• Steam for the face at home. How to make facial steam baths at home. For oily skin


    A worthy alternative deep cleaning skin in a beauty salon - homemade steam baths for the face. Such procedures help to effectively combat blackheads, acne and clogged pores. It is not necessary to buy special equipment for this purpose; you can get by with kitchen utensils and a towel. To increase the effect, herbs, soda, aromatic oils and other components are added to the water.

    Benefits of steam baths and contraindications

    A steam bath is ideal if you need to refresh or cleanse your facial skin. This procedure is deservedly called the most effective in terms of cleansing.

    1. Firstly, steam normalizes the functioning of the fatty and sebaceous glands, which means it prevents the appearance of comedones and other problems.
    2. Secondly, by expanding the pores, the process of further cleaning and caring for the skin is significantly simplified.
    3. Thirdly, skin metabolic processes and blood microcirculation improve.
    4. Fourth, a smooth and rejuvenated face healthy skin always looks well-groomed.

    However, this useful and pleasant procedure is not suitable for everyone. And this especially applies to those who have been diagnosed bronchial asthma or hypertension. Steam cleaning is not recommended for facial irritations and diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. It is not advisable to do steaming for those who have a lot of hair on their face or blood vessels located close to them. Particular care should be taken by those with dry skin prone to allergies, rashes and peeling.

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    Steam at the service of different skin types

    The first thing you need to do before a steam procedure is to determine your skin type. Each of them requires a different approach.

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    Features of steam baths for oily skin

    Oily skin is most in need of steam cleansing, but there are other benefits beyond cleansing. Calendula helps dry skin and heal wounds, oregano - cleanse pores and refresh the surface of the skin, chamomile - soften it, bay leaf - improve blood circulation.

    For increased oiliness, a facial steam bath with juniper is ideal; this plant not only cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, but also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Also, if you are prone to increased fat content, cosmetologists recommend the following combinations:

    • oak bark with birch buds, chamomile, calendula, juniper;
    • sage with horsetail and coltsfoot;
    • chamomile with linden blossom, mint and oak bark;
    • bay leaf with sweet dill, lavender, calendula, chamomile and cypress.

    To enhance the effect, add essential oils of pine, tea tree, and sage to the water.

    For oily skin, weekly steaming sessions lasting no more than 25 minutes are recommended. If you have combination skin, reduce the mini-bath time.

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    Healthy normal skin does not require steam cleansing. But the procedure may be recommended if acne or other skin problems. For normal skin types, a facial steam bath with chamomile is most suitable - it disinfects and heals minor injuries.

    Chamomile can also be used in mixtures with other beneficial plants: licorice, rose, thyme, sandalwood, cloves, comfrey, fennel. It makes sense to enrich any composition with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, and vanilla. Ylang-ylang oil is especially useful for aging skin and the first wrinkles.

    Duration of beauty session for normal skin- no more than 15 minutes. Frequency - if necessary.

    For dry and sensitive skin, it is not advisable to use steam treatment. But you can steam your face once every few months by choosing the right herbs or infusions. Plants are brewed or mixtures are made from them in any combination: chamomile, bay leaf, licorice, comfrey, dandelion, sage, linden.

    The duration of the procedure is no more than three to five minutes. After the session, the face must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

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    How to properly cleanse your face with steam

    First, prepare everything you need for the steam bath:

    • towel;
    • basin or pan;
    • cream or mask;
    • loose clothes;
    • suitable herbs and oils.

    Even suitable for quick steaming plain water, but it is advisable to use infusions or decoctions of medicinal plants. If these are flowers and leaves, it is better to prepare infusions by pouring boiling water over the raw materials, and if they are bark, twigs and roots, the ingredients should be cooked in a water bath for 15–25 minutes. There is no point in observing any exact proportions; just take a handful of herbal raw materials and a liter of water.

    To avoid burns, bend over the boiling water no lower than 20 cm. Make sure to close your eyes, and not only because of the risk of getting burns - the components of the decoction or infusion can cause irritation. During the mini-bath you should breathe deeply and relaxed. At the slightest discomfort, you should immediately lift the towel.

    Steam treatments are best done on a weekend or at night. After completing steaming, wash your face with water at room temperature and disinfect with tonic.

    Constant cleansing of the skin is an essential condition for maintaining its health and beauty. Facial cleansing can be done both at home and in a cosmetologist’s office. An additional procedure for cleansing the skin is steam baths, which promote recovery. water balance skin, saturating it with oxygen, and in some cases, disinfecting it.

    The need for steam baths for the face.
    Facial steam baths are an intermediate stage of skin care that help open pores and, therefore, easily remove impurities and blackheads (comedones) from the surface of the skin. Regular steam baths improve blood supply, which in turn affects skin turgor; it improves noticeably. In addition, under the influence of hot steam, the top layer of skin is softened and dead particles are easily exfoliated, and the skin becomes smooth and fresh. After a steam bath, the absorption and intensity of the effects of the cosmetics used improves.

    Features of a steam bath.
    To carry out a steam bath at home, you need dishes with a capacity of about three liters (saucepan, wide and deep cup), into which hot (60 degrees) water should be poured. Then tilt your head over this dish (40 cm), and cover it with a towel on top. The duration of this procedure depends on the skin type. So, for dry skin type, the procedure time should not exceed three minutes, for oily skin - no more than fifteen minutes, for combination type - no more than five minutes.

    Before the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse your facial skin. You can do this with your daily cleanser. In addition, since the skin around is especially sensitive and delicate, before taking a steam bath, for protection purposes, you should apply any fat cream. After a steam bath, if there are no problems with the skin, you should rinse your face with cool water and wipe with lotion or water with added lemon juice. 20 minutes after this, apply cream to the skin. daily care, suitable for your skin type.

    If there are black dots on the skin after a steam bath, you need to blot the skin dry with a napkin and remove all the plugs that have protruded to the surface, for which you need to wrap your finger with a piece of bandage, after moistening it in hydrogen peroxide or any other disinfectant solution, and remove the black dots.

    Steam facial baths can be done by adding to water essential oils, as well as based on herbal decoctions, which have not only a cleansing, but also a healing effect.

    Steam bath based on herbal infusions.
    Steam bath with herbal decoction, especially if medicinal herbs were used for its preparation, is a real gift for our skin. A steam bath based on a decoction of a mixture of herbs has a beneficial effect on our skin, softens, soothes, heals. Adding essential oils (10 drops of oil per 1 liter of water) adds aroma to infusions and has a relaxing effect. To cleanse pores and disinfect the skin, it is recommended to use celandine, plantain and burdock. To soften the skin and cleanse the pores, using chamomile infusion as a steam bath helps. Calendula flowers are recommended for drying and healing minor wounds. Oregano herb is good not only as a means for cleansing steam baths, but also as a skin toner.

    Steam baths for oily skin.
    For fatty type skin steam baths based on a decoction of medicinal herbs are simply necessary. An herbal composition of linden blossom, oak bark, chamomile, and mint leaves, taken in equal quantities, perfectly cleanses the skin. Other combinations of herbs are no less effective: bark and birch buds; calendula and chamomile flowers; sage, coltsfoot, horsetail. In addition, for oily skin it is very useful to take steam baths with the addition of essential oils of pine, lavender, tea tree, and sage. For oily skin types, steam baths are recommended once a week. It is most effective to do this procedure before bedtime.

    Steam bath for dry skin.
    Dry skin types are more inclined to compresses than to steam baths. However, once a month you can take a steam bath using an herbal mixture of chamomile, dandelion, marshmallow, rose, licorice and orange zest. You can use another steam bath recipe. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. chamomile must be brewed with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 minutes under a closed lid.

    Steam bath for normal skin.
    For normal skin type, it is recommended to use a decoction of the following mixture of herbs, taken in equal proportions, as a steam bath: marshmallow, licorice, cloves, rose, thyme, chamomile, fennel, lavender with the addition of essential oils of sandalwood, lavender, geranium, bergamot. Steam baths for normal skin are recommended once every two weeks.

    Steam bath for combination skin.
    For combination skin, the composition of herbal baths should be selected in accordance with the prevailing skin type. If there are more dry areas, then the composition of the herbs should be the same as for dry skin, if there are more oily areas, then the composition of the herbs should be the same as for oily skin. Those with combination skin can afford to take steam baths every ten days.

    Steam bath for aging skin.
    IN in this case The possibility of taking a steam bath depends on the condition of the skin. Steam baths with the addition of fennel, cinnamon, mint, anise, licorice, bay leaf, nettle, eucalyptus, ginger, orange zest and essential oils of sage and rosemary are effective for this skin. The duration of a steam bath for aging skin is no more than five minutes. This can be done no more than once a month.

    Any woman knows that clean skin face is the key to her beauty and health, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit a cosmetology office where she will have professional cleaning according to skin type.

    Steam baths are a low-cost home method that in many cases can successfully replace an expensive beauty salon
    1. pores open and accumulated sebaceous deposits come out, decorative cosmetics, dirt;
    2. steam penetrates into the deep layers and softens blackheads (comedones), which are then easily removed with a scrub;
    3. blood circulation increases, metabolism in the body is normalized upper layers, the skin is enriched with oxygen, its color becomes fresh and healthy;
    4. hot steam promotes the release of sweat, along with it the release of toxins;
    5. The vapors of the medicinal herbs and oils used have a calming effect and relieve inflammation.

    A steam bath for the face at home is carried out according to certain rules. They are easy to use and easy to remember.

    In this video, the girl will talk about her experience of using steam baths with herbs, as well as how to do them correctly for a good cleansing of the face:

    How to make a steam bath?

    • There are special electric baths in the shape of an opening flower. Steam rises from the bottom of the flower right into your face. Buy yourself such a device, if possible, it is small in size and easy to use.
    • A saucepan, bowl or basin with a capacity of approximately 3 liters will work well.
    • Prepare a large cotton or linen towel that you can use to cover your head and a bowl of water.
    • Prepare hot water at a temperature of approximately 60-70 degrees. A decoction of medicinal herbs must be made in advance at the rate of 1 glass of decoction per 1 liter of water for steaming.
    • Add essential oils directly to hot water at the rate of 10 drops per 1 liter.
    • Before you start cleansing, wash with soap and apply a rich cream around your eyes and lips.
    • Lean over a bowl of hot water so that the steam reaches your face without burning it. Cover your head and water container with a towel.
    • Stay in this position for as long as recommended for your skin type.
    • Rinse your face with water or wipe with lemon solution, and lightly blot it with a dry cloth. After 15-20 minutes, apply your regular cream.

    If after steaming you wash your face using a scrub, it will easily remove all the dirt that has come to the surface and cleanse it of dead cells. It’s good to apply a cleansing mask that draws out dirt from open pores.

    Steam facial baths can be repeated for several days in a row specifically for the purpose of softening and removing comedones.

    Healing herbs

    The use of decoctions of medicinal herbs greatly enhances the effect of steaming and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the facial skin: relieves inflammation, soothes, disinfects, and softens it.

    When using dry medicinal herbs The decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. You can put the herb in the water that will be used for the procedure, boil it for a few minutes, and let it cool a little. Or prepare a separate, more concentrated decoction in small quantity water, add it to the rest of the water before starting the procedure.

    Cleansing for different skin types


    The steam cleansing method is most recommended for oily skin types. During the procedure, pores expand, sebaceous deposits are removed, and comedones are much easier to remove. It is recommended to carry out this cleaning once a week for 20-25 minutes.

    Of the medicinal herbs, decoctions have the best effect:

    • horsetail;
    • wormwood;
    • yarrow;
    • St. John's wort;
    • chamomile;
    • calendula;
    • mint;
    • linden color;
    • coltsfoot.

    Essential oils that work well include:

    1. grapefruit;
    2. rosemary;
    3. lemon balm;
    4. lemon;
    5. bergamot;
    6. pine trees;
    7. tea tree.


    Steaming dry skin has different results than oily skin. It may become even drier. from dirt and removing dead epidermal cells is necessary in any case. Therefore, this cleaning is recommended to be used 1-2 times a month for 10-12 minutes.

    For dry and sensitive skin Herbs that work well include:

    • coltsfoot;
    • parsley;
    • rose petals;
    • mint;
    • thyme;
    • calendula;
    • Bay leaf;
    • chamomile;
    • dandelion.

    They can be brewed individually or in combination with others that you find at home.

    From essential oils best effect obtained using oils:

    1. orange;
    2. rosewood;
    3. jasmine


    If you have combined type facial skin, then you need to follow the recommendations for the type that prevails in you, or you can combine them a little at your discretion, depending on the desired result.


    For those who have normal skin type, it is recommended to steam the face once every two weeks with a session duration of 15-20 minutes.

    A decoction is prepared from chamomile, calendula, bay leaf, lavender, fennel, and cloves. For example, 5 bay leaves can be placed in boiling water, turn off after two minutes, cover with a lid, let cool and use. This decoction will increase blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin, refresh and rejuvenate it.

    If you don’t yet know what type of facial skin you have, in this video a cosmetologist will tell you how to determine it, as well as the characteristics of each skin type:

    Other ways to cleanse your face

    There are various ways to cleanse your skin using the products you have on hand.

    Contrast baths are good for aging skin. They increase cell tone, making you look radiant and fresh. To carry out this procedure, you will need two cotton towels and two shallow pans with cold and hot water. One by one, apply first a towel soaked in cold water, then a towel soaked in hot water. Hold the cold towel for 2-3 seconds, the hot one for 1-2 minutes.

    A noticeable cleansing and tightening effect is provided by a salt bath for the face, which is very easy to use and is carried out after steaming. Terry towel you need to fold it in several layers, soak it in a hot saline solution, lie down and put it on your face. The time for this procedure is not limited.

    When taking a bath, you can use not only cleansing, but also nourishing, moisturizing, healing masks. At such a moment, the pores of the skin are opened, blood circulation and metabolism in the cells are enhanced, the effect of the masks has maximum effect. It is not recommended to apply a tightening mask in the bathroom. It is better to use it a few minutes after rinsing your face with cool water or wiping with ice cubes.

    Clean skin is the key good mood its owner. Steam baths help a woman take care of her appearance, becoming younger and more attractive. This makes her feel more confident in her uniqueness and femininity.

    8. After a steam bath, it is advisable to wash your face with cool water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

    Duration and frequency of facial steam bath:

    If you have:
    The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a month and its duration is 8-10 minutes.

    If your facial skin is normal:
    A steam bath should be done once a month and its duration should be approximately 5 minutes.

    If your skin is dry:
    For dry facial skin steam baths are not recommended, but if your skin needs them so much, then they should be done no more than once every 2 months and the procedure should take no more than 3 minutes.

    Recipes for steam baths for the face.

    Steam baths for oily skin:

    Of course, steam baths are intended specifically for oily skin, since with the help of this procedure the skin of the face is softened, the pores are expanded and cleansed, and sebaceous plugs and blackheads are removed much easier.

    In order for steam baths to have the most effective effect on oily skin, we recommend using special herbs or infusions:

    • and 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of mint into a thermos and pour boiling water, after 30 minutes pour it into the vessel and cover with a towel for 10 minutes.
    • brew sage, coltsfoot and horsetail in equal proportions
    • you can try this mixture: chamomile, calendula, birch bark, juniper berries
    • or this: linden light, chamomile, oak bark
    • ethereal, pine, lavender and sage

    Steam baths for dry facial skin.

    • bay leaf, licorice, chamomile;
    • comfrey, dandelion, rose, orange zest;
    • sage, hawthorn, linden.

    These herbs and flowers can be used individually or in any combination.

    Steam baths for combination skin:

    If you have dry skin on most of your face, then choose steam baths designed for dry skin; if you have oily skin, then steam baths for oily skin. .

    Steam baths for normal facial skin:

    • rose, fennel, chamomile, marshmallow, cloves, bay leaf;
    • essential oils of lavender, bergamot, sandalwood.

    Again, you can use them separately, or make different mixtures.

    Not only ordinary people, but also cosmetologists talk about steam baths and baths - these procedures are considered extremely useful for getting rid of and. But in order to get the desired effect, you need to know the rules for carrying out such procedures - with steam baths and baths, the effect is not only on the epidermis, but also on the circulatory system of the body.

    The benefits of steam baths and baths for the skin

    After just a few of the procedures under consideration, the skin of the face becomes soft, bright and smooth - this effect is achieved due to the medicinal plants used. In addition to strictly aesthetic effects, steam baths and baths from and have the following effects:

    • the contents of clogged pores become softer and come out on their own; it is extremely rare that the use of a scrub is required for complete cleansing;
    • pairs of decoctions of medicinal plants soothe the skin and reduce inflammation;
    • the skin is completely cleansed of cosmetics (both decorative and medicinal residues), toxins and deposits of sebaceous gland secretions;
    • cellular respiration of the epidermis becomes better - this leads to the appearance of a healthy blush.

    After carrying out the procedure in question, cosmetologists recommend applying a moisturizing mask, scrub or cream to the skin. The fact is that after exposure to steam, the pores of the skin are cleaned as much as possible, open and can “receive” maximum amount useful substances from skin care products.

    Steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads are the most popular procedure among ordinary people. This is due to the fact that it can be carried out at home and without the need to purchase expensive products.

    We recommend reading:

    Contraindications and indications for facial steaming

    The procedures under consideration can and should be performed by all people whose skin has flaws - for example, massive acne rashes or. Cosmetologists assure that steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads can successfully replace expensive facial cleansing procedures in beauty salons - the effect will be the same, and the costs (both time and financial) will be much less.

    But since steam procedures have not a superficial, but a deep effect, there are contraindications to their implementation. It is worth remembering some warnings from experts:

    • It is strictly forbidden to give steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads to people with diagnosed diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • Such procedures are performed with extreme caution on people with any pathologies that occur in a chronic form (consultation with the attending physician will be required);
    • steam baths and saunas should not be used during elevated temperature bodies.

    To regularly carry out cleansing steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads, you need to prepare a set of necessary “tools”.

    First, you will need a plastic basin or bowl with a volume of 3 liters. Moreover, these dishes cannot be used for other purposes - for example, doing laundry or washing vegetables in it is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a new bowl or basin and designate its use only for the procedures in question.

    Secondly, you will need a large towel that will completely cover your head and face when bowed. Such a towel should be thick enough and not allow air to pass through.

    Thirdly, you need to stock up on various medicinal plants - for example, eucalyptus leaves, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, aloe extract and others. But keep in mind that many plants can trigger an allergy attack, so you need to select them individually.

    How to make a steam bath correctly

    To carry out the procedure, you need to allocate absolutely free time– there is no need to rush and get distracted. Expect that it will take about half an hour to prepare for the procedure, perform it, and act afterwards. And now we do everything step by step:

    1. Boil 2-3 liters of water and pour into a prepared basin or bowl.
    2. Pour 1 cup of decoction or tincture of medicinal plants into boiling water and stir thoroughly (not with your hands!).
    3. We remove the hair (pin it up or tie it with a scarf).
    4. We lean our face over the basin and cover ourselves with a towel.

    Note:if the steam action is too aggressive and tolerate high temperature is impossible, then increase the distance between your face and the water. But then, as the liquid cools, reduce it.

    The procedure itself lasts no more than 10 minutes, it must be stopped immediately as soon as the intense steam from the water with the decoction/tincture of the medicinal plant stops being released. Experts do not recommend wiping your face immediately after a steam bath - let the skin dry on its own. But after 10 minutes, you can wipe your face with a dry cloth and apply a moisturizing/nourishing cream or scrub.

    You can take steam baths or baths for acne and blackheads once a week.

    The most effective recipes

    Of course, it is thoughtless to use medicinal herbs to carry out the procedure in question would be stupid - there are certain representatives of the plant world that have a specific effect on acne, wen, and so on.

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