• How to clean gold and silver at home in a minute. How to clean jewelry with stones at home


    Gold jewelry is a source of pride for its owner. In order to maintain their attractive appearance, it is necessary to clean them, since during use the products become coated and lose their shine.

    For many people, the question is how to clean gold at home in order to get a good and durable result. Knowing the composition of gold jewelry will help you achieve good results.

    Gold in pure form without adding other substances is not used, since this metal is very soft, therefore jewelry They contain a number of substances that help improve physical and chemical parameters.

    The appearance of plaque is promoted by:

    When interacting with surrounding air or water, including sea water, oxidation occurs. It is necessary to purify gold, since impurities not only spoil appearance, but are also harmful to health: plaque can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.

    In order for gold to shine effectively and prevent plaque from forming, it is necessary:

    • do not allow the product to come into contact with alkalis and various acids (housework should be carried out with gloves);
    • Avoid exposure to solvents and other aggressive substances (including nail polish removers);
    • protect from exposure to paints and abrasives (remove or wear gloves);
    • do not expose high temperatures and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

    To prevent contamination, the cleaning process should be carried out regularly even if these recommendations are followed.

    Nuances of the cleaning process

    Before you start cleaning, there are some important things to consider.

    • Many jewelry has a complex shape and places that are difficult to reach on your own, for example, places where stones are inserted, bends, and joints.
    • The container for preparing the cleaning mixture must be selected so that the product can fit completely in it.

    If you take these nuances into account, the work will go faster and the result will be of better quality.

    Cleaning process: preparing a solution with ammonia

    We clean gold correctly using ammonia and regular washing powder. It is necessary to give preference to containers made of glass or plastic to eliminate the possibility of oxidation. To obtain a cleaning solution with ammonia you will need:

    • boiled water – 250 ml;
    • ammonia – 4 ml;
    • washing powder (without coloring additives) – 1 tbsp.

    If there is no powder, then you can safely use dishwashing detergent.

    The mixture is stirred until the powder dissolves completely, leaving no lumps.

    The products are placed in the solution for 2-2.5 hours, after which they must be rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry using a soft, lint-free towel or the same cloth.

    If ammonia If you couldn’t buy it, you can use other recipes that will effectively clean yellow or red gold at home.

    1. Use dishwashing detergent as the main component. To do this you will need to take:

    • water – 1 glass;
    • dishwashing detergent (preferably with a softening effect) – 1 tsp.

    The container that should be used for the cleaning process should be selected taking into account the fact that the composition will be heated for several minutes. A soft cloth should be placed at the bottom, then the jewelry that needs to be cleaned, and then all the components to create the solution are added to the container. The heating process lasts 10 minutes. Then the products should be removed and rinsed under running water, and dried with a soft towel. The method is suitable for cleaning jewelry and jewelry made of yellow, which is the most popular, and red, which is gaining popularity, gold.

    2. Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide are also used when there is a need to clean gold from dirt and plaque. You will need to mix:

    • water -250 ml;
    • hydrogen peroxide – 40 ml;
    • liquid soap (it is better to choose a soft one, without unnecessary additives) – 1 tsp;
    • ammonia – 1 tsp.

    The water needs to be heated, but not boiled - it should be warm, about 37 degrees, then add all the other ingredients and mix. Then put the jewelry that needs cleaning into the container. The holding time is 20 minutes. At the end, gold items should be washed plain water and dry using a lint-free cloth.

    3. Salt, which is probably available in every home, is also used to clean gold from dark deposits. Effective method for those who want to achieve a good and durable result, the solution includes the following components:

    • water – 160ml;
    • salt – 3 tbsp.

    The ingredients should be mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. The jewelry is placed in the solution for 12 hours, then washed under running water.

    4. One more easy way cleaning gold - using foil. The products will shine and sparkle. Required:

    • water -1 glass;
    • soda – 2 tbsp.
    • foil.

    Place foil on the bottom of the selected container so that it completely covers the surface. You need to mix water and soda, pour it into a container and put decorations in the solution. The cleaning process also continues for 12 hours, after which the gold should be washed and dried with a soft cloth.

    Cleaning gold with a matte finish requires special attention.

    5. The number of jewelry made using this type of metal is increasing every day. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home without damaging the surface is especially relevant. Accuracy, slowness and delicacy are important here. Powders and brushes cannot be used.

    You can use the following solution - ammonia (25% solution). The product is placed in it for 2 hours, then washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

    Lime mixed with water is also suitable for cleaning matte gold items. Lime (3-4 g) needs to be mixed with water, add a little soda (1 g), and mix. The mixture should sit for 3 days. Then the products are placed in it for 4 hours. At the end, the gold is washed as usual and dried with a soft towel.

    Mechanical cleaning of yellow and red gold products

    In some cases, this method is necessary. For example, if none of the proposed methods has any effect and the contamination remains, mechanical action cannot be avoided. It is important to consider that abrasive pastes are not used in this process, especially if products are made with cubic zirconia, since the surface of jewelry and stones is very easily scratched.

    • toothpaste (without additional elements);
    • petrolatum;
    • crushed chalk;
    • laundry soap;
    • water.

    All components should be mixed well. The soap should first be grated. The proportions of each substance should be the same. The resulting paste is applied to the product using a soft cloth. Then you need to rinse the gold item to get rid of the Vaseline. At the end, the product is additionally rinsed under water and dried.

    Mother of two children. I have been housekeeping for over 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

    Jewelry made from precious metals, especially if they are inlaid various types stones not only please the eye, but also lift the spirits of their owners. However, these metals may lose their luster over time. appearance.

    In order for them to serve as long as possible, they require proper and careful maintenance, care, and periodic cleaning.

    Silver and gold can be cleaned in two ways:

    • At home, with the help of available means available to everyone.
    • Using special chemical solutions that can be bought in jewelry stores and workshops.

    Cleaning silver with improvised means at home

    To clean silver at home, three products are most often used that are found in every home: baking soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

    You can clean it in the following ways:

    • Cleaning with baking soda. In order to clean products with soda, you need to dilute it with water to a paste. Next, you need to thoroughly rub the product with this paste until it shines and wash it in clean water. However, you should be careful, as grains of soda can cause small scratches on the product.
    • Cleaning with ammonia. There are two ways here. First: you need to dilute the chalk with ammonia to a paste and rub the product with this substance until it shines, and then wash it. Second: immerse the product in a 10% solution of ammonia for 15-25 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination of the silver).
    • Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. You need to thoroughly wipe the product with peroxide until it is completely clean. It is important to know that peroxide does not react with either gold or silver, however, it does react with many other metals. Therefore, you should not use this method without knowing exactly what metals are in the silver alloy (if the product is made of an alloy).

    It is important to remember one more point: before any cleaning, the silver needs to be kept for some time in a concentrated solution of soap or other soapy detergent, and only then proceed directly to the procedure itself.

    Cleaning gold with improvised means at home

    You can clean gold like this:

    • Clean with soap or detergent solution. In a small saucepan, prepare a concentrated solution of liquid soap or detergent. At the bottom, placing a piece of soft cloth underneath, place the gold item. Boil it for a few minutes and wipe thoroughly.
    • Cleaning with powder and ammonia. Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of hot water washing powder and ammonia. Leave the product in this solution for 1-2 hours.
    • Cleaning with saline solution. You need to prepare a concentrated saline solution (about 2-3 tablespoons of salt in half a glass of water) and leave the product in it overnight, and rinse thoroughly in the morning.
    • Cleaning with a sugar solution. This recipe differs from the previous recipe only in one component - instead of salt you need to use sugar.

    Cleaning items with stones

    However, cleaning simple metal products is not difficult at all. Difficulties arise when the product is inlaid with some kind of stone.

    Depending on the hardness level of the stone, there are three types:

    • Gems(which have a hardness coefficient greater than 5). These include diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and others. Such stones are quite resistant to scratches.
    • Semi gems (having a hardness coefficient below five). These include turquoise, malachite, Moonstone, opal and other minerals. They are quite sensitive and can be damaged after prolonged contact with water and other liquids.
    • Organic stones. These include corals, amber, natural pearls. They do not tolerate alkaline and acidic environments, as well as contact with ammonia.

    Each of these types of stones requires special care. And, accordingly, the jewelry in which they are contained, too. Let's look at it in more detail.

    Cleaning items with precious stones

    Methods for cleaning items with precious stones:

    • Such products can be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol. Soak in alcohol cotton swab, and carefully wipe the product, including all hard-to-reach areas. Then rinse off the alcohol by dipping the item in a water solution and dry the item with a dry cloth.
    • You can wash the product using a soft cloth soaked in a concentrated soap solution or a solution of washing powder.
    • Diamond-encrusted jewelry can be easily cleaned with a soft toothbrush dipped in soapy water.
    • Also, diamond jewelry can be cleaned in a weak solution of ammonia (six drops per glass of water), immersing the product in it for half an hour.
    • If a grease deposit has formed on the product, you can get rid of it using the same toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

    Cleaning items with semi-precious stones

    Such stones do not tolerate prolonged contact with water, acids and alkalis. Therefore, the most effective and at the same time gentle way to clean such stones is a soap solution. You need to thoroughly rinse the product in it, and then wipe it with a soft cloth.

    Cleaning products with organic stones

    For organic stones, you can use the following cleaning products and methods:

    • Rinse the product in an alcohol solution (50% solution).
    • Pearls are especially demanding careful care. It should be cleaned with a soft brush dipped in soapy water. Then the decoration should be rinsed with water. More information about one of the varieties of pearls can be found here.
    • Amber is cleaned dry, by rubbing with a suede or flannel cloth.

    Caring for Individual Stones

    Rules for caring for some stones:

    • Diamond and sapphire. These stones should be cleaned with ammonia or soap solution, wiping with a soft cloth intended for optical glasses. It is worth protecting stones from sudden impacts or exposure to high temperatures.
    • Emerald, topaz, ruby. Only professional cleaning products are used for these stones. Cleaning at home can damage the stone.
    • Amethyst, garnet. These stones can also be cleaned in soapy water using a soft cloth or brush. Also applies ultrasonic cleaning. These stones don't like harsh ones. temperature changes.
    • Aquamarine, . These stones are cleaned by washing them in a solution of ammonia or washing powder. However, the solution should be slightly warmed up, but in no case hot. Avoid contact with acids on stones.
    • Opal, turquoise. These stones can be cleaned at home only with a dry suede cloth. Under no circumstances should these stones be washed or ultrasonic cleaned.

    Rules for the care and storage of jewelry

    Storage jewelry:

    • The jewelry should be stored in a box lined with soft fabric inside.
    • Products should not be in constant contact with each other while in the box. Therefore, it is worth choosing a box with multiple compartments or placing jewelry in soft fabric bags before putting it in the box.
    • Semi-precious stones can deteriorate from constant contact with direct sunlight. Therefore, for them the presence of a box is a prerequisite.
    • Also, some stones can deteriorate from heat or strong temperature changes. Therefore, the box should be placed away from heat sources.

    Professional care:

    • Approximately once a year, jewelry should be given to professional cleaning jeweler
    • The cleaning process involves polishing with a special cleaner and placing the jewelry in an ultrasonic bath (only for those types of stones that are suitable for this).
    • The jeweler will also be able to prevent stones from falling out of the jewelry and secure the clasps.
    • You can consult with him about cleaning and caring for your jewelry and purchase stone cleaning products that he recommends.

    What jewelry is afraid of:

    • Temperatures. When heated, the stones attract dust and grease, so after this they will not be able to shine as brightly in the sun as before.
    • Mechanical impact. Microcracks appear on stones and metal due to mechanical stress. They may be invisible to the naked eye, however, this causes the products to lose their original shine and become dull.
    • Cosmetics. Components that are included in the composition cosmetics, can react with metals and have a detrimental effect on them. This may cause stains on the decoration. Apply various creams and lotions only after removing jewelry.

    Other general rules care:

    • You should always remove jewelry at night and when doing housework. Playing sports, taking a shower.
    • It is also worth protecting products from getting perfume on them, as this can lead to stains on the metal.
    • Get a special cloth made of soft material (for example, microfiber) for your jewelry and wipe the jewelry with it daily after removal.
    • Pearls, as a very vulnerable organic stone, should be kept away from all other jewelry, wrapped in soft cloth. Also, if pearls long time not worn, it may fade. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it periodically.

    Bottom line

    Let's summarize:

    • To ensure that gold and silver jewelry with stones do not lose their appearance and delight the eyes of their owners for a long time, they need special care and periodic cleaning.
    • To clean gold and silver items, improvised means such as soda, ammonia, soap and other detergents, and hydrogen peroxide are most often used. Solutions and mixtures of these substances are used in different proportions and concentrations, depending on the material and complexity of the contamination. This cleaning is also suitable for jewelry.
    • Products with stones require more careful care.
    • All stones are divided into three types: hard gems, more fragile semiprecious stones and organic stones. Each type of stone requires special care.
    • For each stone, there are recommended cleaning methods and rules for handling it. They also need to be taken into account.
    • Jewelry should also be protected from exposure to chemicals, prolonged exposure to water, technical damage, heat and sudden temperature changes, and cosmetics.
    • Jewelry should be stored in a special box with a soft covering.
    • At night, jewelry should be removed and wiped with a soft cloth.
    • Approximately once a year, jewelry should be taken to a jewelry workshop for professional cleaning. You can also buy special cleaning products for jewelry there.

    Gold jewelry is constantly in contact with the body, so a layer of sebum appears on it. Accessories made of noble metal become covered with dust, become dull and lose their attractive appearance. You can restore the shine to your rings and chains and clean your bracelets and earrings from dirt yourself, using available ingredients.

    Sweet and salty solutions

    Over time, jewelry becomes covered with dark spots, which regular sugar will get rid of. Dissolve 2 pieces of refined sugar or 2 tablespoons of regular sweetener in a glass of warm water. Stir the liquid thoroughly so that no sugar crystals remain at the bottom. Immerse dull gold jewelry in syrup. They must be completely underwater.

    It is advisable to use a jar with plastic or iron lid. Leave the container on the table for 12–15 hours, then shake thoroughly several times, rinse under the tap, and dry on a soft cloth. The earrings will shine as if they were just taken from a jewelry store window.

    Sugar only gets rid of dark spots, but it cannot deal with grease and dirt. We recommend trying to clean your accessories with salt. Pour two heaped spoons into a glass of warm liquid and stir until the ingredient is completely dissolved. Earrings and chains should stand in salt water all night. In the morning, you can clean the jewelry with a soft brush, and then rinse off the remaining solution and dry the gold items.

    Breathe into old rings new life A mixture of water and lime will help. Combine the ingredients to form a thick paste. Add a pinch of baking soda and the same amount of table salt. Infuse the paste for 5–6 days. Immerse the jewelry in the product for 3-4 hours, remove and gently rub with a soft cloth. Under the tap and on a towel to drain off excess moisture. Accessories made of precious metal look better after such procedures than on the day of purchase.

    Conventional chemistry

    There will definitely be a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo or dishwashing detergent in the house. Any of these components will be suitable for cleaning gold items. It is undesirable to use tooth powder, which scratches the surface of the jewelry, and laundry soap.

    Dissolve detergent or shampoo in cold water to obtain a fragrant liquid with a small amount foam. Arm yourself with a small saucepan or iron plate, covering the bottom of the container with a piece of rag. Place dirty rings and chains in the prepared dishes, pour in soapy liquid so that it completely covers the accessories.

    Suitable for preparing the solution is liquid or solid soap, which should be turned into small shavings using a grater. It is better to use neutral shampoos, do not take “Two or three in one” products.

    Place a saucepan with gold and soapy water over low heat. Cook the jewelry for about 20 minutes, maximum half an hour, so as not to damage the accessories. Drain the liquid, wait until the noble metal has cooled, and begin cleaning. First, wipe the items with a soft cloth, and then work on indentations, grooves and other ornate decorative elements with a soft-bristled toothbrush. All that remains is to rinse the gold and dry it. Put the brush in a drawer until next procedure, you cannot use it to brush your teeth.

    Tip: Jewelry that is slightly dirty does not need to be boiled. It is enough to hold them in a hot soapy solution for 4 hours, adding a teaspoon of ammonia, and then treat hard-to-reach areas with a brush.

    Soda can do anything

    You should not listen to advice that suggests treating gold with a mixture of soda and vinegar. Acid damages the surface of jewelry and due to the hard component, fine scratches appear on the surface.

    Soda is suitable for preparing the solution. Place accessories in a saucepan with a napkin at the bottom. The water should cover the jewelry; add a spoonful of soda and detergent into it. You can limit yourself to the dry ingredient.

    Boil gold products for 10 minutes, placing on low heat. Gently wipe the jewelry with a cloth, rinse and dry. Gold can be soaked rather than boiled. Cover the bottom of the pan with foil, prepare a soda solution and pour in the accessories. They should sit in the container for 14 hours, after which you should get rid of any remaining cleaning product by rinsing the jewelry under the tap.

    Pharmacy assistance

    Ammonia will remove heavy stains. The main thing is that the gold does not contain inserts of metals that are sensitive to this agent. It’s good if the jewelry contains silver, nickel or copper.

    The first method is simple: soak a rag or cotton swab in ammonia, wipe the gold items, and wash the remaining product with clean water. Instead of alcohol, vodka or gasoline is suitable, but they do not like the latter component because of the persistent and pungent odor.

    The second option with ammonia is more complicated, but the result is more effective. You will need less than a glass of boiling water plus a teaspoon of ammonia. Combine with 30 ml of liquid soap or 20 g of washing powder. Stir until the ingredients dissolve in the liquid.

    Immerse darkened or plaque-covered jewelry in a container with ammonia and leave for 2–4 hours. It is better not to touch gold accessories with bare hands. Wear rubber gloves or carefully pour them into a colander and place them under running water. Rinse for 5 minutes to wash out all the ammonia, and then dry on a soft towel.

    You can prepare a cleaning composition from peroxide, liquid soap and ammonia. 5 ml of each ingredient per glass of warm water. It is advisable to mix in a ceramic or glass container; plastic is also suitable, but no metal. Immerse the gold in the solution for 15 minutes, then thoroughly wash the remaining product and blot it with a napkin.

    WITH heavy pollution Ammonia mixed with water will do the job. 25% alcohol and 75% distilled liquid. Leave the decorations on all night. You can combine ammonia with water and peroxide in equal parts. Leave for 12 hours, rinse under the tap, wipe with a special cloth.

    Borax and iodine stains
    On Golden ring did iodine get in, leaving an ugly red stain? You should purchase a borax solution at the pharmacy and dilute it with water. For a part chemical agent three to four parts liquid. Soak a piece of wool in the mixture and rub the stain until it disappears. If this does not help, you can increase the concentration of the solution.

    An alternative is sodium thiosulfate, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or photography store. Dilute a teaspoon of liquid with 200 ml of water, immerse precious items in the solution for 25 minutes. If the stain has not disappeared, you should contact a jewelry workshop.

    1. A mixture of egg white and beer. Beat the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to dull areas. Wash off after 20 minutes, be sure to rinse with water.
    2. Advanced cases require emergency measures. Cola is suitable because it eats away rust, so it can deal with dirt and grease in no time. Soak the jewelry in sweet soda for about 30 minutes, then under running water, and they look like new again.
    3. Rub gold chains and rings with crumbs of white or rye bread, wipe onion juice.
    4. Use liquid intended for storing contact lenses for cleaning. In the evening, put the jewelry in the product, and in the morning, take it out, brush it and rinse.
    5. Prepare a special paste consisting of grated chalk, soap shavings with Vaseline and water. The result should be a thick paste, which is used to process the gold accessories.

    Jewelry with stones

    Hard stones, like diamonds or rubies, can be cleaned with soda and onion juice. Sapphires, quartz, aquamarine and topazes are not afraid of natural and chemical components. Pearls do not tolerate acidic environments. Soft stones, like amber or malachite, are destroyed by soda, ammonia solutions and peroxide. Abrasive pastes and toothbrushes are terrible for such stones. Turquoise, moonstone, opal and coral are cleaned with cologne or alcohol in which a cotton swab is soaked. It is recommended not to keep jewelry with stones in water for a long time, and to dry it thoroughly immediately after treating it with any liquid.

    A solution consisting of ammonia, clean water and shampoo is suitable for white gold. Toothpastes and powders are prohibited, no brushes or hard sponges.

    Caring for jewelry made from precious metals is not difficult. If you regularly wipe them with a damp cloth or special wipes, you won’t have to look for recipes for removing plaque and old dirt. People who don't trust traditional methods, can purchase pastes for gold jewelry in specialized stores or entrust jewelry to professionals.

    Video: how to clean gold and silver at home

    Jewelry requires cleaning from time to time. There are several ways to clean jewelry at home.

    How to clean gold jewelry.

    Immerse gold items in a soap solution for a couple of hours. Then scrub gently with a soft toothbrush. You can wash the gold item in water with ammonia (six drops per glass of water). It is also good to keep gold items in sweetened water. It is convenient to wash the chains in a bottle, shaking them slightly. After thoroughly cleaning the products, carefully wipe and dry. Jewelry should not remain wet, otherwise it will remain stained. You can combine the two by wearing protection when working with soapy water, such as taking a bath or washing dishes.

    How to clean silver jewelry.

    Dark deposits are removed from silver items in a solution of soapy water and ammonia (1 tablespoon of alcohol per liter of water). When cleaning silver jewelry with blackening, ammonia is not used! Bring back the shine silver products you can by placing them in water with chopped potatoes for a couple of hours. Then rinse the products with clean water. Silver items can also be cleaned with tooth powder using a toothbrush. To clean silverware, use a mixture of chalk or tooth powder and ammonia. Before cleaning, the products are washed in soapy water, then a mixture of chalk and ammonia is applied and cleaned with a soft cloth. After cleaning, rinse with water and wipe dry. Products with

    Cleaning your DIY jewelry is not difficult.

    We clean jewelry and jewelry quickly and easily using. Over time, the former color and shine of jewelry is lost and you need to wonder how to clean gold and silver at home, so as not to take it to a jewelry workshop and sometimes pay quite a lot of money. But they don’t take long to clean jewelry and it’s somehow simple. Let's figure out how to properly clean silver and gold at home, from blackness and dirt, using improvised means.

    Main problems and reasons for cleaning:

    Darkened silver.

    Dull gold and jewelry.

    Pearls that have ceased to shine.

    How to properly clean silver from blackness at home?

    A gray coating inevitably appears on silver jewelry over time. For sets that have simply lost their former shine, you can mix a few drops of mild dishwashing detergent with warm water. Dip a clean cloth into this solution and wipe the jewelry. After this, rinse them under cold water and wipe dry.

    For jewelry that has become very dark and needs remove blackness from silver at home, make an infusion of soda mixed with water in a ratio of 3:1. Wet the jewelry and apply the paste with a soft cloth, which will not scratch the silver. When the rag turns gray, change it to a clean one. Then rinse off the paste and dry the jewelry. Keep in mind that silver should not be soaked in water for a long time - this will darken it even more.

    How to properly clean gold at home?

    Lotions, soaps, creams, dust, dirt and skin secretions make jewelry dull and lifeless. Even gold chains and pendants fade and lose their shine from daily wear. For such decorations, arrange a bubble bath with a few drops of dishwashing detergent mineral water. Place decorations in a sieve and soak for 5 minutes. Using a soft toothbrush, brush the jewelry, making sure to not miss any holes, patterns or swirls. Put all the sets back into the strainer, rinse under cold water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

    Costume jewelry, especially those with stones glued to metal, is not recommended to be washed under running water, much less soaked. It is enough to moisten a cloth in a foam solution and simply wipe away dust, dirt or greasy deposits, and then rinse with a damp cloth. After this, place the jewelry face down on the fabric to prevent water from getting into the clasps and fasteners.

    How to properly clean dull pearls at home?

    Since pearls are a fragile and porous stone, they lose their shine and luster very easily. It doesn’t matter whether your pearls are real or cultured, they need to be cleaned especially carefully. Lay the string of pearls on a soft, clean cloth. Take a thin makeup brush (used for applying eye shadow), dip it in a foamy solution of shampoo mixed with warm water, and brush each pearl separately. Afterwards, rinse off the foam with a slightly damp soft cloth and leave on the fabric until completely dry.

    Do not hang the pearl string to dry, otherwise it may stretch. You can also clean turquoise in this way: this stone is also quite fragile and porous.

    To make cleaning your jewelry easier next time:

    1. Remove precious jewelry when washing your hands or applying cream or lotion.
    2. Wipe your pearls after each wear with a very soft cloth to remove traces of sweat, perfume and makeup.
    3. Put on jewelry only after applying cream, perfume and makeup.

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