• How to do homework quickly and correctly? How to quickly do your homework using planning


    A study led by American researcher Fernandez-Alonso suggests that if a student high school spends more than 90-100 minutes a day on homework, his grades are slipping.

    This applies to grades in math and science subjects. Although, maybe that’s why the guys sit for more than an hour on the equation, because they just can’t understand what’s going on with this “X.” In any case, if you see that work is dragging on for two hours, threaten your child with deuces and send him to rest.

    4. Attentive parents help their child learn

    Researchers Walker, Hoover-Dempsey and others are sure of this. These are the parents who answer difficult questions, support in anxious situations, encourage before public readings of poems by Russian poets, and even call the school: “Natalya Nikolaevna, are you sure you asked to do experiments at home with the ignition of the fleecy part of the carpet?”

    In general, such assistants, according to scientists, are of great benefit: creating a connection between family and school, comprehensive support and motivation of the child. Only mom and dad can explain in a popular manner why you need to study and what happens if you fail a quarter.

    5. No, parents should still go out the door.

    Other scientists, Patall, Robinson and the already mentioned Professor Cooper, in a 2008 study, insist that dad, mom and grandma are capable of causing mischief behind the child’s back. Children, it turns out, learn worse if they feel pressure from behind their left shoulder: “Come on, Senya! Smooth line! Write “five” here. I forgot the comma again!”

    Such persistent help will kill any remaining motivation. Therefore, the correct strategy is support, but not control. Even if it is difficult for adults to keep a smile on their face when it comes to verb conjugations, it is worth remembering that the child’s inner attitude is most important.

    Photo source: istockphoto.com

    6. How much is possible? How many lessons can you do?

    The American National Education Association supports ten minute rule. These 10 minutes for all lessons in the first grade turn into 20 in the second and so on. However, in the senior year, homework should not exceed two hours.

    Your parents probably say that homework was very difficult back in their day, but today's students have more homework than ever before. Homework shouldn't be a chore. Learn to create a schedule for completing assignments, organize your study process correctly, find out if you need help, and studying will become much easier. Don't put everything off until later - start right now!


    Part 1

    Make a plan

      Write down your homework as a list. You can use a regular diary and write down all tasks only there - this will make it easier for you to find the necessary entries. Some students prefer planners or calendars. Use what is most convenient for you and keep tasks in one place.

      • Students often write down homework V workbook at the top of the page or make a note in pencil in the textbook. If you have such a habit, then you should still rewrite all tasks in your diary so that you don’t forget to do them.
      • Write down as much as possible more information about each of the tasks. It is useful to mark the pages of the textbook where the assignments are located and the teacher's instructions. This will help you plan your learning process more effectively.
    1. Make sure you understand each task. It is important to read the assignment carefully to determine whether you have enough knowledge to complete it. If you are given math equations, review them first and look for the hardest ones. If you have to read a text, estimate how long it will take you and consider whether you can answer the questions after the text.

      • Don't put off your homework until you get home. Review the assignment when you are given it so you have a chance to ask questions before you leave.
    2. Create a comfortable work area. It is best to study in a quiet place where you will not be distracted and where you can do your homework for as long as you need. You can practice at home or outside, the main thing is to choose a quiet place. Stock up on food and drinks just in case.

      Choose the most difficult tasks. At the end school day When you're preparing for homework, think about which assignments will be the hardest and rank them in order of decreasing difficulty so you know how much time you have to complete all the work. This is especially important if you have a lot of homework or there are tasks that will take more than one day to complete. You need to manage your time correctly, and to do this you need to figure out which tasks should be given priority.

      • Try to start with the most difficult tasks. Hate algebra? Reading literary works takes the most time? Start with the most time-consuming tasks so you can devote maximum time to them, and then move on to simple tasks because they can be done quickly.
      • Try to start with the most urgent tasks. If you need to solve 20 equations tomorrow and read 20 pages of a novel by Friday, you should start with math so you have enough time for it. Priority should be given to assignments due tomorrow.
      • Try to start with the most important tasks. Math homework can be difficult, but if you know the test isn't coming soon... big project in astronomy you need to take it the day after tomorrow, it’s better to devote more time to the project.
    3. Make a schedule. Days are always too short, so you need to allocate time for each task, estimating how many hours or minutes you will need for each one. Schedule time for homework and other tasks.

      • Set an alarm to keep track of the time. The less you procrastinate and open social media, the faster you will finish. If you feel like you can get everything done in half an hour, set a timer and try to finish on time. If you don't have time to do everything by this time, give yourself a few more minutes.
      • Keep track of how much time you typically spend on certain tasks on average. If your math homework usually takes you 45 minutes, set aside that much time for it each time. If you have to study for an hour straight, take a break and switch to another subject to avoid overworking yourself.
      • Try to take a 10 minute break every 50 minutes. Rest is extremely important because without it, work efficiency decreases. You are not a robot!

      Part 2

      Working on homework
      1. Make sure you have everything you need before you start working. If you start looking for a ruler or protractor during class, you will become distracted and it will be difficult to return to study after searching for half an hour. If you plan everything out, you'll know exactly what you'll need to complete the task and can prepare everything you need in advance.

        • Once you start studying, try not to leave your desk until your scheduled break. If you want to drink coffee, brew it before you start. Go to the toilet so you can work until your next break without looking up from your textbooks.
      2. Eliminate distractions whenever possible. Hide your phone, turn off your computer and surround yourself with silence. If you focus all your attention on your homework, it will be much easier for you to complete it because your brain won't have to switch between tasks.

        • Students often try to do homework along with other things: watching TV, listening to the radio, chatting with someone on the Internet. You'll be much more comfortable doing these things after you've finished doing your homework, and your homework will take up much less time if you don't have any distractions.
        • Look through social media news feeds only during breaks - not before or after them. Use these distractions as carrots, not sedatives.
      3. Focus on one task at a time. Complete all assignments in one subject to the end and only then move on to the next subject. This approach will help you complete one task and forget about it, and then start working on the next one. Doing tasks one after another will help you stay focused. Remember all the tasks, but only complete one at a time. You might need some help close friend or a family member.

        • If some task turns out to be very difficult and requires large quantity time, you can temporarily switch to something else. Just remember to come back to it later.
      4. Take a break every hour. Take time to relax and stick to the plan. During a break, you can do whatever you want, but it is important not to forget about time. You may start doing something interesting and change your mind about returning to homework!

        • Think about what suits you best. Some people prefer to do their homework immediately after returning from school in order to finish it quickly, while others prefer to rest for a while to recover after a hard day.
        • Doing your homework right away may be a good idea because it will free you up faster, but if you don't rest, the quality of your work may start to decline. It's very difficult to think hard about a particular issue for more than 45 minutes at a time. Rest and return to work with renewed vigor.
      5. Return from breaks on time. Don't let your breaks get longer and longer. Returning to work after a break can be difficult, so you may want to schedule a time to finish your classes and work as hard as you can until then.

        • The first 15 minutes after a break will be the most effective because your mind will be alert and ready to work.
      6. Give yourself rewards for finishing your homework. For example, promise yourself to watch your favorite TV series or play a video game. It should be something you haven't done during your breaks that will make you want to study harder and finish faster.

        • If you have trouble concentrating, ask a parent, sibling, or friend to help you. Give him or her your phone during class to avoid the temptation to look at social media, or the TV remote so you don't decide to watch it. Then take those things back and reward yourself for completing tasks. It is very important to deprive yourself of the opportunity to be cunning.
      7. Do as much homework as necessary. You may want to get the math over with and start playing video games, but it's better to stop rushing and get everything done well. There is no point in completing a task if you do it quickly and incorrectly. Spend as much time as necessary on homework and strive to do everything right.

        • You may want to have someone check your work after you are finished. If this person has the TV remote control or your phone, you will have more reasons to try to do everything well. Do not hurry.
      8. Check your completed assignments after you finish working on them. Don't just slam the notebook shut once all the equations have been solved. Take a short break and return to tasks with a fresh mind. Review everything you have done, correct spelling errors, typos and other little things so that the grade is higher. Since you've spent so much time getting the job done, take a few more minutes to check.

      Part 3

      Find Extra time
      1. Start practicing right now. You probably have many reasons and excuses for not doing your homework, but if you always find it difficult to finish things and get to work, this suggests that you like to put things off until later. Where can I get time for studying, which is so lacking? Start practicing now!

        • Do you really need an hour of computer games after school to unwind? It may be more rational to get to work right away, while the new information is still fresh in your mind. If you put it aside for a few hours, you will have to re-read the notes and try to get back to where you left off. Practice while you still remember everything.
        • If you have three days to read a text, don't put it off until the last day. Break the text into fragments and allocate time for reading on each of the three days. Even if the deadline for completing the task is not coming soon, this does not mean that you should wait until the last minute, because it is easier to do everything earlier. Try either getting up earlier or going to bed later so that you have some more time. The main thing is not to overwork!
      2. Do your homework on the way home. You'll be surprised how much time is wasted. If you have a long bus ride home, try doing some easy work on the way, or at least start reviewing it to make it easier for you at home.

        • If you need to read a lot of text, read on the bus. Put on some headphones to drown out other people's conversations and lose yourself in a book.
        • The bus can be a distraction, or it can help you. If you are traveling with a classmate, invite him to work through his homework together. If two people are thinking about the same task, this is not considered cheating.
      3. Do your homework during breaks. If the break lasts 10 minutes, you will have time to do something for the entire school day, just try to move between rooms as quickly as possible and not be distracted by conversations with classmates. Imagine how great it would be to get all your math homework done on the day it was assigned, without even bringing it home.

        • Don't count on this time if you haven't had time to finish something at home. If you finish writing something in front of the teacher, he is unlikely to like it. Plus, you won't have time to double-check everything. Haste leads to mistakes, so always try to double-check what was difficult for you.
      4. Do your homework while you have to wait for something. If you have an hour before sports section or music school after school, study. Value your time and don't let the wait eat it up. If you manage your time well, you can finish your homework very quickly.

        • Complete your homework assignments while you wait for someone to come pick you up or for someone to come visit you. Use any free time to do your homework.

      Part 4

      Help with homework
      1. Talk to your teacher about difficult assignments. The teacher knows everything about the homework because he chose it. If you fail at something despite working hard, don't bang your head against the wall. If you don't understand something, ask your teacher for help.

        • Asking for help doesn't mean you're stupid and don't know anything. Any teacher will respectfully listen to someone who takes homework seriously and asks for advice. Don't be afraid to ask for help, especially if you missed a previous lesson.
        • Asking for help is not the same as complaining about how difficult a task is, and it is not an excuse. If you only spend 10 minutes on your homework and don't do half of it because you found it difficult and then ask for help, you won't look good in the eyes of the teacher. If something seems difficult, ask for help early.
      2. Ask your parents to hire a tutor. If you are struggling with a subject, ask your parents to find you a tutor.

        • A tutor will help you not only understand the subject, but also complete your homework.
        • Just because you need help with your homework doesn't mean you can't do anything. Many parents hire tutors for their children so that they have the motivation to study, because the easier something is, the more stronger desire study. Studying is difficult, and there is no shame in taking extra classes. Imagine what would happen if you were always afraid to ask for something. You wouldn't be able to go to the store, cafe, cinema - anywhere at all!
      3. Study with your classmates. Find people who would be interested in joint activities, and do homework together. Help each other and share information.

        • Make sure everyone contributes. If someone does the whole assignment and you just rewrite it, it will be considered cheating. It is necessary to discuss the issue together and propose solutions. If you can all handle the task separately, you won't have any problems.
      4. Talk to your parents. Ask your parents, older siblings, or other relatives to help you. They all went to school, even if it was a long time ago. If someone can listen to you complain about difficult tasks, you will feel better.

        • Sometimes your parents just don't know how much help you need, so they may do the whole job. Be honest with yourself. Asking for help doesn't mean you want them to do everything for you.
        • Many older relatives may do tasks the old-fashioned way or tell you that what you were taught in school is not correct. In all cases, consider the teacher's approach to be correct and discuss solutions to problems with the teacher as necessary.
      • If you were not in class, call your friend and write down what was assigned for homework.
      • Make sure your small work area is well lit, quiet and comfortable. It will be easier for you to complete your homework efficiently.
      • You shouldn't worry too much about homework, but you shouldn't put it off until later. Stress will interfere with your homework, so just take a deep breath and relax.
      • Go to bed early, get good sleep and eat right. Following these rules will help you improve your concentration and you will not be as tired. Most teenagers need 9-10 hours of sleep per night, so don't try to stay up until three in the morning and then claim that 4 hours of sleep is enough for you.
      • Try to get good grades and actively participate in the learning process. You'll be able to remember more, and your notes will serve you well.
      • Underline and highlight key words - you can better understand the essence of the issue.
      • Get up early on the weekend. Focus is strong in the morning, so if you start working at 6-7 am, you will be done before noon and can spend the rest of the day on yourself.
      • If your homework questions are repetitive, you can skip some of them so you can spend more time on the more difficult ones. If you feel you could benefit from repetition, return to these questions. Sometimes in a test you come across the simplest questions.
      • Start with the most difficult subject and then move on to the simpler ones. Get rid of all distractions.
      • Lock the door so that your brothers or sisters do not disturb you. This will also allow you to work in silence.


      • Don't leave homework at school only to tell the teacher you forgot to take it home. This trick never works! The teacher will tell you that you should have remembered this during lunch or before class. If you forget your homework at school, you are being irresponsible, and that does not excuse you from completing the assignment.
      • Don't say you did the assignment but forgot it at home if you didn't even touch it. If you subsequently have problems, you will no longer be able to ask for help.

    Doing homework is often associated with quite serious difficulties. Schoolchildren experience difficulties because they are tired after classes and want to quickly go about their business and relax. It is difficult for them to concentrate and take on the next job. It is not easy to start studying again at home and to approach each task responsibly. Successful activities require willpower and perseverance. Of course, fatigue takes its toll, and some disciplines themselves cause a negative attitude. For example, it is always harder to do homework in subjects that are less clear. The most important thing in such cases is to concentrate, follow the work algorithm, think through a lesson plan, manage time rationally and not be distracted. Take into account a number of nuances, remember the recommendations in order to quickly do your homework and avoid mistakes. Then you yourself will be surprised by the results: it turns out that you can work out much more efficiently, while spending less time.

    How to achieve high speed and literacy when doing homework?
    First of all, you will need to remember important rule: you need to hurry slowly. You should not rush, try to write, read, and solve problems as quickly as possible. With this approach, the quality of work will immediately drop sharply, and additional time will be spent on checking and corrections. To truly improve your speed while avoiding slip-ups, you need to manage your time carefully and be purposeful and focused without getting distracted.
    1. Start by creating a schedule for your home activities. It is advisable that you devote some time to studying every day, and not just immediately before going to school. If you distribute the load more evenly, your work will be much easier. Always take into account in your daily routine that lessons may take a little longer than you expected. Leave a reserve of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Try to complete everything on time, but don’t forget that you still have this reserve. Don’t let the length of the period allotted for completing tasks scare you: when you get used to working carefully, according to plan, it will take you noticeably less time than the designated period.
    2. Consider various factors related to other matters, work, when you determine the time of classes. It is advisable not to sit down for homework immediately after coming home from school. It’s better to take time to relax, take a break from studying, and have a snack. A good option– take a walk outside, do some sports. If you are tired, stop for passive rest: read a book, watch TV. However, don't take too long a break. The normal time for rest after school is 1-1.5 hours. Sometimes students prefer to get some sleep after returning from school, but this is not very good way out. This way you will disrupt your routine; sleeping in fits and starts usually has a bad effect on the body. If you need this, you should consult your doctor. A good option is to get enough sleep at night so you won't want to lie down when you get home.
    3. Remember that the key to good work is order in everything. Once you have made a study schedule, always follow it. To remember to sit down for your homework on time, set an alarm clock. You will also need it to indicate periods of work between which you need to take a break, about 10 minutes. When there are a lot of lessons assigned, there is no need to do everything in a row to save time. You will need rest breaks, preferably every 35-50 minutes. Their frequency may also depend on the nature of the work: focus on your condition. If the work is fragmentary (for example, you are solving problems in physics or algebra), but you get tired of it, you can rest after 35 minutes. When a task is easier for you, but in itself requires a long time to complete (for example, writing an essay), you should take a break after 50 minutes, but rest a little longer.
    4. Keep in in strict order all your things school supplies, textbooks and notebooks. Then you will always have everything at hand, you won’t need to spend a long time looking for lost items or starting new notebooks. Please note that the environment itself will begin to create for you working mood when everything around is in its place.
    5. When starting classes, take care of peace and quiet in advance. Nothing should distract you: turn off the TV, put away your favorite books and magazines. It is advisable to turn off your computer and phone. This will help you do your homework correctly and not procrastinate.
    6. Create the most for yourself comfortable conditions. The table should be comfortable; remove all foreign objects from it. Choose the most suitable chair, pay attention to its height and compliance with the table. Try to sit up straight and not bend too low towards your notebooks. If you bend, in this position you will feel tired much faster, because the load on your spine and back will increase. You should not exercise on the sofa, lying down, as this negatively affects your vision.
    7. Gradually build your own “knowledge base”. Be sure to save your notes, notebooks, tests and written works, notes. All this will certainly be useful to you. Even if you have already moved to another class, do not throw away the papers: later the topics may be repeated, many of them are closely related to each other. Keep notes when you study on your own. For example, if some topic or subject causes you difficulties, try to fill in the gaps yourself: re-read the theory, take notes on difficult parts, and complete practical tasks. All these materials will help you master the information, master the necessary skills, and in the future you will be able, simply by looking through old notes, to reproduce everything in your memory.
    8. Think about the best order to do your homework. You can start with something simpler, if you don’t immediately immerse yourself in work, it’s hard for you to concentrate. When you get tired quickly, you should start with more complex tasks first, and leave simpler ones for the last period of work.
    9. Rational allocation of time, concentration and a responsible attitude will help you do your homework quickly. Don’t be distracted by other things - time will fly by faster, don’t loosen your attention - you won’t have to correct shortcomings for a long time.
    Sample plan for quick and correct execution homework
    1. Create a daily routine and always follow it.
    2. Relax after school. You can go for a walk or just sit at home.
    3. Keep all things, notebooks and textbooks, school supplies in strict order.
    4. Set an alarm so you don't miss the start of your homework.
    5. Focus and eliminate all factors that may distract you: turn off the TV, do not talk on the phone with friends.
    6. Take breaks from studying to avoid becoming overtired.
    7. Manage your time rationally: roughly calculate in advance which lessons will take you how long, take into account the specifics of the school schedule and your level of preparation. Something can be put off and done on the weekend. But it’s better to do the bulk of the lessons right away, when you come home from school, your memories are fresh, the teacher recently explained the topic.
    8. Think about what is better for you to start with: easier tasks or more difficult ones.
    9. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
    10. When everything is done, be sure to check the work done, try to find and correct shortcomings.
    Study carefully, on schedule, without deviating from the plan, take breaks, take each task responsibly, even if it seems easy, always double-check your work. Then you will do your homework correctly and spend less time on it.

    School is a new, important and responsible stage in a child’s life. In the lessons he not only gains knowledge, but also learns to work. Classes with other children instill in children diligence and the ability to systematize the information received.

    The ability to study independently and do homework is very important for a student. Parents need to send their child to the right direction and teach responsibility

    Doing homework plays an important role in this learning process. However, the atmosphere at home is very different from that at school. Firstly, at home the child can be distracted from lessons by other activities, and secondly, there is no control factor such as grades, because parents will not give a bad grade. Plus, the textbook is always at hand and you can peek at it without fear of punishment. Such a free environment has two sides to the coin. It helps to instill interest in learning and knowledge, but at the same time it is dangerous because it can lead to irresponsibility.

    Activities with a child at home

    First of all, you should understand that a modern school is very different from the schools in which the older generation studied. Currently, the school learning process is structured in such a way that parents need to devote some time to helping their child complete tasks. There are 3 main areas where additional intervention is required from moms and dads:

    1. Explanation of the material. The child does not always immediately understand everything in class, and sometimes does not listen to everything. The first step is to explain the missed and misunderstood points in the topic being studied.
    2. Doing homework. Here we need control so that the student does his homework and doesn’t just get bored with his notebook.
    3. Checking lessons. You should always review how your child has done his homework.

    When a child begins to attend school, many parents pin their hopes on the fact that the teachers themselves will convey everything to the students and educate them. However, there are usually about thirty people in a class, and it is simply impossible to check whether everyone has learned everything. As a result, either the parents themselves or the tutor can explain to him what he could not understand in class. In one case or another, responsibility for this falls on the shoulders of the parents.

    Modern schools heavily burden children with homework, so it is worth supporting the child, especially in the first two years of school, but it is absolutely forbidden to do homework for him.

    When working with your child at home, it is important not to get angry that you have to waste your time, and not to scold him for not being able to understand something. It should be borne in mind that it is quite difficult to learn everything during the lesson, because there are many children in the classes at once, and each of them has an individual pace and ability to perceive the material. In addition, there is noise and many other distracting things. So you shouldn’t prematurely attribute misunderstanding to stupidity or laziness. Most likely, the reason is related to concentration or organization of the educational process itself.

    Monitoring the completion of lessons

    Control over a student while doing homework comes down to sitting next to him or periodically coming and checking what he is doing and how things are progressing. IN otherwise, he can quickly switch his attention to an unrelated activity, and then the process can drag on for a long time.

    However, according to the experience of many mothers, such constant presence and supervision of the baby is required up to the third grade, after which the need for this disappears. This phenomenon is easily explained. The fact is that all children younger school age there is a deficit of voluntary attention. This is not a disease, it’s just the way a child’s brain works. Over time, the child outgrows this. With age, he will become more diligent, more attentive and focused.

    As for the popular diagnosis “ADD(H)”, which sounds like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, it can be attributed to at least half of children studying in the first to third grades. In this case, treatment is not required, but it is necessary to organize optimal conditions for doing homework. In the future, this will help to avoid scandals throughout the entire time of study within the school walls.

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    The degree of control over how your child does his homework directly depends on his age. It is very important to establish a clear routine and procedure for first and second graders after returning home from school. First, a short rest for an hour or an hour and a half. During this time, the child will have had enough rest from class activities, but will not yet have time to get tired or get very excited while playing and having fun. Children must get used to the fact that they need to do their homework every day.

    If your child attends other extracurricular activities, for example, if he goes in for sports, dancing or drawing, you can postpone the lessons to a later time. However, you should not leave them for the evening. For students on the second shift, the ideal time to do homework is in the morning.

    The process of adaptation to school can last up to six months. At this stage, parents should help the baby to adhere to the new routine. Some useful tips that will make home exercises more effective:

    1. A certain rhythm of work. For example, take a 5-10 minute break every 25 minutes.
    2. By the second year of study, it is necessary to teach the child to independently manage his time. From now on, the parent gets involved only if the baby asks for help. Otherwise, you can make the baby think that mom or dad will do everything for him.
    3. Priority to study. When a child sits down to do homework, nothing should distract him from this, neither a request to take out the trash, nor cleaning his room. All this can be postponed until later.

    In the lower grades, the child has not yet adapted and is not used to doing homework. He needs to take breaks from work

    Middle and high school

    At an older age, children usually manage their own time. To do this, they already remember well what, in what volume and when it was given. However, for some reason, not all schoolchildren cope with their lessons at home. There are a number of reasons and explanations for this:

    1. The load is too high for the baby to cope with. In modern school institutions A fairly large amount of work is assigned to the home, as a result of which additional extracurricular activities lead to overload. Of course, extracurricular activities, such as art lessons or foreign language courses, are necessary for the more complete development of the child, but it is very important that they are not under pressure and are not forced. The child should enjoy the activities and take a break from the school load. In addition, it is advisable not to set time limits for completing lessons. You should simply teach your child to set realistic goals that he can achieve.
    2. To attract attention. Constant reproaches, quarrels and scandals will only encourage bad behavior. This is especially true in cases where the child receives attention only as a result of disobedience or misconduct. Praise is the first step to ensure that a child can learn to do everything on his own.
    3. Knowing that the lessons will do for him. Often the child is simply in no hurry to do his homework himself, because he understands that one of the parents will eventually sit next to him and help. Parents' help should consist of directing the child's train of thought in the right direction and simply explaining the task, rather than solving it.

    Doing homework quickly and carelessly

    A fairly common situation is when a student wants to do his homework faster in order to free up time for games and walks. The parents’ task is to regularly check the quality of the work performed for some period. You should not resort to punishment for poorly done homework. It is better to find out from the child the reason why this happened. It is necessary to make it clear that only after completing his homework will he be able to do things to his liking.

    If a child, from the very beginning of the learning process, is accustomed to correct regimen day, then doing homework will not become an insurmountable task

    It is also important not to tie the baby to grades, but to instill a love of knowledge, since this should be his priority. From the words and actions of the parents, the child must conclude that regardless of his grades and the opinions of teachers, he will always be loved. Awareness of this is a good reason for effort and diligence in your studies.

    Homework Basics

    After parents have managed to teach their child to do homework independently, without hysterics and orders, they should master simple rules work at home. They will help to avoid the return of problems with completing lessons. These principles are:

    1. Routine and rest. After classes, the student should have time to rest, at least an hour, so that he can eat and relax without haste. It is ideal if the baby always does his homework at the same time. Plus, 10-minute breaks are needed during the process so that the child does not get overtired.
    2. Do labor-intensive tasks first. In addition, it is better to teach the student to write everything in a draft first. Only after the adult checks the task will he be able to rewrite the task in a notebook. Also, trust your baby more and don’t control the whole process. The child will definitely appreciate it.
    3. When errors are discovered during testing, it is important to first praise the child for his work, and then delicately point out them. This ensures that the child has a calm perception of his mistakes and encourages his desire to correct them on his own.
    4. During classes, you should never raise your voice at a child, criticize or call him names. This will lead to loss of respect and trust in parents.
    5. Due to the complexity of what is given in modern school material, it is better for mothers and fathers to study in advance the topic in which they are unsure in order to properly explain it to their child, if necessary.
    6. Don't do your child's homework. He should help only in difficult situations, but he must decide, write and draw himself. The main thing is that he acquires knowledge, and a good grade is a secondary matter.
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