• Ultrasonic facial cleansing – contraindications and indications for the procedure. Ultrasonic facial cleansing: what are its features and how often can it be done?


    There is no girl who would not dream of having beautiful and healthy skin on her face. In order to achieve this, they resort to using a variety of means and methods, but these methods are not always cosmetical tools give positive result. In order to achieve a positive result in facial care, experts recommend periodically performing ultrasonic facial cleansing. Many people are interested in the question: what are the indications and contraindications for ultrasonic facial cleansing? It is these questions that we will try to answer in this article.

    Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most effective and painless methods of skin cleansing using ultrasonic waves.
    This cleaning method has the following types of effects:

    • Mechanical. Ultrasonic cleaning is carried out using special equipment. As a result of its action, light and gentle microvibration of the epidermis of the facial skin occurs - a kind of massage. This helps tighten the contour of the oval, as well as increase its elasticity.
    • Thermal. As a result of exposure to ultrasonic waves, the temperature rises at the site of their action skin. Thanks to this, the pores and mouths of the hair follicles are significantly expanded, which helps to increase the efficiency of their cleaning.
    • Physico-chemical. When carrying out ultrasonic cleansing of the skin, cosmetologists use special nourishing masks, scrubs and creams that nourish it with vitamins, moisturize it, and increase the level of resistance to the effects of negative factors(external environment, unhealthy diet or lifestyle, etc.). In addition, it is possible to increase the speed of regeneration processes.
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    It is also impossible not to mention that as a result of cleansing the skin using ultrasound, its color improves and the likelihood of acne or age spots decreases.

    Indications for testing

    Experts believe that the following indications exist for performing ultrasonic skin cleansing using ultrasonic waves:

    • presence of acne;
    • the presence of age spots or redness of the epidermis;
    • decreased skin tone;
    • slowing down the regeneration processes of the epidermis;
    • pore expansion;
    • presence of comedones;
    • bold or combined type skin;
    • severe sweating of the skin in certain areas of the face.

    Thanks to the use of skin cleansing using ultrasound waves, it is possible to achieve the following positive results in a short period of time:

    • dead particles of the skin epidermis are removed;
    • the skin is cleansed of external and internal pollution;
    • the ducts of the sebaceous glands open;
    • decreases appearance por;
    • metabolic and regeneration processes are accelerated;
    • blood circulation and lymph movement of the skin in its deepest layers accelerates;
    • color and tone improves;
    • moisturizes and receives additional nutrition with minerals and vitamins;
    • the stratum corneum of the epidermis decreases, etc.

    One of the most important advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing is that the positive result becomes noticeable immediately after completion of the procedure. It should also be noted that its validity period, subject to proper care after the procedure, reaches several months.

    Contraindications to facial cleansing using ultrasound waves

    Before making a final decision about skin cleansing, you should seek the advice of specialists. This is necessary for a cosmetologist or dermatologist to test the skin and determine whether the patient has contraindications for this procedure:

    • If there are any wounds or cuts on the face, there is acne in the stage of acute development, these are contraindications for the procedure and it is not recommended to carry out cleaning until all defects are eliminated.
    • If the patient has hypersensitive skin, cleaning should not be performed. This is due to the fact that as a result of exposure to waves, the temperature of the skin in certain areas increases, and with increased sensitivity it can cause redness of the epidermis.
    • If there are neoplasms or pigmentation of any origin, exposure to ultrasonic waves can trigger their growth activity.
    • The action of short-wave ultrasonic waves on skin affected by rosacea can cause them to actively increase and spread over the entire surface.
    • After undergoing cosmetic surgeries associated with the installation of braces, plates, and the development of neuralgic defects on the skin, experts recommend waiting for complete postoperative rehabilitation or recovery, and only then proceeding with this procedure
    • During pregnancy, it is also not recommended to carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing. This is due to the fact that the use of ultrasound waves accelerates blood circulation and lymph movement, which can negatively affect the development of the child. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that it is not recommended to expose the unborn child to short waves once again (except for ultrasound of the fetus).

    If, during an examination, a cosmetologist discovers any factors that are a contraindication for skin cleansing using ultrasonic waves, he will notify patients about this and recommend that they refrain from performing the procedure.

    Carrying out cleansing if there are contraindications may negatively affect the condition of the skin or general health. That is why it is better not to resort to this type of cleaning at home. Despite the lower cost of home facial cleansing, it can trigger the development of negative consequences, the removal of which may require considerable investment and time.

    It is best to use the services of beauty salons where they use quality masks, scrubs and creams, and also employ real professionals who have extensive experience in of this type procedures.

    Expert opinion on this procedure

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    Most effective method combating skin imperfections - using various peelings. There are many salon procedures known for this today. However, some of them can be implemented at home, for example, ultrasonic facial cleansing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this cleaning, as well as its contraindications - we will consider further.

    Features of ultrasonic facial cleansing at home

    The main feature of ultrasonic cleaning is that it does not injure the skin and has a completely painless effect. Therefore, if offered, cosmetologists recommend ultrasonic cleaning for owners sensitive skin with serious shortcomings. The skin easily perceives ultrasound and after the first procedure it looks fresher, cleaner and healthier.

    What is needed for this?

    Implementing ultrasonic cleaning at home is very simple. For this you will need:

    • special ;
    • half an hour of free time;
    • professional cleaning product.

    Please note that it is not necessary to use a cleaning agent; all you need to do is:

    • pre-cleanse the skin of impurities, preparing for peeling;
    • select the appropriate mode on the device;
    • carry out the procedure by evenly moving the device over the face.

    To enhance the quality of the result, various creams and face masks are used.


    Ultrasonic cleaning is good and useful for all ages. It helps rid the skin of the problems of adolescence, as well as slow down aging. The main indications for this type of peeling include:

    1. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Regular cleansing regulates sebum production.
    2. Dry skin is also an indication for use.
    3. Disadvantages in the form of acne, pimples, blackheads.
    4. First age-related skin changes. Regular procedures prevent the rapid development of wrinkles and also smooth out fine and shallow wrinkles.
    5. Uneven complexion, unhealthy appearance.

    Even for healthy skin such a procedure will not be superfluous. It will help preserve beauty and youth, and prevent the rapid development of the first signs and disadvantages of age.

    Ultrasonic cleaning is suitable for any age.


    Salon and home cleaning In general, they are almost the same except for some minor nuances. Let's look at the general algorithm according to which peeling is carried out:

    After the procedure, no additional skin care is required. In some cases, the device may dry out the skin a little, then it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to it for 7-10 days.


    Cleansing results may vary depending on the type and characteristics of the skin, as well as the level of problem. The first results can be assessed after a single use, but a more lasting and high-quality effect can only be achieved over time. What can you expect from regular ultrasound peeling?

    1. Visibly fresher, softer, healthier skin that feels pleasant to the touch.
    2. Reducing the number of minor flaws.
    3. Stabilization of sebum production.
    4. Reduce surface age-related changes in the form of shallow wrinkles.

    Please note that this procedure is not anti-aging! It will not be possible to achieve incredible results from it with rejuvenation for 15-20 years even with frequent use.


    Before starting to use the device for ultrasonic cleaning, you should pay attention to contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences:

    1. Pregnancy. Pregnant women at any stage are recommended to carry out a similar procedure with extreme caution. Of course, the ultrasonic waves of a home device are not very strong and are unlikely to cause harm, however, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.
    2. Skin diseases. This includes acute, chronic diseases, neuralgia of nerve endings, etc.
    3. Cuperosis. The possibility of cleaning depends on how severe the disease is. At particularly serious stages of rosacea, it is better to refuse ultrasound.
    4. Cosmetic procedures. You should refrain from this procedure for some time after chemical peeling and botox. How often can you do Botox on your face?

    IN modern world It is very difficult to keep the skin healthy without a special procedure, such as ultrasonic cleaning. Does ultrasonic facial cleansing have any contraindications? This method allows you to rid the skin of unwanted defects without pain and side effects. However, any cosmetic procedure has its own dangerous features, which the specialist must warn about.

    Ultrasound works well with top layers skin, but with deep contamination it will not solve all problems

    Features of ultrasonic facial cleansing

    The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. The principle of its operation is as follows: ultrasonic waves, acting on the treated area, create low-frequency vibration and a slight increase in temperature. The skin receives a micromassage, as a result of which the cells begin to actively renew themselves. After the procedure, all cosmetics will penetrate much deeper into the skin.

    Thanks to ultrasound, you can quickly and painlessly remove the top dead layer of cells, remove sebum, remove blackheads, and narrow pores. After the procedure, complexion improves, skin tone increases, dryness or oiliness is eliminated, and a rejuvenation effect is observed. Ultrasonic cleaning is a more gentle method in contrast to mechanical cleaning, which involves steaming the skin and squeezing with fingers.

    If you wear braces or have metal pins installed, ultrasonic facial cleansing is contraindicated for you.

    Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

    Before performing ultrasonic facial cleansing, be sure to consult a cosmetologist. He will take into account all the features of the skin and draw a conclusion about the need or unnecessaryness of the procedure. To avoid harming yourself, pay attention to the cases in which ultrasonic cleaning should not be done. If there are contraindications, check with a specialist about the method of cleansing skin will suit exactly for you.

    1. If you have cuts, scratches, burns, herpes, allergic rashes, boils, or severe inflammation on your face, they must be treated before the procedure.
    2. Cleaning is contraindicated in case of skin hypersensitivity and the presence of vitiligo (pigmentation disorders).
    3. Ultrasound cleaning helps improve blood circulation, so it is contraindicated in the presence of any neoplasms on the face. Increased influx useful substances may cause rapid tumor growth.
    4. With rosacea, the vascular network may become more pronounced, as ultrasound dilates the vessels even more.
    5. The use of ultrasound for neurological lesions of the face is prohibited.
    6. The procedure should be postponed until the skin has completely recovered after facial surgery or chemical peeling.
    7. It is impossible to clean with ultrasound areas of the face that have silicone implants and gel plastic, as well as in the presence of metal dental crowns, pins, and braces.
    8. It is not recommended to clean the face with ultrasound if the skin is excessively dirty. In this case, mechanical cleaning will be required first.
    9. Contraindications to the procedure also include: epilepsy, bronchial asthma, oncological, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, presence of a pacemaker, intrauterine device, heat bodies, pathological conditions during pregnancy.

    Ultrasonic skin cleansing sessions in the salon are much safer than similar home procedures

    Salon procedure

    To ensure that ultrasound facial cleansing is painless and as effective as possible, it is strongly recommended that you do it in a salon from time to time. This provides a guarantee of safety, since the device will be used by a trained, competent, experienced specialist. Salon facial cleansing is carried out using ultrasound in several stages.

    1. Removing makeup using special products.
    2. Massage (not always done), which increases the skin's sensitivity to ultrasound.
    3. Preparing the skin for ultrasound: a mask is made that opens the pores as much as possible and loosens the stratum corneum.
    4. Skin treatment first - remedy(according to the indications), and then with a scrubber that emits ultrasound, which quickly and effectively cleans the pores.
    5. Applying additional products to the skin (antiseptic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing, tightening pores), sometimes ultrasonic facial cleansing ends with cryomassage, which allows the skin to rest from the stress it has suffered.

    The undoubted advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing in the salon are absolute painlessness, safety and maximum efficiency. Flaw salon peeling- in price (for one procedure in different salons they may require from 500 to 2000 rubles) and in the fact that such cleansing must be done monthly. For 3,000 rubles (the amount is also approximate), you can purchase a portable ultrasound machine and perform the procedure yourself at home.

    A portable ultrasonic device is used for facial skin care at home.

    Home procedure

    Home ultrasonic facial cleansing using a special portable device requires mastering special instructions for its use. The advantages of this procedure are that you do not need to go anywhere and spend money on a salon every month. The disadvantage is that all responsibility for the consequences of the procedure lies on the shoulders of those who decided to undergo a cosmetic experiment at home.

    1. Home ultrasonic cleaning requires preliminary steaming of the skin using steam bath on herbs (it is better to take chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula - any herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect).
    2. Next, you will need to cleanse the pores with a scrub suitable for your skin type.
    3. An ultrasonic facial cleanser at home usually has a built-in timer. Before starting to apply ultrasound to the skin, set the duration of the procedure on the timer. You need to start small: put it on for only 5 minutes for the first time, then evaluate your sensations and achieved result, and then with each subsequent procedure increase the time by 2-3 minutes. You will need to stop at 15 (for sensitive, delicate, thin skin) or 30 minutes.
    4. Next, the peeling mode is set on the device. This indicator is explained in detail and quite clearly in the instructions for any ultrasound device, so be sure to study it carefully before the procedure. Typically, devices include a LIFT mode, as a result of which the skin is not only cleansed, but also tightened and made very elastic. In PEEL mode the most active and deep peeling. TONE gives skin tone, improves complexion, removes puffiness, and puts the face in order in just 20 minutes. CLEAN is a more superficial cleanse, suitable for thin, sensitive skin.
    5. The ultrasonic nozzle should move along, which is also recommended to be studied in advance. The procedure is painless if done correctly. There should be no pressure on the skin to avoid injury.
    6. After ultrasonic cleaning at home is completed, the skin should be allowed to rest. Try not to strain your facial muscles or use any cosmetics for half an hour. This will consolidate the effect of the procedure.
    7. An hour after the procedure, you can either wash your face with filtered (non-carbonated mineral) warm water, or wipe your face with your usual toner. This will remove all remaining particles of impurities on the skin, brought to the surface by ultrasonic waves.
    8. After this, you can pamper your skin nourishing mask mild action (without aggressive ingredients such as mustard, lemon, cinnamon, vodka, etc.). It will consolidate the result of ultrasonic peeling.
    9. Do not get too carried away with this method of cleansing your face at home. Once every 3-4 weeks will be enough.

    Salon and home facial cleansing is a procedure that today is simply necessary for the skin to breathe properly. Modern living conditions, unfavorable atmosphere, environmental pollution, a large number of all kinds of cosmetics - all this clogs the pores of the skin with various “garbage”. Because of this, she looks dull, tired and begins to fade ahead of time. To avoid early aging and give your skin fresh breath and youth, ultrasonic facial cleansing is what you can offer it. Regular procedures will allow you to transform your appearance and forget about many complexes.

    If you are expecting a baby, be sure to ask your attending doctor about the possibility of ultrasonic facial cleansing.

    The effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing on pregnancy

    According to some cosmetologists, facial cleansing with ultrasound is contraindicated when carrying a child. During the procedure, ultrasonic waves, removing the upper dead layer of cells, penetrate deep into the skin, improving blood circulation and restoring metabolic processes in its lower layers. Experts believe that an ultrasound examination is sufficient for pregnant women, and the additional influence of ultrasound can lead to various disorders in the development of the fetus.

    Most doctors say that the skin of an expectant mother needs regular care. In their opinion, the strength of ultrasound during facial cleansing is low, so this cosmetic procedure will not cause harm during pregnancy. You should not resort to it only if there is a threat of miscarriage and other pathologies. In addition, ultrasonic facial cleansing, unlike mechanical method, is carried out easily and painlessly, which is very important for expectant mothers.

    What should a pregnant woman do? There are many natural home remedies for cleansing the skin of the face, but if the expectant mother wants to resort to salon procedure, she needs to consult her gynecologist. If the pregnancy is progressing normally and the woman is not prescribed additional ultrasound scans, the doctor will not be against ultrasound facial cleansing. In this case, the procedure will bring to the expectant mother only positive emotions.

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    • Do you think you look older than your age...
    • Or you just want to “preserve” your youth for many years...
    • You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

    Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

    Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth

    Women often wonder which facial cleansing is better: mechanical or ultrasonic. There is no clear answer to this question: it all depends on individual needs and skin condition. Ultrasonic cleaning is considered more gentle than manual cleaning: it does not cause pain and the risk of microtrauma is minimal. But everything has its own nuances. Natalya Kalashnikova, a dermatocosmetologist at the Linline clinic, and Elena Samokhvalova, the head of the cosmetology department at the Ottimo aesthetic medicine clinic, talk about the pros and cons of the procedure.

    What is ultrasonic facial cleansing

    Ultrasonic cleansing is a delicate and gentle hardware technique that can be used to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse pores and restore radiance and freshness to the face. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, dead skin cells are carefully exfoliated, the secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulated in the pores is “loosened” and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure provides an anti-inflammatory effect and improves blood microcirculation, while perfectly toning the skin.

    This type of facial treatment gives instant results and helps normalize the skin's moisture balance. In addition, ultrasonic cleansing enhances the effect of subsequent cosmetic procedures, so it is recommended to do it first to prepare the skin for subsequent care.

    It should be remembered that the procedure must be performed by a doctor who can select the optimal ultrasound intensity individually. Cleaning can also be done for preventive purposes - to maintain excellent skin condition, but only if it is not too dirty.

    Ultrasonic facial cleansing: pros and cons

    Like any cosmetic procedure, ultrasonic facial cleansing has its pros and cons. TO positive aspects This includes reduced trauma, no stretching of the skin, as well as a selective effect exclusively on old cells (young cells do not suffer during the cleansing process). An important factor is the absence of redness of the skin after the procedure, which means you can safely go on a date or have the procedure done during your lunch break.

    At the right approach As a rule, there are no negative consequences. However, some patients sometimes still experience allergic reaction for special gels and lotions used during the procedure. And the inexperience of a specialist can lead to skin injuries due to the wrong chosen mode.

    How often can you do ultrasonic facial cleansing?

    The frequency of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin, the degree of its contamination, as well as the presence skin diseases. But as practice shows, an interval of one to three months is considered optimal.

    In the absence of contraindications, cleansing can be done regularly for preventive purposes - to maintain good skin condition. It is not at all necessary to wait until you are no longer pleased with your own reflection in the mirror due to the fact that your complexion will fade due to the accumulation of dead cells, and the pores will become clogged with excess secretions.

    Indications and contraindications

    Ultrasonic cleaning is indicated for those with normal and oily skin. Dull color face, clogged pores and blackheads are an excellent reason to visit a cosmetologist’s office for a procedure. But if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, or have tumors, then it is better to refuse the procedure.

    Also, the procedure is prohibited during exacerbation of skin diseases and rashes, the presence of fresh injuries (wounds and deep scratches) and an abundance of inflammation on the skin. Absolute taboos are infectious diseases, all types of tumors, facial paralysis and ternary optic neuralgia. You should not cleanse if you have dilated capillaries or eczema.

    The technique, to the delight of teenagers, has no age restrictions. On the contrary, it is even recommended to do it from the beginning of puberty at the first manifestations of skin problems associated with hormonal changes in the body. A timely visit to a cosmetologist will help prevent the spread of rashes.

    Women often wonder: is it possible to do ultrasonic facial cleansing for pregnant women? The answer is clear: you can! However, it is worth warning the specialist about your interesting position so that he can make the procedure as safe as possible (exclude mechanical cleaning and getting rid of milia (whiteheads) using current).

    The purpose of any facial cleansing, both preventive and planned, is to rid the skin of dead particles, rejuvenate it, remove toxins and, as a result, return a healthy glow.

    Most methods mechanically injure the skin, causing discomfort in patients, scaring them away from this procedure. Is there a painless alternative in cosmetology?

    Ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out using hardware. The procedure is aimed at cleansing the surface of the skin. Using ultrasound, a special device affects not only the surface of the skin, but also its deeper layers.

    This type of cleansing is very popular due to its tonic and rejuvenating effect. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This procedure is used in the following cases:

    • low tone and loss of skin elasticity (turgor);
    • prone to acne;
    • too much oily skin;
    • increased skin porosity and comedones;
    • increased sweating;
    • dull complexion.

    The result is not obvious from the first procedure, but thanks to the intense blood flow, the metabolism in the cells is noticeably revitalized.

    The skin is moisturized and without swelling. A mask applied by a cosmetologist interacts better with the deep layers of the skin.

    You can watch how cleaning works in this video:

    Does ultrasonic facial cleansing have contraindications? Yes, like any other cosmetic procedure.

    What happens during the session

    The skin cleanser emits ultrasonic vibrations at a high frequency that human hearing cannot detect. The impact is aimed exclusively at the skin and ultra-frequency waves do not affect other organs.

    This procedure is painless. The skin is not affected mechanically. Ultrasound literally pushes out dead skin cells, dirt and makeup residues from the pores from the surface of the skin, and successfully fights clogged sebaceous glands.

    Cleansing promotes a rejuvenating effect. During the procedure, the skin experiences a light micro massage. Due to this, the deep layers of the dermis are stimulated, the natural blood supply and lymph circulation are restored.

    An ultrasonic cleaning session does not cause discomfort and does not leave marks on the face.

    Occasionally during the procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation, accompanied by slight redness of the skin, which can be easily removed with massage and a special cream.

    To consolidate the effect after the procedure, the cosmetologist distributes a special gel over the treated surface. It will allow the skin to gain elasticity.

    Treatment room at home

    Ultrasonic cleaning is also possible at home; you only need up to half an hour of free time. It all depends on the individual state of the epidermis.

    After this procedure, oxygen saturates the skin more actively, as a result of which collagen is produced, which ensures the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

    The device only works with water and water-based gel; if it comes into contact with another substance, it turns off. Stages of an ultrasound skin cleansing session:

    Contraindications to the procedure

    Before making your own decision about ultrasonic peeling sessions, you must consult with a cosmetologist. The procedure is not as harmless as it seems at first glance and facial cleansing has contraindications:

    The list of contraindications also includes: individual intolerance, vascular dysfunction, diseases with increased body temperature, hypersensitivity of the skin, diseases of the nasopharynx, eye pathologies, neuralgic manifestations, acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, acute and chronic diseases of the digestive and excretory system.

    Age intervals

    Ultrasonic facial cleansing sessions have no special age indications.

    A competently performed procedure has a positive effect on the condition of both young and mature skin.

    It tones young skin, cleansing clogged pores, and smoothes out facial wrinkles and knocks out dead cells and dust on mature skin. In short, if there are no contraindications, the procedure will be very useful at any age.

    Ultrasonic facial cleansing, how often can such procedures be done?

    • this procedure is not for daily care;
    • frequency depends on the condition of the skin;
    • It is optimal to repeat ultrasonic cleaning sessions several times a month.

    The advantages and disadvantages of the procedure are discussed in this video:

    How to take care of your skin after ultrasonic cleaning

    • Use should be limited for the first 12 hours decorative cosmetics. The skin has been exposed, so do not apply makeup, dye, hair, eyelashes or eyebrows.
    • For the first 24 hours after the procedure, do not expose the skin to heat. You should refrain from going to the solarium, sauna, or swimming pool. Don't go to the gym or take a bath.

    This cleaning method is suitable for people with any skin type.

    Pros and cons of ultrasound

    Ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out using gentle methods; the skin is not squeezed or stretched. This procedure does not injure the epidermis.

    However, it has a number of serious contraindications and you should consult a doctor before undergoing it.


    How does facial cleansing happen?
    • the procedure does not last long, about half an hour;
    • During hardware ultrasonic cleaning, immunity increases and metabolism is activated;
    • promotes rapid renewal of the skin due to the activation of collagen production;
    • rejuvenating effect;
    • Ultrasonic vibrations can smooth out scars.


    • one procedure will not bring visible results;
    • the effect does not last long and needs periodic consolidation;
    • you have to rely on the competence and attentiveness of the cosmetologist;
    • a wide range of serious contraindications;
    • cost of the procedure.

    To decide whether to undergo ultrasonic facial cleansing, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. On the one hand, a fresh reflection of the face in the mirror, on the other, the fragility of the effect with a significant risk to health. What to choose? If you don't try, you won't know.

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