement puts pressure on the inferior vena cava and impedes blood flow;
    • impaired circulation - during pregnancy, blood volume increases and its outflow from the heart increases, which creates additional stress on the pelvic veins;
    • an increase in progesterone levels affects the tone of muscle tissue in the walls of the veins, significantly relaxing them;
    • impaired hemostasis is accompanied by an increase in blood clotting and an increase in its viscosity, which leads to thrombus formation.

    Exogenous factors aggravate the course of the pathological process in a woman. Physical activity associated with work activities, hypothermia, the habit of crossing legs, etc.

    Dilated veins in the groin can be localized on the pubis, labia, and inguinal folds. Varicose veins with such localization bring discomfort to a woman during pregnancy.

    Symptoms of varicose veins are almost the same for any location. They are presented:
    In the initial stage, the symptoms of the pathology appear as follows:

    • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the groin area;
    • a feeling of tingling or numbness when sitting for long periods of time;
    • swelling, itching, burning.

    As the disease progresses, the manifestation of symptoms increases:

    • “stars” or an interweaving of thin capillaries in the form of a mesh appear;
    • dilated veins appear, tortuous and deformed;
    • the color of adjacent tissues changes;
    • the pain is felt radiating uzh aya in the lumbosacral region or leg;
    • inflamed areas with hyperemic skin are visible;
    • During palpation, dense thrombosed nodes are felt along the vein;
    • the skin in the groin becomes dry and feels tight;
    • discomfort does not go away after rest.

    Symptoms depend on the nature and stage of varicose veins. If the process escalates, varicose veins can lead to serious complications. Symptoms increase, pain is felt not only after physical activity, but also in a calm state.

    For quick and effective disposal our readers recommend the cream for varicose veins" VARIUS". The product eliminates varicose veins in one course, quickly and effectively, it consists only of natural ingredients. VARIUS is completely safe. The product has no side effects.

    There is an itching and burning sensation inside the damaged vein. Due to insufficient blood supply, skin nutrition is disrupted, melatonin is deposited in damaged cells, staining the epidermis in a dark color, and sometimes there is a visual enlargement and deformation of the labia.
    Varicose veins in the groin are usually detected by a gynecologist during examination. However, treatment is prescribed by a vascular therapist. To further clarify the diagnosis, the results of a blood test and ultrasound are required. The study is carried out as follows:

    • transabdominal;
    • transvaginally.

    In the first case, ultrasound waves pass through the anterior abdominal wall, and in the second, ultrasound occurs when a special transducer - sensor is inserted into the vagina.

    This type of research is safe even early stages pregnancy and has greater diagnostic capabilities compared to the transabdominal method.

    After detailed analysis of the results, additional research may be required:

    • computed tomography or MRI;
    • dopplerography;
    • laparoscopy.

    These methods are not used during pregnancy, so the disease is so dangerous during this period that the woman’s condition imposes certain restrictions on diagnostic procedures and the use of therapeutic methods.

    Based on the results of a set of studies, the doctor develops a treatment strategy taking into account all the features of the condition and associated pathologies.

    Treatment of varicose veins in the groin area

    Contraindicated during pregnancy surgical methods and taking many groups of medications. Therefore, treatment of varicose veins is difficult. First of all, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle. She needs:

    • eat properly and balanced;
    • avoid constipation;
    • lead active image life - walk in the fresh air, exercise according to a physical therapy program specially developed by a doctor. Water aerobics, yoga, and dancing have proven themselves to be excellent. There are now many programs designed for expectant mothers;
    • Be sure to use special compression hosiery for pregnant women. It helps maintain the venous wall, distribute pressure in the pelvic organs, legs and abdominal cavity;
    • correctly alternate physical activity and rest;
    • avoid stress.

    In some cases, taking medications cannot be avoided. The doctor should prescribe the most gentle treatment for the woman and develop an individual treatment regimen for varicose veins in the groin.
    The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of ointments, creams and gels for the treatment of varicose veins.

    In the initial stage of the disease, they act effectively and can both relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and prevent further development of the disease. During gestation, you can use products based on natural ingredients. Depending on the active substance included in the drug, they are divided into several groups:

    • heparin derivatives, which have an antithrombotic effect, relieve inflammation of the vascular wall, and normalize vascular permeability. Many ointments contain substances that promote deep penetration of heparin into tissues, have an analgesic effect and stimulate local blood circulation. This group includes Heparin ointment, Dolobene, Hepatrombin. Lyoton1000, Thrombophobe, Trombless. Venolife and others. These drugs prevent platelet aggregation, reducing the risk of blood clots. Heparin promotes the resorption of existing blood clots. Creams and gels relieve swelling, restore the vascular wall, increase the tone of the veins and relieve the manifestations of varicose veins - itching, pain and a feeling of fullness, discomfort.
    • External products based on herbal components (horse chestnut, ginkgo biloba, red grape leaves, sweet clover, etc.) - Venitan, Venen, Troxevasin, Antistax, Escin, Venastat, Ginkor, Doctor Theiss gel, Reparil-gel, etc. Preparations strengthen venous walls, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood supply to tissues, and have anticoagulant properties.
    • Medicines based on non-steroidal synthetic substances include: Dichloren. Voltaren-gel, Diclofenac, Fastum-gel, etc. They relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of edema, repair blood vessels, and improve blood flow.

    External use should be used in accordance with the instructions for the drug and as prescribed by a doctor.

    Even some external medications are prohibited for use in various phases of gestation.

    Varicose veins in the groin are not a contraindication to natural delivery. Only in exceptional cases can a doctor recommend a caesarean section.