• Dull complexion: what are the causes of the defect. Dull skin: causes and treatment


    A radiant, rested face is the basis of attractiveness. When the skin is fine, there is no need to apply excess makeup and worry about masking problem areas. For this reason, it is worth thinking about the prevention and timely elimination of dullness, both using home methods and using salon procedures.

    About the reasons

    1. Metabolic disorders. Complexion directly depends on how the gastrointestinal tract works. If it is dirty, it immediately affects your appearance - problems such as rashes, inflammation arise, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases, the skin becomes dirty faster, which makes it duller and provokes the formation of wrinkles. Gastrointestinal diseases also affect the occurrence of irritation and dryness, as well as the development of vitamin deficiency - intestinal walls contaminated with processed food products simply do not allow nutrients to pass into the blood.

    2. Bad habits. The harmful effects of alcohol and cigarettes are reflected on your face after a very short time. In addition, carcinogenic substances from burning tobacco tend to accumulate in the tissues of the body, which over time leads to the appearance of a characteristic yellow tint of the epidermis. Nicotine and alcohol contribute to vasoconstriction and obstruction of blood flow, and this is a direct cause of pallor and loss of blush. Over time, excess nicotine in the blood and negative action alcohol causes the skin to become gray shade.

    3. Impaired blood supply to tissues. This mainly occurs due to stagnation of fluid in the collar area if you have to sit at the computer for a long time or constantly bow your head over documents. desk. Over a long period of time, this disrupts metabolic processes in the skin, causing dullness, rapid aging and increased sagging.

    4. Lack of nutrients. The main risk of dullness occurs in the winter-spring period, when the amount of vitamins in the diet is minimal, and the body is weakened by the cold off-season. The lack of vitamins A, C, E and a number of B vitamins especially affects the appearance of the skin.

    5. An excess of certain vitamins, as well as excessive protein consumption. In the latter case, the problem with dullness arises from protein processing products, which are essentially toxins and, with an excess of protein foods, are deposited in the tissues.

    6. Some chronic diseases.

    7. Not proper care for the skin. In particular, we are talking about cleansing. The key to radiance is daily makeup removal before bed, regular peelings and scrubs, as well as maintaining healthy and beautiful skin with masks.

    How to help your skin?

    The fight against dull skin requires a comprehensive approach. Not enough to buy good cream or quit smoking, it is important to adjust your diet and solve the problem with existing diseases.

    1. Normalization of metabolism. The optimal metabolic rate ensures the timely entry of nutrients into the blood with their subsequent transportation to all organs and tissues. This maintains healthy skin, maintaining its youthful glow and color. To normalize metabolism, Special attention pay attention to supplementing the diet with foods rich in fiber, as well as eating and sleeping patterns.

    2. Fight bad habits! Without eradicating addictions, you will have to fight against skin dullness using incredible, costly and, at times, completely useless methods. Along with the process of weaning yourself off weekend cocktails and ladies' cigarettes, include garden and forest berries in your diet - they contain many phytoncides and other substances that help remove carcinogens and fight free radicals, the number of which increases with alcohol abuse and smoking.

    3. Movement – ​​life and an attractive complexion! Being in a long time sitting position, stretch your neck. In general, take more walks fresh air outside the city, go swimming to relieve tension from the collar area and gain general physical comfort. Gymnastics and dancing contribute not only physical development, but also psychological relaxation, which also has a positive effect on complexion.

    4. Correction of the diet in favor of greater consumption of foods rich in vitamins A, C, E and group B. Also balance all substances consumed so that there is no excess of fats, proteins or carbohydrates, which will equally negatively affect the condition of the skin.

    5. Targeted treatment of existing diseases.

    6. Selecting the right care. Dry skin needs more nutrition to prevent dullness, and oily skin needs to be especially careful in cleaning and normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Salon treatments

    1. Electrophoresis (iontophoresis and inductothermoelectrophoresis) – electrical therapy based on galvanic current, which promotes the natural activation of metabolic processes in cells and improves their permeability. For this reason, iontophoresis is used with ampoule preparations, which are absorbed more actively and have a greater effect. This therapy will help restore the natural glow, tighten the skin and nourish it with active biological components.

    2. Disincrustation - method deep cleaning leather based on galvanization. The procedure is relevant for oily problem skin before carrying out a complete cleaning. In addition to its direct purpose - cleansing the epidermis - disincrustation helps improve metabolism in cells and improve their susceptibility to drugs.

    3. Hardware myolifting – well suited for eliminating the first age signs and to combat symptoms of fatigue. Microcurrents help tonify the facial muscles and head, stimulate the production of endorphins, which helps fight swelling, aging of the skin and the appearance of age spots.

    4. Darsonvalization - has a broad effect on the condition of the skin, including improving complexion, increasing the elasticity of the epidermis and helping to maintain its moisture.

    5. Plasma dermabrasion – resurfacing the skin surface using plasma. Widely used to smooth out the microrelief of the epidermis and eliminate pigmentation. In this way, you can restore radiance not only to the face, but also to the area around the eyes, neck, décolleté, and also back side hands

    6. Different kinds manual and hardware massage can significantly improve the condition of the skin, normalize metabolic processes in it, accelerate the supply of tissues with nutrients, increase the permeability of cell membranes, which is important for improving blood microcirculation. All this helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, returning a fresh look to the face and blush.

    7. Aeroionotherapy – has a beneficial effect on the entire body, restoring blood supply to tissues, helping to increase working capacity, and improve the psycho-emotional state. The radiance and complexion return due to the normalization of the general tone of all organs and systems.

    8. Diamond microdermabrasion– restores skin tone, its structure, reduces redness and flaking on its surface. The procedure can be combined with glycolic and chemical peels.

    9. Regenerating and nourishing masks that improve skin tone. The salon can offer you a whole range of similar procedures. For example, a gentle exfoliating peel for dry skin followed by a moisturizing mask.

    Zinaida Rublevskaya
    For women's magazine website

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    Residents of large cities are often distinguished by a pale gray face with tired eyes and drooping corners of the lips. This appearance, of course, has an explanation - in a metropolis people spend most of their time indoors, daily stress does not allow them to relax and puts a tired mask on their face, many problems do not allow a smile to remain for a long time. Moreover, don't proper nutrition(lack of vitamins and minerals, snacking on the go, lunch at cheap eateries, poor diet, etc.) creates health problems, which also affects the face.

    Smoking or being in smoky rooms also leaves its mark. Of course, you can disguise the grayness of your face with foundation, which is what most of us do every morning, but this is not a solution to the problem. For face grey colour- an alarm signal, the body shows that it lacks nutrients, the cells suffer from oxygen starvation and are working with all their strength.

    What are they missing?

    • Lack of fresh air and low physical activity are the main reasons why the face becomes dull and acquires an earthy tint.
      Due to a sedentary lifestyle, the muscles of the back and neck are often overstrained, they become as if made of wood, blood circulation slows down, the skin does not receive enough nutrients, and becomes pale and dull.
    • The average city dweller receives only a third of the food required quantity vitamins and microelements. And if you are also on a diet, that is, you do not consume enough vegetables, grains, meat, fruits, fish and dairy products, then do not healthy color your face is simply guaranteed.
      Fear, anger, and irritation greatly affect the appearance, causing vascular spasms. It is difficult to get rid of negative emotions, but you need to learn how to do it: not only to improve your complexion, but also to maintain mental and physical health.
    • In addition to negative emotions, lack of sleep has a very bad effect on the skin. The “sleep on the weekend” system does not work, the body needs its eight hours of sleep every day, otherwise sooner or later moral and physical exhaustion will set in - and what kind of complexion can we even talk about then?
    • In addition to the general health of the body, proper facial skin care is important. Choose cosmetics according to age and skin type. Oddly enough, women are often mistaken in believing that they have dry skin or, conversely, very oily skin. In fact, dryness or excessive oiliness can be caused by incorrectly chosen cosmetics. A cosmetologist will help here and choose the right care for your skin.

    Treatment methods at the Neo Vita clinic

    Regular massage has a good effect on the condition of the skin, which you can master yourself or entrust to a specialist. Various types of peelings (including laser peeling), removing the upper stratum corneum of the skin, perfectly refresh and tone the facial skin.

    Professional care offers a whole range modern cosmetics, which effectively copes with such a medical and aesthetic problem.

    What procedures can I do at the Neo Vita clinic to improve my complexion?

    Nai in the best possible way The following cosmetological methods cope with gray skin:


    In this procedure, a nutritional mixture medicinal drugs.


    Biorevitalization will give your skin radiance and deep hydration; reviews from numerous patients confirm this. Hyaluronic acid is injected into different layers of the skin through injections. At the Neo Vbnf clinic you can also undergo laser biorevitalization of the face, neck, and décolleté.

    Laser peeling.

    Under the influence of a laser on the skin of the face, minor defects disappear, the surface layer of the skin evaporates, which has a rejuvenating and healing effect, and stimulates the production of new collagen.

    Fractional photothermolysis.

    A method of treating and healing skin using intense pulsed light.

    We remind you that a change in complexion can be an alarming “bell” for the body, clearly telling about any functional disorders. Therefore, we recommend taking a diagnostic course using the modern equipment of the Neo Vita clinic.

    Psychological consultations will also help you look at the problem systemically: why the former blooming appearance was replaced by a dull complexion, what internal (including emotional) reasons provoke such changes appearance.

    Dull facial skin not only spoils your appearance, but also signals problems in the human body. A lifeless gray complexion can appear at any age. Some people try to disguise the problem with cosmetics, but it is better to eliminate it through treatment. Then the skin will retain its radiant and fresh appearance for a long time.

    Causes of dull skin

    The first sign that a face is losing its attractiveness is a change in color and the appearance of pallor. Smoothness and silkiness disappear, replaced by a rough and dry surface. Sensitivity increases. Associated problems with dull skin may include enlarged pores, spider veins, circles under the eyes, acne and pigmentation.

    The reasons may be different, but they all boil down to wrong image life or illness. Factors influencing the deterioration of facial skin:

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    Smoking and alcohol abuse greatly affect the appearance. And first of all it manifests itself on the face. There is even such a thing as “smoker's face,” which defines dull gray skin that is susceptible to rapid aging. Alcohol also poisons the body with toxins, and it also removes a lot of fluid from it, which ultimately leads to dryness and wilting.

    The skin is also an organ that needs constant replenishment with vitamins and minerals. If she does not receive them, then an irreversible process of her premature aging. Poor nutrition, strict diets, malnutrition lead to exhaustion. Cells slow down the process of division and renewal, since they do not have enough “building material”. And the skin becomes dull, flabby and ugly. Chronic lack of sleep also leads to similar consequences, as it disrupts the functioning of the entire body.

    Lack of water leads to dehydration. The skin becomes dry, rough, loses elasticity and becomes dull in color.

    Lovers sun tanning more often than others suffer from skin problems. The sun's rays are reflected especially strongly on the delicate and sensitive surface of the face. Ultraviolet negatively affects upper layer epidermis. Tanning is a protective reaction of the body, increasing the production of pigment (melatonin). As a result, the skin becomes dry and loses its shine and radiance.

    The skin receives nutrition through blood flow. Circulatory disorders inevitably leads to a deterioration in her condition. This is often associated with sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle. Regular and active walks in the fresh air improve blood flow and return a healthy glow to the face. .png" alt="walks" width="450" height="301" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/img-2017-04-30-16-12-40-450x301..png 588w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

    The condition of internal organs is always reflected externally. Dull color faces may be a sign diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic and circulatory organs, female genital organs or metabolic disorders. In such cases, you should consult a doctor.

    Care for dull skin

    Dull skin needs special care. To improve her condition, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Do not wash your face with cold or hot water.
    2. Wash off cosmetics by special means(moisturizing milk - in cold periods, tonic - in hot times).
    3. Exfoliate once a week using a cream scrub. But, if there are inflamed areas or acne, this procedure is contraindicated!
    4. Use nourishing and moisturizing face masks.

    The use of cosmetics should be moderate. You should avoid it at least once a week to let your skin rest.

    Cosmetics should not be washed off the face with soap!

    To care for dull skin, it is advisable to use creams enriched with vitamins and creams with hormonal supplements. It is better not to use products containing glycerin or other astringents. Among the masks, you should give preference to those that are oil-based.

    During the hot season, you should not wash or simply rinse your face with cold water if its surface is dull and dry. Sudden temperature changes are harmful! You must use warm softened water. A the best option will become thermal water.

    Steam facials

    Recovery water balance epidermis using steam baths. They activate oxygen saturation of the skin and normalize metabolic processes. Steam baths do it once a week. .png" alt="Steam bath" width="450" height="305" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/parovaya-vanna-450x305..png 680w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

    Steam procedures are contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and asthma.

    Steaming recipes:

    1. "Linden blossom". The face is pre-cleaned thermal water or lotion. Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil in a deep enamel bowl and remove from heat. Place 2 tablespoons of linden flowers into boiling water. Cover the head with a towel and hold it over the steam for 5-10 minutes at a distance of 30 cm. After this, rinse it with warm water and blot it dry. paper napkin and after 30 minutes a nourishing mask is applied.
    2. "Herbal". Pour water halfway into a large enamel pan. A tablespoon of herbs such as chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, dill, calendula, coltsfoot is also placed there. The dishes are placed on the fire and brought to a boil. Tilt your face over boiling water at a distance of 20 cm and keep it in this position for 15 minutes. The hair is first wrapped in a towel.

    Compresses are used once every 10 days. For dull, dry skin, it is good to use compresses based on plants containing essential oils(mint, parsley, creeping thyme, lemon balm, chamomile). They are combined with plants that contain mucus (mullein, coltsfoot, marshmallow roots, mallow, quince seeds). .jpg" alt="Compress" width="450" height="355" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/kompress-450x355..jpg 570w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

    Compress recipes:

    1. "Linden blossom". A compress made from linden flower infusion is excellent for dry, pale and aging skin. Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed flowers into a glass of hot water. Leave for 15 minutes. Moisten a gauze napkin in the warm infusion and apply it to the face, hold for 1-2 minutes. The procedure is repeated 4 to 6 times. The compress is contraindicated for those who have dilated blood vessels on their face.
    2. Contrast compress "Rose and Jasmine". Rose petals are used for a hot compress, jasmine for a cold one. A tablespoon of crushed flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 4-5 hours. Before use, the rose infusion is heated. Start with a hot compress. It is held for 30 seconds. This is followed by a cold compress for 1 minute. Repeat 10 alternations.

    Combination steam baths and compresses improves and refreshes the complexion, helps get rid of dryness, dullness, and blackheads.

    After a compress or steam bath, after 30-40 minutes, you can apply a nourishing mask to your face. Watch the video on how to prepare it at home:

    Diet for dull skin

    The skin reflects the internal state of the body. And in order to achieve a good and long-term result, it must be treated from the inside. You need to reconsider your diet. must be complete and balanced.

    Products that improve the condition of the skin give it beautiful shade and eliminate dullness:

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    These products can be consumed every day.

    Once or twice a year you need to take a vitamin complex. If you don’t have the money to buy expensive vitamins, you can get by with capsules. The dose recommended for adults for prevention is 1 tablet per day after or during meals. Vitamins A and E play an important role in the processes occurring in the layers of the skin.

    In the presence of chronic diseases, before taking vitamins, you should consult a specialist!

    Salon treatments for dull skin

    You can also get rid of dull skin using salon procedures. The most effective among them are:

    1. Ozone therapy - skin cells are saturated with oxygen. Metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis are restored.
    2. Electrophoresis is a therapy based on electrical current pulses. Activates metabolic processes in the deeper layers of the skin, returns natural blush.
    3. Manual and hardware massage of the face, neck and collar area improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes, and restores a fresh look and glow.
    4. Diamond microdermabrasion – helps restore skin structure and tone. Eliminates redness and unevenness, improves complexion.
    5. Plasma dermabrasion – polishes the upper layers of the skin, giving it radiance and an even, beautiful color.

    Hardware procedures affecting the epidermis are contraindicated for people suffering from allergic rashes, acne and other dermatological diseases.

    Homemade masks for dull face

    Very effective against dullness nourishing masks based on natural fresh products. They can also be used for preventive purposes.

    Jpg" alt="Mask" width="450" height="338" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/maska-450x338..jpg 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/maska.jpg 1000w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

    Mask recipes:

    1. Strawberry– mix the pulp of 3 large strawberries with a teaspoon of honey and apply the mixture with finger movements on your face for 10-15 minutes.
    2. From aloe– squeeze the juice from a plant leaf and mix it with whipped egg white. Apply to the face and neck area for 15-20 minutes.
    3. Orange– cut the citrus into thin slices and distribute evenly on the face. The mask refreshes and nourishes the skin, giving it radiance and a healthy color.
    4. Paris mask– Apply a thick layer of sauerkraut to your face. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Do it once a week. This universal remedy against aging and dullness of the skin.
    5. Peach– Grind one fruit into porridge and add a teaspoon of starch or oatmeal to it. Spread the mixture on the face and neck and leave for 15-20 minutes.

    Masks are only applied to clean skin and washed off with warm water.


    Healthy image life, proper nutrition and regular use of health and cosmetic procedures will allow you to maintain an even and radiant complexion for a long time! The key to success will be the regularity of all these actions.

    Delicate skin, as if filled with radiance, makes the beauty of the face perfect. On the contrary, dull skin with a gray tint makes an unpleasant impression. It is not without reason that in order to emphasize the unprepossessing and ugly appearance of a person, they use the derogatory phraseology “no skin, no face,” and the skin is put in first place.

    Dull skin, in addition to a purely aesthetic function, is an indicator of the condition of the body. If we understood the language of our skin, we would hear “SOS” - an alarm signal of distress.

    What our skin is missing

    The skin has the ability to breathe - everyone knows about it. And her condition directly depends on what she breathes. The atmospheric air of large cities constantly contains harmful pollutants from the operation of industrial enterprises and vehicles, gas combustion in boiler houses, garbage and leaves. For a number of sanitary indicators, in particular for dust, they consistently exceed established standards. You can easily verify this by examining your shoes and blouse collar in the evening and comparing them with their morning state. The skin of the face, like a sponge, absorbs dust and chemical pollution from the city air. Therefore, the faces of city women are still inferior in freshness to the faces of village women. If a girl also smokes, dull gray skin and future health problems are guaranteed. Smoking causes the skin of the face and neck to become dry and constantly irritated, and wrinkles and red spots soon appear.

    The external environment is not the only cause of dull skin. Indoor air composition is even poorer in oxygen and usually has additional specific pollutants. When working in an office in a sitting position, the muscles of the neck and back are under constant tension, blood circulation in them is slow, the skin does not receive the required amount of nutrients, turns pale and dull.

    Dull skin is usually masked with foundation and powder, but this does not make it any easier. After all, the problem is that the skin lacks oxygen and nutrients.

    How character affects complexion

    Poor character is another reason for dull skin. Anger, negative emotions, and irritation cause spasm and constriction of blood vessels, and the skin becomes dull. If you want to look fresh, get rid of negativity and change your attitude towards people to a friendly one. Learn to rid yourself of worthless grievances and discontent. Perhaps meditation, swimming or working out in the fitness room will help you.

    Be sure to get a good night's sleep - lack of sleep and chronic fatigue affect the condition of the facial skin. 8 hours of sleep is the norm, not a good wish.

    What else is your skin missing?

    Of course, the skin needs good nutrition and vitamins. Exhaustive diets do not have the best effect on your skin. It is known that in Russia, urban residents receive only a third of the necessary vitamins from food. The diet reduces the intake of already insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals into the body. The skin turns pale and dull, and its ability to renew cells decreases. Exit - balanced diet without overeating, including wheat sprouts and vitamins necessary for the skin and the entire body in the diet.

    How to improve dull skin

    1. Spend more time outdoors, walking, swimming, skating and skiing, doing exercises, including five-minute warm-ups at work. In a word, live and enjoy life.

    2. Choose the right creams and facial cleansing, taking into account age and skin problems.

    3. Practice peelings and do regular massages in a beauty salon and with your own hands.

    4. Find the right nutritional supplements for you cosmetic masks for the face and pamper your skin with them once or twice a week. Don’t count on inexpensive cosmetics; they should be of high quality, enriched with vitamins C, F, E and protect the skin from free radicals. Masks with blue or green clay will be useful.

    5. Use in necessary cases drainage cosmetics, use algae and orange extract, always have a spray with thermal water with you.

    6. If you are unwilling or unable to change your lifestyle to improve the appearance of dull skin, you may have to use modern cosmetic methods:
    Mesotherapy - administration of nutritional injections under the skin;
    Biorevitalization - injections hyaluronic acid;
    Laser peeling - “stripping” the top layer of skin to stimulate collagen production;
    Fraxel (fractional photothermolysis) - skin healing using pulsed light.

    Of course, no woman likes it when her appearance is far from ideal. Why does facial skin acquire a gray tint over time, what are the reasons and what cosmetic products to use to improve it and create the effect of a radiant face.

    But before you rush into battle with imperfections, it doesn’t hurt to know where they come from and why your skin tone can be earthy.

    Dull facial skin: causes

    In fact, this problem can have many origins. Basically, dull skin color is caused by bad habits and disrupted daily routine: smoking, alcohol, frequent lack of sleep and sitting at the computer for many hours - all this does not add to the beauty of a woman’s appearance

    Also, lack of oxygen and physical activity– the more actively supplied with oxygen soft fabric, especially bright shade she has. This means that the gray color of the skin is caused by oxygen starvation: the dull layers of the dermis simply do not receive nutrients in the required volume.

    Physical illnesses also affect beauty – and not in a positive way. Often a sallow face can be a sign of a serious illness internal organ, circulatory system or even anemia.

    In this case, you should first solve the problem and seek help from a specialist in order to identify the cause of this phenomenon and recover from the disease. It is in such situations that creams and masks will be powerless, because an ugly complexion is just a visible manifestation of an existing disease.

    What to do if your facial skin becomes dull

    First of all, you need to review your daily routine. It is worth spending more time on sleep and rest, moving more, and being in the fresh air. Daily walks in the park or morning jogging are excellent and accessible remedy, which reflects favorably not only on the complexion, but also on the entire female figure.

    If you are suffering from bad habits, that is, there is a reason to try to refuse them. Addictions do not bring any benefit to the body, but they deprive it of youth and beauty, prematurely wear out internal systems and contribute to early withering.

    You should also pay attention to your health; it may make sense to undergo a full medical examination. If no serious abnormalities have been identified and no treatment is required, then go in for sports and eliminate all harmful foods from your diet, replacing them with a healthy alternative.

    Typically, a gray complexion occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are often nervous and lack sleep. For an active person who finds time in his schedule for sports, this problem is much less common.

    It also doesn’t hurt to supplement your diet with special vitamin complexes, since most often a sallow face means a deficiency of vitamins and essential microelements. The most useful substances For female beauty are considered B vitamins.

    Cream for dull skin

    Treatment must begin in a comprehensive manner: in addition to correcting shortcomings in the menu and increasing time in the fresh air, it is worth acquiring cosmetics that are suitable for you.

    You can also use a variety of creams with different ingredients to restore complexion.

    The best assistant in the fight for beautiful skin and a healthy complexion is vitamin C - it allows blood flow in the vessels of the dermis to resume its natural function. That is why cosmetologists advise using products based on orange or lemon juice for lifeless, pale skin.

    If you set out to find suitable cream, then pay attention to its composition - there is no need to poison dull skin and weigh it down with additional chemical ingredients, so you should choose organic products.

    Although citrus fruits are the best component to improve complexion, others fruit acids they cope with this task no worse - look in the list of ingredients on the packaging for a designation that the cream contains ANA.

    How to disguise a gray complexion

    Of course, dull skin noticeably spoils general form and is capable of distorting even the most Beautiful face. To forget about this problem for a while, you can use special cosmetics– it will camouflage the gray tint and give the face a healthy look.

    When choosing foundation pay attention only to warm shades - peach, yellowish, honey. It is these tones that perfectly drown out the earthy color of the skin, filling it with light and natural colors.

    To make your skin look rested and radiant, you can use a brighter blush, but just don’t use too much. dark shades– it’s better to choose light pink or light brick.

    It also removes gray undertones from the skin of the face and yellow concealer or golden illuminator - it can be used in the cheekbones, on the bridge of the nose, in the center of the forehead and above the upper lip.

    If you have enough dark skin, then a self-tanning cream or even a solarium can come to the rescue - only you should be careful with these measures.

    In the first case, a low-quality product may work ugly spots, and in the second, it is necessary to disguise gray skin under a layer of tan in moderation, since the abundance sunbathing also does not benefit female beauty.

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