• How to increase the time in the solarium. Is it possible to use certain products to increase the intensity of tanning? What you need to know before going to the solarium


    Surprising others with a beautiful tan in winter is the dream of many women. That is why visiting a solarium is quite popular. In addition, with the right approach, this procedure will provide beautiful tan(“sea”) without causing harm to health. This article is devoted to the question of how to properly go to the solarium.

    How to visit a solarium: rules for beginners

    Anyone who has just decided to go sunbathing under artificial ultraviolet light and does not have some experience in this (does not know how to go to a solarium) must remember:

    1. When entering the booth, you must protect your eyes by wearing special glasses. If you have contact lenses, they must be removed;
    2. Hair must be covered with a cap, like in a swimming pool;
    3. If you decide to sunbathe your bikini, you should at least protect the nipple area by using special covers - stikini;
    4. If there are moles on the body or age spots, they need to be covered from the artificial sun with napkins. This point is very important, because it is reliably known that exposure to ultraviolet rays has an adverse effect on moles. By the way, this must be taken into account during normal tanning in the sun.

    It is important to know how to go to a solarium in order to tan beautifully, but it is more necessary to focus on how to properly go to a solarium in order to tan without compromising your health.

    How to go to the solarium - duration and frequency of sessions

    During your first visit, it is worth checking how long the lamps in the device have been operating. If they worked for less than two days, then there is a high probability that you will get burned.

    Regarding how long you can stay under artificial ultraviolet light. People with fair skin or freckles should not sunbathe for more than 2 minutes (at the first visit), people with medium-dark skin should not spend more than 3 minutes per visit, and tanned people can stay under the artificial sun for up to 4 minutes.

    A repeat visit cannot be earlier than 48 hours after the first trip. Many people are interested in how long a return visit should be. The answer here will be unequivocal - you should not take more artificial baths than indicated here, regardless of how long the visit will be.

    How often can you go to the solarium?

    The best result is obtained as a result of a course consisting of eight sessions. Their number should not exceed ten. The interval between procedures is at least two days. The interval between visiting sessions is at least one month, but you cannot visit the solarium more than fifty times a year.

    When is the best time to go to the solarium to get maximum benefits? And it won’t cause harm to your health?

    Thanks to a visit to the solarium, you can get a beautiful, even, “golden” tan, but this kind of procedure must be approached with all responsibility. Some points to consider:

    • no contraindications;
    • strict limit on the time and frequency of visits to artificial sunbathing;
    • choosing the right tanning cream;
    • choosing a good salon.

    How to start going to the solarium correctly and how long you can stay in the solarium

    In principle, tanning under the artificial sun is considered safe for the human body, but you need to pay attention to medical recommendations:

    1. You need to find out your doctor’s opinion as to whether you have any contraindications to the procedure in question. For example, diabetes mellitus and a predisposition to malignant neoplasms are strict contraindications even for safe tanning;
    2. People who have a lot of nevi on their skin are also not recommended to get artificial tanning. The question of how long you can stay in a solarium if you have moles (how many minutes) can only be decided by an oncologist;
    3. You cannot go for this procedure immediately after you have had a tattoo or hair removal;
    4. Persons under sixteen years of age and pregnant women should also not take artificial baths. Only their attending physician can tell them how to properly take a solarium for women who have problems with the reproductive system.
    5. Need to choose nice salon.

    How to get a good tan in a solarium: choosing a solarium

    The greatest effectiveness is observed when visiting a vertical and turbo solarium. Another important point that needs to be clarified when choosing is the frequency of lamp replacement. If lamps are changed less than once every six months, then good tan you will not get there, regardless of the length of time spent there. The procedure in this case will be harmful. This is one of the main points to consider.

    And one more thing - if you want to save money, it would be better to sign up for a salon with a per-minute payment. You yourself limit the time you spend in the booth, while getting a beautiful tan and maintaining your health. Yes, and you don’t have to overpay.

    How best to tan in a solarium: tanning rules

    1. The main principle of visiting a salon is not to spend more time there than expected. IN otherwise there is a risk of redness, peeling of the skin and severe itching. How many minutes a solarium is indicated for a person is determined purely individually;
    2. Choosing the right sunscreen is of great importance. The one you use on the beach will not work - it must contain ultraviolet filters. On your first visit, it will be best if the salon staff selects a cream for you;
    3. When sunbathing, you need to cover your chest - so you can’t do without an open swimsuit;
    4. When visiting a vertical solarium, use large napkins. You need to stand on them while sunbathing;
    5. You cannot sunbathe with makeup on your face. You should not use deodorant during this procedure;
    6. After recently undergoing facial cleansing or masks, you should not go to the solarium to sunbathe;
    7. It is always better to talk with the salon administrators about the correct time to visit the solarium than with other visitors.

    Conclusions on how to go to the solarium

    Visiting a solarium is a great opportunity to tan in winter, but this procedure must be carried out taking into account all the rules mentioned above on how to properly go to a solarium. And there’s nothing complicated about how to tan in one go in a solarium - all you have to do is choose a good salon and find suitable cream. If you have questions, ask them to the salon administrators, they will always help you. Only taking into account all the rules, having spent the specified time under ultraviolet rays, You'll get desired result. But after some time, the procedure will still need to be repeated.

    by Notes of the Wild Mistress

    In winter, not everyone can afford a vacation in warm climates. If in summer the skin looks fresh and attractive, without being “scared off” by its pallor, then in the cold season it will be very difficult to achieve the same effect. On help will come visiting a solarium: a simple procedure is available to most women, it is inexpensive, and all modern beauty salons have the necessary equipment. But how to “calculate” whether frequent visits to a solarium are harmful, how to make an artificial tan intense, but safe for health? The answers are in the recommendations of specialists.

    What are the advantages of a solarium over sunbathing?

    In addition to the convenience of “operating” artificial light, a solarium - a device for irradiating the body with ultraviolet radiation - has a number of advantages:

    The rays emitted by a solarium are missing that part of the radiation that is most harmful to the skin;

    If you observe the correct time for tanning, there is no risk of getting burned;

    Modern devices expose the body to photoaging much less than prolonged exposure to the sun;

    In the solarium you can quickly and comfortably “get” your “dose” of vitamin D, and also get rid of the winter blues and stress;

    Ultraviolet - an assistant in the fight against skin diseases and acne;

    The procedure is available at any time of the year, for example, in the spring, when it is necessary to prepare for a “summer outing” in a miniskirt.

    Considering all the “advantages” of visiting solariums, it is not surprising that many people take “sunbathing” regularly - several times a month or more often. At the same time, few people think about what harm can be done to the body by thoughtless actions.

    What are the harmful effects of solariums?

    Any ultraviolet radiation is a risk of accelerating the appearance of melanoma;

    For those prone to age spots, such unpleasant consequences are often the result of visiting a solarium;

    Long exposure to the sun, as well as under the rays of a solarium, ages the skin, dries it, and destroys collagen fibers.

    How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

    In order not to harm your health, it is necessary not to exceed the frequency of visits recommended by medical standards. You can't sunbathe more than 50 times a year. That is, it is considered safe to take artificial tanning procedures 4-5 times a month. But this does not mean that you need to “run” to the solarium every week: experts advise taking longer breaks after a course of sessions.

    If with last visit Less than 2 days have passed since the solarium, it is better not to risk it and wait at least this period. You can't sunbathe every day! Some girls, in an effort to quickly gain bronze skin, take “baths” 2 times a day, which is not acceptable due to the excess of the normal “dosage” of ultraviolet radiation. Doctors consider the following scheme to be optimal:

    5-7 tanning procedures every other day;

    Break for 4-5 months.

    How much time can you spend in a solarium?

    Sunbathing for the first time should not take more than 3 minutes to allow the skin to get used to artificial radiation. For each subsequent procedure, 1-2 minutes are added to the “exposure” time. Maximum time which can be spent in a solarium is 10 minutes, the most acceptable is up to 7 minutes. To make the results last longer, you can sunbathe 2 times a month for 6 minutes (after a course of sessions).

    When calculating the time spent under the rays of a solarium, it is important to take into account the type of person’s appearance:

    - “pale-skinned” blondes should not sunbathe under ultraviolet rays for more than 5-6 minutes, and the first session should last 1-2 minutes;

    Red-haired people are generally contraindicated from visiting a solarium; in extreme cases, the duration of the procedure is up to 3 minutes;

    Fair-haired representatives of the fair sex can enjoy the “artificial sun” on a general basis: it is for them that the basic standards for the number of visits and length of stay in solariums have been developed. Dark-skinned ladies don’t have to sunbathe at all or do it in minimal amounts.

    To reduce the number of visits to the solarium, you can follow simple rules: carry out preliminary exfoliation of the skin, use by special means for tanning, do not wash immediately after the procedures. Then the tan will lie more evenly and will delight the eyes of its owner for a long time!

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    WomanJournal.ru talks about the basic rules for tanning in a solarium to avoid burns, redness and other unpleasant surprises.

    Sun, sea, beach and, of course, a beautiful tan... All this will happen, but in the summer. And to have beautiful shade I want skin all year round. The solarium is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, which gave the world artificial sun and gave beautiful young ladies the opportunity to flaunt a bronze tan even in winter.

    But in order to get the maximum benefit from visiting a solarium, you need to know 6 important rules tanning in a solarium. And then there will be no burns, redness and other unpleasant surprises.

    WomanJournal.ru will tell you how to properly sunbathe in the rays of the artificial sun.

    Rule #1

    Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult your doctor. Sunbathing is strictly contraindicated for people taking tranquilizers and tricyclic antidepressants, non-steroidal painkillers, and antibiotics. These drugs increase the skin's photosensitivity and can cause allergies.

    In addition, solarium is contraindicated for people who have many moles on the body, because it can provoke their degeneration into malignant melanoma - a cancerous tumor that in many cases forms at the site of a harmless mole.

    Rule #2

    Of course, you probably already know how your skin reacts to the sun, but in the case of a solarium, the effect can be unpredictable.

    In order to avoid burns and to ensure that your tan lasts longer, you should determine your skin type before visiting a solarium.

    For example, girls with sensitive skin Sunbathing in a solarium is not recommended at all. As a rule, owners of such skin - natural blondes with very fair skin, which burns instantly.

    Girls with normal skin type can visit the solarium, but according to a specific plan, namely: the very first time you need to stay in the solarium for no more than 4 minutes. This time will be enough to prepare the skin for further sunbathing. The next session can be completed on the third day, and the stay time can be increased to 6 minutes. 10 minutes in a solarium is the time maximum for girls with normal skin.

    Most lucky for those with dark skin: It tans quickly and without problems. But even they should not immediately go to their maximum - 12 minutes, it is better to start with 5-7 minutes and gradually increase to 12.

    Rule #3

    Before visiting a solarium, be sure to check how long ago the lamps in it were changed. The intensity of tanning depends on the novelty of the lamps. Unscrupulous owners of these units, who do not change the lamps in a timely manner, expose their clients to risk - the radiation dose will be large, and the tan may not appear at all.

    In general, “solar” arithmetic is very simple: the more lamps in the solarium and the more powerful and newer they are, the less time it will take to get a tan. High pressure lamps usually have a power of 160-180 W. On average, there can be 40-48 such lamps in a solarium. And this type of solarium is very suitable for those who value their time. But keep in mind: when the greatest number lamps and their high power, a tanning session should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

    Rule #4

    Be sure to use special cosmetics for solariums. In general, it can be divided into 2 groups: the first is designed to protect the skin from the slightest harm during tanning, the other - after.

    In addition, for those who use tanning lotions, the tan lasts longer and appears faster. For example, some creams that should be applied before visiting a solarium contain tanning activators and so-called bronzers - substances that color the skin tan.

    Thus, you can get any shade from golden to bronze literally in one sitting, that is, in one session in the solarium. And don’t forget to use chapstick with a UV filter. And be sure to tie a scarf around your hair or put on a cap - this way you will keep your hair from drying out.

    Rule #5

    Remember that tanning is a kind of protective reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

    Under the influence of sunlight, special cells begin to be produced in the skin - melanocytes, containing the pigment melanin, the task of which, in turn, is to protect the skin from solar ultraviolet radiation. The more we are in the sun, the more melanin begins to form part of the newly formed cells.

    But don’t get carried away with tanning: the consequences can be disastrous: excessive dryness skin, early aging. Scientists and doctors also prescribe the sun’s ability to cause cancer. Whether this is true or not has not yet been 100% proven, but it’s worth thinking about.

    Be sure to protect your breasts when tanning in a solarium - cover them with a swimsuit top or use special nipple covers - stikinis.

    And if you have a lot of moles on your body, you shouldn’t visit the solarium often: two courses of five procedures per year will be enough.

    Rule #6

    Solarium is a frequent companion of beauty salons and fitness centers. However, in order not to harm your beauty and health, you should not sunbathe immediately after cosmetic procedures.

    After peeling, the entrance to the solarium is generally closed for at least a month. You should also not take a steam bath or take a shower before and after a solarium.

    If you carry out water treatments before visiting the solarium, you can easily get a burn, since the skin will be deprived of its natural protective film. And if after, the tan may not appear properly. Better put off showering for a couple of hours.

    In ancient times, dark skin distinguished people of low material income. Its dark shade was acquired in fields and plantations. Young ladies of noble birth always remained pale and deliberately avoided the sun. But times are rapidly changing, and with them morals and tastes are changing...

    Today, golden-bronze skin color indicates high well-being, which makes it possible, regardless of the time of year, to relax in warm countries and, of course, visit the solarium.

    Of course, a solarium is available to everyone. But the debate on the issue of artificial tanning continues: is it harmful or beneficial? If it is useful, then If it is harmful, then with what? In addition, doctors began to sound the alarm about possible consequences tanning

    How to choose a solarium

    Artificial tanning is a fairly popular service provided by almost all beauty salons. Therefore, along with the question of how to sunbathe correctly in a solarium, an equally important one arises - how to choose the right solarium?

    The very first thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the lamps. Often it is visible even to the naked eye. If the lamps are externally in order, it is worth looking at the technical data sheet. Lamps must be changed immediately after the developed standard specified in the technical passport. Remember, your safety depends on this.

    The next factor that should not be overlooked is the serviceability of the equipment. The timer should function perfectly, the device should be easy to open from the inside.

    An important element is the protective kit. It may be included in the cost of services or sold separately. In any case, safety glasses are a must.

    Modern solariums are vertical (less common), horizontal and sedentary. Determining which one is better is difficult. The choice depends solely on personal preference and body characteristics. However, there are some differences between them.

    Horizontal solarium

    Such solariums are considered classics. However, they have two significant drawbacks. As a rule, tanning in horizontal solariums is uneven. The places where the body comes into contact with the bed covering sometimes remain light. The second disadvantage is the enclosed space, which for some people is quite a difficult test.

    The benefits include the possibility of complete relaxation during the procedure. At the same time, the risk of getting burned is minimal, because low-power lamps are used for horizontal solariums.

    Vertical solarium

    The vertical solarium has become very popular. How to sunbathe in it? Yes, in any comfortable position, you can even dance. The tan applies evenly, without any blemishes. These models, as a rule, are equipped with additional functions that allow you to sunbathe with maximum comfort - stereo systems, comfortable handrails, cooling systems. IN vertical solariums Powerful lamps are used, so tanning time is strictly limited. It is worth noting the hygiene of this type, since contact with skin is completely excluded.

    The disadvantage of such models is the risk of burns. But if all safety rules are followed, this is completely excluded.

    Sedentary solarium

    This is the least common type. It is intended for tanning individual parts of the body. For example, faces, décolleté, hands. This solarium allows you to get a fashionable tan in the shortest possible time.

    The lamps in sedentary solariums are very powerful, so frequent sessions are contraindicated. Otherwise, the skin will age prematurely.

    The benefits of solarium

    There are often conflicting opinions about whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium. It is possible and necessary. Some people don't even suspect that a solarium is not only an opportunity to get high-quality tan, but also a huge source of health. It becomes especially relevant for residents of cold countries. After all, for them this is an opportunity to make up for the lack of necessary sunlight. It should be noted that, no matter how useful a solarium is, contraindications to visiting it (they are described below) should be taken into account.

    The main positive effects of visiting a solarium:

    • stimulation of the body's production of vitamin D, which affects the complete absorption of phosphorus and calcium;
    • improvement of all metabolic processes, blood circulation and endocrine activity;
    • increasing immunity, which means helping the body fight colds;
    • beneficial effect on skin diseases(psoriasis, acne, eczema);
    • stimulation of disease treatment of cardio-vascular system(ischemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension);
    • increasing the body’s ability to fight diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, bronchitis);
    • warming up the musculoskeletal system;
    • Excellent preparation of the skin for summer sun activity.


    Even if you are in excellent health, be sure to consult a doctor before visiting a solarium. Contraindications apply not only to diseases. Taking certain medications (contraceptives, antibiotics, antidepressants) cannot be combined with artificial tanning. It is not recommended to combine a visit to the solarium with other cosmetic procedures- peeling, facial cleansing, hair removal.

    As for diseases, solarium is contraindicated for hypertension, gynecological diseases, mastopathy, diabetes mellitus. Thyroid dysfunction should also keep you from visiting a solarium.

    Skin types

    When choosing a salon, pay attention to the professionalism of the specialists. The specialists will calculate the time correctly and select the necessary tanning scheme in full accordance with your skin type. Professionals will tell you how long you can sunbathe in a solarium to get a high-quality tan without harming your body.

    Brunettes with dark skin They perceive the procedure well from 10 minutes to half an hour. Brown-haired women with slightly dark skin should tan for 8-20 minutes. Brown-haired girls with fair skin can stay in the solarium for 5-15 minutes. And for blondes with delicate pink skin, it is better to refuse the session altogether. Their skin is absolutely defenseless against such a procedure.

    Rules for tanning in a solarium

    To get benefits and not harm from a visit to a solarium, be sure to consult with your doctor about how to properly sunbathe in a solarium. If there are moles on the body, all doctors do not advise basking in the sun. At the same time, visiting a solarium is quite acceptable. Moles are simply covered with special stickers during the procedure.

    Should not be used sunscreens, since they are absolutely not suitable for the procedure. There are specially developed products for solariums that help protect the skin from drying out. Use them.

    The big temptation is to get even tan, excluding white stripes on the body. However, doctors do not recommend doing this. There is no need to expose your breasts to such stress.

    To eliminate the possibility of allergies, thoroughly remove makeup from your face. Do not use perfume or eau de toilette. When showering, use only moisturizers.

    Don't neglect eye protection. Be sure to purchase special glasses. Closing your eyes will not protect your retina from being burned. Only glasses designed for solariums can do this. If you wear contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them.

    Artificial tanning has a very bad effect on the hair structure, making it dry and brittle. Therefore, be sure to cover your head, carefully hiding all your curls.

    How long to sunbathe in a solarium

    Most often, the professional who conducts the session helps you decide how long to sunbathe in a solarium. There are many factors influencing the duration of the procedure. That is why each client is individually selected for both the duration and the tanning regimen. Even if the need for an urgent tan forced you to go to the solarium, how many minutes to sunbathe, do not decide on your own. Recommendations from an excellent specialist will help you avoid unpleasant consequences.

    Most often, the course consists of 10 sessions and lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. To maintain your tan, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

    Be sure to give your skin a chance to rest. The optimal number of courses per year is two.

    Information for beginners

    If you come to the solarium for the first time, be sure to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device. Ask a specialist how to use the control panel correctly, so that if necessary, you can immediately call a specialist for help.

    Don't try to shorten the time between sessions too much. You won't be able to tan quickly this way. Please note that tanning occurs within 8 hours. With each subsequent procedure, this time decreases, and the durability of the tan increases significantly.

    After the session, skin tension may be felt, sometimes accompanied by slight redness. This is a normal process, indicating that the body has received the maximum permissible dose ultraviolet. In case of such manifestations, the next session must be slightly shortened.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Sunlight enriches people vital energy. The tanning process significantly strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of active substances, and increases the protective function of the skin. And in general, a tanned body is really very beautiful! Modern technologies allow you to purchase wonderful golden hue and improve your health even without a trip to the south. All this perfectly replaces the solarium. The main thing is not to forget the recommendations on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium, so that the procedure brings pleasure and gives great mood. And it undoubtedly brought benefits.

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