• Is continuous experience important now? Why is the internship interrupted? In what cases and who needs continuous work experience?


    We will tell you in this material what continuous work experience affects and what benefits it gives when calculating the amount of a pension. In the meantime, let's figure out what kind of legal concept this is and what its legislative meaning is.

    Surely, many of you remember that a similar norm existed back in the days of the Soviet Union. Then continuous working age was associated with the right to receive special benefits and increased pension. But a lot has changed since then; back in 2002, a pension reform. At the moment, this kind of norm remains only if, after dismissal, you took the same position, but at a different enterprise.

    What is it, how to calculate it

    To maintain continuous labor output upon dismissal due to at will You need to get a job in a maximum of a month. Two months to find a job are given to people living in the far north of the country if their work previously meant staying outside the state.

    Sixty days without loss of continuous work experience may also be in unemployed status Foreign citizens, if a treaty was concluded with their country social security during this time. The law provides for the preservation of NTS (continuous work experience) for three months for those workers who have lost workplace during the downsizing or reorganization of the enterprise. The main difference, as you understand, is the reason for changing jobs.

    If it is forced, as an example, we can cite the situation with teachers primary classes who are forced to search new job due to the reduction in the number of students, the state is ready to provide citizens with funds for up to three months. If the decision to leave work belongs to the citizen, he is given only one month on the condition of maintaining continuous work experience. Remember that continuous work experience is maintained if the break is no more than three months.

    Work experience, continuous experience

    The duration of the NTS has not affected the size of the pension for some time. Many Russians still think that in following cases(with a large NTS) have the right to calculate a special pension benefit. Although such a norm has already lost force, the size of the pension depends on the insurance output. Since the length of service is preserved if the break is not more than three months (meaning only NTS), most Russians do not have such a privilege, especially in modern realities, but do not lose the right to pension benefits.

    Continuous work experience: what does it affect?

    After we figured out what NTS is, it’s time to tell why it is needed. At the moment (2016) there are a number of cases in which the calculation is applied not only insurance period, but also NTS. For example, having continuous experience you can count on a salary increase and even additional vacation.

    What does it mean when calculating the amount of a pension?

    Do you want to know why labor production is needed? The characteristics of the innovations made it have virtually no effect on the size of the pension. We are often asked about continuous work experience, what it affects and how not to lose it. Now that you know all this (including how to calculate the NTS yourself), you can do it yourself or use online calculators calculate how much continuous insurance coverage you have.

    In medicine, for example, studying in senior courses, especially with practice, is included in the experience. The differences with other professions are not so great. The NTS includes everything that is considered work under the law and is included in the general one. The abolition of some norms has led to the fact that the question of why length of service is useful and important has become the subject of great speculation. Some even said that there should be an NTS to reach minimum pension, others said that for women, having such experience guarantees receiving a loan. Now you know the truth.

    Why is it needed?

    In short, to receive preferences. In some cases, you can get more flexible vacation periods; for civil servants, the presence of NTS is positive factor on their resume. The NTS breakup will not deprive you pension provision; if the NTS is interrupted, you still have insurance, which is much more important.

    How to calculate continuous work experience using a work book calculator

    Many people are interested in the question: how to calculate/calculate continuous work time using a book? More than one essay has been written on this subject, and they have even created a special online calculator on the Internet that can calculate NTS using data from the book. But besides modern means, on the Internet you can also find instructions for calculating NTS from the times of the Soviet Union. You shouldn’t use it; Russia has completely different legal norms.

    So how to calculate NTS and not make a mistake? You need to calculate it manually; even if there is a calculation program on the Internet, it can only give you approximate results. Counting must begin with the first entry in the book. In order not to get confused when and where you moved, make it a rule to count every thirty days as a month, and twelve months as a year. The procedure is as follows: write down all periods of work from the work book on a separate sheet of paper. Count the number of days, months and years in each of them.

    Remember that one interruption means the loss of NTS in the specified period, but for the purity of the experiment, count everything. It would be a good idea to calculate which one you have total experience taking into account all jobs and positions held. A few subtleties about the calculation. Remember that the rules are that the day of dismissal is also considered a working day. There is even a special article about this in the law. The Code of the Russian Federation provides that when making such calculations, only one unit (the day of hiring) must be subtracted from the total amount of working days.

    Does it exist now and does it matter?

    It has, but not the same as before. The Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that in order to calculate pension benefits, the presence of so-called insurance experience is mandatory. The legislation abolished the rule that provided for determining the number of days, months or years of the NTS as the basis for calculating the amount of the pension.

    As we said above, NTS for people in case of disability is calculated differently. They are given three months to recover; benefits in payment for medical services are not provided, which is reflected in the publication Russian newspaper. You can find out whether military service is counted and how the NTS calculates it for sick leave by contacting the pension center. Its employees know all the innovations and will tell you about them.

    Calculation program

    There are indeed counting programs on the Internet, but be careful, pay attention to the year of their release. An employee whose activity was terminated when calculating the NTS must take into account not only the period of unemployed status, but also the reason for dismissal, the existence of a contract, and so on. According to the Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of a citizen’s sick leave and the presence of disability are also important.

    To preserve the NTS, we advise you to quit only if you already know where you are going to get a job. Current legislation gives an employee the opportunity to look for a job for a month. But by paying insurance premiums, you will also save your total for this time, and it affects the size of your pension. Special conditions apply for disabled people. One way or another, after a three-month period (maximum), you will lose the right to benefits provided to owners of an impressive NTS.

    Find out what continuous work experience is used for and how it is considered, whether breaks in work affect its duration, and what to do if not all periods of employment are reflected in the employee’s work record.

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    What does continuous work experience mean?

    Not every personnel officer knows what continuous work experience is, what it affects and how it is calculated. Concepts used in personnel practice usually have clear legislative definitions. Continuous work experience (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 314) only indicates the presence of a certain type of work experience, which gives the right to additional guarantees and compensation. But nowhere does it say that it must be continuous.

    Continuous service is not interrupted by long periods between periods of employment. After switching to insurance system sphere practical application continuous work experience has narrowed sharply, and the interpretation has changed.

    When is continuous work experience used?

    1. If you need to calculate periods of work in the same specialty or profession.
    2. When determining an employee’s right to receive various additional payments, salary supplements and additional leave.
    3. In the practice of a specific employer or group of companies.

    What does continuous work experience affect?

    1. Based on it, certain categories of personnel, for example, medical workers, salary supplements are awarded. The amounts and procedure for paying bonuses are established by industry agreements, collective and labor agreements, and local acts of employers and departments. Thus, for doctors working in the healthcare sector in the federal customs service system, bonuses for continuous work experience are awarded on the basis of Order No. 1412 of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated November 13, 2008.
    2. Some companies offer loyal employees with long continuous work experience at a particular enterprise extended voluntary health insurance policies, additional insurance, travel packages and other preferences.

    To calculate benefits for temporary disability, continuous service is used in exceptional cases: if the duration of the insurance period accumulated by the employee before January 1, 2007 is less than the duration of continuous service. This is extremely rare, but still happens, since the insurance period is calculated according to Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006, and continuous service is calculated according to the rules approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 252 of April 13, 1973. Procedure Details explains the HR System expert.

    How is continuous work experience calculated according to a work book?

    Calculate the periods of work according to the work book. Sum only the periods between which there was no significant interruption of service, which is influenced by both the length of the interval between dismissal and subsequent employment, and the reasons why the employee was fired.

    Rules for calculating continuous experience using a work book

    1. Sum up the periods in calendar order.
    2. If you are counting manually, write down the dates of hiring and firing in two columns.
    3. Add the dates in each column and subtract the first from the second sum.
    4. As a result, convert every 12 months to full year, every 30 days - for a full month.

    To avoid errors when manually counting, follow detailed instructions, approved by resolution of the Pension Fund Board No. 2 dated January 11, 2017. If certain periods of employment are not reflected in the work book, ask the employee for other supporting documents - certificates, extracts, orders, contracts.

    Sample certificate confirming work experience

    Departmental and industry standards may establish additional requirements for the nature of work.

    Pay attention not only to dates, but also to the specifics of the work performed by the employee in a given period.

    What kind of break in work does not interrupt the length of service?

    When a person works at the same enterprise year after year, under the same conditions, it is not difficult to calculate his length of service. But what length of service is considered continuous when changing jobs? To accurately answer this question, pay attention to the circumstances.

    Soviet legislation did not regard a break lasting as an interruption of seniority:

    • 1 month - for an employee who quit of his own free will;
    • 2 months - for citizens officially working outside the Russian Federation;
    • 3 months - for an employee dismissed for health reasons or as part of a staff reduction.

    In addition, any break in continuous service had no effect if the employee moved to another locality due to the transfer of the husband or wife. In this case, the length of service was not reset, but continued to flow from the date of the next employment.

    What length of service is currently considered continuous? The legislation does not currently establish the concept of continuous service.

    Dismissal for absenteeism or for any other culpable reason does not deprive the employee of the right to northern bonuses and does not interrupt the length of service necessary to receive them. The duration of the break in work is also not taken into account (see decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. GKPI09-536 dated June 10, 2009).

    Continuous experience was of fundamental importance in Soviet time, but almost completely lost it after the transition to a new pension system. Use this indicator only when determining an employee's right to benefits, allowances and other guarantees.

    After the pension reform took place, changes were made to the permanent length of service. From 2007 to the present day, benefits are calculated by taking into account the insurance length of employees, and in current legislation this term is not used as often as before. Although some employers in certain areas use this concept to this day.

    Designation of insurance experience

    This length of service refers to the duration of payment of various contributions or taxes. In other words, this is the time during which insurance premiums were paid for the employee. And in order to calculate benefits, the continuity of length of service does not matter.

    This may include:

    • labor based on a contract;
    • civil or municipal service;
    • insurance during temporary disability;
    • individual entrepreneurship;
    • advocacy;
    • work on a collective farm or in a production cooperative;
    • paid work of the convicted person;
    • activities as a clergyman or deputy.

    Basic definition of permanent work experience

    Continuous length of service is the time during which a citizen carries out his work functions or, in other words, works for a single employer. However, NTS can be retained if an employee quits but takes a new job within three weeks.

    Naturally, such work must necessarily be formalized. This also includes entrepreneurial activity.

    This rule fully complies with the law, but there is one small exception to the rules - if the dismissal was under any article, then in this case the continuity of service will have to be calculated again.

    General rules of continuous work

    So, how many days is continuous service according to the law? The answer is simple: after the dismissal has occurred, you will need to get a new job within 21 working days.

    As mentioned above, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, length of service when moving to another company can be preserved only in one case, if the duration of non-working time is no more than one month. However, in order to accurately answer the question of how many days is continuous work experience under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you need to take into account the following important point, such as the fact that for some people NTS will persist for a 2 or even 3 month break.

    Maintaining work experience for 2 months is allowed for such persons as:

    • workers from the Far North;
    • employees of Russian enterprises located abroad;
    • for citizens working outside the country with whom Russia has entered into a legal agreement on the availability of social security.
    • people affected by layoffs, reorganization or liquidation of the company;
    • persons who were fired due to temporary disability;
    • citizens who were fired for health reasons;
    • for elementary school teachers who were laid off due to declining enrollment.

    In addition, when calculating the continuous work experience and how many days it is, it is given Special attention pregnant women and mothers who have children under 14 years of age or disabled children under 16 years of age. In other words, if the contract with them is terminated, then this period remains until the specified age is reached.

    There are some other nuances in which it is possible not to work for some period of time and not be afraid of maintaining permanent seniority:

    • when the employee’s children or child has HIV infection and needs care;
    • if the pensioner decides to resume working activities;
    • when a military man is fired.

    There is another point that is not always paid attention to. We are talking about a situation where one of the spouses is transferred to another region for work issues. Of course, in this case the whole family moves. In this case, the other spouse has to leave his main place of work. In this option, permanent employment continues for 90 days.

    Why do you need continuous experience and what is its essence?

    First of all, payments depend on this if there is downtime, payment for weekends and holidays, as well as when there is an incomplete working shift or week due to lack of work. And, of course, this length of service is also necessary for calculating the pension, since its maximum payment each month depends on this. According to this concept earlier payment according to the hospital form was carried out depending on its duration.

    In order to calculate the size of the pension so that the payment is at least a little more than usual, a 10-year period of time is taken with the largest wages. If work was not interrupted, then the coefficients affecting the size of the pension payment for the month will always be above one. In the event of a break in work activity, the payment will be correspondingly lower, and the coefficients will be calculated completely differently.

    If we talk about calculations that relate to medicine, then the time of internship and practice is also added here. When a pension is calculated, the basis is not so much wages and experience as the category and the presence of an academic degree. Moreover, almost all doctors either work part-time or combine several positions at once.

    Since the times of the USSR, this concept has been special meaning. Depending on this indicator, citizens received benefits and high pension payments. At the moment, insurance premiums, which are paid by employees during working weeks, are of greater importance. This type of payment is made if the employee works under a contract or work agreement. Contributions can also be made by persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without registering a legal entity.

    Continuous service differs from insurance service in the following ways:

    • when the pension is calculated and its payment, continuity of work does not matter;
    • The time during which a citizen did not work is limited.

    In the NTS, in addition to work under a contract, service in the army and in security agencies, as well as work during study or during illegal dismissal and reinstatement are also counted.

    Nowadays, the NTS makes it possible to receive preferences. It is up to the employer to decide whether to provide benefits or not. If such a section is provided in the documentation, then payments, of course, are made. In the form of incentives, except monetary compensation, may be given, for example, additional days for vacation.

    How to calculate permanent work experience using a work book

    Calculation according to the work book can be done using a calculator. First you need to write down all the places where you worked, and then check the duration of the breaks. If all this fits into monthly period, then the length of service should be considered continuous.

    This operation can be carried out in several ways:

    • calculate the length of service using a calculator;
    • use a special service of special programs for accountants;
    • use the online calculator on the profile portal.

    Due to the fact that in last years Many amendments have been made to regulations on labor activity, and definitions such as length of service have also undergone changes. Let us examine in more detail what is meant by continuous work experience.

    The concept of continuous work experience

    What length of service is called continuous?

    Continuous work experience is the work or other socially useful activity of a citizen at one enterprise.

    The time of continuous activity of a worker is taken into account only when it is necessary to determine the amount of payments for temporary disability.

    When such benefits are calculated, the period of continuous activity is determined to be a person's work in a particular organization.

    In some situations, it is possible to accrue during this period and during the time of previous work or other socially useful activities.

    Regulatory framework for going concern

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, continuous activities include:

    • labor period as a worker or employee;
    • forced absences due to wrongful dismissal(when reinstatement followed);
    • work or paid internship while studying at a university or special institution;
    • service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
    • taking advanced courses qualifications.

    In a situation of changing one job to another due to relocation It is allowed to extend the work break for the time required for the move.

    In a situation where a citizen has temporarily lost ability to work for a specified period of time, the permissible period is extended by the number of days for which the person was incapacitated.

    The period of continuity of service for an employee when moving to another place is no more than 30 days. The break will be extended in situations specified by law.

    The length of service remains uninterrupted regardless of how long the gap between the previous and new jobs lasted, if this was due to the fact that the spouse was transferred to work in another area.

    Seniority cannot be retained when applying for a job if the previous employee was dismissed under such articles:

    • systematically failed to fulfill his official duties without serious reasons and received disciplinary sanctions;
    • the citizen violated his labor duties once(absenteeism, presence of alcohol, drugs or other types of intoxication at the workplace, violation of a non-disclosure agreement, theft and embezzlement);
    • the employee violated labor protection requirements that caused serious consequences or a real threat of their occurrence.

    In what cases is work experience considered continuous?

    The length of service remains continuous - the break in work is no more than 3 months for the following cases:

    • citizens dismissed from organizations when they are closed or employees are laid off;
    • after the period of temporary incapacity for work has ended due to which the person was fired from his previous place of work or in the event of termination of work at his previous place due to disability;

    In such situations, a period of 3 months is calculated from the moment when the ability to work was restored.

    • when a citizen was dismissed as unsuitable for his position positions;
    • if a teacher teaching in primary school, relieved of his duties due to the transfer of 4 classes to a form of systematic teaching or in a situation of temporary reduction of students;
    • when an employment contract with a pregnant woman or mother is terminated who has children under 14 years of age or children with disabilities under 16 years of age.

    Until the child reaches this age, the length of service when applying for a new job remains uninterrupted.

    Regardless of the duration of the break, the length of service will be continuous under the following circumstances:

    • after an employee leaves due to retirement or upon dismissal of pensioners due to age and other circumstances.

    This will also apply to persons who receive a pension due to other circumstances (for example, length of service) in the case where they are entitled to receive a pension upon reaching retirement age.

    • when an employee was fired voluntarily for a serious reason or in the absence of one in cases of termination of the company's work or reduction of staff;
    • due to transfer to another region and forced relocation(applies to military personnel and State Duma deputies, as well as members of their families);
    • upon dismissal of persons living in the area where there is no opportunity to find another job;
    • when a citizen was fired due to an unfair accusation or was suspended from work due to an erroneous conclusion of a medical commission and was subsequently reinstated;
    • if the break from work was associated with participation in public works on a paid basis;
    • in a situation where a citizen was taken into custody and was subsequently acquitted and reinstated to his former position.

    If a person has difficulties with one of the listed events, then the legislation provides time to resolve these issues without interrupting his work experience.

    How many days is considered continuous service?

    The length of service is maintained as continuous for the duration between dismissal and starting a new job. no more than 1 month.

    Exceptions to this rule are:

    • transfer of one of the spouses to work to another area;
    • care upon achievement retirement age.

    The internship may remain uninterrupted with a gap of less than 2 months in the following situations:

    • upon dismissal before the end of the contract a citizen who worked in the Far North;
    • upon dismissal of a person, operating abroad.

    How to maintain continuous work experience with a three-month interval in work?

    You can leave your work experience uninterrupted in situations established by law.

    The period of service is continuous when:

    • a citizen is studying in higher or secondary educational institutions, graduate school or residency.

    Condition - the duration of the break between dismissal and admission to an educational institution does not exceed the time established by law.

    • when a citizen is a family member of an employee sent outside the state to work in various structures if the period of time from return to entry to work does not exceed 60 days;
    • for seasonal workers who have worked for one season who have entered into a contract to work for the next season and have begun performing their duties within the agreed period;

    Applies to industries where seasonal work time is allowed to be summed up.

    • treatment time in dispensaries in the situation when the duration of the break between the end of treatment and registration for a position is no more than 30 days;
    • serving correctional labor at the place of work(only provided that the citizen was not deprived of liberty).

    How to calculate continuous experience in 1C?

    The duration of uninterrupted work can be calculated using the 1C program “Salaries and Personnel” or independently.

    To calculate using the program, data on hiring, dismissal and new employment are entered into the required columns. Then click the “calculate” button.

    You can make a calculation on one's own.

    The calculation principle is as follows:

    1. To make calculations using a calculator, The dates of employment are subtracted from the date of each dismissal. If the interval between dismissal and new employment is no more than 3 weeks, the results obtained should be summarized. Breaks exceeding 3 weeks are not taken into account.
    2. If a citizen quits within one year 2 or more times, then this year does not apply to uninterrupted service.
    3. The employee has the right to increase the break to 1 month who was forced to leave his previous workplace for serious reasons (subject to documentary confirmation of this fact).
    4. For citizens who worked in the Far North or similar territories, the break is 2 months after dismissal, and that period remains continuous.
    5. Duration of a break in work for those who are laid off due to liquidation or reorganization enterprises is 3 months. The same applies to people who quit due to health reasons or disability. This length of service will also be considered uninterrupted.
    6. Activities for women will be considered uninterrupted, who were forced to interrupt work due to the need to care for a child with a disability who has not reached the age of 16 years or for those mothers whose children have not reached the age of 14 years.

    Documents for calculating continuous work experience

    The length of service is calculated according to the information specified in a number of documents that confirm the fact of a person’s work activity and are drawn up in compliance with all requirements.

    The citizen is required to present:

    • original labor books;
    • military ID(if available);
    • original contract about hiring;
    • certificate from the organization, where it was carried out work activity;
    • payment statements labor;
    • in some situations it will be required references from archives.

    The period is calculated continuous operation taking into account both the main position and part-time position.

    Calculations are carried out in accordance with calendar days.

    If a woman with young children worked part-time for family reasons, this period of time is also counted as length of service.

    In controversial situations, when it is not possible to understand whether omissions were valid reasons for interrupting work, you can obtain clarification from the relevant authorities.

    Continuous work experience during the existence of the Soviet Union was important legal meaning and influenced the calculation of pensions and social benefits. Due to the adoption of a number of amendments, the status of this legal concept has changed significantly in labor legislation.

    You will learn in detail from this material what the continuity of work experience affects today, how it differs from the general one and at what duration it is not taken into account for the break of the work period.

    What is continuous work experience?

    This refers to periods after dismissal that do not exceed the time periods provided by law for individual cases of termination of contracts with employers.

    After acceptance Federal Law No. 225 of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance” in case of temporary disability due to maternity, when making payments, only those periods during which contributions were made to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

    Previously adopted norms on continuity of service were in conflict with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on freedom of labor, and therefore were cancelled.

    They mean the inclusion of the specified periods in the insurance period. It is not only the fact of payment of contributions to extrabudgetary funds that matters, but also their size.

    When is service considered interrupted?

    The length of service is interrupted in the absence of a concluded contract with the new employer within the period stipulated by law, calculated in connection with the specifics of employment.

    Currently, the state does not strictly monitor compliance with employment deadlines after dismissal. This factor also does not affect the amount of pension benefits.

    On average, a period of up to 1 month is counted towards continuous experience when changing jobs. However, proof of continuity may be required when applying for a certain position: obtaining accreditation as a lawyer, judge status, or other advantages.

    Mainly, continuity affects the possibility of obtaining a decent job under a new contract.

    When is employment interrupted after dismissal?

    Continuous service lasts for 1 month after dismissal from the previous job. This rule applies to the termination of employment relationships with employees employed in manufacturing enterprises, commercial and government, municipal institutions, organizations of any form of ownership.

    The exception applies to the following categories of employees (for them, a period of 2 months is included in the continuous work experience after signing the order to terminate the contract):

    • upon termination of activities at enterprises located in the Far North or equivalent areas, upon termination of the contract due to the expiration of the term;
    • in case of official employment abroad upon termination of the contract with the employer;
    • when working in states with which Russia has concluded social security agreements.

    Three months are counted as length of service after dismissal:

    • in case of staff reduction due to liquidation or reorganization of the company in any form: merger, spin-off, merger, etc., declaring an organization of any form of ownership insolvent (bankrupt);
    • if it is impossible to hold a position as at the last place of work due to deterioration of health, the onset of partial incapacity, confirmed by a medical certificate;
    • when transferring the other spouse to another location to perform work functions.

    The length of service is qualified as continuous when a citizen receiving pension benefits returns to official work under an employment contract.

    Interrupted work experience can be restored based on the order of the trade union at the regional or district level. In any case, the time spent traveling to another location is not taken into account as a break for the spouse and, in general, for all adult members of the employee’s family.

    What needs to be done to ensure that the work experience is not interrupted?

    To ensure that your work experience is not interrupted, it is necessary to track the period of time after which a break in activity is considered. In this regard, rules can be used Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 13, 1973 N 252 , previously abolished, but applied in practice by analogy.

    If continuity is monitored in connection with employment for a certain position, obtaining the status of a judge, lawyer, or other professional activity, then you should be guided by the provisions of industry regulations.

    Continuity of service does not affect the amount of pension benefits or its establishment, but may affect the accrual of additional vacation days, bonuses or other benefits for employees established Labor Code Russian Federation and local acts at the enterprise.

    What impact can continuous work experience have today?

    According to modern legislation, continuity of service will affect the following factors:

    • size social benefits for disability - depends on the time worked, for a period of up to 5 years it is paid as a percentage of 60% of income, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, from 8 years - 100%;
    • the possibility of employment for a position, since employers take into account when hiring the possibility of loss of professional skills due to the long gap between dismissal and placement in a new position.

    The continuity of length of service is not affected; this situation remains in effect for 2019 and subsequent periods until the possible adoption of relevant changes to labor legislation.

    When you should go to work at a new enterprise, how many days are counted in the length of service if a break is allowed is established in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

    What periods are not included in the insurance period, but do not interrupt the total length of service?

    They are not included in the total length of service, but do not interrupt its periods:


    Enrollment in clinical residency or graduate school, if the period of dismissal and enrollment in the relevant organizations, including preparatory periods, did not exceed 3 months.

    For those who were early expelled from institutions or took a course in the period before July 1, 1973, when entering work on October 1 of the same year, the break period is counted towards the length of service, regardless of the date of expulsion and the conclusion of an agreement with the employer.

    Work abroad

    When implementing job responsibilities abroad in branches of Russian enterprises or while employed in international organizations or while serving, if the period between returning to the homeland and concluding a contract did not exceed 2 months.

    Off-season period

    During the off-season period, employed in certain types of work, upon completion of the profile activity in the previous period completely upon returning to work at the agreed time employment contract term.

    Staying in a sanatorium

    When staying in a medical-labor and preventive sanatorium, if the time between leaving it and enrolling in a place of employment is 1 month. .

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