• How to properly care for your facial skin - complete step-by-step instructions. Facial skin care - tips and secrets of a cosmetologist


    Dear readers, greetings to everyone! With you is makeup artist Olga Ramazanova. In my practice, I have often encountered the fact that women simply do not know how or do not want to use skin care cosmetics. As a result, there appear premature aging faces, age spots, deep wrinkles, and even serious diseases of the dermis.

    But all these problems can be avoided or delayed! If you care about your beauty and health, then read this article on how to care for your facial skin at home.

    Skin types

    Dermatologists distinguish several skin types: oily, combination, normal and dry. The main indicator for their separation is the degree of sebum secretion. Each type needs to be cared for differently. Let's discuss this issue in detail.

    Oily skin

    • Oily skin often has enlarged pores and shine if you don't wash your face for a long time. You will have to take special care of it, because inflammation in the form of comedones and acne may appear on it. Be sure to carry out the care procedure at least 2 times a day (you can even 3 times in the summer).
    • In the morning and evening, you need to wash your face with gel or foam for washing. If there is no inflammation, then you can use a sponge or facial brush.
    • After this, the face is wiped with a toner to tighten pores and restore acid balance.
    • Finally, a very light cream (or gel cream) is applied.
    • It is advisable to scrub your face every other day and use absorbent masks. Mattifying wipes will help remove excess sebum throughout the day.

    look after problem person need to be more careful. In this case, it would be correct to contact a cosmetologist. My advice is as follows: reduce any contact of the dermis with sources of bacteria - towel, washcloth, makeup brushes, sponges, hands and even glasses.

    It won’t hurt to iron the pillowcase you sleep on every time. You should also exclude the use of scrubs and peels. Be very careful about different medicinal products from inflammation, it is better to consult a specialist.

    Combination skin

    • Combined type characterized by an oily “T” zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry cheeks. To solve all the problems of such a person, you need to carefully select cosmetics.
    • Light textures with a moisturizing effect are suitable.
    • Care takes place, as always, in 3 stages: cleansing, toning and nutrition (washing, tonic and day/night cream).
    • You can use the scrub twice a week, Special attention focusing on problem areas where pores are clogged. After this, it is ideal to apply a deep hydration mask.

    Normal skin

    • Normal skin is very rare today. There is no oily sheen or dryness on it.
    • The main task of care in this case is to prolong beauty and not cause harm. Cosmetics should be nourishing and moisturizing with protective properties.
    • Twice a day you need to complete all 3 steps that I wrote about above.
    • Additionally, care procedures can be carried out depending on the season or the woman’s health condition (after childbirth, surgery or other stress).

    Dry skin

    • The main problem of dry dermis is the premature appearance of wrinkles. It may be dull, flaky and red.
    • Often it becomes sensitive because there is not enough protective layer of sebum on it. Appear allergic reactions for cosmetics and household chemicals, water, cold and heat.
    • For this type, cosmetics should be as nutritious as possible. In this case, you can cleanse your face with micellar water and not wash your face so as not to dry out the dermis.
    • Tonic must be alcohol-free.
    • It is better to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid (a powerful moisturizing component), urea and a protective SPF filter.

    Zone around eyes

    The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, so it requires special treatment. Regular face cream has a thicker texture and is not absorbed by the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, you need to choose a special cream that will solve your problem: puffiness, dark circles or expression lines.

    It must be applied after cleansing the face twice a day. massage lines(like on a picture). Movements should be light and patting. It is important not to get close to the edge of the eyelid so that the cream does not get into your eyes.

    Seasonal features

    In winter, you also need protection, but from the cold. Skin care products should be nutritious and contain vitamins, which are supplied in insufficient quantities from food during this period.

    In conclusion, I want to say that in addition to store-bought cosmetics, you can use “grandmother’s recipes” based on herbs, oils and other improvised means. This will help you save money and be sure that the ingredients are natural. The main thing is that the recipes are proven and quite simple.

    I wish you success in achieving your ideal of beauty! Subscribe to new blog articles and share links to articles in in social networks. See you!

    Looking healthy and well-groomed means not only to please others, but also to feel strong, confident and accomplished.

    Experts in the field of cosmetology note that not all representatives of the fair sex know how to care for their facial skin. Many women use cosmetics incorrectly and carry out various procedures without accurate information about their real effects, which is not in the best possible way affects appearance, and sometimes even well-being. Dispelling myths about facial skin care is the purpose of this article.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    You need to start fighting the signs of aging at an early age

    Statements of this kind are beneficial to manufacturers and sellers of expensive cosmetic products. In an effort to increase the number of consumers by any means, unscrupulous advertising creators mislead young women.

    In fact, the use of creams with an anti-aging effect for girls is more harmful than beneficial. Their skin itself produces required quantity hyaluronic acid, collagen and other substances that support its tone and healthy looking. A decrease in the intensity of this process usually begins after 30 years. And if a young girl starts using “anti-aging” products, the natural functions of the skin fade faster and signs of aging appear earlier.

    It does not follow from this that there is no need to take care of your facial skin when you are young. You just need to select cosmetics according to your age and needs (for example, creams for sensitive, problematic, oily or dry skin).

    Skin care products need to be changed from time to time

    There is an opinion that it is harmful for the skin to get used to certain cosmetic products. Allegedly, with prolonged use of a cream of a certain composition, the effect of its active components weakens.

    This is wrong. Finding cosmetics that perfectly suit the needs of the skin in each specific case is quite difficult. If the problem has been solved, the selected cream should be used as long as it keeps the face in optimal condition. Otherwise, a woman risks harming her health and appearance and spending a lot of money looking for a replacement that is completely unnecessary at the moment.

    Refusal from the usual cream causes withdrawal syndrome

    This is also a marketing ploy by manufacturers and sellers trying to force customers to purchase expensive cosmetics for future use.

    In fact, creams, lotions, foams, gels and other products intended for facial care do not contain ingredients strong enough to cause addiction or a painful withdrawal response. If, when you give up certain cosmetic products, your facial skin begins to look worse, most likely the cause is inappropriate products used to replace the discontinued ones.

    The most effective cosmetics with hormones

    Some women firmly believe that certain “hormonal” creams will return their skin to the state it was 10 or even 20 years ago. An equally widespread assertion is that stopping such drugs within a few days turns a young beauty into an old woman.

    Both are not true. The Russian market does not offer any cosmetic creams containing hormones. This name usually refers to products containing phytoestrogens (substances of plant origin with hormone-like activity). They do not create miracles of rejuvenation and are not particularly effective - this is just a myth supported by advertising. But the abolition of such funds does not lead to catastrophic consequences for appearance.

    You can combine cosmetics from different manufacturers without harming your skin.

    The safety of combining products from different manufacturers is largely a matter of luck. There is always a chance that the resulting mixture of ingredients will lead to allergies.

    It is not without reason that large companies that value their reputation create sets of cosmetics intended for a certain age or solving certain problems. The drugs included in this line include the same active ingredients and combine well with each other.

    There are creams “for any skin”

    This is a myth specifically aimed at women who want to save time and money when choosing cosmetics. There is no cream suitable for skin of any type and age.

    It is quite difficult to determine what substances the skin needs at the moment. Sometimes a woman simply cannot do this on her own, and the selection of cosmetics must be entrusted to a specialist.

    Night cream should be used immediately before bed

    Night creams are usually thick, rich in active ingredients. When applied right before going to bed, this product either smears onto the pillow without having time to be absorbed, or clogs the pores, making it impossible for the skin to breathe.

    For the cream to work correctly, it must be applied 2-3 hours before bedtime, and after 30-40 minutes, blot your face with a soft cloth. If this is not possible, it is better to avoid applying cream at night.

    Fat cream must be applied to the skin before going out into the cold

    During the cold season, a nourishing or protective cream is applied to the face at least an hour before going outside. If you do not allow the product to be absorbed, it will harden in the cold and turn into a crust that can injure the skin.

    Moisturizer in winter can only be used in cases where a woman does not intend to leave the heated room in the next few hours.

    It is better to use cosmetics that do not contain preservatives

    Most industrially produced cosmetic products contain preservatives that prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and extend the shelf life of products. You can do without preservatives only if the cosmetics are not intended to be stored for more than a few days.

    However, not all preservatives are harmful (just as not all natural ingredients are safe). To avoid troubles, it makes sense to choose products from well-known manufacturers and purchase them at specialized retail outlets.

    Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yana Yutskovskaya answers your questions

    How to care for your skin

    I am 26 years old and I still have a problem face (blackheads and pimples, which appear especially actively during menstruation). I have now revised my diet: I drink 1.5 liters of water a day, I don’t eat anything harmful (except for sweets), but nothing helps. Tell me, what else needs to be done?

    Most often, the first foci of skin inflammation herald the arrival of menstruation already a week in advance: this is how our skin reacts to the change hormonal levels. In the middle of everyone menstrual cycle the genitals increase the production of androgens. This process immediately affects the condition of the sebaceous glands, especially in women with fat type skin. Knowing this feature of your body, you can begin an attack on premenstrual acne in advance. Use products containing azelaic acid (for example, Skinoren), which fight acne, easily remove oily shine, and reduce pigmentation in areas of healed acne.

    In addition, remember that you need to spend less time in the open sun and do not squeeze out pimples yourself. Any experiments with new cosmetics are contraindicated, as the skin reaction can be unpredictable and rashes may worsen.

    How can you get rid of small capillary stars?

    Apparently, you are worried about spider veins (telangiectasia) on your face. The cause of redness is stagnation of blood in the capillaries, which occurs due to a genetic predisposition. Another reason spider veins may become a systemic disease, such as hormonal imbalance, hypertension or liver dysfunction. Telangiectasia is a consequence of excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, sauna and solarium use, as well as improper home care for the skin. Frost and sun are also enemies of sensitive skin. This skin deficiency can be cured using laser and radio wave cosmetology.


    I am 25 years old and have oily skin. How to care for a problem face? Which daily care creams are right for me?

    After 25 years, the skin begins to gradually lose moisture, and this affects color, structure, oiliness, and the appearance of inflammatory elements. At this age, the skin produces less natural collagen, a protein that gives the skin volume and firmness. When collagen fibers are destroyed, its elasticity decreases, wrinkles and folds form, and the oval of the face “sags.” Therefore, do not miss the moment and contact a cosmetologist who will select an individual anti-aging program for you.

    Universal advice for everyone - cleanse the skin with a cleansing gel or foam. Atraumatic cleansing will help quickly reduce pores and even out skin color. If necessary, you can also do superficial peeling.

    How to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes?

    Wrinkles around the eyes need to be dealt with comprehensively: not only with creams, but also with cosmetic procedures. Universal remedy no, so it’s better to consult a cosmetologist who will recommend the procedures and products that are right for you.

    How to properly deal with blackheads?

    What kind of care does a person need in summer and what kind in winter? How harmful are the sun and tanning beds to the skin?

    In summer negative impact ultraviolet radiation and high temperature affect the skin, which, in combination with moist air, increase sweating, accelerate the dilation of skin blood vessels, and provoke the appearance of age spots and various inflammatory elements. Therefore, first of all, I advise you to cleanse your face with lotions that do not contain alcohol and refuse foundations. Give preference to emulsions with moisturizing properties, ampoule serums or creams with a light texture. At the same time, all creams must have a sun protection factor of at least SPF +15, and if you are going to the beach, then apply the cream 20-30 minutes before going out into the sun. Pay attention to your lips: to prevent them from getting burned, to maintain color and volume, choose special balms and lipsticks with SPF factor. When caring for the area around the eyes, replace the eye cream with gel and use it cooled.

    In winter, skin care should be especially thorough, because the skin is negatively affected by wind, dry frosty air, and heating systems - they increase the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin and disrupt the connection between the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The skin becomes dry, more sensitive and vulnerable, peels in places, and is also deprived of its natural moisture. To cleanse your skin in winter, choose products that do not damage the skin’s protective barrier with pH = 5.5−7.0. Do not use alkaline soaps and scrubs, alcohol solutions, products containing acetone and sodium lauryl sulfate or ammonium lauryl sulfate. Apply cosmetics 30-60 minutes before leaving the house. Use moisturizing creams in the evening (especially after a shower - directly on damp skin), and use protective and softening creams in the morning.

    How to correctly summarize the sun protection factor in different cosmetic products?

    Pay attention to the labeling indicated on the bottle. SPF factor will only protect against sunburn, and if the composition also contains IPD and PPD factors, then this product will also cope with pigmentation. Of course, it is better to choose the latest type of cosmetics. If this is not possible, then combine an anti-pigmentation remedy with sunscreen. In the city, you can limit yourself to sunscreen with SPF +15 in combination with any cosmetic product.

    I am constantly bothered by red cheeks (the dermatologist said it is not rosacea) and blue circles under my eyes. How can I make my thin skin healthier?

    On thin skin, facial wrinkles form earlier, it is more susceptible to stretching, premature aging, and is also prone to dryness. Therefore, you need special care: wash your face with water at room temperature, dry your face with a soft towel, choose lotions and tonics that do not require rinsing. The less such skin is exposed to external factors, the longer it will look young and retain its beauty. As for contraindications, hormonal creams and ointments, and cosmetics that contain biostimulants are not suitable for you.

    Red cheeks and circles under the eyes are a signal that you urgently need to consult a doctor, as they may indicate health problems (with kidneys, metabolic disorders, pancreas) or in the wrong way life (smoking, constant stress, chronic fatigue). The skin under the eyes can darken when lymph or blood circulation is impaired, that is, the blood in the capillaries under the eyes darkens and stagnates, forming bruises under the lower eyelids. Your body probably lacks oxygen, moisture or vitamins.

    How to tighten pores on your face?

    Enlarged pores on the face can appear for many reasons, regardless of age and skin type. First of all, contact a specialist so that a dermatologist can determine the causes of this problem. Maybe your sebaceous glands are disrupted, so excess sebum accumulates in the pores and expands them. There is also a chance that you have hormonal imbalance. To narrow pores, peeling with trichloroacetic acid or a solution of glycolic acid is most often used.

    How to take care of your skin at 29 years old? What creams should I choose and how to care for the skin around my eyes?

    At your age, you need comprehensive self-care, including not only special creams and cosmetic procedures, but also systemic therapy. But the main thing is to remember that your appearance depends on your lifestyle.

    We thank the cosmetologist for answering popular questions about how to properly care for facial skin.

    A woman's appearance primarily depends on the condition of her facial skin. There is a misconception that only problematic and sensitive skin requires care. This is not so - owners of an ideal, clean face must also maintain its health, youth and beauty every day. What should it be like? daily care behind the face and what products should be used for this?

    Golden rules

    Whatever your facial skin type, there are universal rules for caring for it.

    1. Care should be daily. The face requires regular cleansing, toning, nutrition and makeup removal. In no case should you forget about washing and removing makeup. On the uncleaned epidermis, pathogenic bacteria immediately multiply, which provoke inflammation and general deterioration of the skin.
    2. Skin of any type has sensitive areas that require nutrition and careful care.
    3. To remove makeup, use only products intended for this purpose. Under no circumstances should you wash your face with toilet soap - it is aggressive for any skin type.
    4. The area around the eyes is provided with special care, regardless of the woman’s age. For this purpose, special cosmetics are used.
    5. Once a week, exfoliate the face with scrubbing products. This procedure allows you to remove keratinized cells of the epidermis that interfere with its normal functioning.
    6. All skin types need to be moisturized. Even if your face is oily, this does not mean that moisturizing will be unnecessary. You can nourish your skin with healing moisture using masks and creams.
    7. Only hypoallergenic products are chosen for care. The skin reacts sensitively to aggressive components of cosmetics, and this must be taken into account when choosing caring cosmetics.
    8. Facial care also involves protection from negative factors - ultraviolet radiation, frost, strong wind. Cosmetics are selected depending on skin type.
    9. Lips also require careful treatment and attention. To care for them, use a nourishing balm and a gentle scrub.

    To find out what care treatments should be, you need to decide on your skin type. To do this, perform a simple test. Immediately after waking up, apply a small cosmetic napkin made of rice paper to your face. If there are traces of fat on the napkin, the woman has a skin type prone to oiliness. If the fat remains from applying a napkin to the chin, nose or forehead, we can talk about combination skin. The napkin will remain perfectly clean after applying it to areas of dry or normal skin.

    Dry skin is thin and sensitive, as it is constantly lacking fluid. The task of the owner of this type of dermis is to constantly moisturize and be gentle.

    In the morning, dry skin is washed with cool drinking water. Tap water is not suitable, because it dries out the already sensitive dermis. For washing, use a gentle foam that contains natural ingredients. After washing, wipe the skin with herbal tonic. Dry skin is not suitable for alcohol-containing products.

    In the evening, after removing makeup, apply a thin layer of nourishing cream to the face. This is done a couple of hours before going to bed. Excess cream is removed with a dry cloth. In order for the components of the cream to be better absorbed, you need to sprinkle your face with warm water.

    In summer, dry face is protected with a cream that protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In winter, fatty nourishing creams are used, especially in frosty weather.

    Proper skin care begins with the right choice decorative means A. When choosing decorative cosmetics, preference is given to hypoallergenic products. The foundation should have a dense structure.

    To prepare masks for dry skin, nutritional components are used:

    • cottage cheese;
    • vegetable oil;
    • milk;
    • carrot juice.

    A mask made from a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a coffee spoon of honey perfectly nourishes dry dermis. To thin out a mixture that is too thick, you can add a little warm milk. Dry face will become moisturized after applying a mask of cottage cheese, fresh carrot juice, olive oil and honey.

    Care sensitive skin face should be delicate and at the same time effective. In the absence of exposure to negative factors, the face will look fresh and young. Wash this type of skin with clean drinking water. It is undesirable to use industrially produced foams and gels, as they can aggravate the problem. If a woman has a sensitive face, she should give preference to homemade lotions and tonics.

    Cosmetologists advise choosing a hypoallergenic cream for skin care. sensitive person. Such a product will contain the component allantoin, which has an antiseptic effect. When choosing a brand of cream for the delicate dermis, it is recommended to listen to reviews from people who are familiar with it from personal experience.

    Those with sensitive faces should not experiment with cosmetics. Cosmetologists advise using proven care products. A sensitive face should be irrigated daily thermal water which prevents irritation.

    Choosing decorative cosmetics for makeup, preference is given to light powder, because Foundation too heavy for sensitive faces. You should also not use waterproof mascara, liquid eyeliner, or bright eye shadow. For makeup removal, use light hypoallergenic milk.

    Girls with sensitive faces should not get carried away with masks, as many of the ingredients used in their preparation cause irritation. But a mask of cucumber and fresh potatoes will calm and rejuvenate this type of dermis.

    Care problem skin facial cleansing is aimed at regular cleansing and degreasing. The face is cleansed twice a day. Those with problem skin should pay attention to lotions and tonics that contain boric alcohol. Tar soap, which is sold in pharmacies, effectively cares for skin prone to oiliness and inflammation.

    After washing, wipe the face with ice. To prepare cosmetic ice, use non-carbonated mineral water or chamomile decoction, which has an antiseptic effect. The cleanser should contain salicylic acid.

    Problem skin must be moisturized, because alcohol tonics are used to degrease it, which lead to loss of moisture from the outer layer of the epidermis. Special cosmetic creams are used for moisturizing.

    Problem skin is prone to clogging pores, so its owners need to use scrubbing gels for washing, the abrasives of which clean the outer layer of the epidermis from dust and dirt. However, exfoliation should not be carried out if inflammation and acne appear on the face. In summer, problem skin is wiped with cosmetic antiseptic wipes.

    An easy-to-prepare mask made from zucchini and cucumber will help cleanse oily skin and make it matte. The pulp of fresh fruits is grated on a fine grater and a little liquid honey is added to the mass. Keep the mask on your face for about half an hour, after which you wash it off. After the procedure, a thin layer of nourishing cream is applied to the skin oily skin. Treatment of problematic dermis is also carried out using cucumber mask– Place cucumber slices on your face and remove them after fifteen minutes.

    Excellent care for oily skin mask lemon juice and ground cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. Keep the mask on for no more than fifteen minutes.

    Ulcers and acne often appear on problem skin. They should be treated professional cosmetologist or a dermatologist. At home, to relieve inflammation on the face, use calendula tincture or essential oil tea tree (spotted). To avoid infection, purulent pimples are not squeezed out, but dried using the means mentioned above. You can also use special healing cream which provides good care. When choosing it, it is recommended to listen to the advice of cosmetologists.

    Care depends on age

    Facial care depends on how old the woman is. Young beauties should pay maximum attention to their face so that it retains its attractive appearance for a long time. Cosmetologists advise starting to prevent wrinkles at the age of 25, even though at this stage the skin looks perfect. Quality care for the face after 25 years is aimed at preventing formation and swelling.

    Young skin is protected from dehydration, which becomes the main cause of wrinkles. Before application foundation A thin layer of daytime moisturizer is applied to the face, which will protect the epidermis from loss of necessary moisture. Facial care excludes the use of products that contain alcohol. It is also not recommended to get carried away with visiting a solarium and sunbathing, which contribute to the formation of wrinkles even at such a young age.

    Use mineral water or herbal infusions. Young skin benefits from ice rubs, which have a tonic effect. Twenty-five-year-old girls should not use it, because there is no need for it. It is enough to regularly nourish and moisturize the dermis.

    Facial skin care after 35 years means slowing down the formation of wrinkles. At this stage, the skin begins to fade, so the woman must provide it with intense, but proper care. When performing morning hygiene procedures, it is recommended to wash your face with melt water, which has a rejuvenating effect. After washing, the face is toned. For this purpose, you can prepare an excellent tonic - a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey are diluted in half a glass of boiled water.

    After 35 years, special attention is paid to the area around the eyes, since this is where wrinkles form first. An anti-aging cream is used to care for it. After evening hygiene procedures, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of night cream to your face, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

    Facial skin care after 40 years is aimed at slowing down the intensive aging of the epidermis. For this purpose, special anti-aging cosmetics are used. If a forty-year-old woman follows all the rules on which caring procedures are based, she will be able to maintain her beauty and youth.

    Fading dermis needs high-quality cleansing and moisturizing. Decoctions are ideal for washing medicinal herbs And mineral water. Cosmetics for adult women should contain vitamin E and aloe extract, which slows down the aging process. At this stage, do not forget about the daily use of nourishing cream.

    Lifestyle matters

    The rules for caring for facial skin are simple, but no matter what age a woman is, and no matter what type of skin she has, she must take care of proper nutrition and lifestyle. You need to drink at least two liters of pure still water per day, because a lack of fluid cannot but affect appearance faces. You also need sufficient quality sleep, moderate exercise and sufficient exposure to fresh air. Only in this case will facial care be effective.

    For results to exceed expectations, you need proper facial skin care; an experienced cosmetologist would call this a systematic ritual. After all, it is daily manipulations, using the right means and tactics allow you to achieve the desired effect, and most importantly do not harm the skin.

    A lady with a well-groomed appearance is beautiful, fashionable, and has status. Such women feel more confident and attract the attention of others. To join this category of well-groomed beauties, you don’t have to wait for Monday, you need to start today and right now!

    To achieve impressive results, there are many ways and means designed for women. different ages and are determined to spend different amounts of money on their faces.

    However, regardless of how cheap or expensive the manipulations are, they must be suitable for a certain skin type, which is easy to determine at home in different ways.

    Using a mirror and magnifying glass

    You need to carefully examine all areas of the face, evaluate the color of the dermis, the presence of a characteristic oily sheen or dullness, and porosity.

    Using a paper towel

    Before testing, you need to wash your face with a neutral product and pat dry with a napkin. Without using any cosmetics, wait 20 minutes.

    After which: take a paper towel or napkin, place it on your face and, carefully pressing, achieve tight contact with the skin.

    Leave on your face for 10 minutes, then remove and carefully examine the prints. Traces of fat are signs of oily skin; a clean or moderately soaked napkin indicates normal or dry skin.

    Using a mirror surface

    TO clean face It is enough to hold the mirror briefly to see traces of sebum on it. If there are different results on different areas of the skin, it is combination.

    Having chosen one of the tests and carried out it, you need to compare the results obtained with typical characteristics:

    • Oily skin – thick, with a characteristic greasy shine and enlarged pores. She is prone to acne breakouts and inflammation. The advantage is that it does not age for a long time.
    • Dry skin is thin, delicate, like paper, its pores are narrowed. In youth it has an even pinkish tint, but becomes problematic with age. Through a magnifying glass you can see areas of peeling, hyperemia, and the presence of fine wrinkles even at a young age.
    • Normal skin – balanced in terms of oil and water, looks fresh and healthy. With age, it needs care, systematic nutrition and hydration.
    • Combination skin is oily in the T-zone, and very dry in other areas of the face.

    It is important that when we properly care for facial skin, choosing products according to its type, it immediately responds to care with radiance and freshness.

    • Seasons (summer – fatter, summer – drier).
    • Changes in hormonal levels (lack or excess of hormones).
    • Diet (food should have enough polyunsaturated fatty acids).
    • Health conditions (some medications cause dry skin).

    In addition to caregivers, beauty care facial skin can show negative aspects if you do not follow special rules.

    For oily skin:

    • It is strictly forbidden to dry it with alcohol tonics and lotions.
    • It is not recommended to treat with oil-based nourishing cream.
    • Products must be tested for comedogenicity.

    For dry skin:

    • Avoid using low-fat products.
    • For cleansing, use light, gentle products that do not have an aggressive effect.
    • The composition of caring and decorative products must contain ultraviolet protection.
    • Be sure to moisturize in the summer, and nourish with fatty creams in the winter.

    For sensitive skin:

    • Avoid contrasting temperatures (steaming, rubbing with ice).
    • Use the products after testing on the wrist.
    • Do not use formulations with microparticles that can damage the skin.
    • Moisturize your face throughout the day.

    For combination skin:

    • Use appropriate cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting products for the areas of the face.

    For normal skin:

    • It is important to maintain its condition - not to dry it out.
    • Do not expose to aggressive atmosphere - use protective equipment.
    • Use cosmetics recommended by cosmetologists based on age.

    Improper care can harm the dermis, aggravate its condition, and lead to undesirable consequences.

    Cleansing and exfoliating products

    To rid your face of oil, sweat and bacteria, it is not enough just to wash your face with water. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed, removing dead epidermal cells. This will help useful substances the cream can easily penetrate into the dermis.

    Proper facial care involves the use of the following products, which any experienced cosmetologist will approve:

    • Cosmetic milk. Suitable for surface cleansing, does not penetrate into deeper layers.
    • Alkaline-free foam. It is applied to a fabric glove, which is used to gently wipe the face.
    • Peeling creams based on fruit acids, dissolve dirt from the surface and have a bactericidal effect.
    • Scrubs containing crushed fruit seeds, exotic fruit seeds and other natural abrasives.
    • Clay mask.

    Without these actions, even a super-effective remedy will not have an effect on the dermis and will not bring results.

    Do you need a toner?

    After cleansing, the skin, regardless of type, sharply loses moisture. To normalize water balance To restore turgor within a short time, it is necessary to apply a tonic to the dermis. Moreover, the most effective way to apply it is not with a cotton pad, but spray it as a spray.

    The delicate dermis of the face can be injured, so all actions should be light and gentle - patting, fluttering, tapping. Which method is the best - care tips are not highlighted, and each lady is given the opportunity to choose the one that is more comfortable for herself.

    The cream is applied to the face with both hands in certain directions:

    • From the center of the forehead to the temples.
    • From the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes to the upper eyelid, and in the opposite direction - under the eyes.
    • From the nose to the cheeks to the temples.
    • Around the lips - above and below the center in both directions.
    • From the middle of the neck in both directions upward.

    Important! Nourishing creams and serums should be applied to a moisturized face, and products with an ultraviolet barrier should be applied to a dry face.

    The stages of facial skin care are the same for all types; only cosmetic products for these procedures, selected on the advice of cosmetologists, are individual. Basic steps:

    • Cleansing. Using lotions, foams, scrubs and peels.
    • Hydration. Saturation with moisture will provide elasticity, freshness to the skin, and give it a healthy appearance.
    • Toning. The PH environment of the epidermis is restored, the skin becomes more receptive to the active components of creams.
    • Nutrition. Skin nutrition is the main task for mature ladies; it is recommended to use high-quality cosmetics in accordance with age recommendations.
    • Protection. Protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of the atmosphere and adverse external factors.
    • Regeneration. Activates collagen production, improves metabolism, makes the skin holistic and uniform due to its renewal.

    Regularity and thoroughness are simple tips from a facial care cosmetologist who will give effective and stable results.

    Do you want your skin to glow?

    For women over 40, it is especially important to update your cosmetics set to maintain youth. You can find out how to do this correctly by following this link:

    • It is harmful to wash your face with tap water; it is better to replace it with mineral water, boiled water or enriched with herbal decoctions.
    • Apply the cream to your face in the morning - 40 minutes before going out, in the evening - at least an hour before bed. Be sure to remove any remaining residue with a napkin. otherwise In the morning, swelling on the face is ensured.
    • Apply any creams to absolutely clean skin.
    • The effect of the cream does not depend on the thickness of its layer on the face. Do not weigh down or overload the dermis.
    • All remedies begin to work when the body is in a relaxed state.

    Cosmetologists advise stronger sex also use cosmetics. Find out more about what men are advised to include in facial care and buy the right cosmetics!

    The beauty industry does not stand still and gives women the opportunity to choose the most comfortable procedures for themselves. Advice from cosmetologists regarding the use of salon methods makes you want to try them miraculous power on myself. Now popular:

    • Ultrasonic cleaning. Water is supplied in waves deep into the skin and is sucked out along with toxins.
    • Galivation. Therapeutic cleansing of the deep layers of skin at the cell level, tightens pores, eliminates wrinkles.

    They have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in the upper and deep layers and improve its condition.

    Find out how to choose the right cosmetic facial care:

    Cosmetological facial cleansing

    Cosmetic care begins with facial cleansing, which restores the respiratory function of the skin and stimulates metabolic processes.

    Cleaning is done manually or using special tools and devices such as:

    • Brushing.
    • Ultrasound.
    • Vacuum.

    This procedure is in demand among visitors to beauty salons and gives good results.


    Cosmetologists reveal the secrets of the excellent skin condition of many stars - they all do regular peelings.

    There are three types of peeling to choose from:

    • Soft superficial, without the use of aggressive means and manipulations.
    • Median. Exfoliates a deeper layer of skin, eliminates wrinkles, evens out tone.
    • Deep. It is carried out using acids of significant concentration. It can smooth out not only wrinkles, but also scars.

    Peels are mechanical, hardware and chemical.

    Face massage

    Cosmetology welcomes facial massage as an excellent cosmetic procedure, allowing you to achieve an effect comparable to surgical intervention. Massage:

    • Corrects facial contour.
    • Improves microcirculation, which affects appearance.
    • Smoothes out wrinkles.

    After the massage, the face looks refreshed and rejuvenated.


    This is a method of intensively influencing the deep layers of the dermis with drugs designed to restore youth, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The main active drug is hyaluronic acid, which the body needs with age. This substance is injected under the skin:

    • By injection.
    • Laser.
    • Ultrasound.
    • Low frequency current.

    After all the manipulations, the face looks renewed, radiant and moisturized. Read more about biorevitalization.

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