• Phrases that should not be said to a man. What you should never say to men: absolute taboos for women


    What you should never say to your beloved man under any circumstances: TOP 10 killer phrases

    From love to hate - one step, as they say. Only, or rather, not a step, but just words, because, as you know, they can both cure and kill. Love, for example. That’s why it’s so important to know what you shouldn’t talk about with men in different life situations.

    So, taboo phrases that a man should not say even in the heat of a terrible quarrel

    Phrase No. 1. Yesterday I told my friends about how you are in bed, they laughed so much!

    This is the phrase after which your beloved man can start packing his things. Mocking male strength is a cruel weapon. Thus, criminologists often advise girls, so as not to be raped, to start laughing loudly at the attacker’s abilities - the desire men will disappear very fast. It’s better to immediately suggest “Let’s kill love” and don’t mock so cruelly.

    Phrase No. 2. Look at Petka the neighbor: what a man! Super! And you?..

    Men hate comparisons! After all, in each of them they see reproach, doubt, and even are jealous: why does the wife so often give them Petka as an example of this? Does she like him? No need for a husband anymore?...

    Phrase No. 3. What makes you think that you are my last? I still have my whole life ahead of me!

    There is a saying: “A wedding is a real performance. The bride pretends to be a virgin, the groom convinces everyone that she is the only and last woman in his life, relatives on both sides pretend to be happy with each other, and only the guests remain sincere - they came to eat deliciously, and they eat.”

    But in fact, even a man doesn’t want to be someone’s 59th out of a hundred. And for his beloved he wants to be the One and Only. And hints that they are not going to stop there can seriously hurt a man - after all, this is a reproach of his inability. Like, there are better men.

    Phrase No. 4. I gave you 20 rubles this morning, where did you put them??

    What men don't like is being humiliated by money. Whether a man earns money or has a temporary professional crisis, he should have pocket money. For the most ordinary needs - drink kvass on a hot day, eat a pie if you are hungry, and even buy your beloved a rose in a fit of emotion...

    But there's nothing worse than his wife, who counts every penny, regardless of financial situation, and shouts at her husband: “What fifty dollars? For what? You eat dinner at home, I buy you clothes myself. Why do you need money? And where are you going with 5 rubles from yesterday’s work?” But any man wants to feel like a breadwinner, in charge. And it’s not for nothing that the persistent expression “financial freedom” includes precisely “freedom.” Well, it’s unpleasant for the stronger sex to walk 5 km home from friends just because the wife forgot to give money for travel.

    Phrase No. 5. Well, are we going to the registry office? What am I to you, girl? When are you going to ask me to get married?!

    Most the right way To seriously frighten a man and get rid of him in literally 5 minutes means starting to demand marriage from the first date. After all, not a single young man is ready for a serious relationship right away, and each of them expects that while the candy-bouquet period is going on, no one owes anyone anything, even if they already have sex together. If we didn’t like it, we ran away. And here, from the very first days, while the guy has not yet figured out the girl, she is already loudly hinting at a future wedding. And after all, if you somehow avoid this issue, the girl can even fake pregnancy - what lengths the fair sex will go to in order to achieve their goal. And the man is afraid that he simply got caught in the net. And, of course, he will run away at the first quarrel.

    Phrase No. 6. I'm shocked by your mom! Do you really have to be such a slob and cook so disgustingly?

    Never speak negatively towards the mother of the man you love - after all, he will always love her more than any wives. In addition, he has a protective instinct - one woman offends another, which means the second needs to be protected. And the mother-in-law is a man’s closest family, and family is never offended. A man would rather agree to the proposal “Let’s kill love” than take the side of the abusive mother who raised him.

    Phrase No. 7. I bewitched you, by the way. So you can't go anywhere now!

    If you tell a man that the girl he loves has bewitched him, his feelings may disappear completely. After all, all his love and passion, it turns out, turned out to be artificial, and he himself was used as a puppet. A real disgust may even arise for a former passion when a man finds out exactly what methods are used to bewitch.

    Phrase No. 8. Why did I just marry you?! I wish I had a dog!

    Comparison with a dog that is better than him is very offensive to any man. But this is still soft version. Many girls do not hesitate to shout out in the heat of anger that even a toy from a sex shop is much more sensible. But this is already a blow below the belt.

    Phrase No. 9. Who looked back at you? What a Girl? Are you crazy? At you??

    If you constantly, methodically lower a man’s self-esteem, then you can easily find someone who will start singing his praises. But this is how, in most cases, the stronger sex falls into the arms of a mistress - while at home they prove to him once again that he is “nothing” and his name is “nothing”, at work a beautiful, well-groomed secretary constantly admires her boss: “What a man you are! Oh, what a lucky wife you are!” And sooner or later he will find solace in her arms.

    Phrase No. 10. Hmm, yes, I was a fool and thought that you earned more... You must be so wrong!

    Reporting disappointment with the income of your beloved man is tantamount to admitting your own selfishness. But men don’t like selfish girls - who would like it when he is viewed only as a cash cow?

    Men, like children, first of all need understanding, love and care. They are ready to even drag a Neanderthal mammoth home, but on the condition that a loving and tender wife will be waiting for him in this house.

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    According to psychologists' research, 27% of young couples break up due to a lack of understanding of each other. Sometimes one phrase is enough to seriously offend a loved one.

    But unlike women, who are bad at hiding their feelings, men prefer not to show that they are offended or humiliated, but to keep all the pain inside. Sometimes such grievances accumulate for a long time and ultimately lead to betrayal and breakup of relationships. That’s why we’ll figure out what phrases you shouldn’t use when talking to a man.

    Size in bed is not that important...

    You should not say this phrase to your man, even if you praise his sexual capabilities. On an intuitive level, these words are perceived as a comparison with someone. Yours former men should not loom behind the back of your loved one. If HE asks, you can talk about them without going into details.

    Do not resume conversations on this topic. Be sure to remind your man that he is the best.

    Well, I told you so!

    Perhaps you really warned your man against some actions and actions. A man does not like to be held accountable for his behavior. A reminder that a woman was somehow smarter than him would send anyone into a rage. To avoid causing such a reaction, it is better to remain silent.

    After such words, he may think that you do not value him, rank him low and boast of your superiority.

    A woman’s wisdom lies in the fact that she understands the inadmissibility of reproaches if a man has made a mistake in something.

    It is impossible to insure against all failures. The man is aware of his unfortunate mistake and he regrets his recklessness. And instead of nagging your loved one, it’s better to support him in Hard time.

    We urgently need to have a serious conversation

    This kind of formulation can cause nervousness and irritation. Especially if such a message is sent by SMS in the morning, and the conversation is to be closer to dinner. A man spends the whole day in excitement, tension, trying to unravel an unpleasant message, and in the evening he comes to a meeting in a nervous state, which will certainly lead to litter.

    Never try to manipulate such phrases. It’s better to immediately voice the topic of conversation so that your loved one has a chance to find the right solution.

    We won't have sex until you...

    This phrase can be continued with any condition, but such tactics will lead to dire consequences. To say this to a man means to personally push him into the arms of another who will not make demands on him for making love.

    A man regards these words not only as manipulation, but also as an admission that you are not interested in sex with him. He will look for the woman for whom sex with him will be desirable. Think about it!

    How can you spend all your time on...

    Men love football, fishing, tinkering with cars in the garage and much more. It is unwise to speak negatively about hobbies that are significant to your loved one. Even if you can't share his hobby, try not to reject his favorite activity. If you snort and grumble every time your loved one gets ready to go fishing, sits in a chair with an interesting book or goes to a neighbor’s house to play chess, you risk creating a tense situation in the family.

    If a man's hobby takes up too much time from family and work, try to come to an agreement with him. For example, he will be able to pay attention to his favorite activity by completing certain duties around the house.

    How your mother, uncle infuriates me...

    If you sincerely dislike his mother or another relative, you should not talk about it in a sharply negative manner. You cannot directly criticize or insult your loved one’s family.

    It is preferable to use the following phrases:

    • “I hate that your mother interferes in our relationship”;
    • “I feel uncomfortable under the gaze of your uncle.”

    State what you are not happy with about your relative’s behavior in a calm manner.

    Even if your loved one does not idolize his sister or aunt himself, he will be sensitive to criticism of them from your lips. If you can’t love his mother, try to at least respect her, or even better - .

    But my friend's husband...

    This phrase is followed by a list of the virtues and achievements of an impeccable husband. Your spouse begins to hate this person. Your impulses were noble - having told your beloved about your friend’s wonderful husband, you wanted to force your friend to earn more, help around the house, etc. But the effect is the opposite. Instead of getting off the couch and becoming more caring, a man might suggest you pack up and move in with someone better than him.

    By starting to praise someone else's man, you humiliate your own, and he will not tolerate this. It’s better to give your loved one a chance to set goals for themselves and achieve them, praise them more often. If you look at a man with an enthusiastic gaze and believe in him, he will be ready to perform feats for your sake.

    At least once in your life act like a man

    With this phrase you humiliate a man and show disrespect for him and yourself.

    Never doubt your man. Support him and show him that for you he is a man with a capital M, your support, your breadwinner under any circumstances. Feeling that you believe in him, even the most timid man will find the strength to overcome difficulties.

    I'll do everything myself

    This phrase makes a man irresponsible and deprives him of the desire to help. Sometimes it seems that it would be better if he didn’t get in the way and didn’t interfere with his help. But by showing concern for you, a man experiences a surge of strength and emotion.

    Your beloved believes that he can handle any task, therefore, he sincerely wants to help.

    Give him the opportunity to tinker with equipment, let him vacuum the rooms, throw laundry in washing machine, will prepare something to eat. Even if a man simply peels vegetables, he will already be proud of his action.

    Don't deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy a sense of self-worth. And express your gratitude for the help provided.

    It's time for you to go to the gym

    Instead of making a man unsure of his attractiveness, try to infect him with a love of sports by your own example. Joint visits to the gym bring you closer and add a spirit of healthy competition to your relationship.

    If you criticize a man’s appearance, he will decide that you are shy about him and will find someone who will accept him without a six-pack. But the main thing in a man is that he is reliable.

    Instead of criticizing him appearance, better encourage his attempts to maintain physical fitness. Your admiration will help him overcome his reluctance to go to the gym.

    Do you like my manicure/pedicure/hair/dress?

    These questions are meaningless for a man. If he loves you, you are beautiful in every way. Experience shows that a woman will not be satisfied with any answer from a man. Why spoil the mood with such questions?

    According to the men themselves, such questions baffle them, and in order not to offend their beloved, they try to guess the option that the woman herself likes.

    Don't you notice anything new?

    He cannot immediately notice that you have parted your hair on the other side or changed the curtains in the kitchen. If you decide to ask such a question, be prepared for the fact that the answer may not please you.

    Men have a strong dislike for omissions, hints and riddles. They don't pay attention to details.

    To avoid quarrels, immediately tell the man what he should pay attention to.

    You can never understand me

    Instead of such a reproach, it is better to try to clearly explain to your loved one why your mood has deteriorated. It may be really difficult for him to understand you, but don’t ruin his chances of doing so. Patience and frankness will have a beneficial effect on your relationship.

    Do you remember what day it is today?

    This question drives a man into a corner. He feverishly begins to go through all the significant and unimportant dates in his mind. Don't put yourself in an awkward position. Even if he forgot about some episode from his life, this does not mean that he forgot about you. Men don't like showing off, so try to create a festive mood yourself. He will certainly thank you for this.

    Nothing happened, everything is fine!

    There should be a mystery in a woman, but you shouldn’t go too far with it. A man wants to enjoy his relationship with his beloved, and not solve puzzles.
    You answer your loved one with such a phrase, but you yourself defiantly pout your lips and express offence. When the man tries again to find out the reason for this behavior, you begin to cry and accuse him of insensitivity and callousness.

    To maintain calm in a relationship, it is better to clearly explain what has plunged you into such a state, but under no circumstances remain silent.

    How many girls did you have before me?

    According to psychologists, wanting to find the truth and really knowing it are two big differences. In this situation, any answer can be a losing one. When talking to your boyfriend about sex, don't ask him about his exes. It won't be possible to have a serious conversation, but a scandal is guaranteed.

    Relationships that have already ended automatically become unsuccessful. And men don’t like to be reminded of their bad experiences. Moreover, if he opens up, then your relationship may already be at risk.

    What are you thinking about now?

    This question indicates your desire to control a man’s entire life, even his thoughts. Give the opportunity to be alone with your thoughts, leave a piece of free space.

    Remember three simple rules:

    1. We cannot express all our thoughts clearly.
    2. We don’t want to tell others about all our thoughts.
    3. Not everything we think we do.

    I can't go a day without you!

    Such words tell a man that you are ready to do anything for him, that you will bother him and cling to him. And men don't like this. They prefer to “hunt” for a woman, to conquer. This is how nature intended it. And a woman who is ready for anything is not interesting to them. This way you deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy victory. It is better to smile mysteriously at your lover. Let the man run after you.

    A couple in love or a man and woman who are friends can communicate about the most different things. However, there are topics that women should not bring up when communicating with a man.

    Let's try to figure out what you shouldn't talk about with a man, and what, according to psychologists, you should never say to a man.

    Yes, there really are topics that should not be discussed with a man. And no one can talk about them better than the men themselves.

    Before telling you what you shouldn’t talk about with a man, and what you should never say to a man, we asked several men what topics they don’t want to discuss with women, and what phrases they don’t want to hear from their girlfriends.

    What you should never say to a man: undesirable topics for communication with a man

    Dear women, check out these little tips from the stronger sex on what you should never say to a man, and what it’s better not to talk about with a man.

    What not to say to a man: don’t bring up the topic of your ex-relationship

    The first topic that should never be discussed with a man is his former relationships and your relationships with other men.

    You should not tell a man about your unsuccessful relationship, because he may draw the wrong conclusions about you, which, undoubtedly, can affect the well-being of your relationship.

    Also, men do not like to remember their failures, so it is better not to raise these issues. Rest assured, it will be better for you.

    What you can’t talk about with a man: don’t talk about what you’re not competent in

    Agree, dear girls, that women often try to develop topics about which I have no idea.

    For men, seeing a woman in front of them who talks about something she doesn’t understand at all looks funny and absurd.

    Also, men do not like it when girls touch on topics in which the man himself is not competent. In this case, the man feels uncomfortable and unpleasant.

    Men are especially irritated when persistent beauties do not stop discussing an unpleasant topic, even knowing that the man does not understand this issue.

    What you should never say to a man: admiring other men is bad manners

    The next topic that you should not talk about with a man is admiring other men in the presence of a loved one or friend.

    Even if you just decide to compliment another man out of politeness, your man may view it as flirting. It is unlikely that you need such problems, so it is better to avoid such situations.

    Also, you should not tell your man about the successes of another, because he may see in this your desire to compare him with another person who is much more successful in life.

    What you can’t talk about with a man: family and friends are sacred to a man

    Never speak badly about people who are dear to your loved one. Especially important person For any man, his mother is his mother.

    Also, there is no need to talk badly about your significant other’s friends, because his friends are, to some extent, a reflection of his inner world. It is with friends that it is easy, simple and comfortable for him, and you are trying to destroy his idea of ​​​​this comfort.

    Don't comment on your friend's appearance

    Even if you don’t like something about your partner’s appearance, you don’t need to focus his attention on the fact that you would like changes.

    If you think about it, for some reason you fell in love with him. This means that it should not be so difficult for you to perceive such small flaws in appearance.

    Men don't like hints

    Most women think that men are required to read between the lines. In fact, men really don’t like the hints that women are so often guilty of. In addition, they simply do not understand the hints that women use so skillfully.

    Also, do not try to look for hints in a man’s words yourself. Most often they do not use them, but speak as they think.

    What you should never say to men: women's details

    What men should never say is our women's affairs. Manicure, pedicure, depilation and other issues - well, why bother your man with such nonsense.

    Your man sees in front of him the wonderful result of your efforts - and this is the main thing. All the rest does not matter.

    Also, don't tell men how and what your maternal aunt does, or what happened to your school friend after university. He's not very interested in this.

    What you should never say to a man: his public humiliation

    Men love it when they are the best in the eyes of their beloved girl. If situations arise in which you somehow make fun of your partner in public, you risk offending your loved one and quarreling with him for a long time.

    If a man feels public humiliation on your part, you risk even losing him.

    Show your loved one that he is a leader, a king, the best for you. This is exactly how he sees himself next to you, so why not confirm it.

    Before you say something, think about whether you need to

    Often girls in a state of euphoria can chat incessantly. This behavior is not the best when dealing with men.

    Men do not like unnecessary information, so try to think about what you want to say several times so as not to look ridiculous in the eyes of your loved one.

    In fact, the question of what men should never say is difficult to cover in one article.

    We want to wish you to feel your man, understand his desires and needs, so that your relationship and communication will be pleasant for both you and him.

    A man can be deeply hurt by the words of the woman he loves. You should remember that when talking with your other half, you should not speak badly about his relatives, especially his mother and friends, or draw conclusions about his interests and hobbies. You can’t compare a man with his ex-boyfriends or his girlfriends’ boyfriends. It is strictly not recommended to manipulate sex. IN otherwise a man can leave for another woman who will not make demands before making love. You should not call a man diminutive words in front of his friends, or point out the shortcomings of his figure.

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    Prohibited phrases

    Every woman should remember that men are no less vulnerable creatures than the fairer sex. Male psychology is such that offensive phrases or words accidentally said to a guy from the lips of his beloved girl can deeply wound his heart.

    There are prohibited phrases that should never be said to a man.

    1. 1. “You always do everything through...”. These words are a real humiliation and disrespect for a man. Even if he did something wrong, you should praise him and subtly hint at how he could have done it differently, but do not resort to insults.
    2. 2. “Size doesn’t matter.” Under no circumstances should you compare the sexual capabilities of your loved one and your ex-boyfriends. You should talk about relationships with other guys superficially, without going into details.
    3. 3. “What did I tell you?!” “If something didn’t work out for a man, then he himself will be able to understand it. In difficult times, you should support your chosen one, and not aggravate the situation even more.
    4. 4. “I need to have a serious talk with you.” This phrase will only cause severe nervousness and anxiety. Especially if the girl said this in the morning, but you can only talk in the evening.
    5. 5. “No sex until you…”. This phrase is a manipulation that men rarely succumb to. Most often, having heard such an ultimatum, a man finds himself a mistress who always wants sex with him, without any demands.
    6. 6. “Your mother annoys me,” “Your uncle annoys me,” etc. A woman should not speak badly about a man’s close relatives, especially his mother. This topic is taboo. It’s better to say it differently: “I’m not very pleased that your mother interferes in our relationship.”
    7. 7. “I’m fed up with your hobbies (friends).” Every person has the right to be interested in something, to have friends and acquaintances. Total control over a man can only push him away from his beloved woman.
    8. 8. “But Vasya...” Under no circumstances should you compare your loved one with others. successful men. This can bore a man and lead to an unpleasant conversation or even a scandal.
    9. 9. “You are my baby, cat, bunny...” If you say these words in the presence of friends young man, then he will be very embarrassed. It's better to limit yourself in simple words“darling, dear.” It is advisable to leave expressions of tenderness until the couple in love is alone.
    10. 10. “Yes, it’s just mine ex-boyfriend" Such words can be regarded as a sign of a woman’s frivolity. Another interpretation of this phrase could be that the woman is still dating her previous love.
    11. 11. “I’ll do it myself...” For any normal man, it is extremely important to feel like a hero who can always come to the aid of his beloved. If a woman decides all issues herself and talks about this to a man, then he will simply find someone who will need his support.
    12. 12. “You urgently need to go on a diet and start going to the gym.” Such expressions will contribute to the development of an inferiority complex in a man. As a result, in order to prove his attractiveness, he will leave for a woman who will love him even at this weight.
    13. 13. “My mother says that...”. Even if the girl’s mother is a woman who knows many secrets about how to maintain family happiness, you should not tell your chosen one about this. He will think that his beloved does not have her own opinion.
    14. 14. “Nothing happened, everything is fine.” If a girl said this phrase with a dissatisfied face, which showed resentment, and then burst into tears, then this may puzzle the man. If something worries a girl, then she needs to talk openly about it right away.
    15. 15. “I couldn’t live a day without you! " Such phrases are most often said by girls with low self-esteem. A man will skillfully take advantage of this and after a while will turn a woman into a weak-willed doll that he can manipulate.
    16. 16. “What are you thinking about now? " A man should have personal space at least in his thoughts; you should not impose yourself with such questions.
    17. 17. “You're acting like Small child" If a man is interested in computer games and does not want to help his beloved with cooking and cleaning, then he can do the same. A woman can sit in a comfortable chair and turn on her favorite movie. After some time, the man will still feel hungry, and this will force him to put off the game and help his beloved prepare dinner.
    18. 18. “We can’t afford it.” If a man bought himself a thing that he had dreamed of for many years, then you should not reproach him for this every day. You should support your loved one emotionally. Perhaps soon the guy will give his beloved an equivalent gift.

    How to answer the question how are you?

    A man and his zodiac sign

    Astrology will help women understand what phrases to avoid when communicating with the opposite sex, depending on the man’s time of birth. If a girl adheres to these recommendations, she has a chance to keep the relationship strong and reliable.

    Zodiac sign

    Banned phrase

    "I can not understand you". This phrase is tantamount to the fact that the woman is not sure of the love of Aquarius. Such words can deeply hurt a man’s pride. A girl who has decided to throw in her lot with Aquarius must be prepared for the fact that life will resemble a roller coaster. Representatives of this sign are accustomed to entertainment, and they expect their companion to share leisure time with them.

    “As long as you can keep your head in the clouds, get busy.” Pisces are quite vulnerable and impressionable. Their sensuality attracts the opposite sex. They have a very difficult character, they are often self-absorbed. Perhaps at the moment when a woman says such words to her beloved, he is thinking about some kind of brilliant idea. Words that he is idle can deeply hurt a representative of this sign, and he will remember this for a long time

    “We will do as I say.” The Aries man believes that he is the leader in the relationship and makes important decisions. He doesn't like it when things don't go according to his plan. Aries needs a person who will allow him to be the head of the family. If a woman wants to control an Aries man, he will feel unhappy and is unlikely to choose her as his life partner

    "I'm not looking for anything serious." Taurus needs a devoted and faithful partner who will support him in all his endeavors. He has a hard time opening up to people. If you say that a woman is not serious about relationships after a long period of dating, then this will deeply offend Taurus. This will lead to the man leaving his chosen one


    “I need some kind of stability.” For a Gemini man this is unacceptable. Representatives of this sign are accustomed to being masters of oratory. They are mobile, energetic, they like to explore the world and travel. Therefore, the Gemini man will categorically not approve of the proposal to lead a calm, measured lifestyle.

    "I don't need your help." Cancer men dream of being in demand and helping their beloved in difficult situations. Cancer should feel that he is necessary and important in the life of his chosen one. A Cancer man should be involved to solve various problems. It will be very nice for him

    “Not bad, but what next?...” The Leo man prefers to be the center of attention and receive compliments. He knows how and loves to enjoy every moment of life. You should not destroy harmony with trivial questions about what will happen next. Need to enjoy life now

    "I don't need saving." The Virgo man is a rather attentive, caring, kind and responsive partner. He wants to feel like a knight who will save his beloved from all life’s troubles. But if a girl tells a Virgo man that she has no problems and does not need to be saved, then he will go to a woman who will need a strong shoulder

    “I want you to make important decisions.” Representatives of this sign are self-confident and balanced people. They prefer to maintain a neutral point of view in all situations. These are good mediators in resolving conflict issues. That's why a man wants to see the same golden mean in your chosen one. If she is not ready for a democratic approach, then a representative of this sign is not suitable for her. Libras don’t want to make all the decisions alone, but they also won’t take on all the problems.


    "I don't need ambition." Scorpio men are great lovers. They like the feeling of power. Therefore, Scorpio wants to see the same one near him strong woman, which is ready to challenge the whole world. She must be successful, stand on her own two feet. Telling Scorpio that a woman has no ambitions, talents, or interests is tantamount to ending the relationship with him

    “I have no desire to experiment.” Representatives of this sign love to travel and gain new knowledge. They need discoveries and experiments. Sagittarians like to experience new sensations with their beloved woman. If she says that she is not ready to engage in experiments, then the man will immediately have a desire to find someone who will share his interests

    “There is nothing serious between us. It's just a fling." Capricorn takes the choice of his partner quite seriously and expects the same attitude from the girl. It is difficult for such men to open their feelings, and they need some time to make sure that their choice is correct. If you tell a representative of this sign that a woman is just flirting with him, this will lead to a break in communication

    Knowing prohibited phrases that are strictly not recommended to be used when communicating with your loved one will help avoid many misunderstandings and maintain the warmth of the relationship.

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    We will tell you what you should never say to a man if you want to keep a good relationship. You will find out which phrases need to be excluded from your vocabulary once and for all, and what you can replace them with. You will also learn several feminine tricks, with the help of which you can influence your beloved man and force him to do what you need.

    Here are a few things not to talk about:

    • Achievements of guys we know and don't know- and how would you feel when you hear the phrase “Look, Natasha organized Vanka’s business and made her breasts!”
    • Your ex and future men– and without words it is clear that he is not the first and, perhaps, not the last, but you must create the opposite feeling.
    • Sales in clothing and lingerie stores– this is uninformative.
    • Relationships between Oleg and Masha, Sasha and Sasha, you and them - this is gossip and dirt.
    • Details intimate life friends and girlfriends- the guys limit themselves to short and succinct comments among themselves (- Well, how? - Cool!).
    • How does childbirth proceed and what difficulties can a woman encounter during it?, – colorful descriptions of the placenta will cause nothing but disgust.
    • The beauty of other girls(“Dasha has such legs – all the men turn around!”) – a man simply will not understand that you need a compliment.
    • Brain blow- no normal man will listen to an hour-long discussion on the topic “why did the cashier at the store look at me as if I was scary?”

    Pledge successful relationship- respect. If you start “kicking” a man every day with reproaches and pestering him with useless conversations, then you will not have a man.

    Are you hoping for a serious relationship with a man? Never tell him...

    • directly about shortcomings (“Your legs are crooked!”, “I’m tired of five-minute sex!”, etc.) - this offends;
    • don't fantasize about life together if a man is not in the mood to talk, it’s annoying;
    • do not insult your future mother-in-law - no matter what, she will always be a beloved mother for your boyfriend;
    • do not judge his friends, even if they steal your lover from you on holidays and weekends - friendship is sacred to them;
    • don't ask about former relationship– it evokes memories, pleasant or not, they will not work in your favor;
    • don’t talk about women’s “physiological” problems - he doesn’t need to know that your pads are leaking or your tampons are uncomfortable.

    All women's topics are prohibited: discussion of the groom's mother, his ex, shopping, soap operas, divorces and celebrity weddings. Leave it to your girlfriends: firstly, a man is not interested in this, and secondly, it defines you as a typical representative of the female half: scandalous, hysterical, stupid and narrow-minded. But you are not like that.

    Already married? Don't relax!

    One of the biggest fears of all men is that a woman will change after marriage. Do not give your chosen one a reason for disappointment, remain the same as you were before the X day. Which means you shouldn’t say:

    • “No football!”
    • "No friends!"
    • “Which cafe? Go fix the bathroom faucet!”
    • “What does a business trip mean? A step to the left means execution!”

    Be smart, don't show your inner beast. Act tactfully:

    • Is it annoying that he watches football? – switch the man to a more pleasant activity (sex, for example) or watch a match with him with beer and fish;
    • Don't want to spend time with friends? – organize a delicious dinner;
    • the apartment needs renovation, but he doesn’t do anything? – you can remind about this unobtrusively, and if it doesn’t help, then break the broken thing, then it will definitely be fixed;
    • categorically against business trips? - hint that your friends invited you to a cool party just at the time when the trip is planned.

    Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

    The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

    Some more tips on how you can influence your boyfriend in this video:

    Surely, you have “call signs”: bunnies, suns, murmusiks, pumpusushkas, etc. Never call your chosen one that in front of strangers (even if it’s his mother, sister, beloved twin brother). He runs the risk of ridicule and jabs, and you risk a fair share of aggression now and avoidance kind words subsequently. A man for others is a man, but he can be a “bunny” for you.

    • "I told you!"
    • "Size doesn't matter"
    • “It’s not scary that you earn little”
    • "There won't be sex until you..."
    • "Be a man!"
    • “I myself!”

    These are killer phrases: they kill love, and trust, and everything good that exists between you, because such words hit at the very sore spot- in pride.

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