• Blood red ruby. The attractive luxury of ruby. The magical power of gems in life


    Talking about astrological properties ruby and to whom it suits according to their zodiac sign, it is worth noting that for some it is better to abstain from it. This is a red colored gem and is a type of corundum. In terms of hardness, the stone can be second only to diamond, which is why it is used in laser work. But it is mainly in demand in jewelry: since ancient times, rubies have been highly valued, and wealthy people loved to wear jewelry with them. Sometimes the cost of a mineral is comparable to the price of diamonds.

    A little history

    The first mention of ruby ​​dates back to the 4th century BC. It is assumed that its mining was carried out already in the Bronze Age. In ancient times, the stone was famous as the “king of gems.” The current name is given from Latin and means “red”.

    In Rus', the scarlet mineral was called scarlet yakhont, in the Ancient Greek state it was known as carbunculos, and the inhabitants of Ancient Rome called it anthrax, which translates as “burning coal.” In South Asia it received the name “corundam”, from this designation the word “corundum” came into mineralogy.

    Only with the development of technology did people learn to accurately distinguish rubies from other red minerals. So in past centuries people often confused them with garnet, tourmaline or spinel.

    Description and technical characteristics of the stone

    Ruby is a red gem, aluminum oxide containing chromium, iron and titanium. Formula: Al 2 O 3. On the Mohs mineralogical hardness scale, the stone scores nine out of ten. Only diamond is stronger. It is superior to ruby ​​in glass brilliance. The density of the mineral is approximately 4 grams per centimeter cubed.

    It is a type of corundum. Its closest relative, sapphire, is also corundum, but differs from its brother in the presence of titanium and iron impurities, which gives it a blue or light blue color.

    The mineral is rather uneven, with a conchoidal fracture. Air bubbles may be visible, which appeared as a result of centuries-old crystallization of the mineral. The primary natural form of a raw ruby ​​is either a hexagonal tablet or a columnar crystal.

    "Magic" of the masters

    Ruby is a silicate mineral, which allows it to create a clear cut. If the mineral contains cracks, during processing they can be filled with glass, colorless or tonal. But glass filling reduces the sparkle of corundum.

    If the stone is not transparent enough or cloudy, the jeweler, instead of the more usual processing, makes a cabochon cut. Then the ruby ​​takes on the shape of a hemisphere, becomes smooth, and has no edges.

    To enhance the purity and transparency of the color, heat treatment is carried out. To refine a stone, a craftsman can treat it with beryllium or carry out surface diffusion of iron. Thanks to X-ray irradiation, the saturation of ruby ​​is enhanced, but when heated, the opposite happens - it loses color intensity.

    Natural stone deposits

    IN pure form Ruby is rare and is most often found as inclusions in less hard rocks such as marble. Often the mineral is mined at a fairly large depth. Deposits of the stone are quite extensive; it is found to one degree or another in all corners of the world except Antarctica. There are especially many of them in southeast Asia.

    The largest mining sites for top quality rubies are:

    • Burma field in Myanmar;
    • Chanthaburi and Kanchanaburi, Thailand;
    • Kashmir, India;
    • Ceylon, Sri Lanka;
    • East Africa, especially Kenya and Tanzania.

    Deposits in Burma have almost dried up, so people have to look for new places to mine rubies. Less significant in terms of their reserves are Vietnam, Australia, the United States of America, Norway, and Colombia. In Russia, the mineral is mined in the Urals, in the Singagoyskoye deposit.

    Rich color palette

    Rubies have a palette of red shades, but it happens that their color differs from the usual one. Natural stone is transparent with a glassy sheen; the color range includes soft pink, purple, scarlet, carmine red and burgundy shades. This depends on the amount of impurities and inclusions, by which it is even possible to determine the deposit of the mined gem. Corundums with identical colors are not found in nature.

    There are gems Pink colour- these are young stones. Purple and lilac rubies are found in Ceylon deposits; Kenyan minerals have a yellowish or brown tint.

    It is believed that there are white, green, black and blue rubies, however, such colors are more likely to belong to sapphires. Rubies are usually classified as having a red-pink-violet color scheme.

    Varieties of mineral

    Due to its beauty, corundum is used in jewelry.

    There is an interesting variety - star ruby. These are opaque cabochon-cut stones with a six-pointed star visible in the center. This effect is called “asterism”, which is why star rubies are also called asteric.

    Famous and Famous Rubies

    Raja Ratna

    Translated it means “King of Gems.” Weighing 459 grams, this stone is recognized as the largest ruby. Its owner is a lawyer from India, and the jewelry came to him as an inheritance.

    Rubin de Long

    The weight is estimated at 100 carats. This is a star oval ruby ​​that was found in Burma in 1930. This stone was stolen from the museum in which it was kept, but the exhibit was soon found.

    Its main feature is its unusual grape-shaped cut. The crimson stone managed to visit Cleopatra, Caesar, Gustav lll, Catherine ll. Russian experts determined that the mineral is actually rubellite.

    Mistakes of the past

    Even though it is called a ruby, it is a spinel. Its owner was the Mongol Emperor Tamerlane. Several centuries later, the stone was brought from the East to England as a gift to Queen Victoria; it is still kept in the jewelry collection of Buckingham Palace. Timur's ruby ​​is cut in the old Indian way; on its surface there are inscriptions by which you can find out who owned the red mineral for almost half a millennium. Weight - 361 carats.

    Edward's Ruby (Black Prince's Ruby)

    Spinel, which was mistakenly considered a ruby, dates back to the time of the Reconquista. The ruler of Castile, Don Pedro the Cruel, captured Granada and took possession of the precious stone and other treasures. His half-brother rebels against him, and the ruler seeks an ally to counter the onslaught. Support is provided by Edward of Wales, nicknamed the Black Prince, for which he is given a stone.

    How much does a natural mineral cost?

    Ruby is a precious stone, sometimes its cost is comparable to the cost of a diamond. The price of a real mineral depends on several factors.

    • color;
    • origin;
    • purity;
    • cutting;
    • types of processing to which the stone was subjected;
    • availability of a certificate for laboratory testing.

    Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the average price per carat. Low quality minerals with a large number of inclusions can cost around 6,000 rubles. per carat Second grade rubies can be valued from 12,000 rubles.

    The best corundums start to cost from 60,000-80,000 rubles. Rubies weighing 5-8 carats are rare for sale; most often they are immediately bought by private collectors at auctions for impressive sums. The price can be comparable to the cost of a diamond.

    How to distinguish natural stone from imitation

    Artificial ruby ​​even surpasses natural ruby ​​in quality - its color is richer, it is more transparent, has no inclusions or microcracks, but is less hard.

    Synthetic stones are grown from minerals that are not of the best quality. The process takes just a few hours, allowing rubies to be produced on an industrial scale.

    The first person to artificially create a ruby ​​was Auguste Verneuil.

    The Frenchman came up with technology and equipment for artificial creation stones in 1902. Crystals are grown in a furnace from crushed aluminum under the influence of oxygen and hydrogen. The growth rate of artificial minerals is several millimeters per hour.

    How to determine whether a stone is natural or artificial?

    • the mineral will turn orange when exposed to ultraviolet light;
    • V artificial stone inclusions are completely absent;
    • if you run a natural ruby ​​over a fake one, scratches will remain;
    • if you place a real ruby ​​in a glass of milk, the reddish glow will give it a pinkish tint;
    • If you expose an imitation crystal to bright light, it will not change color, while a natural stone will darken.

    What mystical properties does ruby ​​have?

    From time immemorial, people have endowed the red mineral with magical and even miraculous properties. The ancient Indians wore these stones as amulets and made amulets with it, because they believed that ruby ​​would cure them of diseases and help drive out all evil.

    Ruby is a symbol of love; it is believed that the stone should be worn by those who want to find their soulmate and build a happy relationship.

    It’s not for nothing that they tried to give a red gem to a newlywed couple for their wedding. Stones of a delicate pink hue are more suitable for young lovers.

    As a symbol of power, the ruby ​​is worn by those who strive to occupy a high position on the career ladder. It helps the owner gain self-confidence and overcome fears and doubts. Attracts money. Ruby enhances the qualities of its owner. Therefore, you need to wear jewelry with this stone. good people

    . For an owner with negative energy and bad intentions, the mineral will enhance all negative qualities.

    Healer and talisman

    Ruby has healing properties - the stone is worn by people suffering from infertility, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems. It drives away depression and sadness.

    If a person often has nightmares, it is worth wearing a piece with a ruby ​​or placing it next to you while sleeping.

    To enhance the properties of a ruby, you need to wear it on yourself, sometimes removing it, in order to prevent it from feeding your own energy. You can put a raw stone in a bag as a talisman, carry it with you and not show the amulet to anyone, so it will protect the owner from the evil eye and damage.

    It is worth paying attention to the compatibility of stones - minerals that match each other will enhance energy. It is recommended to wear opals with rubies, rhinestone, hyacinth, pomegranate. Cannot be combined with amber and dark-colored topaz. Preferably worn with gold.

    Astrological properties

    Astrologers believe that the stone has a positive energy influence for representatives of such zodiac signs as Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo.

    Under his leadership, Sagittarians gain self-confidence and become good leaders.

    For Cancers, wearing rubies brings love and understanding.

    For Leos, red minerals fuel strength, give masculinity and help them find reciprocity.

    Scorpios can expect their fiery nature to soften.

    Works well on Aquarius and Aries, encourages acceptance the right decision person with the sign of Libra.

    It will help Pisces to find cheerfulness and drive away melancholy.

    - a beautiful gem, as if containing a flame of fire. Unlike its chemical brother, sapphire, ruby ​​does not have such a wide variety of colors. But still, rubies are not only red, and depending on the inherent shade of the gem, its price may even change.

    The name of the stone itself comes from the Latin word, which translates as “red”. Both stones, ruby ​​and sapphire, belong to the same type of refractory aluminum oxide - corundum. Initially they are colorless; their color is given by various admixtures of chemical elements. Corundum ruby ​​is initially considered red, all other colors and shades of light pink belong to sapphires. And if you hear such market names as pink or even green ruby, all these stones will be sapphires.

    It happens that a pink ruby ​​does occur in nature - this is usually a young ruby ​​that has a watery-light pink or purple colour. Depending on the deposit, the color of the mineral is formed, for example, in the deposits of Myanmar you can find a large number of deposits of an exceptional bright red color, some of them - the most expensive - will have a purple tint. In Vietnam, you can find deposits of rubies with a strong purple hue. In Thailand, there are dark red or brown gems.

    Video on the topic: Features of ruby

    Just a couple of centuries ago, with the development of geology, scientists began to study the structure of stones and their crystal lattice, and then rubies were able to distinguish from spinel and garnet, as well as from such similar stones as zircon-hyacinth, topaz and tourmaline. Without special equipment, it is quite difficult to distinguish spinel from ruby. Spinel is softer and has a lower price; an experienced jeweler will be able to distinguish these two stones by color, peculiar silkiness, or by using the refractive index, which can only be determined with a special device - a refractometer.

    Ruby (lat. rubens, rubinus - red; obsolete sardis, lal, red yakhont), Al2O3 - mineral, a type of corundum, belongs to the class of oxides, trigonal system. Hardness – 9 on the Mohs scale, density 3.97–4.05 g/cm³, for more details see corundum. Has optical anisotropy. We can distinguish it from red spinel by the shape of its crystals, in other cases with great difficulty, for example under a microscope. The red color is given by an admixture of chromium. Red corundums are called rubies, blue ones are called sapphires. Light-colored sapphires or colorless corundum of jewelry quality are called leucosapphire. “Star-shaped” varieties of ruby ​​and sapphire with a well-defined asterism effect are processed as cabochons.

    Physico-chemical characteristics of ruby

    • Ruby is a variety of corundum.
    • The chemical formula of ruby ​​is Al2O3.
    • Cleavage – imaginary, apparent or absent.
    • The syngony is trigonal.
    • The habit of the crystals is in the form of hexagonal flattened tablets, also columnar.
    • The color of ruby ​​is due to impurities that isomorphically replace aluminum (chrome, iron, titanium): red, pink-red, purple-red, different saturations - less bright, more bright.
    • Transparency – translucent, transparent.
    • The shine is glassy.
    • Hardness on the Mohs scale is 9.
    • Density – 3.97 – 4.05.
    • Light refraction or refractive period is 1.766 – 1.774.
    • The fracture is conchoidal, uneven, the crystal is fragile.
    • Dense samples are resistant to mechanical stress.


    The origin of this stone is in association with feldspars, biotite, garnet or hydrothermal metasomatic in secondary quartzites in association with endalusite, quartz, hematite.

    Deposits are river placers in India, Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania, Burma and Afghanistan. In general, ruby ​​has been known since ancient times and is used for inserts into Jewelry. For a long time it was mined and stored in Burma and India, but with the development of trade relations it began to reach Egypt, Greece and Rome. Almost all of these stones ended up in jewelry and regalia of the highest nobility, royal dynasties, clergy, and nobles of the court.

    The first information about rubies dates back to the 6th century. BC, to the ancient legends of India and Burma. Ancient Indian texts dating back to 2300 BC call the ruby ​​the king of gems.

    In the Mediterranean countries, the ruby ​​was also known and appreciated - it is mentioned in the Bible. The Greeks called it anthrax, the Romans called it carbunculos. By the tenth century AD. in Rus', colored varieties of corundum began to be called yakhonts.

    general characteristics

    Ruby is one of the most expensive jewelry stones. It is a type of corundum, aluminum oxide. It ranks second in hardness after diamond. The color of the stone is associated with an admixture of chromium. Corundums colored in other colors are called sapphires. Can be confused with less hard zircons, garnets and spinel (the latter is precious, but less expensive stone). In Rus', all red stones were called yakhonts. Today, artificial rubies from dark pink to red and deep red (corundum), which, unlike natural rubies, have ideal transparency, even color, are very popular. big size, absence of cracks and foreign inclusions. Like sapphire, natural ruby ​​is star-shaped: rutile mineral inclusions parallel to the crystal faces sometimes intersect at an angle of 60 degrees, forming a 6-pointed star (clear rubies with a star are very expensive, opaque ones are cheaper).

    From a mineralogist's point of view, ruby ​​is a red variety of the mineral corundum, a common natural compound of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Nature has created a very perfect structure in the corundum crystal lattice. It is built from aluminum and oxygen ions in such a way that the oxygen ions are arranged layer by layer in a dense hexagonal packing, like billiard balls in a box, and between the layers of oxygen - in the voids - aluminum ions are placed, filling two-thirds of all existing voids. This is one of the most perfect and dense mineral structures. And it is no coincidence that the properties of pure precious corundum are so close to the properties of diamond. The famous color of a candle flame appears when chromium replaces some of the trivalent aluminum ions in the mineral lattice. The Cr2O3 content in red rubies is about 2%, in red-black rubies it is about 4%. Ultraviolet and infrared rays “excite” trivalent chromium ions, charge them with energy, and they themselves begin to emit visible light - to luminesce. Their red color is truly luminous.

    Record holders

    Large rubies are rarer than diamonds and are more expensive today. For 1870-1970 Over 300 diamond crystals weighing more than 200 carats were found, and only a few of the same optically pure rubies were found. Pure rubies weighing more than 30 carats are very rare. On the world market, a two-carat ruby ​​costs twice as much as a diamond of equal size. As the value increases, the price discrepancy becomes even greater. In the East, rubies have been considered the most valuable since ancient times. jewelry stone. Until 1800, some other red stones were also called rubies: Cape rubies - garnets from South Africa, bale rubies - Burmese spinel, Colorado and Arizona rubies - garnets from pcs. Colorado and Arizona (USA), Brazilian rubies - pink topazes of Brazil, Siberian rubies - rubellites (tourmalines) of Siberia.

    The secret of color

    The red color of ruby ​​is determined mainly by the admixture of chromium ions; the Cr2O3 content in densely colored samples can reach 4%. Pink stones are not rubies, since they are titanium-colored corundums (sapphires). The color shades are affected by impurities: a brownish tint is associated with an increase in the impurity content of iron ions, violet - vanadium, etc. The intensity and shades of the color of rubies can vary greatly. Burmese rubies are blood red in color. The best rubies of this variety are found only in Burma. Color

    Siamese rubies range from violet to brown-red, Ceylon rubies range from light to violet-red. The most valuable stones are red with light purple tint. Increased violet and the presence of orange tints reduce the cost of the stone. The least valuable stones are those with a brown tint. In terms of intensity of any color, the medium-dark tone has the highest cost, followed by light and dark tones. Uneven coloring also reduces the cost of the stone.

    Value of the stone

    When processing ruby, facet cutting is used. To reveal the most beautiful violet-red color, when cutting, the ruby ​​is oriented perpendicular to the optical axis. The most important thing about a ruby ​​is not its shine, but its depth and richness of color. The cost of a stone, to a lesser extent than its color, is affected by its defects (cracks, opacities, inclusions) and the quality of the cut itself. Cabochons are made from stones with the effect of an asterism (a star running across the surface) or a cat's eye; such stones are usually not transparent in nature (excessive transparency and high contrast of a star on the surface of a stone may indicate the artificial origin of a given ruby ​​or sapphire).

    Healing properties of the stone

    Ruby plays a large role in healing various ailments. It helps cure chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine, joints, kidneys, liver, digestive organs, and helps stop bleeding.

    • Ruby prevents epileptic seizures, fever, has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves depression, helps with schizophrenia, insomnia, and drives away nightmares.
    • Ruby can heal skin diseases, stomach ulcers, and helps with high temperature, heart and blood diseases.
    • Doctors note that the red ray of ruby ​​activates immune system, improves metabolism, suppresses inflammatory processes and regenerates tissue faster. Light radiation from ruby ​​has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and heart, strengthens the immune system, and increases vitality and increase potency.

    Mining rubies

    There are many deposits of rubies. Red corundum is not mined except in Antarctica. But only 1% of the mined minerals are of jewelry quality.

    Until now, rubies are mined using ancient technologies known for many hundreds of years. This labor-intensive process is carried out manually by washing sand and pebbles. Often stones are taken directly from the bottom of rivers.

    Rubies of Asian origin are of great value. Burma is considered the oldest deposit. It is Burmese rubies that are valued above others due to their rare coloring. Indian ruby ​​placers are also known, which are also considered very ancient. For many centuries, these stones were used to inlay jewelry of high society. Now, in addition to India and Burma, the main exporters of red corundum are Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. In Russia, this stone is mined only in the Polar Urals.

    Thai rubies have a brownish tint. They are mined in Changvad at a depth of 8 meters. Corundums mined in Sri Lanka are usually a bright strawberry color. Local people call these stones "illam".

    Processing of artificial stones

    There is a practice for refining stones with defects: excess impurities are removed from the crystal so that it becomes more transparent, and cracks and voids are filled with glass. Such stones are several times cheaper and are available to the general population, not being inferior in beauty to real ones. There is an overwhelming amount of crystals processed in this way on the modern market, more than 90%.

    There are also synthetic rubies, the crystals of which are grown artificially. In Soviet times, their production reached an industrial scale, but now they are more valued natural stones. Unscrupulous sellers may pass off an artificial crystal as a real one to make more profit. Currently, technologies for growing artificial rubies have reached a high level, and only a specialist can distinguish them from real ones.

    Some stones are used to make fakes, for example, garnet (and its members pyrope and almandine) in combination with glass. It should be noted that tourmaline, spinel, topaz, zircon-hyacinth look like real ruby.

    Artificial rubies are used in watch movements, solid-state lasers and other technical devices.

    Magical properties of ruby

    This is a stone of love, it is filled with love. Helps in love affairs, making people more passionate. Those who are not currently in love can rely on him as an intermediary to help them find their soulmate and establish a relationship. The stone has always been associated with love, encouraging passion and intimacy. In ancient times, the red ruby ​​symbolized passion, and its pink variety tender love. In the old days there was the perfect gift newlyweds for their wedding.

    As a love stone, it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, allowing one to experience all forms of love, from sensual attraction to the mystical union of lovers. It deepens the relationship between spouses, making them devoted and true friend to a friend. It is also a stone of courtly love and admiration from afar.

    Among the magical properties of ruby, it is considered a stone of power. It also gives the owner courage and reveals the potential of all the best that is in a person.

    Ruby helps to overcome the forces of darkness and fight fear. It is a stone of power, superiority, but also vanity. It attracts happiness and love to the owner. Ruby warns of danger by changing its color. It also protects against evil spirits and evil spells, returns lost strength, drives away melancholy, awakens passion and erotic desires. Placed under the pillow, can ward off bad dreams. As a gift, it is a symbol of friendship and love.

    To gain vitality and protection, you need to wear a ruby ​​ring on your left hand. It can be worn in jewelry, but never close to the solar plexus, since the impact of the stone will make the owner feel uneasy.

    Talismans and amulets

    In ancient times, rubies were used as amulets against poison, plague, evil thoughts and evil spirits, to maintain the wearer's health and to make people admire his intelligence. They believed that the ruby ​​amulet - effective protection from natural disasters and evil forces. With its intense energy, ruby ​​sharpens the mind, bringing it into a state of heightened awareness and excellent concentration.

    They help reduce the fear of paranormal phenomena and evil, drive away nightmares, and protect against the machinations of ill-wishers. This is a protective crystal that protects the house from fire and intruders. It's good to wear it discreetly to stay safe at night.

    Today it is considered a transformative crystal. It helps transform a situation, change it for the better, whether it concerns relationships, work, money or health. By changing ourselves, we change our lives. The energies of ruby ​​reveal the power of the human mind and allow one to find paths to new horizons. As a talisman, they are well suited for scientists, directors, adventurers, researchers (not only by profession, but also by spirit). Good choice for people of mental work and students.

    Fortune telling and dreams

    Ruby Stones Meaning: Appreciate your friends and family, even if they don't seem to understand you. Let them know that you can achieve anything, luck will be with you. The stone has the ability to bring prophetic dreams and drive away nightmares. Seeing a ruby ​​in a dream is a sign of future prosperity and good luck. Sometimes it portends an unexpected guest.

    Feng Shui

    Ruby is related to the element of Fire, which brings energy and joy. He embodies the Yang principle (active masculine principle). Traditionally associated with the southern part of the house or room (the zone of fame and reputation). Place crystals in your home if you want to increase your social, personal or family status. These red stones attract the power of the Sun and the fire element into your space.

    Which zodiac signs are ruby ​​suitable for?

    The ancient Egyptians and Arabs, when drawing up horoscopes, considered ruby ​​to be the stone of Sagittarius. Nowadays, jewelers attribute the stone to the constellation Cancer, even though Cancer is a symbol of water. However, both zodiac signs can wear this stone. It is believed that rubies will help Sagittarians gain power and favor from the people around them, and Cancers will help them gain and strengthen love. Ruby neutralizes the bad traits of Sagittarius, so such stones are useful for persistent people who have difficulty establishing contact with people, as well as Cancers, who are distinguished by their stinginess and want to overcome their thriftiness. Often doubting Sagittarians, who sometimes lack decisiveness in making important decisions, and overly modest Cancers, who are tired of hiding

    in the shadow of colleagues or friends, ruby ​​will give strength and will to achieve your goals. This stone is in perfect harmony with the energy of Sagittarius and helps to overcome any obstacles in life, and helps Cancers fight with themselves and overcome natural modesty.

    How to identify a real ruby?

    Method 1. Comparative hardness of ruby

    Wash the stone with a toothbrush and dish soap to remove dirt from the surface of the ruby. Try scratching the stone with your fingernail. If scratching with a fingernail didn’t work, we move on. Try carefully scratching a ruby ​​using a 10-kopeck coin. Next you can test with glass, a steel knife and, finally, coarse sandpaper. None of these items should leave marks on the ruby. Only a diamond, sapphire or other ruby ​​can scratch a real ruby. Ruby has very high hardness.

    Method 2. Derivative of hardness test

    If possible, try drawing a line with the edge of the ruby ​​on the coin. If the ruby ​​leaves a scratch, try it on a piece of glass and a steel knife. Most likely, the ruby ​​will leave a noticeable scratch on all of these items.

    Method 3. Checking ruby ​​for chemical dyes

    Wipe the ruby ​​with a white handkerchief. If the ruby ​​is real, it will not leave any marks on the scarf. The presence of color or pigment on the scarf indicates that the stone is not natural.

    Method 4. Testing ruby ​​with acid

    Attention. More than 95% (ALMOST ALL) of cheap rubies undergo a surface treatment procedure. If you want to use acid on a ruby ​​that costs up to $1000, then refrain from doing so. You can destroy your stone.

    Drop on a ruby lemon juice. If the ruby ​​is real, then it will not be subject to any changes. If a ruby ​​or part of it is restored using a glass composite, clouds and cloudy spots will begin to appear.

    Popular questions about stone

    Will I be able to wear a ruby ​​every day?

    Yes, sure. Ruby is the second hardest stone after diamonds. And it withstands any impact perfectly.

    Is ruby ​​an expensive stone?

    Yes, ruby good color and transparency is more expensive than diamonds. Rubies that contain inclusions and various “imperfections” are much cheaper. But it’s still worth remembering that a more or less good ruby ​​cannot cost less than 30,000 rubles.

    What month is this stone for?

    Ruby is a talisman for people born in July.

    How to distinguish a ruby ​​and not become deceived by the purchaser of a fake? This problem faces a person who wants to buy a real stone. Ruby placers shine brightly beautifully rich color. You want to swim and shine in their tints. Therefore, authentication becomes an important task. I don't want to show off my jewelry to my friends. synthetic material and be disappointed to find out that you purchased a fake. You should start by studying the characteristics and properties of the semi-precious rock.

    How to distinguish a natural ruby ​​from an artificial one? Find out its signs and natural properties. Basic indicators physical characteristics, inherent in ruby:

    1. Increased hardness coefficient. The stone is one of the strongest minerals. The first hardness class explains its origin - magma rocks. Inferior to diamond crystals. How to test a mineral for strength? Drop. cannot be damaged; if it falls on a metal or glass surface, there will be no chips or scratches on the rock.
    2. Clarity of cut. Gems formed by the formation of magma can be recognized by their clear edges. There are no irregularities or bends on them. Density during processing allows you to change its shape. Craftsmen make smooth, regular cuts. The stone can be cut, as if wanting to find a new life under the hands of a jeweler.
    3. Color variety. You can identify a ruby ​​by learning what colors real rocks can have. Ruby is red. The shades of the crystals are different, but they all differ only in saturation. The main color is red: pink, dark, burgundy. Sometimes natural samples combine several shades, resulting in transferable overflows, transitions and fusions of different shades.
    4. A must for shine. It is recommended to identify a real ruby ​​by its brilliance. It is strong, has a glossy effect, glare and allows the crystals to shine through.
    5. Glow. The difference between a natural ruby ​​and an artificial one is the composition of the mineral. It contains chromium. The approximate amount of metal is 2%. Chrome creates a shimmer effect purple. You can notice it when turning the crystals. The glow is mesmerizing and helps you realize that you are holding a precious gem in your hands.

    Aluminum oxide, which is a type of corundum, is one of the most beautiful minerals on planet Earth. Natural ruby ​​is undeniably excellent. It is transparent and shining. Its color can vary throughout the entire range of red shades. .

    Natural ruby ​​is undeniably superb

    In ancient times, the deep red ruby ​​was called the scarlet yakhont and in all religions it symbolized love and fidelity. In the Koran, the maidens of paradise are compared to rubies and corals. There is still a popular tradition among Muslims: to see a pure red ruby ​​in a dream and take it in your hands means to marry an immaculate, beautiful girl.

    The ancient Greeks had a special reverence for this mineral. In one of the ancient temples, unique in size and purity gem a ruby ​​crowned the head of the statue of the wife of Zeus, the patroness of family ties of the beautiful goddess Hera. According to the chronicler of those times, Lucian, the color of the stone during the day resembled a blazing fire, and at dusk the mineral illuminated the space around the statue like lamps. This description of the stone fully explains why the Greeks called it the Light with trepidation.

    Ruby gets its color from an admixture of chromium. It is this chemical element that gives the stone its thick red color of various shades.

    In Ancient India, the stone was also considered sacred: the Indians believed that ruby ​​deposits were accumulations of drops of the blood of a cruel demon who was defeated by the gods. This explains the ruby ​​color of the mineral. The Sun God, having received the blood of a defeated enemy as a trophy, accidentally splashed it. This is how ruby ​​deposits were formed.

    Ruby (video)

    What is a ruby?

    Natural ruby ​​is formed through a complex process of recrystallization rocks under the influence of certain temperature conditions in dolomitic limestones. It is also called pneumatolytic-hydrothermal mineral. Like all gems, it is the result of volcanic processes that occurred in the earth's crust many millions of years ago.

    This aluminum oxide is characterized by the presence of optical anisotropy, which is expressed in the fact that when passing through the crystal in different directions, a light beam is refracted differently.

    Where and how are rubies mined? There are extensive deposits in Kenya, Tanzania, and Tajikistan. In Russia, the stone is found in the Polar and Middle Urals. The largest ruby ​​weighing 951 carats was mined in India. Mining of gem-quality minerals is also concentrated in Myanmar.

    In the deposits, ruby ​​gemstones are found in river beds by hand and washed through a sieve like gold ore.

    The star ruby ​​is the most valuable on the market. The effect of asterism is clearly expressed in it. The traditional form of treatment that star rubies undergo is cabochon.

    Gallery: ruby ​​(25 photos)

    The formula of one of the most beautiful geological creations is simple - Al2O3
    Ruby gets its color from an admixture of chromium. It is this chemical element that gives the stone its thick red color of various shades.

    Attractive beauty

    The price of a red stone sometimes exceeds the cost of selected diamonds. There is no need to be surprised. The crystal looks amazing, no matter what color it is. Both by itself and as part of jewelry, it captivates with the play of color and the radiance of its edges.

    The magical properties of the ruby ​​stone, attributed to it since ancient times, are largely associated with the indescribable play of light in its depths and incredibly rich shades of red.

    In 2015, a ruby ​​mined in Burma was sold at auction for a hitherto record price of $30 million. It was a dark, almost purple ruby, called pigeon’s blood for its unusual hue. The weight of the most expensive yacht was significant. It amounted to 25.59 carats.

    The division into types of rubies is quite arbitrary. Purer stones are used in jewelry, while others are used in industry. Stones of category 1 are distinguished by exceptional transparency. In such specimens, minor natural flaws in the form of dots or stripes are allowed.

    A stone in which the defect looks like a mesh is classified as quality category 2.

    Corundums of a characteristic color with fractures, cracks, and insufficient shine are considered 3 qualities. They also have dark spots.

    Precious magical power

    The magnetic attraction of the color and brilliance of a red gem gives rise to a lot of signs associated with it. Extraordinary magical properties rubies have been used throughout the centuries by sorcerers and sorcerers, shamans and alchemists.

    One of the most valuable properties of the stone was its ability to recognize poisons. The greats of this world relied entirely on the ruby ​​in this matter. Placed in a bowl of poison or leaned against a weapon treated with poison, the stone changed its color, forestalling the irreparable, and actually saved its owner’s life.

    The magic of the mineral clears thoughts, helping to organize everyday chaos. Those who wear it regularly get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

    The formula of one of the most beautiful geological creations is simple - Al2O3

    The meaning of the mineral as a symbol of love and fidelity and in modern world has not lost its relevance. It is believed that this talisman is capable of awakening the feelings of the recipient towards the giver and long years support and protect them.

    But the energy of red is dual. By protecting against envy and the evil eye, the stone helps honest and kind people find peace. However, in inexperienced hands, a ruby ​​talisman can enhance negative energy and turn into an energy vampire.

    Zodiac meaning of Yakhont

    What properties are not attributed to this crystal? It drives away depression, preserves the warmth of the family hearth, gives confidence and even deflects lightning.

    Ruby has a special meaning for the zodiac circle. The heavenly office categorically does not recommend it to those whose zodiac sign is Virgo or Taurus. He can only harm these powerful natures. Two strong energetics of stone and human cannot coexist for a long time without negative consequences.

    Who is ruby ​​suitable for? Zodiac signs such as Cancers and Sagittarius, having acquired a ruby ​​talisman, will be rewarded with deliverance from pride and stubbornness.

    For Lions and Lionesses, a pink ruby ​​will give them determination in conquering their other half. It will help Scorpios soften their difficult character. Cancer - overcome shyness. According to the horoscope, Aries should moderate their ardor in decision-making. Peaceful Capricorns will find in him a source of activity and constructivism.

    The magnetism of the mineral attracts money. But you can't wear it all the time. His natural energy is too strong.

    Kings of Rubies (video)

    Radiant healer

    Revered ruby ​​for its beauty, our ancestors used it as a medicine.

    Medieval healers ground it into dust and prepared tinctures. The scarlet crystal was believed to have the power to stop internal bleeding.

    With its help it was easier:

    • stomach ailments;
    • heart problems;
    • joint pain;
    • musculoskeletal disorders;
    • diseases of the visual and hearing aids;
    • otorhinolaryngological diseases.

    Today, lithotherapists claim that the magic of the stone helps normalize blood pressure and even out the pulse, increase appetite, and affect potency.

    Revering ruby ​​for its beauty, our ancestors used it as a medicine.

    It is unlikely that you should rely only on the power of the stone in the treatment of such serious diseases as scabies or leprosy. But to carry a shining amulet with you, which with its cheerful appearance will distract you from sad thoughts and thereby relieve fatigue to a certain extent - why not?

    Psychics are convinced: the stone absorbs negativity, freeing a person’s aura from a heavy burden. To clean the talisman, you need to hold it in cool water.

    Natural or artificial?

    The chemical characteristics of the mineral are such that it is not difficult to obtain its equivalent artificially. Modern industry makes it possible to artificially grow crystals not only for jewelry houses. Quantum electronics, watchmaking, laser technology are just a few of the industries where artificial rubies are used.

    Auguste Verneuil was first able to grow a gem in 1904. His technology made it possible to obtain a synthetic ruby ​​weighing up to 30 carats from aluminum oxide in just a couple of hours. Modern enthusiasts, if they have chemical reagents and knowledge of chemistry, grow stones even at home.

    However, natural raw materials are in great demand and are much more expensive. And the places on the planet where rubies are mined continue to attract those who want to find a record-breaking stone.

    It is not difficult to distinguish a grown gemstone from a natural one. In the UV range of light, the synthetic mineral will change its color to orange. And natural ones will definitely darken under the influence of ordinary bright light.

    Ruby exotic

    Modern geology defines rubies as red stones, the composition of which is aluminum oxide with impurities of chromium and iron.

    However, you can often find mention of the Black Prince's ruby. This black mineral has belonged to the British crown for several centuries. It's almost the same size chicken egg and weighs 170 carats. For a long time it was classified as a ruby. In fact, this is a very rare natural specimen of spinel. This mineral belongs to chemical compounds whose basis is the oxide of both magnesium and aluminum.

    Green and blue transparent stones are often also called rubies. But the color characteristics of these crystals today are exhaustive: they can only be red, which means that all other colored transparent stones are more correctly classified as sapphires.

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