• ​Enzyme peeling. Perfect skin cleansing with enzyme peeling


    Today the question of how to stay young and healthy over the years is very relevant. Women and men are ready to take advantage of various procedures offered by beauty salons in order to maintain a youthful appearance. Everyone wants to be young both in soul and body.

    Enzyme peeling

    In beauty salons you can find, among other services, such a type of service as enzyme peeling.

    As for the soul - this is a question from the category of philosophy, pedagogy and psychology - this is something that cannot be “touched with your hands”, but can be felt. And the youth of the body is just something that you can not only touch with your hands, but also see and even influence. Let's consider the question of how to prolong the youth of the face.

    It is no secret that over the years, every emotion leaves its mark on our face in the form of wrinkles, and an incorrect daily routine or diet, our heredity, as well as solar radiation, working conditions, and lifestyle can also leave their mark on our face in the form of age spots, peeling and deep wrinkles.

    What is enzyme peeling?

    If there are minor skin defects on the face, if there is a need to refresh or lighten the skin of the face, then enzyme peeling comes to the rescue, which is based on the processes that occur in our body.

    People with dry, sensitive skin especially need the use of enzyme peeling. For these skin types, all scrubs and chemical peels are very aggressive.

    Enzyme peeling, or as it is also called enzymatic peeling, is a superficial peeling based on the effect of active substances – enzymes – on the upper layers of the skin. This procedure falls into the category of gentle procedures that are suitable for all skin types.

    The procedure is designed to cleanse the facial skin of protein impurities, sebaceous and sweat gland secretions, as well as remove dead cells stratum corneum of the epidermis. Young skin needs enzyme peeling to cleanse, moisturize and protect. Mature skin - to stimulate renewal processes, restore skin tone and color.

    The mixture used for the enzyme peeling procedure is based on fruits such as papaya, blueberries, pineapple and pomegranate. Cosmetologists often use this type of gentle peeling when performing salon procedures.

    Cosmetic clinics often combine enzymes with certain acids. This mixture is applied to sensitive skin and sensitive areas of the face such as eyelids, neck and décolleté. For mature skin cosmetologists recommend combining enzymes with components such as lactic acid to give the skin healthy shine and elasticity, as well as grape extract, which acts as an antioxidant. For oily skin It is recommended to combine enzymes with salicylic acid.

    To apply this procedure yourself, without turning to specialists, you can use products that cosmetic companies produce for home use.

    Cosmetics for enzyme peeling at home

    Light brown and gray cream mousse. The product should be applied to previously cleansed facial skin in a thin layer. After application you will not experience any discomfort. After 5-10 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water. You will feel that your facial skin has become smoother and your complexion more even. The mask is suitable for oily skin.

    Effect: Dead cells are removed, pores are narrowed.

    Organique Enzymatic Peeling & Herbal– the product is produced in small quantities, so it will not be easy to purchase. The mask consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Recommended for all skin types, provided there are no active rashes.

    After you have applied a thin layer to clean skin, you may feel a slight tingling sensation. The mask does not cause skin irritation, it only helps to break down the stratum corneum of the skin, removing peeling, dirt, and acne marks.

    After the first use, you will notice positive results. It is recommended to wash off the peeling after 5 minutes. Remember that cosmetologists recommend using this peeling no more than 2 times a week. Because the consistency is similar to that of thick clay masks, so it washes off with little difficulty, so after the main layer of the mask has been removed with warm water, the remaining part can be removed with a cellulose sponge or muslin napkin.

    Effect: pores are narrowed, the skin is cleansed, there is no peeling, spots on the skin become invisible or barely noticeable. Use 1-2 times a week.

    - This is a product with papaya enzyme. Recommended as a firming treatment for skin with rosacea, and as an exfoliator for all other skin types. Apply a thin layer to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for 15-20 minutes. In a beauty salon, this mask is applied for 30 minutes and a massage is performed - a professional approach is needed to carry out the massage procedure. You should not massage yourself. This mask is especially recommended for dry and sensitive skin types.

    Salicylic Enzyme Peeling StopProblem– the mask includes salicylic acid and enzymes, which promotes gentle exfoliation upper layers skin, cleansing pores, and regulating sebum production, which prevents acne from appearing on the facial skin.

    Peeling “I am the most”— contains papain, aloe extract, vitamins C, F and E, sea minerals. An excellent option for dry skin. As an additional result from the procedure: relieves irritation and calms.

    — contains enzymes and natural preservatives. The mask has a gel-like texture. Evens out skin tone and texture. Gently cleanses the skin. Recommended for fatty type skin.

    Peeling gel GiGi– contains lipase, amylase, protease and papain, as well as citric acid, urea and vitamin C. Thanks to this composition, cleansing, whitening and exfoliation are carried out more effectively, because the components of the composition penetrate deeper. More suitable for salon procedures rather than home use.

    Klapp– despite the fact that the product belongs to professional means, it can also be used at home. Contains thyme cell extract.

    When choosing an enzyme peel, you should remember that such cosmetic products They have a very gentle, mild effect and, with their help, it is impossible to solve problems such as deep scars, intensely colored pigment spots.

    Enzyme peeling for young skin is especially useful as cosmetic care for fat and problem skin, helps remove dead skin cells, as well as cleanse pores of excess sebum, which prevents the appearance of acne and blackheads.

    For mature skin, such a procedure, carried out regularly, helps to even out the skin texture and refreshes the complexion by stimulating skin renewal processes. Ideal for people with dark skin, because them deep peeling contraindicated.

    1. If you carry out the peeling procedure in the evening, then you should definitely cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetics. If you carry out the procedure in the morning, you just need to wash your face with water.

    2. The product is applied to the face according to massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.

    3. The product should be left on the face no more than the time indicated in the instructions for peeling, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

    4. Enzyme peeling is best applied warm hands on warmed (water) facial skin. After applying the product, you can cover your face with a warm, damp towel or film.

    5. After you have washed off the peeling, it is advisable to apply a mask appropriate to your skin type, or apply a serum or nourishing cream.

    6. After the mixture has been washed off, it is not recommended to touch your face throughout the day.

    7. For oily and problematic skin, this procedure can be used 2-3 times a week. For normal, combination and mature skin, it is recommended to use the procedure no more than once a week.

    For dry and sensitive skin The peeling procedure should be carried out no more often than once every 7-10 days.

    For those with oily or problem skin, peeling can be used as a preventative against acne and comedones from adolescence.

    For those with dry or normal skin, peeling is recommended from the age of 25.
    Enzyme peeling cannot be performed immediately after invasive procedures ( laser resurfacing, dermabrasion). The skin should recover completely after the procedures.

    Despite the fact that enzymatic peeling is a gentle method of cleansing, it still affects the skin of the face. Love yourself, treat your facial skin with care, and it will delight you with both its color and its healthy glow.

    Carrying out the procedure

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    Enzyme (enzymatic) facial peeling

    Enzyme peeling - what is it?

    Enzyme peeling (enzymatic)- This is a superficial peeling, in which the active substance is not acids, but enzymes. Enzyme peeling is a fairly gentle procedure suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin with rosacea.

    The effect of enzyme facial peeling is to carefully cleanse the skin of protein contaminants, secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as to remove dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The skin is evened out, polished and smoothed, acquiring an even radiant healthy color. After the procedure, no rehabilitation is required, there is no peeling or hyperemia.

    Enzymatic peels are suitable for young skin to cleanse, moisturize and protect. For aging skin, such peelings stimulate the processes of its renewal, restoration of tone, relief and skin color. In addition, enzyme facial peeling helps fight hyperpigmentation, acne and is suitable for sensitive skin prone to inflammation and allergies, as well as skin with rosacea and rosacea. Enzyme peeling can be done at home.

    Properties and mechanism of action of enzymes

    Enzymes or Enzymes– these are special substances with a protein structure that play the role of biological catalysts (accelerators) or inhibitors (retarders) of chemical reactions occurring in living organisms. All bio chemical reactions in cells occur under the influence of enzymes, of which there are over 5000. They are usually divided into 6 classes depending on the type of reaction they catalyze:

    · oxidoreductases– catalyze redox reactions;

    · transferases– catalyze reactions of transfer of certain chemical groups from one molecule to another;

    hydrolases– catalyze hydrolysis reactions, i.e. the breakdown of substances with the participation of water;

    · lyases– catalyze the breaking of chemical bonds without the participation of water;

    isomerases– cause changes in the structure of the molecule while maintaining its composition;

    · ligases (synthetases)– catalyze synthesis reactions.

    In cosmetology, hydrolase enzymes are more often used: protease - breaks down protein compounds, carbohydrases - carbohydrates, lipases - fats.

    Mechanism of action of enzyme peeling

    The stratum corneum of the epidermis contains proteolytic enzymes (proteases) of the class of hydrolases, which regulate the rate of chemical reactions in tissues and take an active part in the processes of renewal of the epidermis by breaking down proteins into peptides and amino acids. Epidermal proteases are responsible for the differentiation of keratinocytes, the formation and destruction of desmosomes (mechanical intercellular connections), and the formation of lipid cement, in particular ceramides. As a result of aging processes, the activity of proteases decreases, which in turn leads to loss of moisture, a decrease in the rate of formation and renewal of the structural parts of epidermal cells. That is, the upper stratum corneum thickens, sebum and impurities accumulate on the surface of the skin, the relief becomes uneven, and the color becomes dull and gray.

    Proteolytic enzymes included in the enzyme peeling weaken the cohesion of corneocytes by destroying the structural chemical bonds of desmosomes and thereby facilitate the exfoliation of horny scales, and also directly break down keratin (skin protein). The effect of enzymatic peeling does not extend beyond the stratum corneum of the epidermis, since the size and charge of the enzymes prevents their further penetration into the skin, but by removing the top layer, the production of fibroblasts and skin cell renewal are stimulated.

    Proteases are most active at pH 5-5.5 (weakly acidic); there are also antiproteases in the skin that affect the enzymes of the peeling composition, changing or suppressing their activity. In this case, peeling enzymes can interact with them, forming compounds that have a proteolytic effect. In this case, they become immune to other protein inhibitors and can continue their activity. When compounds are formed, their antigenic origin may not be recognized.

    Types of enzymes used in peels and masks

    1. Enzyme peelings contain enzymes from plant, animal and bacterial origin, which are similar to skin proteases. In plants, protease is found in papaya, pineapple, coconut, kiwi, fig, mango, pumpkin, lemon, pomegranate, blueberry, etc. The main plant enzymes used in enzyme peels are: papain, bromelain, ficin and actinidin.

    Papain- a proteolytic plant enzyme contained in the milky juice of the melon tree (papaya), which catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids, has an antimicrobial effect and removes dead cells from the surface layer of the skin.

    Sorbain- These are combined enzymes of lemon and papaya that remove dead cells of the stratum corneum and thereby stimulate cell renewal.

    Bromelain- a plant proteolytic enzyme contained in pineapple fruits that destroys peptide bonds between amino acids inside the protein. Removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, and also has a powerful immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, healing and lipolytic effect.

    Ficin- a plant proteolytic enzyme contained in the juice of the stems and leaves of the fig fruit tree (Ficus sp.), capable of hydrolyzing native collagen and breaking down proteins. Removes dead cells and stimulates collagen production.

    Actinidin- a proteolytic plant enzyme contained in kiwi fruits that destroys peptide bonds between amino acids inside the protein. Cleanses the skin surface of dead cells.

    Arbutin– is a tyrosinase inhibitor, found in the leaves of bearberry, lingonberry, wintergreen, and Caucasian blueberry, inhibits melanin synthesis, and is an analogue of kojic acid. Has a whitening effect.

    2. Enzyme peels also contain proteases of animal origin: pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin and pancreatin and lysozyme.

    Pepsin (Persinum)- a proteolytic enzyme of the hydrolase class, obtained from the gastric mucosa of pigs, sheep and calves, breaks down proteins into peptides.

    Trypsin- a proteolytic enzyme of the hydrolase class, belonging to the group of serine proteases, which breaks down peptides and proteins, obtained from the pancreas of cattle.

    Chymotrypsin- proteolytic enzyme, catalyzes the breakdown of proteins and peptides, obtained from the pancreas of cattle.

    Pancreatin– an enzyme that has proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic effects, obtained from the pancreas of pigs and cattle.

    Lysozyme- antibacterial enzyme of the hydrolase class, capable of destroying bacterial cell walls and intercellular cement, obtained from protein chicken eggs, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates immune system.

    3. The most active proteases are of bacterial origin. These include: subtilisin (subtilopeptidase) and travase.

    Subtilisin- an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins and peptides, as well as esters and amides of N-protected amino acids, more effective in contrast to papain, since it destroys more different protein bonds. This enzyme is produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and related bacteria during the fermentation process.

    Grass (sutilains)– a protease enzyme produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, has a pronounced loosening and exfoliating effect. Often used in whitening cosmetics.

    4. Enzyme peels and masks also contain milk proteins (casein, calcium caseinate, lactalbumin, lactoglobulin) and enzymes (Alkaline proteinase I, Alkaline proteinase II, Proteinase I, proteinase II and Acid proteinase).

    Casein (caseus)- a complex protein (phosphoprotein) formed from caseinogen during the enzymatic curdling of milk. Moisturizes, softens the skin and promotes regeneration processes. Calcium caseinate is found in bound form as a calcium salt in milk.

    Lactalbumin and lactoglobulin They are whey proteins from mammalian milk and contain all amino acids.

    Alkaline proteinase I is an enzyme similar in structure to blood plasma proteinase, it catalyzes the hydrolysis of protein into peptides and amino acids. Found in fresh milk and can be produced by bacteria.

    Alkaline proteinase II– this enzyme is similar in its properties to the blood enzyme thrombin.

    Proteinase I– this enzyme is active towards peptide bonds formed by lysine.

    Proteinase II- this enzyme is active towards peptide bonds formed by arginine.

    Acid proteinase is similar in its properties to the rennet enzyme (chymosin), which produces partial hydrolysis of milk casein, and is similar to cathepsin, an enzyme of the hydrolase class that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the peptide bond.

    Cosmetic products also use enzymes to protect against UV rays - endonucleases, which restore cell DNA; enzymes that protect the skin from free radicals - super-hydroxide dismutase and defensin, which activate the immune system and regeneration processes; a powerful catalyst for regeneration processes - coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, responsible for energy metabolism and saturation of cells with oxygen.
    In addition, enzyme peels often include: kaolin ( White clay), vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and extracts, milk and vegetable proteins.

    Indications and contraindications for enzyme peeling


    · Dark spots
    Acne and the consequences of acne
    · All skin types, including sensitive with rosacea
    Can be used for people with dark skin
    Superficial fine wrinkles
    · Clogged pores (comedones, milia)
    Uneven dull skin
    · Decreased tone
    · Contaminated skin
    · Skin after sun exposure and with signs of photoaging
    · Preparation for more serious procedures.


    · Individual intolerance to drugs
    Skin diseases during exacerbation
    · Diabetes and other diseases leading to decreased immunity
    Damage skin
    · Herpes virus in active form.

    Pros and cons of enzyme peeling

    Pros of enzyme peeling

    1. It has a more gentle effect than light superficial peels with fruit acids, but the effect is the same.

    2. Can be used all year round.

    3. Suitable for all skin types, even those prone to irritation and those with telangiectasia and spider veins, as it acts very softly and superficially, without abrasive particles.

    4. All products applied afterwards penetrate better and act more actively due to the removal and loosening of the stratum corneum.

    5. Can be used as an express procedure, as it produces an instant effect.

    6. Not required rehabilitation period, no peeling or hyperemia.

    7. Can be used at home after consultation with a cosmetologist.

    8. Enzymes slow down the growth of facial hair and make the hair shaft thinner; this is what enzyme hair removal is based on.

    9. Suitable for body and hand skin.

    10. A good alternative if you are intolerant to acids and if you become addicted to ANA and other exfoliations with long-term use.

    11. Can be used according to indications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


    It is impossible to get rid of serious problems such as deep wrinkles and scars.
    Complications may occur: exacerbation of acne, dermatitis, herpes virus, allergies.

    Cannot be abused enzyme peelings, otherwise it may have the opposite effect. The skin will become overdried and the complexion will become dull as a result of the breakdown of the skin's protective mantle.

    Pre-peeling preparation

    A day before the procedure, you should not use medications with acids and retinol, and you should not perform depilation. Enzyme peeling should not be performed after dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing until the skin has recovered.

    Carrying out the procedure

    When performing enzyme peeling for the first time, you should conduct a sensitivity test - apply the peeling composition to the inner surface of the wrist and leave for 10 minutes. If allergic reaction is not observed, then you can use this peeling.

    1. Makeup removal and toning (cleansers and lotions according to skin types).

    2. Enzyme peeling. The peeling composition is applied to the skin in the following sequence: forehead, cheeks, chin, cheekbones, nose, eyelids, lips, neck and décolleté. When applying some enzyme peels, you should avoid the eye and mouth areas. Enzymatic peels can also be used on the body. Exposure time, depending on the composition and the desired effect, is from 10 to 30 minutes. Enzymes love warmth and moisture, and therefore, to activate them, the face is covered with a damp, warm towel (compress) or covered with film. A cosmetologist can also massage over the peeling composition.

    Enzyme peels come ready-made - in a tube or in powder form, which should be diluted immediately before the procedure. The diluted peeling composition cannot be stored.

    3. Neutralization. After the exposure time has expired, the peeling composition is washed off with warm water; if the enzyme peeling contains acids, an alkaline neutralizer may be required. Then the skin is toned.

    4. After enzyme peeling You should apply a mask according to your skin problem. It will penetrate better and give a good result, and you can also use active serums.

    5. Cream according to skin type and preferably protection from UV rays.

    Skin sensations and reactions during the procedure

    During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling and burning sensation; these sensations will go away on their own after the procedure. Flushing may occur and should subside within 30 minutes.

    Compatible with other procedures

    Good results can be achieved by combining enzyme peeling with facial cleansing and darsonvalization. Can be combined with superficial peels with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Enzyme peeling is carried out as a preparatory stage for more serious procedures (laser resurfacing, microcrystalline dermabrasion, medium peels, mesoscooter).

    Number of procedures

    The course consists of 5-8 procedures, 1-2 times a week depending on skin type. Professional enzyme peels with the addition of acids are carried out in 1 procedure every 7-10 days, a course of 5-10 procedures.

    Photos before and after

    Skin care after the procedure

    You should use sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 throughout the course and moisturizers.

    Possible complications after enzyme peeling

    Allergic contact dermatitis
    · Seborrheic dermatitis
    Exacerbation of acne
    Exacerbation of the herpes virus

    The effect of enzyme peeling

    The visible effect is noticeable immediately after the first procedure, but the result can only be judged after completing the entire course.

    · Cleansed skin of protein impurities and dead cells
    · Radiant, healthy and fresh skin with a uniform color
    · Skin is smooth, delicate with even texture
    · Less pronounced fine wrinkles
    Pores will become smaller
    Post-acne signs are less pronounced

    Marina Ignatieva is the editor of the “Beauty” section of COLADY magazine, a hair and makeup specialist.

    A A

    Enzyme peeling is one of the most gentle types of this cosmetic procedure, which can be performed both in a beauty salon and at home. There is no need for complex equipment to carry out enzyme peeling, and the strict supervision of a cosmetologist is also not required.

    Types of enzyme peeling

    Enzyme peeling comes in two types: home and salon . For home enzyme peeling, special preparations are produced that are quite affordable for customers - they can be purchased in cosmetic stores or salons. Salon enzyme peeling can be much more effective than home enzyme peeling because it uses more active and stronger drugs . The deepest salon enzyme peeling is capable of eliminating dead skin cells, age spots, cancerous growths from the surface of the skin, dissolving all exfoliated scales from the skin, preventing clogging of pores.

    How does enzyme peeling work?

    Enzyme peeling preparations are based on a complex composition containing enzymes , stimulating the renewal of skin cells, as well as acids and retinol , exfoliating dead skin cells and dissolving them. Fruit acids in enzyme peeling are most often acids from lemon, orange, pineapple, grapes, green apple, papaya, pumpkin, wheat, aloe vera and other plants. Since during enzymatic peeling, particles of keratinized skin are not only rejected from the surface of the epidermis, but also dissolve without clogging the pores, enzyme peeling can be used for oily, problematic skin, very sensitive skin prone to irritation and inflammation .

    Indications for the use of enzyme peeling

    Enzyme peeling is indicated for women with very oily, problem skin, even for those for which many others are not suitable. Enzyme peeling will also be good for those ladies who have age spots, hyperpigmentation on the skin, freckles,. This type of peeling is used in cases of acne, post-acne– enzyme peeling perfectly eliminates the effects of inflammation and evens out the surface of the skin. The action of enzyme peeling allows fading aging skin restore firmness and elasticity, with dull color faces – align and lighten skin, with enlarged pores – significantly narrow them down. Enzyme peeling helps normalize sebum secretion on the skin of the face with oily seborrhea, restore moisture and elasticity dry dehydrated skin.

    Contraindications and precautions for enzyme peeling

    Although enzyme peeling is considered almost the softest and most gentle of all types of peeling, there are still contraindications to its use, which you need to familiarize yourself with before deciding on the procedure:

    • Contact dermatitis.
    • Any skin diseases in the acute stage.
    • Chronic dermatosis.
    • Acne with inflamed elements.
    • Very high sensitivity of facial skin.
    • Photodermatitis.
    • Individual intolerance any components of enzyme peeling preparations.

    When performing home enzyme peeling Do not perform the procedure too often , to avoid the opposite effect. If the skin is excessively irritated by fruit acids, it may react with new rashes, redness, increased sensitivity, dryness, dullness, and loss of protective forces on the surface of the facial skin.
    After the enzyme peeling procedure, it is recommended to spend some time (during the day) do not touch the skin of the face, do not apply cosmetics or cosmetic creams, and also do not go out in the sun.

    How often can you do enzyme peeling?

    Since enzyme peeling preparations do not contain solid scrubbing particles, but exfoliate dying skin cells only when exposed to them fruit acids, enzyme peeling is considered very soft and delicate. But, nevertheless, when carrying out procedures of this type of peeling, it is necessary to be guided by common sense and the advice of cosmetologists. Enzyme peeling can be performed once or twice a week . But, if you have dry skin, then procedures can be performed no more often than once every 7-10 days . For oily and combination skin persons who are not prone to sensitivity and irritation, inflammation, enzyme peeling procedures can be performed up to 3 times a week .

    Enzyme peeling results: before and after photos

    The result of enzyme peeling procedures is glowing, hydrated skin . With age-related, aging skin, the rejuvenation effect is very pronounced - the skin tightens, acquires tone and elasticity . , slightly brightens, evens out . It is worth noting that with deep scars on the skin and wrinkles, enzyme peeling does not bring miracles - it only improves the general condition of the skin, but cannot get rid of large defects. As a rule, enzyme peeling in salons is used as a preliminary procedure before a series of other, more effective and powerful ones. cosmetic procedures. The effect of enzyme peeling is often compared to the effect of fruit masks - the skin gains elasticity, strength, beautiful colour and tone .
    Benefits of enzyme peeling:

    • This procedure is stimulator of cell renewal processes epidermis, skin rejuvenation.
    • Enzyme peeling evens out skin tone , eliminates age spots, freckles, brightens hyperpigmented areas of the skin.
    • Enzyme peeling procedures increase skin tone, firmness and elasticity faces.
    • After enzyme peeling, women note that skin becomes radiant and healthy , her general condition improves.

    Enzyme peeling at home - instructions

    It is worth immediately noting that for enzyme peeling in the salon, stronger drugs are used, therefore salon treatments much more effective than homemade ones. But due to the fact that enzyme peeling is very soft and non-traumatic, it can be used at home without any problems.
    The enzyme peeling procedure must take place according to the following scheme:

    • Cleansing facial skin with lotion , suitable for skin type.
    • Application of pre-peel solution on the skin of the face, eyelids, neck, décolleté. The solution must be applied to all areas of the skin that will be peeled, without missing areas, in order to avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes or allergic reactions on them.
    • Applying an enzyme product to the skin , which must be kept on the skin for 20 minutes. In the absence of hypersensitivity of the skin, the enzyme peeling procedure can be extended to 30 minutes.
    • Rinsing the enzyme product from the skin a very large amount of clean water.

    After the peeling procedure, a woman may feel a slight burning, tingling, or “burning” sensation on the skin. These phenomena will soon pass, they indicate that the enzyme peeling procedure at home was carried out correctly, and the effect is present.

    Enzyme peeling refers to cosmetic procedures gentle action and allows you to eliminate a wide range of facial skin problems, as well as gain a blooming appearance. Peeling with enzymes is used to deeply cleanse the surface layer of the skin, acts very gently and has a minimum of contraindications. Regular peeling procedures significantly improve skin tone, smooth it and give the face an even, healthy color, eliminating peeling and redness.

    What is enzyme peeling and what skin problems does it solve?

    This type of peeling is aimed at renewing skin that is highly sensitive and cannot tolerate the aggressive effects of a number of cosmetic procedures. Gentle cleansing has become possible thanks to the use of enzymes - special enzymes that can give the same effect as abrasive particles and some other rather irritating agents.

    The second name for enzyme peeling is enzymatic, but the first option is more preferable from a marketing point of view, because many people associate the word “enzymes” with physiological processes. But in general, enzymes (or enzymes) are molecules that break down substances into components, and they act not only inside the body, but also, as research has shown, on the surface of the skin. The principle of action of enzymes is to dissolve dead skin particles, while the use of high concentration acids and other substances with a sharp effect is not required.

    Enzyme peeling includes acids obtained from fruits; bromelain (a substance extracted from pineapples), papain, and trypsin are especially often used. Solutions of these acids are very low concentrated, however, they are good at removing “waste” from the skin dissolved by enzymes and have an antimicrobial, soothing and decongestant effect.

    Enzyme peeling is suitable as preventive measures for people with sensitive skin exposed to stress and adverse environmental influences. But the procedure also has a therapeutic effect and is indicated in the presence of the following factors:

    • oily skin prone to acne and blackheads;
    • sensitive dry skin prone to flaking, for which aggressive cosmetic compositions not acceptable;
    • the presence of scars and minor damage after acne therapy;
    • presence of pigment spots.

    Peeling enzymes have a remarkable effect on skin tone, which makes the procedure very desirable for women over 30 who want to maintain the elasticity and beauty of their skin. The procedure is also ideal for women with dark skin, for whom deep peeling is a contraindication.

    Enzyme peeling procedure in the salon

    Enzyme peeling is usually carried out in a beauty salon, since the procedure requires special preparation. First, makeup is removed, then the skin is wiped with cleansing lotion and a special pre-peeling solution is applied. If using a powdered product, mix it in water until a homogeneous consistency is created and apply to the face for a quarter of an hour. If a gel is used, it is left on the skin for up to half an hour.

    This action is necessary in order for the enzymes to better penetrate the layers of the dermis and, accordingly, to obtain the best result. As you know, enzymatic particles work most effectively in a warm and humid environment, so the face is thoroughly steamed.

    Peeling is completely painless. The only thing that can be felt is a slight burning and tingling sensation, which is a normal natural reaction to the effects of the active substances of the scrub composition. The sensations may be less or more pronounced - it depends on individual characteristics skin. By the way, if desired, peeling is also applied to the décolleté and neck, which helps to externally rejuvenate these areas of the body.

    The mixture with enzymes is kept on the skin for 10-30 minutes (the time is determined by the degree of complexity of the problems, skin type, age of the client), and then removed with plenty of clean warm water. If the peeling used included acids, then additional acid neutralizers are used for cleansing.

    After the procedure, you should not touch your face for one day and you should definitely take care to protect it from sunlight. Throughout the week, it is recommended to regularly use soothing lotions, always suitable for your skin type. It would be useful to use mild serums and face masks. Concerning decorative cosmetics, then during the recovery period after the procedure you should not abuse it, but foundation It's better to refuse.

    The average cost of this procedure in beauty salons is 1500-1700 rubles. The price may vary depending on the products and materials used and, of course, the degree of “promotion” of the salon.

    Thanks to the delicate effect of peeling with enzymes, it can be done quite often - up to 1-2 times a week. For women with very dry skin, it is better to limit the frequency to once every 10 days. It is not worth carrying out the procedure too often, since such a “zeal” for beauty in most cases provokes the opposite effect.

    Enzyme peeling process at home

    Although enzyme peeling is designed more for professional salons, it is also possible to do it at home. Indeed, currently a number of cosmetic companies produce special peeling compositions, which are not a problem to purchase. However, the effectiveness home procedures slightly lower, since commercial products are inferior in strength to salon products. Therefore, to achieve desired result It will take a longer period of time to systematically carry out the procedure at home than when visiting a salon.

    The procedure for peeling with enzymes at home is similar to what is done in a professional office. The procedure is as follows:

    • Thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup, dirt and excess sebaceous products using foam cleanser and lotion.
    • Apply the pre-peeling solution to all areas of the body that will be peeled (face, décolleté, neck, back of the head). You can’t skip even half a centimeter, in otherwise Inflammatory processes and redness in untreated areas are likely after applying the peeling composition itself.
    • Apply the enzyme product evenly to the skin and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. If the skin is not overly sensitive or very oily, then the time can be extended to 30 minutes. For achievement maximum effect You can use cling film from which to cut out holes for the nose, lips and eyes, or cut 3 strips of 10 centimeters wide to cover your face with a margin.
    • Rinse off the enzyme composition using warm boiled water in large quantities.

    Same as after salon peeling You should not touch your face throughout the day. Skin care in the coming days should be carried out with the softest and most gentle products (lotions, foams, washing gels).

    The most popular enzyme peeling products

    To carry out the home enzyme peeling procedure, cosmetic compositions with enzymes in the form of masks or gels are used. Their cost can vary from 100 to 3,000 rubles, which is determined both by the level of effectiveness of the components and the popularity of the brands.

    Stopproblem. Gel based salicylic acid is one of the most affordable and popular peeling products. Stopproblem effectively fights greasy shine face and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A special feature of the product is the ability to use it for cuperiosis. Salicylic peeling with enzymes does not affect the dilation of blood vessels, but reduces skin sensitivity and relieves redness. The cost of the composition is very affordable - on average 150 rubles per 100 ml tube.

    "I am the".





    • skin damage;
    • presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • pregnancy.

    "I am the". Another budgetary means high efficiency. The peeling composition includes papain, aloe extract, vitamins C, F and E, and sea minerals. “Ya Samaya” is suitable mainly for dry skin, relieves irritation and soothes well. The price starts from 120 rubles.

    "Myrrh". This peeling contains exclusively enzymes and natural preservatives. It has a gel-like texture, which allows you to do any business while the product “works” after application. “Mirra” is produced in 50 ml bottles, the average cost is 330-350 rubles.

    GiGi. Highly effective peeling gel contains several types of enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease and papain. In addition to enzymes, the gel contains lemon acid, urea and vitamin C, which contributes to more deep cleansing, whitening and exfoliation. The product is suitable not only for the face, but also for the neck, hands, and décolleté. The cost of a 150 ml package is about 2,700 rubles.

    Klapp. It belongs to professional products, like GiGi, but is used freely and at home. The composition contains a unique substance, thyme cellular extract, which has a very beneficial effect on the skin. You can apply the peeling composition immediately after taking a shower, when the skin is naturally steamed. The price is relatively low - from 1050 rubles.

    Janssen. Gel with enzymes is intended for very sensitive skin. It is used in a special way: after the allotted time after application, the product is not washed off, but washed with napkins or even with your hands until a slight shine appears. Salons often use Janssen for preparatory stage to other beauty procedures. It is recommended to use it at home in courses of 2 weeks. This enzymatic product is produced in 200 ml packages, and its average cost is 3,400 rubles.

    Contraindications to enzyme peeling

    Despite the gentle effect of all the components from which enzyme peeling products are made, the procedure still has a number of contraindications. In particular, this is an individual intolerance to the components of the peeling product. The procedure also cannot be performed if the following factors are present:

    • any skin diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
    • skin damage;
    • presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • pregnancy.

    The effectiveness and effect of enzyme peeling

    Small positive changes in appearance The skin can be detected after the first peeling - the complexion improves, the texture is evened out and the surface becomes pleasant to the touch. The mechanisms of renewal and rejuvenation have already been launched; it is only important to repeat the procedure systematically.

    The oilier the skin, the more often you can peel - up to 2-3 times a week. If the skin is prone to dryness and flaking, the procedure is performed less frequently. The optimal duration of an enzyme peeling course is 10 procedures, therefore, to obtain an ideal result it will take approximately 2 months.

    Enzyme peeling is an excellent way to get rid of minor skin imperfections as delicately as possible and without significant financial costs. However, this beauty procedure will be useless if you need to solve serious skin problems - smooth out wrinkles, eliminate deep scars, or scars. For similar purposes, there are deep chemical peels and other procedures.

    Gentle peeling with enzymes is good because it can eliminate several skin imperfections at once (for example, age spots, blackheads and irritation) in a relatively short period and generally make the face younger and fresher.

    Enzyme or enzymatic peeling is a method of cleansing the upper layer of skin from secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, protein contaminants, and dead cells using enzymes. This procedure is suitable for any skin type, even very sensitive ones.

    What are enzymes?

    Enzymes (enzymes) are protein substances that act as natural accelerators (catalysts) and retarders (inhibitors) of chemical reactions occurring in cells. In cosmetology, the following substances are used to create peelings and masks:

    • enzymes of animal origin: lysozyme, pancreatin, chymotrypsin, trypsin, milk proteins;
    • enzymes of plant origin: protease (found in blueberries, pomegranate, papaya, lemon, pumpkin, mango, figs, kiwi, coconut, pineapple), actinidin, ficin, bromelain;
    • enzymes of bacterial origin: travase, subtilopeptidase.

    Enzymes are also added to cosmetic products that protect against free radicals, restore DNA cells, activate regeneration processes and the immune system, protect against ultraviolet rays. In addition, the peeling product may contain vitamins, kaolin, minerals, plant and milk proteins, plant extracts and extracts. When the peeling agent gets on the skin, chemical reactions begin to break down proteins in the stratum corneum, and the keratinized scales easily peel off.

    Indications and benefits

    • there are signs of photoaging;
    • skin after sun exposure;
    • contaminated skin;
    • decreased tone;
    • dull and uneven skin;
    • there are a lot of milia and comedones (clogged pores) on the skin;
    • many small superficial wrinkles;
    • acne and acne consequences;
    • dark spots;
    • preparation for other procedures.

    Enzyme peeling has the following advantages compared to other methods of cleansing the skin of the face and neck:

    • can be carried out at any time of the year;
    • has a more gentle effect on the skin than peeling with fruit acids, and the result is the same;
    • acts superficially, gently, without abrasive particles, so it can be performed on any type of skin, even very sensitive skin with spider veins;
    • any cosmetic product, applied to the skin after peeling, penetrates the epidermis much better and has a more effective effect;
    • the procedure does not take much time and gives instant results;
    • after peeling, the skin is not hyperemic, does not peel, there is no need for a rehabilitation period;
    • can be carried out not only in a beauty salon, but also at home;
    • enzymes slow down hair growth on the facial skin, making the hair shaft thinner;
    • can be used not only for the skin of the face and neck, but also for the hands and the whole body;
    • can be used in case of individual skin intolerance to fruit acids and when getting used to other types of peeling;
    • You can do peeling during pregnancy and lactation.

    Immediately after the procedure, the result is visible:

    • signs of acne are less pronounced;
    • pores are reduced;
    • fine wrinkles are less noticeable;
    • the skin is delicate, smooth with an even texture;
    • skin color is uniform, it is fresh, healthy, radiant;
    • There are no dead cells or impurities on the skin.

    Contraindications and disadvantages

    Like any procedure, enzyme peeling has contraindications:

    • active form of the herpes virus;
    • skin damage;
    • diabetes mellitus or other diseases accompanied by decreased immunity;
    • dermatological diseases during exacerbation;
    • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling product.

    Enzymatic peeling also has disadvantages:

    • not suitable for serious dermatological problems, such as scars or deep wrinkles;
    • can provoke an allergic reaction, dermatitis, lead to an exacerbation of the herpes virus and acne;
    • Do not overuse procedures, otherwise the protective layer of the skin will be damaged and it will become overdried and dull.

    Carrying out the procedure

    One day before enzyme peeling, you should not depilate or apply preparations with retinol and acids to the skin. The procedure is not performed after laser resurfacing and dermabrasion.

    Before the first peeling procedure, it is necessary to do an allergy sensitivity test. To do this, apply a little peeling agent to the inner surface of the wrist. If after 10 minutes there are no signs of an allergic reaction on the skin, then you can safely carry out enzyme peeling. Sequence of the procedure:

    1. Makeup is removed from the face and the skin is cleansed with tonic.
    2. The peeling agent is applied to the skin in a certain sequence: forehead, cheeks, cheekbones, chin, lips, eyelids, nose, neck and décolleté. Some peeling compounds cannot be applied to the lips and eyelids. Enzymes work best in a moist and warm environment. Therefore, the face is covered with a warm, damp towel or covered with film. In some cases, the cosmetologist performs a facial massage. The duration of the procedure is set individually, approximately 10-30 minutes.
    3. At the end of the session, the face is cleansed of the peeling agent. Most often, it is enough to wash with warm water. If the enzyme product contains acids, then the skin is wiped with an alkaline neutralizer.
    4. A mask or active serum is applied to problem areas of the skin.
    5. A cream that matches your skin type and has protection against UV rays is applied to your face.

    During enzyme peeling, a slight burning or tingling sensation may be felt, which will go away on its own after the procedure. Sometimes hyperemia is observed within 30 minutes. The peeling course is 5-8 procedures. Depending on the skin type, it is carried out 1-2 times a week. Peeling with the addition of acid is performed no more than once every 7-10 days.

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