• How to win a woman: secrets of experienced men. Why is it believed that a man should pursue a girl?


    Should a woman pursue a man?

    Recently my friend told a story that she finally liked the guy. And instantly, like lightning struck! The action took place on the street. He is all stately and handsome, in expensive clothes, with a well-groomed face. And talking on the phone. They made eye contact as she walked nearby to throw a coffee cup into the trash can. At that moment, looking up from the phone, he told her how divinely beautiful she was. She thanked him and smiled back at him in a Hollywood way. Consider yourself doubly thanked!

    After that, he returned to the phone, continuing to watch as she headed to her car, moving further and further away from him.

    Did she want him to stop her? - Yes!
    Did you expect this? - Yes!
    Did he do it? - No!

    She sat down and left in disappointment about her business...

    Women decide to pursue men

    Yes, it is generally accepted that a man should achieve! It's a classic, blah blah blah, but let's be honest: only a tiny percentage of men actually pursue a woman as soon as they see her. As a rule, this is . The rest slow down and don’t understand which goat they should drive up to this woman.

    Therefore, women roll up their sleeves, and in order to get a man before others grab him, they use their own methods of controlling our male attention. So I decided to ask my female friends and subscribers on my Facebook page how they get men?

    So, women, imagine (or remember) the man you like. But he, the infection, does not pay attention. How will you achieve it? Ka Are you looking for the key to it?

    Examples: how do women achieve men themselves?

    2. Risk assessment (there are frustrated guys - this is easy or not difficult, but if the walker is experienced or chronically in love with someone - it’s not worth trying!

    3. A plan for individual attention (you can invite someone for tea, but it’s more difficult to fool around with someone... You may have to be useful at work, feed something tasty, run a marathon together... Depends on the “goal”)

    4. Implementation

    And for me everything is simple to the point of banality. I look for general events/places/events, come once, shine there as a star and disappear. And then - patience. As a rule, within 10 days a man makes himself known.

    My search for the key was always banal:
    1. Clothes
    2. Smell
    3. Movement
    4. Diminutive words.
    And if nothing comes of it, ignore it. And automatic switching to another object.

    Interesting? - then let's continue!

    I immediately make it clear that I see how extraordinary he is and that only I can fully appreciate this. I offer an event that is interesting to the object: if he likes horse racing, a ticket to the race. If he likes to swim, then go to the sea. I can repeat the visit a little more modestly in a couple of weeks or a month. If not, then I’ll unstick myself forever, having first praised him half to death, let him suffer later. If I meet you halfway, then at the first opportunity I give a blowjob. To secure.

    Previously (well, after all, I am a married lady now) I attracted several men from his circle, they crowded around and invisibly competed. The others (and “mine” too) turned on instantly. So I discovered a certain herd instinct.

    I try to make conversation and listen, ask questions and listen again with sincere interest. If he makes contact and there is feedback, I evaluate how “my person” he is. If I play hard to get or ignore, I lose interest very quickly. Why do I need all sorts of ferdiperdose nomads, if there are a lot of cool adequate men around, in front of whom you don’t need to dance on your ears and humiliate yourself, but you can enjoy communication and mutual sympathy?!

    Here are a few more:


    I provoked them, but not aggressively, but very positively. She threw out some challenges, took them weakly and they were carried out. Then in the process they paid attention to me and it was felt in everything. I flirted with them, joked, asked a lot of questions about himself, and the men told me things about themselves that not one of them in their right mind would tell a woman. And then, as a rule, they all stopped being interesting to me. And one of them, in a fever, in ardor, in offense, declared out loud: “I knew that if I reached out to you, you would send me to hell”...

    It's simple: I came up to the restaurant and said that the perfume was great! We spent the night. In the morning I didn’t ask for my name and left. He found me himself, I got married after two months of dating!

    It is important that the man is within reach at all times. Neighbor, colleague, friend from a common company. The scheme does not work via the Internet. The period of falling in love is 2-3 months. I gain confidence, flirt, and am generous with compliments. I have a great sense of humor and I am very interesting companion. And I also listen... God, how I do this! The man thinks he is the best speaker in the world, yes! Plus revealed sexuality. Plus non-verbal attractive sexual behavior. Plus, I change my clothing style from comfortable to attractive. But everything in moderation, I know her. I have never known defeat. I got anyone if I aimed. Even married. Even happily married. And then I got tired of this whole game.

    Now let's find out what men think about this? EN: Several times at work they told me straight to the point that they liked me and all that. I respect such women for their courage, but those who applied, unfortunately, were not for me. Therefore, frankness upon frankness - I thanked you for your attention, but unfortunately it was not fate. As for me, in such cases it is better to talk honestly and frankly so as not to offend.

    Have you forgotten the story of my friend told at the very beginning? How many such stories happen to each of us? When the unexpected, and therefore - the present happiness passes next to you and, like a ship, touches the side of your boat, making you think frantically and flutter. And in this bustle, trying to comb your thoughts, you miss that moment when you needed all the strength to cling to the departing ship with your teeth and hands!

    Should men achieve more than women? — yes, we should!

    If it’s not clear, I’ll write again - yes, men should achieve!

    That's all for today.

    Many men find it easy to win over any woman not only thanks to their attractive appearance, but also to their correct and gallant manner of communication. But many do everything they can, but they just can’t win a woman. The cause of these problems must be sought, first of all, in oneself. This means you are doing something wrong, your behavior and manners are incorrect.

    Secrets of experienced men on how to win a woman

    For one reason or another, not all men are attractive to women. There are some easy ways to win women, attract them and win them over.

    If you set out to win the woman you like, you should be in good mood. You can make a good joke, because many women especially appreciate humor in a man. Learn to laugh and accept all things with joy, and then you will immediately become more attractive and interesting to any lady.

    An intelligent man is an attractive man. It is intelligence and intelligence that many women put first in communication with a man. The weaker sex does not like it when they talk about empty things without any basis; women love smart specifics.

    Learn to have a flexible character. Women like to be listened to. Show your generosity towards a woman, be generous and selfless, and it will be half as easy for you to win a woman.

    Women love men who love and respect themselves. Forget about your complexes and shortcomings, try not to show them. Confidence is what you need when communicating with a woman.

    Show your initiative, offer to do something, go somewhere, go. Be sincere and don't be fake. If a woman notices pretense and falseness in your relationship, then you can immediately forget about her.

    A woman will never communicate with a deceiver and an insincere person. Be yourself, be able to express yourself sincerely, honestly and authentically. Women love spontaneity and surprise. They get caught up in everyday routine, so don’t forget to give them pleasant surprises.

    For example, give her flowers or send her nice SMS. Never ignore a woman. Show her in every possible way that you are interested in her. This is the only way to win a woman and her trust.

    Be cultured and educated in a female environment. Don't forget that you don't need to use profane language. Show attention: offer your hand when getting out of the car, let her go ahead everywhere, ask what she wants and how to help her.

    How to approach a woman to win her?

    Very often, men wonder how to understand women, because each has its own unique upbringing and its own characteristics. What delights one girl may not please another at all, and may anger a third.

    Each girl is unique and inimitable. But, nevertheless, when communicating with the opposite sex, you can follow some rules that can be applied to win any woman.

    “Women are taken with impudence” - this phrase perfectly describes what a man needs to use if he wants to get a woman.

    Although, this does not work in all cases. Often a woman responds coolly to outright impudence and does not react to demonstrative male self-confidence. Timidity and shyness are also not much of a complaint among women. So if you like a girl you should find golden mean- You can achieve reciprocity if you impress her.

    You can stand out from the general background of men if you perform some heroic or simply brave act in front of her eyes. The reality of the occasion is not necessary. Show your imagination in this matter so that the woman’s heart beats excitedly. This is one of the most effective ways win a woman.

    Remember, women attach great importance to cleanliness, hygiene, and neatness. Therefore, even if you are dressed modestly, but in clean shoes, this will make more of an impression than if you are wearing an expensive, unironed suit.

    What kind of men do women love?

    Women love men with neat haircuts, women love men who are clean shaven and smell good. A woman instinctively views men as possible fathers of her family.

    In addition, it has long been customary that a real man must be responsible, reliable, hard-working, and can be relied upon in difficult times. And when a man starts a family, he will always remember and take care of her. Therefore, you must give the impression of just such a person if you want to not only win a woman, but also subsequently marry her.

    Besides, magical power have all sorts of attentions, compliments and gifts. It is rare that a man does not resort to these tricks. A woman has not yet been born who would not receive pleasure from a bouquet of flowers or a door opening in front of her.

    But if your lady is a fierce feminist, you can skip these courtship methods. It is easier to win such a woman by appreciating her intelligence, erudition, abilities and trying in every possible way to show how smart and educated she is.

    Conquering a woman: secrets of courtship

    So love came to you unexpectedly. And there is a chosen one whom you mentally idolize. Yes, and she shows you signs of attention. But you still don’t dare to win her. What is the reason?

    Men are by nature more shy than girls. And it is difficult for them to immediately admit their feelings. Although they themselves are predators. But you still need to decide and take a step towards getting to know each other better and, soon, telling her about your feelings and intentions. This means you just need to gather courage and, following our advice on how to win a woman, systematically win her heart.

    First of all, figure out your appearance. Hairstyle, clothes, shoes - choose the style that she likes best. And it's okay if you don't like change. But you have to conquer. Contact your stylist. He will advise you on the best way to choose clothes and what hairstyle to give yourself.

    Remember that girls are always attracted to guys who are neat, well-groomed and good-looking. Also remember to shower every day. And in hot weather you can do it several times. You should smell pleasant, not the incense of standing socks and sweat;

    Pay attention if you set a goal to win a woman. After all, not a single girl in the world can resist if you give flowers every day and invite her on a date to various interesting places. If you often pick her up from class and walk her home. Also call her, but not too often if you are not around. Find out how she is doing, what problems have occurred, etc. Be interested in everything;

    The unwritten law for you men is “A woman loves with her ears.” So more compliments, admirations about her beauty and intelligence. Say that you are very happy that you met her, that she brought a piece of happiness and joy into your everyday life. She can't resist this. Believe me;

    For a woman, the opinion of her friends about you is also important. So it is necessary not only to win her, but also to please her friends. Even if they are not so beautiful. Communicate, joke, but do not give your chosen one a reason to be jealous. Then she will see that you can interest not only her, but also those around you. In general - be interesting in everything;

    To prevent a girl from feeling lonely or being tempted to meet someone else, always try to be close to her. Support her in Hard time, give her advice, become a reliable support for her, then the question of how to win a woman will disappear by itself, because most of all women value those who care about them.

    The question: can a woman pursue a man was once hardly relevant. Indeed, before, it was shameful, indecent, and, moreover, irrelevant for a lady to seek a man. In the old days, it was customary that it was a man who could pursue a woman, and she had the right to choose him or not. Now the woman and the man have changed their roles in many ways...

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    Photo gallery: Can a woman pursue a man?

    IN modern world everything has changed. Therefore, we often have to ask ourselves, can a woman achieve a man? Although it is better to ask, is it worth pursuing?

    Of course, a woman can do a lot for love. But does she need such love?

    In general, why do women want to pursue men? The reason for this is not only love, as one might think. In fact, there are many factors that influence a woman to behave this way.

    The first is sports interest. Some ladies like to test themselves and prove to themselves that they can get anyone. But it doesn’t always look decent in the eyes of a man. The fact is that some girls begin to use all possible methods to achieve the location of the object of their interests. For example, almost every woman knows that any man is always interested in sex. Therefore, some ladies simply seduce guys by any means. Alcohol, depraved behavior and much more are used. Naturally, guys are not creatures of iron, so they often fall for such tricks. But the fact is that such a victory is very doubtful. As you know, it is impossible to build a relationship on sex alone and to fall in love with yourself, only thanks to this, too. Therefore, when a woman believes that she has achieved a man, he is confident that he took advantage of her and does not take it as something serious.

    A woman can also pursue a guy out of revenge. They can take revenge on their former loved ones or on other girls. In this case, the lady will not make do with just sex. Most likely, she will try to truly make the guy fall in love with her in order to assert herself, prove something, or cause pain. In this case, a woman’s victory over a man is quite possible, but it often turns into pain and tears. The fact is that in such situations, those who are offended and offended are sure to remain. Firstly, this may be the guy they are trying to achieve. The girl works so hard to make him love her that the young man really begins to experience feelings. But the woman understands that she cannot love him. As a result, she either returns to her ex, or simply breaks off relations with someone she doesn’t need.

    Revenge on other girls isn't very good either. If a woman does this to someone's boyfriend, a broken heart is guaranteed. If she takes revenge for her love, then, again, the young man may suffer.

    But there are also frequent cases when women achieve those they love. These stories are also quite tragic because men consider them friends or ignore them. If you find yourself in just such a situation, then you need to remember that you will not be nice by force, and all efforts will not be crowned with success. Besides, you can lose good friend or be humiliated.

    But if you still decide to choose a similar path, remember that, most likely, you will have the feeling that the person allows himself to be loved. You will realize that it was you who initiated the relationship and be afraid that he will leave you.

    But, still, if you need this person, then try to act correctly. Firstly, as mentioned above, you can’t keep a man with sex alone. Therefore, there is no need to be available. Sexy - yes. But just not accessible. The guy needs to understand that he won't be able to take advantage of you whenever he wants. You also have pride and self-respect. But at the same time, you must look and behave in such a way that he desires you. Therefore, never forget about femininity and various tricks. Flirt with him, interest him with your behavior. By the way, it’s worth noting right away that you can’t do this when the guy knows that you love him. In such a situation, everything needs to be done the other way around. While remaining sexy and feminine, you must show him some coldness. Let him see that he is not the center of the universe for you, and you may well become interested in other guys. Never let him take advantage of you and don’t run to help as soon as he calls. Stop being loyal and true friend. Of course, you cannot change your behavior too abruptly, otherwise he will suspect something is wrong. Just restrain yourself. Don't laugh at every joke, don't catch his every word and don't look with loving eyes. This often works. The guy exhibits an instinct of possessiveness. He's used to you belonging to him. And then suddenly he realizes that the girl who was ready to do anything for him has stopped noticing him. Then, perhaps, he himself will begin to pursue you. Sometimes this behavior makes a man admit that he had feelings for you, but he did not want to admit it. In any case, even if he becomes yours, do not allow yourself to relax. He must forget that you are ready to do anything for him, otherwise a man will never value a woman as much as she needs it.

    If he didn’t notice you, try to become the girl he needs. Through acquaintances and friends, as well as by observing him, find out what he likes in women and create such an image. Under no circumstances hang yourself around his neck, but be the one he needs so much. But when choosing such a path, do not forget that you will now have to play this role all your life. And it’s very difficult to live in a mask. But, if such happiness is dear to you, go for it.

    But still, no matter how the morals of society change, the strongest couples are those in which it is the men who pursue the women. Only when a guy loves you for who you are and doesn’t force you to play a role, does the girl feel calm. Therefore, before you achieve, think: is it worth your whole life to evoke and achieve someone’s love, or is it better to wait and meet someone who will achieve you himself because he will love you.

    Yesterday, a former classmate came to me, so to speak, to “vent my heart out” and ask for professional advice. Her relationship with her husband was completely out of whack common-law husband, she only performs the role of a housewife; there is no talk of love, gifts or recognition. There are suspicions that he is dating another woman (or women). They have been living together for almost three years.

    When I asked about how their relationship began, how he courted her, how he behaved, she replied that he did not court her! We met, then things quickly came to bed, and then (also very quickly) she moved in with him and they started living together. Moreover, the man lives not alone, but with his 10-year-old son. Basically, he needed a housewife who would tidy up the house, look after his son and take care of them (let's face it).

    He just brought her to his house, he doesn’t intend to get married (he’s already happy with everything, as he says), he has other women on his side, and my girlfriend is just convenient for him. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life. This man could not fall in love with her, since he did not pursue her, did not invest anything in her, did not try for her. She herself presented everything to him on a silver platter, quickly and immediately. The hunter had not even had time to load the gun, but the prey had already come running and lay under his feet. And at the moment the situation is very difficult to correct; it would be easier to behave differently from the beginning. Understanding the rules of the romantic game is the most important thing in relationships with men.

    How to make a man chase you

    It is important that a man pursues a woman. And this has been the case from time immemorial - in order to achieve a woman’s favor, a man had to make an effort. Women portrayed an “impregnable fortress,” and men had to take this fortress by storm, showing courage, ingenuity and perseverance. The problem is that in our time this subtle science is almost forgotten. And that is why there are so many divorces and unhappy couples, because men and women do not have the opportunity to play their natural role and enjoy it. A very small part of women today “play by the rules”, enjoy relationships with men and enjoy their attention. The other, much larger part, are perplexed and do not understand what, after all, these men want and why their personal life does not improve.

    Emancipation radically changed the external side of the relationship between a man and a woman. Many women do not understand at all why they should distance themselves from a man and force him to pursue her if she is madly in love with him and he is the man of her dreams. But these rules were created by nature itself and written in our genetic code, while the rules of the sexual revolution and emancipation were invented by people and written only in books, newspapers and magazines.

    A man likes to pursue a woman!

    Even if they say that they don’t like games and they are not at all interested in pursuing a woman, when it comes down to it, they immediately get involved in the game and they like it. And they, like women, also enjoy this game. Such a game gives them the opportunity to amuse their vanity, and also to understand whether he really likes this woman that much.

    And, most importantly, this gives him the opportunity to follow his masculine nature - to be active. A man begins his hunt, plans, acts and gets the desired result. An easy victory is quickly forgotten, since it brings little pleasure. And what he has been pursuing for a long time and persistently achieved will bring him a feeling of his own power and great joy.

    Imagine that you decide to enjoy some delicious dish. Even before touching it, you are already in anticipation of pleasure, and then enjoy it, savoring every bite. Imagine that I offer you this dish, but only encapsulated, like a medicine. There is no need to waste time eating it, you just swallow the capsule and that’s it, the dish is already in your stomach. You do not want? And why? But because if you swallow it instantly, you won’t be able to taste it. Same with relationships. A man can feel their taste only with gradual rapprochement.

    A man is biologically irresistibly attracted to a woman, slowing down his progress towards the goal, the woman gives time for the transformation of what happens between two biological units into a Relationship between two People. Playing hard to get is definitely necessary, of course, if you want make a man chase you. This will help the man become more invested in the relationship and appreciate you. When he has to work for the relationship, it will become valuable to him and he will cherish it.

    Playing inaccessible does not mean demonstrating coldness and complete indifference. When you mistreat a man and ignore him, it is not playing hard to get. This is stupidity that will not bring desired result. The only men who will be next to you are those who do not value themselves at all. It is necessary to demonstrate not coldness and “abstruseness”, but the joy of communication and lightness. Respect the man and treat him well. Sincerely thank him for what he does for you, and then he will love you even more.

    It is important to take your time and not devote yourself only to this man after three dates or after the first intimacy. There is no need to quickly confess your love to him, say that you are crazy about him and are just waiting for his call, standing by the phone around the clock. Always remember that as soon as a man realizes that you are completely in his hands, he will begin to get used to you as to his usual surroundings and the process of conquest and courtship will end there.

    He should enjoy the process of winning your heart, so give him portions of tenderness and mercy unexpectedly, thereby inspiring him to even greater feats. Flirt with him, play, you can read about this in detail in the article. When he suddenly weakens his attention to you, do not start chasing him and catching up with him. If a man is truly interested in you, he will be there and think of ways to win your heart.

    The main, one might say, the most important principle of the game of inaccessibility is “light fasting”. Always leave a man a little hungry. Don't let him "eat up" on you. Do not overfeed him with your care and love, keep a small distance and leave room for his maneuvers.

    Spend quality time with your man, putting all your charm and inner warmth into communicating with him. Don’t hide from him that you need him and that you feel good with him. But always leave him a little hungry. End the conversation on time and leave him on time too. That is, when he is at the peak of joy and pleasure, and not when the peak has already passed and he involuntarily begins to think about when you will finally leave so that he can relax and think.

    Relationships in which there was a long period of courtship are stronger and more durable than fast-paced relationships. It is important to go through all the stages, and not just merge with each other physically. And don’t try to please a man and do something you don’t like at all. Pleasing will not lead you to love and happiness. Take a step towards a man only when he has taken two towards you. That is, take only reciprocal steps, and do not attack him actively and aggressively.

    And always remember that if you run after a man, he will definitely run from you. As soon as you turn around and run away from him, he will also turn around and run after you. Of course, if he needs you and if he has sympathy and feelings for you. And if he doesn’t run, then there’s no need. This means that all your life you would do nothing but run after him and try to hold him. But in the end, he would still run away, and you would waste your health and years of your life.

    Love easily and be loved! And let men conquer you and perform feats for your sake! And to get to know their psychology better, I advise you to read R. Rezepov’s book “The Truth about Men that Most Women Don’t Know.” You can download the book Here .

    If this article was useful to you and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much!

    Today I would like to change the format of the material. If earlier I was firmly confident in my reasoning, today I am full of doubts and questions. It seems that the topic is not entirely complicated, but still it was not possible to find a single solution. That is why I would like to know the opinion of readers.

    Here's the thing. I think everyone is familiar with the situation when a man is courting a woman and trying to attract her attention. The same one does not react at all and asks to stop courting. And this is where the fun begins. On the one hand, like a real man, he must win the lady’s favor. On the other hand, in order not to upset the person dear to him, he must retreat. But these two paths are completely contradictory to each other. So how to accept correct solution? How to distinguish simple coquetry from reluctance to communicate?

    Yes, a man by nature acts as a conqueror, which also applies to the choice of a partner. He must win the heart of his chosen one, despite any obstacles. Even her refusal cannot be an obstacle to his further decisive actions. This is how she reacts now, and later she will understand that he is worthy of her. This policy of subordination goes against all sound logic. That is, if we judge correctly, the woman must give her consent to continue communication. But women are not so simple either. They will almost never say directly about their interest in a man. They need to be sought after, to show their best traits, in order to ultimately get their hand and heart. A woman wants not only to make sure of the seriousness of her boyfriend’s intentions, but also to test his character, how he will show himself in the face of difficulties. Hence all these women’s “maybe”, “no, later”, “we’re just friends” and so on. But they have a similar reaction to the advances of someone she simply doesn’t like. It turns out that in both cases the woman refuses. Only in one case does she expect decisive action, in the other - the cessation of all attempts in her direction. And with his actions, a man can both achieve his goal and aggravate the situation. It all depends on the specific case.

    I asked my friends about the question of interest, but I never received a single answer. Yes, there were answers like “a true man will feel the edge” or “if he doesn’t send it in clear text, then there are chances.” Or “in any case, achieve your goal.” But then the reaction will be the opposite: all courtship will be a burden to the woman. And if we add here constant calls, unnecessary meetings and conversations, then the picture is completely sad (how many women have experienced these “unnecessary” courtships). There were views to simply abandon such an idea (“if he doesn’t want to, find another, the world doesn’t converge on one”), but these are rather emotions. It seems that the person is dear to you, you need to achieve him. What if you only make things worse for him? What if you ruin everything completely? Of course, some answered that it all depends on how exactly the lady reacts to the actions (if she rejects it “gently”, with hope, then there are still chances; and if with a clear categorical refusal, then you don’t even have to try to do something). But girls are different too. Someone can send very far for greater persuasiveness, and then look at the reaction: will he give up or continue, is it worth contacting him or not?

    I looked into the World Wide Web, maybe someone there could tell me something. But here too there is silence, there is no consensus either. Only advice to quickly get rid of an unnecessary companion and look for one who will appreciate the efforts. But this is not a solution either. Therefore, all hope lies with the readers. Tell me, how can I distinguish between the moment when a woman is simply flirting and wants to be wooed, and when she is really against any advances on the part of a man?

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