• How to clean a white mink coat. Mechanical cleaning methods. Getting rid of odors


    Any item from your personal wardrobe needs cleaning, and a mink coat is no exception. Of course, it will be a little more difficult to clean it, and the easiest way out of this situation would be to contact dry cleaning specialists. The disadvantages of dry cleaning include high prices and some risks that the item may be damaged, even if the probability of this is quite insignificant. That's why people try to find out how to clean mink coat at home. There are many ways to carry out cleaning yourself, but we will describe only a few of the most effective ones.

    How to determine whether a mink coat needs cleaning?

    Surely you know that these products can serve their owner faithfully for many years, you just need to properly care for them. Now let's move on to long-livers, so to speak, mink can be worn for up to 12 years without any problems, but products made from otter and beaver fur will last you, attention... up to two decades. The main signs that an item has worn out can be considered: the appearance of dust and plaque on it, loss of its shine, dirt stuck to the hairs, a rumpled appearance, lack of fluffiness of the fur.

    What is contraindicated to do with a mink coat when cleaning the house yourself? Firstly, fur products cannot be washed in the usual way, remove stains using local washing, or use powders or other detergents not intended for fur. No matter how trivial it may sound, no matter what they tell you, do not dry it over an open fire, and you should not use various heaters, including batteries. If you are caught in snow or rain, then you need to dry your mink coat only in a room that has good ventilation; please note, a room with a draft is not suitable.

    Never iron a mink coat! You might think: who would even think of ironing fur? But as the practice of some dry cleaners shows, there are also cases when a client brings his favorite fur coat, which looks as if it had been on a roller rink, and most importantly, the owner of the item stands her ground and says that this is necessary. We repeat once again - do not iron fur products! Over time, the fur coat itself will acquire its original, unwrinkled appearance.

    How to clean a mink coat at home:

    1. First of all, the mink coat must be washed, this is done carefully but at the same time with force, then using a brush lightly dipped in gasoline, we clean the fur. If the mink itself is light, then in order to avoid yellowing, it must be treated with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 tablespoon per liter of water). A yellowed mink coat can be cleaned with a more saturated mixture, but you must be careful not to let hydrogen peroxide get on the base - this can damage it. The fur can be wrinkled very easily, and if this happens, go over it with a slightly wet sponge, the fibers should get wet. Then it is combed so that the movements are in the direction of the villi; at the end, leave the fur coat to dry, but only on a hanger. When drying is complete, beat it again.

    2. Cleaning a mink coat using the following method involves using a heated soap solution. To prepare it, you need to add hair shampoo or any other non-aggressive detergent to a bowl of water. A sponge or just a piece of cloth is ideal for applying the solution to the fur. There is a slightly different cleaning option using this method. Take a comb and wrap cotton wool treated in a solution around its teeth, firmly secure it there, and then just comb the fur.

    3. Buy sawdust from hardwood trees at your nearest zoological store. Pour some into a bowl and add clean gasoline to them. Place the fur coat on a flat surface, leveling it, and pour sawdust treated with gasoline on it. Next, use a brush to thoroughly clean everything.

    4. How to clean a mink coat at home using potato starch? This white free-flowing powder copes well with dirt and does not harm the fur at all. Just like with sawdust, the fur coat must be placed on a smooth surface and leveled, only after this we sprinkle the fur with starch. Rub it all together with your hands and then shake off the potato starch. As you go, it may darken slightly, which means it would be a good idea to repeat the process one more time.

    5. Semolina copes well with fur stains, especially considering the fact that this product can be found in any home. First, you need to cook the semolina; to do this, take a tablespoon of cereal per glass of milk. Apply the porridge to the fur in a very thin and even layer; after application, leave the fur coat for 6 hours. After this, you need to comb it, to do this, select a comb with a small number of teeth, then beat it well.

    6. Thanks to the following recipe, your mink coat will become attractive again appearance. To prepare this solution in 1/5 glass of hot water, you need to add a few drops of alcohol and 1 drop of cleaning agent (use any), mix it all well. To check whether this product is suitable for your fur coat, first apply a little to an inconspicuous area, namely the leather part. Then stretch this area a little and if no damage follows, then feel free to proceed with cleaning the rest of the area. It is most convenient to use gauze or cotton wool, apply the mixture to them and begin to rub them along the fur, in the direction of the pile.

    Thanks to the methods described above, you can easily clean a mink coat at home, but of course you need to do everything correctly, preferably without doing it on your own. When examining the contamination, it may seem to you that no method will help, or you simply have doubts; if this happens, then it is better to contact dry cleaning specialists. However, as we wrote at the very beginning, not all dry cleaners owners treat their activities in good faith and therefore there is a possibility of damage to the product. If you are applying to this kind of establishment, then you should not pay attention to the price, even if it is high, but the work must be done conscientiously.

    11/08/2016 4 7 401 views

    During wear, fur products are susceptible to various contaminations, so it is very important to know how to clean a mink coat at home and not resort to dry cleaning. There are two ways to clean fur at home: wet and dry. The first method works well with old stains, and the second is effective against fresh and light dirt.

    Why clean a mink coat?

    It is necessary to clean mink fur because over time, dirt worsens its appearance. Unpleasant stains may appear on a light-colored product, the pile may become matted and covered with a layer of dust, or the fur will completely lose its color. Fur must be cared for to prolong its service life and maintain its appearance.


    Fur cleaning can be done at home or at a dry cleaner. At home, you can get rid of various contaminants, including old ones. Dry cleaning, on the one hand, is the most effective, but on the other hand, it is significantly more expensive.

    But if the houses have been tried various ways cleaning and contamination were not removed, then it will not be possible to do without the help of professionals.


    Wet cleaning is carried out using various liquid substances. Before you start, you need to find out which means are best suited for which purposes, so as not to spoil the product.

    Means Action
    Ammonia Suitable for whitening products and removing yellow stains. Fights unpleasant odors and greasy stains.
    Liquid soap or washing gel Cleanses away impurities
    Hydrogen peroxide Whitens the product, removes yellowness
    Vinegar Removes bad smell and removes impurities
    Shampoo Effectively fights fresh stains
    Petrol Effectively removes dirt, but is not suitable for cleaning light fur
    Ammonia mixed with dry salt Removes yellow spots


    Dry cleaning is used when it is not possible to remove dirt from the home.

    The product is placed in a special chemical solution that can remove almost any contamination without spoiling the appearance. But, there is one big disadvantage of this cleaning method: the fur loses its strength and, therefore, the service life of the fur coat decreases. According to some experts, mink fur can withstand no more than 6 such cleanings.

    Chemical cleaning is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. Undoubtedly, there are advantages: you can be sure that your item will not be damaged and will be returned to you in the best possible condition.


    Owners of mink coats often face problems such as lipstick stains or stains on their favorite fur item. Such stains can be easily removed with alcohol or regular vodka.

    • a clean cloth or cotton swab is soaked in the liquid;
    • The fur is rubbed in the direction of the pile;
    • as soon as the fabric or swab becomes dirty, it must be rinsed, soaked in liquid again and continue cleaning the fur;
    • repeat the procedure until the fur is completely clean.

    If the dirt is very ingrained, you can additionally add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of water to a spoonful of alcohol. Wipe the fur with the solution, wait until it dries and brush everything off.


    It is best to use talc for white mink fur, because it perfectly absorbs greasy and yellow dirt. With the help of this bulk substance you can fight against unpleasant odors that permeate the fur.

    • for ease of cleaning, the fur product is spread on a flat surface;
    • sprinkled on top a small amount talc;
    • smooth the fur with your hands so that it gets under the fibers;
    • wait literally 5 minutes so that the talc has time to absorb the dirt;
    • shake off the product and carefully comb to get rid of any excess substance.

    Some advise replacing talc with other bulk substances, such as flour or starch, but this is strictly forbidden. The thing is that talc is a mineral, while other proposed products are not, so it is easy to comb out and spill out of the product. Starch or flour can get stuck between the fibers and cause unpleasant odor Moreover, they can swell and attract insects. The use of these substances can permanently damage a mink fur product.


    Shampoo is used to remove fresh and light stains; since the pile is a little like hair, it can be washed carefully. The only thing that is very important is to use a good moisturizing shampoo so that it does not dry out the skin.

    1. Not a large number of shampoo is diluted in a bowl of warm water.
    2. Beat until foam forms.
    3. To clean with shampoo, you will need another bowl, but with clean water and a rag.
    4. Using a sponge, apply the soap solution to the products or only to the contaminated area.
    5. Wipe the necessary areas until any dirt disappears.
    6. Rinse off the shampoo solution with clean water.
    7. Blot the lint with a dry, clean cloth.
    8. The product is hung out to dry.

    If you don’t have time to wait for natural drying, you can use a hairdryer. Cold air dries the necessary areas or the entire product. Using a hairdryer, you can carefully lay the lint and give it well-groomed appearance. If you are afraid to dry the fur this way, you can use a special comb and comb it out. Before you start cleaning the mink with shampoo, pre-contaminated areas are wiped with alcohol if necessary.


    Cleaning with sawdust is quite popular, and it is also used to clean fur in production.

    1. You need to purchase non-resinous sawdust; the easiest way to do this is at a pet store.
    2. Sawdust is mixed with alcohol.
    3. The product is laid out on a clean surface and sprinkled with sawdust soaked in alcohol.
    4. Dirty sawdust is removed from the fur with a brush.

    Cleaning in this way allows you to remove even complex stains and rid the product of an unpleasant, persistent odor, for example, the smell of vomit.


    To return the whiteness to the product, it is cleaned with semolina. To do this, it is boiled with milk to a thick paste and applied to the fur. Leave it in this form for 12 hours. Over time, the remaining porridge is brushed off. After cleaning with semolina, mink fur becomes white and shiny. With the help of such cleaning, you can return not only the whiteness to the original color of the product, but also remove grease stains from the pile.

    As the cold weather sets in, of course, we begin to think about warm things, open the closet and put our wardrobe in order.

    But many owners of mink coats immediately have a question about how to clean a mink coat at home. After all, this is a chic and expensive thing, you don’t want to accidentally ruin it. What to do?

    Every housewife needs to know how to care for a fur coat, regardless of whether it is mink or not. If you do not look after the item, then after a while it will become unusable.

    Here a few basic rules of care.

    • Cleaning the fur should only be done when it becomes dirty; you should not clean the pile very often, as it will become brittle. You only need to take it to the dry cleaner when you have a fur coat on. heavy pollution, which you are unable to cope with. According to statistics, mink coats can withstand about 4-6 chemical cleanings on average.
    • Never keep fur coats in plastic (or polyethylene) covers, as plastic can electrify the pile. And besides, the fur coat will lose its beautiful appearance due to a lack of oxygen (it is required in the place of storage) - the hair will fade, become less elastic and durable.
    • Before leaving your item in a storage area, make sure that there are no moths or other pests there. To protect your fur from such insects, you can use special means, intended for processing in places where such things are stored. There is also one very interesting folk remedy- these are newspapers! You need to stuff the sleeves of your fur coat with them, and thus the printing ink will repel moths. There is another advantage to using newspapers - the sleeves will retain their shape perfectly.
    • Storing a fur coat next to other fur products is contraindicated.
    • Since fur coats perfectly absorb a variety of odors, ventilate the room before leaving it somewhere. In the closet where “your joy” is stored, you can put a sachet bag with your favorite perfume or other aroma pleasant to you.
    • It is forbidden to spray perfume on a fur coat, because its stains cannot be removed even during dry cleaning.
    • Do not constantly carry the bag on your shoulder (or even on your arm), as the fur will wear off and the fur coat will have an unpleasant appearance.
    • If you find severe contamination, it is better to dry clean the mink fur.
    • The most best time for cleaning it is spring. Why? Yes, because in the spring, before leaving your fur coat in the closet for storage, you can do preventive cleaning of various pests and at the same time get rid of the dirt that has accumulated during its use in winter.
    • You need to comb your mink coat using a special mink fur brush.

    Various sources write that fur coats can be cleaned with flour or starch. These are substances where various pests most often breed, so after such a “treatment” nothing will save your fur coat.

    And besides, after a thing gets into an environment with high humidity, small particles of flour and starch swell, and they become visible in all parts of the thing. After this you will not be able to remove them. Of course, this cleaning option helps, and after it there is a certain pleasant effect, but this does not last long.

    How to clean mink fur at home is a very complicated question, since there are so many different methods, but not all of them are safe for such a product.

    To remove dust from fur and give it shine, you can use walnuts. At first glance, this is an unusual cleaning method and, according to many, ineffective, but this is not so.

    You need to take a small handful of already peeled walnuts and place them in a gauze bag (2-3 layers). Next we beat it with a hammer.

    After we beat it off, we take the bag (don’t forget that it must be tied with a strong knot) and pass it along the hairs. This method also softens the fur, so the result of this cleaning is really excellent!

    The next method is to clean with talcum powder. You need to sprinkle the fur with a little talcum powder and rub it very carefully, then shake the item a couple of times and comb it with a special fur brush.

    You need to comb until you completely get rid of the talc. You can also clean a mink coat from dust with a regular fur brush.

    A very common problem with light fur coats is yellowing. To get rid of it, you can use hydrogen peroxide (5%). To do this, you need to take a cotton pad moistened with this liquid and lightly wipe the hairs in the direction of their growth. Only the fur itself needs to be cleaned with peroxide!

    Grease stains (such as cream or lipstick) can be removed with rubbing alcohol. You need to proceed in the same way as with hydrogen peroxide.

    If you need to tidy up the lining, the ideal and reliable solution is to rip it off from the fur and wash it separately, following the instructions given by the manufacturer. But you can carefully clean it on the fur coat itself.

    Try using a cloth or sponge soaked in soapy liquid to go over the dirty areas without wetting the inside.

    There are many other cleaning methods, but since they are very dubious, you should not test the strength of your item (and an expensive one at that). You should also not use soap solutions and other similar things to clean fur, as it may lose its shine, change color, hairs will begin to stick together, etc.

    There are special fur cleaning products that you can purchase in the store. household chemicals, but you should also be careful with them and strictly follow the instructions.

    These were the basic rules and methods for safely cleaning mink at home. We wish you a successful cleaning.

    Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

    When fur coat requires care, the simplest solution is to trust the professionals of dry cleaning companies. At the same time, it is permissible to carry out delicate processing of mink products yourself at home. For this, dry and wet methods are used. Actions with fur are aimed at removing contaminants from the fibers and leather base, as well as returning the former shine to the natural product.

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      Actions with fur that should be avoided

      Each cleaning procedure inevitably leads to wear and tear: individual fibers fall out and the plasticity of the leather base is disrupted. In order not to spoil an expensive item, when carrying out cleaning procedures, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Some actions are prohibited as they may damage the fur product:

      1. 1. It is prohibited to wash a mink coat, as well as to allow the leather base to become excessively wet. Exposure to water and detergents can have a detrimental effect on a fur product; its appearance will lose its attractiveness. From such manipulations, the leather base will become rough and dry, which can subsequently lead to creases.
      2. 2. Special wet cleaning procedures are acceptable at home, but you should not try to speed up the drying of fur. The use of electric heating devices, dryers, hair dryers, fans and radiators is unacceptable, as this will spoil the appearance of the fibers and make the base rough. A fur coat that gets wet from rain or snow is dried at home at room temperature, hanging the product on a solid base.
      3. 3. The use of an iron in mink care is contraindicated. It will not help in correcting aesthetic errors - the problem of creases after improper storage of a fur product in a folded state is solved in other ways. The best way is hanging a fur coat on a hanger. After enough time, it will gradually return to its original appearance.
      4. 4. You cannot use a vacuum cleaner to clean fur products; it is better to purchase a stiff brush for this purpose.
      5. 5. It is not recommended to comb the fur unless absolutely necessary.
      6. 6. It is unacceptable to use dry material for washing mink products. washing powder. The product requires time to be thoroughly dissolved in water, otherwise it will clog into the pile. In addition, the composition of the dry powder contains enzymes that are not desirable for fur items.

      Rules for cleaning fur

      Mink products must be cleaned at the end of the season, before being hidden in a closet after winter. During this period, once a month the fur coat is taken out for airing. In all other cases, cleaning is carried out if necessary. The product is examined, assessing its general condition: the presence of stains on the surface, the silkiness of the fur and its individual places (collar area, cuffs, lining).

      Self-care methods

      If you handle such expensive fur as mink delicately, you can clean the fur coat yourself. At making the right choice means it will be freed from impurities, and the fur will return to its former shine and radiance.

      Methods for processing mink at home can be of two types:

      1. 1. Dry cleaning of mink outerwear is carried out using household powders (potato starch, semolina, baby powder or talcum powder, baking soda).
      2. 2. Wet treatment is carried out using cleaning and deodorizing liquids (moisturizing shampoo, hair conditioner, table vinegar, ethyl or ammonia, hydrogen peroxide).

      Dry processing

      The most in a simple way cleaning things out natural fur are dry procedures. If you do not have the skills to work with fur that requires delicate handling, it is better not to risk using wet cleaning methods. You can tidy up your fur using gentle means at hand:

      • talc;
      • potato starch;
      • sawdust;
      • hot dry sand;
      • semolina.


      Dry talc powder is recognized in the household as an excellent sorbent that absorbs unwanted odors, dirt and fat accumulations on fur villi. It effectively helps to clean a white mink coat, brightening heavily soiled problem areas. Talc application technology:

      1. 1. First, lay out the fur coat on a flat horizontal surface of sufficient area and put on rubber gloves.
      2. 2. Sprinkle dry powder evenly onto the fur, carefully going over problem areas.
      3. 3. Handle the surface of the fur coat, rub talc over the surface without applying special effort.
      4. 4. Having distributed the cleaning agent, take the item outside and shake it out thoroughly.
      5. 5. To remove talc residues, sort the fur in places where it accumulates or comb it with a thin comb.


      Potato starch, similar to talc, is able to absorb odors, grease and other contaminants, even wet ones, without promoting the sticking of fur fibers. Despite this effectiveness of the powder, it should be used with caution. As a natural cooking agent, starch attracts insects. If after use the smallest particles of powder remain on the fur product, then in combination with the moisture of rain or snow it will cause the fibers to stick together. Potato starch is convenient to use on black fur coats. The procedure for using it to clean a mink coat is similar to the procedure for using talc:

      1. 1. Scatter the powder over the surface of the product.
      2. 2. Sort out the fur to ensure complete uniform distribution of the powder.
      3. 3. Shake the item to remove any remaining powder from the fur.
      4. 4. Sort out the lint to clean the fur coat.


      Sawdust is a product that allows for gentle cleaning at home. The results of this method are similar to cleaning fur products in production. First of all, you will need sawdust itself; it can be made from aspen, oak, linden, maple. Purchase them at any veterinary store. Technology for using sawdust to clean mink fur:

      1. 1. Into container suitable size Place sawdust and fill it with alcohol. Some experts recommend using gasoline instead of rubbing alcohol, but when using it, you will have to think about ways to get rid of the persistent odor.
      2. 2. Sawdust is mixed with alcohol until completely soaked.
      3. 3. The fur coat is spread on a flat surface for easy access to contaminated areas.
      4. 4. Sprinkle problem areas with sawdust, distributing them over the fur surface and rubbing the fur coat with light movements. They absorb grease and dust. You should sort through the sawdust on your fur coat until the stains and visible dirt disappear.
      5. 5. When finishing cleaning, shake the fur coat and sort out the pile in places where sawdust accumulates. Small residues are cleaned with a brush.


      Semolina will help you clean a light and blue mink coat and return it to its silky appearance. It is used similarly to potato starch. The product is laid out on a smooth, flat surface, and cereal is scattered over problem areas. Using movements that resemble actions during washing clothes, rub semolina, which will absorb dirt. The fur is shaken vigorously, and the remaining grain is combed out from the surface with a comb with widely spaced teeth.


      Purified river sand heated to a hot state - excellent dry product for mink products. It allows you to get rid of grease stains on fur coats.

      Technology of using sand for cleaning mink products:

      1. 1. River sand is first prepared for use. It is washed under a clean stream of hot water and heated on the stove.
      2. 2. Sprinkle the hot product onto the visible contaminated areas of the surface of the fur coat.
      3. 3. By sorting through the pile of the fabric of the product, achieve an even distribution of sand, wait until it cools completely on the fur coat.
      4. 4. Shake the fur coat and comb out the remains with a soft-bristled brush.

      Wet cleaning

      At home, you can wet process mink products. Such measures should be carried out carefully, only if absolutely necessary to eliminate severe contamination. It is permissible to use several means:

      • moisturizing shampoo;
      • table vinegar 9%;
      • hydrogen peroxide.


      The similar structure of mink hairs to human hair dictates the need to use gentle wet cleaning methods, which include washing with shampoo to moisturize. For the procedure you will need:

      • shampoo;
      • two spacious water containers;
      • a brush with soft bristles and bristles of at least two centimeters;
      • clean cotton rags for wet and dry cleaning;
      • paper napkins.

      Technology for using shampoo for cleaning mink fur:

      1. 1. Pour water into the first container and foam the shampoo in it until a thick head of foam forms; pour clean water at room temperature into the second container.
      2. 2. Using a brush, distribute the foam composition over the pile over the entire surface, without making much effort, without pressure.
      3. 3. Wipe problem areas until they completely disappear.
      4. 4. After cleaning, remove any remaining shampoo with a damp cloth soaked in warm water.
      5. 5. Remove excess moisture with a dry cotton cloth or paper.

      Wet processing of fur products causes the fibers to stick together. You can return them to their former state using a wide-toothed comb.


      Hit eau de toilette, perfumes and other perfumery products, liquids on fur are extremely undesirable. The fibers can absorb odors, which mix and remain on the product. To get rid of unwanted odors, use hydrogen peroxide and table vinegar.

      Vinegar helps remove strong stains, yellowness, foreign odors, even persistent aroma fish. This liquid is recommended for cleaning white fur, the main thing is to maintain proportions when creating a solution. Technology for using table vinegar for cleaning mink fur:

      1. 1. Vinegar is mixed with water to obtain a five percent solution.
      2. 2. Soak a cotton pad or cotton cloth with the resulting mixture and rub it on problem areas of the mink coat. They try to make movements without much effort, in the direction of the growth of the villi. With such a wet treatment, contaminants are transferred from the fur to the cleaning cloth, and the pile acquires its former shine and silkiness.
      3. 3. Upon completion of processing, the product is ventilated at room temperature.

      Hydrogen peroxide

      Hydrogen peroxide can effectively clean mink fur at home. The liquid helps get rid of grease and dirt on white fur items. A cotton pad is moistened with it and applied to the pile in the direction of growth with light rubbing movements. Actions during cleaning should be such that the cleaning solution does not overly moisten the product and does not get on the leather base of the mink coat. Excessive moisturizing of the latter leads to the formation of bald spots, which will subsequently be difficult to disguise.

      Often it is the lining, on which all the traces of sweat and grease remain, that requires more thorough cleaning than the pile of a fur product.

      Clean thoroughly material without affecting the fur and leather base, you can only by unfastening it or tearing it off. The lining can be washed manually or using an automatic washing machine, selecting the mode according to the type of material. For silk and other fabrics that require delicate care, requires a mode with temperatures up to 40 degrees. Cotton fabrics are usually washed at high temperatures. After washing, rinse the product thoroughly so that there are no stains left from the detergent. At the last stage, the lining is ironed and sewn into place.

      If owners of mink coats do not dare to rip off the lining, fearing difficulties with high-quality stitching it into its original place, then it is permissible to clean it without removing it from the fur base. To do this, you will need a soap solution, a soft brush, a well-absorbing rag and dry paper napkins. Liquid soap is dissolved in warm water and the dirt is carefully removed with a soft brush, being careful not to touch the leather base and its reverse side. Excess liquid used on the fur product and foam are eliminated with a damp, clean rag. Dry the surface with paper napkins.

      Compliance with the rules of care and cleaning helps to extend the life of mink items.

    White mink fur- a symbol of luxury, elegance and status. And I perfectly understand the owners of snow-white fur coats who want to keep them snow-white for as long as possible. So today I will tell you how you can take care of light-colored mink products and how to clean them.

    Why does mink turn yellow?

    Before I tell you how to clean a white mink, I would like to explain why it begins to lose original color and turn yellow. There may be two reasons:

    1. Features of socks. While you are walking down the street wearing an expensive product, a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates on it. In addition, spraying various cosmetics near it has a detrimental effect on the material.
    2. Improper storage. It is necessary to store a white mink coat, coat, hat or other product only in a special case and in a cool place. Due to temperature changes, the fur quickly loses its snow-white appearance.

    Before storage, it is necessary to apply a special “anti-moth” impregnation to white fur.

    Mink cleaning: 7 recipes

    Caring for white mink products is quite complicated in itself. Of course, you can always take the item to the dry cleaner. But, firstly, the price for such a procedure is very high. And secondly, from exposure to chemical reagents, the inside of the fur coat can harden and begin to wrinkle.

    So I offer you several personally tested methods for cleaning mink at home.

    Dry methods: 2 options

    Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle for fur, but it is effective only for light dirt - street dust, for example:

    Image Instructions

    Option 1. White talc
    • Sprinkle the product with white talcum powder.
    • Rub it into the fur with light movements.
    • Wait a couple of hours, then shake out the talc and remove any remaining residue with a fur care brush.

    Option 2. Semolina
    • Place the product on a flat surface.
    • Pour semolina over the light fur. Special attention Focus on the areas that get dirty the most – the sleeves and collar.
    • Using gentle movements that simulate washing with your own hands, treat the areas for 35-40 seconds.
    • Remove any remaining semolina with a special brush.

    Wet cleaning: 5 ways

    Wet cleaning has a more aggressive effect on mink fur, but it allows you to cope with complex stains.

    Image Instructions

    Method 1. Starch and gasoline
    • Mix both components until a paste forms.
    • Apply the mixture to the villi.
    • Wait for the homemade product to dry completely and comb out any remaining residue in the direction of the lint growth.

    Method 2. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

    Using a hydrogen peroxide solution can effectively bleach mink:

    • Dilute a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water.
    • Add a few drops of ammonia to the solution.
    • Using a clean cloth or cotton pad, apply the liquid to the fur.
    • Wait for the product to dry naturally.

      Under no circumstances should you dry mink items near a radiator or with a hairdryer - this will only damage the fur.

    Method 3. Salt and ammonia
    • Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia in two glasses of water.
    • Soak a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth in the resulting mixture and wipe the surface of the mink product.
    • Hang the item to dry outdoors.

    Method 4. Shampoo for animals

    Enough unusual way how to clean white mink:

    • Dilute a small amount of shampoo in warm water.
    • Use the resulting solution to gently rub the fibers of your fur coat or hat.
    • Dry the product without using heating devices.

    Method 5. Vinegar and lemon juice
    • Mix both ingredients.
    • Apply the composition to the fur; you can additionally treat it with a brush.
    • Dry the product naturally.


    Now you know how to clean white mink from yellowness, so you can keep your favorite fur coat or hat perfectly white. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations I have given and act carefully.

    You will find a visual aid for caring for white fur in the video in this article. If you still have questions or decide to talk about your cleaning experience, write in the comments.

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