• Test what skin type you have. How to determine your facial skin type, care tips and choosing the right cosmetics


    The desire to have flawless skin has always pushed me to try all the products and methods of caring for it.

    But in pursuit of a miracle, we forget that many more factors affect our skin: the environment, poor nutrition, caffeine consumption, improper sleep patterns, lack of exercise and others. But it is they who, as a rule, become decisive in the formation of our skin type.

    Main facial skin types: description

    To dream about beautiful skin has come true, you need to provide regular care appropriate to your skin type, and for this you need to know what type your skin is.
    We will look at 5 main types of facial skin.

    Characteristics of oily skin type

    Shininess, porosity, frequent acne and pimples. It has a grayish color. The advantages of such skin are that it is elastic, better hydrated, well protected from the effects of the environment thanks to the film created by fat; wrinkles on such skin appear later than in owners of other skin types.

    Dry skin type: signs

    Thin and soft skin, prone to premature aging, has low elasticity, often flakes, turns red, cracks, becomes inflamed, rarely shows acne, but is highly susceptible to external factors.

    Normal skin type

    The rarest type. The skin is almost flawless, moderately sensitive, elastic, matte, pores are almost invisible. Over time, dryness, wrinkles and cracks may appear.

    Combination skin type: features

    This type is more common than others, its peculiarity is that different areas They have different skin types on their faces, for example, the skin on the cheekbones is dry, and on the forehead, nose, and chin it is oily. This skin is allergic, prone to acne and irritation.

    Sensitive type

    This is skin that, due to external factors, itches, feels dry, red, and inflamed. She reacts poorly to the use of aggressive cosmetics. This skin is less elastic and less hydrated than other types of skin, and it has weak protective properties.

    How to determine your skin type: test

    Knowing the visual description of skin types, you can determine your type yourself in 2 stages:
    using a cosmetic wipe,
    take the test by answering the questions.

    Oily skin often changes its type and becomes combination over time; it is important not to miss this moment to make changes in your care.

    Daily care for any skin includes:

    • cleansing,
    • toning,
    • hydration and nutrition

    Cleanse skin in the morning and evening, using milk, a special gel or other product, preferably water-based, it’s good if it contains goat milk. To wash your face, you can use hot water and soap, but afterward, to restore skin balance, be sure to wash your face with cold water and vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 2 glasses of water).
    Tone After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to wipe your face with an ice cube with chamomile or use a tonic with calendula extract.

    After toning apply:

    • in the morning - daytime moisturizing or nourishing cream with UV protection;
    • in the evening - night nourishing cream, which contains D-panthenol, rosehip extract, aloe vera. During the day, if possible, wipe oily skin with various herbal infusions (sage, St. John's wort or calendula).

    Necessarily, in addition to daily care, do the following procedures:

    • Peeling with apricot kernels and chamomile extract 1-2 times every 6-8 days. Massage the skin gently so as not to injure it.
    • After peeling, use masks: to reduce pores and add matteness - with kaolin; for moisturizing or nourishing - with cornflower or calendula extract.

    Dry skin care products

    Dry skin without proper care can become rough, tight, and irritated. In addition, it is prone to the formation of cracks and the appearance of wrinkles ahead of time. Therefore, when choosing care products, focus on nourishing and moisturizing her, but do not overload her with care products and do not often experiment with new ones.

    Cleansing carry out with water at room temperature using gel or foam. To get a peeling effect, wash off the gel using a sponge. To avoid peeling, do not wash your face with toilet soap. After completing the procedure, pat your face dry with a napkin.

    Toning After cleansing, use 2 types of toner: in the T-zone - for oily skin, and in the cheeks and neck area - for dry skin. If there is inflammation, treat these areas with an antibacterial agent, possibly containing alcohol.

    After toning apply cream. Use 2 products for different types skin or use one special cream for the entire face area.

    Except daily care pamper your skin and other mandatory procedures:

    • For good cleansing skin pores and improve the functioning of blood vessels, take cranberry and lemon steam baths once every 10-14 days.
    • To reduce skin greasiness, exfoliate the T-zone for 1-3 minutes every 5 days, being careful not to touch dry areas of the skin. Do not leave the house for 3-4 hours after the procedure to avoid infection of microtraumas received during peeling.
    • A (hot) compress on the entire face will be very helpful before cleansing or masking.
      compress (cold) – good remedy to reduce pores and soothe the skin after treatments, recommended for areas with oily skin. Good effect This works if you alternate compresses.
    • Masks are very effective remedy To solve oily skin problems, do them once every 4-5 days: for the T-zone use a cleansing mask, for dry areas - a moisturizing mask.

    Helpful Tips:

    • Don't use powder. Mixing with sebum, the powder completely clogs pores and stimulates inflammation. Use a foundation labeled “non-oil” or “oil-free” (water-based).
    • Pay attention to the skin of your eyelids every day, as “dry” eyelids are a related problem for those with combination skin.

    Features of care for sensitive skin

    In cosmetology, sensitive skin is classified as a separate skin type, but it is always combined with some basic type, for example, dry sensitive skin.

    Another feature of such skin is that it belongs to the risk group for developing skin (dermatological) diseases, so before you start caring for such skin on your own, get a doctor’s advice.

    Hydration will give the skin a special daily cream with UV protection and minerals. Night cream should contain vitamins A and E and may contain panthenol and kavaine. Apply night cream in a thin layer and only if the skin is tight. Cosmetics should not contain fruit acids.
    Nutrition sensitive skin provide face masks, do them once every 7-10 days, after applying the mask, cover your face with film so that it does not dry out. Choose masks from natural ingredients, it is good to use plasticizing masks. Clean your face from the mask with warm boiled water.
    Protection- This is a mandatory final stage of care. In summer, use to protect your skin. thermal water with UV protection, in winter – foundation creams for sensitive skin.
    Other care:
    Perform peeling no more than once every 10-15 days, select based on the main type of your skin.

    Any skin undoubtedly needs regular, proper care, but remember that the condition of your skin is just a reflection of the condition of your body, in addition to daily external care, take care of your internal health, engage in disease prevention internal organs, sports, toughen up, watch your diet. The beauty of your skin is in your hands!

    How to look stunning at any age? That's right: know how to use good cosmetics. But how to choose them among the variety of lotions, creams and serums? To do this, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your epidermis. Therefore, every woman who cares for her appearance should know how to determine her facial skin type at home. There are several proven methods.

    Method 1. Visual signs

    To determine your skin type, you need to observe it for 2-3 days. Each of them has a number of distinctive features, by which it is easily and unmistakably recognized. Carefully examine the epidermis in a magnifying mirror and compare your observations with the descriptions below.

    Normal type:

    • smoothness, elasticity;
    • matte complexion;
    • healthy, natural color(pink);
    • cleanliness, freshness;
    • velvety;
    • no greasy shine.

    Fat type:

    • greasy shine;
    • wide pores;
    • acne;
    • acne;
    • dull gray complexion;
    • an abundance of rashes in the form of pimples, comedones;
    • the presence of post-acne in most cases;
    • does not age for a long time.

    Dry type:

    • the epidermis is delicate, thin;
    • matte shade;
    • complexion is pink, but yellowness is present;
    • narrowed pores;
    • after washing there is a feeling of tightness;
    • appear in the cold season;
    • acne doesn't bother me;
    • frequent irritation;
    • acute reaction to the sun and low temperatures;
    • rapid aging.

    Combined (mixed) type:

    • zonal oily shine: on the chin, nose, forehead;
    • dry cheeks;
    • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
    • Acne and other rashes appear from time to time.

    Based on these visual signs, you can easily determine your facial skin type without resorting to any auxiliary techniques. It must be borne in mind that some highlight special groups mature, problematic and sensitive epidermis. However, these are just additional individual features skin. If you are confused about these signs, you can resort to another interesting technique to ensure the reliability of the result.

    On a note. Skin types can change over time. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such checks approximately once every six months.

    Method 2. Napkin

    According to this method, to determine your facial skin type at home, you will need the most common cosmetic wipe. If you use paper, it can distort and give incorrect results. What needs to be done?

    1. Remove any remaining makeup and dirt from your face.
    2. Let your skin rest for at least 3-4 hours. During this period of time you cannot go outside.
    3. Take three separate napkins. Place one on your forehead for a few seconds (5-6). The second - to the cheeks. The third - to the chin.
    4. Carefully examine the greasy marks that your epidermis has left on them.
    5. If there are noticeable, pronounced greasy spots on all three napkins, you have oily skin type.
    6. If they are present only on those napkins that you applied to your forehead and chin, this is a combined type.
    7. Weakly expressed but present light spots on all napkins indicate normal epidermis.
    8. If there are no greasy marks on the napkins, you have a dry type.

    This method will allow you to 90% correctly determine your facial skin type on your own. The remaining 10% remains under the influence of external factors (what you ate that day, what cosmetic products you used, whether you experienced a hormonal surge a few hours before, etc.). If for some reason this technique does not suit you, you can always use a special test.

    Helpful advice. Modern cosmetology has stepped forward, so today in stores you can buy not just cosmetic wipes, but special ones to determine your skin type.

    Method 3. Testing

    Who doesn't love taking all kinds of online tests? One of them will help you understand what type of facial skin you have in just 5 minutes. To do this, you will only need to answer a few questions and process the results. There are a large number of tests of this kind scattered throughout the network. To be sure, you can go through several at once. We present one of the options to your attention. You need to mark those statements that are true for you.

    Block No. 1

    1. The skin of the face is matte, there is no oily sheen.
    2. There is no feeling of tightness after washing.
    3. Acne and inflammation do not bother me.
    4. There is no chapping after the walk.

    Block No. 2

    1. No acne.
    2. Often present after washing unpleasant feeling tightness.
    3. After eating citrus fruits, wrinkles appear on the face.
    4. After being in the sun or wind for a long time, the face begins to peel off.

    Block No. 3

    1. Pimples and blackheads constantly appear on the face.
    2. I have to deal with oily shine on my face.
    3. When examined through a magnifying glass, enlarged pores are clearly visible.
    4. After the washing procedure, the skin begins to shine.

    Block No. 4

    1. The skin on the cheeks, temples and around the eyes is prone to peeling.
    2. Several blackheads can be seen on the forehead, nose and chin.
    3. In these same areas, an oily sheen is observed.
    4. Pimples often appear on the nose and forehead.

    If you have honestly answered all the questions, it’s time to process the results obtained in order to finally determine the type of skin on your face and select all products in accordance with them.

    1. If most of the answers are in question block No. 1, you have a normal skin type.
    2. If in No. 2 - dry.
    3. No. 3 - bold.
    4. No. 4 - combined.

    Testing is one of the easiest ways to determine your skin type at home quite reliably. It has something in common with the first method, since it is based precisely on the visual signs of all these four types of facial skin.

    Interesting fact. Are you glad that you have a dry type of epidermis on your face, because you don’t know what pimples and blackheads are? But the representatives fatty type skin has another advantage: wrinkles and other signs of aging will appear at a later age.

    If it is difficult to independently determine your facial skin type, it is better to visit a cosmetologist’s office to avoid misunderstandings. Professional with help the latest equipment And innovative technologies quickly, and most importantly, he will do it as correctly as possible.

    This factor is very important for maintaining the epidermis, if not in ideal, then at least in normal condition. You cannot actively use cosmetics intended, for example, for oily skin if you have dry skin. Don't let this happen: always be attractive and well-groomed.

    There are four main skin types: dry, normal, oily and combination. Belonging to each of them depends on how actively sebum is secreted. Associated with this indicator appearance skin, the number and visibility of pores, the rate of aging and wrinkle formation.

    To find out what skin type you have, do a simple experiment. Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser (preferably a gentle gel or soft foam). Dry with a towel and do not apply any creams afterwards. After two hours, apply a thin paper napkin and press lightly on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin.

    • If there are no traces of sebum on the napkin at all, you have dry skin.
    • If there are faint marks all over the napkin, you have normal skin.
    • If pronounced marks are visible, you have oily skin.
    • If there are pronounced marks only in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, you have combination skin.

    How to care for dry skin

    Dry skin always looks matte, soft and thin. Pimples and inflammation rarely appear on it, but wrinkles can ruin your mood already in your youth. Such skin reacts poorly to sudden climate changes and unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind or frost). Due to incorrectly selected cosmetics, irritation and peeling may occur.

    The skin becomes dry for various reasons: it may be due to genetics or a lack of fats and vitamins A, C and P in the diet.

    People with dry skin should be careful when choosing cosmetics and especially take care of themselves during the cold season.


    • Wash your face with water at room temperature; if possible, do not use tap water. Too hot or cold water, especially chlorinated or contaminated water, will worsen your skin condition.
    • Pick up the right remedy for washing: gentle, soft, moisturizing in the form of a gel or foam.
    • Don't wash your face too often. Your skin produces little sebum, and regular cleansing washes away what it does, leaving your face vulnerable.
    • Remove carefully decorative cosmetics before bedtime. To do this, it is better to use makeup remover milk.
    • Do not overuse peelings and scrubs. If you want to use them, choose the most delicate and fine-grained textures.
    • After water procedures Do not rub your skin with a hard towel. It is enough to blot it slightly.


    • Be sure to use a moisturizer after each cleansing of the skin: it creates a protective barrier.
    • Make sure that your cosmetics do not contain alcohol. It dries out the skin.
    • During the cold season, choose thick texture creams.
    • In summer, do not forget to use moisturizing emulsions and lotions.
    • Masks should be done no more than 2-3 times a week. Masks that cleanse, tighten pores, or fight shine are not suitable for you.
    • When making homemade masks, give preference to moisturizing ingredients such as cottage cheese, cream, milk or.

    Recipes for homemade masks for dry skin:

    • Honey mask. Grind 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of full-fat milk until white.
    • Berry mask. Grind 3-4 strawberries or raspberries with 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
    • Cottage cheese mask. 1 tablespoon cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon vegetable oil mix until smooth.

    Keep the mask on your skin for 10–20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water or cosmetic facial milk.

    Decorative cosmetics

    • Choose cream foundations. Tone powder will highlight dryness and flaking.
    • For thin eyelid skin, cream shadows will be good.
    • Apply a moisturizing makeup base or cream under the tone.
    • In sunny weather, use cosmetics with an SPF of at least 10.

    How to care for normal skin

    Normal skin is characterized by moderate activity of the sebaceous glands. It looks fresh and clean, pores do not stand out, inflammation and peeling rarely appear, mainly due to exposure to external factors. If you have normal skin, you are lucky! This is extremely rare.

    For those with normal skin, there is only one piece of advice: don’t overdo it. Wash your face regularly, moisturize your skin and do masks or peels 2-3 times a week. Depending on the current condition of your face and climatic conditions, use masks for dry or oily skin. Remember: in the cold season, additional nutrition will be useful, and in the heat, deeper cleansing will be useful. But don't overuse it fatty creams or alcohol-based lotions.

    How to care for oily skin

    In people with such skin, the sebaceous glands work too actively. Therefore, a few hours after washing, the face begins to shine. Pores, especially in the forehead, nose and chin area, are enlarged. Pimples and blackheads are not uncommon.

    However, oily skin has a huge advantage: it ages slower. The secreted sebum creates a good protective film that prevents moisture from evaporating and blocks the penetration of harmful substances from the outside.


    • Wash your face morning and evening. For more deep cleansing Now you can use a special brush or sponge.
    • Do not often use super-strong facial cleansers: there is a risk of drying out the skin. In response to aggressive influence, the sebaceous glands will begin to work even more actively.
    • Don't squeeze pimples. Inflammations can be targeted with alcohol, a solution salicylic acid or tea tree oil.
    • You can use exfoliating products once or twice a week. It is best to use scrubs or peels in the evening after washing your face.
    • At the end of washing, rinse your face with cool water. Under the influence of cold, pores shrink, become less noticeable, and the face becomes less shiny throughout the day.


    • Instead of thick creams, choose light moisturizing emulsions, gels or lotions.
    • Make masks no more than three times a week to cleanse the skin, tighten pores and relieve inflammation.
    • Don't forget about hydration: softening masks It is enough to apply once every one to two weeks.
    • Good components of a mask for oily skin would be weak acids (freshly squeezed lemon or berry juice) and antibacterial agents (honey, tea tree oil).

    Homemade mask recipes for oily skin:

    • Protein mask. Beat to a strong foam egg white and mix it with ½ teaspoon lemon juice. Keep on your face for 15–20 minutes. This will tighten the pores and remove oily shine.
    • Kefir mask. Apply kefir or yogurt to your face with a cotton swab and leave for 15–20 minutes. This will dry out oily skin.
    • Tea mask. 5 tablespoons leaf green tea grind into fine dust and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of kefir. Apply the mixture for 10–20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

    Decorative cosmetics

    • Choose powder or light liquid foundations. Don’t make a “layer cake” on your face: this will not get rid of oily shine, but will only pollute and weigh down your skin.
    • To eliminate oily shine during the day, use mattifying wipes. Or simply press a thin paper towel lightly onto shiny areas, then re-powder as needed.

    How to care for combination skin

    Combination skin occurs most often. In this case, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) has all the signs of oily skin: pimples, enlarged skin, shine. And the skin around the eyes and on the cheeks is delicate, thin, and prone to dryness.

    Therefore, care methods will need to be combined. Choose soft cleansers: gels, hydrophilic oils, foams. They will gently cleanse shiny areas of the face without drying out the cheeks. Get some creams and foundations for face. Apply tightening and cleansing masks only to the T-zone; for areas of dry skin, choose nourishing masks.

    Tender, velvety skin with a perfect matte tone, a gift from nature only for a few. And incorrectly selected products can lead to rapid aging, irritation and inflammation. Moisture content, balance of lipids and acids, sufficient facial blood circulation are the factors that shape the epidermis. Having learned to determine your skin type, it is easy to take care of your face, maintaining youth and freshness. To do this, it’s worth spending a few minutes and taking the test online.

    Take an online test - what is your skin type?

    Dry type

    Very sensitive and delicate dry skin is most often susceptible to various peelings and irritations. Pale pink color, sometimes with yellowish tint, through a thin layer of epidermis, facial vessels are visible. Lack of lipids affects immune properties; even small temperature changes cause redness on the face. It is not uncommon for a feeling of tightness to remain after washing or removing makeup. Proper care skin care will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles, premature aging, flabbiness - the main problems of the dry type.

    Find out more about caring for dry type you can.

    Normal type

    Moisturized, with a perfect even tone, elastic - normal facial skin. Thanks to the balanced functioning of the sebaceous glands, there is no peeling or irritation. How can you not see inflammation and clogged ducts in the form of black dots? It is worth determining your facial skin type in order to maintain a harmonious state in the future, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and dehydration.

    Find out more about caring for normal type you can.

    Combined type

    The easiest way to correctly identify this type of epidermis is visually. Oily shine in the nose, chin, forehead and contrasting dry cheeks and temples. Environmental factors often lead to the appearance of comedones and acne in problem areas. Combination skin needs comprehensive care, separately for each area of ​​the face.

    Important advice from the editors

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


    Find out more about caring for combined type you can.

    Fat type

    A test to determine your skin type should be taken after hormonal changes are completed. adolescence. After this period, increased oiliness, inflammation and acne can be attributed to oily skin. Insufficient blood flow activity and excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands lead to a porous, lumpy structure with uneven pigmentation. A huge plus is its slow aging, thanks to the increased lipid content. Using a test, you can determine this type at home and, following the care advice, normalize the condition.

    Every girl who cares about her appearance learns to take proper care of her skin in order to look young longer. Determining your skin type is easy even at home. It is enough to conduct a test. There are several ways to find out about individual characteristics skin.

    The skin is a mirror of the work of internal organs. Based on her condition, you can find out the diagnosis and hormonal levels. This is a reflection of nutrition, the result of taking medications, and the influence of weather factors. The type of facial skin depends on how intensively the sebaceous glands produce secretions, on the amount of moisture, age and even climate zone.

    There are 4 main types:

    1. Normal. Its owners are lucky. Such skin has no roughness, the water-lipid balance is normal, the pores are not enlarged, there are no acne or blackheads, the color is healthy, even, the face looks firm, elastic and young. It happens extremely rarely.

    2. Fat. Occurs in young people under 40 years of age. The face has a yellowish color, enlarged pores, increased greasiness adds shine. With this skin type it appears more often acne, red dots. It gets drier over the years.

    3. Dry. The most sensitive type. The skin is prone to irritation and reacts to changes in weather and climate with peeling. She lacks moisture and fats. A person with dry skin ages earlier than anyone else. You can determine it by pressing your finger. If the mark does not disappear for a long time, the skin is dry.

    4. Combined. The most common type. An oily forehead, nose and chin are combined with dry cheeks, neck, and temples.

    • problematic is characterized by frequent rashes, irritability, redness, inflammation;
    • sensitive – mostly allergic, turns red and peels at the slightest irritation;
    • mature (fading) – dermis on which wrinkles have appeared. Occurs in women after 40.

    Other classifications are also used in cosmetology. According to the Fitzpatrick scale, 6 varieties are distinguished by color, and Leslie Bauman's typology includes 16 species. Skin of any type needs care from an early age.

    Determination methods

    To choose the right facial care products, you need to know the type. The test is carried out at home. It is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics and thoroughly cleanse the skin. Test after 2-3 hours. It is better to carry out the procedure immediately after waking up.

    1. Take a cosmetic napkin (unlike a table napkin, you can see the result better on it). Cover cleansed and rested skin (at least 2 hours) with a paper handkerchief and gently blot it, focusing on the cheeks, forehead and chin. If the entire surface is stained with oil, the dermis is oily. The spots on the forehead and beard are combined. A napkin without any marks is a sign of a dry face. Small prints indicate a normal type. Some people do this test with a mirror or glass.

    2. Determining your skin type at home is done using a test. During its passage you need to answer several questions with options:

    • Yes, a lot, of course.
    • Rarely, slightly, slightly.
    • It wasn’t, I don’t notice.
    • Do you often notice pimples on your face?
    • Are the pores on the skin enlarged?
    • Do you have acne?
    • Are there a lot of greasy spots after the napkin test?
    • Does water tighten your skin?
    • Does makeup turn into oily mask during the day?

    If answers from group “a” predominate, the skin is oily, “b” is combination or normal, “c” is dry.

    3. A rotation test is performed to find out how close the face is to aging. Thumb lightly press your cheek and turn it clockwise. If the skin resists the rotational movement, it is still far from sagging. The first signs of aging are a “fan” of wrinkles, which immediately disappear. If the skin is curled and wrinkled, this is evidence of structural changes.

    4. Visual method. Examine your face, cleansed of cosmetics, in daylight using a magnifying mirror. Use the classification indicated in the section above. Criteria to pay attention to: enlarged pores, color, oily shine, presence of irritation, acne and other troubles.

    Type defined. It is inherited and does not change. But we should not forget that with age, changes in climatic conditions, weather, and seasons, deviations are possible. Thus, oily skin becomes drier over the years. The appearance of acne is associated with hormonal levels. In summer, the face becomes oily (the sebaceous glands are activated under the influence of the sun), in winter it becomes dry and flaky. Therefore, cream and other products should be purchased taking these factors into account.

    How to determine skin tone?

    You can find out your skin tone with a simple and instant test. Pinch your cheek and hold the fold between your fingers. If it is difficult to hold it, you have a healthy tone. With the average condition of the dermis, it can be pulled back, but it quickly falls into place. The fold is easily formed and maintained - the face is flabby and the tone is weak.

    In professional cosmetology, the term “skin turgor” is also used, which means elasticity and firmness, in other words, the same as tone. It is directly related to the correct balance of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. Normally, the skin is elastic and elastic. Dehydration leads to a decrease in tone, so cosmetologists advise drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day. This indicator plays a certain role when choosing care products.

    Why is it important to know your skin type?

    If a woman knows how to determine her facial skin type, she will easily learn how to care for it. Having mastered the properties of the ingredients from which a cream, mask, milk or tonic is made, it is easy to select them. As a rule, in good stores The cosmetics industry employs competent consultants. They will help you make a choice, taking into account not only the type of dermis, but also its turgor, sensitivity, and problems. Knowing your type will also help you prepare home remedies.

    The wrong choice of cosmetics (including decorative ones) will only aggravate the condition of unhealthy skin. It is unlikely that a face prone to oiliness will look better if you smear it with a nourishing cream for dry types at night. If it is difficult to decide at home, contact a cosmetology office or clinic.

    Whatever skin type you have, it is important to remember: only babies have problem-free skin. Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. You need to take proper care of your face from adolescence, only under such conditions the skin will not take revenge on you with early sagging.

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