• How to congratulate on February 23 in simple words


    Good morning my dear and most beloved person in the world. Now, at this early hour, I want to congratulate you on your well-deserved holiday, the day of the country's defender. I want you to be able to relax today and enjoy the peace. Since we decided not to invite anyone to the welcome party, we will celebrate and have fun with you together. I really hope that all my efforts will not be in vain, and that you will be satisfied. And now I would especially like to see your beautiful, wide smile. You know, when we met, out of all your appearance, I remember it most. I have never seen such sincerity before. So let's smile more. After all, they say that laughter prolongs life. I hope this is true. And finally, I would really like to wish you happiness and strong love. Good luck to you in everything you do!

    This wonderful morning has come. Morning of the twenty-third of February. I always remember this day for the whole year. After all, it is on this holiday that the entire stronger sex, from the least to the greatest, walk with their heads held high, as if they had done something special. But if I were them, I wouldn’t behave like that. Be that as it may, I still want to congratulate you. I think that you will not be offended by the words I said. In any case, you should never be offended by the truth. You know, probably the most important thing in life is to remain yourself, that is, the way you always are. Because you still won’t be able to adapt to all people. So try to always have your own opinion. And so that in no case does it change depending on someone else’s. And now I need to say goodbye to you. I hope you have a good life!

    This day has come. Many men were looking forward to it, because today they would have a holiday. But, for women, this day becomes more of a burden than great events. But, unfortunately, our men cannot be convinced. So we'll just cook a lot of food for them and pleasant evening. Because only then will they be able to leave us alone. So dear hubby, I tried to cook for you unforgettable evening. When you and I met many years ago, you promised me to demolish mountains of gold. But the older you got, the less you wanted to fulfill your words. This is how you and I continue to live. But, regardless of this, I still love you very much, and I will always try to give you only pleasure. And as I leave, I wish you to be happy, and to give and bring this happiness to other people. Be always happy!

    So many people tell me every day that I am incredibly lucky. Since such a wonderful guy like you chose me and agreed to stay with me for the rest of his life. And when they tell me this, I can hardly believe it. After all, in reality everything was different. It was you who liked me, and it was you who ran after me until you received the agreement. In any case, we have already lived with you for quite a long time, and therefore I am ready to tell you that I love you. These words do not come very easily to me. But in any case, that’s how it is. Now I would like to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. And even if you haven’t fought, you are still always ready to protect the weak and offended person. This is what I like about you. I wish you could stay like this forever! Because good people very good looking. And you will look even better if you take care not only of your appearance, but also of your spiritual qualities.

    When evening begins to set in outside and the darkness thickens, I want to wrap myself in a warm blanket, hide in a chair, and enjoy the warmth of home. But, as it turns out, this is not so easy to do. For example, today on a winter evening I wanted to do just that, but I didn’t succeed. As soon as I sat down in the chair, guests came to our home. And I completely forgot that the whole world is celebrating men’s day today. I don’t want to seem rude, but I don’t consider this day to be any significant holiday. After all, if you look, life is much harder for women now. But, I congratulate you anyway. And I wish you happiness in your personal life, that you never get sick, and that you are as beautiful as you are now. Come on, good luck to you in all your plans, deeds and endeavors!

    The weather outside is nasty and slushy. The fact is that yesterday it was snowing heavily outside all day. Then it still lay on the ground in beautiful, white flakes. But today, by the way, it started to rain, which ruined all this natural beauty. I really wouldn’t want it to be frosty later, and all the water and melted snow to turn into terrible ice. But, in any case, we still won’t be able to change the weather forecast. So let's just relax and enjoy today's celebration of the country's defenders. I wish you all, boys, guys, men, and grandfathers, to truly be protectors. And not only those who defend their country with machine guns, but so that you protect the people dearest to your heart. So try hard and achieve success. And we are women, we will always support you and help you whenever possible.

    Hey bro! I came to you to congratulate you on the twenty-third of February. I haven’t had a reason or opportunity to meet you for a long time, so I was very happy when I remembered what day it was today. If someone thinks why I can’t meet you just like that, for no reason, then I will explain everything. A few days ago you and I had a fight, but no one wanted to come and apologize. So I had to take the initiative into my own hands and make peace. Of course, I didn’t choose the most suitable day for this. After all, in fact, you don’t like Defender’s Day at all. Do you think that in our country there are very few people who can really call themselves defenders. But I will congratulate you anyway. Let's hope everything goes well for you. So don’t be discouraged and enjoy every day you live on earth. After all, living in the world this way will be much more fun and better.

    What should it be a real man? Probably brave, strong and someone who is not at all afraid to rely on. So, if you look closely, it becomes clear that these characteristics suit my husband. As soon as I remember our first acquaintance, everything inside me turns over. Then one dark evening I was walking home from work. In a dark alley they stopped me and demanded money. I don’t even know if I would have been able to get out there if you hadn’t appeared. Having looked at everything and everyone with a serious look, you quickly restored the expected order, and even walked me home. This shows that you are a very good person who really cares what happens to other people. So I don’t even have anything to wish for you. Is it just very strong love and health. Know that I will always remember you only with gratitude. Thank you for everything!

    As soon as I woke up, I immediately realized that the day would not be easy. It's not that I don't love the holidays, it's just that I'll have to do a lot to get there. Well, now you will need to accept congratulations from me. I want to tell you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart that you are the only person who is not at all sorry to say this. Should a real man be strong and brave? Then you can be called like that without remorse. Unlike many other guys, you are not at all shy when you need to help move your grandmother across the road, or when you need to do something to another person. That's why I really like you. And it's time for me to leave. So I’ll just tell you to always be happy and as kind as you are now. Well, that's it, bye, I'm going home! Hope you have a fun party!

    Another winter day has come. But he is not at all like the others. There is something special about him that makes many people happy and smile. Maybe this reaction is due to the weather? But, no, it’s just that today is a holiday - the twenty-third of February. A holiday when men become proud and self-confident. After all, it’s their day. But, you are my husband, you have never become like this in your life. And this is what I really appreciate about you. From our first meeting you were kind and gentle to me. And now I need to congratulate you. And I truly wish you only the best. So that in your life you will never need anything, except my love. And let's get some rest, because in the evening he will come to us anyway. a large number of of people. Well, that's it, I'm off. I'm waiting for you too! And yes, I completely forgot to say that you are very dear to me!

    What unusually fabulous weather is outside the window. The twenty-third of February is a winter day that has turned into an unusual fairy tale. Why a fairy tale? Yes, because it began to snow, which had not happened for a long time. It doesn't fall in small flakes, no, it sprinkles very small snowflakes. Looking at this, it even seems like it’s just raining snow. I personally really like this weather, I hope you will like it too. And now it’s time to congratulate you. After all, today is your day. So please accept my congratulations. Maybe my gift is not at all what you would like it to be, but to be honest, I tried very hard. You and I were never very close, but I still wasn’t indifferent to you. Well, now I’m leaving, and leaving you to the care of my thoughts. I wish you success in everything!

    Hello my man. Finally, the day has come that not only you have been waiting for, but also me. After all, today is men’s day, and also the day when you and I met for the first time. Only then it was a year ago. Our mutual friends were celebrating a holiday, and we, sitting there, were bored. And then you came up to me and suggested that I go out for a while and take a walk. I agreed and followed you. From that very moment I have no regrets at all, but on the contrary, I am glad that everything happened exactly like this. And already leaving, I want to tell you that you always, no matter what the circumstances, remain a good man. So that you don’t even think about committing any bad or illegal actions. After all, all this will be followed by punishment, and I would not like you to be punished at all. So in all your actions, think not only about yourself, but also about me.

    How cute you are when you sleep. I can’t even really look at you enough, because not every man has such cheeks, such dimples, and such a beautiful mouth. You and I have been married for a year now, but I still have a strange feeling that everything that is happening is a dream that will soon end. All my acquaintances and friends tell me that they were surprised when they found out that such a handsome guy like you agreed to date me, and then even asked me to marry you. But believe me, I was shocked then too. And now, I would really like to congratulate you on Defender of the Country Day. I hope that you will like the gift I prepared, since I tried to put all my strength and skills into it. And now you can still sleep a little, so that when you get up, you will be alert. Well, that's it, I'm leaving, get a good night's sleep!

    Well my friend, it's time to get up! Today you and I will have a very difficult day. After all, we will need to do a lot more. The fact is that in the evening a lot of your friends, and my friends too, will come to us. That's why I worry so much. You know, even when you and I were dating, and you were always so polite to me, even then I didn’t believe at all that anything would work out between us. I never believed in fairy tales, but you were such an unusual fairy tale, an unfulfilled dream. But, to my surprise, my fairy tale came and became very real. I wish you all the best my dear hubby. I don't think I need to tell you how much I wish you everything. After all, you already know that I am very grateful to you for everything, which means I will be ready to do a lot for you. And yes, if you have any problems, tell me about it. And I will always come to help you. Good luck to you dear!

    Every year this holiday becomes a real hard labor for me. After all, right now I need to prepare not only the house, but also a delicious table for the arrival of guests. You and I have very amazing families. They consider even the smallest and most insignificant holiday a big and significant event. That’s why on the twenty-third of February they will all come to us, and we will celebrate Defender’s Day together. On such a day, you immediately think about what a real man should be like. I think that he should not only be strong, resourceful, smart. The main thing is that his soul would be beautiful, like a beautiful bud of a blossoming flower. So I want to wish you to always be like this. And when I leave, I’ll just kiss you. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! Know that I will always be ready to come to your aid. So rely on me!

    It's truly winter weather outside. The snow that everyone has been waiting for for so long has finally decided to come. And not only adults, but also children are happy about this. After all, when it snows, then an unforgettable feeling of hope and joy appears in the chest. And now I would really like to congratulate you on Men’s Day. Although this holiday should be celebrated only by the military and other defenders of the country, for some reason all men believe that this day should be theirs. But, in principle, if they want to think so, then go ahead. And for you, I have prepared a gift that will surely make you indescribably delighted. But what to hide, even I really like him. And as I’m leaving, I’ll just kiss you so that you know and feel how dear you are to me! Come on, good luck in all your endeavors. May luck always accompany you everywhere.

    Good morning my beloved guy. Today I came to you so early because I wanted you to open your eyes and see me. But I didn’t wake you up. In a dream, you seem so helpless and weak to me that it’s even funny. After all, in real life you always look dangerous and serious. But now you are sleeping, which means you can relax. I really would like today to go well for both you and me. So that you never feel lonely and abandoned. I promise that I will try to do everything possible so that you are not bored today. Do you remember the first time we met? It was snowing so hard back then that it was hard to see anything even in front of you. So, without seeing anything, I walked until I crashed into something, as it turned out, it was you. And I would have fallen, but you supported me. That's how it was. And now I will give you my gift. Happiness to you!

    This day has finally come. To be honest, all men have been waiting for him for a very long time. They like that on this day they are considered some kind of heroes. Although most of them do not even deserve such a title. But, my precious husband fully meets all the criteria of a real man. After all, in fact, it then helped me get out of all the problems that I stupidly got myself into. Thank you for this dear. Now you and I have been together for a long time, and we have quite managed to find out what we really are like. So, you are no worse off than you were at the beginning. And now I need to say goodbye to you. I hope that I will spend the time that I am not near you usefully. Good luck in everything! And always remember that for any problem you can call me for help and sympathy, and I will rush to you without even thinking.

    Dear men! Happy February holiday to you. You are our defenders, you are our guardians, our intercessors in everything and everywhere. You are the strongest, the bravest, the kindest, and also the most loved. May your life have only joyful days, only hospitable tables, only full wallets, soft sofas, successful bite and beautiful loving wives. Good luck to you in all your endeavors. Happy February 23rd!

    Brave men, congratulations on February 23! May each of you be strong like a bull, brave like a lion, invincible like a phoenix. I wish you good luck, loyalty of friends, love of family and an indefatigable thirst for victory in life.

    Happy February 23, dear men. You are our strength and weakness, our protection and support, our love and joy. We wish you to keep your family happiness, friendship with comrades, and peace on Earth under true protection. Health to you, our heroes, success and great luck. Let good legends and beautiful epics be made about your exploits and noble deeds.

    I wish you, dear men, to be charged with positivity every day, try to achieve your goals and always remain happy people! May your life be filled only with joyful events, good luck and sincere love! I wish you all the best, our brave defenders!

    Our dears, our real men. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish only peaceful solutions to conflicts. May you never have to go on the warpath, may there always be a compromise and a mutually beneficial solution. Peace in families, prosperity, prosperity, harmony and all the best!

    Our dear men, congratulations on February 23! We wish you health, good luck, courageous actions, and courage. Let there be more reasons to show courage, and let you protect only beautiful ladies.

    Our dear men, we congratulate you on February 23 and wish you to always be strong, courageous, but peaceful, our defenders, strong and strong-willed, healthy and happy!

    May everything in your life be great, dear men! Smile more often and fill every moment with positivity! I wish you to become more successful day by day and achieve all your goals! Let the ladies of your heart be faithful to you and love you with all their souls, so that boundless happiness fills your souls!

    Health to you, men, great success and worthy awards. Happy Defender of the Fatherland. May there always be in the life of each of you someone who will love you faithfully and those who will support you in everything. Be brave and victorious!

    Our dear men, we congratulate you on the holiday, you are our defenders, but we wish you to protect us only from fears and rain that we have imagined, but, despite this, be healthy, brave, courageous, divinely beautiful for us, happy and loved by us!

    The concept of the word “Motherland” and congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day with text!

    Each person has his own fatherland, his own homeland, his own homeland. Homeland is the place where you were not just born and raised, but the place where you spend best years your life, a place where you feel free, not dependent on anyone, a place where you are surrounded by friendly people and a family that loves you; The homeland is the land that you trample, and the fruits, the taste of life of which you taste while on this land. Love for the Motherland is gratitude, manifested in various tones, gratitude expressed for everything that your Motherland has provided you with, making you happy and giving you everything possible for your existence and life.

    Today is February 23rd. And this is not just a harsh men's day! It's Defender of the Fatherland Day! Defending your homeland is the responsibility of real men! Family is a piece of the Motherland that we must protect! It is behind the backs of men that we feel safe and confident in tomorrow! By protecting our Homeland, we protect all those who need our protection, safety and support!

    On this day, I want to congratulate everyone who is guarding the Fatherland - regardless of whether it is a man, woman, veteran or child. I express my gratitude to all those who are boldly ready to give their lives for their Motherland, for their courage and courage. Happy holiday, dear compatriots and compatriots, Happy holiday, defenders of your Fatherland!

    Our dear men!

    Whatever this day is called - February 23rd, for us women, it remains a long-awaited holiday, when there is a direct reason to say a lot of warm and kind words.

    Many of you have dedicated a year or two of your life to military service, and some much more. But today we congratulate all of you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, regardless of whether you were soldiers or not.

    Men, you are the basis of our team. The biggest burden falls on your shoulders. You solve the most difficult problems in the process of the enterprise, while remaining sincere, sincere and kind. Because you are REAL MEN! We can always count on your help. You are reliable and brave. Although you are without a weapon in your hands, you are defenders. You protect your families from life’s troubles and shocks, you give women the opportunity to feel like fragile and gentle creatures next to you.

    May this holiday give you a lot of warmth and smiles! May good luck and fortune always be with you! We wish you to emerge victorious from all life’s battles, never lose courage and self-control, and be firm in achieving your goals! Reliable friends and faithful life companions to you! We wish you to be happy and loved!

    Thank you for being you!

    The female part of the team

    Our dear men!

    You are our pride, our help, you always come to our aid at our first request. You love us, you understand, for that THANK YOU so much!
    We don't know what we would do without you.

    On your holiday - Defender of the Motherland Day, we would like to wish you a successful career, highest professionalism, achievement of all assigned tasks, the ability to cope with any problems, and of course, to be healthy and loved.

    Know: without you we are like without hands!

    Happy holiday!!! HOORAY!

    Our dear, smart, purposeful, active men!
    From everything women's team We want to wish you to be loved, successful, happy!
    February 23rd is a day when we can give you a lot of compliments without hesitation. This is a holiday that gives us the opportunity to speak out and express our love for you.
    Be healthy, strong, play sports, surprise us with your originality, ability to adequately cope with any difficulties and find the best solutions!
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
    You are best!

    Congratulations on February 23 in your own words

    There is no one more devoted than you in this world. There is no woman more beloved than you. You are our fortress and our foundation. Happy February 23, our dear men.

    To understand how much a woman needs a man, it is enough for the kitchen faucet to leak, it is enough for a tire to burst, it is enough for a light bulb to burn out. Therefore, women, appreciate men, praise them. Without them we will be lost.

    A man's word is strong. If a man says it, then he will do it. If you said that on Saturday you are going fishing with friends, and not visiting your mother-in-law, then that’s how it will be.

    Today I want to congratulate our men on February 23 in my own words. After all, in order to express your love and gratitude to them, it is not necessary to read poetry. Men – you are our foundation, our support. Without you, we are just one Adam's rib. But since we are a rib, we will try to inspire you with our love!

    For every woman, mother, daughter, wife, her beloved man, son, father, husband means a lot. You give us hope that we can overcome any difficulties. You give us faith that everything will be fine. You give us affection and love, from which we are in 7th heaven with happiness. Our dear men, lead us, always be the first, conquer us, protect us. Happy February 23rd!

    Congratulations to the team of men on February 23 in your own words

    1.) Dear Defenders, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on this wonderful, touching holiday, February 23. For us, you men are the strongest, kindest, responsible, brave, and reliable. We can rely on you at any time, at any time. Hard time. We would like to wish you today that you are healthy, happy and loved. Happy holiday, our dear men!

    2.) Our dear men, we congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, on Defender of the Fatherland Day. And we want to say a huge thank you to you all for having us, for protecting us, protecting us, and loving us. Without you, we would not exist, since it is you who create the conditions of existence for us, with your own strength, you ensure that we live peacefully and amicably. We love and appreciate you very much! Thank you!
    Our beloved men, today is your holiday, February 23rd. We solemnly congratulate you and wish you good health, Great love, great happiness, a lot of money, healthy, cheerful and obedient children, so that your sons would be as strong, wise, brave as you and protect all the girls on the planet. Happy holiday, our dear Defenders!

    3.) Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of masculinity and nobility. On this wonderful day, we congratulate all men on the holiday, February 23. We are proud of you, we respect your actions and exploits. Thank you for providing us with a peaceful sky above our heads. Be always healthy, happy, so that your luck never leaves you, and all your wishes are always fulfilled and achieved. You are our support in life. It is on you that we can rely in this or that situation, believing that you will always help and support us. Happy holiday!

    4.) Our dear husbands, sons, fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, on this wonderful holiday of February 23, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. You deserve this holiday because you have always protected and protected us, and now we say words of gratitude to you, our beloved ones, be healthy. After all, you are our best men. We love you very much.

    5.) Today, our dear men, is a holiday for you. And I would like to say a lot of warm, kind words to you all, for us, for our Motherland, for the fact that we live calmly and comfortably. Today we will fulfill any of your wishes or dreams for you, just tell us. After all, you are so wonderful, strong, and attentive. We wish you to continue to successfully overcome any difficulties that stand in your way and defeat them with dignity.

    6.) All real ones, courageous men, we congratulate you on the holiday today. You are real Defenders! We wish you success in life and achievement of your goals. We also wish you strong and friendly family, which you will protect and protect from all adversity.

    7.) Today we sincerely congratulate the strong half of humanity on this wonderful holiday, February 23. We wish you in this life to remain as brave, kind, attentive, to meet good girl, build a big house, have children and plant a tree. It is then that you will achieve everything that a real man should achieve in this life. Once again, happy holiday to you, all the best to you.

    8.) Happy Holidays, our dear men. We congratulate you today, wish you a lot of happiness, live to be a hundred years old, happiness, comfort and warmth. Always remain as beautiful, brave and courageous everywhere, at work and in the family. May all your dreams come true, whatever you want. We wish you to always move forward - to victory and achieve your goals.

    9.) February 23 is a holiday for all men. Today we have gathered here to congratulate you all, our dear defenders, on this holiday, and wish you peace, kindness, comfort and warmth!

    10.) Today it’s time to congratulate all men on the holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, on this solemn day we want to say a lot of warm things to you, sincere words, we wish to be courageous in solving certain matters, moderately serious and moderately kind. Please accept our congratulations, may luck always smile on you, and may all your most cherished dreams come true. Happy holiday, beloved, dear, our Defenders of the Fatherland.

    11.) On this sultry snowy day, men celebrate the holiday, because they are our beloved Defenders, beautiful, smart. We want to say kind, warm, tender words, may you always be loved. We also wish you to live your life without despondency, without knowing sorrow. Happy holiday!

    The arrival of the last winter month means not only the approach of the warm season. Very soon, all offices will congratulate male colleagues on their holiday. Which means it’s time to find new ones original congratulations from February 23, 2019. In our selection you will see beautiful wishes in prose in your own words, official congratulations and funny poems. By paying attention to your colleagues or partners, you will make your relationship warmer and more friendly.

    • Official congratulations on February 23, 2019
    • Congratulations in prose and in your own words on February 23, 2019
    • Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to colleagues
    • Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to men
    • Cool congratulations for February 23, 2019
    • Beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019
    • New congratulations on February 23, 2019

    Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male colleagues in the office and organizations

    Very soon the holiday of all men will come on February 23rd. This means that the female half of the office will have to urgently figure out how to pay due attention to the male part of the team. Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male colleagues in the office and organizations, which can be sent by mail, will come to the rescue.

    Ideas for official congratulations to colleagues at work and organizations on February 23, 2019

    To you, real men,

    We wish you great strength...

    And so that you with this strength

    Defended our peace and tranquility!

    We will be happy and

    Doubly calm

    When guys are like this next to us...

    So be you twice as happy,

    Our colleagues, dear friends.

    A man always strives for the heights,

    He is ready to help if help is needed.

    A man goes towards his goal

    He fights, searches and rushes forward

    A man is ready to argue with fate

    Will withstand the battle of life with dignity.

    And every man will not give up the fight

    He is faithful to the Fatherland, he is true to himself.

    Colleagues, today we congratulate you,

    We wish you good luck, health and happiness

    In the beautiful name MAN

    It sounds like courage and honor,

    To be inspired for no reason

    Dream and mind - it's all there.

    To be able to love, to give us happiness,

    Sometimes being fickle:

    Then leave, then come back

    And at the same time love us!

    May God always protect you

    From lies, betrayal, deceit,

    May fate be favorable to you,

    Life will be complete, without flaws!

    And let the words always sound

    About you, the only ones, loved ones,

    About those whom nature named

    A wonderful name MAN!!!

    I cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday that has absorbed rich and glorious military traditions, which personifies the courage and heroism of the defenders and liberators of our native land at all stages of its history. On this day, we again return in memory and heart to the formidable and unforgettable pages of the past in order to once again understand to whom we owe the peaceful sky above our heads, the opportunity to live and raise children and grandchildren. With all my heart I wish you peace, health and longevity, good spirits and family harmony, joy and goodness!

    On February 23, the people of Russia celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this solemn day, we honor everyone who is involved in this high rank, the same rank for everyone: from gray-haired and decorated front-line soldiers to young people who have only recently put on a military uniform. And this will not be disrupted even by the biggest changes in modern world. We have been and are witnessing radical changes that are taking place both here and throughout the world. Our society also lives in other dimensions. But we must not forget, discard everything that preceded it. The memory of our Victory is sacred. All those who bear the honorary title of Defender of the Fatherland personify all stages of the development of our glorious army. Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you good health, happiness, creative inspiration and success in the hard work of the defender of the Motherland.

    A short congratulations to a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 2019, in prose in your own words

    On the men's holiday, it is customary to speak laudatory speeches and make toasts to the stronger half of humanity. A short congratulation to a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 2019, in prose in your own words, will be delivered at the most opportune time during a festive feast.

    Options for congratulations in prose for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for men

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be happy! Remain as brave, caring and reliable! May your arsenal never run out of luck, may your optimism never fade, and may your loved ones delight you with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

    It is not for nothing that Defender of the Fatherland Day itself has become a holiday for men. After all, for a real man, protecting and preserving his loved ones is as natural as breathing. Therefore, on this holiday I want to congratulate you, courageous and strong man, who is not afraid of difficulties, on whom the Motherland, friends and loved ones can count in difficult times. And I wish you never to encounter difficulties in life that you cannot cope with!

    My dear, beloved person, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I cannot express in words the quiet happiness that I have you, my wall, my support. Always be as bright and kind. Give us, your loved ones, your warmth. I wish you health and much, much joy.

    Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

    Today, the strong half of our Motherland has a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means it’s time to congratulate and praise our dear men not sparing epithets! In a solemn moment, we collectively wish to always be in the ranks, even if you have never been a general, to be brave and reasonable in every decision, moderately serious and good-naturedly cheerful!

    Short congratulations on February 23, 2019 to colleagues at work

    In the bustle of the office during gray everyday life, do not forget about the existence of national holidays, where you can have a lot of fun. It is enough to send a short congratulations to your colleagues at work on February 23, 2019 to make them happy.

    Options for short congratulations for colleagues in the office on February 23, 2019 in your own words

    Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in your families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

    Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in Everyday life. I wish you to move with firm steps towards achieving your goals. And let all obstacles give way when you approach. May good luck always accompany you, may fortune smile on you and everything works out!

    Happy holiday! Let life's wisdom, a subtle sense of humor, courageous actions and sincere conversations be on your path. No disappointments, insults or misunderstandings. Stay reliable and successful people, dedicated colleagues, good comrades and individual personalities. Enjoy life, do good and never refuse help.

    Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

    Dear colleagues, irresistible men! Congratulations on the holiday of February 23! We wish that your health does not fail you and remains strong and invincible! Vigor of spirit and body, beauty and perfection, love and understanding to you, kindness and warmth from family and friends! We wish you great success in your work, inspiration and excitement, busy everyday life and joyful weekends and holidays! And also high salaries and love from family!

    Congratulations in verse on the upcoming February 23, 2019 to men

    Original poems always sound unusual and fun in such a solemn holiday. Congratulations in verse on the upcoming February 23, 2019 to men will pleasantly surprise the stronger half of your team.

    Ideas for congratulations in verse for the upcoming February 23, 2019 for men

    Happy upcoming holiday to our men!

    You are our defenders - all as one.

    You protect the elderly, women, children

    We wish you peaceful and joyful days.

    For the Fatherland, you are all as one - sons.

    And believe me, they call you that for a reason.

    May the Motherland be kind to you,

    And so that from now on you only have to shoot at the shooting range.

    All men will praise

    There is something to love you for!


    Let you

    There will be a large reserve of strength,

    To work, relax,

    Guys, defenders, fighters,

    You are endowed with strength and courage,

    Serve bravely the people and the country,

    Always keep your honor high!

    Deep bow to your mothers,

    Good luck, success and recognition to you,

    In the hearts of love, and in life inspiration,

    May all your goals and aspirations come true!

    Hooray! The twenty-third is coming, coming!

    “Hurray” stuns the country three times!

    Defender, hooray!

    Congratulations, good luck!

    From life there is only an accurate and necessary presentation!

    The most faithful, cheerful and honest friends,

    And beautiful, sedate, charming women!

    The salary is large, so it lasts for a long time,

    There is a lot of luck in life!

    Our dear defenders, there is no one more reliable and beautiful than you.

    On the eve of Fatherland Day, we congratulate you now.

    We appreciate you, always respect you, and wish you happiness and peace.

    Witnesses of your courage, this is what they noted for themselves:

    You can move mountains, clear a littered path,

    To intimidate the enemy to order, so that only the heels sparkle.

    It's not scary with you guys.

    Your backs are what we need!

    Behind them it’s comfortable, cozy, it’s a pity that for some reason you can’t see their faces.

    Funny congratulations and pictures for February 23, 2019 with humor

    To amuse your male colleagues or acquaintances, just send them cool congratulations and pictures for February 23, 2019 with humor. This greeting looks funny and unobtrusive.

    Options for short congratulations with humor and funny cards for February 23, 2019

    Let courage shine with a bright fire in your eyes and only goodness guide you when making difficult decisions! May you, as the successor of the family name, be able to create a home where everyone will feel part of a huge, kind and happy family. Happy February 23rd!

    By your faithful service, it doesn’t matter so much whether it is peaceful or military, you are repaying your debt to the Motherland, making your contribution so that in its vastness the life of every person is happy! On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I congratulate you and wish you love, warm home, true friends, beautiful, loving friend and many years to come!

    How nice it is to congratulate the young handsome guy Happy Defender of the Fatherland! You are no longer a boy, but a real man whom I fell in love at first sight! I wish you to always be positive! May everything you have in mind come true! May your irrepressible energy help all your dreams come true!

    February 23 is a holiday for real men, so I wish you to celebrate it to the fullest, because it’s your day! Have a great mood– and not only today! Good company, grateful and interesting friends! Travel, adrenaline, excitement for life!

    You hold your machine gun tightly both day and night every day. Honor and praise to you, defender! From the bottom of my heart, my beloved soldier, I wish you not only high ranks and frequent dismissals, but also a strong family rear where you can relax and feel like just the happiest person.

    Hi handsome! Congratulations on the twenty-third of February! I wish you to remain a real man in all situations! Let your intelligence, endurance and courage help you! I wish you the best health and many interesting events! I love you very much and don’t want to part with you even for a minute!

    Congratulations to a Real Man, strong and brave, on the holiday of Defender of the Motherland! I wish you happiness and peaceful days. Victory on all fronts of life! May good luck always accompany you and good mood, and only surround faithful friends and loving family. Happy February 23rd!

    Darling! Congratulations on February 23! On this purely male holiday, I am especially pleased to give nice words a real man! It was you who for me became the personification of heroic health, the courage of a gentleman, officer’s honor and hussar nobility! Keep it up! I kiss you deeply!

    You are a protector, a support! Happy holiday to you, dear. You are dashing, free as the wind, with an unbending will and nerves of steel. Let radiant happiness, great love and prosperity burst into life with the February winds. Always be the general of your destiny, I solemnly promise that I will adequately cover your rear!

    Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be happy! Remain as brave, caring and reliable! Let your arsenal never run out of luck, let your optimism never fade, and let your loved ones delight you with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

    It is not for nothing that Defender of the Fatherland Day itself has become a holiday for men. After all, for a real man, protecting and preserving his loved ones is as natural as breathing. Therefore, on this holiday I want to congratulate you, a courageous and strong man who is not afraid of difficulties, on whom the Motherland, friends and loved ones can count in difficult times. And I wish you never to encounter difficulties in life that you cannot cope with!

    My dear, beloved person, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I cannot express in words the quiet happiness that I have you, my wall, my support. Always be as bright and kind. Give us, your loved ones, your warmth. I wish you health and much, much joy.

    Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

    Today the strong half of our Motherland has a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means it’s time to congratulate and praise our dear men without sparing epithets! In a solemn moment, we collectively wish to always be in the ranks, even if you have never been a general, to be brave and reasonable in every decision, moderately serious and good-naturedly cheerful!

    My beloved guy! You are still young, but have already proven that you have great kind heart! That you can be a real protector for me and for everyone who needs your help! I wish you to remain so brave and fair! Let everything in your life go “Hurray!” Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

    Congratulations on February 23! Well, what can I tell you, defender? I wish you to be the general of your life, boldly fight for your happiness, and having captured the last bastion, secure your flag and live long and cheerfully! Let there be a place in your life for dashing feats and true love, which, as you know, requires real courage and great ingenuity from men!

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