• Technological sequence for processing women's dresses table. Coursework: Development of technological documentation for the production of women's dress-suit for older adults. In the manufacture of the selected dress, new equipment was used and


    Lesson topic: " Technological sequence sewing a one-piece dress"

    The purpose of the lesson:

    Get acquainted with the technological sequence of sewing.

    Learn to make a plan for sewing a one-piece dress

    Get the opportunity to learn how to make a plan for sewing a one-piece dress



      Introduce the technological sequence of sewing a product

      Learn how to make a plan for sewing a one-piece dress

      To provide an opportunity to learn how to make a plan for sewing a one-piece dress

    Developmental and correctional

      To develop in students the ability to highlight the main thing and plan their activities


      Cultivate perseverance

      Develop mindfulness

    Lesson type: combined

    Teaching methods: conversation, demonstration, practical work.

    Forms of organizing work with students: individual.

    Lesson equipment: texts, patterns, computer; supporting notes; samples

    During the classes.

      Organizing time.

    Greeting, marking absentees, organizing attention, getting ready for work. Checking readiness for the lesson (diary, book, notebook, pen, pencil, appearance, workplace, posture)

      Updating the basic knowledge and skills of students.

    Examination homework

    Unscramble the word by choosing one non-repeating letter in each line.

    Name the enterprises where clothes are made? ( factories, studios, workshops)

    Name the stages of making clothes ( selection of model, description, design, choice of materials and equipment, choice of processing of components and assembly of the product)

      Goal setting.

    Today we will analyze one of the stages. This is the technological sequence of sewing a product.

    Do you think a seamstress should know in what sequence a dress is made? (Yes)

    Let's formulate target our lesson.

    - Get acquainted with the technological sequence of sewing.

    - Learn to make a plan for sewing a one-piece dress

    Open your notebooks and write down lesson topic: “Technological sequence of sewing”

      Learning new material.

    Vocabulary: pipelined flow, non-pipelined flow, single-model and multi-model flows, non-sectional and sectional flows

    Clothes are made in sewing workshops of ateliers and at enterprises in technological flows. Based on the method of transferring product parts from worker to worker, a distinction is made between conveyor (along the belt of a transporting device) and non-conveyor (using racks, ramps and intertables) flows. Depending on the output of products per shift, flows are divided into three groups: low, medium and high power. Depending on the number of manufactured products, flows are distinguished by models and types and can be single-model or multi-model. Non-sectional flows with a continuous technological process. Sectional flows. In which the technological process is divided into sections (procurement, assembly and finishing) by product processing stages. In the procurement section, individual parts of the product (back, sleeve, collar, pocket, belt) are processed. In the assembly room, the parts are assembled: they connect the side and shoulder sections, the collar with the neck, and the sleeve with the armhole. In the finishing room, WTO and sewing of fittings are performed. The most common form of organizing clothing production in an atelier is the team method of work. The number of workers in teams ranges from 4 to 35 people. Depending on the number of people in the brigade, there are brigades of small, medium and high power. In low-power teams, the division of labor occurs by type of work (manual, machine, high-tech processing). In medium and large-scale processing of individual parts and assemblies, with extensive use of special equipment. equipment, i.e. replacing manual operations with operations performed on special machines.

    The basis for drawing up a technological sequence of processing is the choice of methods for processing the product for its individual components. Processing methods are selected based on the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, standard processing methods taking into account advanced technology, equipment and small-scale mechanization. The basis for choosing certain processing methods is to reduce the time spent on processing the product unit and increase labor productivity when using them. Time reduction is achieved by replacing manual operations with machine ones.

    The technological sequence of processing products manufactured to individual orders is in the following form:

      Technological operation

      Types of work (M - machine, S\M-special machine, R - manual, U - ironing, PR - press)

      Type of work (determined according to the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions)

      Standard time to complete an operation

      Repeatability in %

      Standard time taking into account repeatability

      Equipment tools fixtures

    Sewing products consist of parts. According to GOST 22977-89 detail garment - this is a part of a garment, whole or composite. A part of a garment consisting of several parts is called knot(pocket, side edge, trouser fastener, etc.).

    Clothing parts include parts made from the main material, linings, and cushioning parts.

    Clothing details are divided into two groups:

    1) determining the volumetric-spatial shape of the product - main details; these include the front, back, sleeves, front and back halves of trousers, panels of skirts;

    2) not determining the volumetric-spatial shape of the product; they are divided into two types: parts that have an auxiliary value (facing, lining parts, gaskets, etc.), and parts related to structural and decorative elements (pockets, cuffs, trims, etc.).

    The outlines of each part are called slices.

    In Figure 2, the numbers indicate the contour structural lines of clothing parts made from the main material.

    The names of the sections of the parts are given in Table 1.

    The clothing parts are connected along the sections of the mating parts, taking into account seam allowances and the necessary fit, distributed in the areas between the notches.

    The sequence of sewing a straight one-piece dress depends on the model of the product. For example, when producing a dress model with sleeves, a collar and a belt under mass production conditions, the product can be processed in the following sequence:

      Processing of small parts.

    a) collar processing

    b) pocket processing

    c) processing of sleeves

    d) belt processing

      Processing the lower edge of the sleeve

      Front part processing

    a) seaming darts

    d) connecting pockets to the part

      Processing the back part

    a) seaming darts

    b) ironing darts, ironing the slack of fabric at the ends of darts

    c) overcasting side and shoulder sections

      Connecting the front and back parts along the shoulder sections

    a) stitching shoulder sections

    b) ironing the seam

      Collar-neck connection

      Connecting the front and back parts along the side sections

    a) stitching side sections

    b) ironing the seam

      Connecting sleeves with armholes

      Processing the bottom cut.

      Carrying out WTO and final processing of the product.

      Attaching the belt to the dress.


    5. Practical work

    Drawing up a technological map for processing a product unit. Appendix table.


    Technological operation

    Type of work

    Equipment, tools, devices

    Summing up the practical work. Analysis of typical mistakes.

    Fixing the material.

    Which flows are distinguished by the way parts are transferred from worker to worker?

    What are the different flows depending on the quantity of products produced?

    What is the difference between non-sectional and sectional processes?

    What kind of work is done in the procurement section?

    What kind of work is carried out in the installation section?

    What kind of work is done in the finishing section?

    How many people can be on a team?

    On what basis are methods for processing product components chosen?

    What is included in the technological map for product processing?

    How are the types of work designated?

    Summing up the lesson


      Were you interested in the lesson?

      Did you learn something new?

      Was the material studied available?

      Did you understand him?

      Are you ready to put the acquired knowledge into practice?


    Repeat the rules for filling out the technological map for product processing.

    That is for performing manual, machine and high-tech works.

    To make a garment, you need to follow some technological steps. All of them must be performed in a certain sequence.

    Rules for basting and stitching.

    To facilitate the final connection of the parts of the product, they are pre-basted. This procedure allows you to improve the quality of work on your sewing machine.

    Sweep the parts with the wrong side out. The parts are distributed so that the marks and cuts coincide, and then they are pinned in several places. The pins are placed perpendicular to the seam.

    If two parts are of unequal length, then they are swept away from the side of the part that has a larger cut.

    The parts are stitched on the machine from the opposite side than the one from which they were swept. That is, the parts of the product on the machine will be ground down from the side of the part whose cut is shorter.

    After the seams of the product are stitched on the machine, the basting threads are removed, and.

    Sequence of sewing a skirt.

    1. Sew the processed parts to the product (pockets, yokes, undercuts)
    2. Sew the side sections and finish them.
    3. Process the fastener.
    4. Sew the finished belt.
    5. Sew the bottom of the product.
    6. Sew loops, sew buttons or buttons.

    Sewing sequence.

    1. Sew the undercuts.
    2. Sew hemmed pockets.
    3. Sew the side seams and overcast them.
    4. Sew the internal edges.
    5. Sew the seam of the seat.
    6. Process the fastener.
    7. Sew the finished belt.
    8. Sew the braid.
    9. Sew the bottom of the trousers, folding the seam allowance.
    10. Sew the loops, sew on the buttons.

    Sequence of sewing a dress, blouse.

    1. Sew folds and darts.
    2. If required, stitch the machined parts to the product (pockets, yokes, undercuts, flaps)
    3. Stitch the trim.
    4. Process the seams of the product.
    5. Sew side seams, remove basting threads.
    6. Process the fastener.
    7. Overcast sleeves, collar. Finish the seams.
    8. Sew around the neckline and sew on the collar.
    9. Sew the sleeves.
    10. Sew a skirt with a top.
    11. Sew the bottom of the product.

    Ironing the product after stitching.

    When sewing a product, there is always a need for wet-heat treatment. But you should try to do only the most necessary work with iron. And you can only iron it thoroughly ready product. Since during the sewing process you can eliminate some defects using ironing, but then, during the process of wearing the product, these defects will still appear.

    After stitching the parts, each seam is subjected to wet-heat treatment. This is done so that the seam is restored to its length and becomes less thick, since when stitching the fabric is pulled away from the machine stitching. Therefore, the seam must be ironed through a damp cloth, and then without it until completely dry. But there are exceptions; fabrics made from synthetic fibers are ironed without moisture, using an iron at low temperature.

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    1. Composition part

    1.1 Rationale for choosing a model

    2. Technological part

    2.2 choice of unit processing of the product

    2.6 Calculation of the economic design technology for the manufacture of women's summer dress



    In the clothing industry, the task of creating comfortable and beautiful clothes sewing enterprises, fashion houses, factory laboratories and individual tailoring workshops decide.

    The most important task of clothing companies is to meet the needs of consumers in this type of service.

    The solution to this problem is carried out on the basis of increased production efficiency, acceleration of scientific and technological progress, increased labor productivity, comprehensive improvement in the quality of work, improvement of labor and production.

    In the mass production of garments, the decisive role is played by the technological process, which is an economically feasible set of technological operations for processing and assembling parts and assemblies of garments.

    The modern clothing industry, which produces mass-produced clothing, should be characterized by sufficient high level equipment, technology and organization of production, the presence of large specialized enterprises and production associations.

    Improvement clothing production provides for the introduction of high-performance equipment, production lines, expansion of the range and improvement of the quality of clothing, and the production of products that are in high demand.

    The range of clothing products should be updated as a result of expanding the range and improving the quality of the raw material base of the clothing industry.

    The technology of modern sewing production is increasingly becoming mechanical; its effectiveness primarily depends on the equipment used.

    Solving the problems facing the clothing industry requires great and deep knowledge from technologists. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to introduce new technological processes of clothing production necessary for the manufacture of clothing High Quality.

    A characteristic feature of the work of individual tailoring enterprises is servicing customers with non-standard figures and those who want to have high-quality, original clothes. Customers are offered services for the production of those types of products, the range of which is not sufficiently represented in the retail chain.

    1. Composition part

    1.1 Rationale for choosing a model

    Before you start choosing and designing this or that type of clothing, you need to familiarize yourself with the modern assortment of fashionable clothing. For this purpose, various fashion magazines were studied, which develop seasonal collections of a wide variety of assortments.

    The main factor in fashion's choice of product shape is silhouette. Therefore, guided by the promising direction of fashion, an adjacent silhouette was chosen.

    When creating a product, it is important to comply with the main functional purpose, which is ensured by the correct choice of product according to nomenclature, model, design, material, color.

    Of all the variety women's clothing A summer dress with a fitted silhouette was chosen. The fitted silhouette of this silhouette is achieved by waist darts. The composition of each presented model is based on one common design basis; only the color of the material and its structure differ. Models of this family are distinguished by decorative and functional details.

    In addition to aesthetic indicators, one of the main objectives of the costume is design indicators, ease of use, strength, service life, operational reliability, dimensional stability, repairability and reuse, hygienic indicators.

    To ensure dimensional stability, the degree of rigidity of individual parts is increased, and fabrics with a wrinkle-resistant finish are used.

    Reliability in operation is also characterized by the strength of clothing and its individual parts, that is, the ability to resist destruction under large instantaneous or short-term loads.

    In almost all collections proposed by famous fashion designers for the coming spring of 2009, dresses with asymmetrical necklines are seen. These can be dresses with one shoulder or one sleeve, and there are also dresses with thin straps or without them. The selected dress model has straps, which gives the silhouette femininity, beauty, and tenderness.

    With the onset of spring 2009, designers are replacing cold colors with a combination of gold and various shades slate gray. Among the favorites of the spring, summer 2009 season: white, red, yellow, purple, khaki. Brown color can also be called universal in relation to the key trends of the season - it is an indispensable component of the Country style that is so influential this spring, and in the folk direction, brown shades play a decisive role in creating a neutralizing background to fancy color combinations. The color of the chosen dress is iridescent brown.

    Thin draperies and lace are an excellent finishing option for a dress, so the dress model being developed will satisfy any taste. A dress can reveal and emphasize a person’s external characteristics, visually increase or decrease height and volume of a figure, hide flaws and emphasize advantages. At its core, it should, first of all, be convenient, expedient and functional. Based on the fashion trends for spring - summer 2009, the dress model being developed is the most relevant.

    The main task of a suit is to create an atmosphere of physical and mental comfort for the person who wears it, enhance his external attractiveness, emphasize his individuality, and match his style of life and behavior.

    Clothing must meet certain consumer requirements, which include: aesthetic and design indicators, ease of use, strength, service life, operational reliability, shape stability, repair and reuse, hygienic and economic indicators.

    The group of industrial requirements contains indicators characterizing the rationality and efficiency of manufacturing products using industrial methods.

    To ensure dimensional stability, the degree of rigidity of individual parts is increased, and fabrics with a wrinkle-resistant finish are used. Reliability in operation is also characterized by the strength of clothing and its individual parts, that is, the ability to resist destruction under large instantaneous or short-term loads.

    Economic factors play an important role in deciding the issue of maximizing the requirements for clothing. The economic factor - the cost and availability of the product with high quality - serves such requirements as minimum material consumption and labor intensity in combination with ensuring other requirements for clothing.

    Supplex dress, in linen style.

    The product has a close-fitting silhouette, middle length. The dress has thin straps, with a zipper in the middle back seam.

    The front consists of two parts: a bodice and a skirt. The bodice is trimmed with bust darts and draped with pleats. The upper part of the bodice is decorated with lace braid. The front panel of the skirt is straight.

    The back is one-piece with a zipper on the middle seam of the back. The back panel of the skirt is straight.

    The lining of the product is processed to the bottom.

    Table 1 - List of details for the cut of a women's summer dress made of mixed fabric.

    Name of parts

    Sketch of parts indicating the direction of thread seams

    Name of cuts of cutting details

    Number of cut details

    Upper front

    Lower front

    a - b - upper cut of the yoke

    b - c - side cut of the yoke

    d - c - lower cut of the yoke

    a - d - side cut of the yoke

    a - b - upper front section

    b - c - side section of the front

    c - d - lower front section

    a - d - side section of the front

    a - b - upper section of the back

    b - c - side section of the back

    c - d - lower section of the back

    a - d - side section of the back

    1.2 Justification for the choice of material

    sewing dress model technological

    The choice of fabric depends on the fashion trend, season, environment, style of the proposed model, purpose and nature of the work.

    In the upcoming spring-summer 2009 season, the main materials will be denim, satin translucent materials, taffeta, elastic fabrics, also relevant summer fabrics into a cage.

    When making a summer dress for everyday wear in linen style, mixed fabric - supplex - is more suitable.

    The color of the fabric is pink; due to the peculiarity of the fabric, the color shimmers, which is relevant for the next season.

    The main hygienic functions of clothing include: protecting a person from mechanical and chemical damage, from exposure to adverse environmental factors, keeping the skin clean, and ensuring the normal functioning of the body.

    The fabric must have the following hygienic properties: breathability, hygroscopicity, heat-shielding properties, non-contamination, wear resistance, certain strength, resistance to washing, ability to form during wet heat treatment.

    Therefore, the dress must meet hygienic, operational, aesthetic, functional, technological, and economic requirements. That is, the dress should protect a person from the effects of adverse environmental factors; ensuring normal functioning of the body (skin respiration, gas exchange); ventilation of the underlayer of air; thanks to the choice of rep material for sewing this product.

    The product should provide comfort to wear due to sufficient freedom of movement and the right choice fasteners must ensure strength and reliability in operation, characterized by good resistance of materials and seams to tensile loads, dimensional stability of parts and wear resistance of materials.

    The designed product is characterized by a minimum area of ​​parts and, accordingly, minimum waste of materials during cutting.

    In the selected assortment of materials, the following are most fully manifested: valuable properties such as wrinkle resistance, shrinkage, abrasion resistance, and the ability to maintain ironed folds. Products made from them do not require frequent ironing; due to their low water absorption, cleaning them both wet and dry is very simple.

    One of the most necessary materials threads are used to create clothes. When sewing light assortments, silk, cotton, and synthetic threads can be used.

    Sewing threads are subject to different requirements depending on their purpose. The main requirements for sewing threads are to ensure satisfactory sewing properties and to ensure the necessary strength and wear resistance of seams during operation.

    In the process of clothing production, sewing threads are used to perform various technological operations: seaming parts, performing finishing stitches, hemming hems, sewing on buttons, making buttonholes, etc.

    To ensure high quality and reliability of thread connections in the manufacture of garments, the rational use of sewing threads must be ensured.

    Table 2 - Characteristics of sewing threads

    Type, conventional thread number

    Breaking elongation.

    Coefficient of variation in elongation at break

    Line to be executed.

    Cotton 50; 60


    Reinforced with 35LL polyester braid

    Stitching, overcasting, buttonhole

    Reinforced with polyester braid 25LL


    Polyester filament yarn 45LL


    The designed product uses a zipper. The zipper consists of two rows of links mounted on strips of tape; a lock that, when moving, closes or opens the links; lock travel limiter. IN in this case A plastic zipper with a one-piece stopper is used.

    Table 3 - Characteristics of the zipper

    2. Technological part

    2.1 Selection and justification of processing methods. Product processing modes

    Table 4-Modes for making thread connections

    Type of seam and its image

    Stitch type

    Seam width

    Stitch frequency

    Application area

    1 Ironing


    Sewing the middle sections of the front and back, side sections, and sections of the lining detail

    2 In hem with closed cut


    Stitching the bottom of the product, the bottom of the lining

    3 Ironed


    Sewing the bodice with the skirt panel

    4 Obtochny


    Processing the upper part of the bodice

    5 Zipper stitching seam


    Zip fastening in the middle back seam

    Table 5 - Modes of wet-heat treatment with an iron.

    2.2 Selection of unit processing of the product

    When sewing the selected dress, various methods of processing the product are applicable. It is recommended to manufacture the designed product using the simplest processing methods.

    When connecting the middle sections of the front and back, side sections, and sections of the lining part, we use a pressed seam, which is depicted as a knot (Figure 1, Appendix B).

    The most labor-intensive part of the product is the design of the upper part of the bodice. The bodice is draped with folds, decorated with ruffles, and straps are sewn to the front. The main processing units are shown in diagram form (Appendix B).

    2.3 Improving existing methods for processing the most labor-intensive components

    Table 6 - Characteristics of improved processing methods and calculation of their effectiveness

    Existing processing method

    Designed processing method


    Time spent, s


    Name of indivisible operations


    Time spent, s


    Connection of ruffle with front

    t.u.: the parts are connected in this arrangement: ruffle - strap - lining

    Sew ruffle, strap, lining, facing

    Sew all the details to the shelf

    Turn the collar right side out and iron it

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Fold the lining with facing down and iron

    Topstitch the lining with facing

    Topstitch the lining with facing

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Overcast the edges of the facing with the lining

    Fold the shelf to the front side

    Stitch the top of the bodice and the skirt panel

    DDL-8700H-5-WB/SR-15 "Juki", Japan

    Processing darts

    Draw a dart line along the waistline

    Sew darts along the marked line

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Sew darts along the waistline

    Iron darts

    Cs-394 KE+1392 "Pannonia", Hungary

    Iron darts

    Existing processing scheme

    Designed processing circuit

    Table 7 - Matrix of structural and technological connections of parts in the upper part of the bodice

    Based on the data from the technological sequence table, the reduction in processing time was calculated, in %, using the formula:

    where Tb is the time spent on the basic option;

    Ti-time spent on the proposed option (more advanced)

    To calculate the reduction in the duration of technological processing due to the possible parallel execution of process operations by performers in production, use the formula:

    2.4 Equipment characteristics

    Table 8. List and technological characteristics of sewing equipment

    Name of equipment

    Manufacturer's type or class

    Stitch type

    Maximum speed

    Maximum stitch length

    Type of processed materials

    Thickness of the stitched bag

    Additional data

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, stitching, stitching, stitching parts

    "Juki", Japan


    Cotton, linen

    Automatic tacking and thread trimming.

    MEV-3200SSMM, stitching parts with simultaneous overcasting

    "Juki", Japan


    Cotton, linen

    The distance between the needles is 3 mm. stitching width 4-5 mm.


    Finishing stitching

    "Juki", Japan


    Cotton, linen

    Distance from stitch to cut 3-4 mm

    2.5 Technological sequence

    Making the selected women's dress not labor-intensive and contains 25 basic operations. When sewing a product, it is recommended to use the latest equipment, which will save labor intensity and reduce costs.

    All operations are divided into sections, groups, nodes. The preparation section includes groups for launching, processing of part cuts, processing of ruffles, and processing of a shelf. Installation includes basic manufacturing operations. The finishing section contains the finishing operations necessary to give desired shape product.

    The technological sequence of manufacturing the designed women's summer dress is presented in Table 9, omitted in the appendix.

    2.6 Economic calculation of the designed technology for the manufacture of women's summer dresses

    Table 10-Calculation of the effectiveness of selected processing methods for the product as a whole

    Type of work performed

    Time spent



    Procurement operations

    Product installation

    2.7 Construction of a technological process graph for a product

    Based on the created technological sequence, a special assembly diagram is created for the designed product - a process graph, which shows the order of execution of each operation of the technological sequence and does not exclude errors in its construction.

    The process graph contains all the necessary information for full description and for further work in design, it allows you to most accurately determine the relationship between the elements of operations and clarify the order of occurrence during manufacturing. The process graph is presented in the Appendix.

    Table 9 - Technological sequence for sewing a women's summer dress from mixed fabrics

    Name of operations

    Technical conditions for its implementation


    Time of processing

    Equipment, tool accessories

    Procurement section Launch group (control table)

    Accept the cut from the cutting shop

    Check the number of cut details

    Check the quality of parts using cut patterns

    Log cutting reports

    D/r table, magazine

    Fill out the control card

    Divide the cut details into packs

    Place control cards on the packages

    Distribute cutting details to the procurement shop

    Special trolley

    Processing of parts slices

    Stitch the side edges of the lower front

    t.u.: the sections are overcast at a distance of 400-500 mm from the bottom

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Overcast the middle sections of the back

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Overcast the side sections of the back

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Overcast the side edges of the upper front

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Ruffle processing

    Place two zigzag lines along the edge of the prepared braid.

    t.u.: the braid should be 2-3 cm wide, the lines are laid along the edge of the part with loosely tightened stitches

    DDL-8700-7WS/GD-160, "Juki", Japan

    Pull lower threads lines, distribute the resulting gathers along the entire length of the ruffle

    Sew a ruffle on the top of the front

    t.u: the ruffle is applied to the main part between parallel lines on the front side

    DDL-8700-7WB/СP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Remove basting threads

    Shelf processing

    Sew shelf parts

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Press and press fabric seam allowances

    t.u.: the seams are ironed until they are completely adjacent to the shelf part

    Cs-394 KE+1392 "Pannonia", Hungary

    Stitch side seams

    t.u.: the side sections are ground down, placing the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, leveling the cuts

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Press the side seams and the middle back seam

    Cs-394 KE+1392 "Pannonia", Hungary

    Serve the bottom of the dress

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Sweep the bottom of the dress

    t.u.: the bottom of the dress is folded to the wrong side and basted from the side of the hem allowance

    MEV-3200SSMM, "Juki", Japan

    Hem the bottom of the dress

    t.u.: the fabric allowance for the hem of the bottom is hemmed, aligning along the intended line

    DDL-8700-7WB/CP-160, "Juki", Japan

    Iron the shelves

    Cs-394 KE+1392 "Pannonia", Hungary

    Press the side seams

    Iron the back

    Cs-394 KE+1392 "Pannonia", Hungary

    Apply a product label

    Completing dresses

    Deliver to warehouse


    During the coursework, processing methods for making a women's summer dress from mixed fabrics were considered; basic properties of materials, characteristics of the sewing threads used, modes of wet-heat treatment with an iron, characteristics of the zipper used, modes of making thread connections. All materials fully comply with the requirements for the product: hygienic, aesthetic, operational. The selected dress model not only corresponds to the current fashion trend, but also, due to its classic nature, will be in demand in many subsequent seasons.

    New equipment and improved processing methods were used in the production of the selected dress, which reduced the cost of processing time and increased labor productivity.

    Thus, the most important part of the course work is the creation of a technological sequence and the construction of an assembly diagram on its basis - a process graph.

    Posted on Allbest.ru

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      Technological sequence of manufacturing a women's jacket. Requirements for the product. Justification of the chosen model, its description appearance. Selection and justification of materials and accessories. Methods of processing products, means of small-scale mechanization.

      course work, added 08/19/2016

      Justification for the dress model. Selection of fabric, related materials, equipment and fixtures. Preliminary cost calculation. Measuring your figure and choosing extensions. Product design drawing. Technological sequence of its processing.

    Creative project on the topic: “Making a casual dress”

    1 . Justification of the topic of the selected project.

    2 . Sketch and description of the model.

    3 .Justification for the choice of materials and equipment used.

    4 . Making patterns and cutting the product.

    5 .Product manufacturing technology. The seams used in the manufacture of the product.

    6 . Calculation of product cost.

    7 .Results of the project work.

    8 .Bibliography.

    1. Justification of the topic of the selected project

    The goal is to design and produce a dress for everyday wear.

    Tasks: 1. Select manufacturing technology.

    2. Conduct research work.

    3. Put forward an idea for a model.

    4. Consider the manufacturing technology.

    5. Make the product.

    As a product for creative project, I chose a dress for everyday wear at school.

    In my search for a dress pattern for a creative project, I looked through and studied many options. There were many options modern fashion offers a large number of models of dresses, different in style, texture and color of fabric. Considering that I needed this dress to wear to school, I opted for a strict classic-style dress made of thick fabric. I decided to diversify my look with different detachable collars and cuffs.

    Rice. 1. Dress options

    2. Sketch and description of the model


    Rice. 2. Model sketch

    Model description

    Purpose, name;

    Silhouette, style;

    Features of parts;


    Casual dress for school.

    The dress fabric chosen was black.

    The dress has a classic style and a fitted silhouette.

    The dress is cut at the waist, with a semi-sun skirt. There are darts on the front and back of the bodice of the dress, and the long sleeves are set-in. Neck round shape processed with hemming.

    On the back the fastener is finished with black satin braid - a zipper with golden links. The bottom of the dress and sleeves are finished with a hem seam with an open cut.

    Made as finishing detachable collar and lace cuffs.

    Rice. 3.4. Removable parts options

    Rice. 5. Front and back view of the dress.

    3. Justification for the choice of materials and equipment used

    Since the selected product is everyday dress, then the fabric should hold its shape well and be resistant to abrasion. Therefore, thick dress fabric in a universal black color was chosen as the material for sewing.

    Equipment andOther accessories

    Sewing machine "Janome 5519".

    Overlock. "Janome My Lock 134"

    Iron with steam humidifier,

    Hand needle for estimating work, pins, machine needle No. 80, scissors. ironing board, ironing iron

    4. Making a pattern and cutting the product

    Dress cut details

    1. Front - 1 piece

    2. Back - 2 parts

    3. Front and back panels of the skirt - 1 piece

    4. Sleeve-2 parts

    5. Facing - 2 parts

    Cut out the dresses

    To cut the dress you need:

    1. Prepare the fabric for cutting by decating.

    Lay out the fabric for cutting on the work table, cut off the edge.

    2. Fold the fabric in half along the lobar thread with the right side inward, align the lobar sections, pin with pins across the lobar slices, aligning the transverse sections.

    4.When laying out the pattern pieces on the fabric, the grain thread of the fabric and the direction of the grain thread indicated on the pattern pieces must match.

    5. First, lay out the large parts on the fabric, then the small parts of the pattern. Pin the pieces to the fabric with pins. Trace the pattern details along the contours. Then set aside the allowances for processing the cuts indicated on the parts, and draw new contour lines, exactly repeating the contour of the outlined part.

    6. Cut out the parts along the seam allowance lines.

    5. Product manufacturing technology.

    Seams used in the manufacture of the product

    Work plan for sewing a cut-off dress along the waist line:

    1. Processing of chest, shoulder and waist darts on the details of the bodice cut

    2. Processing the shoulder sections of the bodice

    3. Processing the side sections of the bodice

    4. Processing the fastener with braid - zipper

    5. Collar processing

    6. Connecting the collar to the neck

    7. Treatment of sleeves

    8. Processing the side sections of the skirt panels

    9. Connecting the bodice with the skirt

    10. Connecting sleeves with armholes

    11. Processing the bottom cut

    12. Final finishing of the product

    Technological map for sewing dresses

    Practical work

    Execution technology

    Processing of chest, shoulder and waist darts on bodice cut details

    Sew the darts along the intended lines: chest darts - from the side sections to the tops, shoulder darts - starting from the shoulder sections, waist darts - starting from the bottom cuts for temporary purposes. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Check the quality of work. Iron the darts: moisten and iron on the edge, and then iron the chest darts with a fold down, the shoulder and waist darts with a fold towards the middle of the part, iron the slack of the fabric at the ends of the darts. Check the quality of work.

    Processing the shoulder sections of the bodice.

    Baste and stitch the shoulder sections on the side of the front piece. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Process the seam edges using an edge stitching machine. Check the quality of work. Moisten shoulder seams, press edgewise, then press into different sides or iron the back parts to the side until they fit completely. Check the quality of work.

    Processing the side sections of the bodice.

    Stitch the shoulder sections from the side of the back piece. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Process the seam edges using an edge stitching machine.

    Check the quality of work. Moisten the side seams, press to the edge, and then press or press toward the front until they are completely snug. Check the quality of work.

    Processing the fastener with a hidden braid - zipper

    Prepare the braid - zipper for sewing in: iron with moisture through an ironing iron, check the operation of the lock and the links of the braid - zipper. Place the back pieces right sides together, align the edges, and baste along the seam allowance line.

    Moisten the seams, press edgewise, and then press until they are completely snug. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Open the zipper lock. Place the lock with the right side on the right side of the back allowance so that the links of the lock are on the ironing line. Baste along the braid. Sew the zipper lock braid to the back seam allowance, bending the zipper links, using a special foot. The stitching should go at the base of the links. Close the lock. Baste the other side of the lock with the right side on the right side of the back allowance, stitch, bending the links of the lock. The stitch runs at the base of the links. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Iron the fastener from the wrong side through the ironing iron.

    Check the quality of work.

    Collar processing.

    Cut out the details of the upper and lower collar from the main or finishing fabric after specifying the neckline. Process the collar: grind the edges and ends of the collar and collar parts, turn the collar right side out, straighten the corners, straighten and sweep the seam, iron from the bottom collar side. Check the quality of work.

    Collar-neck connection

    Place the bottom collar with the front side on the front side of the product, aligning the middle of the collar with the middle of the back, and the ends of the collar with notches, align the cuts of the neckline and collar, secure with pins, sweep in from the side of the product and stitch from the side of the collar. Fold the seam edges towards the lower collar. Fold the edge of the upper collar inward by 7-10mm, baste, closing the machine stitch, stitch at a distance of 1-2mm from the edge of the hem. Remove threads from temporary stitches and iron. Check the quality of work.

    Sleeve processing

    Sweep and stitch the sleeve sections. Process seam cuts using an edge stitching machine. Check the quality of work. Moisten seams, press edgewise, and then press or press toward front until completely snug. Check the quality of work. Finish the bottom edge of the sleeve with a closed hem seam and press the seam. Check the quality of work.

    Processing side sections of skirt panels

    Sweep the side sections of the fabric. Stitch the side seams from the back panel. Remove threads from temporary stitches. Process the seam edges using an edge stitching machine. Check the quality of work. Moisten side seams, press edgewise, and then press or press toward front panel until completely snug. Check the quality of work.

    Connection of bodice with skirt

    Turn the skirt inside out, bodice right side out. Place the bodice into the skirt, matching the side seams, darts, and the middle lines of the bodice and skirt parts, align the cuts, pin, and baste along the seam allowance line on the bodice side. Process seam cuts using an edge stitching machine. Press the seam allowance to the edge and then press towards the bodice. Check the quality of work.

    Connecting sleeves with armholes

    Stitch the sleeves into the armholes, sew in from the sleeve side, and tack at the end of the stitching. Process the seam edges using an edge stitching machine. Press the seam allowance to the edge and then press towards the sleeve. Check the quality of work.

    Processing the bottom cut

    Finish the bottom edge using a serger. Fold the bottom edge of the skirt to the wrong side to the width of the hem, baste. Attach the hem using blind stitches or machine stitching.

    Remove threads from temporary stitches and iron. Check the quality of work.

    Final finishing of the product

    Remove the threads of temporary stitches, trim the ends of the threads, clean the product of threads, and perform a wet-heat treatment. Hang the product on a hanger until completely dry.

    6. Calculation of product cost

    Materials used

    Price, rub)

    Material consumption per product

    Material costs (RUB)

    Fabric for dress



    Fabric for decoration

    The preliminary price of the product is 919 rubles.

    Electricity costs - 39.52 rubles.

    The total cost of the product is 1078 rubles (excluding labor).

    The market value of the product is 3500 rubles.

    Savings - 2422 rubles.

    7. Results of the project work

    After finishing sewing the dress, I was satisfied with the work done. I enjoyed working with the material I chose. I did not have any difficulties in making the product. I am glad that I gained new knowledge and skills in sewing! I am very pleased with the result of my work! I will wear the dress with great pleasure!


    1. Fashion magazine.

    2. Magazine “Burda Moden” 2013-2014.

    3. Mozgovaya G.G. "Technology. Sewing" 7-9 grades - M.: Education 2009.

    The process of manufacturing a garment consists of a number of technological operations. Usually they are performed in a certain sequence. Depending on the complexity of the product, type of design and finishing, the sequence of technological operations may vary, but basically it is constructed as follows.
    Stitch darts, folds, reliefs.
    Process and stitch the parts required by the model (yokes, undercuts, pockets).
    Stitch the side edges and overcast the seams.
    Process the skirt fastener (zipper, trims, wrap).
    Finish and stitch the belt.
    Hem the bottom of the skirt.
    Overcast loops, sew on buttons, hooks, snaps.
    Sew darts and folds (at the waistband).
    Sew the yokes, overcast, and finish the pockets.
    Stitch the side sections, overcast the seams, stitch according to the model if necessary.
    Stitch the step (internal) sections and overcast.
    Stitch the seam sections of the seat and overcast.
    Process the zipper.
    Finish and stitch the belt.
    Sew on the trouser tape.
    Fold and sew the seam allowance along the bottom of the trousers.
    Process the loops, sew on the buttons.
    Blouse, dress.
    Sew darts and folds on the main parts of the product.
    Process and stitch, if required according to the model, yokes, undercuts, pockets, valves; sew folds or tucks, inserts or lace and other trims. Sew seams.
    Sew reliefs, shoulder and side sections, remove basting threads, overcast seams.
    Process the fastener, if there is one according to the model (sides, trims, zipper).
    Process the collar, sleeves (sew cuffs or trim, if any). Sew seams.
    Finish the neckline; if there is a collar, sew it in.
    Sew in sleeves, overcast seams.
    Sew the skirt to the bodice, overcast the seams, if there is a drawstring or elastic band, pull it through.
    Hem the bottom of the product.
    Sew buttons and trim.
    When assembling the product, all parts are pre-basted (basted, basted) hand stitches temporary purpose, which facilitates their final connection and improves the quality of machine work.
    Before basting, the parts are usually folded with their right sides inward, control marks and cuts are aligned, and pinned in several places, placing them perpendicular to the seam.
    When basting two parts along sections of unequal length, for example, the back and front along the shoulder sections, a collar with a collar, a side with a hem, etc., the operation is performed from the side of the part that needs to be “planted” somewhat, i.e. the part with a large cut (top collar, hem, flap).
    Stitching on the machine is carried out from the side opposite to the one that was facing the worker when sweeping. Consequently, the parts connected to the fit will be ground down from the side of the shorter cut (collar, sub-flap, hem, etc.).
    After stitching the thread, the bastings are removed and the seam is subjected to wet-heat treatment.
    When sewing a product, there is often a need for wet-heat treatment. Try to perform only necessary ironing work. Using an iron you can temporarily eliminate a number of defects, but during operation they will still manifest themselves. Carefully and completely iron the product only in its finished form.
    Machine stitching always tightens the fabric somewhat. Therefore, after stitching, each seam to restore its original length and reduce thickness must be ironed first through a damp iron, and then without it until completely dry. The only exceptions are some fabrics made from synthetic fibers, which are ironed with a slightly heated iron without moisturizing.
    To avoid squeezing seam allowances onto the front side of the product, when ironing it is recommended to place thick paper or a wooden ruler under the allowances. A similar technique is used when ironing and in a number of other cases, placing thick paper, for example, under the dart, under the allowance for the depth of the folds, under the hem allowance for the bottom of the product, etc.
    When ironing so-called facing parts, such as collars, flaps, leaves, hems, cuffs, etc., it is recommended to use templates. The template is also cut out of thick paper exactly according to the dimensions of the lower part (collar, side, sub-valve) without seam allowances and before ironing it is placed inside the prepared part so that the seam allowances lie between the lower part and the template.
    Ironing is done through a damp iron on the bottom part.

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